

    Welcome to a radical discussion of independence, individuality, free will, The Black Flame, and the Left-Hand Path. This is Daimonosophy with your host Fritz Fredric, author of Daimonosophy and The Erbeth Transmissions. Address all questions and suggestions to Daimonosophy@gmail.com Find the Others: http://daimonosophy.com/ https://www.patreon.com/Daimonosophy https://soundcloud.com/sakaki-4 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbwcnSpCGIdlEZsZtZevNRg/featured?disable_polymer=1 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/daimonosophy-2-0/id1163520520?mt=2Download complete episodes at iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/daimonosophy-2-0/id1163520520?mt=2 Check out the Blog! https://levitmong.wordpress.com/ Check out the Esoteric Order of Beelzebub www.iBeelzebub.com D2 Logo and Design by Komodokat
    en122 Episodes

    Episodes (122)

    D80 Nebu Generator - The Lies

    D80 Nebu Generator - The Lies
    The old saying of conventional wisdom – “There is no free lunch” – works hand-in-hand with another “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” “No free lunch” is a reminder that anything worthy is worth working for, and nothing is really free. If it looks free on the surface, you can be sure there is a hidden price, or maybe a price that comes later. There is actually a sound, logical, and observable meaning to it. Everywhere in nature, all organic beings, must put in the work first, BEFORE they get the reward. This is true for the wolf that has to spend many hours hunting and scrounging before finding enough to eat. It is true for the bee who must fly around tirelessly visiting flower after flower, avoiding numerous hazards, before finally getting the reward of the pollen. And it’s true for you – you have to put in the hours at work before you get a paycheck. The wolf learns that if someone is bringing him his food, it’s probably because he is about to be shot, trapped or caged. If the bee has flowers set right outside his door, it might mean he is in an artificial human managed bee hive. And if someone is giving you money for no apparent reason, you can be sure there is a reason hiding in there somewhere; a hidden price that likely will appear at a time when you are least expecting it.

    D81 Uncle Janush Kostrewski

    D81 Uncle Janush Kostrewski
    A conversation with Janush (Chester John) Kostrewski, the Gothic Historian of Eastern Washington. Author of numerous books on American History, Northwest History, Revolutionary war, history of warfare, flags, ghosts, serial killers including Haunted Spokane, Confessions of a Religious Fanatic. Teacher of America History at Spokane Community College, Professional Tarot Card Reader, divination teacher, and seance conductor. Shares with us some great insights on pandemics, the meaning of Easter, overcoming the fear of death, reconciling with virus, overcoming cancer, collectivism and the selfish gene, constitutional law. By the end you'll wish he was your uncle too.

    D77 Nebu - The Lies Of Apep

    D77 Nebu - The Lies Of Apep
    In Egyptian Mythology, Apep was the serpent of chaos, lies, and delusion. Every day, Ra’s Sun Barque floats across the sky, and as he reaches the end and night begins to fall, the writhing black serpent known as Apep appears and threatens to end the day forever. It is Set who then strides forth with his spear to do battle with Apep, dispelling chaos and delusion so that the sun may rise again. When Set does battle with Apep, he signifies the principle of consciousness and truth doing battle with the principle of lies and delusion. The ancient Zoroastrians knew of the force of Apep and called it ‘The Druj’ – which literally means ‘The Lie.’ This principle will come into play in a very material sense when we activate Engine S2, but as a preliminary step, we need to do some clean-up in the psychic sense. Consider this a form of mental house-keeping. Imagine for a moment that the individual mind-body complex could be represented by a house; clearing out lies and delusion might be considered the same as clearing out your basement or garage. Now imagine that the Nebu Generator is actually a large machine that you will need to keep in your basement or garage, where you can safely fire up the three engines of the Generator, and keep them running. You need to clear out the space so the Generator will have a place to run safely and efficiently. It is the same in the psychic sense – you will need to make room for the Nebu Generator to exist and function, and you will need to make mental space for it. Once it’s running, your biggest threat is the dirt, grease, and grime it will accumulate over time. You will need to return to clean your house and the Generator periodically, just as Set must do battle with Apep through the darkness of every single night. Let’s start with the idea of cleaning your house – where ever it is you might live in the real world - in a very literal sense. Do you make your bed in the morning? Do you vacuum, dust, pick-up debris regularly? Your house/primary dwelling-space is a representation of your psyche – if you can’t clean your room, how can you expect to clean your psyche? Learn to start with the simple, obvious, and tangible items. Seriously, after your own honest self-assessment, you will realize you need to clean your room. You need to focus on this first, because if you don’t, the chaos of Apep will already be clouding your

    #76 Nebu - Economic Magicians

    #76 Nebu - Economic Magicians
    Like a lot of people I came out of college thinking that economics and personal finance all takes place in an arbitrary conceptual reality that bears only a secondary concern to my inner world of hopes and dreams. It was only later after a long process of internal reflection and struggle with the ‘real’ world, that I began to perceive the reality of value. I was studying many of the great Left-Hand Path Magi and Esoteric Teachers along the way and each of them me left clues. (More on my personal process in the Post-Script). No single one of these things at the time caused me to reverse course, but as I found each influence and allowed it to crystallize I eventually built up some leverage – first, leverage to break free of the magnetic pull downward into inertia, and then to tap into the kind of magnetism that can pull you upward. Each of these Magi left me a piece of the puzzle along the way, and as I began to put the puzzle together a new reality began to materialize before my eyes. I realize some of these names may be more or less familiar depending on the background of the reader. I’ll make no attempt to justify any of them or to give intricate details or background on the individuals named. My aim here is solely to illuminate the lesson in as efficient a manner as possible, and allow the reader to decide if more research is in order. Anton LaVey – “Responsibility to the responsible.” This from the Seventh of LaVey’s Nine Satanic Statements from the Satanic Bible: Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires! When I first encountered this it felt like a huge blanket of guilt was being lifted off me. Embracing the principle of responsibility means realizing you won’t ever get anywhere in life just complaining about others and whining and crying about how others have treated you.

    #75 Nebu and The Material Question

    #75 Nebu and The Material Question
    Another reading from my forthcoming new book The Nebu Generator: A Pharaonic Formula for Wealth Creation due out April 30, 2020. Chapter 2: The Material Question We built this model with tangible concepts like ‘engines’ and ‘generators’ to give you something to grasp and hold on to as you attempt to steer free from the idea of ‘capital accumulation.’ Capital accumulation holds that the way to wealth lies merely in collecting units of capital (Dollars, Euros, etc.); getting dollars and hiding them away. Wealth generation is not a matter of collecting, seizing, or acquiring; rather it is a matter of growing, developing and nurturing. Wealth generation is an organic process of becoming that occurs over time. Your wealth should be thought of as an outgrowth or manifestation of yourself and your personal energy stream. Thus, it is also a reflection of your inner state, your values and your moral compass. Therefore to go any further with this exploration it is important to confront the Material Question and to be comfortable with it. Gurdjieff invoked “The Material Question” in Chapter 11 of his book Meetings with Remarkable Men. What often happens in groups focused on the idea of spiritual evolution is that practical material questions – like how will we pay the rent – will tend to be overlooked. This can lead to problems which only grow the more they are ignored. This is really the same sort of problem referred to with market bubbles – a fundamental material concern is collectively overlooked until it grows to a point where it can only pop…and violently. We can avoid this by addressing the Material Question openly, directly, and sooner rather than later.

    D79 It’s Not a Crisis If You Know When It’s Going to Hit

    D79 It’s Not a Crisis If You Know When It’s Going to Hit
    It’s not a crisis if you know when it’s going to hit. Stats from Hastur the Falconer Everyones in jail The infrastructure is established - even if this goes away they can bring it back anytime. They’ve turned us into a welfare state overnight They closed bars and restaurants in Harris co Really everywhere . New book the Nebu Generator: A Pharaonic Formula for Wealth Generation due out April 30th.

    #73 Supersubstantial In The Parabolic Leaven

    #73 Supersubstantial In The Parabolic Leaven
    Supersubstantial in the Parabolic Leaven The idea of the Supersubstantial appears a number of times in the Book of Matthew. I’ve already written much on Matthew 6:9-13 the First Petition of the Lords Prayer, where what has commonly been interpreted as ‘daily’ bread is revealed as ‘supersubstantial‘ bread. Now I will look at another instance of Supersubstantial revealed in the symbolism of bread. Matthew 13:33 “…The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” -Magus Jesus First let us remember that throughout the gospel the term Kingdom of Heaven and its other variation is used to refer to a particular state of being. For centuries Church Christianity has worked very hard to bury this and convince the world that it actually refers to a place – that is, a magical fairy-like place that you will go to when you die if you are faithful and obedient to the Church in life. However a careful study will reveal that “Kingdom of Heaven,” “My Father’s Kingdom,” “Kingdom of God” and so forth were originally intended to refer to an internal state of being. This is especially verified in Luke 17:21 where Jesus says “The kingdom of God is within you.” What can this mean? Why the use of the term Kingdom to represent an inner state? Kingship represents sovereignty. A sovereign is not ruled by anyone else. He is not subject to any greater will, therefore his own will reigns supreme. He has control of all of this constituent parts – the sovereign has dominion over his body, his thoughts, and especially his feelings. For one who has not sovereignty, the passions always pull them this way and that, subjecting them to any number of external wills. To have awakened the Kingdom of Heaven within the self is to be king of the self, king of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.....

    #69 Saturnian Sessions - Spike The Percussionist

    #69 Saturnian Sessions - Spike The Percussionist
    Spike is an old friend of mine, one of the first cool people I met in the Houston goth/industrial scene of the late 90s. An incredibly talented drummer and make of other intriguing sounds. We spend some time talking about his various projects like Astrogenic Hallucinauting, Fiddle Witch and the Demons of Doom, and many others; his work with Core suspension group, Chaos Magic, 60 jazz, Star Wars, and so on.

    #65 Douglas Lucas And DamageSignal

    #65 Douglas Lucas And DamageSignal
    "Seems these days all the great Left-Hand Path Magicians are also Left-Hand Path Magicians." Douglas Lucas of the Experimental Sonic Sigilization project Damage Signal drops by to talk about his new album Hammer or Nail, his work with the label Arcana Machine and work with Kenneth Anger, Z'ev, and Joan Pope/Temple of Saturn. Listen to end for great music sample. damagesignal.com https://arcanamachine.tumblr.com/ https://soundcloud.com/arcanamachine/technicolor-skull https://soundcloud.com/arcanamachine/vanessa-sinclair-carl-abrahamsson https://soundcloud.com/arcanamachine/zev

    #62 A Conversation with Boyd Rice

    #62 A Conversation with Boyd Rice
    Underground legend Boyd Rice pays us a visit to talk about his new book, The Last Testament of Anton LaVey, Satanism in the 60s vs today, Collectivism vs. Individualism, Cat's vs. Dogs, the Secrets of Rene Le Chateau and how Fox blew a major opportunity, having fun in Russia and the mystery of Lennon's Tomb, The Partridge Family Temple, Throbbing Gristle, Wall of Voodoo, etc., etc.,