
    Butt-Naked Wisdom

    Butt-Naked Wisdom is just that straight to the point information on becoming a better you. This podcast is going to unveil real life experiences and the "golden nuggets" of learnings. Life isn't easy but even at our worst we have overcome and most importantly we have learnt some valuable lessons, insights and golden nuggets that we should be telling the world. With the aim of being real and candid, with conversations from me and by real people overcoming real life everyday experiences. Let's do better by support each other and sharing our experiences more.Be BlessedSelina Davis now the Author of What's Stopping You? Make that hard decision today! Out now
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    Episodes (66)

    Turn your pain into potential

    Turn your pain into potential

    Pain hits us all and we don't expect nor understand at times why this happens.

    It's one of those life experiences that we for the most part hope just goes away or that we learn to cope with it.  Its numbs us and effect us all in different ways but what we need to understand is that through the pain we can gain potential.  
    There are opportunities to gain from these experiences are huge and the quicker we are at developing the ability to see pain and express pain for a positive, we will see that we can overcome so much more.

    Do you realize that you have overcome so many things in life?  You have had seasons or minor to major set backs brought on my pain BUT have you not overcome or learned how to manager those experiences in a way that has potentially benefitted you in the long run?

    Listen in as we explore this more

    Be sure to follow us : https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/

    And you can follow me your host Selina Davis on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    How to win your day?

    How to win your day?

    Are you hitting your day with the intention to win?  Are you setting yourself up for the week, month or year with the aim of pushing yourself closer to your personal goals?  Or are you constantly saying when is this week going to end?  Or is your weekly mantra "can't wait for Friday".

    We must not take time for granted, we are all provided with the same 24hrs each day by the grace of God but what we each choose to do within that time will determine what we get out of it.

    I want us to be intentional with our thoughts, our activities, our choose of conversations, the materials that we take in and everything else that makes up your life.  I want you to  ask yourself an honest question.  "Am I intentional about everything I do in my day?"  Think hard about that  answer with honesty.  Whatever that answer looks like for you,  I want you to be intentional about continuing your intention filled life or start to make the steps to become more intentional.

    Listen in as we look into this more.

    Be Blessed

    Follow up on https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/

    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    How to handle change

    How to handle change

    Change is inevitable throughout all areas of our lives but we don't do well to change.  It's tends to also be the reason why we don't make the decision we need to, as we are afraid of what that change will look for us.

    In this episode we look at 5-6 key points that will help us to better manage change and make the transition less daunting and encourage more of it in our lives.

    Listen in as we explore that more.

    Be Blessed

    Follow us on Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/ 

    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/ 

    Are you making the right choices for your life?

    Are you making the right choices for your life?

    We don't realize that we have the power to choice how we want our lives to go.  We allow all the issues or situations of life to dictate the course of our day instead of setting the tone ourselves.

    Do you fall victim of having your day effected by say a bill in post, or a conversation or the attitudes of your employers.  Do you get effected when you scroll for hours on social media and then see that you are now in a miserable place.  We need to stop allowing others, things and situation have the power of our being.

    Have you ever attempted to say that this day is going to be a good day?  This is regardless of anything that may happen,  you will NOT allow it to effect the outcome of your peace or your emotions.  Of course things will come that rightfully so will shake things but even then you can learn to center yourself and take control over that moment.

    Listen in as we discuss this further.

    Be Blessed

    Follow our new Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/

    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Are you holding yourself back?

    Are you holding yourself back?

    Are you giving only 50% of your potential?  Are you always thinking about what other people will say about you?  Are you wondering why you don't get the recognition from peers, friends or family members when you are progressing in life?  

    I know that it may be a hard pill to swallow but unfortunately this happens to us all.  We find that those you want the support from are no where to be found.  You see that nothing you do is being celebrated by those you would hope would support you and you find yourself in this weird space.  The space that makes you not want to showcase what your doing, a place where you don't fully give your all in fear of rejection or none acknowledgement.

    What  I want to tell you is this STOP THINKING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE.  Start thinking about yourself.  There is nothing wrong with being selfish and focusing on you and what you want to do.   This is the unfortunate nature of human beings and the lack of consistency or envy that arises in people you would least expect it from.

    Stop holding yourself back and start living your life as only you will be the one that will regret not fulfilling your hearts desires.

    Listen in as we explore this together.

    Be Blessed

    Follow us on https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/

    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Invest in you

    Invest in you

    We spend some much time on outward things that are for a moment in time.  But we rarely spend the time needed to build on our minds, our souls and our spirits.

    Yes, we deserve it and actually we need to start prioritizing that time in our lives.  We wonder why things are not changing or why we don't seem to get over situations that have effected us years ago but what we fail to understand is that we need to re-work those situations or mindsets that have conditioned us.

    It takes personal invest and time, you must be willing and open to spend that time in doing things that benefit those core areas of your life or you will miss the true benefits that have been made freely available to us all.

    Listen in as we explore this more.

    Be blessed

    Follow us on  https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/
    Follow me here  https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Don't give up

    Don't give up

    Time and time again we look into the life's of other people, we seek with envy what other people have achieved and wished we could obtain those things.  What makes you any different from them?  Why can't you have your dreams realized?

    The answer to that question is that you have given up.. You decided to allow the thoughts and opinions of other people stop you from achieving your desires.  No-one wants someone else's life, we all want our own live but what that looks like to us must be first determined by you the author.

    Don't give up on you..  Don't give up on your abilities to achieve.  Don't allow other peoples insecurities stop you from believing in a better version of yourself.

    Listen in as we explore this together.

    Be Blessed.

    Be sure to follow our Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/

    And me your host https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/ 

    Are you in the same place and can't move forward? Listen to this one

    Are you in the same place and can't move forward?  Listen to this one

    Are you stuck in your mindset?  Stuck in an unhealthy relationship?  Stuck by not taking the steps to getting a better career?  Whatever the area of unstuckness (yes  I'm aware this isn't a word!)  you may be  in, nothing is going to change unless you make the changes needed.

    We will remain in this space for as long as we allow ourselves to stay there so what is stopping you?  Why won't you make the changes you need now for a better tomorrow? What is holding you back?  I want to encourage you that change is coming and you have the ability to make those changes as long as you put the work in. 

    Listen in as we explore this together.

    Be blessed

    Be sure to follow our Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/ 
    You can follow me your host Selina here https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/ 

    Are you appreciating life?

    Are you appreciating life?

    It's been a very challenging week but I want to say that I'm extremely appreciative and grateful for the things that we take for granted and want to say this with you.  

    In life we are always looking at the what's next and what we don't have in this life but what we do have that we should treasure is so close that no matter what happens in life they are still there.  

    I'm truly thankful for those that listen to this podcast and continue to support as I want to always be real and record things that are meaningful and will help you in someway.

    Listen in and be blessed

    Be sure to follow our new page @https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/

    You can follow me on @https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    How to cope with trials in the moments.

    How to cope with trials in the moments.

    We define a trial as a person, thing, or situation that tests a person's endurance or forbearance. 
    These to me generally are things that have come to us which are out of our control.  This week I was hit with a trial that left me with no electricity, water or heating and with 5 children these are fundamental provisions for life and of course you want to do everything you can to cushion your children from the real effect of it but also not showcase levels of panic that makes them panic also.

    I'm learning that when I'm faced with trials that come from various situations, there are key characteristic traits and attributes that I have had to learn.  We must firstly understanding that everyone's coping mechanisms are different so therefore the way they initially handle trails will be different BUT once you understand what that looks like for you then you will know how to deal with placing yourself in a position to be able to lift it to God and trust that he has you covered.

    Here are 3 things that I have leant this week that I have been able to develop within me.
    1. Understand if there is nothing I can do about it then I have to quickly be at peace with that fact.
    2. Connect with nature, WHY because without me creation functions and has no issues about that so I need to rain in on that ideation and learn from it.
    3. Trust God and know that this is a season which will pass.

    Listen in as we look into this more.

    Be Blessed.

    Follow out new Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/
    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    What's your destination?

    What's your destination?

    Okay, so for many of us we are on a path of life either planned or a path of life which resolves around let's see what happens.  For many I believe we want to live a life that is directed towards a destination that ultimately brings us the type of lifestyle we see ourselves living.
    The problem you have is that most people haven't set out a plan for what that destination should be and therefore are on a plane going nowhere.  When you arrive at the airport do you stand there in hopes that you will get through security with no ticket, board the plane and fly to a destination.  It's not going to happen therefore when we plan a holiday we are very aware of where we want to go and therefore are prepared for that trip.   This is the same for life so lets get practice on this episode and look at somethings we can do towards setting the destination.

    Listen in as we layout some practical steps to see how the next year will manifest in our life's.

    Be bless

    Be sure to follow our new Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/
    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Why are you comparing yourself to others?

    Why are you comparing yourself to others?

    Comparisons in it's very nature has taken on a new form especially with social media platforms such as #Instagram, #facebook and #tictok that keeps us peeled and scrolling for days.  We are always looking into the filtered lifestyles of others which then brings us to looking at ourselves and telling ourselves untruths based on that image or video.

    We need to stop reflecting on other's and start taking personal action's and steps in our own lives.  We must stop wishing for what that person has when we firstly don't know what they have had to do to achieve those "things" and secondly non do I want to live my life through someone else's lens.

    Our live is just that OURS so start to action the steps towards creating the life you want.  Will it be easy no.. Will you have to make changes yes... But that's part of your journey and your story to tell.  I encourage you to embrace the life you have been blessed to enjoy and make a decision today to start living thru your own len and create the magic.

    Listen in as we explore this some more.

    Follow our New Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/buttnakedwisdom/
    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/ 

    Expectations - How many do you have?

    Expectations - How many do you have?

    Here we explore expectations and how silent expectations of others have effected our relationships purely because we haven't communicated what those should be.

    Are you a female that expects your partner to open and close doors?  Do you expect your employer to understand that childcare is a problem so you need flexibility? Do you expect your friends to have your back no matter what?  Whatever those expectations are, I have come to understand that know HAS to do anything.  Rather I had to learn to remove what I expect of others based on how I do things so that I can gain the peace in not getting frustrated when something I expect doesn't happen.  

    Listen in as we explore this further

    Be sure to follow me on Instagram @https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Are you loving yourself?

    Are you loving yourself?

    When we hear or think about love we generally tie that thought to experiences, situations or circumstances that have conditioned us to understand what that means for us.  If I'm current in saying, this means that love laid out has been conditioned.

    What if we stripped those conditions away and think about the ultimate level of love which is what God has given to us and see that His love for us has and will always be unconditional.  I have struggled with this in my life as I have never felt or really even think I have experienced human love before as it's always been based on experiences which for the most part hasn't been "positive".   It's taken me a long time to really start to love on myself and not wait for that love to come from others.

    Listen in as we touch on this area and I hope that you can start to lay a foundation of love for yourself in you own life that doesn't wait to receive it from others but is always willing to give it regardless.

    Be blessed

    Set Backs - Part 4 Our Present

    Set Backs - Part 4 Our Present

    We tend to look backwards when we think about set backs but it's in our today right now, there are things that are stopping us in this moment from moving forward.  We need to see that we have the wonderful ability to make changes daily and not always look into tomorrow and say things like "oh I'll change that tomorrow or I'll tackle that next week" NO NO NO today is the day we should be looking at.

    It's so empowering to know that you can channel change, but taking time to just think and tell yourself what you need to do in that moment in order to change is powerful.

    Listen in as we explore this more and hope that it blesses you.

    Be blessed.

    Be sure to follow me @https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Set Backs - Part 3 Our Mindset

    Set Backs - Part 3 Our Mindset

    Soooo, our minds are complex but we don't know how powerful it has been in conditioning the way that we operate, engage and function in our day to day lives.  It truly has the ability to hold us back by the constant negative self talk that takes place.  I have been a victim of it but it was only until I was brought into the know that I truly understood the power of it and how it operated in my life.

    This self talk mindset can be looked at as the famous illustration of a "good angel" & "bad angel" sitting on our shoulders.  We are conditioned by the repetition of thinking patterns that have lead to us being who we are today.  Consciously and sub-consciously we are functioning daily with thought patterns that control literally how we move about in our day.

    Listen in as we discuss this and I challenge you within this episode so hope to hear some great feedback from this.

    Be blessed.

    Would love to connect with you so follow me on @https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Set Backs - Part 2 Our Past

    Set Backs - Part 2 Our Past

    Our past has played a huge role in who we have become today.  Now that can be both a positive and negative experience however if your anything like me, you have experienced a lot of situations that did effect you in a "negative way".  Now one of my biggest sayings is that my disadvantages in life our my advantages as to knowing what I don't want.  With that being said we explore various areas that have set us back linking that to our past and looking at ways to move ourselves forward.

    Change comes when you're able to identify what may need to change so you can move forward.

    Listen in as a explore this area of set backs that are linked to our past.

    Be blessed.

    Follow me on Instagram @https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Set Backs - Part 1 Relationships

    Set Backs - Part 1 Relationships

    This is part of our series called Set Backs.

    Set backs in relationships can vary in various areas of our lives from business, family, friendships and romantic relationships so its important that we look at and identify any areas that have held us back.

    We as human beings naturally don't want to feel alone so we will keep relationships even toxic ones around us as we don't want to lose what is familiar or comfortable.  Are you in a relationship that in 1 years time you will be happy with saying that I'm glad I'm still here?

    Listen in as we explore this further.

    Be Blessed

    Be sure to follow me on instagram @https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    Excuses Excuses Excuses? Are you ready to identify what they are?

    Excuses Excuses Excuses? Are you ready to identify what they are?

    We all make them and I mean daily, we have excuses or reasons for not doing so many thing.  But when will it stop and when will you start to take a stand against them as they hinder you from your living your best life.

    Let's look into this together and see what we can do to get ahead of them.

    Be Blessed

    Follow me @https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/

    How do you feel when you wake up?

    How do you feel when you wake up?

    Have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself are you happy with where your at?  What feelings or emotions come to you knowing that you have to work or continue to live day to day? 

    I feel we all should be asking ourselves this question very regularly as it will allow to know if we are on the right course of life and if this is where we really want to be.

    Listen as we take a quick look into this area 

    Be Blessed

    Follow me on https://www.instagram.com/freelancetheworkspace/


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