
    Bob Anders Podcast

    Bob is an International Award-Winning Producer with degrees in Psychology and a Ph.D. In Journalism.
    He has worked for over 30 years in Radio and Television Broadcasting.
    He is presently retired and enjoys spending his spare time creating podcasts.
    Member Society of Professional Journalists
    enBob Anders, Ph.D.119 Episodes

    Episodes (119)

    142 4 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids

    142 4 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids
    4 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids
    Your parenting style can affect everything from your child's self-esteem and physical health to how they relate to others. It's important to ensure your parenting style is supporting healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline them will influence them for the rest of their life.
    Source: Very Well Family
    Bob Anders Podcast
    enAugust 26, 2022

    141 What Is The Psychology Of Fear?

    141 What Is The Psychology Of Fear?
    What Is The Psychology Of Fear?
    The boogeyman hiding underneath the bed. Getting a failing grade on an important test. Accidentally sleeping through your alarm and being late to work. Regardless of what age we are, we all experience a very important universal emotion: fear. Fear is vital to the human experience as it is often a survival tool that helps us cautiously approach situations and avoid them in the event that they could cause physical or emotional harm. But what is fear, when is it problematic, and what can we do about it?
    Source: Better Help

    140 What is Doomscrolling?

    140 What is Doomscrolling?
    According to psychotherapist and coach Tess Brigham, MFT, doomscrolling is mindlessly scrolling through negative news articles, social media posts, or other content-sharing platforms. Essentially, it's reading one negative story after another. One Canadian study has even called this phenomenon “social media panic.”1

    Although it may seem as if 2020 and all its hurdles (the COVID-19 pandemic, political tensions, and social injustice, to name a few) inspired the term “doomscrolling,” it actually likely sprung up on Twitter in 2018, and has been a cultural term ever since.
    Source: Verry Well Mind

    139 The Illusion of Truth

    139 The Illusion of Truth
    The Illusion of Truth
    The illusion of truth is a mechanism by which one comes to believe something is true when it’s not. In fact, they don’t just believe it; they also defend it as true. Also, they close themselves off to the possibility that it might be false.
    The illusion of truth, also called the illusory truth effect, occurs because there’s a flaw in the processing of reality. As humans, we have the tendency to say that familiar things are true.
    Source: Exploring Your Mind

    138 This Is Why You’re Actually Afraid of Being Successful

    138 This Is Why You’re Actually Afraid of Being Successful
    Whether you’re young or old, at the top of your game or just getting started in the working world — fear of success is a very real and very pervasive thing that can dramatically undermine your happiness. When we suffer from a fear of success, we self-sabotage and turn away from opportunities that might otherwise offer us rewarding experiences and fulfillment. If we truly want to find our way to that golden future, we have to learn to turn away from this fear and learn how to plant ourselves in the environments in which we can bloom.
    Source: E.B. Johnson

    137 Are Selfies a Sign of Narcissism and Psychopathy?

    137 Are Selfies a Sign of Narcissism and Psychopathy?
    Are Selfies a Sign of Narcissism and Psychopathy?
    There has been a lot of talk about selfies in the media. In fact, the word selfie was recently added to Oxford’s online dictionary. But psychologists know surprisingly little about the effects of selfies or about the people who post them. A new study appearing in an upcoming issue of Personality and Individual Differences examined the relationship between selfie-posting, photo-editing and personality.1 Are people who post selfies on social media sites narcissistic and psychopathic, or self-objectifying, or both?
    Source: Psychology Today
    Bob Anders Podcast
    enJuly 27, 2022

    136 The Psychology of Beauty

    136 The Psychology of Beauty
    Ah, the beautiful woman. We all love to look at her, talk about her, wonder about her. She's got it all, right? The great job, beautiful friends, a date every night, men falling over themselves to be noticed and doors being opened for her—both literally and figuratively.
    Source: Psychology Today

    135 7 Habits to be Mentally Strong

    135 7 Habits to be Mentally Strong
    Today we are going to learn about seven ingenious habits that make you mentally strong.
    Are you a perfectionist? The world is full of people chasing perfection? Some people can’t rest until they’ve solved every tiny insignificant problem. Other people run away from great opportunities because they’re afraid they won’t fly as high as they expect.
    Source: Top Think

    134 Axiology – What is it?

    134 Axiology – What is it?
    If you have ever walked through an art museum or gallery, you might have looked upon at least one exhibit and thought "that is just not art." Or, perhaps you had a heated conversation with a friend or colleague about something you thought was immoral. For example, maybe one of you thought that eating meat is immoral or the death penalty is a bad thing. If you have ever found yourself in situations like this, then you were thinking about value. Considering whether something is art or why an action is wrong requires us to ultimately address, or assume for the sake of argument, fundamental issues about value. Even without being acutely aware, most people have made at least an informal foray into axiology.
    From Compelling Truth
    Bob Anders Podcast
    enJuly 06, 2022

    133 Toxic Masculinity

    133 Toxic Masculinity
    Toxic masculinity is a term which became prevalent in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The original meaning was a hypermasculine stereotype: stoic, workaholic, macho, aggressive, unapologetic, and rugged. As used at first, toxic masculinity criticized the suggestion that those were the qualities of a "real man." It was not meant to suggest that everything male is inherently bad. Rather, those using the term were attempting to defend less caricatured expectations for men.
    From Compelling Truth

    131 Do We Live in a Sick Society?

    131 Do We Live in a Sick Society?
    Do We Live in a Sick Society?
    For much of human history spurring the norms of one’s society was a risky proposition as it increased the chance of being rejected by one’s social group and so decreased the ability to survive and pass on one’s genes. Conformity, in other words, is a trait that was selected for through the process of evolution and this can help account for the strong pull we feel to be normal. Another factor that makes normality attractive is our tendency, like all biological creatures, to take the path of least resistance.
    Academy of Ideas

    130 The Stupidity of Apologizing for Slavery

    130 The Stupidity of Apologizing for Slavery
    130 The Stupidity of Apologizing for Slavery
    Public apologies to people who are not
    owed any apology have become one of the many signs of the mushy thinking of our times.
    So were apologies for things that somebody else did. Among the most absurd apologies have been apologies for slavery by politicians.
    For one thing slavery is not something you can apologize for any more than you can apologize for murder if someone says to you that he murdered someone near and dear to you.
    From Dismantling America by Thomas Sowell
    Bob Anders Podcast
    enJune 20, 2022