
    b Cause Work Doesn't Have to Suck

    A podcast obsessed with helping female, GenX(ish) leaders, who should be at the top of their careers but don’t feel like they are. The b Cause Work Doesn’t Have to Suck podcast isn’t another boring, stuffy leadership podcast. And it doesn’t bring you a gazillion guests who had the guts to “ef” the 9-5, seemingly the only answer to truly being happy in your career. Instead, this podcast is focused on helping you continue to rise in your career, but doing it without compromising everything else - your family, your health, or maybe even who you are. Erin, a former corporate CEO turned Authentic Leadership expert, teams up with her good friend, Nicole, an ivy league grad and professional do-gooder. Nicole lays it all on the line to share her real-time work highs, lows, contemplations, and sometimes barely believable stories. And Erin coaches and cajoles her (really, you) along the way...all in the name of helping you feel less insane, more inspired. Erin also interviews authentic leaders and experts who are focused on giving you the stories, advice, and tips that will have you making small, creative changes that will help you contend with and catapult your career. Grab a drink, put your feet up, and come along for a journey that will involve career advice, unsanitized thoughts, leadership lessons, important guests, and who the hell knows what else. b Cause work DOESN’T have to suck.
    enErin Hatzikostas237 Episodes

    Episodes (237)

    156: 3 Ways to Make the New Job Better Than the Last

    156: 3 Ways to Make the New Job Better Than the Last
    Break out the bubbly and put your party pants on because NICOLE. GOT. A. NEW. JOB!

    And to help her put her best foot forward, Erin’s sharing her top tips with Nicole (and you, dear listener) on how to make that fancy new job better than the last.

    People mentioned in the episode:

    Jackie Brubaker’s Podcast

    Renée Bauer

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    155: Key Learnings from the Secret Society of Success with Tim Schurrer

    155: Key Learnings from the Secret Society of Success with Tim Schurrer

    We all want to be successful, but sometimes it can be hard to define what success looks like. Is it having a big house and a nice car? Is it being able to travel and see the world? Or is it simply being happy and content with your life?

    The truth is, that success means different things to different people. But if you're having trouble defining what success looks like for you, our guest, Tim Schurrer, is here to help.

    Tim knows what it takes to build a winning team. He spent almost a decade of his career-launching two brands— StoryBrand and Business Made Simple—as COO alongside New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller. Before that Tim worked at TOMS as well as Apple Inc. He is the host of the Build a Winning Team podcast, where he offers listeners actionable advice as he interviews some of the top leaders in business.

    Ready to redefine what success looks like for you? Tune into this episode to find out how to get started.

    The Secret Society of Success: Stop Chasing the Spotlight and Learn to Enjoy Your Work (and Life) Again




    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    154: The Data You Need to Sell Authenticity to Your Leaders

    154: The Data You Need to Sell Authenticity to Your Leaders
    Authenticity isn’t fluffy unicorn doo-doo and we’ve got the proof to back it up.

    In this episode, Erin and Nicole share highlights of b Authentic Inc’s new study, “Authenticity in the Workplace.”

    At first glance, it may seem like a tall order to prove that authenticity works in the workplace. After all, how can you measure something as subjective and intangible as trust or respect? But rest assured – we have the data to back up our claim.

    Curious to see how much of a difference authenticity really makes in a company? You won't want to miss this one (or its mind-blowing results!)

    The Impact of Authenticity in the Workplace National Study

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    153: The 3-Step Method to Getting Anything You Want with Brandon Fong

    153: The 3-Step Method to Getting Anything You Want with Brandon Fong

    Despite the fact that he grew up in the free lunch program at school, our guest, Brandon Fong, became a published author, traveled to 23 countries with his wife, ran the marketing operations for a 7-figure online education company with 250,000+ students, was featured on TV, and launched his podcast to a top 2% global ranking in less than a year… all by the age of 25. Brandon is on his own path to build his first 7+ figure business and share what he learns along the way.

    Brandon believes that one of the most effective solutions to some of the world's biggest problems is to create a movement of people dedicated to pursuing self-expansion and doing big things in the world - not just for the outcome, but for what it makes of them in the process.

    In this episode, Brandon shares with us a 3-step method for creating engaging and genuine connections that provide massive value, but also lay the groundwork for future opportunities.


    Download a summary of Brandon’s Magic Connection Method process

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    152: The Importance of Knowing Whys vs. Whats

    152: The Importance of Knowing Whys vs. Whats

    It's always a bit of a shock when life throws us a curve ball. We think we have everything under control and then something happens to remind us that we're not actually in charge of anything. It can be a really difficult thing to deal with, especially if it feels like everything is crumbling down around us.

    But when sh*t starts to go off the rails, it might be the perfect opportunity to reevaluate our lives and see if what we are currently doing is aligned with who we truly are.

    Feeling stuck, unhappy with your current situation, or living in unalignment with your values? This just might be the episode you need to make a change.

    Know Your Why I Michael Jr

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    151: Learn How to Take a Soulcation with Mel Miles

    151: Learn How to Take a Soulcation with Mel Miles

    We've all been there – working long hours, spending evenings checking things off our list, and hitting the pillow stressed, exhausted, and overwhelmed. When things don't work out, we hustle harder. But is this really the best way to live?

    What if we didn’t have to sacrifice our ambition or goals to live a fulfilling life? What if instead, we were more thoughtful about how we pursue them? Well, Mel, today’s guest, has a thing or two to say about that.

    Mel Miles is a coach, speaker, and the founder of Soulcation, a company that helps people develop vacation-like routines that revive the soul.

    Formerly a program officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, she managed millions of dollars and helped launch the global campaign to eradicate malaria. After working in twenty-five African countries, she found herself hyperventilating through a panic attack, utterly confused about why she felt so stressed, exhausted, and unhappy when she was living the life she always thought she wanted. In the midst of her confusion and pain, she decided to quit her dream job, sell all her belongings, and travel alone around the world to answer the question keeping her up at night: In all her work fighting for the freedom and healing of others, was she living freely herself? 

    Mel currently lives in Lisbon, Portugal, where she is proud to have designed a life she doesn’t need a vacation from.

    Ready to bring vacation vibes to the everyday? Be sure to tune in.

    Check out Mel’s book, Soulcation

    Check out Mel's Website

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    150: Stand Out with Your Reverse Mullet Resume

    150: Stand Out with Your Reverse Mullet Resume

    Resumes. One of the most important documents of your professional life, and yet it can feel so impersonal and stilted.

    Over time, resumes have become robotic, inhuman, and chock full of business buzzwords rather than a way to get to know someone. #inauthenticaf

    And in today's job market, where competition is fierce and employers are looking for any reason to eliminate candidates from the pool, it's easy to see why people play it safe when it comes to their resumes. But truth is, playing it safe just may be keeping you from standing out.

    Feeling trapped in resume-writing purgatory and would like to create a resume that’s unique, engaging and highlights your personality? This one’s for you.


    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    149: Your Predicament Does Not Determine Your Destiny with Lia Valencia Key

    149: Your Predicament Does Not Determine Your Destiny with Lia Valencia Key
    “I'm an African-American female from poverty. I could feel a lot of ways if I allow it to, but I know there's some beauty inside of me, so I unlock it every day.” - Lia Valencia Key

    The first time Erin saw Lia walk into a room, she was radiating with joy. There was something so warm and captivating about her and she just knew she needed to know this woman.

    Lia went from growing up homeless to speaking on stages with Tony Robbins, Robin Roberts and spoken at Jamie Kern Lima’s conference filled with over 200,000 people. Pretty impressive, eh? Well after you meet Lia, you’ll see why they want her on their stages.

    You see, Lia encourages people to find their own light so you can have the peace and happiness you deserve. But really, it’s so much more than that. It’s about making choices, believing in yourself, and embracing the possibilities (even if they sometimes seem impossible.)

    It’s not really an interview at all. It’s an intervention. This is an episode you’ll likely listen to again and again.

    People Fuel

    Gwyneth x Oprah: Power, Perception & Soul Purpose



    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    148: 3 Surprising Interview Tips to Land the Job You Want

    148: 3 Surprising Interview Tips to Land the Job You Want

    The words, ‘We’d love it if you came in for an interview’ are in your inbox. Your heart starts racing, you do a fist pump or two, ok, three, and then you stop. Panic sets in. Party over.

    Interviewing is an uncomfortable rite of passage that we all have to go through at some point if we want to land our dream job. And if you’re human, it may cause you a little bit of anxiety. Maybe it's because we only hear about the interviewing horror stories and never the triumphs. Or maybe it's because we've built interviewing up to be this huge, important event when, really, it's just a conversation. Granted, one person is trying to convince the other to give them a job, but we’ll overlook that for a moment.

    In today’s episode, Erin and Nicole discuss 3 surprising interview tips that’ll help you authentically prepare for the traditional (and snoozy) interviews we’re all accustomed to.

    So, if you would like to stand out from the “expected” and land your dream job, tune in to get the full scoop.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    147: Financially Irresponsible Strategies for Success with Rahkim Sabree

    147: Financially Irresponsible Strategies for Success with Rahkim Sabree

    If someone were to ask you about personal finance, do you feel and well-informed, and ready to enlighten them with your financial savviness? Or do you nod, smile and schvitz -all while thinking you have no idea wtf they’re talking about?  

    No matter your answer, when it comes to personal finance game, today’s guest has the playbook.

    Rahkim Sabree is an author/columnist, speaker, and financial coach who focuses on the pathway between financial literacy and financial empowerment. His work has been published in Business Insider, The Grio, Black Enterprise, Entrepreneur, CEO World Magazine, and more.

    Rahkim works exclusively with leaders whose mission is to improve people's lives; who see bigger than themselves and who in addition to wanting to propel their business to the next level, want to (re-) find greater flexibility and freedom using the power of money.

    We loved hearing Rahkim’s story and enjoyed hearing his positive and practical take when it comes to personal finance. So, if finances give you the scaries, this episode just may help you out.

    Financially Irresponsible






    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    146: How to Turn Your “At Home Person” into Your Career with Scott Shute

    146: How to Turn Your “At Home Person” into Your Career with Scott Shute

    When you hear the statement 'Work can help us heal’, what comes to mind? Do you believe that to be true? Or do you think it’s a tall order for the workplace?

    In this week’s episode, you’ll hear Erin and Scott chat with Scott Shute. Scott is a keynote speaker, coach, executive, and author that combines the sublime of ancient wisdom with the practicality of work. 

    He has led Mindfulness and Compassion programs at LinkedIn. After twenty-five years of customer-oriented leadership roles, he found his dream job, where he utilized his entire skill set and embraced his passions. Now Scott is a “free-range chicken”, as he describes it, and works with companies and leaders to explore the possibility of human potential, helping employees become the very best version of themselves.

    So no matter what camp you fall in, we have no doubt you’ll love hearing Scott’s perspective on bringing mindfulness and compassion to the workplace-and heal from the inside out.

    Visit Scott's Website


    The Full Body Yes

    Atomic Habits by James Clear

    Gwyneth x Oprah: Power, Perception & Soul Purpose


    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    145: How to Get Paid for Your Mind, Not Your Minutes

    145: How to Get Paid for Your Mind, Not Your Minutes

    What’s your TEDx moment? What do you stand for?

    You see, this is a question that so many want to know, but few rarely explore. But shouldn’t we? In this episode, Erin and Nicole chat about this *slightly* heavy question, but in typical fashion, with a twist.

    The two also manage to talk about Russia (because wtf), share major life updates and reveal a groundbreaking stat about zookeepers. Yep, they went there.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    144: How to Merge the Two Yous with Paulina Tenner

    144: How to Merge the Two Yous with Paulina Tenner

    You hear all the time that you need to stand out. But. Have we ever really talked about what a vulnerable and courageous act that really is?

    Well, today’s guest, Paulina Tenner, knows a thing or two about standing out authentically and embracing your vulnerability when all eyes are on you.

    Unapologetic speaker, serial entrepreneur, startup investor, author and… burlesque dancer? These are just a few titles that Paulina holds.

    In this episode, Erin and Paulina discuss Paulina’s “weird, edgy hobby” and how it transformed her life in more ways than one. You’ll also hear Paulina chat about how finding courage and settling into vulnerability can lead to unforeseen and exciting opportunities.

    Paulina just gets what it means to be authentic. And we have a feeling you’ll love her as much as we do. Ready to get started?


    When Self-Set Pay Does More Harm than Good in Your Company


    Watch Paulina's Tedx Talk

    Connect with Paulina on Instagram

    Connect with Paulina on Twitter

    Connect with Paulina on Linkedin

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    143: 3 Fun Strategies to Get Shit (You Don't Wanna Do) Done

    143: 3 Fun Strategies to Get Shit (You Don't Wanna Do) Done

    How’s that to-do list of yours? Ever growing? Can’t seem to catch up? Maybe the thought of sliding it into the trash even crossed your mind a time or two?

    Us too.

    Well, what if you could make your to-do list a little less daunting, a little more motivating and hell, maybe even a little more enjoyable?

    In this episode, Erin and Nicole chat about fun strategies to get sh*t done that you simply don’t want to do. So, if your task list is giving you the blues, tune in to this episode to see if any of these strategies light a spark under your…well, you know.


    Jon Acuff: Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done

    Episode 123: Game-changing Advice to Make You Fearless at Work with Molly Fletcher

    The Energy Clock: 3 Simple Steps to Create a Life Full of ENERGY ― and Live Your Best Every Day

    You Do You(ish): Unleash Your Authentic Superpowers to Get the Career You Deserve

    It’s Been a Minute with Sam Sanders: Questlove's 'Summer of Soul' brings lost music back to life


    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    142: Getting Uncomfortable with Jean LaTorre

    142: Getting Uncomfortable with Jean LaTorre

    Often we have this perception of “woman at the top.” They don’t have kids. Or if they do, they must be willing to sacrifice so much of it for their career.

    What if that wasn’t how it had to be? Well, it’s certainly not the case for Jean LaTorre. Jean talks about her rise from a family that had trouble making ends meet to becoming the Chief Investment Officer for a Fortune 50 company. And how she did that while remaining true to herself and her family.

    Erin Hatzikostas interviews Jean LaTorre, former Chief Investment Officer and Corporate Economist of Aetna and the current Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer of Guardian.

    Erin asks Jean how she started her career, and what she was like when she was younger. Jean talks about how she grew up “more than modest” in New York, sometimes struggling for rent or surviving on food stamps. After a poignant moment when her mom wasn’t able to pay for Jean’s health care incident, Jean decided she would make sure she could always “make ends meet.”

    She went to college and although English was her passion, she coupled that degree with a major in business. It was “practical”, she says.  She then started her career in the investment world and continually worked her way up the corporate ladder, progressing from one strong position to another.

    Erin reflects on a time Jean inspired her with a speech at a women's conference, with words that have stuck with Erin to this day, “I like being a girl.”

    Erin asks Jean to discuss tough managers and colleagues, and share some advice on how to deal with the more difficult of your work acquaintances.

    Have you ever been passed by for an opportunity because your boss thinks you would be too stressed to handle the kids and the work? Or maybe you were in a car accident and your bosses only reply is "get here and get your head in the game".

    Well, that happened to Jean. So yeah, she has a few tips and tricks on how to handle it.

    Next, Erin asks Jean to give some advice for the working moms out there - what kind of boundaries to put up between work and home. Jean says, “Stop beating yourself up, there's no one right way to do something.”

    They move on to discuss what drives Jean to work with different organizations, such as PRIDE, the LGBTQ+ Community at Guardian.

    She reminisces on when she became Chief Investment Officer... in January 2008, so, that was a hard year. Then she gives her take on the current economic and social situation.

    Erin talks about writing her book, and how to get around telling truthful stories without hurting the people involved. This opens an opportunity for Jean and Erin to share funny stories they’ve both experienced as it relates to the workplace that they think would go well in a book.

    Connect with Jean on Linkedin

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    141: Sometimes You Just Need to Lindsay Vaughan It

    141: Sometimes You Just Need to Lindsay Vaughan It

    In a world where we are told to go-go-go, have you ever just thought, “Ehhh, no”?

    You often hear the words, ‘productivity’, ‘hustle’, and ‘success’ in relation to work, but one thing you hear less of is ‘space’, ‘succumb’ or…’going limp’. (More on ‘going limp’ later. Promise we won’t leave you hangin’ on this one.)

    In today’s episode, Nicole discusses the societal pressure to be employed and how that’s impacting her during her transition. And Erin shares with her some “award-winning” advice to help her navigate through this time without losing her mind.

    Somehow, they also manage to work in stories about waterslide catastrophes and in Nicole’s words, “middle-aged indignities.”

    Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    140: Stand Out from the Crowd on Video with Kerry Barrett

    140: Stand Out from the Crowd on Video with Kerry Barrett

    A way to create connection, build authority and stand out from your peers in an unexpected way?  *Yes please! *

    A super simple strategy that most people aren’t leveraging in the workplace? *Where do I sign up? *

    It’s completely centered around video.

    **slowly backs out of the room**

    We get it. Video can be intimidating, a smidge uncomfortable and maybe a little unnatural.

    But the gem of a human being featured on the podcast today will hopefully help you set aside those fears and make practical changes that’ll add a unique twist to your current video practices.

    Oh, and they’re practically painless. Promise.

    In this episode, you’ll hear Erin chat with Kerry Barrett. Kerry is an Emmy award-winning broadcast news anchor, reporter and producer, turned public speaking and media coach and trainer, who helps others bring their stories to life with confidence and personality. And you know, no big deal or anything, but you may have even seen Kerry on a few internationally renowned media institutions like NBC, ABD and Fox tv stations.

    Ok, ok that’s kind of a big deal.

    Even with that impressive lineup though, Kerry is most known for overcoming a massive and debilitating fear of public speaking. Now, she uses her experience to help business professionals move from obscurity to visibility through the power of video.

    The way Kerry talks about video makes it seem like a natural and an attainable process, but even more so, it’s rooted around building an authentic connection with whomever is on the other side of the screen.

    So, if you want to stand out from the crown and learn how to leverage the power of video authentically, this is an episode you’re not going to want to miss.

    Connect with Kerry

    Check out Kerry's website at Kerry Barrett.com

    Connect with Kerry on Linkedin

    Follow Kerry on Instagram @kerbarrett

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    Check out BombBomb

    Learn more about Videoask

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    139: Nicole’s Moving Out, Up, and Onward

    139: Nicole’s Moving Out, Up, and Onward

    One of the best things about this podcast is the no-holds-barred, insightful, hilarious, and often vulnerable conversations that Erin and Nicole have.

    And this one’s no different.

    Over the years, Nicole has let us in on her career-the good, the bad, and the ugly. Not many would be willing to go where she has and openly share the way she does.

    In this episode, Nicole shares a huge announcement with us that has changed the trajectory of her career, added a little uncertainty to her life and undoubtedly a lot of excitement.

    How’s she doing? In Nicole’s words, “somewhere between onward and oh fuck.”

    Shonda Rhimes: My Year of Saying Yes to Everything

    Finding Joe

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    138: Rise in the Ranks by Not Playing It Safe with Matt Parrish

    138: Rise in the Ranks by Not Playing It Safe with Matt Parrish

    Think authenticity only applies to the corporate world? Think again. We’ve decided to shake things up and show you how authenticity can be applied to any career.

    In this episode, Erin meets with Sergeant Major Matt Parrish. Matt is currently the Senior Enlisted Leader for the USSOCOM Preservation of the Force and Family program. He is a Green Beret who has spent his entire career within Special Operations, including 13 years on Special Forces operational teams. Matt has multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan as well most of the countries in Central and South America.

    Pretty badass right?

    You’ll hear Matt tells us captivating stories from his career that range from encounters with the Obamas, the one and only Snoop Dog and so many more that are fresh, unique, and incredibly bold. One thing these stories all have in common? Matt didn’t play it safe and used authenticity to advance his career, without compromising who he was.

    Connect with Matt on Linkedin

    Check out Matt’s podcast, SOFCAST

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    137: 4 Mindset Shifts to Help You Make a Leap

    137: 4 Mindset Shifts to Help You Make a Leap

    Like the rest of the world, Nicole is taking a beat and recovering from Covid. By the way, does anyone have a date on when this is going to end or…?

    Luckily, Erin, the other half of the duo, is still well and has decided to authentically let you in on four critical mindset shifts that helped her pivot from executive to entrepreneur.

    P.S.- If you’d like to wish Nicole well in the b Cause Podcast Facebook Group ,we know she'd love that!

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!