
    Bob Anders Podcast

    Bob is an International Award-Winning Producer with degrees in Psychology and a Ph.D. In Journalism.
    He has worked for over 30 years in Radio and Television Broadcasting.
    He is presently retired and enjoys spending his spare time creating podcasts.
    Member Society of Professional Journalists
    enBob Anders, Ph.D.119 Episodes

    Episodes (119)

    181 Emotional Spending

    181 Emotional Spending
    Emotional spending is a term used to describe the phenomenon of buying things to cope with emotional states like stress, sadness, loneliness, and even happiness. It's a common behavior that many people engage in, but it can be problematic when it leads to financial difficulties or excessive clutter. In this podcast, I'll explore what emotional spending is, why people do it, and how to manage it.

    179 Schadenfreude: Why Some People Love To See Others Fail.

    179 Schadenfreude: Why Some People Love To See Others Fail.
    Whether it's the indictment of Donald Trump or the explosion of a test rocket owned by Elon Musk, some people love to see others fail. It is a common condition that we all share, however, some people can experience it in ways that are so intense it can be described as evil and destructive, displaying signs of Dark Triad personality disorders such as Narcissism, Machievalianism, and psychopathy.

    178 Growth vs Fixed Mindset

    178 Growth vs Fixed Mindset
    Your mindset is a bunch of convictions that shape how you view the world and yourself. It has an impact on how you think, feel, and act in any given circumstance. This indicates that your success or failure is influenced by your self-perceptions.
    Carol Dweck, a Stanford psychologist, says that your beliefs have a big impact on what you want and whether or not you get it. She also says that your mindset has a big impact on success and achievement.

    177 Crab Mentality

    177 Crab Mentality
    Crab mentality is a mentality in which people react negatively to those who are ahead of them in terms of their thoughts, statements, or actions despite the fact that they do not anticipate receiving any direct benefits from doing so. For instance, a crab mentality can lead someone to discourage or sabotage a friend who is beginning to do well in school because they are resentful of their own academic struggles.

    176 Misophonia

    176 Misophonia
    Anyone can be irritated and frustrated by making the same sounds over and over again, such as chewing, tapping a pen, sniffling, or scratching.
    These noises, on the other hand, are more than just a source of irritation for people with misophonia, which was formerly known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome. Those minor sounds, in addition to many others, can be nearly unbearable for people with misophonia.

    172 Tik Tok Brain

    172 Tik Tok Brain
    Kids and teens are spending more time than ever before scrolling through TikTok, which has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. Anecdotal evidence and preliminary research suggest that this may be hindering the development of young people's brains and making it more difficult for them to concentrate on other activities. If parents want to lessen the negative effects of using TikTok, they should openly discuss the risks with their children and make sure that they spend their days doing things other than watching TV or scrolling through social media.

    171 The Public School System as a Tool of Social Control

    171 The Public School System as a Tool of Social Control
    In the West, the introduction of public schooling that is required of all students is frequently viewed as a sign of progress because it gave everyone an equal chance to learn, improve one's cognitive abilities, and advance in life. However, not everyone shares this optimistic viewpoint. Rather, a lot of people who have researched the history of public education have concluded that its primary function was, from the beginning, not to educate and inspire but rather to exert social control. This viewpoint was summed up by the great American writer H.L. Mencken: “The most erroneous assumption is that public education aims to educate young people and develop their intelligence. This could not be further from the truth.”

    170 When Diversity Causes Death

    170 When Diversity Causes Death
    All airlines, including Atlas Air, are attempting to hire and retrain pilots based on criteria like an applicant's appearance, which has nothing to do with an applicant's ability to fly an airplane, or do anything else.
    Bob Anders Podcast
    enMarch 11, 2023

    169 Borderline Personality Disorder

    169 Borderline Personality Disorder
    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by intense anger toward others. Frustration or fear are two of the most common triggers for lashing out, and because of the disorder's emphasis on these feelings, these individuals have difficulty coping. These expressions typically take the form of hurtful remarks, unwillingness to work with others, or undermining the efforts of others.

    168 City Life Poses a Risk to Mental Health

    168 City Life Poses a Risk to Mental Health
    The physical and social environments of urban life can contribute both positively and negatively to mental health and well-being. Cities are associated with higher rates of most mental health problems compared to rural areas: an almost 40% higher risk of depression, over 20% more anxiety, and double the risk of schizophrenia, in addition to more loneliness, isolation, and stress.

    Sources: Healthline ScientificAmerican Urban Design Mental Health

    167 Why Do People Commit Acts Of Violence At Sporting Events?

    167 Why Do People Commit Acts Of Violence At Sporting Events?
    Acts of violence at sporting events are a growing concern for many communities around the world. Whether it's hooliganism, aggressive behavior, or political demonstrations, violence at sports events can have serious consequences, both for the individuals involved and for society as a whole. Today, we will explore the reasons why violence occurs at sporting events, the effects of this behavior, and what can be done to prevent it.

    166 ChatGPT

    166 ChatGPT
    The new era of academic dishonesty is upon us.
    After discovering a student using ChatGPT, a brand-new artificial intelligence chat bot that can quickly digest and spit out written information about a vast array of subjects, to write an essay for his philosophy class, a South Carolina college professor is raising the alarm.

    Sources: CBC New York Post Business Insider

    165 It's Good To Be Intolerant

    165 It's Good To Be Intolerant
    The American people call for openness, tolerance, and charity at home and abroad. Our ambassadors employ all of their authority abroad to persuade disputing parties to come to the conference table in a spirit of cooperation. There is a sense that tolerance and openness are needed in the world.

    Reference: Billy Graham The Gospel Coalition John McArthur Compelling Truth

    164 How The Media Influences A Violent Society

    164 How The Media Influences A Violent Society
    A few decades ago, growing up wasn't as difficult. Back then, kids hoped their teachers wouldn't assign too much homework and worried about things like a flat tire on their Schwinn bikes. Society sure has changed. More than half of the children surveyed in a poll stated that they were afraid of violent crimes against them or a family member. Is there a real issue, or are these kids just fearful?

    Reference: Kerby Anderson APA Probe

    163 Christian Psychology

    163 Christian Psychology
    The following is a portion of how Robert Roberts and P. J. Watson describe Christian psychology:quote: We want to create a psychology that accurately reflects the psychological nature of human beings as understood by historic Christianity :End quote. This is intended to be accomplished by engaging in empirical scientific research in a distinctly Christian manner, as opposed to the naturalist perspective that predicates the majority of modern scientific research.
    Numerous Christians ask, "Isn't the Bible sufficient for us?" Why should we put our faith in the ideas of those who deny the truth of God? Is it ever necessary for mature, obedient Christians to have psychological insight?

    Sources: Sérgio P. da Silva The Banner Christian Psychological Got Questions