
    Awaken Your Business

    Are you a lightworker or heart-centered business owner and want to integrate your spiritual and business growth? This podcast was built for you. It's here where you step into the role of the Heart-Centered CEO, the side of you who knows how to create the most amount of reach, impact, and yes, income for your business. What sets you apart? Each strategy is executed through the filter of love, kindness, compassion, and consciousness. Mission: Together we can heighten the consciousness of the planet through our business success. I'll see you on the inside
    enTyson Sharpe209 Episodes

    Episodes (209)

    169: 'Where can I find my ideal clients?'

    169: 'Where can I find my ideal clients?'

    Where can I find my ideal clients? And what if I’m putting myself out there and getting very little response to my call to action?

    If you are releasing content on social media, serving an audience, and putting your heart into the work, this can cause frustration.

    Well, these were the questions posed by Kimberly Winters who is a member inside the Serving Circle. What you are about to watch is a live coaching call, where we help her create some inner healing around disappointment, get very clear on her business messaging, and elicit creative ideas to flow through her with ease.

    So, if you are finding ways to put yourself out there, but struggling to get the engagement or the response you want, follow along with the questions I ask Kimberly and you may reach some similar insights.

    Here is a bit more about Kim…

    Kimberly is a vegan guide, vegan chef-in-training, reiki practitioner, certified crystal energy guide, oracle card reader, and public speaker. Did You Bring the Hummus began as a podcast and has expanded to include coaching, classes, healing sessions, and live talks.

    You can connect with her using the links below:





    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    168: How do you decide on your niche?

    168: How do you decide on your niche?

    How do you decide on your niche?

    If you have been in business for a while, you know that if you try to speak to everyone, you speak to no one. So why do so many coaches, especially those on the spiritual journey, have a broad, vague, nebulous message?

    That’s because there may be some inner shifts that need to occur on top of some strategies to make your message effective.

    Well, this week a did a live coaching call where I help Parul overcome these exact challenges, and by tuning in it will help you reach similar insights. 

    What you will learn:

    1. How to uncover the inner conflicts restricting your niche clarity
    2. What makes a niche more effective?
    3. The structure for a message that is compelling for your audience 

    Who is Parul?

    I am a Confidence, Mindset and Life Coach (with some game-changing techniques like NLP and EFT under my belt) on a mission to help ambitious, driven individuals unearth their fears and self-doubt and step into their power. I help my clients discover a renewed sense of self-love, quit playing small and become their own biggest cheerleaders with tailored, transformational 1:1 coaching.

    You can connect with her using the links below:

    IG - @parlsharma_

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/Parulsharmalifecoach

    Website: https://parulsharma.com.au/


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    167: Healing the pattern of 'what if I fail?'

    167: Healing the pattern of 'what if I fail?'

    As spiritual entrepreneurs, it takes a lot of courage to follow your heart and take your leap in business.

    One of the reasons being is this core fear ‘what if I fail?’

    You could become torn between your head and your heart. Your heart says, this is your dream, it’s what’s exciting, and what you are here to contribute to this world.

    Your mind says, but what if you don’t make money? You have responsibilities, people to take care of and bills to pay. What if all of that comes crumbling down?

    This was the very question and fear that was presented on a bonus group coaching call I did after the Serving Circle weekly collaboration call. Anita Johnson was courageous enough to bring up her deepest business fear, and what you are about to see is how she was able to dissolve the fear and step into action in the matter of minutes. 

    What you will learn:

    1. How do notice where you are building your business from safety.
    2. What to do when you notice yourself trying to ‘keep it all together’.
    3. The steps on how to move past the fear of failure on the business journey.


    You can connect with Anita using the links below: 





    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    166: How to take your heart's business leap - W/ Molly Adkins

    166: How to take your heart's business leap - W/ Molly Adkins

    If you are following a calling or some inner guidance, it can be a scary journey. Why?

    Your heart will always guide you to something that’s unknown. 

    However, many people will wait until they feel comfortable or try to figure out what’s on the other side before they leap. This isn’t how life works, and the patterns can keep you stuck. 

    What I really admire are those who are taking their leaps even if it goes against their mind’s logic. 

    Molly ended her teaching career, sold her possessions, sold her house and moved interstate, not knowing where it would take her.

    Her realtor even questioned why she was selling the house!

    By listening to this chat, it might also reveal the scary leaps your heart is guiding you to take. 

    What you will learn:

    1. How to move past the fear 
    2. How to develop your trust and practice letting go of what your mind is attached to
    3. How sound healing can help you on your entrepreneurial journey

    You can connect with Molly using the links below: 



    scheduler: https://mollyadkins.as.me/

    FB personal page https://www.facebook.com/mollyradkins

    FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/empoweringfempreneurs

    IG https://www.instagram.com/mollyssoundwellness

    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Ks7nZNjneOiPfkQRX4NxQ


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    165: Why Marketing is your Ministry- W/ George Kao

    165: Why Marketing is your Ministry- W/ George Kao

    As spiritual entrepreneurs, our relationship to marketing and sales is what provides the financial health of our business. 

    Question: Is your marketing and content creation something that feels like a chore, obligation, or something that excites you, feeling like a gift?

    What do you feel when you are about to sell or present an offer? 

    What would your business be like if you enjoyed and loved the marketing and sales process?

    Well, this is why we have George Kao here. He is the master in helping spiritual entrepreneurs love the process of marketing and sales, doing it in a way that’s heartfelt and aligned.

    Here's what you will learn:

    1. How to craft and manage your content
    2. When to sell and when not to sell
    3. 3 Ways to build an audience 

    But who is George? 

    George Kao has been leading the Authentic Marketing movement for 7 years. Prior to that, he spent 5 successful years as a mainstream marketer, using the common tactics of sales funnels and fear-driven marketing. Then he had a spiritual breakthrough and completely transformed his business into a much more authentic and spiritual business. George has published 4 books, created 20 online courses, and offers hundreds of free videos about authentic marketing and joyful productivity at his website.

    You can connect with George using the links below:

    Website: www.GeorgeKao.com.

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/GeorgeKaoCommunity

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/geokao

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/georgekao


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    164: Spiritual entrepreneurs marketing ideas for 2022

    164: Spiritual entrepreneurs marketing ideas for 2022

    It’s the question on many spiritual entrepreneurs mind – What should my marketing look like in 2022? What should be my marketing plan and what should I focus on most?

    There are so many options these days with how to grow an audience. But have you found what works for others may not be working for you? Or you may try something crazy and find huge success with it?

    This is because what goes into your marketing is more than just tactics and strategies. Its your intent, energy and heart that can set you apart:

    What you are about to tune into is a brainstorming call with a group of serving circle members all discussing what they did in 2021, what worked, what didn't, and what they learned that will help them for marketing in 2022. 

    What you will learn:

    1. What matters most what it comes to the success of your marketing 
    2. How to stand out in 2022
    3. How to enjoy it!


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    163: Effective lead generation for spiritual entrepreneurs (Part3)

    163: Effective lead generation for spiritual entrepreneurs (Part3)

    When it comes to marketing as a spiritual entrepreneur, how do you generate leads in a way that’s aligned and authentic?

    These are the exact questions that are answered in the ‘Lead with Heart’ group project. 

    What you are about to tune into is video 3 of 3 in the project, so if you missed the first video, here is the link to watch first: 

    Call#1 - https://youtu.be/ZFUaGZGtkxs

    Call #2 - https://youtu.be/lbwj9zfabC0


    In the previous calls you learned how to generate a consistent flow of leads by being different, standing out, and using personal messages effectively in a way that’s fun and aligned.

    In this call you are going to learn how to take those lead and turn them into sales in a way that’s not pushy or sleazy. 

    What you will learn:

    1. How to build Interest for your Irresistible Offer 
    2. How to craft an Invite (Free and Paid)
    3. How to implement the 3 Business Accelerators for a Profitable Program 


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    162: Effective lead generation for spiritual entrepreneurs (Part 2)

    162: Effective lead generation for spiritual entrepreneurs (Part 2)

    When it comes to marketing as a spiritual entrepreneur, how do you generate leads in a way that’s aligned and authentic?

    These are the exact questions that are answered in the ‘Lead with Heart’ group project. 

    What you are about to tune into is video 2 of 3 in the project, so if you missed the first video, here is the link to watch first: https://youtu.be/ZFUaGZGtkxs

    In this call I really share the advantage you have with using personal messages online as a lead generation strategy, and its in this call that we dive more into the specifics. 

    What you will learn:

    1. What are the specifics, ‘the how’?
    2. What to have in mind BEFORE you send a Personal Message
    3. Templates and examples of first messages
    4. How to implement this in your own business


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    161: Effective lead generation for spiritual entrepreneurs (Part 1)

    161: Effective lead generation for spiritual entrepreneurs (Part 1)

    When it comes to marketing as a spiritual entrepreneur, how do you generate leads in a way that’s aligned and authentic?

    One of the biggest challenges is that due to the overwhelming amount of business owners using social media for their business, content space can be flooded.

    So, what are you doing to stand out, be seen, and make sure your ideal clients are signing up for your offers?

    If you don’t have a larger audience of 10’s or 100’s of thousands, one of the advantages you have is to craft authentic, heartfelt personal messages.

    What you are about to tune into is a group project I ran for 50 members inside the Serving Circle called Lead with Heart.

    In here I share what I have done to generate a consistent flow of leads in a way that’s aligned and heart-centered. 

    What you will learn:

    1. Why Authentic personal messages are a game-changer
    2. How I have been able to implement this strategy in my business
    3. The 3 keys you need to know to get started


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    Awaken Your Business
    enDecember 13, 2021

    160: Stand out in your audience’s social media feed

    160: Stand out in your audience’s social media feed

    How do people choose to pay attention to you and not someone else? How do you stand out in your audience's social media feed?

    If you are like most spiritual entrepreneurs, you are building an audience on social media to bring attention, leads, and clients to your business.

    With the flood of social media these days, have you ever asked yourself how you are standing out from the rest so that you get the engagement necessary for your business to be successful?

    What you are about to tune into is a bonus live group coaching call I did for the Serving Circle members after our weekly collaboration call. 

    What you are going to learn:

    1. How to identify the inner patterns that need healing to achieve the results
    2. How to stand out on social media
    3. Why you may not be receiving what your mind wants
    4. How you can achieve the flow of attention, leads, and clients that’s authentic to you. 


    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    159: How your business can benefit from the moon cycles

    159: How your business can benefit from the moon cycles

    If you are a spiritual entrepreneur, you know the power outside energies can have on your business. Well in what ways can the moon cycles benefit your business growth and upcoming launches?

    If you have been hustling, pushing, and striving for an outcome that never gets reached, you must ask yourself of why that is.

    If you are ready to use all the energies at your disposal to find more ease and flow towards your business goals, you may want to align your decisions with the cycles of the moon.

    That’s why we have Dawn Pensack here for an interview to share all the ways the moon cycle can help you benefit in business.

    What you are going to learn:

    1. Which each phase of the moon means
    2. How this can impact the decisions you should make on your launches
    3. How it can assist your inner healing
    4. The 3 steps for implementing this in your own business

    But who is Dawn?

    Dawn is a former middle school math teacher who left teaching in 2014 to pursue a career in personal development & empowerment. She is a passionate, life-long learner and didn’t take long to dive headfirst back into the learning space. Dawn is certified in a variety of modalities - EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line TherapyⓇ, Yoga, and Moonology™️. She loves helping people live a life according to the cycles of the moon so that they live a balanced, aligned life with more passion, purpose, and joy. Dawn lives in New Jersey with her husband, 2 kids, 4 chickens, dog, and horse.

    If you would love to connect with her further, these are the links you can use:




    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    158: How to heal money wounds (for spiritual entrepreneurs)

    158: How to heal money wounds (for spiritual entrepreneurs)

    As spiritual entrepreneurs, there are a few patterns that emerge the most. One of them is our relationship to money. 

    While you follow your heart’s calling and give your gifts to the world you may be thinking

    ‘But how do I make money doing that?’

    ‘What if no one listens?’

    ‘What should I be charging?’

    If at some level you have also felt resistance when it comes to charging money or doubt if you will even make any, you have probably felt your spirit being drawn in by it.

    But what if these patterns of fear were your soul’s guidance to start taking your energy and life force back?

    Well, what you are about to tune into a bonus coaching session I did for the serving circle members after the weekly collaboration call.

    What you are going to learn:

    1. How to overcome the fear of going broke
    2. How to take your leap for your highest expansion
    3. How to uncover and shift your money blocks restricting abundance

    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    157: How to have more credibility and influence - W/ Corey Poirier

    157: How to have more credibility and influence - W/ Corey Poirier

    When someone sees you online, what’s the number 1 unconscious question they ask themselves?... Why should I listen to this person? 

    It’s true, our minds are always seeking some form of social proof, status, or credibility as to why it should listen to you and not someone else. So what can you do to boost your influence and credibility online? How do you have others tune in to what you have to say? 

    That’s why we have Corey Poirier here, to share all about how to boost your credibility online. 

    What you are going to learn in this episode:

    1) How to easily get on 10 podcasts in 3 weeks 

    2) How to use that exposure to boost credibility 

    3) The 1 thing your website must have for social proof 

    4) The essentials in crafting a compelling story 

    But who is Corey? 

    Corey Poirier is a multiple-time TEDx Speaker. He is also the host of the top rated ‘Let’s Do Influencing’ Radio Show, founder of The Speaking Program, founder of bLU Talks, and has been featured in multiple television specials. He is also a Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Apple Books and Kobo Bestselling Author, Award Winning Author, and the co-author of the Wall Street Journal / USA Today Bestseller, Quitless. 

    To connect with Corey and learn more about bLU talks, visit the links below: 

    Email: thatspeakerguy@gmail.com 




    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there: 


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/ 

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    156: You are NOT your business outcomes

    156: You are NOT your business outcomes

    What is the energy you are bringing to your business? Are you holding on for dear life to not fail, look bad, or go broke? 

    If you are a spiritual entrepreneur, you may be in a downward spiral until you learn the deeper lesson that life is here to teach you.

    You are not your outcomes!

    If you think money is your safety, or believe that ‘more is better’, your next business breakthrough may not come from a new strategy, but a new paradigm:

    Surrender what your mind wants, to welcome in what your soul needs!

    What you are about to tune into is a group coaching call where we discuss how to implement these truths that allow your business and soul to level up.

    What you will learn is:

    1. How to identify your patterns of attachment 
    2. How your business can align with divine laws
    3. Find out what you are here to give the world 
    4. How your business can take exponential leaps not linear ones

    Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    155: How to make business decisions from spirit

    155: How to make business decisions from spirit

    What’s the one thing that will help your business grow more than anything? Well, what’s the one thing that's always present in success or failure? It’s a decision! 

    So how do you make more decisions that are effective toward the growth of your business and expansion of your soul’s journey? The challenge is that most people don’t know where they are making their decisions from. 

    Most are trying to be responsible, or trying to find the ‘right answer’, unknowingly operating from fear, scarcity, and worry. But what’s possible if you were able to make your decisions based on all your resources available? Where would your life and business be if from now on you could make progressive, expansive, and profitable decisions from your soul? 

    That’s what you are going to learn here in this live group coaching session. 

    What you are going to learn in this episode: 

    1) Find what your soul is here to teach you 

    2) The 1 intention that will heal your egoic patterns 

    3) How to shift your energy so your goals chase you 

    4) 4 key questions to ask so you are led by spirit in business 

    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle 


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    154: Masculine and Feminine Energy in Business

    154: Masculine and Feminine Energy in Business

    It’s a common question: what will lead to your next business breakthrough, a shift in energy, or strategy? Is it to implement more of your masculine or feminine?

    Of course, the answer can be both, but how do you know which one to work on?

    Most people have a primary pattern that they find most comfortable. Either always focusing on action and strategy, or the more feminine nature of flow, surrender, and creativity.

    If its true that your soul is guiding you to become more whole and experience all sides of yourself, that means your business breakthrough may come from the side of you that you neglect or fear the most. 

    So you have a choice right now, to stay in your primary patterns of comfort, or place priority on something beyond safety and evolve into the version of yourself that your business needs.

    Well, this is what we helped Eve do. What you are about to watch is a bonus coaching call I ran for some serving circle members. Eve is an intuitive healer who was brave enough to share some challenges in her business. You are about to see how the transformation takes place and how you can also apply it to your own business.

    What you are going to learn:

    1. How to identify what is in your soul’s expansion
    2. How to heal and trust your divine feminine and masculine
    3. Overcome the patterns of fearing rejection and feeling not enough 
    4. How this will create a shift in your business growth


    If you would like to connect with Eve further, use the information below:




    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    153: Animal Communication for Business Guidance - W/ Elizabeth Wallace

    153: Animal Communication for Business Guidance - W/ Elizabeth Wallace

    If you are a spiritual entrepreneur, it may be no surprise to you that the universe sends you signs and synchronicities. This is so you learn the lesson that allows you to grow so you can fulfill your dharma on this planet.

    Well, what does this mean about your pets and the animals in your life? Could they be sending you vital information that can help you in business, and are you listening?

    That’s why we have Elizabeth Wallace here. An animal communicator who can help you dissect what your pets are trying to teach you. 

    What you are going to learn:

    1. The lessons your animal is trying to teach you
    2. What your soul contract may be with them
    3. How can this help you navigate your triggers
    4. How this can guide you on your business journey


    Who is Elizabeth?

    Elizabeth is an Intuitive Animal Communicator with a unique gift that allows her to connect with the energy of an animal and have conversations with them.  Her belief is that our animals are here to support and guide us with their wisdom throughout our journey.  She provides a bridge that allows a deeper connection with your animal and the ability to learn the messages they have for you. Elizabeth can also connect with animals that are in Spirit and receive their guidance from the other side.

    You can connect with Elizabeth using the links below:




    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    152: Effective Outreach Messages (for Spiritual Entrepreneurs)

    152: Effective Outreach Messages (for Spiritual Entrepreneurs)

    If you have a small audience, but want to create a flow of consistent leads and collaborations, you have an advantage that many of the big names don’t. Personal messages!

    Out of all the marketing strategies, nothing will build rapport faster than a personal message. Why? Who are those you trust the most? Odds are, they are those you have been engaging with for a long time.

    The problem with most business owners is that they are relying on their posts, videos and blogs to leverage their reach. But for that to work, you have to cut through the noise and really stand out.

    In this episode of the Awaken Your Business podcast I will share with you how I use outreach and personal messages to provide a consistent flow of clients, collaborations, and yes, friends!


    What you will learn

    1. How direct messages can be your source of leads
    2. The 4 pillars of effective personal messages
    3. What you must do before you invite them to your stuff
    4. The key questions to avoid the slimy pitfalls 


    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    151: Conscious Communication In Business: W/ Wendy Corner

    151: Conscious Communication In Business: W/ Wendy Corner

    It’s one of the main challenges facing business owners: how do you craft a message that accurately explains what you do? 

    Most business owners adopt a spray and pray marketing strategy, putting any message out there and hoping something sticks.

    However, those who have found a way to succeed in business, especially online, have done so because they have consciously crafted a message that truly resonates with their audience.

    If you want to have more people lean in, ask to know more, and curious with how to work with you, mastering your communication is a must.

    That’s why we have Wendy Corner to walk you through how to master this area of business. 


    What you are going to learn:

    • Why your communication is so important
    • How to have people actually hear what you are saying
    • The 7 Pillars of consciousness communication 
    • How to overcome the fears of speaking sharing what you have to say


    But Who is Wendy?

    With a background in Speech Pathology, Wendy  created her start-up company gaining international exposure and recognition assisting those in leadership positions to create presentations to grow and scale their impact and influence. 

    Her clients, from across the world, have been able to increase their confidence and influence in their conversations and as a result been head-hunted for key roles; negotiated significantly higher bonuses for their staff; secured financial backing when the company was on the line; delivered at TEDX.

    Wendy uses accelerated learning techniques to re-engineer your message in a way your target audience can hear and wants to hear. She works in a done-with-you and done-for-you approach to craft that ideal message-to-market match… and then, drawing on her years as a Speech Pathologist, to deliver it confidently for maximum impact and influence.


    If you want to connect with Wendy further, you can use the links below:






    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    150: 7 Questions for Spiritual Entrepreneurial Success

    150: 7 Questions for Spiritual Entrepreneurial Success

    It’s the big question on all spiritual entrepreneurs’ minds: How do I build a business that’s both spiritual and profitable? In this episode, I will share with you the 7 questions I ask myself on a regular basis to help me stay aligned and spiritual while also generating consistent income.

    You are not alone if you are growing a spiritual business as a coach, intuitive, healer or maybe just building a business that has a spiritual undertone. 

    If you are networking in these circles, I’m sure you have seen there are many challenges when it comes to money and business strategy.

    So when you are ready grab a pen and paper, because exploring these 7 questions is going to allow you to get back on track with your alignment and business growth.

    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654