
    Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network

    Spiritual Research Network (SRN) researches, informs and warns about the dangers of cults, spiritual abuse and mysticism (occult) based spirituality. As an independent Christian ministry outreach we are committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of His Word.
    enSpiritual Research Network81 Episodes

    Episodes (81)

    Praise of the Scriptures According to Thy Word

    Praise of the Scriptures According to Thy Word

    Praise of the Scriptures According to Thy Word

    Psalm 119

    The longest chapter in the Holy Bible - 176 verses - Psalm 119 stands as a magnificent testimony of the life-giving foundation and reviving power of the Word of God. Believers who rely on God’s Word can freely experience the promised blessings and benefits of studying, believing, and obeying the scriptures.

    The Word of God believed brings blessing (119:1), cleansing (119:09), strengthening (119:28), quickening - live-giving power (119:50) and so much more. It is everlasting (119:89), sweetening (119:103), guiding (119:105), protecting (119:114), enlightening (119:130), purifying (119:140), and truth-telling (119:160). For the entirety of the believers' life on earth, it is a delight (119:77), it brings spiritual illumination (119:105, 130), and it expresses the deep longing of the ultimate completion of the believer's “salvation” (119:174).

    Psalm 119:1-2 -  “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart..”

    Psalm 119:9-11 - “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

    Recorded 07-08-1998

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Watchful and Serious in Prayer

    Watchful and Serious in Prayer

    Watchful and Serious in Prayer

    Consideration of 1 Peter 4:7

    We do not need Christian mantras, "centering" prayer, and many other unbiblical prayer techniques in the church today; we need biblical praying and godly leaders who can teach sound doctrine.

    This topical study considers 1 Peter 4:1-7 in its context of Christian suffering, and the implications for us in the 21st century. "But the end of all things is at hand, therefore be watchful and serious in your prayers" (1 Peter 4:7).

    Recorded 12-02-1998.

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Raising Up Biblical and Discerning Leaders

    Raising Up Biblical and Discerning Leaders

    Raising Up Biblical and Discerning Leaders

    Some practical cautions and suggestions

    Topics: The Fear of the Lord; Repentance; Dealing with heresy; Revering God instead of man; Consistent Bible reading; Seeking out Bible teaching leaders and ministries; Avoiding excesses and extremes; Defining your terms; Interpreting Scripture with Scripture; Using the Bible and Bible study tools instead of pop-Christianity books and fads; Defining biblical terminology in context; Knowing the basic essentials of the Christian faith and teaching them; Teaching the basics of biblical discernment; Using the proper rules of biblical interpretation; Understanding what a “cult” is, what “the occult” is, what “aberrant” means, and what a “pseudo-Christian cult” is; Finding out what leads to heresy and why; Educating yourself on the threats and dangers that are in the church today; Learning what biblical hermeneutics is all about; Educating your spouse and children in Scripture; Understanding schools of Interpretation and the dangers of “allegorizing” and “spiritualizing” Scripture; Testing all things by the Word of God; Avoiding all appearance of evil; Recognizing the signs and symptoms of cults, spiritual abuse; and more.

    Recorded 11-12-2010

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    The Necessity of Biblical and Discerning Pastors

    The Necessity of Biblical and Discerning Pastors

    The Necessity of Biblical and Discerning Pastors

    Ephesians 4:11-16

    This audio includes a brief overview of Ephesians chapters 1-3 and an expositional study of Ephesians 4:11-16. It also serves as a clarion call to pastors and church leaders to "Prove [test] all things, hold fast that which is good" (1 Thes. 5:21).

    Based on Ephesians 4:11-16, the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul makes it very clear that pastors are to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Many pastors and church leaders in our day, including countless church elders and youth leaders, are not only not teaching the whole counsel of God, but they are also allowing many aberrant and heretical teachings into the Body of Christ. This leaven of false teaching comes through in sharing speaking platforms with false teachers, the allowance of false teaching in church “book” studies, conferences, and compromised bookstores. This study will help church leaders take a closer look at their own lives as well as the doctrines they profess to believe.

    Recorded 11-12-2010

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    The Glorious Power of the Biblical Gospel

    The Glorious Power of the Biblical Gospel

    The Glorious Power of the Biblical Gospel

    ...Versus Four Ways False Gospels Mislead

    This short 8:25 minute message is a brief clip from a longer Biblical Discernment Seminar message. This audio equips the listener on how to discern four different ways that teachers of false gospels mislead people, and how the glorious truths of the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ can set people free.

    (Recorded July 2008)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Dangers of Freemasonry, Theosophy and Teenage Occult Entertainment

    Dangers of Freemasonry, Theosophy and Teenage Occult Entertainment

    Dangers of Freemasonry, Theosophy, and Teenage Occult Entertainment

    A scary testimony and a heartfelt warning!

    This audio includes a brief overview of the Origins and Key Beliefs of the historic Christian faith versus the dangers of glamorized modern occult entertainment and occult belief systems such as Freemasonry (The Masonic Lodge) and Theosophy (The Theosophical Society).


    - Various dangers of modern-day occult entertainment. Illustration of World of Warcraft, and MTV’s ‘Teen Witchcraft’ (at end of audio).
    - Origins and Key Beliefs of the historic Christian faith.
    - Personal testimony and deliverance from a dangerous drug-induced occult experience.

    Minute 23:25 - Freemasonry (The Masonic Lodge)

    - A heartfelt warning to all who are involved in the Masonic Lodge and Freemasonry’s various organizations.
    - Testimony of visitation to the world-famous dangerous "occult hotspot" Rosslyn Chapel in Edinburgh, Scotland.
    - The danger of “Secretism” characterizes many Gnostic and esoteric mystery cults and “secret” societies.
    - Alleged “ancient mystery” techniques such as The Moses Code, The Law of Attraction, and Positive Confession.
    - The dangers of Altered States of Consciousness (ASC’s) and the manipulation of the “alpha state” of consciousness.
    - Mention of several Masonic and Occult Symbols.

    Scriptures: Deuteronomy 18; John 19:19-20; Luke 17:18-20; Eph. 5:8-11

    Minute 34:05 - Theosophy (The Theosophical Society)

    - Origins and Key Beliefs of Theosophy.
    - Indian yogis, roots of belief, and Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
    - Monism, reincarnation, yoga, the evolution of consciousness, psychic powers, and spirit communication.
    - The "Great White Brotherhood” (demonic entities/spirits) masquerading as “Ascended Masters” and “Angels of Light.”
    - Various spiritual “Masters” posing as enlightened ones.
    - The deceptions of Christ-consciousness, Self-divinity, the “I AM” movement and claims of being “anointed ones.”
    - The danger of Yoga and Meditation as occult tools that induce psychic and paranormal activity and aggressive hauntings.
    - Mention of Alice Bailey, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Theosophical and Spiritistic influences.

    Scriptures: 1 Tim.4:1-2; Deut. 18; John 16:2; 2 Chron. 7:14; 2 Tim. 3:13

    Minute 45:13 - Teen Witchcraft and “Christian Wicca”

    - Teen Witchcraft on MTV and Wicca for teenagers!
    - Confused Christian children and “Christian” Wicca.
    - E-mail letter from a Christian teenager (“witchgirl56”, July 23, 2008, 10:31 AM) quoted in the article titled, ‘Far From Devil Worship and Harry Potter Young Witches Explain What They Are Really All About’.

    Scriptures: 2 Tim. 3:13

    (Recorded July 2008)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Success, Sorcery and Prosperity Gospel Dangers

    Success, Sorcery and Prosperity Gospel Dangers

    Success, Sorcery and Prosperity Gospel Dangers

    A closer look at Quantum Faith, Positivism, Mind Power, Law of Success, Positive Confession, Creative Force, and Money Preachers

    What is a successful Christian ministry? Does it include false teaching, making merchandise of people, and invoking occult powers in the name of "Jesus"? Are Christians really called to "create your own reality" and "name it and claim it" and "write your own ticket with God"?

    This instructive biblical seminar explains the dangers of Old/New Age occult practices masquerading as the Word of Faith movement, otherwise known as the Prosperity Gospel. It also soberly clarifies God’s condemnation upon all occult practices, including those that are hijacked from the world of the occult and “Christianized.”

    Subjects covered or mentioned: Self-godhood, speaking “the Word of Faith”, sorcery, Shamanism, Medicine Men, “The Force” of your faith, positive confession, pre-cognition/psychic foretelling, visualization, manipulation of reality, positive and possibility thinking, positive mental attitude (PMA), spirit guides, Universal Mind, Mind Science, Religious Science, Creative Science, Silva Mind Control, Earl Nightingale, Edgar Cayce, Jeanne Dixon, Andrija Puharich, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, Emmet Fox, Master Subramuniya, Paul (David) Yonggi Cho, Charles Capps, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Jan and Paul Crouch (TBN), Essick W. Kenyon, Kenneth Hagin, Fred K.C. Price, John Avanzinni, Robert Tilton, Marilyn Hickey, Jerry Savelle, Morris Cerullo, Michael Harner, Jim Morrison (“The Electric Shaman” of The Doors), William Branham, Kim Clement, Roman Catholicism.

    Books mentioned: Healing With Mind Power, The Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich, Magic Power of Your Mind, Formulas for Health, Happiness and Success, Total Mind Power, Creative Visualization, The Serpent Power - The Secrets of Tantric and Shakti Yoga, The Science of Self-Realization, The Search for Psychic Power, The Promise of World Peace - Bahai Religion, Master Key To Riches, Success Motivation Through the Word, Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking, Power Through Constructive Thinking, The Self God: A Western Mystic’s insight into Self-Realization, Self-Esteem - The New Reformation, Self-Love, The Gospel of Success, The Way of the Shaman, Voodoo.

    * Includes an audio clip from Dave Hunt's film, A Woman Rides the Beast - The Roman Catholic Church and the Last days.

    Scriptures: Gen. 3:1-5; Col. 2:8-9;  Acts 17:11; Ex. 20:1-6 ; Lev. 19:26-31; 20:22-27; Jer. 2:4-13; Luke 12:55; Zech. 12:2-3;  Matt. 24:4-5, 24; 1 Thes. 5:21; Rev. 13; Jude 1:3-4.

    (Recorded: 09-27-1999)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Biblical Principles That Cut Through Ecumenical New Age Christianity

    Biblical Principles That Cut Through Ecumenical New Age Christianity

    Confronting the New Age/New Gospel/New Christianity

    Biblical discernment and defending the faith

    1. The biblical mandate is to judge and discern between good and evil.
    2. Proper judgment, improper judgment, testing all things, and being biblically discerning.
    3. Beware of false prophets - they look like Christians yet they have characters "like ravenous wolves...You shall know them by their fruits."
    4. The Five Basic Doctrines of the Christian faith.
    5. A sample listing of various unbiblical “Christian” movements today.
    6. Occult practices canvassed in a veneer of "Christian" terminology.
    7. What is “judging,” “testing the spirits,” and “spiritual whoredom”?

    Scriptures: Matthew 7:1-5, 15-23; 1 Corinthians 5:9-15; 10:5:15; 1 John 4:1-6; Revelation 17:1-6, 18:4

    Various principles of biblical discernment:

    Principles of discernment in the light of deception and false teachers: “try the spirits” (1 John 4:1); “mark and avoid those that bring doctrine contrary to what we have learned” (Romans 16:17); “rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith” (Titus 1:13); “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11); “[we are to] withdraw from them” (2 Thessalonians 3:6); “[we are to] turn away from them” (2 Timothy 3:5-7); “rreceive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” (2 John 10-11); “a man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject” (Titus 3:10); “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1).

    Illustrating the great need for biblical discernment:

    1. Islam: Yahweh is not Allah.
    2. Freemasonry - A syncretistic New Age/occult religion.
    3. Mormonism - 17 major errors have produced a do-it-yourself work towards self-godhead polytheistic belief system.
    4. Angels - 25 major errors believed today in conflict with the Bible.
    5. Jehovah’s Witnesses - 45 primary errors in conflict with the Bible that make up this theologically and sociologically abusive cult.
    6. Roman Catholicism - 62 primary errors in conflict with the Holy Bible. Various components of biblical salvation that Roman Catholicism undermines and distorts.

    Exposing New Age/New Gospel/New Spirituality in Western Christianity:

    - Genesis 3:1-5 - The LIE!
    - “One-ness”(Oneness) comes from the Occult Worldview that teaches that the “self” is God (Self). This is in direct opposition to the Biblical Worldview that God is holy and separate from sinful mankind that is in need of redemption. "Two-ness" is the idea that God is distinct and separate from His creation and sinful humanity. The Biblical Worldview refutes the concept of Monism (“One-ness”) and its dangerous philosophical offspring - pantheism, panentheism, and evolutionary occultism.

    Where is it all headed?:

    1. Acknowledging "Self-godhood" through the implementation of Quantum spirituality (Science plus spirituality = denial of "separation"), Christian shamanism, Integral Spirituality/Integral Christianity, Christian Vedanta. The blasphemy of self-deification and Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:1-5) is the ultimate LIE!
    2. The danger of the Contemplative “centering prayer” movement of Thomas Keating and “Christian Vedanta" (Christian Hinduism).
    3. Contemplative Pioneer Thomas Keating says, “If you don’t want to become God, you’ve missed the boat.”


    1. We must define our terms lest we be deceived like those who “redefine” Jesus of Nazareth into what He is clearly not.
    2. Closing words and a practical exhortation to remain loyal to the Jesus Christ of Scripture.

    (Recorded: Mar 18, 2015)

    See also, The "Jesus Calling" Sarah Young Devotional Series - Expose Archive.

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Reconciled, Changed and 'Useful' for the Glory of God

    Reconciled, Changed and 'Useful' for the Glory of God

    Reconciled, Changed and 'Useful' for the Glory of God

    The Book of Philemon

    A message of hope, grace, and love through Jesus Christ our Lord!

    Teaching through the Book of Philemon, this message speaks of reconciliation and forgiveness, and from going from being unsaved and unuseful to being saved and useful for the glory of God.

    • Philemon's love and faith
    • Paul's plea for Onesimus to be reconciled
    • Philemon's obedience encouraged
    • Farewell

    "Therefore, though I might be very bold in Christ to command you what is fitting, yet for love’s sake I rather appeal to you—being such a one as Paul, the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ— I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains, who once was unprofitable to you, but now is profitable to you and to me.

    I am sending him back. You therefore receive him, that is, my own heart, whom I wished to keep with me, that on your behalf he might minister to me in my chains for the gospel. But without your consent I wanted to do nothing, that your good deed might not be by compulsion, as it were, but voluntary.

    For perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave—a beloved brother, especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord. — Philemon 1:8-15

    Recorded 7/25/99. Released 3/10/2015

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Spiritual Abuse in Cults and Christian Churches

    Spiritual Abuse in Cults and Christian Churches

    Spiritual Abuse in Cults and Christian Churches


    Understanding The Times (Olive Tree Radio Interview with Jan Markell, AM 980-KKMS)


    Interview description:


    "Jan is joined by Chris Lawson from the Spiritual Research Network. The topic is spiritual abuse which is not just found in the cults. Jan and Chris outline how it takes place in the church today. What are the signs? What are the characteristics of an abuser? And how can you rescue someone trapped in an abuse situation in a church or para-church group?"


    Recorded Aug 2, 2009

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.2)

    Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.2)

    Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.2)


    Understanding The Times (Olive Tree Radio Interview with Jan Markell, AM 980-KKMS)


    Interview description:


    "Chris Lawson heads the Spiritual Research Network. He and Jan outline two-dozen practices Christians should avoid even if they sound Christian. They are not. Everything mentioned is rooted in the occult, New Age, or spiritism, yet many sound harmless and helpful although there may be consequences concerning many of them. www.spiritual-research-network.com"


    Listen also to Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.1)


    Recorded Jul 26, 2008.

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.1)

    Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.1)

    Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.1)


    Understanding The Times (Olive Tree Radio Interview with Jan Markell, AM 980-KKMS)


    Interview description:


    "Chris Lawson heads the Spiritual Research Network. He and Jan outline two-dozen practices Christians should avoid even if they sound Christian. They are not. Everything mentioned is rooted in the occult, New Age, or spiritism, yet many sound harmless and helpful although there may be consequences concerning many of them. www.spiritual-research-network.com"


    Recorded Jul 26, 2008.


    Listen also to Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices (Pt.2)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Spiritual Abuse (Pt.2)

    Spiritual Abuse (Pt.2)

    Spiritual Abuse? (Pt.2)


    Understanding The Times (Olive Tree Radio Interview with Jan Markell, AM 980-KKMS)


    Interview description:


    "Chris Lawson heads a discernment ministry and also deals with the topic of spiritual abuse. Churches and ministries are guilty of this, not just cults. What are the signs of it? What can be done if you or a loved one are caught up in it? Due to the climate in the church today, this is prevalent and dangerous."


    Recorded Jan 19, 2008.


    Listen also to Spiritual Abuse (Pt.1)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Spiritual Abuse (Pt.1)

    Spiritual Abuse (Pt.1)

    Spiritual Abuse (Pt.1)

    Understanding The Times (Olive Tree Radio Interview with Jan Markell, AM 980-KKMS)


    Interview description:


    "Chris Lawson heads a discernment ministry and also deals with the topic of spiritual abuse. Churches and ministries are guilty of this, not just cults. What are the signs of it? What can be done if you or a loved one are caught up in it? Due to the climate in the church today, this is prevalent and dangerous."


    Recorded Jan 19, 2008.


    Listen also to Spiritual Abuse (Pt.2)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Destroying Your Christian Faith Through Yoga - Theological Considerations

    Destroying Your Christian Faith Through Yoga - Theological Considerations


    Destroying Your Christian Faith Through Yoga - Theological Considerations 


    A brief overview of the theological implications of integrating Yoga with Christianity.


    Topics covered: (1) Occult Hindu yoking (yuj, union) with Brahman versus Biblical salvation and true spiritual rest (biblical yoking) in Jesus Christ; (2) Biblical separation from idolatrous practices; (3) The “aim of all yoga”; (4) Yoga as a “system of belief” that is diametrically opposed to Jesus Christ and the Bible; (5) Theological and worldview opposition between Yoga/Hinduism and Christianity; (6) The Yoga worldview (Hinduism) teaches Man-is-god; God is the author of evil, the salvation of Self is through self-effort (yoga); God is impersonal, etc.; (7) Yoga as “exercise” or a vehicle for spirit contact; (8) Hatha Yoga (i.e., sun/moon yoga); (9) Hindu worship postures to deities in India; (10) Signs and wonders as a result of Yogic engagement; (11) The “double-character of the sign”; (12) Evaluating the source of signs and miracles - from God or Satan?; (13) The Word of God alone as the interpreter of signs and wonders.


    Scriptures: Matt. 11:29; 1 Cor. 6:9-15; Deut. 13:1-18.


    Recorded: Dec 2012 / Posted: Mar 6, 2015


    Listen to these also:

    Dangers of Yoga, New Age, and the Occult:

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3


    Cult Evangelism In The Church (Radio Interview)

    Cult Evangelism In The Church (Radio Interview)

    Cult Evangelism In The Church


    Radio Interview with Cindy Hartline of Love For The Truth Radio and Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network

    Love For The Truth Radio description:

    "Is My Church Acting Like A Cult? Have some seemly “Bible-believing Churches” become Cults?  Many people have been hurt by these types of churches because of their cult-like operation and attitude. The most knowledgeable person I know to discuss this topic is Christopher Lawson—Pastor, Counselor, Missionary, Researcher, Writer, and Lecturer who has spent much of his time helping people escape the clutches of spiritual deception and informing and warning them of the dangers of cults, the occult, and mysticism based spirituality.  www.spiritual-research-network.com."

    Topics covered:

        •    Introduction to Cult-Evangelism
        •    The Evangelizing of cultic belief systems
        •    Hindrances of discerning and leaving cults
        •    False gospels being taught
        •    Practical Advice

    Recorded on Feb 15, 2015.

    See also:

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Understanding The Cults (Pt.2) - Evangelizing "False Christ" Belief Systems

    Understanding The Cults (Pt.2) - Evangelizing "False Christ" Belief Systems

    Understanding The Cults (Pt.2)


    Evangelizing "False Christ" Belief Systems


    This audio explores concepts such as religion, cults, what and who “another Jesus” is (2 Cor. 11:1-4), theological term switching, and the importance of defining the biblical Jesus Christ, before and during Christian evangelism to those in “false christ” belief systems. Definitions and concepts are illustrated with various quotes and mentions of (1) non-Christian cults, (2) major world religions, (3) secular belief systems, and (4) the NewAge/occult. 


    Other important topics include (5) defining terminology versus semantic suicide, (6) cultic close-mindedness and isolation, (7) avoiding cult stratagems of psychological confusion and the element of surprise, (8) how cults exalt man and demote Jesus Christ, (9) the danger of believing doctrines of demons (1 Tim. 4:1-2), and finally (10) “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try [test] the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1-6). 


    Scriptures: 2 Cor. 11:12-15; Matt. 16:16-18; John 8:24, 1 John 4:1-6; 1 Thess. 5:21; 1 Tim. 4:1-5.


    Recorded: Oct 1997 / Posted: Feb 10, 2015

    See also, Understanding The Cults (Pt.1) - Hindrances to Counter-Cult Evangelism

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Understanding The Cults (Pt.1) - Hindrances to Counter-Cult Evangelism

    Understanding The Cults (Pt.1) - Hindrances to Counter-Cult Evangelism

    Understanding The Cults (Pt.1)

    Hindrances to Counter-Cult Evangelism

    The introductory section of this message defines what “truth” is according to the Bible, versus concepts such as error, deception, deceit, guile, duplicity, fraud, and the “making merchandise” of Christians. Modern church failures and struggles are mentioned along with exhortations to remain faithful to Christ, to speak the truth in love, and to evangelize the lost.

    With no intention of sounding condescending, the middle portion of this audio mentions modern Christianity’s struggle to accurately preach the gospel, evangelize in a biblical manner, and warn the church of false teachers. Also mentioned is the importance of guarding one’s heart and mind against the fear of man and spiritual apathy. In contradistinction to these things, the biblical mandate to obey Christ, speak the truth in love, hate evil, study the Word of God, and give people biblical reasons for the hope that we have in Christ are encouraged.

    The last portion of this message explains several reasons why cults flourish in our community and numerous anti-Judeo/Christian worldviews that produce confusion in society and the church.

    Topics covered or mentioned include monism (All-is-One), pantheism (All-is-God), pantheistic monism (All-is-One, One-is-All, All-is-God), Gnosticism, polytheism, animism, karma and reincarnation, the Star Wars “force”, holy laughter counterfeit revivals/movements, chakras, and occult energy, kundalini (shaktipat), moral decay and relativism, false prophets in the world and the church, and more.

    Scriptures: John 14:6; 17:14-17; Prov. 30:15; 2 Cor. 11:12 -15; 2 Pet. 2:1-3; Acts 20:28-31; John 8:22-25; Matt. 23:27-33; 2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:15; 1 John 4:1; 2 Cor. 4:3-4; 2 Pet. 2:19; Hosea 4:6; Jer. 29: 8-9; Matt. 7:15-23; Matt. 25:41; Jer. 5:31.

    Recorded: Oct 1997 / Posted: Feb 3, 2015

    See also, Understanding The Cults (Pt.2) - Evangelizing “False Christ” Belief Systems

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Defining Terms and Avoiding Cults, Occultism and New Age Dangers

    Defining Terms and Avoiding Cults, Occultism and New Age Dangers

    Defining Terms and Avoiding Cults, Occultism and New Age Dangers

    How to Make a Difference in the Church Today!

    This audio message defines numerous terms, exhorts Christians to live biblically, and warns about the dangers of Cults, Occultism, and New Age/New Spirituality/New Gospel dangers.

    Terminology defined: 1) Imperative, 2) cult, 3) pseudo-Christian (false Christian) cults, 4) language barrier (when cults redefine biblical terminology with new meanings), 5) aberrant, 6) heresy, 7) occult 8) yoga, 9) sin (and transgression).
    Biblical topics mentioned: The biblical Gospel, redemption, atonement, the love of God, salvation, Savior, Lord, the Lamb of God, sin, Law of God, repentance, the forgiveness of sins, made alive in Christ, being born of God’s Spirit, (born-again), relationship with the Creator of the universe, the Triune nature of the Godhead, the virgin birth, the person of the Holy Spirit, a sample prayer of repentance, salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and God's judgment on occult practices.

    Other topics mentioned: The kingdom of the Occult and Cultism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, New Age cults, Mormons, Oneness Pentecostals, Christian Science, The Local Church, Masonic Lodge, Christianizing practices such as Reiki and yoga, Scientism plus Emergence Theory = The New Spirituality (Eastern mystical evolutionary occultism), panentheism, pantheism, attaining “godhood” and New Age “Christ consciousness”, authoritarian spiritual abuse, idolatry, mediumship, channeling, psychics, the damaging effects of occultism upon practitioners, and more.

    Why you ought to never do Yoga: Listen from minute 45:00 to 71:00.

    Scriptures: 2 Thes. 2:1-5; Matt. 7:1-5; 15-23; 2 Pet. 2:1; Tit. 3:10; 2 Cor. 11:1-4; Jer. 50:6-7; 1 Pet. 5:1-5; 1 Tim. 6:20-21; Tit. 3:10-11; 1 Jn 5:21; Acts 17:11; Heb. 5:11-14; Col. 2:8-10; Deut. 18:9-14; Gen. 3:1-24; Rom. 16:17-19.

    (Recorded: Nov 2010 / Posted: Jan 21, 2015)

    Recommended articles: 'Defining Deception: What is Yoga, Mysticism, New Age and the Occult?' and 'Avoiding the Dangers of Yoga, Mysticism, New Age and the Occult - Part 1 & 2' by Chris lawson, and ‘Defining Terms’ by Sandy Simpson (Apologetics Coordination Team).

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Deception Prevention and Intervention

    Deception Prevention and Intervention

    Deception Prevention and Intervention


    Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Spiritual Deceivers


    This message explains some of the basics of what families, Christian believers, and church leaders should know.


    Topics covered:

    • Understanding the basics of biblical discernment
    • The first deception and rebellion against God
    • Defining biblical (and secular) terms, by definition, and in context
    • What is a Statement of Faith?
    • Essentials of the Christian Faith
    • "Another Jesus", false gospels and counterfeiting the Holy Spirit
    • False Christs and false "anointed" ones
    • God's love, abiding in Christ, and true Christian joy

    Other topics mentioned: Emergence Theory, discernment in youth groups, the false gospel of Roman Catholicism, the problem of Christianizing practices such as Reiki (occult energy healing) and yoga (Sanskrit: from the root yuj;  "to add", "to join", "to unite", or "to attach", "To be yoked with Brahman, the Divine consciousness of Hinduism."


    Scriptures: Gen. 3:1-5; 2 Cor. 11:1-4; Gal. 1:6-10; Tit. 2:1; 1 Tim. 4:16; 6:3; Eph. 4:14; 2 Jn 2:9; 2 Cor 11:13-15; Matt. 7:15-23; Deut. 13:1-8; 18:21-22; Jer. 23:21; Matt. 24:24; Col. 2:8; 1 Thes. 5:21-22; Prov. 16:16; Jer. 10:21; 50:6-7; 1 Pet. 5:1-3; 2 Tim. 2:15; Jn 15:1-11.


    Recorded: Nov 2010 / Posted: Dec 16, 2014

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3