
    Bigger, Bolder, Braver

    Building a life and business that 'fit' YOU can be tricky, particularly when what you see others do, market or promote either conflicts with your values or is just plain ridiculous in the context of the life you're actually living. That's why this podcast is short, practical and to-the-point because you've a life to be living and no time to waste on fluff. It doesn't matter how 'successful' you've already been, so much of what you are applauded for can leave you pretty hollow, and it's too easy to chase after dreams that others have told you you could or should have, instead of checking in with what lights you up and who you were created to be. Bigger, Bolder, Braver is the podcast which questions the unquestioned 'truths' of how business is done and what success looks like, so you can craft a life that is richer and more satisfying than the 'norms', shoulds and other noise would have you believe is achievable. As you listen, you'll get a fresh perspective on what is possible for you in business, you'll see the toxic narratives in the current culture for what they are, and you'll be able to fearlessly carve your own path to become you in all your glory.
    en43 Episodes

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    Episodes (43)

    My Favourite Question

    My Favourite Question


    We live in an unhealthy environment that has trained us that we have to be on the go all the time; if we're not on the go 24/7 then we're lazy. It's a lie from the pit of hell! 

    If you want to learn how to have the unflustered rhythm of ebb and flow in your life and business, book a free call with me. No obligation, let's have a chat and see if we'd be a good fit to work together. Book a call


    Bigger, Bolder, Braver
    enAugust 31, 2021

    Prioritise your priorities

    Prioritise your priorities


    What matters most to you, when everything else is stripped away? Who and what are the priorities? Let's start with those and then craft a business/life on top of that. 

    Let me help you learn to build a life that fits your values and your priorities. Listen now then book a call to discuss how we can work together to make this happen for you: BOOK A CALL


    Bigger, Bolder, Braver
    enAugust 17, 2021

    Replay, Rehearse, Repeat!

    Replay, Rehearse, Repeat!

    Ep. #21

    'What we replay we rehearse to repeat' - Dr. Kathrine

    What do you focus on? Are you looking at what went well so you can remember it and repeat it, or are you focused on everything that didn't go to plan?

    What you focus on you get more of, so listen to this episode and pay attention to what you are choosing to replay, knowing that you may very well be having a rehearse of what you'll then repeat in future!

    Want more on this? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

    Bigger, Bolder, Braver
    enAugust 04, 2021

    Swim upstream!

    Swim upstream!


    Every big change that has come in this world has come from those who haven't just accepted 'the way things are'. Instead they've looked and said, "This could be better; why don't we try this?"

    There are people who are wired to be pioneers and settlers in this world. We need both. If you have an idea-filled heart, a passion to do something differently, to be one of those pioneers, then get after it! 

    Words have power

    Words have power


    'Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks' so the ancient wisdom says.

    The Bible also warns that 'the power of life and death is in the tongue'... highlighting just how important the words that come out of your mouth are.

    When you're talking to or about yourself, you can be either your best cheerleader or your harshest critic, and since your voice is the one you'll hear most in the world, it's crucial that you get control of your tongue!

    That's what this episode is all about- listen now

    Context Matters (so cut yourself some slack!)

    Context Matters (so cut yourself some slack!)


    Today's episode comes with a shout out to my Mind to Win clients. many of whom are just starting to return to competitions for the first time in over a year!

    In this episode I want to talk about you in the whole context of your life. What you do happens in that context, whether it's competing with your dog in agility, nosework, rally or hoopers... or growing your business in the context of a relationship, children or caring responsibilities.

    Especially as you start to emerge from the weirdness of life during covid, where do you need to be gentle with yourself and allow time/space and grace to adjust?

    To find out more about my Mental Mastery membership community for dog sport handlers to develop great mental game, please start by joining my free group: Mind to Win

    Apply for my small group Mastermind to grow your business at a God-designed, un-hustled pace without sacrificing your values, relationships or sanity, find out more at DrKathrine.com

    Whose schedule is it anyway?

    Whose schedule is it anyway?

    Ep. #016

    If you are self-employed or run your own business, have you ever had someone contact you and expect you to be free to do something social or to drop everything for them in work hours?

    Ever had a request that you know they wouldn't make of someone with a traditional/office job?

    That's what I'm talking about today because I know that respecting our time and setting appropriate boundaries around it can be a challenge. 

    I hope this helps you!

    How we can work together:

    1. Check out the free resources at www.DrKathrine.com

    2. Mastermind: Find out more HERE

    Limited 1-1 coaching programmes are occasionally also available. If you are interested in this or to get notifications of when you can join any of my seminars etc., please follow me on social media @drkathrine

    No hustle required!

    No hustle required!

    Episode #015

    If you've been working your tail off, feeling strung out or like you're spread too thin, I want to highlight a different way forward.

    As ever, I am particularly speaking to you in the context of running your own business, because you have more control over your schedule than the average employed person... and I'm betting you didn't get into business so you could run at the same unforgiving pace as when you had an employer!

    Whether you're employed, self-employed, retired or not in a paid occupation currently, I invite you to consider this un-hustled way forward and how we might be healthier as individuals, as families and as societies if we rejected the trajectory we've been on and gave hustle the heave-ho.

    Once you've listened, don't forget to subscribe and, if you are enjoying this podcast, leave a review.

    Water walking... and spitting salty water!

    Water walking... and spitting salty water!

    Episode #014

    Let's keep it real. There is no-one out there pushing themselves and growing who does so without ever feeling the strain, doubting themselves or questioning their vision. At some point, everyone has a 'moment'. 

    I recently had what we call in Mental Mastery a ' #human' moment, and here's what I learned.

    If you've ever felt overwhelmed, questioned yourself or wondered why you're not finding it as easy as all those 'successful' gurus on social media, then I hope this will be balm for your soul!

    How to say NO without feeling guilty

    How to say NO without feeling guilty

    Have you ever found yourself saying 'yes' to something out of a feeling of guilt if you said no? You know what I mean...

    ... that committee that you have NO interest in being on....

    ... that project that means more work for you with no discernible benefit...

    ... that bake sale your cajoled into taking part in even though your baking skills are highly suspect and your contributions may be a liability to public health!...

    I get it. You also know that it can really be frustrating, perhaps even making you feel resentful.

    So this episode is all about helping you to be able to say a guilt-free NO when required.

    To help you further, here's a free ebook for you with more tips on how to hone this skill with grace and without guilt! Get it here: 

    7 ways to say NO without feeling guilty

    How do you choose who you listen to

    How do you choose who you listen to

    There are endless amounts of programmes and training available online- I've bought many of them myself... maybe you have swathes of courses you've invested in too.

    The longer I have been in the online space, the more I have started to question who I listen to, WHY I listen to those people, and whether the criteria I use to decide that are sufficient to grow me, and aren't just criteria that let me feel comfortable and complacent...

    That question is what prompted this episode, and I hope it helps you grow too. I know that for some of you, even choosing to listen to this episode will be a stretch, and if that's you, then I applaud you for choosing to listen and thank you for trusting me enough to hear my thoughts on this one.

    As someone who coaches and supports online businesswomen, coaches and service providers to increase their skill and work from vision with faith, taking courageous action, I also want to invite you to check out my upcoming Mastermind programme.

    It gets exceptional results and is all about renewing your mind so you have the confidence to step out in faith rather than letting fear dictate, so that you can bravely be who God put you here to be- in all your glory! 

    If living Bigger, Bolder, Braver sounds good to you, then we need to talk. Start here: https://www.drkathrine.com/Mastermind

    Your life is not a distraction from your business

    Your life is not a distraction from your business


    You are not just your job title. No matter what you do, no matter how successful, there is more to your identity than your job... though if you're a workaholic like I used to be, I totally get it if you want to argue with me on that point!!

    In this episode we discuss the overlooked importance of seeing yourself as a whole person with a whole life, and understanding your purpose as being about more than your work, but also including the other facets of your life.

    I want to encourage you to experience coaching and mentorship that acknowledges and supports ALL of you- not just one tiny facet! It's not as if the rest of your life sits quietly in a box whilst you deal with what's going on in any given area!

    As promised, here is an early heads up about my Mastermind. If you'd like to find out more, click here:


    Stop charging what you're worth!

    Stop charging what you're worth!


    Whether you're brand new in business in the online space, or an old hand at it, you're bound to come across this phrase in relation to how you should price your services. It's not the only common phrase, but it IS a common one, and this episode is all about why you need to take it with a walloping big old vat of salt!!

    If you've not subscribed to this podcast yet, please use this opportunity and subscribe so you get every episode available to you quickly and easily as soon as they're released!

    How do you measure success?

    How do you measure success?


    There are so many ways we can define 'success'. Most commonly these days, it seems to be whether you've hit 6, 7 or 8+ figures ... or how big your social media following is.

    Those aren't the only metrics of success open to you, and frankly, some of these others have the power to be a LOT more satisfying. Listen in and see which feels like a good fit for your life and values.

    Faith, Possibilities & New Paradigms mini ebook

    Beyond the 'white male saviour' type in the coaching industry

    Beyond the 'white male saviour' type in the coaching industry


    There's a walloping big issue that much of the coaching industry is silent on, and this episode is all about that: context.

    You don't exist in a vacuum, you don't just wear a 'business owner' hat... you are many things all at the one time, and you are in a context that is not neutral towards you. When all this richness and complexity is overlooked, you can end up with a 'just follow the programme and you'll be a millionaire by Friday' narrative that bears ZERO resemblance to the real life you are actually living, with all the caring responsibilities you have, the rest of life, and the social barriers that are placed in some people's ways, but that others never have to face.

    This episode succinctly dives into that so you can better honour your own context and overcoming, as well as that of those you work with. 


    Here's the link to learn more about my mini course:

    Beyond the white male in the coaching industry


    If you want to experience a relaxing day of this fresh perspective on life and business, there is still time to join me for our Virtual Retreat Day on Saturday April 10th, from 11-5 Eastern (4-10 UK)

    Every Yes is a No

    Every Yes is a No

    #006 - We're often given the impression that you can do everything if you just work hard enough. You can say 'yes' to ask much hard work as you like, but in the process of all the things you're saying 'yes' to- what are you saying 'no' to? 

    Working out a plan for how to say 'yes' and 'no' in the right places is what this episode is about.

    To spend some dedicated, quality time on what matters most to you, held in a calm, grounding environment that allows you to disconnect from the day-to-day and reconnect to yourself and your bigger vision, join me for our Virtual Retreat Day on Saturday 10th April. i have no doubt you have more than earned it!

    Find out more and register here:


    Context matters: you don't exist in a bubble!

    Context matters: you don't exist in a bubble!

    #005- Context matters: you don't exist in a bubble!

    You have a whole life, a context, and there are responsibilities, stresses and strengths from different parts of your life that impact each of the other parts. 

    One of the thing that annoys the stink out of me in the current online coaching world is how much of that context is flat-out ignored, or even pathologised. Perfectly capable people end up being shamed because life happened... they get told their 'mindset' was the issue without reference to the structural inequalities and prejudices that placed barriers in their way which others simply never face...

    This gaslighting is wrong and this sort of individualistic treatment of people as if they live in a bubble untouched by anyone or anything else is harmful. It hurts, it limits and I believe there is a much better way that we need to find, so we can stop hurting people and begin to serve them better.

    To find out more about this, sign up for my pop-up course, 'Beyond the white male saviour in the coaching world' which will help you identify both your own context and introduce you to how to use this understanding of context to honour and serve your clients in a radically new and richer way. 

    Find out more by going to: https://www.drkathrine.com/blog/ep5

    Braver Action

    Braver Action

    #004- Braver Action

    Brave action is not always about stepping up- sometimes the true courage comes in stepping back.

    But whether you are being called to step up or step back, this is your introduction to what I'll be talking about when I talk about taking 'Braver Action'. 

    This might not be easy listening, because sometimes being 'Braver' is going to take you in the opposite direction of the gurus and perceived wisdom. That doesn't make you wrong, but it will require courage. Listen now and remember to subscribe.


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