
    Breaking Down the Breakdown: After The Breakdown

    From mental health to relationships, to everything under the sun, we talk about how we deal with the aftermath of being on the verge, or going through an actual breakdown. With occasional special co-hosts and guests, we hope to remind you that no matter how tough life gets, you have the tools you need to thrive, and you are not alone! 

    en-usStephen Diego46 Episodes

    Episodes (46)

    6x01: Quarter Life Crisis? Mid Life Crisis? Whatever it is, it's a Crisis!

    6x01: Quarter Life Crisis? Mid Life Crisis? Whatever it is, it's a Crisis!

    And just like that, we're back!

    It's been quite the journey, and in this episode, I decided to tackle one of the main issues that plagues us as loveable, sensitive human beings: MID LIFE CRISIS

    While everyone's crisis' might look different from each other, there is one thing for sure, once it affects us, it seems like we're DOOMED

    But fear not, because we keep it moving, we keep it going, and it's all a lesson we can learn from.

    It's nice to be back, and it's nice to see y'all again :)

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    5x04: Finances and your LIFE

    5x04: Finances and your LIFE

    A very hard topic to tackle, with our guest JofieComedy speaking VERY harsh truths. Who the f wants to hear about their finances!? Who wants to hear about them being the reason as to why they're not able to attain the kind of financial freedom they want?!

    Well, Jofie was able to masterfully weave his personal story, coming from poverty and strategizing a way to get himself out and become successful financially among other things.

    A definite favourite of mine, this episode helped me understand that certain things i've done/have been doing in my life with regards to finances may actually have been affected by my own mental health and vice versa.

    Hang tight, breakers! Y'all are going to walk out of this episode with a fresh outlook on your own health and finance, and be INSPIRED and MOTIVATED!!

    If you want to be on the show, email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    And for more of jofie, please follow him at

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jofiecomedy
    X:  https://www.x.com/jofiecomedy
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jofiecomedy

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    5x03 : Aging

    5x03 : Aging

    Probably one of the scariest things we don't talk about in full detail and with full transparency: AGING.

    As someone who's in his mid 30's almost 40's, it hit me super hard when i realized there were still tons of things i wanted to do in life yet it feels like my journey is almost at its end.

    Here we discuss the physical, sexual and mental aspect that aging can bring to a person, and i'm here to remind y'all that you are not alone in this!! 

    If you want to be on the podcast, you can email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    5x02: Self Love and the realization that YOU are the problem

    5x02: Self Love and the realization that YOU are the problem

    On this episode, I talk about Self Love. Something often explored on this podcast, it wasn't until recently that i realized the lack of self love i had for myself, and i realized the symptoms/red flags I presented along the way that contributed to the demise of many beautiful things in my life. This is the start of a few series of episodes dedicated to self love, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    5x01 : Just F*****G do it!

    5x01 : Just F*****G do it!

    Ever found yourself asking, why don't you just do the thing? Why can't you just Angela Bassett life and Do the THING? Then, do you find yourself crying on your chair, bed, bathtub and random home appliances?  If so, this episode, MAYBE for you!

    To launch the season, I talk about just doing it! Yes, IT! This is your sign! You got this

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x08: Growth and Healing: Getting Over a Traumatic Relationship Through Self Love

    4x08: Growth and Healing: Getting Over a Traumatic Relationship Through Self Love

    On this episode, we have streamer extraordinaire Towfur share about his journey through self reflection, growth, and healing. 

    Make no mistake, as eloquent and as easy as he makes it sound, the heartbreak that you hear in his voice recounting his tumultuous relationship only gives this topic that much more importance. Towfur's fierce and courageous way of tackling his issues head on with kindness is admirable, and I hope that everyone who gets a chance to listen/watch this also learns that through self love, ANYTHING is possible.

    If you want to be on the podcast or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    For towfur's Socials, you can find towfur on

    Twitch: www.twitch.tv/towfurr

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x07 : How To Stay Afloat in a Hyper Competitive Career

    4x07 : How To Stay Afloat in a Hyper Competitive Career

    The parallels of pressure, stress, and the insecurities that a competitive career can bring to oneself is immeasurable, regardless of the type of career your in.

    Today's super special guest is a Hollywood Actor, with tons of acting credits under his belt such as Curb Your Enthusiasm. I couldn't think of a more perfect person to interview for this edition than the actor gamer himself, Mr. Gino Charles! 

    Join us today as he talks about how his authenticity and hard work allowed him to stay true to himself and reach great heights within his career and how he was able to use his lows as a catalyst for the great mindset he currently has towards his dream career.

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast, feel free to contact me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    If you have any questions for gino, follow him on:

    IG: theginocharles
    Twitch: theactorgamer

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x06 : Communication

    4x06 : Communication

    On this episode, we have a special guest coming all the way from Greece, to talk about communication and the many factors which contribute towards its breakdown.

    Vas joins us to talk about his personal experiences with communication and how important it is in terms of strengthening relationships and how the smallest of details we miss in communication can lead to unfortunate circumstances.

    If you would like to be a guest on the show, email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    To follow Vas on social media, follow him on www.instagram.com/darklordofsheep

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x05: Ending My 2 Year Sobriety To Confront My Harm OCD

    4x05: Ending My 2 Year Sobriety To Confront My Harm OCD

    Trigger Warning for recovering alcoholics!

    It's a very personal episode, but for everyone who knows me, I've been sober for 2 years. I realized I hit a plateau when it came to my progress with allowing myself to thrive with my Harm OCD. The one final exposure i needed to do? Alcohol.

    I stopped drinking out of fear that my alcohol will trigger my intrusive thoughts to make me do things I did not want to do, and while this actually had great health benefits for me being sober for a very long time, it left me with an issue i couldn't resolve.

    I couldn't quite shake the hold that my OCD still had on me, and I decided to take a huge leap of faith and see where i landed.

    Listen to the entire episode and see how I was able to make important decisions pertaining to my OCD and how i can navigate throughout going back to being sober!

    If you want to be a part of the next episode/future episodes, feel free to email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x04: Long Distance Relationship

    4x04: Long Distance Relationship

    It's one of the most polarizing topics ever brought up in the relationship world, and it's definitely a dealbreaker for most. In this episode, I'm joined by 2 of my friends who are currently embarking on an LDR, and they have been the most "poster child" representative of being in an LDR. Join us as we talk about challenges of being in one and how they manage to navigate through the ins and outs of being in a long distance relationship.

    If you have any questions for us, email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Follow my guests at:

    Shane: www.twitch.tv/wafflepower23
    Ryan: www.twitch.tv/w1ryan

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x03: So You've Failed, Now What?

    4x03: So You've Failed, Now What?

    This one gets a little personal. I have my fair share of dreams and passion I have worked hard to attain, and realizing that I have failed in one of my biggest investments in myself, I felt depressed, dejected, and I felt like giving up.

    But somehow, I had a moment of clarity that allowed me to realize that this failure, this setback, this roadblock, was the exact wake up call that I needed.

    A reflective look upon my personal journey with failure and the determination to get back up, I hope a lot of you can relate and realize that your failures we're actually necessary for you to be the successful person you have turned out to be!

    If you or someone you know want to be on an episode of the show, please feel free to email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x02: Pressure and Impostor Syndrome: An Unwanted Combo

    4x02: Pressure and Impostor Syndrome: An Unwanted Combo

    On today's episode, we have the super talented super MC Maraja join us to talk about her journey with how she deals with the pressure and how impostor syndrome has reared its head in her life and how it's affected her decisions when it comes to her talents and her livelihood. It's a very lighthearted but super informative episode and I feel like i've learned so much from what Maraja has been going through!

    If you have any questions for and about Maraja, feel free to email me on stephendiego@hotmail.com

    And please follow Maraja on her social media account:


    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    4x01: Be Mindful Of Others

    4x01: Be Mindful Of Others

    Did ya miss me?! I'm Back!

    To kickoff the start of the new season, I wanted to go back to the basics, back to what i preach the most either here or on my streams. Being mindful of oneself is a task, but being mindful of OTHERS? Now that's a HANDFUL.

    This may trigger some of y'all, but if nothing ever triggers you, are you actually paying attention?!

    And don't worry, it's not that kind of trigger warning :) 

    You'll understand once you hear it.

    Remember, if you want to be on the show, feel free to email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com !

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    3x09: Signs Of Depression And How To Navigate

    3x09: Signs Of Depression And How To Navigate

    Moon, Or Moonboiuwu on twitch, is a korean twitch streamer based in Singapore. He wanted to come on the show to talk about the lack of motivation/feeling of being burnt out he's been experiencing lately, only to realize that these signs allude to something deeper that he has been dealing with since his early adolescent years.

    Join us as we learn from Moon how he navigates through the ups and downs of undiagnosed depression and how he stays afloat.

    To follow Moon, you can find him on

    If you would like to be a guest on the podcast, feel free to email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    BDTBD 3x08: The Joys and Struggles of Being an Older Sibling

    BDTBD 3x08:  The Joys and Struggles of Being an Older Sibling

    On this episode, we speak to twitch streamer Madz about what he loves and hates the most about being an older sibling, sharing with us a feeling and experience all too familiar for those of us growing up with siblings. It's the kind of topic and conversation that we seldom get to have seeing that we feel like its such a universal struggle/blessing, yet each event is received differently.

    If you want to hear more from Madz, follow them on

    And if you want to guest on the show or have any other questions, email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    3x07: Relationships and Its Intricacies

    3x07: Relationships and Its Intricacies

    To kick off pride month, I invited Malloe, a multi-talented streamer and fashion designer from California to talk about relationships and the major misconceptions about them. Triggers abound for those of us who have been avoiding the real questions we want to ask, and for those of us who believe that we are always right. Join us on this wonderful journey as we talk about our experiences with relationships and the things we realized that could save ourselves!

    If you have any questions or want to be a guest on the podcast, email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Follow Malloe on:
    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/malloe_b

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    3x 06: Adapting to Change

    3x 06: Adapting to Change

    In this episode, our special guest Hydro talks about how the loss of his father forced him to change at a very young age and how this changed the course of his life forever. Today we explore and understand what change looks like and the different path it presents to those experiencing it.  We also take a look at an alternative view of the positive change the pandemic brought towards people. 

    If you have any questions for Hydro, you can find hydro on www.twitch.tv/hydr_oh or you can email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com if you would like to be part of the show in the future!

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    3x05 : A look at a Streamer's Life : Conversations on Success and It's Pressures

    3x05 : A look at a Streamer's Life : Conversations on Success and It's Pressures

    Eren (Ereen20 on twitch) is a partnered streamer for Twitch, one of the leading streamer platforms in the world. He was kind of enough to take some time out of his day to join us and talk about his journey with the streaming world, offering a glance at the pressures that comes with being successful, and other implications it might have in order to attain and maintain said success, something so universal that people who are not streamers can definitely relate to.

    If you have any questions for Eren or myself, please feel free to email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    And as for Eren's socials, please follow him on:

     IG: https://www.instagram.com/ereennn20  
    twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ereen20  
    tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ereennn20

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    3x04 : Traumas Received Through Parental Figures

    3x04 : Traumas Received Through Parental Figures

    In this episode, we have Nate @boywondernate on twitch, who is brave enough to share his story growing up within a household in which one parental figure changed the course of his childhood forever. We have nate talk about how he navigated through a challenging time, and how he ultimately was able to grow into the artist that he is now.

    If you have any questions, or would like to guest, email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic

    3x03 : Depression and Childhood Traumas

    3x03 : Depression and Childhood Traumas

    TW: Violent Themes

    On this episode, we have Matt talking about his childhood traumas caused by bullying and the lack of parental support he received, and how it developed into depression.

    Come and experience Matt's journey through life, as he tells us how he navigated through such traumatic experiences, his intrusive thoughts, and how he manages to still work hard to be a top realtor here in Toronto.

    To follow Matt/Ask questions, follow him on IG at realtormattleung !

    If you would like to be on an episode, feel free to contact me at stephendiego@hotmail.com

    Email me at stephendiego@hotmail.com
    or you can find me on instagram at @stephendiegomusic