
    Awaken Your Wise Woman

    Welcome to the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast with host Elizabeth Cush, licensed clinical professional counselor and women’s life coach. Every other week you’ll hear from Elizabeth and her guests as they explore women’s needs, desires, fears, hopes, and dreams—all that it means to be a wise woman moving through life's challenges and transitions. Tune in to learn from Wise Women who know the struggles that come with being a woman today. We'll explore how to live with more authenticity, purpose, and compassion as we share stories that will help you find the path back home to you—your truest, most beautiful, messy self. Awaken Your Wise Woman is the evolution of the Woman Worriers podcast.
    enElizabeth Cush231 Episodes

    Episodes (231)

    It’s Time to Invest in Your Happiness

    It’s Time to Invest in Your Happiness

    Too many women focus all their energy on others and don’t stop to take care of themselves. If that sounds familiar, this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman is for you! Elizabeth Cush talks about how coaching can help—if you ask.

    “Taking care of others is what I do best. And yet, when it comes to taking care of me, it takes effort.”
    — Elizabeth Cush

    You can find the show notes and resources for this episode, and

    all other  AYWW episodes here  

    And you can find Woman Worriers episodes here

    Finding Compassion for Your Critical Parts

    Finding Compassion for Your Critical Parts

    Are you at war with your inner critic? Maybe it’s time for a different approach. In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host Elizabeth Cush talks with Michelle Richardson about making friends with your critical parts.

    “Often our parts, even critical parts, are actually trying to keep us safe in some kind of a way.”
    — Michelle Richardson

    You can find the show note, resources and links to Biz and Michelle at AwakenYourWiseWoman.com

    It’s Time to Awaken Your Wise Woman

    It’s Time to Awaken Your Wise Woman

    If you want to live your best life, tune in for some exciting news. Elizabeth Cush, founder of the Woman Worriers podcast, introduces her relaunch of the podcast as Awaken Your Wise Woman. 

    “For me, embracing the Wise Woman means that we are also awakening all parts of ourselves and bringing them into our lives.”
    — Elizabeth Cush

    You can find the full show notes and resources at AwakenYourWiseWoman.com

    Shining a Light on Your Dark Side

    Shining a Light on Your Dark Side

    What are you afraid of? What are you avoiding? Keeping hidden? In this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, host Elizabeth Cush talks with Keri Nola—known to her clients as the Queen of Abundance or the Shadow Mama—about bringing your gifts out of the shadows and into the light.

    “As we bring light to these dark spaces, we reclaim our gifts.”
    — Keri Nola, the Shadow Mama

    You can find the resources and full show notes at AwakenYourWiseWoman.com

    Women in Midlife

    Women in Midlife

    Is this point in your life everything you expected? Are you prepared to handle everything that changes in midlife? If not, you’re not alone. Learn more in this episode of Woman Worriers, as host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Colleen Rosenblum and Bridgett Biagi Garratt, co-hosts of Hot Flashes & Cool Topics, a podcast changing the outdated narratives for midlife and beyond.

    “Bridget always says one of the greatest joys we’ve gotten is when women say, ‘I feel less alone in your group or listening to your show.’”
    — Colleen Rosenblum

    You can find the full show notes and all the resources for episode 165 here.

    Dr. Julie Hanks on Assertiveness Skills for Women

    Dr. Julie Hanks on Assertiveness Skills for Women

    What do you need right now? If, like so many other women, you can’t answer that question, this episode of Woman Worriers is for you. Host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Dr. Julie Hanks to talk about learning to identify what you need and want and then to ask for it without guilt or shame.

    “Assertiveness is about treating yourself as an equal with others and taking ownership of your well-being while respecting others’ differences.”
    — Dr. Julie Hanks

    You can find the full show notes and resources from our conversation on episode 164 here.

    Self-Compassion and Your Inner Critic

    Self-Compassion and Your Inner Critic

    If your inner critical voice heaps on the shame every time you make a mistake, this episode of Woman Worriers is for you. Host Elizabeth Cush talks about learning how to understand and embrace your critical parts so you can lead a fully authentic life.

    “As I learned to hold firmer to my boundaries and speak to myself in a more compassionate way, that critical voice has quieted.” — Elizabeth Cush

    The full show notes and resources can be found here!


    Are You Listening to All Your Parts?

    Are You Listening to All Your Parts?

    If you’ve ever thought, “A part of me wants to…, but another part of me…,” you’ve already had a glimpse of what Internal Family Systems (IFS) is all about. Learn more in this episode of Woman Worriers, as host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Michelle Glass for an insightful discussion of the IFS model and how it can help you heal.

    “Many of our parts are literally stuck in the past in those scenes of trauma or attachment wounding.”
    — Michelle Glass

    You can find the full show notes and resources for episode 162 here.

    Kristen Neff on Fierce Self-Compassion

    Kristen Neff on Fierce Self-Compassion

    If you have trouble speaking up for yourself, do yourself a favor and listen to this episode of Woman Worriers. Host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the field of self-compassion research and author of the new book Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power and Thrive.

    “Women who can be firm and express themselves authentically are happier and more satisfied.”
    — Kristin Neff

    You can find the full show notes and resources for episode 161 here- https://www.progressioncounseling.com/woman-worriers

    How to Define and Defend Your Boundaries

    How to Define and Defend Your Boundaries

    How do you feel when you say “No”? In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush talks about the difficulty that many women have with boundaries—and why it’s so important to set healthy boundaries for yourself.

    “When I don’t hold true to the boundaries around my own needs, I’m telling myself I don’t matter.”

    — Elizabeth Cush

    You can find all the show notes and resources for episode 160 here.

    It’s Time to Create Some Space for Yourself

    It’s Time to Create Some Space for Yourself

    Where do your own needs fall on your priority list? In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush talks about how coaching can help you learn to start taking care of yourself.

    “I was trying to take care of other people instead of just pausing and listening to what I needed.” — Elizabeth Cush

    Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, talks about her own journey of discovery around the importance of self care. She shares about how she came from a place of not knowing what she needed or whether she’d be cared for to a better place, where she can not only trust that she knows what she needs, but she can prioritize herself—and shares insights into how you could takes steps on your own journey to self care.  

    You can find all the resources and full show notes here!

    The Healing Power of Energy Work

    The Healing Power of Energy Work

    If you are looking for a deeper connection with yourself, this episode of Woman Worriers is for you. Host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Yolanda Williams, host of Reiki Radio, for a discussion of reiki, meditation and self-compassion.

    “Essentially you’re allowing yourself to be this conduit of universal life force energy.”
    — Yolanda Williams

    If you’ve ever walked into a room and sensed tension without anyone saying a word, you’ve already experienced how emotion impacts energy. Chances are, you’ve felt it in your own body, even if you didn’t recognize what it was, much less what to do about it. In this episode of the Woman Worriers podcast host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, welcomes Yolanda Williams, a certified medical reiki master, for a discussion of the Japanese energy practice of reiki and its benefits. They explore the intimate relationship between mind, body and life force; and how the practices of reiki, meditation and self compassion can help rebalance blocked energy so your body, your mind, your emotions—and your life—can flow more freely.

    You can find all the show notes and the more episodes of the podcast here!

    Is Your Mindset Holding You Back From Living Your Life?

    Is Your Mindset Holding You Back From Living Your Life?

    What fears are holding you back? In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Silvije Gurung, a business and life coach, for a discussion on changing your mindset around fear so you can move forward.

    “We’re really afraid to put ourselves out there, to really show our value and to give ourselves voice.”
    Silviye Gurung

    You can find the full episode and show notes here.


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    Healing Through the Power of Poetry & Nature

    Healing Through the Power of Poetry & Nature

    What role does writing play in your journey? In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Sez Kristiansen, an author and spoken word performer, who talks about how poetry and journaling have helped her heal.  

    “There’s a cathartic process of taking some sort of pain within yourself and manifesting it into something.”
    — Sez Kristiansen

    Find Elizabeth Cush life coaching here.

    The full show notes and resources are here.

    Using Creativity to Tap Into the Unconscious

    Using Creativity to Tap Into the Unconscious

    Whether you’re an accomplished artist or you’ve never picked up pencil or paintbrush, this episode of Woman Worriers is for you. Host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Reina Lombardi for a conversation about the benefits of art therapy.

    “It’s through creation that we experience meaning-making in our lives.”
    — Reina Lombardi

    Find the full show notes here- Woman Worriers.

    Finding and Following Your Dreams

    Finding and Following Your Dreams

    Have you ever wondered what it might be like to walk away from the 9-to-5 grind? In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush welcomes Elizabeth Grojean, who shares her story of Bali, weighted blankets and how she found her bliss in launching a new business venture.

    “I found everything I was looking for in that process of stepping back.”
    — Elizabeth Grojean

    Do you feel fulfilled? Have you ever asked yourself what you really want from life—and then taken the time to find the answers? It might take you to surprising places, often places beyond what you ever would have imagined for yourself. In this episode of the Woman Worriers podcast host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, welcomes Elizabeth Grojean, founder of Baloo Living, a sleep and wellness brand that was partially inspired by her sabbatical in Bali. They explore the journey to self-discovery and healing, messages that resonate and the power of women’s entrepreneurship. They also talk about Baloo Living’s flagship product, eco-friendly weighted blankets, and what they might do for you.

    You can find the full show notes and resources here.

    Learning How to Be—Just Be

    Learning How to Be—Just Be

    If your life is all about busy-ness, you may be losing touch with you. In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush, Psychotherapist and Women's Life Coach, talks about Being instead of Doing.

    “We’re so good at Doing but not so great at Being.”

    — Elizabeth Cush

    Are your days rich and full, or are they just busy? Do you have so much to do that you don’t have time to just be? So many of us get caught up in always doing for others that we lost touch with who we are and what we need—and we don’t leave ourselves the time we need to get in touch with those answers. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way. In this week’s episode of the Woman Worriers podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, talks about the need for down time. She shares about her experiences as a highly sensitive person and a trauma survivor who can easily be triggered and how she has learned to get grounded. She also offers a guided meditation designed to help you take time to reset and start to learn how to feel comfortable with becoming quiet within yourself.

    You can find all the show notes and resources here.