
    Awaken Your Business

    Are you a lightworker or heart-centered business owner and want to integrate your spiritual and business growth? This podcast was built for you. It's here where you step into the role of the Heart-Centered CEO, the side of you who knows how to create the most amount of reach, impact, and yes, income for your business. What sets you apart? Each strategy is executed through the filter of love, kindness, compassion, and consciousness. Mission: Together we can heighten the consciousness of the planet through our business success. I'll see you on the inside
    enTyson Sharpe209 Episodes

    Episodes (209)

    149: Discover Your True Path- W/ Trish Bishop

    149: Discover Your True Path- W/ Trish Bishop

    If you are a spiritual entrepreneur, no doubt you are following an inner calling. Well, how do you know when you are following that path you are meant to be on? In today’s episode, we have Trish Bishop to walk you through how to discover, and stick to, your true path.

    In this episode you will learn how to apply the 4 Cardinal Directions:

    1. South- Shed what’s no longer serving you
    2. West- Face and acknowledge your fears
    3. North- Be open to potential 
    4. East- Choose your Destiny

    But who is Trish?

    Trish is the author of The Question Journey, a Shaman, Intuitive, Empath and Certified Angel Guide. As a highly successful IT Project Manager Trish was diagnosed with Scleroderma in 1998 and told she had 7 years to live. 

    After refusing all medications, this resulted in Trish making some radical changes in her life, including diet, exercise and a host of Spiritual discoveries that have resulted in what she calls, "A beautiful, scary, ridiculous and amazing journey" to reclaim her health and ultimately her life. Her mission is to empower people to claim their '10'.

    If you would like to connect with Trish further, please use the links below:






    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    148: Move Out Of Indecision – live group coaching

    148: Move Out Of Indecision – live group coaching

    What’s the number 1 trait all successful business owners have? They know how to make decisions! It’s in this episode where you will tune into a live coaching session that will help you overcome the patterns of confusion and into action that leads to business momentum.

    How many times have you caught yourself sitting with indecision? You may be telling yourself the story that there is a right or wrong move, or maybe that if you 

    It makes sense, your brain is designed to keep you safe. But there may also be a deeper truth that you might have missed. What if confusion isn’t the problem, but it was the resistance to it that was keeping you stuck?

    In this episode, you will learn

    1. What the real challenge is when it comes to confusion
    2. How to create a shift within you towards confidence 
    3. What that will mean for the expansion of your business results 

    If you would love to connect with the members who joined live, visit the links below:

    Annmarie Cantrell



    Parul Sharma 

    Confidence & Mindset Coach for Ambitious Individuals

    Instagram - @parlsharma_

    Dawn Rishard


    Wendy Corner


    Kim Koste




    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    147: Decisions That Lead To Results - W/ Jenny Ryce

    147: Decisions That Lead To Results - W/ Jenny Ryce

    What’s the number one factor that determines your level of success when it comes to business? It’s also the one thing that is within your control at any moment, the decisions you choose to make!

    What are the decisions you are currently making? Are they leading to an empowered life with your health, finances and relationships improving over time? 

    Or are they keeping you stuck with the same results time and time again?

    The challenge is most people don’t place a high priority of the decisions they make. As Caroline Myss shares, ‘’there is no such thing as an insignificant decision, there are no small decisions”

    All decisions affect your life energetically in ways your mind can’t see.

    That’s why I have invited Jenny Ryce to walk you through how to master this area of your life so that you can see your health, business, and finances skyrocket in the right direction. 

    What you will learn:

    1. How to make empowering decisions
    2. How to navigate the tough decisions in life
    3. How to set up healthy habits so these decisions can serve you long-term

    But who is Jenny?

    Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, international speaker, podcast host of Winning with Wellness, bestselling author and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.

    Jenny helps others Get to Greatness!


    If you want to connect with Sheetal further, check out the links below:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennyryce

    Website: www.yourholisticearth.ca

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/yourholisticearth

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/yourholisticearth


    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    146: Use Intuition In Business

    146: Use Intuition In Business

    It’s one of the most challenging aspects of the entrepreneurial journey is uncertainty. How do you know what the right decision is? It’s in this interview where Sheetal Story will walk you through how to access your own intuition in business so that you can have the certainty and confidence that you’re heading in the right direction. 

    What’s your strategy when you are feeling confused, stuck, or even lost when it comes to making decisions? Do you avoid the steps you know you should be taking? Do you try and find the ‘right’ strategies to try and avoid failure? 

    It's in this episode where Sheetal will share with you the guidance of how to look within yourself for answers. 

    What you will learn: 

    - How to return to flow and access intuition 

    - How to have clarity with your marketing strategy 

    - How to navigate trauma on the business journey 

    But who is Sheetal? 

    Sheetal Story is a Psychic Medium, a Certified Astrologer, and a Master Law of Attraction Coach. She is also a certified Grief Support Counsellor and holds a Business Degree. Sheetal’s mission is to help heart-centred people cultivate and strengthen their intuition, to trust and use it every day, throw off the shackles of fear and trauma, so they can live their most aligned and soul-led purposeful life. Intuition is the compass of the soul, and she teaches that your soul always knows the way. The more you learn to trust your intuition and flow with the energy that life presents, the more life will open up the most magical opportunities. 

    If you want to connect with Sheetal further, check out the links below: 

    Website: www.SheetalStory.com 

    Facebook: ‪https://business.facebook.com/SheetalStoryMedium/‬ ‬ 

    Instagram: http://Instagram.com/sheetalstory 

    YouTube: ‪https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCsKJg8srvX70HMYpyQMJnw‬ ‬ 

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/sheetal-story-72871421 

    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle 


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    145: Integrating Spirituality and Business Goals

    145: Integrating Spirituality and Business Goals

    How do you set and reach financial goals in a way that aids your spirituality? How do you organise your marketing to reach consistent clients in a way that’s aligned with your heart? These are the questions we will tackle in this online workshop. 

    If you are looking to achieve some financial goals in your business in order to achieve more freedom and create an impact, my first question would be: Are those goals on your calendar? For most people, it’s not, and if it is, they are often crippled by their own fears, doubts and stress when it comes to ‘how to’ achieve it. 

    Well, what you are about to tune into is a bonus workshop I ran for the members of my online community ‘The Serving Circle’. 

    What you are going to learn: 

    1) How to set and reach a financial goal by the end of the year. 

    2) The psychology necessary to avoid self-sabotage. 

    3) Why your soul is guiding you towards fear and doubt. 

    4) What matters most in your marketing to achieve a consistent flow of clients. 


    By the end of this workshop, you are going to walk away with the clarity to have your financial goals set on the calendar and the confidence to achieve them. 

    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle 


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    144: Integrating The Divine Feminine In Business - W/Prue Blennerhassett

    144: Integrating The Divine Feminine In Business - W/Prue Blennerhassett

    It’s in this episode where you will learn how to integrate your divine feminine energy on the business journey. If you recognize a ‘push’ energy within your journey and you want more success with flow, this is the interview for you. 

    We may have been trained by society and cultural norms that the ‘grind’ is what’s necessary for success. But as the consciousness of the planet shifts, many business owners are finding themselves stuck in a pattern of hard work, with little to show for it. 

    What’s now required is a healthy blend of the divine masculine, by strengthening the divine feminine energy. This helps you harness more flow, creativity, intuition, connection, compassion, and surrender. These skills will help you succeed further, faster. 

    That’s why we have Pure Blennerhassett here.

    Prue helps women to package their sacred work into a high-end offer that is irresistible to their ideal clients, so they can serve, shine and scale with soul, while they make more money and have a greater impact in this world.

    What you will learn

    • How to integrate your divine feminine energy in business
    • How to align it with an irresistible offer
    • How to reclaim your feelings of worthiness
    • How to stop undercharging and the steps to increasing your prices 


    If you would like to connect with Prue, follow the links below:






    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    143: How To Stop Comparing In Business

    143: How To Stop Comparing In Business

    What happens when the pattern of comparison is overdeveloped in the business world? Have you ever caught yourself feeling unsuccessful, stressed, or resentful because others are succeeding at a higher level than you? It’s in this episode, where we explain why this is a trap and how to overcome it.

    Yes, comparison and competition have allowed us to grow earlier in life. However, when you are in business and comparison leaves you feeling unworthy, it can harm your results and the ability to serve at the highest level. 

    But what if you are able to view others' success and still feel empowered? What if you could use it to learn, grow, and move towards collaboration rather than competition? 

    In this episode you are going to learn: 

    1. - When the pattern of comparison has come up in my journey 
    2. - Why consistently comparing yourself is a trap 
    3. - What it can really mean from a spiritual perspective 
    4. - What to do instead that will allow your business to grow

    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle 


    Other links to connect

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    142: Have Clients Refer YOU - W/Kendra Beavis

    142: Have Clients Refer YOU - W/Kendra Beavis

    If you are struggling to build an audience and set up a sales funnel, you may be looking for more effective methods for gaining clients. It’s in this episode where we discuss how to have a consistent and predictable flow of clients by staying in your zone of genius and serving at a higher level.

    Yes, this is the magic of having clients referred to you. 

    You might be asking how do you do this?

    This is why we have Kendra Beavis here to walk you through how she has managed to have a flow of consistent and predictable clients by focusing on particular aspects of her business and have a mindset that sets her apart from the competition.

    What you will learn in this episode 

    1. How to stand out from the competition and deliver more value
    2. The empowering beliefs you must have about business
    3. How to have confidence when selling your services
    4. How this can all be successful without a funnel


    But who is Kendra?

    Kendra Beavis is Founder, and CEO of the brand strategy studio, MOKA Creative. Over the last 15 years, she has been celebrated as a master artisan, working on an intimate scale with her clients, and crafting unique brands with great care and ingenuity.

    She believes that the flip side of great design is thoughtful strategy. With this core belief in mind, she has developed and elevated over 54 brands in the fitness, retail and financial industries and won multiple industry awards, most recently for her brand and website development with solidcore.

    Her favorite project to date has been raising her two children on Long Island, supported by the tireless efforts of her tech-savvy husband.

    If you would like to connect with here further, you can visit the links below:



    Socials: @kendrabeavis @thinkmoka @tribe_ofunicorns


    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle.


    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    141: What to do when you’re not feeling ‘good enough’ in business

    141: What to do when you’re not feeling ‘good enough’ in business

    What do you do when you don’t feel ‘good enough’ in business? Most people want to have a consistent flow of clients and make the impact they want to see. But have you had the thoughts of ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘Who am I to be doing this?’. It’s in this episode where we tackle these challenges.

    Because, let’s face it, if the patterns of not feeling good enough are emerging consistently, there may be a deeper pattern that needs healing or a lesson to be learned. The real question is, are you willing to look inside to heal and learn the lesson your soul is trying to teach you?

    If so, you will be taking steps toward the business owner you are being pulled to become and on the journey to serving your clients in a larger way.

    So it's in this episode we will cover:

    • What is really happening inside you and what the deeper problem is
    • What are the tips for healing this pattern long-term
    • What to do differently in your business so you can see the growth that you want


    Here is the link to the mentioned video



    Links to connect with me and the Serving Circle 

    Serving circle FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyson.sharpe.37/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tysoncoaching/


    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    140: How To Market From Your Heart- w/ Marieta Oslanec

    140: How To Market From Your Heart- w/ Marieta Oslanec

    How do you put your heart in your business and market in a way that leads to income and fulfillment? Many spiritual entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to manifesting and attracting their ideal business outcomes, and it’s in this episode where we discuss how to do that from your heart.

    Marieta Oslanec is going to walk you through how she was able to attract and manifest her entrepreneurial goals after her spiritual awakening, all while applying love and her heart in marketing

    What you are going to learn:

    • How she increased her income by 5 times in 60 days
    • How to inject love frequency in your business so people can feel it in your marketing 
    • How to have the self-worth to charge what you want
    • How to market from your heart so your audience feel it’s authentically you


    So who is Marieta?

    Marieta moved to the US in 2007 with $700 to her name. With determination and passion, she became a lawyer and grew a successful law firm with her partner. However, her success led to a devastating breakup, leaving her feeling lost and alone.

    This led to her spiritual awakening, traveling the world and spending 21 days in complete silence during vipassana meditation retreats in Nepal, Bali, Hawaii, and CA.

    After her awakening, she wrote the book ‘Love is the Law’ and started her third company: soulful business coaching to help conscious entrepreneurs master their mindset and turn their passion into a real profit. Amazingly, she was able to hit her business goal of 100K/month and today she’s coaching extraordinary entrepreneurs to experience a quantum leap in their business and hit 7-figure in 12 months.


    You can connect with her using the links below:








    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle.


    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    139: How To Develop A Positive Money Mindset

    139: How To Develop A Positive Money Mindset

    We all know the benefits of developing a positive money mindset. But have you ever tried to think more positively, yet achieve the same results time and time again? It’s in this episode where we explore why that is and how to create a real shift.

    What’s the real challenge here?

    Many people try to shift their mindset but remain in an egoic pattern around money, or what we will call ‘Separation Consciousness’.

    Have you ever believed the story that if you had more money you would feel different? Or maybe imagining it as a destination out there somewhere? That’s because your ego sees it as something outside of you.

    If you are to create long-lasting change with your money relationship, it may be time to operate from a place of Unity Consciousness.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • The 4 Money Illusions that are keeping you in separation consciousness
    • My 5 Tips to help shift your consciousness around money and approach the topic from unity consciousness. 


    PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle.

    The Serving Circle - Heart-Centered CEO Collaboration

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    138: How To Navigate Chaos In Business - W/ Monica Henderson

    138: How To Navigate Chaos In Business - W/ Monica Henderson

    If you are trying to navigate the chaos in business for your market research, marketing, selling, and delivering for clients, you are not alone. Chaos brings a lot of uncertainty, doubt, and worry on the business journey, and in this episode, we explore how Monica Henderson was able to overcome these challenges to have a healthy flow of ideal clients.

    What you will learn 

    1. How to have confidence in the value your giving
    2. How to be passionate about your market research
    3. How to find your authentic voice
    4. How to be led by service 

    But who is Monica?

    Monica M Henderson, author, creator, and founder of MinkLife Motivation has over twenty years of expertise as a corporate executive, entrepreneur, consultant, and coach. Her background as a board executive, combined with her experience as an entrepreneur, positions her with a unique skill set to help individuals and organizations grow and prosper. 


    • Founder & Creator of MinkLife Motivation
    • A Global Life, Business, Branding, and Networking Development Specialist 
    • Event Producer 
    • Motivational Speaker and Host of MinkLife Motivation LIVE
    • Author of A Visionary's Manifesto Book Series 
    • Philanthropist and Socialite 

    To learn more about MinkLife Motivation:

    Take a Tour: www.MinkLifeMotivation.com

    Schedule a chat: www.MonicaMHenderson.com

    If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking forward to collaborating with you, I'll see you in the Serving Circle:

    The Serving Circle - Heart-Centered CEO Collaboration

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    137: More Love Is The Answer - W/ Rob Bury

    137: More Love Is The Answer - W/ Rob Bury

    90% of your behaviour is run by the unconscious mind on autopilot, and 70% on average is not in your best interest. It’s in this episode where we help you become more aware, in control, and resourceful to achieve even your biggest goals.

    It’s true, if you operate from the same thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions you will always repeat the same results time and time again. 

    If however, you were more aware of your patterns, to then create a more resourceful and conscious shift towards the momentum that serves you, anything can then become possible. 

    Rob Bury is about to teach you his methodology of exactly how to apply this in your own life.

    What you will learn

    1. How to live with more love and compassion in your life
    2. How to become aware of your consciousness patterns 
    3. Raise your vibration to achieve your goals with resourcefulness
    4. How to heal from even the most challenging circumstances 

    But who is Rob?

    Rob Bury, aka Rawb Love, is a nonconscious mind expert who's been meditating for over two decades and has developed simple practices for rapid personal growth (aka enlightenment).

    He has disciplines in life coaching, hypnotherapy, NLP, and energy healing. 

    Website- https://rawblove.com/

    Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@rawblove

    If you also want to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle Community.


    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    136: What's My Next Life Lesson? - Live Coaching

    136: What's My Next Life Lesson? - Live Coaching

    What is your next life lesson? What is life trying to teach you right now? How do you apply those lessons in your life to have your goals chase you and access inner peace? 

    Many of us desperately want more success, money, love, or change in life circumstances. But is that out of an egoic pattern? Are you stuck in the trap of ‘more is better' or ‘I’ll be happier when that changes’? 

    If so, you may be ready for a deeper lesson, and that’s exactly what we are going to tackle in this life coaching session I had with members of the serving circle. 

    What you are going to learn are: 

    - What your next life lesson looks like 

    - How to apply it in your life 

    - The difference between egoic happiness and true joy 

    - How to have your goals chase you as a by-product of your energy 

    If you also want to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle Community.


    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    135: How Do I Meditate In Silence?

    135: How Do I Meditate In Silence?

    As a business owner, it’s tough to achieve your next level of results while repeating the same patterns over and over again. How do you become aware and shift these patterns? The answer for me has been silent meditation. 

    In this episode, I’ll be walking you through how silent meditation can be implemented in your life and why this will mean all the difference for how you feel and your business results. 

    Whether you are worried about money, attached to outcomes, or simply frustrated by your marketing efforts, silent meditation can help you heal the core wounds that are driving these external emotions. 

    In this episode I’m going to cover: 

    - What I did to start meditating 2 hours a day 

    - The common questions people have around meditation 

    - The 4 key mistakes people make for meditation 

    - 4 tips for how to shift these mistakes and make sure you and your business benefit 

    Here is the link for the mentioned video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tuW6_RTCFU 

    If you are wanting to join a community of heart-centered business owners who are ready to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle with the link below:


    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    134: How To Uncover Your True Purpose- W/ Marina Suholutsky

    134: How To Uncover Your True Purpose- W/ Marina Suholutsky

    Are you trying to uncover your purpose?  Are you wondering what you are meant to do and who you are meant to serve?  It's in this chat where we uncover your next steps to start living a life of passion and purpose.

    Why don't most people find it? They are held back by societal norms and limiting beliefs. They follow their 'should's' and remain in an environment of safety. 

    But what would your life look like if you were totally in purpose, following your heart's mission and serving those you feel called to help?

    Well, allow Marina Suholutsky to take you on the journey of how to get there.

    What you will learn:

    -What happens once you know your purpose

    -How to overcome the limiting beliefs 

    -The key questions to ask yourself to uncover your purpose

    -How to start making decisions to live your purpose 


    But who is Marina?

    Marina is the Founder of PurposeBuilt, a company whose mission is to help people wake up to who they truly are + what they’re meant to contribute in this world—and to help them make money doing it. 

    Marina brings a unique mix of corporate background and deep personal development work to her approach. She has trained with Dr. John DeMartini, and is a facilitator in his Values + Collapse Methodologies; she is also an NLP Practitioner, and loves how people and companies work. Marina spent over a decade in corporate America, managing 30+ person teams & over $200M in software for IBM. 

    She left corporate to follow her Purpose — which is to help people live authentic, inspired lives. Every part of her being is inspired to help people live authentically, and from a place of true alignment—so they can make the impact they’re meant to make in this world. She now works with entrepreneurs and executives to find their true calling and bring their vision to life.

    If you are looking to connect further with Marina, you can use the links below:

    Website: https://purposebuilt.io/product/group-purpose-june 

    Instagram: @itsmarina_1 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PurposeBuilt.io/

    If you are looking to join a community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I'll see you in the Serving Circle:

    The Serving Circle - Heart-Centered CEO Collaboration

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    133: Market To The Right Person - W/ Carmel Murphy

    133: Market To The Right Person - W/ Carmel Murphy

    It's the number 1 question business owners have: How do I get in front of the right people? This episode is all about mastering your messaging, communication, and business strategy to find the people who would love to pay you.

    Why do most people struggle with this?

    They are held back by beliefs about business, marketing, and themselves. They use 'spray and pray' marketing, hoping that something will land. Or they have some great ideas but never convert them into action.

    Well, allow Carmel Murphy to walk you through the steps for your business and marketing transformation. 

    What you are going to learn:

    - Which action to take

    - How to get in the heads of your future clients 

    - How to sell without selling 

    - How to be at peace and feel great while marketing

    Who is Carmel Murphy?...

    Carmel Murphy is known for being an out-of-the-box thinker and an expert in human behavior, marketing and business strategies. 

    Carmel’s passion for people, curiosity, know-how, business acumen, and background have come together to develop unique programs around marketing, copywriting and videos designed to create higher conversion and increase sales and profit in business.

    Carmel now coordinates, hosts, and delivers membership programs, workshops and events to teach business owners how to build and market a sustainable business. 

    If you are looking to connect with Carmel further:

    https://www.thecommunicationqueen.com.au https://www.thecommunicationqueen.com.au/top-5-videos-pdf/ https://www.facebook.com/carmel.murphy.927

    If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I'll see you in the Serving Circle:

    The Serving Circle - Heart-Centered CEO Collaboration | Facebook

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    132: Healing rejection for business outreach - Live Coaching

    132: Healing rejection for business outreach - Live Coaching

    How do you heal the pattern of rejection for business outreach success? This is the episode where we explore the patterns that are holding you back and how to create the shifts necessary for outreach and sales success. 


    If you are a business owner, you know getting out in front of more people is a key metric when it comes to growing your business consistently. However, most people are afraid of the ‘NO’. Therefore, they delay their outreach, trying only to do the things that will only lead to success. 

    Being rejected however, is not the real issue. In fact, it can just be triggering some core unhealed wounds within you. Once these patterns are healed, you can move your business forward consistently by getting in front of more people, more prospects, and creating more sales for yourself, without being triggered by the ‘no’. 

    What you are going to learn 

    - The real reason why people fear being rejected. 

    - The process to heal this core wound. 

    - How to use this to apply the right strategy in business. 

    - What matters most when it comes to moving the needle in sales. 

    By the end you will feel confident in putting yourself out there and making sales with ease. 

    If you would like to connect with Denise further, here are her links: 

    Website: www.muscletuners.fit 

    Email: denise@muscletuners.fit 


    PS… if you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are ready to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle.

    The Serving Circle - Heart-Centered CEO Collaboration | Facebook

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    131: Find Joy In Business To Attract The Right Clients

    131: Find Joy In Business To Attract The Right Clients

    Most people get into business to experience more freedom, to make an impact, and get paid doing something they love. But when things don't go the way they expected, it can lead to frustration, stress, worry and confusion.

    In this episode, I will share how injecting playfulness, joy, and creativity can not only help you attract the clients that you want to serve, but can help you overcome any challenge that comes your way.

    What you are going to learn: 

    - Clarity on what joy means for you.

    - The main beliefs stopping people from experiencing joy consistently.

    - What this will really mean for your business.

    - The 5 shifts that must happen if you are looking to experience joy consistently and attract the clients you love to serve.

    If you want to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are excited to collaborate with you, feel free to jump into the Serving Circle:

    The Serving Circle - Heart-Centered CEO Collaboration | Facebook

    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654

    130: Self Sabotage In Business- The Real Reason

    130: Self Sabotage In Business- The Real Reason

    If you can’t seem to get the business results that your heart is calling you towards. Have you ever asked yourself of why is that? It’s in this episode where we dive into self sabotage in business, what is self sabotage, and what can you do to stop self sabotage for good?

    If you have all the capabilities inside of you, why would you stay in the spiral of getting the same results over and over again? 

    Many might try to shift their mindset or force to change some behaviour patterns through willpower. 

    But what many don’t realise is that you are unconsciously being rewarded by self-sabotaging your success.

    In fact, nothing will profoundly change until you start recognising the deeper patterns that play out in your psyche. 

    What you are about to hear is a live coaching training I did on zoom for the Serving Circle community, and you are going the learn:

    1. The 2 key questions to ask yourself
    2. The real reasons why our unconscious mind sabotages our success
    3. The 6 steps to take to turn it all around and start achieving at the level you know you can

    After this training, you will have great awareness of how to notice self sabotaging patterns in your own life, and what to do to shift them for good.

    If you are looking to join the Serving Circle, here is the link


    Once you are in the community, here is the link to gain access to the training mentioned in the episode:



    If you want to participate or contribute to these Free Bonus Group Coaching Calls please join the Serving Circle and Sign up for the Call’s zoom link

    Join the Serving Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theservingcircle

    Gain access to the coaching call zoom link - https://tyson-coaching.mykajabi.com/pl/2147876654