
    Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network

    Spiritual Research Network (SRN) researches, informs and warns about the dangers of cults, spiritual abuse and mysticism (occult) based spirituality. As an independent Christian ministry outreach we are committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of His Word.
    enSpiritual Research Network81 Episodes

    Episodes (81)

    The Holy Spirit vs Abusive Cult and Occult Thought Reform

    The Holy Spirit vs Abusive Cult and Occult Thought Reform

    The Holy Spirit vs Abusive Cult and Occult Thought Reform

    Have You Fallen Prey to Communistic Mind Control Tactics?

    Have you ever been interested in what the Bible teaches about Who and What the Holy Spirit is, versus who and what the Cults, Occult movements, and abusive churches teach about Him?

    This audio covers three main topics. It begins first with a brief review of eight variations of abusive thought reform utilized under Communist regimes and in abusive churches. Second, it mentions a sample listing of non-Christian and pseudo-Christian Cults and Occult movements that are abusive in varying levels. Third, it gives a brief scriptural overview of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit as the Lord Jesus Christ and the historic Christian faith have always taught.

    Recorded during a PowerPoint presentation at a biblical apologetics discernment seminar (07/20/2008), the original title of this message was ‘Cultic Influences vs. God The Holy Spirit.'

    (Recorded: Jul 2008 / Posted: Dec 8, 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Preaching the Gospel, Suffering and Apostasy

    Preaching the Gospel, Suffering and Apostasy

    Preaching the Gospel, Suffering, and Apostasy

    Heartfelt truth of the beauty of the Gospel and missions

    Yesterday I was asked, “Do you preach the Gospel in churches?” My answer is, “Yes, I have for many years as a pastor and missionary.”
    These past few years however I have not been asked to speak quite as much as I used to. The clear reason for this is because while defending and proclaiming the Gospel, I do not neglect the biblical duty of exposing error and naming the names of known false teachers. I never do this to be harsh and unkind, but rather, to lovingly and biblically warn the body of Christ about the dangers of spiritual deception and end-times apostasy.

    God’s own mandate through the apostle Paul to all pastors is, “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine” (1 Tim. 4:1-2). The Holy Spirit of God, through the apostle Paul, also warned, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Tim. 4:3-4). This “time” Paul spoke of arrived a long time ago, yet many leaders today fail to see what is going on.

    The following sermon was originally titled, “Suffering.” It was delivered during my December 2004 visit to the United States, from the pulpit of the sending church we had previously spent ten years helping to establish. My family and I had been overseas for two straight years as missionaries to Edinburgh, Scotland, one of the most Witchcraft-filled, secular cities in Western Europe, and while home for a few weeks I was asked to share a bit on our missions experience. So I did, with deep conviction and meaningful tears.

    While in Scotland, we were immersed in evangelism, church planting, reaching out to scattered Christians, and attending the Institute of Biblical Studies. We also pioneered our SRN apologetics and discernment ministry that helped assist us in reaching out cross-culturally to hurting Christians and non-believers. Through living and ministering in the United Kingdom, we also got a much broader perspective on the dangers of apostasy and ensuing destruction that occurs in churches where pastors fail to heed the clear teachings of Scripture.

    In this tear-filled biblical Gospel message, I communicated some of what Christian missions and suffering entail. I also clearly warned our sending church, at that time, of the dangers of apostasy, Emerging Church false teachers (Rick Warren, Marc Driscoll, Leonard Sweet), Roman Catholic and Church of England and Church of Scotland apostasy, and more.

    Altogether, I just did what Paul the apostle did, and would continue to do today if he were here amongst us. Paul exhorted the Christian leaders in Ephesus, “Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears” (Acts 20:31).

    This message was preached ten years ago this month (December 2014). In it, you will get an idea of my love for the body of Christ and for lost souls, and my love for the truth of God’s Word as it is found in the biblical Jesus of Nazareth. You will also understand more about my biblical convictions and here my joy and pain as a missionary communicating Christ’s love and His Gospel message.

    In listening to this, it is my hope and prayer that you gain a sense of the scriptural importance of nailing your colors to the mast so-to-speak, for Jesus Christ and His everlasting gospel. We are not in a popularity contest, we are here to serve and glorify Jesus Christ and tell people the truth! Jesus was nailed to a cross and vicariously bled and suffered and died on our behalf, paying the penalty of God's wrath that we deserve to pay for breaking God's Law. He then physically and victoriously resurrected from the tomb three days later, showing that He has conquered sin and death.

    Jesus did this all out of love for us, that we might be forgiven of our sins and be saved from the day of God's coming judgment on Christ-rejecting, unbelieving sinners. We should gladly be willing to suffer on Christ's behalf, that His love and truth and gospel message may go forth in the power of His Spirit, to this languishing and dying world.

    (Recorded: Dec 2004 / Posted: Dec 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    What Is A Discerning Christian?

    What Is A Discerning Christian?

    What Is A Discerning Christian?

    Spiritual Maturity and Biblical Discernment

    Christian discernment begins first with salvation in Christ (Hebrews 5:1-14) and then maturing as a believer through the teaching of God’s Word (1 Timothy 4:1-8). As the believer grows in their walk relationship with God, they ought to be able to discern between both good and evil, to "test the spirits to see whether they are of God," and to separate from spiritual error and false teachings.

    Subjects covered in this message include Contending for the Faith, patience and kindness in evangelism, the dangers of redefining biblical terminology, Christian bookstore and book endorsement compromises, the danger of pastoral vagueness in not naming the names of false teachers, and confusion in the body of Christ as a result of sharing speaking platforms with known false teachers.

    Various illustrations include the dangers of redefinition of terms in pseudo-Christian Cults and in the Church, the dangers of yoga, Harry Potter witchcraft, vampirism and bloodlust, Oprah Winfrey and friends (Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Eric Butterworth, A Course in Miracles), astrology and the occult, Worldview confusion, false Christs, false "anointed ones", and more.

    (Recorded: Aug 2009 / Posted: Nov 26, 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Resistance Against Truth Tellers

    Resistance Against Truth Tellers

     Resistance Against Truth Tellers


    A Brief Introduction to "The Phenomenon of Resistance"


    Recorded at an informal SRN Evening of Discernment event, this message touches on "The Phenomenon of Resistance" against God's Truth, and against all that expose and warn about end-times apostasy and deception in the Church.


    (Recorded: Sep 23, 2014 / Posted: Nov 19, 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Characteristics of Cults and Cultic Influences

    Characteristics of Cults and Cultic Influences


    Characteristics of Cults and Cultic Influences


    Four Patterns that Describe How Cults Operate


    This audio message is a fast-paced overview of how Cults and Cult-like movements operate. They ADD to the Word of God, SUBTRACT from the Deity of Jesus Christ, MULTIPLY the requirements for salvation, and DIVIDE a followers loyalty to God. Recorded live at a biblical discernment seminar on the Central Coast of California, the quoted material from Chris's PowerPoint presentation comes from numerous sources, including the book Kingdom of the Cults (Dr. Walter Martin), a profile titled Patterns in the Cults (R. Branch, 1994), and more.


    (Recorded: Jul 13, 2008 / Posted: Nov 6, 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Dangers of Centering Prayer, Yoga, Mysticism and the Occult

    Dangers of Centering Prayer, Yoga, Mysticism and the Occult

    Dangers of Centering Prayer, Yoga, Mysticism and the Occult

    What Everyone Should Know!

    This audio covers the straightforward no compromise truth about the mystical/occult roots of Thomas Keating's - and Richard Foster, and Dallas Willard's (etc.) "contemplative" "Centering Prayer" (CP) method.  It also takes a closer look at Yoga as defined by Occultists, Hindu gurus, and the Cult of the Theosophical Society and Publishing House, which was instrumental in bringing occult "prayer" methods and techniques to the West. Every Christian leader should know the facts and dangers associated with these things instead of hiding behind what compromised Christian leaders are saying about them. The truth be told - this message is not for the squeamish!

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Jesus of Nazareth Versus Todays False Anointing

    Jesus of Nazareth Versus Todays False Anointing

    Jesus of Nazareth Versus Today's False Anointing

    A warning about counterfeit "anointed ones" and occult "impartations"!

    A look at how false teachers are mocking the biblical Jesus of Nazareth (as opposed to redefinitions of Jesus) through the false mystical anointing and occult “impartations.”  Blasphemously attributing stage hype, temporary psychosomatic "healings", occult manifestations, false “words and visions” and lying signs and wonders, to God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, many of today's false teachers are simply producing heresies and divinations worthy of the judgment of God. What’s needed more than ever today is for true Christians to fulfill their God-given duty to keep a close watch on and separate from those who bring contrary doctrine (Rom. 16:17-19), to “test the spirits” (1 Thess. 5:21), and to expose the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5:11).

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    The Holy Spirit as The Spirit of Truth

    The Holy Spirit as The Spirit of Truth

    The Holy Spirit as The Spirit of Truth

    Have you been misled by false teachings and counterfeit revivals?

    A topical study showing the importance of understanding the nature, character, and attributes of God the Holy Spirit, and the Christian duty of “testing the spirits” as opposed to believing heretical teachings such as the Star Wars force, blasphemous “Christian” behavior, occult activities, Word of Faith (prosperity gospel) teaching, visualization, meditation, yogic serpent power, counterfeit revivals, spirit guides, lying signs and wonders, and more (Jn 15:26-27; Acts ch. 5 and 7; 1 Cor. 2:10-14; 12:11; 2 Cor. 11:1-4; Acts 15:28:6-7; Eph. 4 and 5; 1 Jn 4:1-5).

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Signs of the Times

    Signs of the Times

    Signs of the Times

    The Growing Apostasy

    This audio warns about Lucifer’s temptation in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), false Christs, false prophets, and how the New Age has crept into the Church (2 Corinthians 11:1-4, 13-15; Luke 12:54-56; Matthew 24:4,11,23-26). Some of the topics warned about are Self-esteem, Word-Faith prosperity Cult teaching, the New Age “World Teacher” Messiah known as Maitreya, Roman Catholicism, Ecumenism, Interfaith unity, apostate false Christianity, Robert Schuller and Billy Graham's compromise, holy laughter, kundalini manifestations, and more. Numerous illustrations from dangerous books are also included. This is an excellent overview that warns about the end-time apostasy.

    (Series recorded: 1999 / Posted 07-01-2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Discerning Signs and Wonders in the Church Today

    Discerning Signs and Wonders in the Church Today

    Discerning Signs and Wonders in the Church Today

    Help for the hurting versus lying signs and wonders

    A soft-spoken audio message instructing believers on how to discern between true miracles that are from God, versus counterfeit miracles and the lying signs and wonders found in false revival movements.

    (Series recorded: 1999 / Posted: 05-07-2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    A Bold Witness for Jesus (Pt.2): Suffering and Affliction

    A Bold Witness for Jesus (Pt.2): Suffering and Affliction

    A Bold Witness for Jesus (Pt.2)

    Suffering and Affliction

    Responding to suffering and affliction with a bold witness for Jesus Christ. (Recorded: Nov 1998)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    A Bold Witness for Jesus (Pt.1): The Character of God

    A Bold Witness for Jesus (Pt.1): The Character of God

    A Bold Witness for Jesus (Pt.1)

    The Character of God

    How understanding God's character enables us to have a bold witness for Jesus Christ. (Recorded: Oct 1998. Posted: 04-28-2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    The Fear Of The Lord

    The Fear Of The Lord

    The Fear Of The Lord

    A practical look at serving the Lord and giving Him the reverence and respect that is due to Him (Acts 19:31; Jeremiah 10:7; Psalm 29).

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Cultic Patterns and Spiritual Abuse

    Cultic Patterns and Spiritual Abuse

    Cultic Patterns and Spiritual Abuse

    An overview of Cultic Patterns and Spiritual Abuse

    Includes: (1) a clear understanding that there are such things as "false shepherds" and "spiritual abusers," (2) discussion on properly defining words and biblical terminology in general, (3) counterfeit Christians/Christianity and how they/it redefine(s) biblical terminology, (4) reading of numerous Scriptures in Deut. 13; Matt. 24; Acts 20; Gal. 1; Phil. 3; Col. 2 and more, (5) various false teachers in the church today, (6) pseudo-Christian cults, (7) Four Main Patterns found in cults and cultic movements, (5) identifying spiritual abuse and various forms of Authoritarianism, and (6) brief mention of things such as "diminished personal autonomy," "undue influence," "duress," "suicide," etc.

    (Series recorded: Aug 1998 / Posted: 04-18-2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Another Tower of Babel: The Coming Global Religion

    Another Tower of Babel: The Coming Global Religion

    Another Tower of Babel: The Coming Global Religion

    Discernment Seminar

    Audio covers numerous subjects including the coming One-world global spirituality, Interfaithism, the Roman Catholic Church, Ecumenism, counterfeit Christian Word-Faith leaders, false teachers, false prophets, the coming Antichrist, the Christian's responsibility to be biblically discerning, and more.

    (Recorded: Sept-Oct 1999 / Posted: 04-17-2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Escaping Dangers In The Church Today

    Escaping Dangers In The Church Today

    Escaping Dangers In The Church Today

    Considering Root Problems Facing Churches and Congregations

    Radio Interview: Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network and Ray Gano of ‘Watchman on the Wall’ Prophezine Radio.

    Discussion on major root problems confronting churches today such as the ignorance of Scripture, lack of discernment, lack of accountability, sensory overload, the fear of man, Yoga, Reiki, the false (occult) anointing, and more.

    Other subjects discussed are the Occult, the New Age, various categories of Occultism, and how to engage with people who are involved with these things in order to warn them and share the Gospel with them.

    (Recorded: April 9, 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3


    Why Yoga Cannot Be Christianized

    Why Yoga Cannot Be Christianized

    Why Yoga Cannot Be Christianized

    An overview of the facts!


    (1) Definitions of Yoga from dictionaries, encyclopedias, occult sources, and Hindu reference works.

    (2) A biblical refutation of Yoga.

    (3) The mention of subcategories such as the following:

    • The Fear of God and His Word
    • The primary aim of Yoga, Definitions
    • The Christians allegiance
    • Yoga’s Worldview versus the Christian Worldview
    • Yoga is hostile to Jesus Christ and His work
    • Biblical prohibitions against occult practices
    • What happens when people reject the facts
    • Yoga has come West
    • Embracing one’s own divinity through Yoga
    • West and East being married together
    • Different great lies that fuel Yoga
    • How Yoga philosophy and practice are yoked to each other
    • Yoking to Shiva
    • Hatha Yoga - "sun/moon" worship!
    • Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism are all linked together through Yoga
    • Yoga’s dangerous effects on human beings
    • Occult subjection
    • Occult oppression
    • Testimonies and case studies examples of personal damage
    • Expose’s from non-Christian and Christian perspective
    • Yoga as a gateway to Eastern Mysticism and the Occult
    • Susan Bordenkirchner’s, Yoga for Christians: A Christ-Centered Approach to Physical and Spiritual Health through Yoga.

    (Recorded: December 2012 / Posted: April 7, 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    The Cult of Gnostic Christians

    The Cult of Gnostic Christians

    The Cult of Gnostic Christians

    Defining Gnosticism for the Modern Day Audience

    Paul Ridgeway (1948-2017) of 'On the Way with Ridgeway' interviews Chris Lawson, founder, and director of Spiritual Research Network.

    On the Way Radio Summary: "Chris Lawson researcher/lecturer is both an experienced missionary and an ordained pastor. As such, he has spent much time as a researcher, writer, and counselor, helping people escape the clutches of spiritual deception. They Talked about the cult of Gnostic Christians."  

    On the Way with Paul Ridgeway (1948-2017)

    (Aired on April 1, 2014)

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    Calvary Chapel Concerns & Greg Laurie Endorses 'Have Heart' (Communicating with the dead?)

    Calvary Chapel Concerns & Greg Laurie Endorses 'Have Heart' (Communicating with the dead?)
    Calvary Chapel Concerns & Greg Laurie Endorses 'Have Heart' (Communicating with the dead)
    Praying to and being overshadowed by hovering dead relatives?
    Description: Michael-Anthony Rene Chavez & Sergio Martinez of SAID Radio Interview Chris Lawson   
    SAID Radio Summary: "We were privileged to interview Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network as he discusses his concerns in the direction some Calvary Chapels are headed, problems with the "Moses-Aaron" [Moses-style] model, and the dangers of "Have Heart" amongst other topics. We pray that its a blessing as you listen in" -----Michael and Sergio, Saints Abounding in Discernment.  
    (Aired: Nov 17, 2012 (https://www.saidradio.net). Re-posted: Oct 23, 2013)
    The original post was at the following link, and then the audio was eventually removed from the Internet:


    Note from Chris Lawson: When listening to this message please note that I am not against the Theocratic leadership model for the Hebrews, as is found in the Bible, that God Himself instituted for Moses - back then - in order to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.

    Rather, I am against the setting up of one man over others to the point of the detriment of a balanced and fully scriptural New Testament plurality of elders, within a local congregation and church movement.

    A thorough investigation of Scripture clearly shows a balanced plurality of biblical eldership for New Testament churches - from the day of Pentecost to the Rapture, not top-down "Moses-style" models that place one man above the rest with the end result of heavy shepherding, various forms of spiritual abuse, stonewalling fellow pastors/elders, and church leadership that reflects Diotrephes (3 John 9-11).

    John the Apostle warned about Diotrephes and God the Holy Spirit through the text of Scripture (via John's penmanship) shows us, "I [John] wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not."

    The context of 3 John 8-12 also shows us the contrast between the arrogant "Diotrephes" versus the godly Demetrius; "Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record, and ye know that our record is true." (3 John 12). 

    Recommended: Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch


    (1) CCOF Ministry Rejects Warnings (2011), (2) Calvary Chapel Alert, (3) Steve Berger and Have Heart: "Christian" Clairaudience/Clairsentience?

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    What Is Happening In The Church?

    What Is Happening In The Church?

    What Is Happening In The Church?

    The growth of apostasy and New Age thinking in the Christian churches.

    Dr. Stanley Monteith of Radio Liberty Interviews Chris Lawson on what is happening in the Church.

    This discussion covers topics such as:

    • The growing Ecumenical-Interreligious apostasy.
    • Various dangers associated with Rick Warren's integration of New Age doctors through the Saddleback Church 'The Daniel Plan' health initiative.
    • Ostracism and abuse from church leaders who resist being corrected when called to account for their compromises.
    • The future of the Church in light of the coming One-World "Interfaith Agenda" as seen in the Emerging Mystical Global Spirituality that God judges in Revelation 17 & 18 ("And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." - Revelation 17:5)

    (Aired: Nov 05, 2012 / Re-posted: Oct 23, 2013. Visit Dr. Monteith's (1929-2014) Radio Liberty website: http://www.radioliberty.com/ )

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3