
    Climb Your Mountain

    Life coach, mountaineer, and ultra runner Sarah Maurer shares her best endurance training strategies to help you climb your mountain or run your race — in any body at any age. Listen and learn how to eat, train, think, and above all live like a mountain athlete. Each week, Sarah will teach you practical strategies to overcome self-doubt, deal with training setbacks, save time, and stay happy and healthy through the long training season. Sarah earned her high altitude mountaineering certificate from Colorado Mountain Club in 2017 at age 41 and has since summited peaks in Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, and the USA, including Mount Rainier. She's also completed six (and counting) ultramarathons. She's living, breathing proof that you don't need to be 22 and have 6% body fat to be an endurance athlete. On this podcast, she shares her no-nonsense advice on fitness, (un)diet, motivation, and self belief to help you train for your goal. It's a mix of interviews and solo jam sessions you won't want to miss. So subscribe and get ready to blow your own mind.

    en-us144 Episodes

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    Episodes (144)

    #68 – If I had to start my business over, here are all the things I'd do differently

    #68 – If I had to start my business over, here are all the things I'd do differently

    I am celebrating my first $5000 month in my business by sharing ...

    All the mistakes I made on the way here, so you can avoid them!

    I know so many of you are interested in creating side hustles (or already jumping in!)

    And if you avoid these seven pitfalls, I guarantee it will save you a lot of angst and help you get to profitability faster.

    And even if you're NOT starting a business or side hustle, you might find some juicy life lessons in all this biz advice!

    Enjoy ❤️

    Resources mentioned:

    Climb Your Mountain
    en-usFebruary 06, 2024

    #67 – 6 Wild Life Lessons from my First Month of Online Dating

    #67 – 6 Wild Life Lessons from my First Month of Online Dating

    Any time you declare a big goal — dating, climbing a mountain, having a baby, starting a business, finding a job — here's my advice for you:

    Prepare to be expanded!

    As in: stretched, squashed, kneaded, rising, falling, and every other uncomfortable transformation you can imagine.

    Wouldn't it be nice if the universe made it easy by rolling out a red carpet for your dreams?

    Instead, it often says ... let's make sure you're super serious about that. 😂 

    That's been the case in my one month of dating.

    In a way, not much has happened.

    And yet, I've also been challenged, confronted, and expanded in the wildest ways.

    I know it's all happening for me. Just like your messy expansion is happening for you in perfect timing.

    So in this podcast, I'll share my top six lessons from my first month of online dating!

    No matter what mountain you're climbing, I know you'll find some brain fuel here.

    Resources mentioned:

    How to Manifest Without Toxic Positivity or Gaslighting Yourself

    How to Manifest Without Toxic Positivity or Gaslighting Yourself

    "The cosmos isn't going to deliver a new car; it's busy." — Valerie Frankel

    Is there a way to attract what you want ... without devolving into a toxic positivity monster who pretends to be "high vibes only" every damn second?

    Can you manifest your your desires while still being a human with human feelings and experiences?

    Can you embody that positive emotion that matches your goal state — while still affirming the emotions and humanity of everyone around you?

    Yes, yes, yes!

    In this week's podcast episode, we talk about common manifestation mistakes (it's so often taught wrong!) and how to approach your manifestation practice from a place of power, humanity, and aliveness.

    Resources Mentioned:

    #65 – Should You Move Overseas? My Thoughts and Advice.

    #65 – Should You Move Overseas? My Thoughts and Advice.

    This episode is a bit of a departure from our normal subject matter. But I am getting SO many questions about moving overseas lately! (I think it's the election.)

    For those of you who are new to my world, I studied, volunteered, and worked abroad for seven years. (Mostly in Asia.) So I am a good bestie to have if you are considering moving abroad!

    And since not all of you have me in your contacts, I decided to do a podcast and share all my hard-won wisdom on ...

    • Where should you move? How to decide.
    • How should you go? (Work, play, retiree, digital nomad, etc. Let's explore the options.)
    • Why should you go? (All the awesome things.)
    • Why might you think twice? And what realities should you be prepared for? (All the CONFRONTING stuff, since apparently I love that word. 😂 )
    • My best advice on picking a new forever home. How to take the next step.

    Resources mentioned:

    #64 – Questions to Ask When Someone Triggers You

    #64 – Questions to Ask When Someone Triggers You

    Do you ever get triggered by other people? 

    Duh, it's like asking, do you breathe air?  😂 

    Often we want to push away or put down people who trigger us.

    When actually they can be our greatest teachers.

    They are mirrors who can show us what we're not fully loving and integrating about ourselves.

    They can shine light on the parts of us that still need healing.

    In today's episode, I walk you through some quick questions to ask any time someone triggers you.

    So what started out as an annoyance ...

    Might end up life changing.



    Sarah xx

    P.S.: Is something rising to be healed for you? Interested in mastering the arts of self-healing and nervous system regulation? I have so many ways you can learn, from my free breathwork Meetup to one-off Healing Sessions to in-depth coaching. Check out all my 2024 offers here.

    #63 – I'm So Burned Out. Here's How I'm Moving Through It.

    #63 – I'm So Burned Out. Here's How I'm Moving Through It.

    This feels wicked vulnerable to share, but here it is ...

    I've been going through a pretty dark burnout in December.

    One that had me close to quitting my business altogether.

    One where it is really hard to create, express, or connect to my natural joy.

    I hesitated to share this, because it seems like as a coach who specializes in nervous system healing, I should have it more together.

    But the truth is, this burnout is teaching me so much.

    ​​About myself.

    ​​About my beliefs around achievement and rest.

    ​​About what it is to be human.

    And I don't want to wait until I have it all perfectly figured out to share it with you!

    So here you go. My burnout story and what I'm doing (so far) to help myself out. In all its messy glory.



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    #62 – How to Change That Memory That's Haunting You

    #62 – How to Change That Memory That's Haunting You

    Hey friends! Enjoy some highlights from my free 5-Day Self-Healing Challenge (aka Soul Surf Camp).

    In this lesson, I talk about how to change your memories. Which if you're haunted by a moment in your past is a useful thing to be able to do!

    I should clarify: we're not actually changing the memory itself. We're just changing the emotion around it.

    So that a moment that made you feel sad can now make you feel grateful.

    Or so you can feel compassion for yourself in a moment that used to feel shameful.

    It's all about a process called therapeutic memory reconsolidation. And you can learn it and start using it today!

    I'll also teach you a self-hypnosis template you can use to resource yourself up when you're doing this important work.

    Resources Mentioned:

    #61 – How to Get More Breakthroughs

    #61 – How to Get More Breakthroughs

    You might be drawn toward "magical" practices like breathwork, plant medicine, hypnosis, and energy healing believing they will get you there faster.

    (And to a large degree, you're right!)

    But sometimes trying too hard to have a breakthrough ...

    Can actually repel the magic and push it away.

    And often when you release the need for a breakthrough, that's exactly when big magic comes to you and hits you like a lightning bolt.

    In today's episode, I'll share what I've learned about breakthroughs in three years of facilitating them for clients — and having some myself.

    We'll dive into:

    • Why you will never "earn" a breakthrough
    • Beliefs and behaviors that are moving you away from a breakthrough
    • The importance of being in right relationship with your practice
    • My favorite belief for cultivating magic in your practice
    • The importance of faith and surrender in personal growth
    • Why embracing cultivation (small, daily change) actually creates the right conditions for a breakthrough to happen
    • How you will always 100% eventually have a breakthrough (even if it doesn't arrive as huge, spontaneous healing)

    Resources mentioned:

    #60 – How to NOT Kill Your Family This Thanksgiving

    #60 – How to NOT Kill Your Family This Thanksgiving

    "You've gained a few pounds since last year!"
    "You're not married yet?"
    "Why can't you be quiet and sweet like your sister?"
    "Are you really going to have another drink?"
    "Of course we invited your ex. He's still family. We don't have to ask you."
    "Have you heard about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?"

    Welcome to the judgy-est time of the year!

    If your family is like most families, Thanksgiving get-togethers are kind of a mixed blessing. 😂 

    And for some of us, the holidays can be downright painful and poke all sort of old wounds and unresolved traumas.

    If you'll be braving the family firing squad this week, this podcast is for you.

    Think of it as putting on your tactical armor before you rush into the fray!

    We'll discuss:

    • Why your family isn't actually the problem (and why this is good news)
    • Coping strategies that DON'T usually work.
    • How family can be a powerful tool for your healing.
    • Ways to think about your family's comments, insults, comparisons, etc. that actually serve you.
    • How to become bulletproof in any family situation. 

    #59 – Money Healing

    #59 – Money Healing

    "The universe hates me."

    This was my conclusion when unexpected expenses kept smacking me in the face all through October.

    • There was the appliance repair company ripping me off.
    • The Assisted Living facility making a billing error — and then correcting it by pulling $13,000 out of my account with no warning. 
    • The Home Health company deciding out of nowhere that I owed them $1800, and I'd better pay up or they were sending me to collections.

    It felt like fighting a seven-nation army — and left me with no time for actually MAKING money.

    I had a niggle that told me to let some of it go.

    But because I grew up in a family that was all about hoarding and controlling money, that felt impossible.

    And it also felt like I was letting the bad guys win.


    Then I dropped into a very deep money healing study that REALLY helped me rewrite some of those old stories and make new choices.

    And today I'm here to share that learning with you!

    In today's episode, we'll dig into ...

    • How every money "problem" is actually an opportunity to release and rewrite an old story
    • Why having a controlling relationship with money doesn't work
    • Some of my own family money stories — and how I'm rewriting them
    • The spiritual Law of Release — and how it can help you have a healthier attitude toward money
    • How unconscious journeying (self-hypnosis) can deepen your money healing and provide insights you never dreamed.
    • How healing your own money wounds heals your entire lineage.

    Resources Mentioned:

    #58 – How to Quit Your Job

    #58 – How to Quit Your Job

    Are you feeling unappreciated at work?

    Longing for the freedom to set your own schedule?

    Or are you a coach who feels pressure to go full time so you can be a "serious" entrepreneur?

    If you answered any of the above, this episode is for you!

    Today, I'm going to walk through exactly how and when to quit your job.

    Spoiler alert: if you're desperate to get out, finding a new job may not solve the problem. You may benefit from doing some thought work and self coaching first.

    In this episode, I'll share:

    • My own story as an entrepreneur who is also still working in my corporate job part time.
    • Why changing jobs may not actually solve the problem.
    • Common thoughts about work that sabotage our happiness.
    • Why our brain focuses so hard on the negative — with work and all areas of life.
    • How to start thinking new thoughts about work, plus some thoughts that really changed my outlook on my current job.
    • How to leave your job (or relationship, town, volunteer gig, etc.) from a place of power.

    Resources mentioned:

    Contact Sarah:

    #57 – The Crumbling: What to Do When Your Whole Life Is Falling Apart

    #57 – The Crumbling: What to Do When Your Whole Life Is Falling Apart

    If everything in your life is going wrong or sideways at once, you might be experiencing ... THE CRUMBLING.

    It can hurt like hell. It might feel like a personal attack from the universe — or even a spiritual death.

    But I want you to know that THE CRUMBLING really is here for your growth and expansion.

    When you're preparing to move to a new level, everything unaligned must go. And that includes job, relationships, thoughts, beliefs, and outdated programming.

    All that stuff needs burn down in order to make room for what wants to come to you next.

    In this week's podcast episode, I'll share:

    • My own recent crumbling story (welcome to the Great Crumbling of 2023!)
    • My best guess about why this is all happening and what it means for me in 2024.
    • Some of the ways I'm handling it well — and not so well. (Vulnerability alert.)
    • Tips for how to navigate your own crumbling and emerge stronger on the other side.


    #56 – The People Pleasing Episode (This One's for the Medicine)

    #56 – The People Pleasing Episode (This One's for the Medicine)

    My mom will tell you I was an easy, sunny, sweet baby.

    What she really means: I never expressed any needs that were inconvenient, embarrassing, or made demands on others.

    And if I'm honest, it took me into my 40s to really start taking my own needs seriously. (Better late than never!)

    Being direct, setting boundaries, and telling people what I need are still wicked uncomfortable sometimes.

    But you know what else is uncomfortable? Constant people pleasing. Making it easy for everyone else. Participating in my own disempowerment.

    It's all still a work in progress. 

    And every once in a while, the universe likes to throw me an opportunity to deepen my mastery in this area.

    Like my recent vacation!

    In this week's episode, I'll share:

    • A vacation update (because I know you guys sometimes like hearing what's happening behind the scenes!)
    • People pleasing tips from two of my favorite podcasts
    • Some common myths about people pleasing that trip people up on their personal development journeys
    • A simple, two-part test to help you decide if your urge to please comes from love — or crappy programming
    • Some of the ways coaching has helped me grow from a people pleaser to a more empowered woman — and some of the areas I'm still working on

    Resources Mentioned:

    #55 – Stress Management Tips to Prevent Breakdowns, Burnouts, and Collapses

    #55 – Stress Management Tips to Prevent Breakdowns, Burnouts, and Collapses

    I totally wish that instead of trigonometry and other worthless stuff, my high school had offered classes like self leadership, emotional regulation, and especially ... stress management.

    As a coach, I see a lot of stress. And here's the truth: most people feel helpless against it.

    We experience too much too fast.

    We have a lot of traumas (big and little T) that keep us disconnected from our bodies.

    Because of that disconnect, we often don't even recognize stress until it's screwing up our health, relationships, jobs, and enjoyment of life.

    Enough, I say!

    This podcast episode is the stress class I wish I'd had in high school. We'll learn:

    • What is stress?
    • What's a stress collapse, and what are some signs you're on the verge of one?
    • How to start reconnecting to your body in ways that feel safe
    • Positive coping mechanisms
    • My 5-step process for managing stress in a healthy way.

    Resources Mentioned:

    #54 – Overcoming Perfectionism With the 20% Mess Up Rule

    #54 – Overcoming Perfectionism With the 20% Mess Up Rule

    Common perfectionist beliefs (raise your hand if you can relate):

    • I can't feel good unless I'm doing good
    • People only value me when I am near perfect
    • A mistake means I didn’t try hard enough

    If you were like "hells yeah!" to any of the above, this week's episode is for you.

    I'm going to share a rule a little about my own journey with perfectionism. (Oddly, it starts with spiders. Actually, it probably starts before that. But the spider part really sticks in my mind.)

    I'll also share a rule I've implemented with myself that has brought a lot of grace and ease to my stressed out perfectionist life.

    And then we'll explore some bonus tips about giving yourself grace when the shit REALLY hits the fan! Like you're moving your mom, fighting with your oven repair guy, and someone is shitting in your stairwell — all at the same time. (Actual true story! I'll tell it on the episode.)


    Resources Mentioned:

    Climb Your Mountain
    en-usOctober 06, 2023

    #53 – How to Survive a Social Event Without Drinking

    #53 – How to Survive a Social Event Without Drinking

    A few years ago, I took a 90-day break from alcohol that changed my life. 

    You know what was the hardest part? The social events!

    I was dating, so that felt super terrifying and vulnerable.

    I traveled and stayed with family for a few days, which is always kind of stressful. (Not because they aren't lovely, but because my nervous system gets really jangled when I don't have my own space.)

    I usually meet my friend at the same brewery to catch up, and we kept that tradition all through my break. 

    I didn't have a work trip or a wedding during that time. But if I did, it would have felt like the final exam. The PhD defense.

    So if you're taking a break from drinking (or cutting back or quitting), this episode is for you!

    (In fact, you can use it for any behavioral change you're making that really challenges your brain.)

    In this episode, I'm going to walk you through some tips to prepare you ahead of time for drinky social events where you plan to be dry.

    And then I'll actually lead you through a self-hypnosis template you can use to practice being different in that situation (and also anticipate how awesome it's going to feel after).


    #52 – One Year of Long Covid and My Top 7 Lessons From Chronic Illness

    #52 – One Year of Long Covid and My Top 7 Lessons From Chronic Illness

    I've barely got words for what a fucking year it's been.

    Long covid has been a wild ride. 

    A shamanic initiation. 

    A cracking open. 

    A curriculum for my expansion. 

    A burning down of everything that was out of alignment or in wrong relationship.

    In this week's episode, I pull back the curtain and get juicy and vulnerable about:

    • The ups and downs of this year.
    • Let's talk treatments. What's helping and what's horse shit.
    • My experiences with the medical community.
    • How my thinking about relationships has changed.
    • All the things I wish I had done differently.
    • The 7 most awesome things I've learned so far on this path.

    Resources Mentioned:

    #51 – The Best Antidote for Shame (Self Restitution Process)

    #51 – The Best Antidote for Shame (Self Restitution Process)

    Do you ever say cringeworthy things out loud?

    Make the wrong decision?

    Hurt people and regret it later?

    If so, this episode is for you!

    We live in a society where it isn't easy to make mistakes. There's a lot of judgement and blame flying around — not all of it justified.

    It can make it hard to be a human who's evolving in real time — whether as a parent, professional, or partner.

    But there's an antidote to the shame culture.

    In today's episode, I share the self-restitution process. It's my favorite tool for taking away shame, strengthening wounded relationships, and growing through hurtful situations.


    Resources mentioned:

    #50 – When Good Things End (Myth of Permanence)

    #50 – When Good Things End (Myth of Permanence)

    Everything ends. Jobs. Relationships. Chapters of your life.

    Even versions of YOU end. And new ones come online.

    Sometimes change can feel amazing. (Let's burn away the old and make space for the new!)

    And sometimes change is upsetting and destabilizing.

    You might wonder if it means you're doing life wrong.

    Society like to mess with our heads by holding up permanence as the ideal.

    It's why 10-year job anniversaries and golden marriage anniversaries get celebrated. (Even if those jobs/marriages have been a total horror show for the people involved.)

    It's easy to forget a fundamental truth: Nothing in life is supposed to be permanent.

    Just knowing this can be a huge game changer.

    It can free you to release relationships, jobs, places, chapters, and versions of yourself that are now complete so you can make room for what's next.

    On this week's podcast episode, we dig into the "Myth of Permanence," how it messes with our heads, and how to counteract it and find freedom.

    Resources Mentioned:

    #49 – The Healthy Boundary Formula

    #49 – The Healthy Boundary Formula

    Setting healthy boundaries is one of the best ways to practice energetic sovereignty and manage your nervous system.

    So in this week’s podcast episode, I'm going to talk you through ...

    🌟 What actually are boundaries?

    🌟 When is it appropriate to set a boundary?

    🌟 An exact script you can use to set that boundary.

    🌟 Tips on holding a boundary.

    🌟 How to make a request when a boundary isn't appropriate, but something is still bothering you.

    Hope you'll find plenty of super actionable tools in here you can use today to reclaim your space, time, and energy.

    Resources mentioned:

    Climb Your Mountain
    en-usSeptember 04, 2023