
    CentsAble Chat

    ​Turn pennies into dollars, become debt-free and build the life of your dreams! Budget Coach "CentsAble" Bobbi Olson delivers resources, tools & hope to help you reach your financial goals. visit www.centsablechat.com for more resources!
    enBobbi Olson112 Episodes

    Episodes (112)

    Conquering Money Fears

    Conquering Money Fears

    Facing Your Fears
    Fact or fiction?

    Do we really deal with our fear and anxiety about money, or just push it out of our minds, hoping it will go away? That never works! So, what does? Mike Pumphrey, Founder of EmpathicFinance.com, suggests focusing on what’s really happening, instead of the outcomes we fear. Take the time to truly understand your situation, so you can deal with it effectively.

    Preparing for the Next Financial Crisis
    What works and what doesn't

    Another financial crisis is coming; it’s just a matter of time. Use the good times to prepare for the not-so-good. Mike Pumphrey says “ride the booms, but be prepared for the busts!” One of the biggest financial crises people fear is losing a job. The best way to overcome that fear is to plan for it! Build an emergency fund that allows you to eat and keep a roof over your head, while you’re looking for a new job! The emergency fund buys time and peace of mind.

    Reducing Financial Anxiety
    Fight feelings with facts!

    There are no monsters under the bed! Take a look, just to be sure! You may believe you are powerless to change your financial situation. In reality, you’re the only one who can! Be honest with yourself and find out if you have an income problem or a spending problem. Creating your financial picture will help you find the answer. Income problems can be solved by adding more income. Track your spending to learn the truth about how you spend, then budget to spend in line with your values, and reduce financial stress.

    “CentsAble” Bobbi greatly appreciates the support received over the last three years from the great guests to the inquisitive listeners asking pertinent questions about budgeting.
    CentsAble Chat is going on hiatus for a while, to revamp programming. To get your budget in shape, go to CentsAbleChat.com. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to the CentsAble Chat Newsletter, so you’ll be the first to know when new episodes are available.

    Sammy Rabbit’s Money Habits

    Sammy Rabbit’s Money Habits

    Lead the Way
    Kids practice what they’re taught

    Your children need you to lead the way, from how to dress, how to eat properly, how to interact within a polite society and especially how to handle money. Learning good money habits sets them up to respect the power of money and what it means to them. In this episode, SammyRabbit.com creator, Sam X Renick leads you through fun and important tips, tricks and lessons that you can pass along to your kids.

    Make Money Fun!
    Sammy’s the solution!

    A visit to Sammy Rabbit’s resource hub opens up a world of financial literacy with the click of your child’s mouse! With dozens of tools at your child’s fingertips, they’ll have fun, be entertained and take part in the interactive methods that lead them through the world of money.

    Make Your Kids Strong
    Knowing how money works gives them confidence

    Through interactive play, your kids will understand that money is a tool. This leads to a confident child that spends smartly, saves efficiently, giving them the ability to make their dreams come true and live their ultimate life!

    Family Fun
    Bring everybody together with family money fun!

    Activities geared toward children are a great way to bring the family together. There’s nothing more exciting, for a parent, than watching their kids get excited to learn, and that’s exactly what these lessons do. While creating an opportunity for fun family time, it presents possibilities for parents to learn something new. Most importantly, parents can speak to their children about money on a whole new level! So, lead the way, sit down with your kids, and learn all about Sammy Rabbit’s Money Habits!

    Fighting For Financial Freedom

    Fighting For Financial Freedom

    Fighting For Financial Freedom
    It’s easier than you think
    Spending your days, the way you want, is much more satisfying than being stuck behind a desk. To walk away from a job that no longer aligns with your values, because you are no longer a slave to debt or employer is empowering. Who wouldn’t want total control of their financial life, or to send their children out into the world, free of a burdensome paycheck to paycheck life?
    No one! In this episode, you will learn how fighting for financial freedom is easy to start and leads to you being a commander in your quest to live your ultimate life.

    Freedom Can Be Yours
    Command your troops
    Freedom is a choice. Even if you’re in debt, living paycheck to paycheck, you have the power to command your money and take back your freedom. Don’t depend on someone else to give you a raise or inheritance. Stop waiting for change and start creating it. Regardless of your income level or the size of your debt, there are small steps you can take today, which lead to a better tomorrow.

    Living The Dream
    What freedom feels like
    After you slay your debt and start building your financial foundation, life looks different. You begin to think about money and its purpose differently. You begin strategizing and focusing on what you can accomplish, instead of what’s holding you back. To live life on your terms and plan, instead of bracing for what life might throw your way. The stronger the financial foundation, the more freedom you have, to start living the life of your dreams!

    Welcome to the Journey!
    Don’t forget your patience
    If you’ve come to the realization that fighting for financial freedom is possible, welcome to the journey! Don’t expect your situation to change overnight; it’s a journey, not a bullet train. Gather your resources, map out your path, take the first step and then keep going!

    Thank you!
    Many thanks to Financial Freedom Fighter, Virginia Woolf, for contributing to this episode! Visit her website and get a copy of her e-book “The Bag Lady.

    The Excitement of Budgeting

    The Excitement of Budgeting

    Money is stressful!
    Don’t worry the big stuff
    Dealing with money is stressful, until you recognize the excitement of budgeting. Budgeting your money relieves stress, because you don’t worry about having the money to pay a bill – it’s already there. It helps you plan for future big-ticket items like a new car or vacation. If money problems are constantly stressing you out, budgeting is the answer!

    Finding An Answer
    Be the commander
    Creating and following a budget puts you in command of your money, because you make the rules, instead of money dictating your life! A budget keeps track of money and everything it needs to do for you. “Can I afford it?” becomes a question you answer instantly! Doing the work to create and maintain that budget may seem boring at first. But the payoff is exciting, especially when it comes to planning for things like a dream vacation. Budgeting is preparing for your best life!

    A Dream with a Plan
    Creating your best life
    Budgeting leads to debt-freedom, resulting in bigger and better choices. The ability to stay home with your kids, pay cash for a car, pay off your home – can be accomplished with a budget! If dreaming and planning for the future is exciting, then you already understand the excitement of budgeting!

    Do the Math!
    Finding Hope
    If you believe your situation is hopeless, do the math to prove it! Math doesn’t lie – and you might find that the reality of your situation is completely different. Create your financial picture to visualize where you truly stand, then use that information to create a budget that can help you hit any financial goal! Think it will take forever to pay off your debt? Use this calculator to find the truth – how small change really does make a big difference!

    Take The First Step
    It’s easy with the right information
    Change is within your grasp, all you need to do is take the first step and create your financial picture. Once you can see where you are, it’s easy to see where you’re going. Brace yourself for the excitement of budgeting, because once you get, your life will change – forever. Reach out to “CentsAble” Bobbi for help, tips or advice.

    Achieving A Better Life Experience

    Achieving A Better Life Experience

    The Path To Achieving A Better Life Experience
    A 529 ABLE Plan leads to less stress
    Until 2014, achieving a better life experience for the disabled was difficult and resulted in a lot of heartache for them and those caring for them.
    Too many assets meant reduced or lost SSI or SSDI benefits, therefore financial struggles were almost a given.
    According to Author Patricia Roberts, help is available through a 529 ABLE Plan. A visit to nast.org is a great start to gain more information.

    Independence Is Attainable
    Tax-free money leads to more control
    The freedom of a 529 ABLE plan is indisputable, because it provides tax free earnings on the money you save and the ability to spend that money, tax free, for a wide range of expenses.
    Independence is no longer a pipe dream, because these plans give more control and allow for more discretion in their quest to achieve a better life experience.

    Benefits That Change Lives
    Help is available from friends and family
    Benefits of a 529 ABLE plan are vast and life-changing!
    Although capped at $15,000 per year, contributions are not limited to a disabled person’s minimal earnings, because friends, family and employers are allowed to contribute, as well. Furthermore, accounts valued at up to $100,000 will not affect SSI or SSDI benefits. And even though there’s no federal tax deduction for contributions, many states allow for this. These tax-free funds may be used for a variety of expenses including medical care, housing, transportation and education, to name a few, but a good place to get a full handle on benefits is ablenrc.org.

    Who Qualifies
    How to determine if a 529 ABLE is for you
    Medically qualified persons whose disability started before the age of 26 may take advantage of this plan, even if you don’t receive SSI or SSDI benefits, as long as you meet Social Security’s criteria and receive a letter of disability certification from a licensed doctor.

    Take The First Step
    It’s easy with the right information
    Opening an account is fast and easy! A good place to start is giftofcollege.com because they outline available options for all 50 states, and be sure to check out their helpful flipbook.  Also, many online brokerage firms can help you set up a 529 ABLE plan.

    Budgeting For School Choice

    Budgeting For School Choice

    Get Active In Your Kids’ Education
    Explore the options
    A lot of stress is placed on parent’s shoulders when it comes to their kids’ education; considering health risks, controversial material, dedicated teachers – can leave people wondering what is best for their young ones.
    Kids must go to school, but what’s the best option? Send them to the public school in your district, homeschool, pay for a private, charter or other alternative education program? With so many choices, budgeting for school choice can be harrowing, but necessary to assure the best outcome.

    Scholarships Aren’t Just For College!
    Finding ways to pay
    Many would be surprised to know that there are scholarships for K-12 available, or that fourteen states offer education vouchers to low-income families and those with special needs, and eight states provide a tax credit for tuition and related expenses. Many states offer charter schools and several alternatives to traditional public education, so spend some time researching all available options.

    Budgeting For School Choice
    Be Intentional!
    Create a budget that focused on money for the school of choice. It may sound impossible but try it before the idea is dismissed. It’s a welcome surprise how much is found after looking closely at income versus expenses and making some changes. Being intentional with money produces astounding results!

    Plan Ahead
    Time is a powerful tool
    Once the money is found to cover this year, start planning ahead. With time on your side, there’s a lot more you can do.
    Low-income families can open a Coverdell or education savings account and contribute up to $2,000 per year. Earnings are tax-free when used for your child’s education.
    Another option is the 529 plan, which allows the flexibility to save a lot more. GiftOfCollege.com CFO, Patricia Roberts outlines the details, benefits and strategies in her book, “Route 529: A Parent’s Guide To Saving For College And Career Training With 529 Plans.”

    The Budget Scavenger Hunt
    Look for money in unexpected places
    Go beyond the traditional “found money” such as tax refunds, bonuses and salary increases, and consider life changes like the end of potty training or aging out of daycare as places to re-direct those expenses to pay for education. You can also look for “spare change” in your budget or consider other surprising ways to save money.

    Getting Started
    Can you spare 15 minutes?
    “Route 529” Author, Patricia Roberts says you can open a 529 plan in as little as 15 minutes, and there’s a ton of information and plans to choose from at giftofcollege.com!

    It Takes A Village!
    Give and receive the gift of education!
    You don’t have to go it alone, because friends, family, even employers can contribute to 529 plans, and you can contribute for friends and family! GiftOfCollege.com embraces the adage “it takes a village to raise a child” by offering gift cards for any occasion, redeemable to a new or existing 529 plan, leading you to successfully budgeting for school choice.

    Keep Your Eyes Open

    Keep Your Eyes Open

    Keep Your Eyes Open
    What you don’t know can cost you!
    A first paycheck garners a lot of excitement, until the reality of taxes sets in, which usually leads to shock. But fear not, because there are benefits and perks that many young employees don’t know to ask about and/or aren’t explained. It’s important to remember that salaries and benefits can be negotiated, in many cases, so it’s important to consider more than just base pay.

    Consider What You Want From A Job
    Interview the company, while they’re interviewing you
    Employment is a mutually beneficial relationship. Yes, you want the job, or you wouldn’t be sitting in an interview, but they need you, or you wouldn’t be sitting in an interview, so let them know how you can benefit them. It’s important to keep your eyes open to potential by being sure to ask about all the ways they can benefit you.

    Benefits Have Monetary Value
    How to benefit your budget
    What can your employer offer you, besides a paycheck? Things like discounts on products & services you already use, including health insurance, leaves more money to budget elsewhere. A 401K helps you save for retirement and lowers your tax bill. And a lot of companies offer a match, which is free money!

    Vacation Time, Or Emergency Fund?
    A way to start your emergency fund without cash
    Many states require an employer to pay for any unused vacation time if the company has layoffs. Keeping a portion of vacation time on the books is a great way to beef up a job loss or 6-month emergency fund, while trying to save cash. This way, there’s a little cash immediately, regardless of how much or little you’ve managed to save.

    Give Yourself A Raise!
    Using taxes to balance your income
    You dictate how much of your paycheck is withheld to pay federal income tax. Withhold too much, and there’s a good chance for a bigger return at tax time; too little, and it’s time to pay up. Finding the magic number is confusing, but it’s worth learning about, especially for someone who struggles to make ends meet, all year long, but gets a hefty tax return. A visit to the IRS’ Federal Tax Withholding Calculator can help you balance it out and cut the stress! You can also cut the amount you owe by contributing to your 401K or Health Savings Account (HSA).

    Bottom Line
    What’s in a job?
    When it’s time to look for a new job, consider more than the salary. The benefits and perks could do wonders for your budget, that’s why it’s important to keep your eyes open.

    Live The Life

    Live The Life

    Live The Life!
    The life you want…on your terms
    What does your perfect life look like? A big house? Fancy cars? Investing? Philanthropy? More time with family and friends? Goals vary from person to person, but if there’s no focus on what you really want, how can you possibly know what you need? Budgeting plays a major role in your planning because it helps you pay for your daily life, while preparing for your future life.

    Look Into The Future
    Budgets show where your money goes
    A budget breaks down your money and helps you plan for its use. Unless you’re born into wealth, it’s hard to live the life you want without a budget, because money flies out the window, making it hard to get a handle on spending and saving habits.  

    Be Passionate
    Turn your passion to money
    There are a gazillion people who work at jobs they can’t stand but have a hobby that lights them up and brings them happiness and fulfillment. How great would it be to make a living doing what you truly love? Budgeting lays out how you might get there by giving you an aerial view of your finances. How much you need to get started and make, how much to purchase equipment and operate. Perhaps a side hustle is necessary, or a strategic investment. The only way to live the life of your dreams is to plan for it.

    Change Is Good
    Bad habits require change
    Bad spending and saving habits work against a desire to live the life many want and getting older doesn’t help because that usually means more financial responsibilities. But change is possible! It may mean sacrifice by taking on a side job, cutting back on going out and knocking out debt. The good news is that these changes lead to your ideal life.

    Ah, To Be Young
    Don’t waste an opportunity
    Teens and young adults are favored with time and should take advantage of it. While mom and dad are footing the bill, you can explore your interests, find out what you’re good at, or find mentors and create a network of people that you can benefit, who can benefit you in turn. Once you’ve got a clear vision of the life you want and what you need to get there, think about what you can do, today. Take classes, find volunteer work in your area of interest. Get a job and start saving. Become an entrepreneur! Today, you’re in complete control of how you spend your money.

    Debt – The Great Destroyer
    Avoid debt at all costs
    If you’re looking to strip away opportunity, just get into debt. Life never goes completely as planned, that’s why it’s a good idea to have an emergency fund – it’s a necessity. Without it, you’re destined for debt and debt destroys choice. If you want control of your life, to live completely on your terms, avoid debt at all costs. It is possible to live debt free. What’s the secret? Shift from the “buy now, pay later” mindset to “save now, pay later” and always live within your means.

    Life On A Budget

    Life On A Budget

    Life on a budget is good! Whether it’s a financial or food budget, it’s empowering, freeing, calming and exciting! It changes the way you think and dream – and the decisions you make in response to those thoughts and dreams. “CentsAble” Bobbi compares budgeting to dieting and shares ideas for using both to reach your goals.

    If you’re restricting your spending today, it’s for a specific spending purpose tomorrow or somewhere in the future. A budget is simply a breakdown of your money and a plan for how you want to spend it.

    Life on a budget doesn’t mean you have less money, it just means you’re choosing to only spend a certain amount for one thing, so you have enough to spend on another – as opposed to just spending because there’s still money in your bank account. That’s mindless spending, and it causes a lot of stress down the line, when you realize there are still other things you need to pay for, which you didn’t think about in the moment, and there’s no money left.

    The beauty of the budget is simply that it keeps track of all those other things you need to pay for, so you make financial decisions with less stress. And you can use it to hit your financial goals like paying off debt, saving for a vacation, anything you want! This is why I love budgeting!

    Budgets are not a one-size fits all! They’re very personal, and should reflect your values and goals, as much as your wants and needs. The budget that works for one may not work for another; there is no right or wrong when it comes to your budget – it’s purpose is to help you achieve your best life!

    Life on a budget! Try it! You might like it!

    The Truth About Your Credit Score

    The Truth About Your Credit Score

    Having bad credit is not the end of the world. But not understanding how it works can cost much more when it comes to things like buying cars or homes, renting an apartment, or entering a cell phone contract. A good credit score can save you TONS of money! “CentsAble” Bobbi shares the breakdown of your credit score, what to focus on and how to avoid the traps!