
    b Cause Work Doesn't Have to Suck

    A podcast obsessed with helping female, GenX(ish) leaders, who should be at the top of their careers but don’t feel like they are. The b Cause Work Doesn’t Have to Suck podcast isn’t another boring, stuffy leadership podcast. And it doesn’t bring you a gazillion guests who had the guts to “ef” the 9-5, seemingly the only answer to truly being happy in your career. Instead, this podcast is focused on helping you continue to rise in your career, but doing it without compromising everything else - your family, your health, or maybe even who you are. Erin, a former corporate CEO turned Authentic Leadership expert, teams up with her good friend, Nicole, an ivy league grad and professional do-gooder. Nicole lays it all on the line to share her real-time work highs, lows, contemplations, and sometimes barely believable stories. And Erin coaches and cajoles her (really, you) along the way...all in the name of helping you feel less insane, more inspired. Erin also interviews authentic leaders and experts who are focused on giving you the stories, advice, and tips that will have you making small, creative changes that will help you contend with and catapult your career. Grab a drink, put your feet up, and come along for a journey that will involve career advice, unsanitized thoughts, leadership lessons, important guests, and who the hell knows what else. b Cause work DOESN’T have to suck.
    enErin Hatzikostas237 Episodes

    Episodes (237)

    176: Tips to Prevent Taking the New Job from Honeymoon to Hell

    176: Tips to Prevent Taking the  New Job from Honeymoon to Hell
    Ahhh the honeymoon period. The time when everything is fresh, new, and exciting as you start your new job. The work is interesting, your colleagues are friendly and helpful, and you can't wait to see what each new day brings.

    But then, after a few months or even weeks, the honeymoon period comes to an end. The work starts to feel repetitive, your colleagues become less patient with your questions, and you find yourself hitting the snooze button more often than you'd like to admit. Before you know it, you’re back to the grind, and the only thing that is new and exciting is your weekend plans.

    But does it really have to be this way? What if instead you could take advantage of the honeymoon excitement and energy before you fall into a workplace slump? In this episode, we’ll tell you how.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    175: 6 Game Changing Revelations that Everyone Needs to Know with Patti Hall

    175: 6 Game Changing Revelations that Everyone Needs to Know with Patti Hall
    In this episode, we’re pulling back the curtain and letting you in on a conversation with Patti Hall, aka Erin's ride-or-die book coach.

    Now, we know what you're thinking..."I don't want to write a book." But, in true b Cause Work Doesn't Have to Suck fashion, we aren't talking technicalities, but instead revelations.

    But first, who is Patti? Well, my friend, this introduction is long overdue.

    Patti M. Hall is the Master Story Alchemist, whose particular coaching genius is distilling powerful stories and messages into books that serve. Patti is a writer, coach, proposal author and publishing guide for heart-lead entrepreneurs, transformational coaches, thought leaders and courageous memoirists. She’s also authentic AF.

    In this episode, you'll hear Erin and Patti talk about 6 game-changing revelations they've had through writing Erin's latest book, You Do You-ish, and how these tactics can be applied to any profession.

    Check out Patti’s book, Loving Large

    Check out Patti's Website

    Connect with Patti on Instagram

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    174: Avoid Long-term Angst with These Short-term Strategies

    174: Avoid Long-term Angst with These Short-term Strategies
    We've all been there – fixated on what could go wrong that we forget to take time to enjoy the ride. It's human nature to worry, but sometimes we need to take a step back and remind ourselves that life is meant to be enjoyed. After all, if we spend our time worrying about every little thing that could go wrong, we'll miss out on all the good stuff that's happening right in front of us.

    In this episode, Nicole talks about how her mom is movin’ back to town and Erin shares her best “slap ya mama” advice to help Nicole navigate this transition.

    So, whether you're dealing with a difficult family situation or just trying to enjoy life despite all the craziness, this episode is sure to give you a good laugh – and maybe even some useful advice.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    173: How to Make Every Day the Best Damn Day with Chris Dorris

    173: How to Make Every Day the Best Damn Day with Chris Dorris
    You know that feeling when it seems like everything in the world is against you. No matter what you do, things just keep going wrong. Your alarm clock doesn't go off so you're late for work, your boss yells at you for being late, and then your coffee mug shatters when you accidentally knock it off your desk. It feels like you can't catch a break. But what if the real problem isn't the string of bad luck you're experiencing, but rather the way you're thinking about it?

    In this week’s episode, Mental Toughness Coach, Chris Dorris, is here to show us there’s a different way to think.

    Chris started out as a social worker in Atlantic City helping the mentally ill, drug addicted, and homeless populations upgrade their lives. This eventually led him to his true vocation- helping people close the gap between how their lives are and how they want them to be.

    And he clearly knows his stuff. Chris has trained the minds of world-famous actors, NFL and NHL Coaches, business executives, Super Bowl Champions and billionaires using his Mental Toughness tools to help them achieve success.

    You see, Chris understands that our thoughts have a lot of power. And if we're constantly telling ourselves that things are going to go wrong, guess what? They probably will.

    Feeling stuck in a rut and like nothing is going your way? This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

    Check out Chris’ Website

    Daily Dose Mental Toughness Tips in 30 seconds or less

    Mental Toughness Mantras

    A Grateful Day with Brother David Steindl-Rast

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    172: Benefits of Quiet Quitting Normal Performance Evaluations

    172: Benefits of Quiet Quitting Normal Performance Evaluations
    Quiet Quitting: it's the new buzzword on everyone's lips. It's not necessarily connected to quitting a job outright, but rather doing precisely what the job requires.

    This new movement is gaining steam as more and more people get fed up with their jobs. But how can leaders navigate this trend without completely losing their cool?

    In this episode, Nicole shares how her performance evaluations took a left turn and how ‘quiet quitting’ was the culprit.

    Tune into this episode to find out how she’s navigating the quiet quitting storm and coming out stronger on the other side…and how you can too.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    171: Do It For Love, Not the Goal with Mollie Marcoux Samaan

    171: Do It For Love, Not the Goal with Mollie Marcoux Samaan
    It's a Universal truth that we all want to be happy in our work. We strive to find a career that will make us look forward to Monday mornings, rather than dread them. And while it's important to have passion for what you do, there's something to be said for finding a job that you don't hate - even if it doesn't fulfill all your dreams. This week’s guest gives us the details on what it looks like to do something because you love it, not because you’re getting something out of it.

    Mollie Marcoux Samaan is a passionate golfer who has taken her long-term strategic thinking to the world’s oldest independent professional women's sports league. In running LPGA, she defined six pillars and created a Be Great performance model that employs best practices from across industries with input also coming directly from players.

    Mollie Marcoux Samaan has become a leader for all of women’s sports, assuming the spokeswoman mantel on issues related to equality and inclusion. She is a leading advocate for increasing investments and growing opportunities for women in girls in every field of sports and entertainment.

    If you’re interested in what it looks like to do your “job” for the love, not the goal, this is an episode you won’t want to miss.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    170: How to Gain (and Regain) Trust with David Horsager

    170: How to Gain (and Regain) Trust with David Horsager
    Being successful in the workplace requires more than just hard work and talent. In fact, some of the most important qualities for success are often intangible. Trust and authenticity are two such qualities. After all, no one wants to work with someone they can't trust, and it's hard to be successful if you're not being authentic.

    In the fast-paced world of work, it can be tempting to cut corners or take shortcuts. But ultimately, those who can build trust are the ones who will find the most success in the long run.

    This week’s episode features the leading global expert in building high-trust leaders and organizations and bestselling author of The Trust Edge, David Horsager. David has advised leaders and delivered life-changing presentations on six continents, and including clients such as FedEx, Toyota, MIT, and global governments as well as the New York Yankees and the Department of Homeland Security.

    David’s energy will keep you engaged, and his authenticity will keep you hooked. Trust us, this is an episode you don’t want to miss.

    Check out David’s Website

    Connect with David on Instagram

    Connect with David on LinkedIn

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    169: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Executives

    169: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Executives

    Trying to impress your boss can be a delicate balancing act- on one hand, you want to demonstrate your value and stand out from the crowd. On the other hand, you don't want to overstep your bounds and end up on the unemployment line. To help you navigate this tricky tightrope, Erin and Nicole share five mistakes to avoid when working with executives.


    You May Also Like:

    162: 10 Power Questions to Crush Your Interview

    148: 3 Surprising Interview Tips to Land the Job You Want

    129: 3 Tips to Stand Out in Your Next Executive Meeting

    119: 3 Hacks For Asking Powerful Questions That Put You in the Pole Position

    133: Avoid Performance Discussion Pitfalls with This One Strategy

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    168: The Key to Making an Indelible Impression with Yvonne Alston

    168: The Key to Making an Indelible Impression with Yvonne Alston
    “Learn how to use your voice and, even more so, how to calibrate it in moments that really matter.”

    If you're interested in being an advocate for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in the workplace, you're not alone. In today's climate, more and more people are looking for ways to create workplaces that are safe and welcoming for everyone.But where do you start?

    *Cue our guest, the amazing Yvonne Alston*

    Yvonne Alston is an unapologetically authentic amplifier and advocate for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging. She established Indelible Impressions Consulting to advance important conversations, education and transformation to help organizations understand the importance of culture and its impact on the human experience. Her firm and team focus on centering the employee experience, amplifying personal and professional value, and inspiring hearts and minds as they challenge systems of inequity, champion dimensions of diversity, and drive inclusive practices holistically.

    In this eye-opening episode, Yvonne gives us pointers on how to advocate authentically and use our voice to inspire change in the workplace.

    Connect with Yvonne on LinkedIn

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    167: How Coming with a Warning Label Fuels Success with Reagan Cannon

    167: How Coming with a Warning Label Fuels Success with Reagan Cannon
    We've all been there. Many of us have found ourselves in a meeting, feeling like we have something important to say... but not saying it. Maybe we're afraid of being seen as pushy or bossy. Maybe we don't want to rock the boat or make waves. Or maybe we're just worried that our ideas won't be well-received. Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that our voices are worth hearing. And this week's guest knows a thing or two about putting yourself out there and getting results.

    Reagan Cannon is a former executive from some of the largest companies in the world, including Amazon and AT&T, where she had roles leading teams of 10,000+ and comprised of business strategy, technical product development, and large-scale global operations.

    She’s now an accomplished speaker, who empowers organizations to retain talent with her A.P.P.L.E. model, which she first published in her 2016 book, The Cure for Career Quicksand.

    In this episode, you'll hear Reagan talk about how she has been able to push back against the norm by speaking openly rather than worrying what others want to hear--and why it's time for all of us else do so as well!

    Connect with Reagan on LinkedIn

    The Cure for Career Quicksand: Advancing Your Career One Slice at a Time by Reagan Cannon

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    166: Layoff-Proof Yourself: 3 Strategies to Help You Stick Around

    166: Layoff-Proof Yourself: 3 Strategies to Help You Stick Around
    Let's face it, the corporate world is a cutthroat place. In order to succeed, you have to constantly evolve and adapt to new challenges. Whether it’s in “normal” times or a time like now, where there’s a lot of concern about a recession, companies unfortunately have to constantly look at their workforce and often make tough decisions to let people go.

    But what if we told you that there are three strategies you can use to help"layoff-proof" yourself that'll keep you from getting the ax?

    In this episode, Erin and Nicole discuss three strategies to help you stick around and survive the corporate jungle.

    Looking for some tips on how to avoid being laid off just want to know how to build a successful career in the corporate world? Tune in. This is an episode you don’t want to miss.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    165: The Savannah Bananas’ Fans First Strategy You Can Use for Success with Jesse Cole

    165: The Savannah Bananas’ Fans First Strategy You Can Use for Success with Jesse Cole
    Meet Jesse Cole, the Walt Disney of baseball.

    In 2016, Cole and his family purchased a historically fledgling baseball team in Savannah and turned them into the world-renowned, Savannah Bananas where they’ve revolutionized a traditional sport. How? By putting fans first.

    Instead of being obsessed with the game, he became obsessed with the experience. Particularly the fan experience.

    Eventually, Cole's innovative marketing strategies and commitment to fan experience paid off in a big way. The Savannah Bananas have sold out every game since their first season and have been awarded Organization of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, and Business of the Year.

    Today, Cole is an in-demand keynote speaker, serial yellow tux wearer and author of Find Your Yellow Tux and Fans First.

    In this episode, you’ll hear Erin and Jesse discuss how you can use a Fans First strategy to create your own success.

    Find Your Yellow Tux

    Fans First

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    164: Benefits of Your Gut Being Your Guide

    164: Benefits of Your Gut Being Your Guide
    Whenever you're feeling lost or uncertain, it's easy to second-guess yourself. After all, there are so many voices out there telling you what to do and how to live your life. But what if the best guide isn't found in the noise of the world? What if the answer lies within you?

    Here's the thing: our gut instinct is usually spot-on. It's the voice in our head that tells us whether something feels right or wrong. And yet, we so often ignore it in favor of following the rules or doing what we're told. But what if we listened to our instincts more often?

    Now, we’re not saying you should quit your job and move to Bali (although that does sound pretty tempting). But listening to your gut can help you make small decisions in your everyday life. And those small decisions can make a big impact on your overall happiness and wellbeing.

    So next time you're feeling lost or uncertain, don't second-guess yourself - listen to your instincts (and this podcast) instead. It might just be the best guide you've got.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    163: Simplicity + Serving = Success with Ted Pizzo

    163: Simplicity + Serving = Success with Ted Pizzo
    When it comes to networking, we all know the importance of making a good impression. But let's be honest - sometimes, schmoozing can feel like a bit of a chore.

    You find yourself shaking hands and exchanging business cards with people you'll probably never see again, all while trying to keep a smile plastered on your face. It can be exhausting! So how can you network without feeling like a phony? Well, this week’s guest knows a thing or two about how to network…authentically.

    Ted Pizzo is a Sr. VP & Client Advisor at Lockton and the President of the Northeast Executive Advisory Group (www.northeastexecutives.com), which started in 2004. The Northeast Executive Advisory Group (NEAG) includes thousands of executives, professionals and community leaders who help each other grow their respective businesses, offer support with referrals, collaborate on philanthropic endeavors and assist those between jobs land in the right place.

    In this episode, you’ll hear Ted share stories from his career, why he started NEAG and how building authentic connections is at the center of it all.

    Connect with Ted on LinkedIn

    Steve Pinker Ted Talk

    Get in touch with Ted: tpizzo@lockton.com

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    162: 10 Power Questions to Crush Your Interview

    162: 10 Power Questions to Crush Your Interview
    Interviews can be pretty daunting. You've probably been on the other side of the table, sweating bullets as the interviewer fires question after question at you. And now it's your turn to ask the questions? Yikes. But don't worry, we've got your back.

    In this episode, Erin lays out 10 questions that you can easily use in an interview. Think of these questions as training wheels - they'll help you get started, but eventually, you'll be able to ride without them.

    So, whether you're interviewing for your next A+ player or trying to find that missing piece to your team, tune in to learn how asking the right questions can make all the difference.

    119: 3 Hacks For Asking Powerful Questions That Put You in the Pole Position

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    161: How Replacing Perfection with Creating a Vibe Can Change Everything

    161: How Replacing Perfection with Creating a Vibe Can Change Everything

    We've all been guilty of trying to be perfect. We run around our house making it look like a museum. We run our meetings with the proper agenda. We have this constant anxiety that goes along with trying to make the inevitably imperfect, perfect.

    But what if instead of focusing on perfection, we instead focus on creating a vibe? A feeling, an aura, an environment that is more focused on the feeling we want people to have than the façade.

    Well, Erin and Nicole have tested this out and holy schnikies, it changes everything!

    Because here's the thing–people are sick of going through the motions, both at work and (especially) in life. When you focus on creating a vibe instead of the perfect charcuterie board or board meeting, people think and feel “Ahhhh, I was so sick of everyone’s perfection. This is the vibe I’ve been craving instead and didn’t even know it!”

    Tune to hear how just this small shift in mindset has changed work and life for both Erin and Nicole, and to start thinking about where you can replace perfection with creating a vibe.

    Click here to shop b Authentic Inc merchandise!

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    160: What to Do (And Not Do) To Create Your Leadership Legacy with Anton Gunn

    160: What to Do (And Not Do) To Create Your Leadership Legacy with Anton Gunn
    In this episode, Erin sits down with Anton Gunn, a former state legislator, federal policymaker, and Harvard Professor and now the founder of the 937 Strategy Group for discussion on, well, everything. 

    Anton is sure to inspire you as he shares his passion for great leadership and how it was formed from a unique combination of being part of a family dedicated to service, the five U.S. Presidents he met, his many mentors, his college football coaches (what not to do) and hip hop.

    If you're looking to truly become a great leader, you don't want to miss this episode. You'll be incredibly moved by his authentic perspective on how to move forward in life, take on incredible challenges and be the kind of leader that leaves a legacy for many people including, most importantly, your family.

    Connect with Anton on Linkedin

    Connect with Anton on Instagram

    Connect with Anton on Facebook

    Connect with Anton on Twitter

    Visit Anton's Website

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    •  Follow b Cause on Twitter (really it's mostly Nicole)  

    •  Follow Erin on LinkedIn or Instagram 

    •  Join the b Cause Podcast Facebook Group 

    •    Take our simple, fun and insightful"What’s your workplace superhero name?”quiz

    •   Unleash your Authentic Superpower with Erin’s book,"You Do You (ish)" 

    • Check out our blog for more no-BS career advice 

    • Work with Us

    • Or just buy some fun, authentic, kick-ars merch here

    • DISCLAIMER: This episode is not explicit, though contains mild swearing that may be unsustainable for younger audiences.

      Tweetable Comments

    • "You're never too big to help someone out, because there's always someone out there in the universe who needs to hear from you."

    • "Who am I to deny someone of their opportunity? It's not a rivalry, it's authentic."

    • "I teach leaders not to be transactional, but to be relational."

    • "To focus on relationships, regardless of status, is really important."

    • "When you don't have a good environment, where people feel valued or respected, you can't get people to optimally perform."

    • "I wasn't appreciated as a person, so I did the bare minimum, and you see the same in the workplace. You mentally quit long before you physically quit."

    • "If you're disabled, if you have limited English proficiency if you're just poor, the system is fragmented for you and it's hard to live out your potential."

    • "When you get into a new leadership position...you're only entitled to the respect and value of a leader for one day. The next day you have to begin earning that title and earning that respect of the team you lead."

    • "You need to interview the people on your team for their expertise on how you should be doing a great job."

    • "All of us at some point get told what we can't do, what we can't have, and that we don't have all the tools in the toolbox that other people have."

    • "How do you encounter the person at the store, doing your laundry, the person washing your car. You can act a certain way with everyone, and that attitude reflects in your leadership."

    159: 10 Things Leaders Can Implement Tomorrow to Reduce Employee Burnout

    159: 10 Things Leaders Can Implement Tomorrow to Reduce Employee Burnout
    Employee burnout has become a hot topic in recent years, as more and more workers report feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. There are several reasons why this may be the case, but some of the most common include unrealistic expectations, a lack of work/life balance, and a feeling of being unappreciated. Oh, and a global pandemic.

    And we probably don’t have to tell you the impact. But we will. For employees, burnout can lead to physical and mental health problems, as well as job dissatisfaction and motivation. For employers, it can mean increased absenteeism, decreased productivity, and turnover.

    Whatever the cause or repercussions, burnout can have serious consequences for both employees and employers. And too often we talk about what a person can do for THEMSELVES to reduce burnout. But the reality is they need help from their leadership more than anything.

    In this episode, Erin shares 10 practical tips for leaders to reduce employee burnout that are so easy to implement you can literally start tomorrow.

    Purchase You Do You(ish)

    Want podcast updates and other tips? Join our email list. We promise the emails aren't slimy!

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    158: Leggo My Ego: When Stepping Down Is Actually Stepping Up

    158: Leggo My Ego: When Stepping Down Is Actually Stepping Up

    Ego is a tricky little bastard. You think you have it under control, but then it pops up when you least expect it and wreaks havoc on your day. Like a small child, it needs constant supervision, except instead of demands for food or attention, ego's demands are for validation and recognition.

    But what happens when our ego is left unchecked? Well, friend, it can easily spiral out of control and become the driving force behind everything you do.

    In this episode, you’ll hear Nicole share how she tamed her trickster during her job transition and flipped her mindset to focus on what really matters.

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!

    157: How to Have a Big Career by Not Conforming with Martha Temple

    157: How to Have a Big Career by Not Conforming with Martha Temple
    Like a fine wine that’s aged, Erin is finally busting out an interview with her favorite boss, Martha Temple, and she’s sharing all her thoughts on how to have a big career by not conforming.

    Earning an executive title and the corner office isn’t exactly easy. So, what’s the secret sauce to making it as a big time executive while maintaining your sanity and self? Well, here’s what Martha will tell you it's not: fitting in.

    Martha is an experienced CEO and P&L owner who led several major subsidiary companies within Fortune 50 companies and is now a Board Member of six companies. An Actuary only by certification (not by stereotyped personality), Martha has spent her career bucking the norm and leading with authenticity and passion.

    She’s a big believer that people have way more talent and great ideas than they give themselves credit for, and she’s passionate about helping people see that success only really comes when you commit to standing out and doing the things that aren’t necessarily popular or normal.

    In this episode, you’ll hear Martha share what’s shaped her throughout her corporate career, dish out advice for others who want to make it to the top, and also share some funny stories along the way.

    If you’re interested in climbing the ladder while maintaining your sanity and self, this episode is for you.

    Connect with Martha on LinkedIn

    If you’d like quick tangible tips and practical corporate career advice to level up your authentic leadership, download the 10 simple “plays” to stop selling out and start standing out at https://bauthenticinc.mykajabi.com/freebie  

    To connect with Erin and/or Nicole, email: hello@bauthenticinc.com 

    If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration!