
    Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

    A podcast for those wanting personal development but want it made simple and easy to understand and more importantly use, take action and make a difference to your life and the world you live in. If you want to change the way you feel and the way you act and react. If you have negative emotions, behaviours, that you want to lose forever and create something special in your life then I think you will like what you hear. This genre of self-improvement, self-development and mastery of your mind has, I believe, been made over complicated and secretive and here I am de-constructing the processes into their simple forms that we can all understand and easily use. There’s no interviews just little ol’ me ;0) Who am I and what do I do?………Paul Clough. I now love helping making changes in people and guiding them to create the life they really want. A personal look at me: The above sentence was not always the case and being the best in the financial realms of the building industry was my aim and getting there by any means. I now know this is, and was, the worst way ~ even if I did make director of one of the largest building companies in Cambridge by the age of 30. One of the major realisations came on my first ever training in hypnosis. I found that it’s not a win lose world and that a win win is only a low basis to live. Being true to your beliefs and coming from a place of integrity where service is paramount. This understanding together with lots of NLP skills helped create my last partnership in the building industry grow from a turnover of £800k to £16m in less than twelve years and that can only be done with giving more than expected. Another shaping of me came from two traumatic events in my life that happened within six months of each other which created a number of major changes in me and by beliefs in what is possible. I have written about my experience and how I dealt with it but more importantly it really showed me my love for my three boys and theirs for me and resulted in the step up to become a trainer of NLP (which I never intended) and my close and exciting work with two of my sons. In supporting Joseph and help create change in people in our training’s and his wonderful life changing ‘Be your potential weekend’ and with Luke the continuing development of Cambridge Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis processes. My relationship with my third son Daniel just keeps getting better and better too. Not knowing how good I had become in change work in the beginning I generally studied, practiced and saw clients then things started to happen when I started to work following just my instincts. Two clients come to mind both in effect dying from the effects of what was happening to them and the way they felt and within one and two sessions respectively not only won the will to live they changed virtually in front of my eyes and being apart of that process was and is the best feeling alive. The above are just three of many brilliant learnings I have had in my life. The more formal bit Paul Clough I am a Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis and am passionate in assisting those who want to reach their full potential and his special skills form a unique foundation for success. I constantly seek and develop new skills and learning’s – through advanced levels of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy ™, Hypnosis and to improve everyone I work with. I have an understanding of the mind/body connection which enables me to create in my clients the difference that makes the difference ~ from excellence to outstanding. For those that want qualifications: Certified Trainer and Consultant of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Certified Master Practitioner of NLP & Time Line Therapy Certified Master Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist
    enPaul Clough900 Episodes

    Episodes (900)

    FMQ434 The Only Mind Hack That Works

    FMQ434 The Only Mind Hack That Works

    The Only Mind Hack That Works

    The internet is full of quick fixes, one-step, get-it-quick BS and in my mind preying on the lazy.

    And I know we all get caught and end up disappointed.

    With that in mind, I do have the only fix (notice not necessarily quick), it's easy and it's hard, and over the next 5 minutes or so in this 5-minute quickie podcast, I will explain all.

    You will be amazed by the results and how consistent they are.

    The fact is it is so simple so press play and I'll begin.

    Please share:


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
    Why not look for me and the podcast on SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox

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    YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar
    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    #380 Modeling Role Models

    #380 Modeling Role Models

    Modeling Role Models

    Can we learn from role models? Maybe if we have a BS monitor  :O)

    What do I mean by that? Well, some people have acquired and learned skills that we can learn from by modeling them, what they do, and how they do their stuff.

    Others pretend, with their shiny showreels on social media and even believe their own hype and we need to be careful whose skills we choose to emulate. Notice I said skills and not the person, we can never be another person, and nor should we, being the unique person you are.

    So let's take away the term role models and replace it with skills we would like to learn from people who have these skills already. It becomes the quickest way to learn as you don't have to learn from their mistakes.

    The easiest way is to pick one skill at a time, more than that it becomes overwhelming - you'd be surprised how much detail is in each. KISS

    Now this is a podcast so no more writing it's time to dive in to find the how-to's and press play

    Then, being kind, please share, here's a link if you need it:


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
    Why not look for me and the podcast on SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox

    I'm also in iHeart radio

    YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar
    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,


    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism


    This longer podcast is all about role models. Get specific and get really inspired



    Can anyone be a true role model? I was thinking about role models


    But that's not why I'm telling you that, because I want to talk about role models. Role models. I mean, do you have role models? And I think we do. But also I think we can get a little bit fixated on them. They become the be all and end all of our goal. And you see, I was thinking about this questioning, can anyone be a true role model? Because even when you think about it, I won't call them failures, but they are failures. We all have our things, which aren't so good, things we need to work on. And they, like us, like me, have to work on their bits. But whether they put themselves up as a role model or whether we don't like the word society, but they're put up as a role model, they come up on YouTube, they come up on Instagram, all that stuff. And after a while they, unbeknowing maybe become a role model with all their flaws. Flaws is a better way. Not failures, flaws. Because we're just human. And a lot of those people talk about being vulnerable. It's so good to be vulnerable. But yet on the reels that we see, they are the least vulnerable person. In fact, they to me, sometimes give off the air that they are, ah, living a perfect life for some. Maybe I'm just seeing it through a different filter, I don't know. Because we see so many people with their show reels shiny, perfect. We've all seen them, haven't we? if you looked at my videos, you'll notice that they're not shiny, they're not show. And they're certainly not perfect. That's not their fault. Well, the majority there is going to be one or two that, to push it too far, do it for their own ends, as it were. But the thing is, what I also thought about this is maybe we're putting them up as role models and they never wanted to be. They're just doing their best job. They're putting up something for us to learn. And for me, this is the way I see it. The ones that I look up to aspire to be, maybe aspire to take on not to be like that, to be them, but to learn their skills. Because they can be both in some ways both inspiring and also down putting. Because it's a show reel and you can get the reverse effect. I guess I want to be just like that. But look at me now. I'll never be able to be like that. And it's then reinforcing those negative, limiting beliefs. I'm not good enough because I can never be good enough, can never be like that. But it's a show reel. You never see all the years that's gone into it. Certainly the ones that I'm thinking of, because I think they are genuine people, they've just been put up there. so it's not them wanting to be m a role model. They're just shining what they've learned, shining the light, ah. Of what they've learned to guide other people. And I think when I look at it that way, I got to use a different filter. I think that's the difference. We have to have a filter, a BS filter. So you see, I don't want to imitate. This is, me talking about me again. I don't want to imitate, but coming through NLP, neurolinguistic programming, I do want to be able to model, you see, I want to because when you model somebody, you model what they are good at. Obviously, you don't model the stuff that they're not. So if we can model what they are really good at, how they are thinking, maybe we can get to the pictures in their minds, but we can certainly get some glimpses of them. So it's not imitation. In some ways it. Maybe it is, but it's not imitation for imitating to be like them. It is try to find the skills and how we can adapt them. Adapt them in our own way. So I say how we do that. Well, you need that filter first, the Bs filter. And once we've cleared those people away, we can then look at what is it about them that inspires us?



    Model people you aspire to be like or have skills you would aspire to learn


    I want you to think back. Think back to the people that maybe the word role models is not a good description. Cloughy people you aspire to be like or have the skills you would aspire to learn. what are the things that inspire them or inspire you to be like that? Maybe it's their confidence. And I know we're seeing the show reel, but if you look at certainly the people I'm following, I'm noticing some of their videos are lectures. So it's not a show reel if they've not edited it. they are giving a talk, they are trying to share what they know and then you can pick up, well, they have this air of confidence, the way they move their body. Maybe I could learn and try that on. Because when you're modeling, you're trying things on and seeing how you can adapt it to yourself, or maybe adapt what you do into something like that and notice, is it their voice, is it the way they can just pause? For me, and these are my things, I think I'm guessing how people can pause and just suddenly come out with the right words to be able to communicate in such a precise way. To me, that's awe inspiring and it is inspiring. Their use of language. Maybe it's a tone they use. Maybe. I always love it when you can see people who just laugh, laugh at themselves, laugh with other people. To me, when you can be like that, that is true confidence in yourself, that is being vulnerable in the. I think the nice way you're showing, we say show up and show your true self, but actually showing your own qualities. Now, whether you like them or not, it doesn't matter, not to them, because they're saying, this is me, like me or not. And I think that's a great bit of inner confidence you could have. Maybe they are demonstrating skills, skills that you would like to learn. But the thing about this is, you can see, I've been pretty specific about the type of confidence, the use of language, those pauses, the way they talk, walk. But you have to get specific, I think, because you're not going to be able to learn the whole myriad because it's too big and it's too general. So it's about, I think, looking at the people you would like to be more like in their skill set and pick one particular skill and work on that. Because once you get that, you can then maybe build on from that about them building on another aspect of their skills or somebody else and put them together. Because this is all about you, not them. And because it's about you, I don't know, people say, oh, it's all about you, but it is all about you, not them. It's about how you can be inspired to learn. And then as you review what you've learned and notice the effects, did it make your life better? Did it make it worse? And of course, one thing we have to remember is it's going to be bloody awkward when we start because it's not going to be, oh, I'll just do it this way. Because you're going against, I guess, your learnt behaviors, your own habits. But I think your unconscious mind, once it understands how important it is for you, how valuable it's ah, a value to you and it will make you a more comfortable person. I don't want to call it a better person, but you'll be improving your skills and it's your skills you're improving, becoming that better version of yourselves, expanding, evolving that version of yourself into what you're truly here for. I know that's a bit woo woo lala maybe, but that's what you're here for, to create something, I believe to create something special. And it doesn't have to be the biggest, biggest thing in the world, but you can just leave little golden nuggets around, do little kind acts, things like that. But when you do it from your confidence, you show people, you show people what can be done. And I think sometimes instead of just looking at one person, you take two or three in that genre. So you're starting in a database, they're all doing the same type of thing in that one skill set. now I'm getting. So it's a general skill in a specific area. I could learn that. And now you're building not just from one person, you are building your own skill set by really modeling a whole genre of that skill set.



    NLP modeling is really getting into a specific person to find out beliefs


    So I wonder how many people, first of all, if you would, because it's a personal development podcast, begin to think of the type of skills you would like to learn from other people. Now, ideally it would be someone you could talk to and ask them exactly what you do. The NLP modeling is really getting into a specific person to find out their thoughts, their beliefs, the pictures they make in their mind, the sequence they put those things into their minds and how they talk to themselves. But that's not always the case. You've got that ability, not the ability, you haven't got the. I don't know what I'm going to talk about now. You haven't got that facility of being able to talk to that person. So we're going to use things like YouTube, we're going to use things like podcasts, because you can learn so much. You can use things as books as well because people will explain what they're thinking and then you can model the little significant parts of their thinking. So I wonder if you could just, first of all, maybe just instead of thinking about the people you want to model is what are the things you would like to model? So what specific skills would you like to improve upon or learn newly? Maybe, just let them roll onto a paper, a piece of paper, because once you start getting them on paper, you always know, write that sucker down. It will then, I think, be able to intuit that, the word intuit, be intuitive about other things and other thoughts will come into your mind, which you can slam on that piece of paper. And now you're building up and go, they're all those skills, which one is the most useful to me? In fact, they're all maybe leading you into a one direction of a particular skill. And then you can see, well, how would that affect my life if I learned that skill or if I just got, I have that skill, but I want to get better at it, how would that improve my life? Maybe it'd be my career, maybe it'd be the way I socialize with people, maybe with myself, maybe with my partner, my best friend, significant other, all that stuff. And when you get that, then you can go, okay, where can I find that information? Because now you know how important it is to you because you need to know the effect that it will have on your life. Start that way. And then you understand, ah, it's going to be of value to me. And then get the belief, well, I'm going to do this. That's the only belief you need. I'm going to do this. So now it becomes at the highest level, it's an identity belief, because I'm going to do this, I can do this and, it's a value to you. So beliefs and value are the highest part of the pyramid apart from your identity, but they're linked to your identity. So now you can start looking around, you can start finding that set of people. Maybe this is only one person. You go, that is the one skill, that's it. But maybe there's more. You get a database, or maybe you look around and go, actually, out of all these people, this is the guy who does it best and this is a woman who does it best. I don't know how. you know what I mean? And then you can start studying and looking for that one skill. If you try to do it all, tell you now, it'll blow your mind because they're too big. But you do that one skill, and then you find another and then another, and you begin to act as if. Now, how do you start to act as if? Because I'm going to give you a quick how to in there. You see, what you can do is some people would say, well, just imagine yourself doing it. And you go, I can't do that. I can't just imagine myself doing that. Some people can. But here's an easy way to do it, because we like easy. We like simples. And just because it's simple and it's easy doesn't mean to say you don't have to do the work. You don't have to put the effort in because you do. So you have to put time aside. How long? It's minutes, maybe a minute or so to start off with. But here's how you do it. Are you ready? Now I'm going to tell you how to do it, because you don't have to do it now, because maybe you have to do that work first. But here's how you would do it. Or you could, you begin to notice, say, have either movie screen or just see that person out in front of you, the person you're going to model doing the thing, and you see them doing it. So in effect, you are replaying that video that you've watched on maybe YouTube, or you're imagining seeing them talk if you've heard it on a podcast or in a book. But you can imagine them doing that thing that you want to model because it's important to you. I know it'll happen. And as you imagine seeing that other movie or just seeing that person just suspended out there in space doing that thing that you want to model. And then as you do that, begin to allow it to morph into you. So over a period of 1015 seconds, the picture in your mind, that picture of that you over there, or that them over there, slowly morphs into you over there, and you can begin to see you doing the very same thing. That's right. Now, you could just practice that to start off with, just practice seeing it morphing into you. And then as you get better at it, and it doesn't have to be 2020 vision, for goodness sake, you know that. All you need to do is practice. And it's an awareness as long as you can get an awareness that's that it's morphing into you and you get to understand it, you can then begin to maybe just flow out of your body into that. You over there, having morphed it into you, morphed them into you. You flow into you looking through your own eyes, seeing what you'll see when you're like that, hearing what you'll hear when you like that. And feel, feel the emotions, feel the physicality of it. And then as you come back into you, because all you always have to come back into you, you can then begin to know how to act as if, and if you've got notes of the things you're going to practice, that one little thing you can know, no, you can now start doing it because you're acting as if you've got it already. And yeah, it'll be clunky. Don't think that, oh, I'll be perfect every time because they've done it, they've evolved into that person. But you can learn that skill so much quicker now. It may have taken them ten years to evolve into that skill or evolve that skill into the thing you see now. You can do that in hours, minutes, and then you can start to think. I want you to think of two things when you do that. And you start to act as if you start learning. You actually start seeing. You're reviewing what you've done. Yeah, it's making a difference. You've got two things you can do. What other things can I learn? What other skills can I start to evolve inside me? But also, how can I be a model, a role model, as it were, for that skill? Now, you could share it. You could share how you did it, what you do, what you've learned.



    You can inspire others by being an example of what can be done


    That's great to do, because when you do that, you become the author of it. You're the teacher of your own skill. And when you do that, you're learning twice as fast, twice as m, more in depth as it were. When you verbalize it to other people or you just write it down for yourself, you're learning it at a much more detailed, specific level. And that's awesome. But you can also do it by action, being the person you want to be wonderful, but also, inspiring others, others by being that example of what can be done. Because they saw you, what you used to be like, they're seeing what you are now and you go, wow. Even if they didn't even know what you were like, they're looking at you and going, that's a lovely skill to have. I could emulate that because you can inspire people just with the things that you do. And it's in that sharing that makes a difference. Now you know where I'm going to come with this or go with this. It's that sharing that makes a difference.



    Have you ever shared this podcast? If you have, absolutely


    So, to you. That's right. You. Have you shared a question to you. Have you ever shared this podcast? If you have, absolutely. Bloody awesome. Thank you so much. Would you do it again? And if you haven't shared it, why? No, I won't say why not? Would you, please? It would be lovely if you did, because it's going to. Yes. More people get to listen to it. It makes me feel better when I see the downloads. Yeah, of course it does. I have a little bit of ego in there. Of course it does. But also, I know that more people will be infected and affected by what we're sharing because I believe it's all good stuff. Some of it will really ring home, really resonate with people, with yourself, and then make a difference. So it just makes a difference to one person. Game over. It'd be brilliant. So if you would share, and you also know that, you always get those free hypnosis tracks, paulcloughonline.com podcast, all that stuff. So please feel free to dive in and get all the free stuff you can. When you do that, you'll also get an email and ah, a newsletter, a monthly newsletter which comes out about every two or three months. And on that there's a code, a discount code, so you can buy stuff, the premium stuff, at such a stupidly, ridiculously low price. Because I just want to make a difference to you, a difference to other people. There you go. that's it. If you need more information about this, because I think we'll go into this in more detail. I'm sure I say this every time, but if you need more detail, more, you've got a particular skill you want to learn and I can help you with that. Let me know. Email me, please, feedback at personal developmentunplug.com and I'll bang you out. Reply and I'll also create something for you. And, we'll share it to so many more people, because we all need that. We really do. I need it gets my old gray matter going. It gets me to learn about myself, learn what I don't know, and also reinforces what I do know. It's that thing of sharing and getting to understand what you know and what you don't know and how you can improve. And that's why we're all here, isn't it? Anyway, my friend, thank you so much. From the heart of my bottom, or the bottom of my heart. and I'll see you and hear from you, and you'll hear from me real soon, because as usual, it's time to fly. And if you hang on, if you're new to this podcast, after the time to fly goes off, there'll be a little introduction, like a post introduction, of what the unplugged, podcast is all about. There you go. Enjoy and fly.



    This is the personal development unplugged podcast where we use hypnosis


    You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend. Personal development unplugged. Hey, this is the personal development unplugged podcast where we use hypnosis. Yeah, hypnosis, NLP, neurolinguistic programming. Don't worry what it is. It's just a mass of processes that we're going to get you to change. Change to let go of anxiety, low self esteem, and create massive, massive, supreme inner confidence. But that's confidence in your confidence and confidence in your confidence, which means you can do anything and be well, be safe to enjoy, enjoy the world as it should be, with you at, the helm, creating the life that you want. That's what this podcast is about. You and being the best you, you could be, singing from your real voice, aligned with your mission, aligned with your passions. That's what it's about. So if you're interested in letting go of anxiety, if you're interested in letting go of fear, guilt, all those blooming syndromes, impostor syndromes, and every little bit of the mind which is negative, then have a listen here, because we got some wonderful processes and lots of good conversations with, between you and me to get us both thinking in such wonderful ways. You, I'm sure you'll enjoy them. Just take the trance to have a. Have a listen close.

    FMQ 433 Performing At Your Best

    FMQ 433 Performing At Your Best

    Performing At Your Best

    Have you ever performed at your best? And have you ever not?

    A 5-minute muse on the need to be perfect and never really feel like you are or have performed at your best.

    And then there's the thing that we can always do better but did you do your best right then?

    I don't think we look at our performance in this way and if we did how can we keep getting better?

    I'll also share a way to feel stupidly GOOD and so much more!   :O)

    And all in around five minutes.

    Please share: https://personaldevelopmentunplugged.com/fmq-433-performing-at-your-best/

    And the YouTube video of this episode: https://youtu.be/YHCwJHEdaBI

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
    Why not look for me and the podcast on SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox

    I'm also in iHeart radio

    YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar
    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    #379 Karen Newell - Sacred Acoustics To Reduce Anxiety

    #379 Karen Newell  - Sacred Acoustics To Reduce Anxiety

    Karen Newell

    Sacred Acoustics To Reduce Anxiety

    So pleased to have another sharer willing to walk the walk - Karen is an author and specialist in personal development with a diverse body of work that rests upon the foundation of spiritually transformative experiences.

    As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery. Using Sacred Acoustics recordings and other techniques, she teaches how to engage with your inner world to connect to guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness, and develop intuition.

    In this recording, Karen shares tools to help reduce anxiety and explains how binaural beats can assist in quieting the mind

    Please share this episode so others can also get the benefit:


    Please visit Karens website and find all her contact details - Plus you can download a free recording of Karen's at www.sacredacoustics.com or email her info@sacredacoustics.com.

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

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    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,


    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism

    This is a longer podcast with a guest from Sacred Acoustics


    Hey, here's your heads up to this longer podcast. We have a guest, Karen Newell, from sacred Acoustics, and she's going to show us the benefits of sound through meditation, how we can quieten the mind and help clear anxiety. Now, that's got to be a good thing, so please do listen. Warning, warning, warning, warning. You are entering into the unplugged mind of Paul Clough clove. Too late. Personal development unplugged. Hey. Yes, that's right. Clapping. Clapping. Why are we clapping?



    Karen Newell is an expert in entrainment and meditation


    Well, we have another guest. Another guest who's going to come and do a little talk for us. Her name is Karen, Karen Newell, and she is the co founder of Sacred Acoustics. She's also an author and a specialist in personal development with a diverse body of work that rests upon the foundation of spirituality, transformative experience. Hey, how's that? Her personal growth programs, workshops, guided meditations and teachings enable individuals to achieve life transformations towards a greater fulfillment or self fulfillment and contentment. She is an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment. That's a word. Entrainment and meditation. And Karen is going to. There'll be the rest of the bio, by the way, on the website, but Karen is going to talk to us about how the tools, tools for help, for anxiety, mental health, and slowing down those racing thoughts that anxiety gives us. And you see, meditations we all know have proven to reduce anxiety. And it's by using binour, I can't even say the word bino. Binourial, binourial, binaural beats explaining, how these beats, because I can't say binourial can quieten the mind just by quieting the. I can't get this right. By quieting the mind, you can now begin to clear or certainly reduce the level of anxiety. And she's going to share a few ways how to use these beats by no meal. I can't say the blooming thing beats to quieten the mind and then how holding a wonderful feeling in our heart will help reduce anxiety, which obviously helps us and those around us and the effects of that. And she goes into a, lot of data to prove that things she does really work. Now, I know, or you know that I know. I love things that are going to help reduce our anxiety, because maybe it does clear anxiety completely. But also I do know that if you can reduce the anxiety that you're feeling, it gives you the opportunity to then look for that root cause, maybe, and deal with it. Because when we're in a full blooded anxiety attack, then we're in the bottle. We can't read the label. We can't take a different perspective on, what's causing that anxiety to deal with the cause. Because, you know, that's where I come from, dealing with the cause, therefore, letting go of the effect, which anxiety is an effect. Anxiety leads to fear and things like that. So anything that can reduce the effect has to be a win, has to be a bonus. And, Karen will go through that with you.



    Personal development unplugged podcast welcomes Karen Newell


    So, whilst we're on the same page, we're coming from different directions, as usual, which is why I love to have people on the personal development unplugged podcast to show a diversity. What a word, eh? Used so many different ways, but it's done, in such a nice way. Someone wanting to share their thoughts, share their experiences. And we all know I've been talking about it long enough, when you share something, you get to keep it yourself, and other people get it, too. And she's also going to share a little free audio, and she'll go through that. But also, I just wanted. I found one of my other notes, and this is where we also gel so closely. It's using feelings of gratitude, and Karen will go through that, too, in this short little recording. So give that big, warm welcome to Karen Newell. Over to you, Karen.



    Karen Newell says meditation can help improve mental health


    Hello, I'm Karen Newell, co founder of Sacred Acoustics and co author of living in a mindful universe. And mental health seems to be a rather popular topic for people to talk about these days. It used to be a little bit taboo. Nobody wanted to admit that they had any mental health problems. It was kind of seen as something not to be discussed, kept behind closed doors. And thanks to a lot of, popular athletes and celebrities and other types of things, mental health has become a topic that is perfectly fine to discuss. And this is something that is very needed in our world today, because, especially anxiety seems to be rampant in our world. It, really became to be noticeable when the world entered into that shutdown because of the COVID pandemic several years ago, back in 2020. And lots of people were looking for tools on how to manage their mental health. Now, meditation is one of those tools, and meditation has been studied for several decades. It's something that's very common in eastern traditions. And it was actually the Dalai Lama who sort of spurred interest in the western world for studying meditation. And so academic institutions have discovered that meditation plays an incredibly helpful role in our physical, health and our mental health. And it can provide lots and lots of benefits. Unfortunately, for many of us in this western world, meditation is very challenging, and that's because we're used to always being active. And meditation is about sitting quietly, developing an inner focus and maintaining that focus on only one thing. And when most of us sit down to meditate, very often what we find in our inner world is that racing thoughts are constantly going and it's not quiet at all. And so we try to meditate and it just becomes more and more difficult. I know for me that was the case. I had learned about all the wonderful benefits of meditation. And then when I tried to do it, it was really hard. And I would sit quietly. I, would set the alarm for ten minutes, and it would seem like an eternity would go by before I could finish, my meditation. So it was really quite a chore and not something that I look forward to. And so I stopped doing it. I stopped and started. I kept hearing about it. And it was a particular quality of sound that really was a turning point for me. And at first it was things like gongs, tuning forks, brass bowls, crystal bowls. Some of you may be familiar with what those sound like, but usually it's sort of a monotonous kind of wavering sound wa like that, just going on and on. And usually there's lots of all of these beautiful overtones, higher frequencies, just amazing to listen to. And it really was able to capture my attention. And so I learned, wow, no wonder people use crystal bowls and brass bowls to help with meditation. And I eventually discovered a very specific type of sound known as binaural beats. And this is created using modern, software. It doesn't come from an instrument, but they're created using different, ah, sets of frequencies. So when you have one frequency in the left ear, a slightly different frequency in the right ear, what you hear, what your brain interprets that to be is a wavering sound wa very similar to what those brass bowls and gongs are emitting. And isn't it interesting, when you analyze the sound coming out of a brass bowl, a crystal bowl and so on, you'll find there's natural binaural beats in there. And so it's no wonder that recordings that, create these binaural beats, more precisely, can be very effective at quieting the mind. And I'm going to tell you why. And that is because these frequencies, like I said, you put one frequency in the left ear, a slightly different frequency in the right ear. It's the difference between those two frequencies that creates the, binaural beat. And so the difference between these two frequencies is associated with different brainwave states. So when a brain is measured using an EEG that's measuring an electric signal that's being put out by the brain in different states, we find that, zero to 4 what's emitted when someone's in the delta state. Delta is associated with sleep. Now, four to 7 associated with the theta state. And that's the state that we're in when we're in meditation or maybe a very deep kind of flow state. alpha is seven to 12. That's associated with focus, concentration, deep relaxation, but not as deep, quite as theta and beta. That's twelve to 30 hz. That's the state when we're in, when we're talking, when we're walking, when we're interacting with others. That's the state when we're often in when we sit down to try to meditate. And so it's no wonder that that beta mind keeps on putting out all of these, hopefully interesting thoughts, but usually they're just distracting and, we'd like them to quiet down. And so using these binaural beats, you can reduce that, mental activity from the beta state closer down into the alpha, theta and delta states.



    Binaural beats can help with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues


    Now, binaural beats can also be used to help people sleep. And so in that case, you would want to be listening to delta frequencies. But many of us, we want to reach that kind of deep meditative state. That's what can really help with anxiety, depression and other types of mental health issues. and so when you listen to these recordings, you're actually helping get your mind from a beta brainwave state into a theta. That state between awaken, asleep, between delta and theta is what we're looking for. That's the sweet spot. And, on sacredacoustics.com, that's the company I'm, co founder of. We create all kinds of different binaural beat recordings for different purposes. And it was the whole mind bundle. That's a collection of recordings including whole delta, whole theta and whole alpha. That whole mind bundle was used in a pilot study. We were fortunate for a psychiatrist in a busy Manhattan practice, to prescribe these recordings to her patients. She prescribed these recordings that are part of the whole mind bundle. And the same listening protocols that her patients were given are also available on sacredacoustics.com. When you acquire the homemind bundle. But when patients started listening to this, they were, guided to find the best time of day that worked for them to listen to different recordings based on their personal goals in the delta theta and alpha ranges. And what they found was after two weeks of regular listening, they found a 26% reduction in anxiety. Now, the control group were Dr. Usum's other psychiatric patients who were getting regular therapy, but who did not begin listening to these types of recordings. And they noticed in the same period of time, a 7% reduction in anxiety. So that's quite a big difference. Just by adding these recordings to their daily routine, they found a much larger decrease in anxiety. And so this is very useful meditation, which can be so challenging. These recordings help bring your brain into that meditative state without quite as much concern, and trouble. And many of us, when we try to meditate and we're unsuccessful, that just seems to create more anxiety. So finding tools that can help us are very useful. we don't need to just use one technique. We recommend that people try different techniques and find a combination of techniques that works best for you. We're all unique, and so we're not all going to benefit the same way from different styles of meditation. And so there's many types of meditation out there. Some involve chanting, some involve movement, some involve different body positions or mudras where you hold your fingers in certain ways. All of that is available for people to explore with. And the sky's the limit here on, the different types of techniques that you can combine to find what works best for you. I know for me, I found a form of sufi heart rhythm meditation to be quite useful and in combination with the sound and that involved, matching m your breath to, your actual heartbeat. So, say you would count four heartbeats of breathing as opposed to four breaths. And just that extra awareness on the heart was incredibly useful at removing me from that busy thinking mind. And so sound is very useful. Attention to the heart is very useful. One of the, most basic techniques that I often share is to imagine that your breath is moving in and out of your heart. And so it's actually still moving out of your nose and through your mouth. But just imagine, use your imagination and tell yourself, no, it's moving in and out of my heart. And you can expand that into all kinds of interesting types of experiences by imagining that your breath is moving around your body in different ways. For example, you can imagine that your breath is being released to the left side and being, inhale from the right side, exhale to the left side. my favorite one is to exhale out into a circle, a sphere or a bubble that is surrounding your entire body. And then when you inhale, all of that comes back to you, back into your heart. And so you can breathe your heart energy in and out of this bubble that surrounds your entire body. And this is not just imagination, because heartmath institute in northern California, who has been studying the heart for decades, tell us that the heart emits an electromagnetic field, and it expands and contracts around your body just like I described. And, the expansion and contraction is based on your emotional state. So if you're in a very joyful, kind, compassionate kind of state, your electromagnetic field of your heart will be much larger. If you're in more of a, sad or depressed or anxious, upset about something, then you have a much smaller heart field. And so it's expanding and contracting around our bodies, whether we realize it or not. And the beautiful thing is that it seems to affect the people around us. And so we all know what it's like to be with one of those joyful people. It seems we can really sense or feel or resonate with that person's heart energy. And then, of course, we know what it's like to be around people that kind of make us uncomfortable, where maybe there's less resonance between our heart and their heart. And so I feel as though this is something that all of us can really take to heart, literally speaking, is to be aware that this is how our hearts are functioning. And if each of us can take the time to clear any anxieties, unprocessed emotions, anything that we're holding in our heart that's not beneficial or helpful to ourselves and to those around us, when we take the time to clear all of that, it's not only helping yourself, it's helping all those around you. And that's another thing that these binaural beat audio recordings are useful for some people. When they listen to these recordings, they will find that they get emotional and they won't necessarily understand why. but the idea there is to allow whatever emotion pops up in that moment, just imagine that it's being released. It's coming up because it wants your attention. And now you can allow it to release. And like layers of an onion, over time, you can peel back all of these sort of unprocessed emotional traumas from your life. And as you do this, you'll find that your heart, rather than holding on to those hurts that weren't properly processed, it gets replaced. It gets replaced with something else. And that is the essence of who you truly are.



    Another heart exercise that's very useful is to generate feelings of gratitude


    And another heart exercise that's very useful, that really is just critical to any of this, is to generate feelings of gratitude in the heart. And this isn't thinking of things to be grateful for. This is feeling gratitude. And so this can be very challenging. I know it was for me. And over time, it took the kind of act of recalling events from my past that made me feel joyful. And for me, that memory eventually settled, on puppies. I was enamored with puppies when I was a child. I still love dogs to this day. And imagining being with these puppies or dogs is what got that first spark of gratitude to be felt in my heart. And the more any of us can take the time to generate just simple feelings of gratitude, imagine that those feelings of gratitude are residing in your heart. And knowing how the heart function works, it's actually expanding and contracting and sharing that gratitude with the world around you. And so knowing how all of this works can be very useful. And if anyone wants to learn more about sacred acoustics, we have a website, sacredacoustics.com. You can go there and enter your email address, and we'll send you a free 20 minutes recording. Some people, this is the only recording they ever use as part of their practice. This recording is, some people's favorite, and so we hope that you'll be able to use that to determine if binaural beats would be helpful to you in your daily practice. And then also look for the whole mind bundle. Again, that's the set of recordings that was used in the pilot study showing a reduction in anxiety after two weeks of listening. These recordings were made available at the beginning of, 2020, when the first shutdowns of the pandemic first started happening. That's when this pilot study got published in a medical journal, the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, in February of 2020. And so in March, that's when suddenly everyone was faced with, a new life of staying at home, perhaps, and, finding new, innovative, things to do with your time. And so we made those recordings, available for free at that time, and they still remain available for free because the anxiety in our world has not decreased quite enough. And so we would love for people to have access to those with no financial barrier. They're also available for a small, fee. But it's up to you what you're able to spend on these recordings, and you can access these. And anyone who takes time to do this, please accept my gratitude for taking time to go within and to clearing any anxiety and unprocessed emotions that you have using some of these heart exercises that I've shared, and also these audio recordings. Anyone who takes time to do this. Please accept my gratitude for helping yourself, because as you're helping yourself, you're helping all those around you. And for that, I thank you.


    Hey, friends. Isn't that good? Karen Newell from sacred Acoustics. And you must go and get that free recording and give it a go. And please get in touch with Karen via her website to let her know how much you enjoyed her talk. Because we really do want to have a better life, don't we? We want to be free of anxiety. And there'll always be something, I guess will make us a little bit anxious now and again. But when we know how we can deal with it, then when things come along, we deal with it. That's what it is. We have that positive belief. Done it before. I'll do it again. I've, got this. It's those type of subtle, positive beliefs that allow us to be free, and then we can have those feelings of gratitude that just make everything in the world different for us. Because when we have that gratitude, you're telling your unconscious mind we've got it right. This is the thing. This feeling is the thing that I enjoy. It makes me feel so good. And when I feel this good feeling, this grateful, it means I'm safe, which is that one thing your unconscious mind has to do. Not just the one thing, but it's one of the main things your unconscious mind has to do, cannot not do it. It has to keep you safe. And, once you show your unconscious mind the experiences that you're having right now by feeling grateful, then it makes such a difference. So once again, thank you so much to Karen, and thank you so much to you. And if you found this a benefit, please do email me, too. Feedback at personal developmentunplugged.com. Just let me know your experiences, and, also let me know if you would. Do you like these little snippets of people coming into our world via personal development unplugged, the podcast, sharing what they know. I love it, by the way. I love it. I said I wouldn't do it. There's my little baby. The, unplugged personal development podcast. Personal development, unplugged. It's like my little baby, but I love sharing that, too. To give other people a platform, but it's not the platform to, it's a platform to share. That's what I'm trying to say. And when you get it, you could share it, too. And that would be. And then he said, awesome. That would be absolutely wonderful if you would share the things that you learn here. So please do that. Please let me know as I say, if you like guests coming along, and if so, do you know somebody maybe you'd like? You think they've got something to share? Or maybe it's even you. Maybe you have something to share. And that would be a great thing to do. If we just have a small recording of your wins, your celebrations. That would be awesome. That's just a thought that come into my mind, may go somewhere, may not, but I've put it a seed into your mind now because it's easy to do. We've all got a phone. We can record something easily, effortlessly, and make a difference in the world. Because that's what it's all about, isn't it? Making a difference to us, which makes a difference to the people around us. And, makes a positive difference to little old planet earth. It's that real ecological way of making a difference in not just your life, but everyone's life, being the change you want to see in others. And all those wonderful mimi type things, those ones are the real good things. So again, please enjoy Karen's free recordings and let me know. So until next time, my friend, I am so grateful of your company, and I'm very grateful of Karen putting herself out. Because there's so many people who asked to come on, this little platform of ours. They talk the talk, but they cannot do the walk. And Karen has definitely done the walk today. So thank you so much again. So until next time, my friend, just find those benefits of meditation, sound, and enjoy.



    Personal development unplugged. It's time to fly on your own


    it's time to fly. Bye bye, now.


    Warning. You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friends.


    Personal development unplugged.

    FMQ 432 Getting our feet wet and expecting something different

    FMQ 432 Getting our feet wet and expecting something different

    Getting our feet wet and expecting something different

    From a recent experience of a client worrying that they didn't feel the same as the last session - why was that?

    That made me think, why would anything we feel be exactly the same as before and let our expectations guide our judgments?

    Have you had something similar? Let's muse for 5 minutes and see what we can learn forthe future and come and get your feet wet again.

    You will have to press play if you want to know what I'm talking about - It's a podcast remember?

    Please share


    And remember you can also watch this on video: https://youtu.be/xh23HhyYrns


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
    Why not look for me and the podcast on SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox

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    YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar
    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    #378 A Slap In The Face

    #378  A Slap In The Face

    A Slap In The Face

    A metaphorical one in the kisser!

    Now this episode is personal and a little embarrassing being not what you know but doing what you know or not doing. It will make sense   :O)

    We all know the saying "First things first" don't we? Again we are getting into that realm of knowing and doing or in this case ...........

    As you know, if you're a regular listener, I have talked in the past about wheels and spokes, buckets, and all things about what our lives and personal development are made up of. Well I was getting more frustrated and demotivated the more I looked at my 'stuff' and then it came

    The Slap!

    The one in the kisser!

    And now I understand and am on my way again.

    Want to know more? You will have to press play - IT'S A PODCAST!!!!!!

    When you do please share this with a few deserving people


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
    Why not look for me and the podcast on SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox

    I'm also in iHeart radio

    YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar
    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay,  Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism

    Here's your heads up to this longer podcast, the metaphorical. Metaphorical, metaphorical slap in the face. Learning about something and where we're headed. The ultimate vision of who we really want to be. We strive to be. We're inspired to be. That's where we're going. Something I learned about myself. Bit embarrassing, but hey, ho, that's what we're going to do, and we're going to dive straight in.

    No introduction about the personal development unplugged podcast

    No introduction about the personal development unplugged podcast. You know it. And if you don't, I'm sure you'll find out. Okay, have a listen. It's more interesting to listen than my introduction. Okay, have a listen right now. Personal. Personal develop. Personal developer. well, a slap in the face. A slap in the face. There's a title for you, and it wasn't a literal slap in the face, although it did feel like a little bit. It's some metaphorical slap in the face that I got from me. I slapped myself in the face.

    When you go out to make improvements, you can't not make an. Improvement, can you

    So let's do first things first, because.

    We don't always do that, do we?

    And that's how I found out the hard way. So this is a personal sharing, as it were. I like to share personal stuff.

    Don't tell anybody about this because it's personal me to you, and it's embarrassing. It's em barassing to me because it shows.

    And showed me this wasn't the slap in the face, but it could have been.

    It's not what you know, it's doing what you know that counts.

    And here's sort, of an example. Way back in February 2019, four years.

    Ago,and in my notes, I swore, swore to myself, two episodes, hashtag one.

    Two, three and one, two, four.

    Wheels and buckets, and they're all about what you want to do with your life.

    Diffeent buckets for different areas of your life. Wheels, different. They're all the same theme. Every wheel was a different area of my life. So I'm going to have to do another one. I think I'm going to have to do another one on that because put it all together.

    So embarrassingly, and this.

    Is the embarrassing part I've been working.

    On myself, just like you. I don't stop.

    I know I've got things that I need to change, and we can. And every time we grow, we grow, and there's other things we can add to it. We've got new experiences, new learning, so we can keep making those improvements.

    And I have made improvements.

    You see, when you go out to make improvements, you can't not make an.

    Improvement, can you, really?

    But you have to look back. You have to look back because you might say to yourself, well, maybe Cloughie, I do try, but I don't notice.

    The improvements I've made.


    And that's why we have to do.


    That review, because any changes that you've made are now your new normal.


    And your new normal tends to be.


    Well, what issues, what issues did I have in that area?

    And you have to look back and go, oh, yeah, I was a right old so and so doing that type of stuff.

    But now I've changed.

    Now you're going to say cloughy, you've told me this before. Yes, I know, and I do repeat.

    on this podcast.

    But there's a reason for that repetition. Tony Robbins used to say, repetition is.

    A mother of skill.

    And it's a reminder, a re reminder, because we need reminders. It's amazing how many times we hear.

    Something, but it doesn't go in.

    And then there's just that one time.

    When, oh, yeah, I seem to remember that.


    And there's things I want to get.

    To grip with different areas of me.

    I want to get to grip with new things now.

    And that's what happens, because we realize how far we've moved, where we are now and now where we look to the future. What else do I want to do? What can I strive for?

    Do you get that now?

    What can I strive for next? Hopefully not too many things, because we get overwhelmed, and that's when we get procrastination. So if you're suffering procrastination or overwhelm, just dial it back a little bit. Dial it back. How many things am I trying to do at Once?

    Because you can't.

    I like to think of each area of my life as being a wheel

    Anyway, back to my story, back to.

    My wheels and, my spokes. What the hell are you talking about, cloughy? Well, to me, instead of having buckets, different areas of my life. I like to think of each area of my life as being a wheel. Not the old wheel of life that people talk about or used to talk about. They still do, where you would split up a wheel up into different segments, and each segment would be an area.

    Of your life, and you'd shade in.

    Where you thought you were up to in your life and then go, well, if that was a wheel and you were riding a car. How bumpy would that be? You got to work on those areas.

    To pull them all up.

    But I found that just having one.

    Area was too big, too vague, which.

    Is why I said a wheel is an area of my life. But the spokes in between, they're the things that make up the wheel. So you could have a wheel for health, and the spokes might be exercise.

    Could be diet, could be what you.

    Et, not when you eat, but things like, supplements.

    Maybe it's rest, sleep, who knows? That's health.

    But then there's lots of other things.

    Relationships and things like that. And I know I have to do this, and I don't like the have.

    To, and I know I need to do this, and I don't like the word need, and I should do this and I should. It should be. I want to should. There's a should in there already, isn't there? We should all over ourselves.

    And, I know I really want to do this. And I started again, and I got.

    This lovely little notebook, and it's all divided. It was bought to me from my son. And I've got little yellow, little yellow pages in between with lots of other pages in between. So I thought, to me, that's it. Every yellow page will be the start of a new wheel, and every page.

    Will be a spoke within that wheel.

    And then I just got into it, and then I found myself. I started. Have you ever done this? You start with the best of intentions.

    And it's not the intention, I would go to, but it's like the best of intentions.

    I want to do this.

    It's a good idea.

    But I tell myself off now because I found myself. I didn't carry on.

    I didn't keep it going, did bits and pieces.

    I did the gym. I worked out a, lot of my health work about the exercises, because.

    That was an easy one. I knew that.

    So I was writing down stuff I knew and the sort of stuff I was doing, but because of that, it wasn't that motivational. I wasn't motivated to carry on with the hard stuff.

    And then I just didn't do it.

    And then I got the biggest slap in the face.

    Just like that.

    I thought to myself, I'm doing all this stuff towards a bloody.



    What are you doing?

    What is this towards?

    What are you trying to do?

    I've got all the wheels. Got all the spokes. Well, I haven't got the spokes. I got the wheels, but I didn't.

    Bother to get the spokes, but, I'm now questioning, are they the right ones?

    Well, they're not wrong, but could I do better ones?

    And even that didn't sort of, sort.

    Of get me motivated. And then there it was again. Another slap in the face. I was metaphorically pretty dazed by then. You see what happened? It suddenly got to me, this big aha moment.

    You dick, Cloughie, you're dope. Not good dope, but dopey.

    Old dopey.

    Dopey Cloughie.

    You have to have the ultimate vision that you've got in the moment

    I reminded myself, I've been talking about ultimate visions. The best version of yourself, the best version of us, me, you.

    And can you imagine it? Well, I could. Not quite in the detail I wanted to at the moment, but I've talked.

    About it so much about him.

    It's all in your imagination. And by the way, ultimate vision is never going to be ultimate because it's.

    Going to keep evolving, you're going to find ways to keep improving, but you have to have the ultimate vision that you've got in the moment. And I did one of these a long time ago.

    I did a lovely ultimate vision in.

    My early days of NLP, I wrote out my ultimate vision and it was beautifully typed. I put it in a lovely font, I put it on a six by.

    Four card and it was lovely.

    And it was load of balls, really. Well, it wasn't then. It was what I was going to aspire to. But when I look at it, or when I looked at it again not too long ago, I thought to myself, I've changed so much, so much of those words now. are they nice words?

    But they're no longer appropriate to me. They don't fit. I need to move on.

    Well, I have moved on and I need to move this ultimate vision and.

    I started to think about it.

    First things first. What's the intention of having wheels, spokes, buckets, whatever you want to improve this personal development. The intention is to be the best.

    Version of yourself, isn't it?

    So it's a big picture? The big picture, the most best version. The real me, the best real me I can think of. That's my intention. That's where I'm going. And everything else now will fit inside that.

    Paul: I wanted to know who I want to aspire to be

    First things first. So before thinking of the sections, I.

    Wanted to know who I want to aspire to be.

    To what end as well. What would happen if I, you know, what, that ultimate vision of myself, what would that pull do? be

    Because it's the ultimate vision of me.

    So what did I do? I started to see myself doing my little visualization, but then I was doing it writing down, because you know what I say, you got to write that sucker down.

    So in that book, I found a.

    Blank page before for all the other.

    Stuff I've done, and I wrote down everything I could about that me, I.

    Aspire to be to, or I aspire to be that ultimate vision, that best version of myself. I wrote everything I could.

    What would the beliefs, that ultimate vision, that ultimate me, the best version of me have? And they weren't the beliefs I have.

    Now, but there are the beliefs. I know that if I had them, well, it would be amazing. What about the values? The values that ultimate vision of me would hold himself to? And I wrote those down.

    And the good thing, well, to me.

    I felt good about that because they.

    Were the same values that I have in me now.

    It's all about being trust, honesty. But then a new one popped in.


    yeah, they come together. And then I started to think, well.

    When that ultimate version of me, that.

    Best version of me is living a life with these wonderful, powerful beliefs about my identity, who I believed I was with, the wonderful values, the things that were really important to me, that me out there, what emotions would I experience more of, what behaviors would I do.

    The high level behaviors that, I would hold myself to, and, what would those behaviors begin to attract or do?

    And there was things like being non.


    Judgmental, because I'm a little bit judgmental sometimes, you. But being open minded, being kind, looking deeper. and I went on and on, and it made me quite emotional to write it, to think, where is this all coming from?


    And then I realized it's coming from me, cloughy, it's inside you.

    So if it's inside you to write.

    Down, you know, you can aspire to be there because you've got those skills. All you have to do is start. How do you do that?

    How do you start to use them?

    I didn't finish that sentence off, but I jumped in. You can start to think of, well, what would happen if I acted as.

    If I was the ultimate vision. Yeah, I probably won't get it all. I know I won't, but I'll get a lot further, lot nearer if I act as if.

    And now when I think about it, and I just think of how I would act, how that ultimate vision of.

    Me would be, I can now visualize.

    It so much more.

    I can visualize me, cloughy Paul out there.

    And then I can start to say.

    Well, what would the wheels the sections of my life, the content and whatever. What would be the real special, specific.

    Wheels that make up that ultimate vision?


    And then the spokes that are part.

    Of that ultimate vision.

    And you see, now I've got that. Can you tell my voice has changed? I've just noticed my voice has changed because I'm more motivated to start working on it. Really looking at those wheels and the spokes.


    So that's what I'm going to do. Maybe I said about another, I think this is going to have to be another pod as well. So another pod, another episode. That's, if you're interested, of how we.

    Can really get that ultimate vision in.

    Our heads, I think I've given you.

    A good idea, but if you wanted.

    A bit more help with maybe like a little process to do that, a little visualization in an episode, we could do that. And then how we can take that into wheels, spokes, buckets, whatever you like.

    And the whole thing about this is it's bloody simple.

    And to do it, all you need to do is those simple steps, the simple steps that I'm taking.

    And it is an. And it's exciting. It's exciting. Now let me know.

    Let me know if that's of interest.

    To you and we'll do another episode.

    I'd love to know what your thoughts are about this. Is it inspiring or has it inspired you? I'm not an inspiring speaker, but does it inspire you?

    A little bit.

    And, just as a re reminder, my meta view of this one, just looking down on everything I'd been talking about or thinking about and writing about.

    Paul Clough: Think about what your intention is when thinking about personal developmen

    First things first. Before we start, set your blood. Think about what your intention is. No, I thought my intention was to work out the bits and pieces. No, my first intention was, where am I headed?


    What do I expect? What am I looking for? Now?

    You might say, oh, maybe I.

    Missed out all these years, all these.

    Months, all these days, but it's never.

    Too late because we're always evolving and.

    You have to, so we're always starting over. So I wonder how curious you couldbe about that and doing what, you.

    Know, actually doing and not just knowing what, you know, doing what, you know, the mastery of you bringing back that intention. There you go. There you go. I hope there's a few golden. Gold. Yeah, Goldie golden nuggets out there for you. And you feel inspired to give yourself a metaphorical slap in the face. Oh, dough. As homer from the Simpsons would say, and start to think about personal development. Where am I going what is my ultimate vision of me? Who do I aspire to be? Yeah. And if you could share this with other people, that'd be awesome. I always like you to share. It would be great if you do. Because if everyone just gets that little glimmer of moving towards your ultimate vision, it's what we're put on this, I believe, put on this little old planet earth to do, to be it's growth, evolving and creating new things as we do it. And everyone gets a benefit. So if you could share this, that would be awesome. Press that subscribe follow button, all that, all that stuff I say. And email me if you want another episode in this or what part of it you'd like even more detail on. And that's feedback at personal developmentunplugged.com. And you can catch me on Twitter, or x or whatever it is now. And Instagram all that stuff. Have a little look, just google my name, unplugged and all that stuff, and you'll see my face and you'll know it's me because I'll have all that I have, put up all my reels and things like that. Anyway, until the next time, my friend. This has been fun. I enjoyed this. So let's have a good one and fly. Oh, and also have more fun than you can.

    You are now leaving the uncloved mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friends.

    Personal development unplugged.


    FMQ 431 Showing Up - More Often

    FMQ 431 Showing Up - More Often

    Showing up - More often

    Because sometimes we don't

    In this wonderful world of personal development, we are constantly told to show up, be our best self, and be vulnerable by singing from our voice and it's a good thing to do

    and in this episode, I'm here to give you permission not to - WHAT!

    It's okay to strive to show up and sometimes forget because that's life and if we can aim to be consistent in learning from those times. Then we will show up more often. We don't learn from getting down on ourselves but we will if we're kind to ourselves (and others)

    When we do we get to show up more often - well that's the basis of this 5 minute muse

    please share the episode


    and have a quick look at the video https://youtu.be/DY-_-tGqZz0

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

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    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
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    FMQ 430 Dealing With The Past - Simply

    FMQ 430 Dealing With The Past - Simply

    Dealing With The Past - Simply

    Let's take 5 minutes or so to think about memories, those ones from the past - do they really exist, does the past really exist, and if so where?

    And I know we have been here before, in the past, and that no longer exists - does it

    And if it doesn't exist why does it feel so real and affect me so much? Exactly - that's where we going in the next few minutes if you wish to press play.

    But I have a question for you to ask your unconscious mind of those annoying looping memories and then they tend to just disappear back into the past where they belong.

    There's probably another longer episode to come from this Oooooo! I'll send you an email and tell you what I think of Paul I hear you think  'O)

    Here's a link to share too


    and of course the video link on YouTube  https://youtu.be/uS24CZK7028

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    #377 Dealing With Anger PART 2

    #377 Dealing With Anger PART 2

    Dealing With Anger PART 2

    Diving into the 'How To'

    So now we get to learn more about the intention of anger and how it really is an inappropriate emotion. We can see examples where others have used it to propel their lives, using the energy contained in the emotion and that's ok, I guess, if you don't hold onto it.

    Can you think of better emotions to use? I can and I'm also guessing if you were to remember times you achieved a goal and enjoyed the process anger was at the back of the queue  :O)

    If you haven't listened to part 1 it would help you get the best out of this part 2 and guide you to make changes - Anger doesn't only affect those with it but all those close to them and so will letting go of anger. Do it for yourself and others to get the benefit. win-win-win-win

    So come dive in with me and find ways to release anger and the end of those stories

    Please share this episode, it will make a difference


    and I would love your feedback feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar
    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

    Listen to Personal Development Unplugged on RadioPublic

    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism

    This is part two of the personal development unplugged podcast

    Heads up. This is part two. Part two? The second part. That's what a part two is, of dealing with anger. This is where we deal with the process of letting it go and changing, creating the life we want. So I. You haven't listened to part one. Please do, because it will make so much more sense, obviously. So have a listen to part one, and then if you want, then you can come straight into this. So that'll be fine. Absolutely. Superb. So here we go. I know it's important to you. Have a listen after this.

    Okay, my friend, welcome back. Hopefully, now you've listened to part one, getting ready to let go, make the changes you want. Create a rich life. Because you'll be amazed. You'll be amazed when things change. Your new normal will be so rich. And in fact, I believe over time, you'll forget the old life, uh, the old way, because it no longer served you. It will no longer serve you anyway. But it's all been done. We're going to create that new way of being so it's really exciting, isn't it? I think it's really exciting. And if you remember in the first part, told you a little bit about the, uh, positive intention behind anger, trying to protect you. It's a secondary emotion. It comes in after fight and flight, and fight and flight is what protects you. Anyway, it's hardwired, as we said in your neurology. So no worries. You're always going to be protected. And what we want now is to create a way that you use the learnings, the learnings from the past, so you can be safe and therefore you can access better, uh, more appropriate emotions, behaviors and beliefs. Because when you do that, you're going to be so protected, but feeling comfortable, feeling good. And that's where we're going to be going in a short while. You remember those stories I was telling you about the guy who came and saw me with all that anger? Remember that NLP guy came up on for his presentation? And Geoff Thompson? We're going to finish those shortly. But first of all, I want you to find a comfortable place. And this is not hypnosis, by the way. You might find you're going to go inside because you're going to use your memory and maybe a little bit of imagination. So if you can find a place where you're going to be undisturbed, you're going to want to be writing things down. And I know when people go, oh, bloody hell, do I have to? Yes, it's so important that you write this bugger down, because in order to get the real depth of this, when you write it down, you have to go inside and find the right words, find, uh, how to communicate your thoughts in your head to the paper. And that makes this process so much more deeper and more connection, uh, I believe a more deeper connection with your unconscious mind. So yes, you do have to write it down. And the other bonus of that is you can come back, come back at any time, and especially in the second part of this process, you can come back and add to it, add to the things that are going to make your life richer. And I think that's important because when we come back, and it's also a great reminder, or a re reminder, as my son hates me to say, a re reminder. It's a re reminder of your commitment, your commitment to change and what you're going to get and what you're aiming for. Because we have to have an intention, and our intention is what we anticipate to achieve. I believe, and I like even go to expect this is our expectation. So you have your intention, and you may be able to visualize it from the words. Well, you will. You'll be able to visualize it from the words that you write down. And you'll be able to see a new you, a new you that is doing all the things that you want it to want him to do, her, uh, to do whichever way around you are. But it is so important that you can come back to this and, uh, even look at it and go, do you know what? I'm going to make that even better because now I know the process. I can make it even better. I will make it even better. I'm going to start to think about consequences, opportunities, because that's where we're going to start going. I'm not going to give you all now because we're going to go through the process, but I just want you to find that place where you'll be generally undisturbed, so you don't need complete solitude, but it's somewhere where you can focus and think about or use your thinking. Go inside and just muse and then write on your paper. So go and find a comfortable place, that quiet place, and set your intention, your expectation of releasing this negative emotion of anger and finding wonderful ways to put in place of the old way. And you don't know what they are yet, but we're going to go there. Okay, so get ready, and then we'll jump into the second part of this.



    Ask yourself what negative emotion is costing you today or in the past


    There you go. Okay, let's get there. Now you see what happens. Say we were to look down upon it and what we're going to ask, we're going to ask ourselves some questions. But what I have to say to you is, if you're going to do this with me, if you're going to do this, you're going to need a pen and paper because we're going to have to write it down. As I said, we're going to look down on our life, as it were. Ask ourselves some questions, get some answers. But you have to do both. Don't just do it 50 50 because we're going to do some negatives and we want to do the positives. Don't want to leave anybody in anything. So remember, I'm a therapist, and your therapist, if you want to do this, it's not a big deal, but just do the. Just do it all. So I want you to write down, first of all, what you think that emotion is. Uh oh, maybe it's. And you can swear and do whatever you like. If it's anger, or whatever, you can write it down on the top of the page, right in the middle. If it's a mind map, if you're doing a mind map, just draw a line down the middle, because we're going to have the one side and then we're going to have difference on the other side and the first one. The question is, what's it costing you? So let's just refine that a little bit. What has it cost you? And, um, write that down. Be honest with yourself. What's it bloody cost you? It'll probably cost you relationships. It might have cost you jobs, it might have cost you maybe physical things. Maybe you've done damage. What has it cost you in the past? And write those down. And when you write those down, you're going to say, be honest. Just go through all those. Not all the times, but the one, the significant ones that come to mind. What has it cost you today? Let's be honest. Because if it's costing you things which are negative, then your unconscious mind is going to start to see, oh, it's not working, is it? Because everything, the effects of this are, uh, negative. And then I want you to think, well, okay, what's it costing me right now, today, holding on to this? And it could well be your health, could be finance, could be relationships, not just necessarily romantic relationships. It could be the family, friends, social work colleagues. Write it down. Write the answers down. All on the same side. Right or left, I don't care. And then what would be the consequences if you were to choose to continue to have this emotion and think about that? Just don't go mad. We got to be realistic. But what would the cost be? What would be the consequence if you continued to choose this anger or this negative emotion? We'll go with anger. And when you look at all of that, you might just want a summary. You can ask yourself, well, how is this working for me? And you know how the answer is. It nearly swore. It's not. It's not at all, is it? But I want you to be really honest with yourself, to know that your unconscious mind is doing something for a positive reason. But what are the effects now? Might have worked at the very first time, maybe the second time, but after that, it diminishes, and now it's causing you harm, it's causing you negative effects through negative behaviors, negative emotions. And then you've got the other side of the paper again. You got to write this down and make sure you do it.



    What beliefs would you rather have about yourself? And they'd be positive


    How would you rather be? Just think, how would you rather be. So what beliefs would you rather have about yourself? And they'd be positive. They're not, I'm not angry person, because that's a negative. I'm not angry. Now, how would you be? Maybe how I would rather be is a loving person, a kind person, maybe gentle. I don't know. That came to my mind. Just what belief would you have? And it's going to start off with I'm. Even if it's the subtle one, like, I'm okay, I've got this. I can deal with this easily, effortlessly. I'm the type of person that stands up for myself in the appropriate manner. So what beliefs would you have about yourself? Because these are identity beliefs of how you would rather be in place of the old way. So no negatives. So I would rather believe I'm not angry person. No, that we want these in the positive. How would you be if you had this right now, the way you want to be? What would you believe in yourself and write those buggers down. What emotions would you have instead in place of the old anger? So it might be calmness, might be an awareness, maybe reflection, maybe just feeling of comfortable. I love comfortable. Because when you're comfortable, you can access all different things. You can access different emotions. Thoughtful, empathetic. If you like empathy, you can have anything you want. There's one beginning with a common I can always forget the bloody thing, but that's the one I want. Now what behaviors would you have in place instead of the old one? Reflect on the behaviors that would come from those emotions. So if you're, I don't know, just say you were comfortable, well, maybe you would walk differently, you would breathe differently, wouldn't you? You'd probably see things more clearly. You'd be able to talk to yourself in a different way, wouldn't you? How would you like to talk to yourself in place of the old way? And as you think of that, you're seeing in some ways, and I know you've got to, got to see it. Even if you don't see it in perfect 2020 vision, somewhere in your mind's eye there's a vision of yourself. How, uh, you'd like to be believing about yourself in such a positive way, accessing really good positive emotions, having the behaviors, using the learnings you've learnt along with all the experiences. And when you're like that, how would affect you in the world? What would the effect be on you personally? I'm sure you'd be more healthier, I'm sure you'd have more opportunities. I'm sure your esteem would grow because you can be a warrior, huh? But you can also be a lover. You can be not a comedian, but have humor. You put those three together, that's a wonderful combination. So what would the effect of on you be when you're believing in yourself in that positive way, positive emotions and those behaviors, and how would that affect others, the people around you, your close friends, maybe closer than that. Uh, those one to one relationships. What about family? How would it affect your family? How would it affect you at your work, maybe in your social life, your health, life? M how would affect your prospects for living and life? And when you think about that, what would be the consequences of being like that? What are the opportunities that are going to come your way that in the past wouldn't at all, but now, when you're like this, what are those opportunities? What dreams could you have and believe they could become true? And when you imagine all of that as one, what would that feel like? And try to describe that feeling. You have to write this down. You have to. There's no, well, I can think about it. Cloughie. Uh, I can do this. No, you have to write all of these down because it's your reminder. You can go back to all of this. You can schedule some thinking time and expand upon it. You can do it daily, and then you can see the changes. You can make it richer. So you schedule in this and you imagine one of the things, how would I act? As if I was to act as if I have those beliefs, those emotions and behaviors, and the learnings and the experiences and those wonderful goals, how would I act? And if I was to act as if right now, what would that be like? And describe it. Yes, a lot of writing, but it's going to be so worthwhile. And it doesn't have to be pages and pages, but it's so worthwhile. So when you schedule just thinking, maybe just daily seeing that you, it's a bit like that ultimate vision of yourself, but just imagine yourself having let go and now acting as if see yourself over there being that person has all the beliefs, attributes, emotions, behaviors, the skills, and is continued learning and is starting to take those opportunities that come their way. And I'll tell you what happens when you do that. We were talking about, um, that NLP man within minutes on the stage, and it was literally probably about 1520 minutes. He had tears at the end of it, but there were tears of joy. Tears of joy, because he suddenly realized, I don't need that anymore. I've let it go. And he could see in his future, just, as I said, the consequences now of the change that he'd made. And we saw him during the training. From that moment on, he was a great participant practitioner up to then, but he just got so much more out of the training. And I know he went to see various, uh, people to explain just things, and he felt so much stronger for it.



    What happened when Geoff Thompson channeled and learnt from his anger


    So what happened to Geoff Thompson, this bruiser, this bouncer? I mean, he's like five black belts in five different bloody ways. He said he can kill you in five different ways and all that stuff. But what happened when he channeled and learnt from his anger, when he used that energy, first of all, to write, but write books that help people, help people create lives for themselves to be able to deal with the things that he dealt with. He also wrote, um, film place. Film place, scripts for films, whatever it is. And they were really emotional. This is this big bruiser now writing screenplays. And what happened? He won a bloody BAFTA. He's been writing plays. He's got books. He does talks, and he inspires people. I've talked about him before. He's such a lovely man. So he's let go of the anger, and he's learned from it. I believe he's learned. He says he's channeled it into doing all this stuff, but I just think his unconscious mind has learned from it. It's no longer protecting. How can we use that energy into different things? So it's just using the energy, not using the anger. That's my view. And, uh, what happened to my client? Well, he came back after the session, and I didn't know he was coming back. And, uh, my sons had taken. Had made the appointment for me. And when I saw it in the diary, I thought to myself, oh, bugger. Maybe it didn't work. That's the first thing. It's like that negative thing you think of. Oh, no. You always think the worst. Don't we? We do. Oh, no, it hasn't worked. But he came in and said, I'm going to pay for this session, but I don't want a session. I want to sit here and talk to you and explain to you what's happened. And he told me, he said, I've been to the doctor. I'll have been to the hospital. My body is now getting better. Everything is starting to get better and get, uh. Uh. All the dials are getting more positive. And all this stuff. I say dials because they don't look quite big. All his metabolism everything was changing for the positive back to normal health. He said, my son, we don't live together because we found out really he needs his time, his space, and so do I. But we meet and we meet often, and we have this wonderful connection now. He said, just as special, he said, you don't know where I've been last weekend, do you? I ain't got bloody clue. So I'll tell you where I've been, Paul. I've just come back from the christening of my granddaughter, and I stayed with my daughter and her husband and my granddaughter, and I was at the christening. And that's all down to letting go. These are the consequences to him of letting go of that anger and being able to access those positive beliefs, the emotions, the behaviors, and learning from everything. And yes, two of those people, my NLP man, or Joseph's NLP man, my man, they were based or, uh, used processes. But the processes, in some ways, what I've explained to you, learning from the past and then learning how you can change and be better in the future. Geoff Thompson, he created that same, I believe, similar process. He learned from the past, learned what was working. He knew if he carried on, it would have been a disaster, the consequences. And he decided to change and channel that energy into the good. So that's exactly what we've done today or in this episode. And so that really means I've put equals an equal sign in my notes. So can you. But there's a couple of pre work credits. One is you have to decide what you want and you have to decide to be it. Uh, acting as if. Just act as if you've got everything you need. Yes, I know you haven't done the work yet, but if you were just to act as it, that would change everything straight away and would give you the platform, the foundations. But when you look at what it's cost you and look what you can do in future and write down the things that would do that. Because here's the thing. If you say, well, I want to be calm, you've got calm inside you because you wouldn't know you wanted it. If you wanted to have whatever emotion or whatever behavior, you can learn it. And I know you've already got it in you anyway, because if you didn't know about it, you wouldn't know to want it or think it would be good. And these are the learnings you are using your conscious mind. End with your unconscious mind to learn. Learn what will work because they're coming from the experiences that your unconscious mind has missed because it's been using that old negative emotion of, say, anger. So you have to decide this or something better. That's what you have to ask when you do this, this or something better because that's then putting the lowest bar and you're going to achieve it more and more.



    Take charge, decide, become the driver of your bus, not be a passenger


    Now, as you know, there's a couple of things I want to finish off with. One of the things I wanted to tell you, I always put these notes on the side of my paper and, uh, what I want to tell you, what was this all about? And one of the things was, don't put up with it. Take charge, decide, become the driver of your bus, not be a passenger. Get empowered. Because when you're empowered you're at. Cause you're taking responsibility. We talk about, I can do this, I get to do this good. And here's the real thing, which is that taking responsibility, it's up to you and only you. No, don't give me any excuses or don't give yourself any excuses. Oh, I couldn't do it because of. No, no one makes you, you make you, you choose. Once you've choose and use the will to do whatever you, whatever you can, the will to do whatever you need to do, you'll get there.



    If you want more help on personal development, ask Paul Clough


    Now, I know this is a massive subject and I've just come there with hitting you with a mind map and a few stories and I know they're going to make a difference, they will, they'll drift in. Uh, but if you want more, want more on this subject or other subjects, what do you got to do? Well, ask, either ask somebody else, but you could ask me, ask me and we can then just as this episode and other episodes have come from an email from a listener saying, I've got this problem and I don't expect you to help, but I've just got this problem. Can you and a couple of emails and yes, these episodes have come to fruition and hopefully they're going to make a difference. So all you do, all you have to do is think and decide. Again, I'm going to, ah, ask, I don't know the answer but I'm going to ask Paul. Oh, Cloughie, see what he can do. Because thing is about it, if I don't know the answer straight away, I'm going to bloody find out the answer because you are now going to stretch me into finding new stuff, I'm going to learn stuff and I'm going to share it back with you because that's what I love doing. So please do ask. How do you do your email? I suppose you could do it on because I do have like an Instagram account and I do have was it x? Is it x now that used to be Twitter or Twitter, whatever you can find me by. I suppose you just search my name and you'll see my face and you'll see all the posts I put, uh, up which are all about personal development. So you know it's the right one. You could do it there. I think you can direct message me there or you just email me feedback at personal developmentunplug.com. That means no one gets to see the comments. Then it comes straight to me and we'll do something. And I'm not going to let you down and I'll support you in any way I can because I want to support you, getting you to where you, where you deserve to be. Um, and then even more. And I know that when I, when I do things like this, I learn myself and I learn, not just learn new things, but I learn to change myself as well. And hopefully then I become a better person too. That's what I want. So do that for me. Do that for me. And if you want, I know I always say share and things like that, but if you want to share this, I'd appreciate it. I really would let people know about this podcast because it's only a little one, but it's got, I think, some really good golden nuggets. So let's share it if we could. There you go, my friend. That's what all we got time for today. You've got some writing to do. Replay it. Replay the middle bit and follow and keep pausing it and writing those things down and let me know how well you do. And then from there, because when you do that, you might want a little bit of help. That's that email. Okay, go play. And love your feedback. Love your feedback. And you can do it in those other channels as well if you want to. Okay? So my friend, let's have more fun than you can stand doing this, knowing that you are going to create the most wonderful you and the most wonderful life for yourself. Look forward to that. So it's time to fly, my friends. Have more fun, as I said, than you can stand. Bye bye now.


    White, you are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend.


    Personal development unplugged.

    #376 Dealing With Anger PART 1

    #376 Dealing With Anger PART 1

    Dealing With Anger PART 1

    Another episode based on a listener's email telling of their battle with anger and how the effects were ruining every part of their life. And I know this is not an isolated issue having worked with clients with debilitating anger.

    It affects most of us to some degree or other and it is not, I beleive, acceptable in any way and yes I too have and do work on this.

    I have split this between two episodes, so they are just the right size to get it and the work on it. Even if you say to yourself Well I'm not an angry person - you don't have to be angry all the time to work on it - deal with the snowball before it grows bigger as it slowly rolls down the hill - nip it in the bud.

    The stories I share are of real people and how quickly they were able to let go of their anger and the effects when they did.

    And you won't have to wait long for the second episode as I've swapped it with the next FMQ.

    It's so important to learn about the negative emotions in our lives and how we can deal with them quickly and comfortably so please share this episode - you will never know how far the effect of doing so will travel.


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism

    Hey, your heads up. Heads up to the longer podcast. It's another listener question, and it's about dealing with anger, excessive anger, anger that is really destroying a person's life and the people in their life. We're going to go through that. I'm going to give you some stories, true stories, of what can be achieved easily, and effortlessly, and also a process that you can use. So get a pen and paper. Yes, it means writing, but do that because it's so important. So have a listen after this little intro, and then we'll get right into it.


    Oh, and I forgot, I've decided to split this up into two sections. I'm not going to leave you hanging. So it goes over a week to week, because I think it's important that once you start the process, you dive straight into it and you keep that motivation. But it was a long recording and I wanted you to get the basics. And, then in the second recording, actually sit down and work through the process so there's no distractions, no tiredness, no laziness. Say laziness. But I mean trying to put putting things off. You can actually concentrate and focus for that shorter period of time. And really home in onto that process or processes, because it's a process, but processes, they're all together. So bear with me because this is important. So, first part is setting the foundations, setting the scene, starting off the stories, and then part two will be getting into the process and, well, completing the stories. I hope, that's okay with you. And I say I won't keep you hanging. The next episode will be in the next couple of days or so. Okay. Hello. Hello.



    The longer podcast from personal development unplugged is about anger


    The longer podcast from personal development unplugged is with me, Paul, and I have another question, a, listener's question. So, one of the five or so listeners who are with you listening here. And it's all about bloody anger. Anger. I think we all get anger of some degree or another, don't we? But sometimes anger can be a real swearing, a real nightmare, a, ah, nightmare for the people who have the anger, and a nightmare for the people who have to suffer it along around them. So, anger has so many negative effects. It's a negative emotion. In my mind, it's a completely negative emotion and has no benefit. I've argued that for quite a few times, because some people think anger actually motivates them, and it can do, and I'll give you a story about that. But I don't think it's the best, emotion if you want motivation. But sometimes if you got it, you just got to maybe use it until you find a better way. You see, I know of people who have really suffered, really suffered with anger and the effects, and it's ruined their lives or it ruined their life at the time, because I've also seen it disappear in, in one case, literally minutes within one session. And that was when the time was right, the process was right. And I guess two people in the right place, because this was a long time ago, a long time ago, one of my early days, early days seeing clients. And this guy came along and said, I've got this terrible, terrible anger. It's so bad that my doctor has told me I need to find some type of psychological help, which is why I've come to you. Because everything within my body physically is going downhill, and in time, it will actually kill me. Oh, blimey, Riley. I thought to myself, this is a biggie. And I said, okay, well, we can do. Sure, I'm sure. Let's just start talking. He said, now, before you do that, I just want to make sure you can, if you're any good, because I said, let's have a look. He said, well, I want you to stop me smoking. Help me stop smoking. If you can help me stop smoking, then I'll trust you with this biggie. And I said, well, maybe the smoking is helping you. Every behavior is a positive intent, just like the anger. But maybe that smoking is helping you deal with the anger. And if we take that away, he said, no, no, I want to see how good you are. So we did it. And he came back, said, yeah, that's fine, dandy.



    Let's talk about this anger. You see, let's look at anger as secondary


    Let's talk about this anger. He said, it's so bad. As I said, my body is closing down on myself. My son, who used to live with me, can't stand me. So he's left my daughter, who's just about to have my first granddaughter. She's said, I'm not welcome. Not welcome to see her and have her new family when it comes, because of the way I've been said, I really need help. And, I'm not going to tell you this. I don't normally ask, about what's happening. I was bit inquisitive, but he told me, and, I'm not going to share that with you because it was just, it was a very, very emotional story. But his anger was so much that the voice inside his head was so loud all the time that these were the days of like the, Walkmans with a CD disc you put in and, what have you. He used to have it on turn out of ten in volume. So, you know, here, trying to drown out the noise in his head. That's how bad it was. And we did one process, it was just the right process just for him. Oh, there's a funny noise. And then, you see, it was all a matter of learning, learning at the unconscious level, not the conscious level. But we can do some learning at the conscious level because we're going to do it here today. But you see, it reminded me of somebody else who I really look up to. And there's a guy called Jeff Thompson. He used to be a bouncer. Not a nice man at that time, and even tell you he was not a nice man. And he said he used to get really, really angry because of the things that he'd suffered in the past that had in some ways not made him, but had created this man with, armor. He had tattoos and things like that. He had armor and he was like a doorman and he was in a really tough area and he excelled at that. But he said when he let that go and started to do other stuff and became very spiritual, he said he was still angry. But he would use that anger, and he would find a vehicle. Well, that was a vehicle, but he would find a destination, something that he could use that anger to a positive, effect. So not being angry and shouting at people, he would actually use that energy, the energy within him that was so volatile to do some wonderful things. And I even saw it, on my son's, Joseph's very first NLP training. There was a guy there, we were letting go of anger. It was just a topic on timeline therapy. And he came up to the stage to do the demo. We weren't quite sure because we never quite sure the background, but he found out that he had been holding on to anger for over 20 years, and it was still inside him, it still affected him. And in that demonstration, which was minutes, not hours, well, I'll tell you later. You see, let's look at anger, because for me, I say it's, a negative emotion. It's totally inappropriate in my mind. It serves no benefit. I'm sure it has a positive intention, I know, and the unconscious mind uses it. But to me, there's better emotions, better behaviors to use. You see, I think it's secondary, and I've been taught that it's secondary because you have fight and flight as your hardwired protection measure. It's hardwired in your neurology. No one can take it away. Your unconscious mind clicks into fight or flight. I know there's a freeze in there, but sometimes. But fight and flight is there, and, that really protects you. See, why would you need anger to protect you? In fact, why would you need all the other negative emotions to protect you? Because they don't work. But it's what your unconscious mind has found that works. Way back then, when you first experienced something and got angry and, it protected you in some way, maybe kept people away, maybe somehow it looked after you and it thought, well, I can continue do this or continue to keep doing this, but it's not appropriate, because if you don't learn, you see, I remember, and this is what really convinced me, that anger as well as fear, they're both secondary emotions that come after fight and flight. See, I was walking my dog. Another story, true story, walking my dog, taz. Beautiful little dog. Little got, him from one of those home things. And he was about four when I got him, I think, bless him, and he was frightened of everything. And we got him m through that, and we used to go for lovely walks. And he was a little bit of like a sheepy type dog. So I'd walk down the middle of, this green open grassland and he would run round the outside and he loved it. And then we'd meet up in the middle and then we'd walk home and one day we're doing this, and there was two or three dogs suddenly ran out of the side and started attacking, attacking him. So fight and fly. I suddenly went shouting at them, yeah, get off, get off, get off.




    And they did. But what I didn't see was the group of guys round the corner whose dogs they were. And they were either drunk or drugged or both. And they started coming for me. Now what are you doing? Shout out to my dogs now. Fight and flight. I could have tried to fight, but there was more of them. And to be honest, I didn't. I thought the best thing to do was to, flight to flight. So they couldn't walk very fast because they were a little bit jaggedy on their feet with whatever they'd taken. So I walked pretty fast and got taz with me and we moved pretty fast to get away from that. Then I got home and whether it's like an adrenaline dump or not, I don't know, but I suddenly got really angry. Angry. Why are those people? How can they be like that? How can they be so aggressive towards me? We were doing nothing. How can they be doing that? And I got so angry with myself. Why didn't I just suddenly stop and go, ra. And then the fear came in. Yeah, but what happened if they had knives or whatever, could have died, been attacked and killed. I got fearful about it. And then angry and fear. And they came after the fight. Flight. The fight and the flight protected me. Without thinking. It just happened. And then that anger and that fear started to, get inside me until I realized, do you know what? We did the right thing. We did the right thing.



    Find a therapist. What do you mean, find a therapist


    And maybe next time to be a little bit more observant and maybe go at different times and just keep an eye out. So I learned from that. Never had a problem again. So it was about learning. And then that anger and that fear just disappeared from that thing. But if it hadn't had done, maybe that would be like a significant emotional event. That's what we call these things in timeline therapy and NLP, a significant emotional event. And that could have caused me then to have those fear, either a fear or anger in other events in the future. Because my unconscious mind might thought, well, it worked, but it doesn't. So inappropriate. And they're totally in direct conflict with what your unconscious mind is trying to do, trying to protect you. But fear doesn't protect you, as we said, because it's bloody frightening. Anger doesn't protect you because you don't see, you see red. But if you're aware you're calm in a way that you can access the true skills that you need, that's what protects you. Being comfortable, being able to recognize a situation and act appropriately, that's protection. And you see, I believe all these negative emotions, such as anger, have a starting point. Again, as we said, significant emotional event an see, and it needs learning from. And once you learn, you won't need the emotion and the behavior anymore because you have learned and that what your unconscious mind was thinking and acting and using as a protection measure is no longer appropriate because it's learned. It doesn't need it anymore because you've got what you need. And therefore, in the future, anything happened, you'll use the learnings and they'll protect you. But the thing is, if you are finding, and, we're talking about anger and dealing with anger, but this could be, as you know, in brackets, any other bloody emotion, if it's really causing you extreme difficulty, then go to one to one. What do you mean, one to one? Cloughy. What I mean is find a therapist. Find a therapist. One to one. I know there's a lot of adverts about, you can do it by text, you can do it by phone. Have you ever tried to read the emotion in, a text? Sometimes even on the phone, you can get the emotion, but you can't see the face, and you don't know whether it's a joke or it's being serious. So I really believe if you can, one to one, whether it's on Zoom or whether it's in with the therapist, face to face, ideally face to face, because I love that, but for other people. But find that brilliant therapist, and it'll go really quickly, just as I said, goes quite easily. And you see, but what you can do, because even if you are going to look for a therapist or you're working with a therapist right now, what we're going to do now will not do any harm. It will, I believe, assist you to move on even quicker.



    Paul Cluff: Get ready for part two of the NLP process


    Okay, so that's where I'm going to end this episode or this, portion of the episode. This part one I want you to, if it's okay, is to just consider in your mind how important it is to you to let go of this negative emotion, to let go of the associated behaviors, to let go of the effects both to yourself, to, the people around you, to maybe your job, friends, family, even little old planet earth is not getting the best out of you, is it? And if that's really important to you, I know that it is. You can begin to set your intention. Set, your intent. Say that again. Set your intention for. I'm going to do this. I really am. I'm going to get a pad, maybe some. Just some paper, some pencil. Some pencil. some pencil. Get a pencil. Pen, because you're going to need it in the second part. And it's not big stuff, but you're going to need it, because when we start doing the process, we're going to start making notes that you can refer to. And it's important that you do, because once you start the process of putting things on paper, you will get inspired to write more. Not volumes, tombs, as they call them, I think, or tomes, but you'll get intuition, I think. And certainly in the second part of the process, you can build upon it, even, to make things even richer. I'm, not going to tell you what they are or what it means, but you will get inspired. I know. So have just a little muse and decide. This is it. I've had enough. This anger in brackets, any other bloody thing, closed brackets, is no longer serving me. And I want to find a better way. I want to find a better way. And I'm prepared to do whatever it takes. And, whatever it takes is literally not that much. So if that's okay, we're going to stop here and just collect your thoughts, maybe, and get ready. Get ready for part two, where we'll go into the process of, letting things go. Hope, this makes sense. I recorded it all in one go, and then I just had this, the intuition of saying, do you know what? I think we got to do it slightly different. So that's what we're going to do. Okay? So until next time, my friend, get ready, get inspired. I've got this, I get to do this. I'm going to have the will to do whatever it takes to change, change my life and create a rich life. Okay, there you go. I see you very soon. bye bye now. Oh, just before you go, just a re reminder, that if you want, to access any of the free hypnosis and NLP process tracks that I have, there's about 60, 65 of them I was looking at the other day and covers such a myriad of different things. If you do want access to that, please go to paulcluffonline.com podcast and you'll get an email giving you your link to those 65 plus tracks. You can just, unload them, download them and keep them forever. So please do that. And if you want, share that with other people as well, because that'd be great to give them access to all these tools. They'll make a difference. I know they will. They will make a difference. So if that's of interest to you, just go to. As I said, I'll repeat it now. Re reminder, paulcluffonline.com podcast. You'll also get a newsletter from that. And it sometimes is so regular, it might even be monthly, not normally. And they're very short. Just giving you an update of what to expect or what you may have missed. And sometimes they're just video. Who knows? So if any of that's of interest, have it with my compliments. Okay? So get ready for part two. It's going to be coming very, very shortly, and it's going to make a difference, I'm sure.



    Paul Clough leaves personal development unplugged to fly solo


    Bye bye now. Let's fly.


    You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend.


    Personal development unplugged.

    FMQ 429 Who Creates Your Reality

    FMQ 429 Who Creates Your Reality

    Who Creates Your Reality

    It's lovely to think you create your reality. It's said with abandon in self-development circles but is it really true?

    And if you don't who does?

    And can you - really?

    Well ............................

    Let's take 5 minutes or so to muse on this and understand how your reality is created and by whom. Come on, sit down for a SPELL and press play and I'll begin.

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    And here's a link to the video of this FMQ  https://youtu.be/fdvRnbCV2MY

    Shine brightly


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    #375 Back To The Obvious

    #375 Back To The Obvious

    Back To The Obvious

    That should be that isn't

    So many make, or try to make things complicated and hard to follow and I guess in their eyes it makes them look good. Oh! And this is not a rant on this topic, this time it's just an observation.

    This topic, Back to the obvious is about the thing we forget and is hiding in plain sight.

    I have seen it many times and one example of being brave was when my son, Joseph, went to an NLP seminar to see one of the originators of NLP, and what happened was   ........ You know the thing it's a podcast and you will have to press play and listen. But it made a lasting impression on me.

    Similarly, when I have had my doubts serendipity has stepped in on a similar vain - Yes Again, You know the thing it's a podcast and you will have to press play and listen.

    I guess you're getting the picture, loud and clear

    After you have listened and enjoyed the sharing please feel free to pay it forward and share to 3 more


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

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    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism

    Personal development unplugged podcast where we use hypnosis

    Hey, the longer podcast. A longer podcast. The one of many. Hey, and this one is, the title says it all, doesn't it?



    Cloughie: How often do you consider the basics


    Back to the obvious, if you know what the obvious is. And I, think what I'm going to be saying. Things like, the shiny stuff doesn't really work that well, and it doesn't certainly last that well. But what do I mean by shiny stuff? Well, let's go back to the beginning, because the beginning is where all things start. How often do you consider the basics? What are you talking about, Cloughie? I mean, practicing the basics. Practicing the basics of the skills that you've already learnt, because you had to learn them in progression, baby steps, until you got them in the muscle. We used to call when we taught NLP, or when I used to teach NLP, getting those skills in the muscles so they become natural unconscious. And I'm even thinking now, the skills you learnt of being you, maybe what brought this to me a long time ago was my son Joseph and I went all the way to Edinburgh for a It wasn't class as an NLP, training, but it was. And it was Richard Bandler. Richard Bandler was taken. Richard Bandler is one of the co creators of NLP, along with John Grinder. But this was Richard Bandler's gig. He'd called it something else, but it was basically NLP under a different name. And we were going through the days and to be honest, Joseph and I weren't getting an awful lot out of this, seen a lot of it, okay. We were well into NLP. So a lot of the things we were being taught we really did know and we were training it. But what happens in these trainings, certainly in origin, bandler training, he would take someone from the audience and solve their issue on the stage right there. Right then, without knowing anything about it, he would just put his hand, people would, would put requests into, on a piece of paper, in a box. He'd put his hand out his box. Have a quick read. Yeah, this will do. This is a good one. And he was working with this guy. And to be fair, the things he was doing weren't really cutting it, they weren't getting there, they weren't getting that change that he wanted. And after about half an hour, 40 minutes of really cracking it and not cracking it, he stopped and turned to us in the audience and said, would it be okay if I go back to the basics of NRP? And Joe and I thought, what do you mean go back? He said, I'm just going to use the basics of NRP. And he did the things that we were teaching, he did the processes that we were teaching and had been taught right at the very beginning, the very basics. And you know what? He smashed that problem. That guy from being supersonically depressed in front of us was a different man. And that 1st 40 minutes was a drag. The next 25 minutes was absolutely magical. It wasn't magic, but it was magical. And the thing is, we teach the basics because the foundations, they are the foundations because they work and they work simply. And that's why I really go back into in simplicity, there's genius, because it is that. Genius is the thing that holds all our things together. And the thing is, I get reminders of this. I obviously got that reminder from Richard Bandler. Keep the basics, keep doing the basics. And then every now and again a book will come along. I told you before, things were happening. And all of a sudden I found this book online about the early days of NLP and how those foundations were, in those days, the great big things, and they just bloody work, so why change them? And then I'd see a video along the line, I'd just be doing something and then a video would come along and I go, it's a classic. And I'm thinking, that still works. Still works because the process works. And the intention is there. The intention from either, the therapist? Well, both the therapist and the client. You see, I heard this and this seemed to again, come back to this. A teacher makes complicated things simple. so a teacher makes complicated things simple where others, and this was called like a guru. But the people who put themselves up to be gurus try to make the simple complicated. And m it does and they do, don't they? I've been moaning about this forever. People making things so complicated and then calling them their own, and they're not. And you have to question their intention. Now think of this. You go to the gym. We know when we go to the gym, if we do the basics right, we do the technique as best as we can. It'll generally keep you free from injury unless you do too much of a weight or something like that. But if you keep the right technique, the really basic of that technique, you will lift or do, better things than you could before. And you just get stronger. And you get stronger without injury. And that gives you more confidence and thinking of things like our own skills, our personal development. We don't get injured. We want to come stronger inside, become more confident inside with inner strength, which means using the basics in our mind, the things that we've learned. Now, I know this happens, and it happened to me right at the very beginning of my little bit of NLP. And it happens to everybody who seems to want to learn it. To start off with, we tend to rush for the hacks. Now, this is not just NLP. Now you see it on YouTube. The quickest hack. Hack this, hack this, hack every bloody thing. It's a quick fix. People come and ask when they come on a training m. Oh, please, teach me the shiny techniques, those little things. No, you see, if you just know techniques, but you haven't got any basics. If something goes wrong, you haven't got a bloody clue what to do, because you just know the shiny bits you don't know what makes it shine, and you don't know how to add shiny bits together to link them, to move them. And this can be inside you too, you see, without the balance of sound foundations, when things don't go the way you really thought they would, you can find a way. You see, I can remember seeing my middle son, Luke. He's now a professional magician and a hypnotherapist, so he plays with people's minds in all sorts of ways. But before he became a member of the magic circle, he would practice the simple things over and over again, making this one card come to the top, one card into the pack come to the top, go behind his hand, just over and over again so he could do it without even looking. He literally got it into the muscles. And what about you? Us, me? Do we do that? Do we practice those foundations? Do we practice the simple things that they become so natural?



    We need to get those basics. We talk about baby steps and some people don't like the term


    I wonder, something to think about. This is always in this podcast. It's to muse and consider and reflect and then see how we can use those reflections, because we'll also even look at people and go, oh, thing is, you can do that because you're a natural, but you're seeing their shiny, real, their best reel. Like when you see Luke with his magic, you go, it's a natural. But I saw him practice and practice and practice just the small basics behind the scenes. And it's an intentional practice. It's not just, boring practice, it's with intention to get it under control, put it in the muscle, do exactly what you, want when you want it, know what you're doing, doing what you know. And it just happens that way because you get it in the muscle, you get it at an unconscious level. And then when you become conscious and unconscious, when you know what you're doing and doing what you know, you're a master, and you don't have to master everything. You master what you know, doing what you do, knowing what you, knowing what you do too. But does it have to be hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours? Of course not. See what I'm going to share with you in a minute? You're going to say, oh, cluffy for. That's so obvious. That's so obvious. Cloughie, I know that. An example. I want to get strong or I want to lose weight. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the gym, but I'm only going to go once and I'm going to go eight to 10 hours straight. That's it. I'm going to hammer it out. All that time, do we do that? Well, some people do try, don't they? What happens to them? They get injured, they get damaged. It just doesn't work. And they get so despondent about it, they don't do it again because it's not appropriate, is it, to do that? Not at all. And there's no improvement when you do that. The only improvement is you're very much aware of the aches and pains. And the thought was, I don't want to do it anymore. Yes, I know. Sometimes we go to the gym and we have to push ourselves to our new personal best, but we don't do it every day. We need to get those basics. And don't we do similar things in different contexts? And sometimes we just don't do anything and wonder why things don't change. Some things, we just keep doing the same thing, over and over again and wonder why things don't change because of the way we're doing things. Or could we? Do you see, when I say over and over again, you might again. Sit down. I want to play the guitar. I want to play the guitar for an, hour and a half every day. Haven't played yet, but I want to play an hour and a half every day. I know when I did that, my fingers of my left hand were raw, pushing those strings down. They were like a cheese grater on my hand. Crazy. Did I enjoy it? Not a bit. Did I get better? No, I got worse through that period of time. When I came back to it, did I get better? No, I was frightened of it. I didn't get any confidence out of that. Now, you know that. You do know that because you're going to say cluffy. I know that. It's obvious. But what we could do, what we could do is just enough, and that's not just enough as an excuse, it's just enough to keep growing. We talk about baby steps and some people, I understand don't like the term. I'm doing baby steps. And they use that voice, by the way. They did baby steps. I'll call them little steps, little increments that makes it better for you because they're the steps that keep your interest. If they're too big, you get overwhelmed, you give up. But if you can have that goal in mind and the intention that what you expect to have happened, what you anticipate achieving and, what you want to have happen, you get that feeling of the wish fulfilled. And you put that into that step, each step slowly in pace for each session, and you begin to get your technique in the muscle. You begin to hone that way. And when that technique does get in the muscle, it becomes unconscious. And, what we can do is, it's the old 80 20% principle, but the other way around, we practice those basics 80% of that time, even if it's a short amount of time, and then do 20% new. And then you review where you are at the end of the week, and then you rinse and repeat, do it again, because you'll find even they think, well, I'm only doing the same 80%, but you're not. That 80% of those things that are in your muscle now are growing. You've got more techniques, you're better at it, so you get quicker at that, and you then do something new. And that new then becomes part of the 80%. And when you do look back and, we've talked about this before, look back to when you first started those sore fingers or whatever it was, you'll realize that this 80% you're doing now is so, much more surpasses that previous 80% by double. And that's a great thing. So then now we get stronger, we get more motivated, our self esteem gets higher.



    Take responsibility for your personal development by reviewing where you are


    Now, imagine applying it to your personal development. What are the things we want to do? Well, what do I know? Well, I got to have that goal in mind. I've got to be to see it, to see what I'll see, to hear what I'll hear, what will it smell like, what it will taste and get that feeling. And I hold that feeling in my mind and in my body. Maybe I'm going to anchor it, because I know anchoring now, we talked about that before, and then we use it. We find the right place. We just create an environment that's the best environment we can at that moment. If it's not the best, it's the best at that moment. We set our intention, all basics, and, when they're not working, just have a look and go, oh, I've moved away a little bit. Let's just go back. Now. If you did know that and you do it, that's bloody awesome. But if you're honest, we probably don't not know it. That is, we do know it, but we don't necessarily do it. or if we do know it and we do do it, we don't probably do it as consistently. I say that again, without a little stuttering in the middle. We don't do it consistently. And, it's that consistence, that resilience, that determination that this is where we take responsibility. We talk about cause and effect. The cause is greater than the effect. Well, if you take responsibility to create that cause, you are, now going to be creating better effects. And it all comes from you. And when it comes from you, you get more motivated yourself again, the self esteem gets better, you feel that inner strength because you become the cause, the cause of those increasingly better effects. And when you do that, you won't experience what we sometimes used to do in the past have. If, only I wish I'd. Can you think back? Or I wish I'd. Or only if I'd. If only I'd done that. I can remember thinking if I had practiced that guitar just for ten minutes every day for that last year, I'd be pretty good by now. But I didn't. I wish I did. And, I know this stuff and this is what I'm saying, I know it. But do I do it or do it consistently enough? No. And I think we need to do when we're doing those things when we've talked about before, by just reviewing where we are, reviewing what we want, making sure these are things we do, and then scheduling them out, taking responsibility and creating that life we want. So this could be for anything outside your life, the things that you want to do, the skills you want to learn, but also about yourself, working on yourself. And when you get there and you know you've got no regrets now. No regrets of. Only if I wish. If only I wish. Those regrets are gone now you can start looking back and going, now I know where I am and where I've gone or come from. And now where I am right now, what else can I do? Because if I could do that, I can do anything. It's like people who will go through my son's, Joseph's, mind mastery, getting rid of fears and anxiety, and we say to them, you've gone through that in a matter of weeks. What can you do now? Because you did that. You've gone through that course all by yourself. Well, not by yourself, though, supported by us. But you had to take responsibility to do all the work. You did it. You created this wonderful change in yourself. Now what could you do? What else? Because if you can do that, that's probably the hardest thing they could do. Now anything else becomes a breeze. And, I think when we do that, the one thing that we do, I just made a little note here, for goodness sake. Celebrate, celebrate every success. Doesn't matter how small that success is, how big it is, especially sometimes it's small. We go, oh, well, that's not yet, no, celebrate, celebrate big time. It could be big time. Just for 5 seconds. Yeah, I feel so good about that. Because you are now telling your unconscious mind, this is it. Forget ah, the bloody shiny stuff. I know it doesn't last. I know it doesn't work because the results are down to me. Yeah. How do I want to feel about this? I want you to feel, do you know? Yeah. It's time to put things right. It's time to create the stuff I want because I've got it in me. And this is how you get there. There'll be more of this, I know. On the longer podcast we'll carry on doing how to learn skills, how to put them in the muscle, some processes to let go of the negative, emotions or beliefs you have to stop you getting there. But this is part of the foundation. So, ah, maybe just review the things, you know, and then review do I use them? And how can you schedule in, continue using them and those the things you don't use. And remember, just be honest with yourself because can't kill a kidder and you can't kid yourself, you know.



    You can start creating massive change by just doing small baby steps


    So let's just take a moment or two while we're reviewing from the last podcast. Let's go back to the basics, back to the obvious, and start creating massive change by just doing those small baby steps, those little increments. And it doesn't matter where you are, how far you've come, there's still new increments to do to have lasting richness in your life. And in that way, I think you affect others. Well, I know you do, because you are actually being the change you want to be in yourself and see in yourself. But you're also being a change that you can see in others, because you are now the shining example. Just by doing it. People will see you, they'll notice you, they may even come and ask you questions, they may even ask you to mentor them in a roundabout way. Ask for advice and you'll know the basics and you can teach it. You can share them, share everything you learn then, because you've got it in your muscle. And one muscle you could use is to share this podcast, share it with everyone you know, and also get that little finger on that subscribe button. There are two muscles you need to work the sharing muscle, paying things forward, because that's a good thing to do anyway. Just makes the world a better place. Share what you know, share the episode. If you would be very kind. And if there's anything you want to know, or if there's things in here. Do you know what? Cluffy didn't quite get that.




    It's all very well, you're talking this way, but I've got this issue and, I don't know how to get over it. Send me that email. Few bullet points. How am I feeling right now? And how do I want to feel? And maybe a few little triggers, but they're the two things. How do you want to feel? And how do you feel right now? How do you do the things you do right now? And how do you feel? How do you want to feel? And we'll find a way. Feedback at personal developmentunplug.com simple email and we'll work out something together. I know we will, because that's what we're doing here. Ah. We're sharing our experiences and sharing the things we know that make a difference. It's all about sharing, and it's a good thing to do. It's a kind thing to do, isn't it? So, my friend, it's been very kind of you to spare your time with me. Hope you enjoyed it. Hope I communicated it in a way that it's hopefully a little bit inspiring and it gets you to do the things that you know you can do and excel beyond your imagination. There you go.



    Personal development unplugged. It's time to fly on your own


    So, until next time, my friend. You, that is. It's time to fly.


    Warning. You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend.


    Personal development unplugged.



    FMQ 428 Turning Pain Into Pleasure

    FMQ 428 Turning Pain Into Pleasure

    Turning Pain Into Pleasure

    Some human beings find it today acceptable to inflict pain to others for gain and we're the only species that does that.

    And my musing in this episode is how can we reverse that in our little world? Instead of pain how can we inflict pleasure, happiness, and good STUFF on the people we meet, our friends and family?

    It's a short but sweet episode simply to get those cogs whirring and hopefully action.

    If you enjoy this episode feel free to share with one AND ALL


    And the YouTube link:  https://youtu.be/6snGfgxyzZM

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

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    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,


    #374 Making Space

    #374 Making Space

    Making Space

    and not just the one outside

    Some of us believe our environment is the last thing to concern ourselves with. If you believe in your skills and know you can do them then you know you can do them anywhere. That means no excuses.

    But what about our internal environment? Our state of mind or emotion to get peak performance has a crucial part to play, I'd probably say the most crucial.

    I'll explain that more clearly in this episode, promise.

    So whether it's being able to work with your goals and dreams, problems, decisions, self-work, or anything you want to do well I think this is the dogs' b's.      :O)

    And we'll go deep into the things you can do to put yourself into the right state, emotion, in any environment so you can excel anywhere. That means no excuses.

    It's really simple and fun and works like a dream.

    So dive in and press play, it is a podcast after all

    Oh! sharing is good too


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
    Why not look for me and the podcast on > SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox

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    YouTube - copy n paste UC3BlpN4voq8aAN7ePsIMt2Q into search bar
    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

    Listen to Personal Development Unplugged on RadioPublic

    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    FMQ 427 Review Not Resoluting

    FMQ 427 Review Not Resoluting

    FMQ 427 Review Not Resoluting

    or should it resolution?

    If you have listened to this podcast for a while you will know I am not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions, in fact not a fan at all. Why? Because to try to make changes by tradition on one day of the year which are almost doomed to fail seems like a waste. Especially when we have 365 days in most years to create positive changes in our lives and can do it every one of those 365 (that's forgetting leap years).

    So in this 5-Minute Quickie, I give you something to muse (and do) that I think beats NYR's hands down.

    Come with me and let's muse and notice the difference that I suggest could make in your personal development, which is why you're here I guess.

    Oh! And as usual please share:


    And the YouTube link to see the lovely me


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
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    #373 Months of Therapy - Really??

    #373 Months of Therapy - Really??

    Months of Therapy - Really??

    I believe therapy should be quick, easy, and comfortable and I have witnessed so many times I think I'm right. Even if I wasn't, and I am, it's the best belief a therapist can have along with 'my client can do this!'

    So what follows is a little Cloughie rant and then suggestions on how therapy can be quick, easy, and comfortable.

    I guess this rant happens once or twice a year when I hear people, some may call influencers and aren't we all, say things that don't help anyone suffering and in need of help.

    Let me know your thoughts and please share and guide others who need help


    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

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    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    FMQ 426 Feeling Grateful But Differently

    FMQ 426 Feeling Grateful But Differently

    Feeling Grateful But Differently

    I don't know if you're like me, I believe in the feeling of gratitude and how it connects to your unconscious mind the feelings of what makes your life rich.

    Maybe, like me, you get stale in writing out 'The Act of Gratitude' in your journal. To me, it can feel repetitive and rote.

    So in this 5-minute Quickie, I muse on how can I still notice the things I'm grateful for in a different way and I think you may enjoy and do it too.

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    And the all important YouTube link: https://youtu.be/DmURKPqvMSQ

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

    #372 F#ck The Noise

    #372 F#ck The Noise

    F#ck The Noise

    How can we be free from all the noise that distracts us from being who we really are and can be?

    This is in effect Wakey Wakey #3 in an attempt to wake up from a dream, being sleep. Like my friend Tim Freeke's book Lucid Living questions are we dreamers dreaming this life or can we awake from it?

    For me, it's all the noise that deafens our senses and tries to manipulate our thoughts and behaviors.

    Is it just me, I plan my week, my days or should I say daze and when I look back over the day I find I missed and sometimes didn't even think of those things I intended to do. Please say it's not just you Cloughie. And what do I do when I notice this? I give myself a really good dressing down - How's that working for me?

    The thing is every year, maybe every month or week, there's new noise to take your attention away from creating a great life.

    So how do we combat this intrusion and manipulation? Well, I'll tell you by following in part Jocko Willink, David Goggins, and Joe Rogan to name but three ( I know there are so many more that guide me). So buckle up and come with me down rabbit hole #3 :O) and press play - it is a podcast after all.

    Please share:  https://personaldevelopmentunplugged.com/372-fck-the-noise-2/

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

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    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

    I’m a therapist but not your therapist

    The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner.
    Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.
    Why not look for me and the podcast on > SPOTIFY AND the app Castbox

    I'm also in iHeart radio

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    The Libsyn podcast page http://personaldevelomentunplugged.libsyn.com

    tunein, learnoutloud, Google Play Music

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    Music by Wataboi from Pixabay,
    Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay,
    Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay,
    Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,


    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism


    Hey, how you doing? This is, I guess, wakey wakey number three. Hashtag three, wakey three.


    And there may be some swearing in.


    This, and if I do, then I.


    Apologize in advance, because it's only going.


    To be the one word. But we'll see. They were in my notes because I.


    Got a little bit going with this.


    And the reason is, number three, are you asleep? When you talk about Cluffy, am I asleep? Well, think about it. Maybe you're just hibernating a bit, and, sometimes.


    I'm talking about me, really.


    These are questions to me that if you imagine you're me, I'm asking you for me. Are you asleep? Cloughy? Are you hibernating, are you in a daze? Because I bet you're like me.


    I bet you are like me.


    You have so many things you want to do. You're here, you're following personal development unplugged.


    But you want to make the best.


    Version of yourself, don't you? So you have things that you want to do. You want to do them every day. You set them out in your week. And like you, I plan them out. I sit down on a Sunday, generally Sunday.


    I've got a little bit of football.


    On Sunday afternoon football. And I get my little book out and I start to go through what I plan to do in the week. And then I put it into days. Things I have to do, things I want to do. And do you know what? It's so bloody annoying. Some things I do, some things I do.


    But there's sometimes the ones certainly, that have an appointment time on it.


    I always keep those. But some of those other things, I just find I miss them sometimes.


    It's not until the end of the week. And that Sunday, when I review the.


    Weeks that's gone, I actually see that I didn't even think about them. Didn't even think about them. Have you done that? And it upsets me. It nearly swore then, but it really does me off. And I think to myself, Cloughy, you've got this schedule that you do. You're supposed to be good at this. You've got a lot of skills. I've learned a lot of skills. I should be better.


    And we do.


    Should all over know. We go to the fridge and we know what we should eat, but we sometimes take that other thing out, that, little bit of chocolate. That little bit. Yeah, but I know we should do a lot of things, but I should be better, just be better at, finding these things. And when I miss them or I find I haven't done improve what I really wanted to improve, I really berate myself. Imagine in the mornings, I'm sitting there with this lovely journal to ask myself questions. Questions that will enhance my life. And what do I do? I'm sitting there.


    Imagine they're sitting there. I've got my lovely cup of coffee.



    This is the third time I've recorded on lucid living


    Maybe even put a little jostic up.


    In the corner of the room just to give that smell nice anchor to be. This is my comfortable place. And then I berate myself in that journal. I give myself such a ticking off.


    Imagine that voice is coming through my.


    Head, into my arm, into that pen. And I'm really going, why the buddy? How do you forget that?


    Is it a block? Is it this?


    Is it that? And, because I'm in that state.


    I'm not finding answers because I'm not.


    In a state to find answers.


    I'm in a state just to give.


    Myself a good old fashioned rollickin and that's when I start to think, or I did start to think when I. This little bit, maybe I'm. We. You are, still living in a dream, waiting and wanting to wake up out of this dream. Because if it wasn't a dream, and.


    I know we can do all sorts.


    Of things in dreams, but if it wasn't a dream and I had a dream, I'd be doing this stuff. So maybe we are just wanting and waiting to wake up. Tim freak, lovely surname. F-R-E-E-K-E. Tim freak wrote a book and it literally only takes half hour to read. It's called lucid living. And I listened to that. He's also got it on, well, I've got it on CD. Can you believe that CD? And I listen to.


    And it's in his voice on the.


    CD and it's awesome. Lucid living. And it's all about waking up. And I've talked about this before because this is the third time. Third time I've recorded on this topic. And you'd have thought by now, hopefully it's third time lucky. But you thought now, by now, I'd have woken up a little bit.


    A little bit.


    But maybe I have. Maybe I'm being a little bit hard on you. No, me. You. Me. Because we have changed. We have done. When I look back and review, yeah, things have changed. Some things have been a lot better, but I still think they could have been that much better if I'd woken up out of this dream. And it's not the daydreaming we've talked about daydreaming and deliberately daydreaming. This is just, Is it a metaphor? A metaphor that we're in a dream.


    And when we wake up at the dream, it'll just be because, you know.


    When you're in a dream and you're sleeping and you wake up, sometimes you.


    Think about that dream, and sometimes it's.


    Just like it's a new day. It's a brand new day and that dream disappears. So three times, third time. Third time lucky recording this stuff, because every year is what I was thinking about. Every bloody year there's new stuff to distract you. I've called it, noise. New noise to distract you from being awake and, my being awake is doing the stuff that I know will make a difference to me.


    And if it's making a difference to.


    Me, it'll make difference to other people.


    And it'll make difference to little old.


    Planet earth in a small way, but.


    If it makes a positive difference, and.


    Even in a small way, that'll be good. But it's bloody noise.



    Joe Rogan: When you become free of the noise, you become empowered


    And one of our meta notes is when you become free of the noise, you become empowered. But what type of noise are we getting now? Still having wars. Bloody wars. In this day and age, we're still having wars. How bloody stupid is that? We got all this, I'm going to call it crap, men versus women and all that stuff around. And this is not political at all, but this just looking at the distractions we're getting.


    Why, can't we just.


    Embrace men and bloody women, just. And let diversity, all these things coming along and bombarding us through this social media, the news, everywhere you bloody turn, there's things like this going on. There's politics everywhere. 1 minute it's the thing that's so loud in your ears, and then you don't hear a bloody thing about it, because there's something else even louder. And there's always some new noise. Other people, other things that are vying and trying to take your attention because.


    They are trying to take your.


    Not just getting you to be aware of things, but they are taking your attention to control, to control what you listen to. And there's only one. Well, maybe more than one, but you should certainly listen to yourself first. Control what you listen to. Be observant of what you're listening to.


    And, not just diving in and without the data.


    Maybe. Maybe. So each year I wrote this down, each year, cloughy, I seem to remember I'm, having to try to wake myself up again and again and again. Do you find that?


    Just thinking about what I'm talking about.


    Now, does that noise get on your bloody nerves? And we get lost in it sometimes, don't we? You hear or read something, you see.


    It on a little video on social.


    Media, and the next moment down that bloody rabbit hole. And if you stopped, even when you do stop, stop, and it's normally too long, but when you do stop, do you ever sit back and go, do you know what? I've learned something from that that has enhanced my life, that's going to make my life better? Not when it's random like that.


    Yes, sometimes that teacher comes along on the video, but that's when you got.


    To be looking for stuff, sending out that, vibration of I want to learn something, I want to get better at something. And then you'll find that stuff. It seems to come along with synchronicity. But not all that noise distracting you. And, what's it distracting you from? Being the best version of yourself. That's what I believe. And you see, to me, there's so.


    Much noise that we need to control.


    And the only person who can control that is you. It's us. We've got to take ownership, haven't we, really? Because here's a couple of things people I've talked about before just reminded me.


    When I was thinking about this.


    Jocko Willick, extreme ownership.


    And one of the words he says.


    When he gets a problem to deal with, he goes, good, good, let's deal with it. That's taking extreme ownership, and it is extreme. But with all this noise, maybe we do have to be extreme now. We have to look to these people.


    And not think that they're going so.


    Extreme just to pull us along a little way. We've got to maybe look at this David goggins. I get to do this. Thriving on getting to do the things that he knows. May be tough, maybe hard, but they're the right things to do.


    And the right things to do are.


    Generally just a little bit.


    They're taking us out of our comfort zone. I don't like that term.


    To me, it's more familiar because even.


    In that supposedly comfort zone, we're not that comfortable.


    We're maybe uncomfortable with that bloody noise. But I get to do this. I get to do this for me. Joe Rogan talks about just being responsible for you. They're the first three that came to.


    My mind, but they're the three people.


    I do tend to follow.


    And if you follow people like that.


    I think you get the bandwidth, you get the direction it all comes down to. No bloody excuses, no reasons.


    Oh, I can't do this because, of.


    No, that's a bloody excuse. Because you say, good, I get to do this. I'm responsible. And the only thing what gets me is I get this every year, third time, third year on the run, thinking like this. But if nothing else, I'm pleased. I am pleased with this. I did berate myself for thinking, bloody hell, cloughy. Another one. The same thing.


    And it's not the same thing because.


    Each year it's different, and each time the message will be slightly different. But if we do just sit back once a year and, review, I have to learn this. I guess and remind myself, re remind myself I have to be present. Bring myself into the present. And, know that we both own this moment, this moment right now in our lives, your life, my life.



    What could you use as a wake up call every morning


    And I thought of a little mantra, and this is where the swear word comes in. Because it just came to me. I just thought, fuck the noise, because it made me jump a little bit. Because this is my life, my day. My day in this life of mine might stop tomorrow. I hope not. I want it to go on for not ever. Because I'll lose everyone I love. If I. If I keep alive forever. Maybe I could find more people to love as well. That's another thought. But just this is my life. And this is however long my life is. Every day is my life and my day in that life. So I began to think every morning, what could I use as a wake up call? Because this is a wake up call to me because that's what people used to call these things, isn't it?


    You have something that shocks you a.


    Little bit, and they call it a wake up call. So wakey wakey. So what would it be like? imagine this. What would it be like being that.


    Ultimate vision of yourself? That ultimate vision of yourself would take.


    No bloody notice of the noise, would it? Because it'd be concentrating, focusing on making your life better. And, probably making other people's lives better, too, in that making of your life better. That's a lovely thing.


    And you don't have to do it.


    Too long, do you? You wouldn't have to do that for many seconds. If you just remind yourself of that.


    Picture of you, that ultimate vision of.


    You, the one you're striving to be, the one that you could be right now, by the way, and then get better. Because if it's in your mind, it means you've got those skills. Maybe we just need to hone them, practice them. So what would happen if you saw yourself every morning reminding yourself with that.


    Tiny snapshot of a visualization of that.


    Ultimate vision of you and feel it, how good would that be? What would the effect on your day be? I know it would be on my day. And, think of this for the moment because we have to be present. Just imagine this.


    You don't really need your eyes closed, but you don't want to be doing something.


    By the way, if you're driving, you can listen to it, but don't think about this. Just let it go past. But if you got a moment, just think, this very moment is now. And this now keeps move. Well, it doesn't move. It stays here. Things are just happening. But in this very moment in time, what can you hear? Just notice what you can hear. Listen.


    Listen to the noise.


    Maybe I've just heard my stomach when.


    I was thinking that my stomach just.


    Get a little growl. I can hear things happening outside because it's raining and I can hear the raindrops hitting the roof of this little studio. What else can you hear? They're mine. And the more you listen, okay, you can hear the things which are right evident or right by you. But as you listen even more, you may hear things just slightly more in the distance. All these things happening right now. What can you see? Just look around. Good to be observant, but just look around. All the things that you weren't taking notice of, they were always there. But now you can, you can notice these things. Open up your peripheral vision. Notice a beauty. Look for beauty in everything you see. Maybe there's a logo there. Who did that? Who had that idea? Maybe the things you're wearing, the people around you, the things around, just notice everything that you're looking at and can see you right now. Maybe what you can feel, if you're standing, you're sitting, actually feel in your body, the structure you're standing on. You're sitting in, you're laying in.


    Maybe you can feel things with your.


    Hands, your fingers, even. Sometimes if you can hear that, I says me tapping my little desk just to tell me I'm here right now. And, as you just think of being here right now, fuck the noise. This is me. This is my new meme, by the way. I'm gonna try not to say it out loud too much when I wake up in the morning, but inside, want to wake up. I want to wake up every day and hear the world as it is right now. See the world as it is right now. Feel the world in the smell and taste right now. Be in the beauty right now. Because when I'm doing that, I can discern from that crappy noise. As we said, things like news. Yeah, we got to know about some things, but hear the right news, hear the balanced views.


    If you're going to get interested in.



    Taking ownership of the day right now in the present, knowing what to do


    Things, look at the data. Don't just take people's words for it. Maybe because there's an agenda there, maybe, but create your own noise, your own you in the day with that visualization of the ultimate vision of you. This is where I am. This is where I'm going. What am I going to create today? What am I going to create today. When am I going to take extreme ownership? Good. This is mine. When am I going to say, I get to do this, David, go. I get to do this. I'm just responsible. No more excuses, no more reasons. If I've set out something to do, I'm going to do it.


    And if something even better comes along.


    I'll decide whether I do that instead of the thing I'm doing. I will decide. I will become responsible for my decisions, my choices. Because this is my day, my bloody day. And every moment is my moment. And no other bugger is going to take it away from me. I will choose to share it with you as I'm doing now, because I want to share these things with you. Really helps me, by the way, because.


    This is going inside me.


    I talk about the way to learn something or understand how well you know something is to share it verbally with other people. Can you communicate it? And I don't know how good a job I do as communicating this, but I'm getting to get it in my own head. So if this resonates with you just a bit, find a way to trigger it. Taking ownership of the day right now in the present, knowing and choosing what to do. Remind yourself. Find a way to trigger and remind yourself. It could be as silly as some sticky pads left on the side of a door frame that's at eye level. So as you walk through that,


    We won't write fuck the noise on.


    That, because that's a bit rude, but maybe just. This is my time.


    I get to do this.


    Good. This is my time. Maybe you just stick a little sticky note on a few door frames at your eye level. Yeah, it sounds silly, but you'll get it.


    Maybe on your computer screen, maybe on.


    Your phone, maybe just stuck on your alarm as you wake up. This isn't a clock. This is your time. And the more outrageous, the better. There's a couple for me and I wonder what they are for you. How outrageous could you be to remind yourself, this is your time, your day, your moment, no one else's. You're responsible for it.


    So everything you do, if there's something that doesn't quite work out, you're responsible.


    For that and you'll learn from it. So if this has resonated with you and you think, yeah, Paul, they're great.


    Things to do, I'll just do those.


    Absolutely superb. I'd love to hear how that wakes you up.


    But if you've got something even more.


    Outrageous that something just suddenly springs to mind, let me know. So let me know both of those. You can email me feedback at personal developmentunplugged.com. I'd love to know what yours.


    Are because they're going to inspire me and I want to share them with other people, share them with myself.


    So we all get to live every moment. And that's the target. That's the goal. And if we can get to 80% of that, we will be outshining every other bugger on the planet. Well, not every other bugger, because they might be doing the same, but not. But we will be so ahead of 80% of the rest of the world. And then we can show them they're not bragging. Then we can show them by example, how good life can be, how not to get distracted. Wouldn't that be good?


    And again, as I've shown this with.


    You, trying to, get it deeper into my mind, clearer in my mind, it would be great if you could.


    Think about this and maybe share it with somebody else. Just use it as a discussion about.


    How noise distracts you and how you can bring yourself back into the moment. Sharing this podcast would be awesome, too.


    Because it might, just might not resonate with everybody.


    And that's cool.


    But if it resonates with one person.


    Just one person, we've both done our job. We've both done something that makes a difference. And that one person may just make a difference, and we'll never know how far the ripples have changed. Go, will we? But we know, they're going in such a way, like the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect. We're just flapping our little wings this side of the world, knowing that as the momentum builds, it's going to make a difference. So please do share this episode.


    Stick a thing on that. Tap that subscribe button, follow button.


    That would be great, too, but this would be great.



    And I got a feeling this is coming up to, if you listen to


    And I got a feeling this is coming up to, if you listen to.


    This as it comes out, it's probably.


    Coming up to new year.


    So if it is, happy new year. And if it isn't, I'll buggered it up. But this is something we could just muse about.


    So when we do actually put these things into our, schedule for the.


    Week, the day we know that we're going to do it, we're going to make a difference.



    Paul Clough says it's time to fly on your own


    So let's go and make a difference, my friends, by having more fun than we can stand in this very moment. The present. Give yourself a present of the presence, things like that. Because it's now time to fly. I'll see you next time, my friend. Let's have fun together. Bye bye, now.


    >> Speaker A: Warning. You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend.


    >> Speaker E: Personal development unplugged.

    FMQ 425 Rewind To Kindness

    FMQ 425 Rewind To Kindness

    Rewind To Kindness

    A little bit of a personal sharing of a behavior I am not proud of and want to change.

    I think when you listen you may well experience the same emotions and behavior and know its consequences if not checked.

    And the thing is we know it's not a good thing to do or be yet we, well me, still do it.

    But I found the simplest way to make amends and recognize the failing and thereby hope we, I, will get it right more than I get it wrong.

    What is it Cloughie, this behaviour?!!!

    Passive agression - passive agressive. And it's not that passive is it?

    It's only a 5-minute quickie episode so have a listen and see if it resonates. After you do please share:


    Oh! Nearly forgot the YouTube link if you want to watch https://youtu.be/Q8dBIWpRc14

    Shine brightly


    Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. If you have enjoyed this or any other episode please share and subscribe. Just email me feedback@personaldevelopmentunplugged.com

    If you want to subscribe to the podcast (I know you do) click here to learn more
    Or simply click here to go straight to Apple Music / iTunes to subscribe OR leave a review

    Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

    If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

    Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

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    #371 Day Dream Believer

    #371 Day Dream Believer

    Day Dream Believer

    Are you?

    Do you?

    What do I mean about all that? Well, we all daydream and most of the time we don't realize we're doing it. That can be a bit of a shock if you are one of those people who think they can't visualize because you do it perfectly when you daydream.

    The thing is I am not talking of those daydreams we simply get lost in and then forget them when things interrupt us.

    So what are you talking about Cloughie? I hear you ask.

    I am talking about deliberate daydreaming, using this natural superpower, this natural phenomenon to create confidence, success, and anything you want. The great thing it's easy, simple, and takes no time at all or as much time as you like because when you do it the feeling you get is also great!

    How am I going to do that Cloughie?

    Well if this was an article I'd write it out for you but it isn't so as always you will have to press play, listen, and take notes. And maybe get yourself a Dream Book - available at all good stationers  :O)

    Please share


    Shine brightly


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    And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism

    Paul Clough: Daydreaming can make your life so much better


    >> Speaker A: Hey, you over there, listening. I hope you're listening anyway. Well, I wouldn't be talking to you if you weren't listening. And this is me, Paul, and I'm thinking about things that simply unnatural and actually using the things that simply come naturally, because the simple things, as we know in simplicity, there's genius and all that, things we love that bit. And if it's natural, a natural phenomenon, it means we're using the things that happen so natural, we don't have to make them happen, we don't have to add a process to it, do we? Or if we do, we can add something at the end to make it even more better. So, I've got a question for you. Have a think about this. Well, not think, just think very quickly, how often do you dream, and I'm not talking about the sleepy bye bye's dreams, those ones, and I have some weird ones, but sometimes, have you noticed in some dreams you can wake up and still be dreaming them? That's weird. But that is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about when you really daydream, really trade. Say that again. A really daydream. But the thing is, it's not that, what I'm not talking about and the stuff I think we do quite often is not that, oh, what will happen if it all goes wrong? Nearly swore. If it all goes to that pile of stuff in the corner there, what would happen then? That's the type of dream that we daydream, don't we? And we have, they're the things that we do so naturally. And when I talk to people about do you visualize stuff? They go, no, I can't visualize. I don't know why they're that type of voice. But they say. Sometimes people say, I can't visualize. But I know for 100% truth that when you start to think in these negative ways, we daydream like a gooden, and we can see how things can go really wrong. We can make it up so well because it is a dream. We can add sounds, we get feelings out of the bloody things. It's not even happening. And we can feel them, feel them. And that's just really like a dream. And we feel things in dreams. So something in your mind you can hear, you can see and feel. And the thing is, it sometimes isn't just a one off event, is, ah, it. It's like a bloody miniseries. Bloody miniseries of negative things with umpteen bloody episodes, each one getting a little worse. Because you thought it could get this worse, and then something inside you. Well, what happens if it even got worse than that? Or if this happened? If that happened. And when we do that, we tend to get lost in our thoughts. And I mean lost. We just get lost in it. And we feel it. And those emotions stay with us, don't they? Those fears, the anxiety. I always think about impostor syndrome because we might get it at the time, but I know that we get it before, when we think about doing things. Who am I to do this? I don't deserve this. I'm not good enough. They'll find me out. And that's before you even start the bloody thing. But you see, I am not talking about those ones where we're lost in those type of thoughts. In fact, not lost in thoughts at all. Because sometimes even we'll think about things, and then we're so lost, we don't even remember the bloody thing, because something else comes along. And you see, that is a natural phenomenon. And being lost in your imagination can be great, really can be great, can it could be expansive, experiential, it could be weird, could be outrageous. But to me, as long as we remember, we remember that weird, we remember that outrageous, we m remember the inspiration that we were making and having, and, noticing the experiences, the richness of life. That what I'm talking about, that's the dreams I want. That's real daydreaming to me, because that's doing something of a wonderful, positive way. And the thing is about those, they may come to absolutely nothing. And I've had daydreams like that, where something is so great. And I thought about it. I thought about it. And then thought she. I, don't think it's going to run. And I don't do it because it's not that important to me. But then I'll have another one. And I get so fired up and in the moment I start the process. And sometimes I start too quickly and it peters out because I hadn't gone through a process of working out how to do this thing, but it fired me up. But you have to think about this. No, you don't. Well, I do. Where the hell did that bloody thing come from? Where did that weird, expansive, experiential, outrageous, weirdly wonderful, inspirational little dream come from?



    What about deliberate daydreaming with intention? Because it works


    Well, for me it can only come from my unconscious mind because I wasn't consciously doing it. And even I was sometimes consciously doing it. I'm accessing the stuff inside. And you see, you could if you wanted to, even if. And this is what I try to do. And I say try because try means fail. That doesn't. Sometimes I stop remembering because it goes so quickly. But have a dream book. I've told you about these dream books before. They're on sale everywhere. They're just not under the title of a dream book. I used to sell a book called my dream book, but it's all about putting stuff into the future. But a dream book is, as I've said before, I could sell them to you if you get in touch with me, or they're available wherever you want. A dream book is a piece of, well, a load of bits of paper. Normally plain paper, because I like plain paper. And they're bound with two hardcovers. or a soft cover, because it's a bloody book. A book with plain paper in. And on the front of it you put my dream book. This dream book belongs to me. Anyway, that's that bit. But we'll talk about that a little bit later. But you see, here's the thing. What about deliberate daydreaming? Because it works. I've told you that. Didn't mean to say it that way. I believe when we have those expansive, weird, outrageous, intuitive, inspirational dreams, well, they can come. But what about if we did that deliberately dreaming with intention? Because I think when we dream with intention, we get our unconscious mind to join in as well as our conscious mind. Our, conscious mind being the goal setter, our unconscious mind being the goal getter. And that means we're goal setting, as it were, to dream, to dream in a way. And it starts off, I guess, with everything, you have a goal in mind. So it's not just necessarily random, but it can be for ten minutes. You might just want to sit down and randomly dream of everything you could possibly want to do. That's a wonderful thing to do. Have them in that dream book. Write the suckers down. Old Joe Rogan, he didn't say sucker, but he said, write that sucker down. And I believe that you'd write these things down because you'll always come back to them. They may be stupid at this moment in time, in your mind. They may be silly, outrageous, too outrageous for you, too weird. But you never know. As time goes by, you look at it again and you go, do you know what? I think I'm going to have a go at that. Or I'm going to change it slightly. You see, if you have a goal, a wish, an end in mind, maybe we've tried to follow it and it wasn't right. You see, sometimes we do that because we've got those bloody negative beliefs, as I said, those first sets of daydreams, but they still have those beliefs. I'm not good enough. I'm stupid. I can't do this. Then we get the fear of the anxiety, and they're just to really protect us from any failure. But how can it be failure when it's in your mind? That's the thing. This is in your mind. And we all know that failures are not failures if we learn from them. But when they're down in your mind as an imagination, a, visualization, those thoughts that you can just allow to go to anywhere, any type of scenario, any type of action, and notice what happens. It's as if you're doing it in real time, but without the result, as it were, that, if it didn't work, quite work out the way you wanted to do, you haven't lost anything. You've learned by it. But if it did, you know what to do. So you can start. So you think, let's just rewind slightly. Let's go back to that dream, that dream that want, that you have, the dream that you want to create in your life, that goal, the boring, some people call it boring, but it is a goal. It's an aim in mind. And if we daydream with intention, the intention is to learn. To learn what may be possible, to learn what may come up so we can mitigate against it. To learn what it will bloody feel like. Because wouldn't it be absolutely disastrous? And I, don't know about you, but I've done this before. You have this intuition. You go for it. You don't think about it. You just go for it because it's something that's been on your mind. You put no planning into it because you go, I'm going to go with my inspiration. Just my inspiration. You put a lot, of effort into it, time. And when you get there, you finished, or you're going through it, and it's not what you want. It doesn't feel good. You're not getting the feedback that you wanted. You're not getting the feelings, the richness, the success. And I think we can alleviate that now by beginning to, as I say, daydream with intention. And as we do that, we can start to ask questions in this daydream.



    Ask yourself what would it be like to succeed at this dream


    So we think of the goal in mind, the dream, the dream we want to have realized. And, with the intention to find out, to be inquisitive, curious. We can ask things like, what will it actually be like to succeed at this? What would I see along the way? and what would I see when I get there? What type of things would I speak to myself, my internal voice? Would it be encouraging? Would it be. What would, what would I say to myself to make it encouraging, to motivate myself? How would I hold the big picture of the final result while holding on to the steps along the way and the feeling of motivation. Maybe there's a smell and taste of success. You can imagine that now, couldn't you? Just thinking of that goal and just asking yourself, what would it be like along the way? The journey, the adventure, I like to call it not the journey, but what would it be like? Would it make my life better or worse? And sometimes that's a bit difficult to think of it. You say, well, what would I lose? Because some people say, well, I'll lose my anxiety, I'll lose my fear. But some people might say, well, I'll lose my friendships, the people I've grown up with, because I'll be moving on. What will I gain? Well, I might gain competence and confidence, new skills. My self esteem may get better, stronger. I may gain new friends. And I think, as you know, that you can again, write that sucker down. Any concerns you have, any things that you think you're going to gain so you can mitigate one and make sure that you plan for the other. You can ask yourself, in this intentionalized daydreaming, what steps would I have to take? The very last step to make sure it happens. The very first step. You can just think about that, and you can see yourself doing it, see what it feels like maybe you look at that first step and you go, whoa, that's a big one. Maybe I've got to think of a smaller step because that's too big and too overwhelming. And when things get overwhelming, we get panicky, we get anxious, and we just, well, we lose our motivation, we get overwhelmed, and then we have this wonderful excuse of saying, I'm a procrastinator. Well, you're not. You're just taking too many steps about too many things where we just want the very first step, the step of the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Because if you can really feel what it feels like to have succeeded, but have that feeling of success on the very first step, acting as if you've already got it, but this is what I've got to do to get it, and it's all in your imagination. You can write that sucker down. Maybe as you look around in this daydream of yours, you can see what type of help you'll have had, have had to have had or help that you need. Maybe there's people that you need to get on board with. Maybe there's people you just need advice from. Maybe there's other resources. You got to think of what other resources you have, because we can take skills from different contexts and, put them into this wonderful daydream. And as you do that, guess what you're going to do. Write that sucker down. So now we've got a daydream in all its wonderful technicolor and going off in all different directions in a way that we're really making it so rich in the steps, the way, the process, and, we've written it down so we can come back to it. And again, you might want to just think when you're dreaming. I say that again, when you're daydreaming with intention, you want to learn something about that dream, don't you? What can you learn about this daydream? Because you might find out that as you go through this daydream, you go, actually, I've spent ten minutes on this, writing this sucker down. And as I look back now, do you know what? It's not really floating my boat. I've realized maybe that it's something that people say we should do, peer pressure, and, I don't want to do it. It's not going to make my life better, really. At the end of the day, are we spending all this energy on something I'm not really that interested in now? What a wonderful learning that would be. So write that sucker down. But also what could you learn from that dream that you could use in other dreams, other projects, other goals to make them more successful? And where do you write that sucker down? In your bloody dream book. That dream book that belongs to. That's right, you. And, why I keep saying, write that sucker down. And I know people go, oh, Paul, this is so hard. Intellectually, you know this bloody stuff. And if it was just intellectually knowing stuff and that works, you'd have done the bloody thing already. You'd be using this process right, left and center every time. But it's not intellectual. It's about doing. You can know the stuff, but if you don't do it, it's a waste of time knowing it, isn't it? What's the point of knowing stuff that will make you a success? Create dreams into your reality, or your reality into that dream, or whatever the term would be, creating your own reality in the way that makes you feel wonderful. Rich. Lost my train of thought there. But you see, what is the point? Oh, I know what is the point. If you just know how to do it, but you never do it. No point whatsoever. Because the one thing about it is you won't get that dream. And in fact, probably, if you don't write it down and look to see where the process is, something else will come along. Something else just as interesting, I can read and know and not do about will come in and push the other things out. And so you'll have this wonderful library of absolute dross, because it might be superbly interesting. But if you don't use it and you just talk about it, talking the talk doesn't do anything. We know that we have to walk the walk, or walk that talk. So get that dream book, and you'll find, as you do, that, you'll go, this is. I'll say that again, this with a. The, This is really interesting. I may not use this now, but, if nothing else, I'm learning how to daydream about things that are going to be important to me. So when the real important stuff comes up, the really intuitive, outrageous, courageous, whatever you want to call it, weird, wonderful intuition comes to mind. You've got this skill buttoned down because you know how to do it. You know how to write it down, and you know how to start. That's why. And if you think about it, what about we just talk about dreams and goals? What about your personal development path, if there is such a thing? But it's a path you're on, isn't it? Path you're on to create the wonderful version of yourself, the best version of yourself. Every day, maybe, hopefully every day.



    You have areas of your life that you want to improve


    But certainly you have this set of missions maybe to, because the reasons you're here, there's areas of your life that I know you want to improve. And how do you do that? Here's a process. Now daydream with intention. So you look at the areas of your life, and we've done some of this with wills and spokes and talked quite a few, quite a bit about this over the last few months, I guess. But now doing it with intent, daydreaming with intention. So you get that context of the life that you want to change or you want to improve, you want to get better at. And again, you just stayed dream. How do you want to be? See it in all its glory, hear everything about it inside, outside, the smell and taste and feel what it would feel like taking the steps. And some of them might be a little bit difficult. But sometimes those difficult steps are brilliant because you get to do it. You have this privilege of getting to be the real you. And when you make that effort and you conquer that effort, shit, you feels brilliant. And you can even think, and I know this happens, you work on one area of your life to make that better. I guarantee you, and I don't do many cloughy guarantees, but I guarantee you other areas of your life will improve too, as you get more confident in that area that wasn't quite so confident. I know the confidence grows in other areas, too, because the ripples of your change in that one area will go so far and wide in all the other areas, and they'll affect other people in your life. And you can daydream about that. Who will this affect? And will it affect them positively, negatively? How can you help them grow? Maybe by showing them the way and daydream it. And it doesn't have to be a three hour bloody movie. You can do it in little ten, five minute little snapshots. Maybe just think. Sometimes you say, well, I've done this before. Didn't really work. Okay, great one daydream. What do I have to do differently? How do I have to be different? Those wonderful two questions. What have I got to stop doing that? if I stop doing, I start to get the result. What have I got to start doing that I haven't been doing to get the result? What do you do with all that information? you've got it. Write that sucker down. Oh, in the dream book, you will be amazed. You'll thank me for it. I promise you, first of all, I've got to write it down. But as you write things down, it gets so inspirational. I mean, what would happen if you took ten minutes a week to dream wild stuff in your life? We've talked about this before, maybe with an Od intuition. Could this be the one to change your life completely? Because that's what's happened to people before. They get, that one little inspiration. Where did it come from? Don't know. Well, if you start making ten minutes a week, only, ten minutes a week to daydream with intention to dream wild stuff. What is the wildest thing I could think about doing? Most outrageous, most weird. Write that sucker down in your dream book and then come back to it. There'll be stuff in there. You're going to go, do you know what, Cluffy? This is what I say to myself, cloughy, I don't know where you got that from. That ain't going to fly. Tell you that, mate. It's not going to fly. And then in brackets I put yet. And they'll look at others go, well, that won't fly either. But it does give me some thoughts, some motivation, some thoughts about another thing I was doing. And I can take some of that and put it into that. So it's done its job already. And the thing is, each time you do this, can only have a positive effect on your life. Cannot have a negative effect. It cannot. It can only have a positive effect on your life. So why wouldn't you do it? Because even those negative beliefs we started talking about, I'm not good enough. I'm stupid, I can't do this. I don't belong here. Oh, I've got this fear and anxiety. It's in your head. And when you start to realize it can only have a positive effect in your life, all you have to think of then is, well, what's the most positive belief that would support this? Because I'm going to bloody do it. I get to do this. Great. And then what you do is you think, well, this is the one. So what do we do? We schedule it. Put it in our diary. Make time for it. Oh, and write that sucker down too. And put it in your diary. And make sure, you then review the bloody thing. Review that you've started for and then review that you've. What pace you've set, what changes have you made? Do you need to do something differently? And, then if you wanted to, you could visualize it where you are and where you're going to go even more. Maybe you just have to look at some notes or just make some more notes and connect it to other bits. Everything keeps changing. And I think because we're flexible, remember those five keys to success? One was know your goal. Well, we've had all that in here, haven't we? But flexibility. How can I make this even better?



    There's loads of ways you can get help through this podcast


    What a wonderful question. Then write that sucker down. M and that's how I finished off this, my notes with. Hm. Dot dot, dot, dot, dot.


    >> Speaker A: See, if you wanted some help, there's loads of ways you can get help through this podcast. I know there's thousands and millions of other podcasts you go to as well, and you ought to. But on this podcast you've got wonderful resources. You've obviously got a back catalog, of, I don't know, some 700 bloody episodes from the five minute quickies and the longer podcast. So we've covered most subjects. You've got those free hypnosis and NLP processes. So anything you need to learn or change your state and do all that stuff and get your imagination going, there's loads there. 60 plus hypnosis and NLP processes there. And you get them from personal source. No you don't. You get them from paulcluffonline.com podcast and play with those and download them. And you don't have to them all the time, but just pick one. And maybe that just get your unconscious mind to inspire you. But yeah, you could even write to me. I'd love you to write to me. Especially how this has affected you if you've done it. And if you haven't done it, maybe I'd love to know what feelings you got about not doing it. So we can do a process to let go of those feelings. So you can really get on board with making your life the richest life you can ever imagine. Knowing that we're just simply using what comes naturally.



    You can do this in anything, with anything you can dream of


    And one of the things I thought of, because I've got this little like a format that I make some notes around and it's one of the things what I want to tell you about in this episode, and it really is, it's like taking responsibility, this thing that we just get to do this privilege and to remind you it's up to you. Nobody else can create your life. People can try to control it, and you can let them if you want to go on the effect side of life. But when you come at cause it's up to you, up to you to create and then the doing. So I just want to inspire you, to let you know that you can do this in anything, with anything you can dream of. So start dreaming intentionally. And, why is it important to do this thing that comes so naturally? Because it just bloody works. That's what I just wrote about. Why is this important? Because it just works. There, you go daydreaming, daydreaming with intention, and just add this to your little set of things. Ten minutes a week, maybe ten minutes. If you do this, ten minutes a day. My God, I tell you now, at the end of the month, when you review the weeks, the four weeks that have just gone by, you would realize you have changed or created so much in your life. It would be absolutely, I haven't said the word all podcasts. It'd be absolutely awesome, be incredible, be brilliant. And the thing about it is, you would be the one who's done it all down to you. And that means you can do more. Yeah, have a think about that. So I hope you enjoyed that. I also hope that I communicated in a way that's pretty clear. And if I didn't, let me know that feedback at personal developmentunplugged.com email. Just send me a few notes. But I hope there's golden nuggets here that you can use and you can share. Because if you just share, this episode to somebody, you don't have to share it to 50 people. 30 will do. and imagine those 30 people. Oh, dear. But imagine the people you share it with, getting them to imagine their world and creating it. Wouldn't you have done a great job of paying it forward? Yeah, imagine that. And also, as you're imagining that screen of what you're listening to this podcast on, if you imagine it into your mind and then see it in real life and press subscribe and follow, that would be awesome. Because that is another thing of paying it forward in some way, because it makes this, not more popular, but it makes this podcast more accessible because it's pushed out to more people. And they can choose, they get the choices to listen or not, but at least they get the choice.



    Paul Clough says it's time to fly on your own


    There you go. That's it from cloughy. I got to sit down and have me coffee. Yeah, I got into that. So please, let's daydream together and have more fun than we can stand and fly in those dreams. Bye bye now.


    >> Speaker B: Warning. You are now leaving the unclouded mind of Paul Clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend.


    >> Speaker A: Personal development unplugged.