
    Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People

    "Everyday Conversations Race for Everyday People," brings people together for cross-race conversations on race. If you have ever wanted to have a conversation about race, then this podcast is for you.Our mission is to disrupt the way race is talked about, break racial silos and have a global impact on how people see each other. We have from different backgrounds who share stories, thoughts on race, perspective on current social issues and pop culture happenings. We show that conversations about race are possible, urgent and essential for survival. Guests are all ages from very young to very old, immigrants, students, formerly incarcerated, executives, hourly employees, social activists, hip-hop artists, athletes and media. It’s serious, funny and insightful. We have a global mission for these conversations, to eliminate fear of differences, bring people together in the same space, and find surprising connections.
    en-usSimma Lieberman123 Episodes

    Episodes (123)

    A Black Executive Perspective on Race in Corporate America

    A Black Executive Perspective on Race in Corporate America

    In this episode of "Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People," Simma sits down with Tony Franklin, also known as Tony Tidbit, the Vice President of Advertising, Sales, and Client Partnerships at DirecTV. Tony shares his personal experiences as a Black executive in corporate America and discusses the importance of open and honest conversations about race.

    Simma and Tony discuss the challenges faced by people of color in corporate America, including the pressure to assimilate and the fear of being labeled as "too aggressive." Tony shares a personal story about trying to fit in by dressing and speaking like his white colleagues, only to realize that being himself was the key to his success.

    They also delve into the issues surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. Tony highlights the resistance some organizations have towards implementing DEI initiatives, often due to unfounded fears of losing something. He emphasizes the need for companies to diversify their ranks and create a safe environment for all employees to thrive.

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    The conversation touches on the importance of building emotional connections and breaking down barriers between people of different races. Tony shares his own experience of starting an open conversation on race at work, where employees could share their perspectives and learn from one another. He emphasizes the power of active listening and creating a safe space for dialogue.

    Throughout the episode, Tony and Simma stress the need for individuals to take action and speak up about racial issues. They encourage listeners to step out of their comfort zones, engage in conversations about race, and challenge their own unconscious biases. By doing so, they believe that real change can happen in both corporate America and society as a whole.

    Check out another great podcast on race hosted by my friend and colleague “Tony Franklin aka Tony Tidbit,” A Black Executive Perspective

    To listen to more episodes of "Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People," visit www.raceconvo.com. And don't forget to share the show with others who are interested in having open and honest conversations about race.


    Takeaways from this episode:

    ·         Be yourself and embrace your unique talents and personality in the workplace.

    ·         Managers play a crucial role in creating an inclusive environment and empowering their employees.

    ·         Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are essential for the success of organizations.

    ·         Building emotional connections and engaging in open conversations about race can break down barriers and foster understanding.

    ·         Individuals should take action by speaking up, challenging unconscious biases, and actively listening to others.


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    Tony Franklin (Tony Tidbit) Bio

    Tony currently serves as Vice President of Advertising Sales and Client Partnerships at
    DIRECTV, where he brings a wealth of experience to the role, boasting over 27 years in
    the media industry.

    Motivated by the events surrounding George Floyd, Tony initiated a workplace series
    titled "An Open Conversation on Race" This initiative provides a safe environment for open and honest discussions, aiming to raise awareness and educate individuals on
    various aspects of race, particularly within the context of Corporate America.

    Tony is the founder and host (Tony Tidbit) of “A Black Executive Perspective
    Podcast.” A podcast that sheds light on intersectionality, systemic racism, and other
    challenging issues shrouding the experiences of Black professionals in America's
    corporate environment. Beyond his professional endeavors, Tony channels his passion
    for motivation into Tony's Tidbits, a daily inspirational email reaching thousands of
    recipients nationwide.

    Outside of work, Tony prioritizes quality time with his family. He is happily married to his
    wife Gayle and is the proud father of three beautiful daughters: Samada, Mikaela, and

    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator. Simma is the creator and host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com to get more information, book her for your next DEIB  event, help you become a more inclusive leader, or facilitate dialogues across differences.

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Cancel Culture Unmasking the Dangers of Instant Judgment and Outrage

    From Conflict to Compassion: Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Leaders Share Their Perspectives on the Israel-Gaza Crisis

    Unmasking the Toxicity of Racism: A Raw Conversation with The Contraband Wagon

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    Cancel Culture Unmasking the Dangers of Instant Judgment and Outrage

    Cancel Culture Unmasking the Dangers of Instant Judgment and Outrage

     In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Simma, the Inclusionist, engages in a candid conversation with Patricia Mushim Ikeda, a Japanese-American Buddhist and mindfulness teacher, and Joel Davis Brown, an African-American man who is an author, an organizational development consultant and spoken word artist. Together, they delve into the controversial topic of cancel culture, exploring its impact on society and the importance of fostering dialogue across racial and ideological divides.

     The episode begins by addressing the viral nature of outrage and disgust on social media, which fuels cancel culture. The guests emphasize the need for critical thinking skills and the ability to engage in respectful discourse, rather than resorting to attacking and silencing others. They highlight the importance of recognizing nuance, understanding power dynamics, and promoting empathy in conversations about race and other sensitive topics.

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    The conversation also touches on the complexities of cancel culture, including the challenges of determining what is offensive and who gets to decide. The Joel and Mushim share personal anecdotes and examples, highlighting the potential for growth and change when people are open to dialogue and willing to learn from one another. They emphasize the value of embracing diversity, practicing grace, and creating spaces for genuine connection.

    Overall, this episode encourages listeners to challenge the polarizing nature of cancel culture and instead foster a conversational culture that promotes understanding, empathy, and personal growth. It serves as a reminder that by engaging in meaningful dialogue, we can break down barriers, challenge assumptions, and build bridges across differences.


    Key Points:

            What is cancel culture? Cancel culture is the act of attacking and ostracizing individuals for their beliefs, actions, or statements, often on social media platforms.

            It is characterized by a lack of dialogue, understanding, and empathy, as people quickly dismiss and "cancel" others without giving them a chance to learn, grow, or change.

            Cancel culture relies on outrage and disgust, hijacking our brain chemistry and preventing critical thinking and open-mindedness.

            Joel Davis Brown and Mushim Ikeda emphasize the need for critical thinking skills, empathy, and open dialogue to combat cancel culture and promote inclusivity.

            There is a difference between unintentional errors, mistakes and lack of knowledge, and people who consciously espouse hate in their language, actions, and writing.

            Mushim, Joel, and Simma see and have experienced the potential for growth and change in individuals.

            Cancel culture can hinder progress toward a more inclusive society by shutting down conversations and alienating individuals who may have the potential to become allies or advocates.

            There needs to be allowance for grace, resilience, and empowerment in navigating difficult conversations and promoting understanding across different perspectives.

            Simma Lieberman, Joel Davis Brown, and Mushim Ikeda share their own personal stories of saying the "wrong thing," because they didn't have the right information.

            They caution against the dangers of focusing on mistakes in specific terminology, instead of addressing the broader issues of systemic inequality and discrimination.

            Canceling someone who has made an unintentional error, rather than engaging with that person, asking what they meant, and sharing the impact is lazy. It's an indication of a certain kind of privilege.

            Cancel culture can hinder the development of genuine connections and hinder the opportunity for personal growth and learning.

            Ultimately we want people to embrace inclusion, compassion, and empathy. That can't happen in an atmosphere of fear, scorn, and "lifelong punishment."


    Cancel culture poses a threat to inclusive conversations and understanding. Instead of immediately dismissing and canceling individuals, it is crucial to facilitate open dialogue, empathy, and critical thinking. 

    Episode Resources:

          WWW.RaceConvo.com - Website to download more episodes of Everyday Conversations on Race and support the show.

          The Souls of Queer Folk - Book by Joel Davis Brown.

          Adrienne Marie Brown - Author and thought leader on social justice issues.

          Chimananda Ngozi Adichie - Nigerian author known for her work on identity and culture.

          Disability Pride Movement - Movement promoting pride and acceptance for individuals with disabilities.

    Support the Show:

    If you enjoyed this episode and want to support the show, visit www.RaceConvo.com to make a tax-deductible donation. Your support will help continue the important conversations on race and inclusion.

    Click here to DONATE and support our podcast

    Connect with the Guests:

          Patricia Mushim Ikeda - Third-generation Japanese-American Buddhist and mindfulness teacher. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

        Joel Davis Brown - African-American born and raised in the mid-west of the USA. Organizational development consultant and awareness agent. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator. Simma is the creator and host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com to get more information, book her for your next DEIB  event, help you become a more inclusive leader, or facilitate dialogues across differences.

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 



    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Unmasking the Toxicity of Racism: A Raw Conversation with The Contraband Wagon

    Confronting the Lack of Diversity in Nonprofit Leadership

    "From Apartheid to Forgiveness" a Conversation on Race

    Race, Sentencing, and the Criminal Justice System: A Shocking Inside Perspective A Conversation on Race with 

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    From Conflict to Compassion: Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Leaders Share Their Perspectives on the Israel-Gaza Crisis

    From Conflict to Compassion: Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Leaders Share Their Perspectives on the Israel-Gaza Crisis

    In this powerful podcast episode, Simma Lieberman interviews three faith leaders from the Faith Trio - Pastor Ben Daniel, Ali Sheikhaslani, and Rabbi David Cooper. Each of these leaders brings a unique perspective and experience to the conversation, making it even more impactful.

    The Faith Trio is a group that aims to foster understanding and empathy among different faith communities. They recognize the increase in Islamophobia and antisemitism in today's world and believe that now, more than ever, it is crucial to come together and combat these prejudices.

    Throughout the episode, the faith leaders share their personal experiences and perspectives on the Israel-Gaza war and other conflicts. They emphasize the importance of compassion and empathy during these challenging times. Rabbi David Cooper highlights the need to know each other on a personal level, stating, "When you know the other, all of a sudden, you're not dealing with some abstract collectivity, you're actually dealing with real human beings."

    Rabbi David talks about his Palestinian and Israeli friends that he has had for years and is concerned for their safety.

    Ali Sheikhaslani discusses the dehumanization that occurs during conflicts and the impact it has on both sides. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the humanity of all individuals involved and treating them with dignity and respect. Ali also mentions the need for equal rights and understanding, stating, "Unless dignity is given to Palestinians... any foreign solution... will not bring peace." Seeing so many Jewish people speak out in support of a ceasefire is inspiring to Ali and others.

    Pastor Ben Daniel shares his experiences with right-wing Christians who believe in supporting Israel no matter what. He acknowledges the dangers of Christian Zionism and the underlying anti-Semitism that can be present in this ideology. He emphasizes the importance of making peace and letting go of revenge, stating, "You can't fight your way to peace. You have to make peace."

    The speakers also discuss the need for individuals to genuinely feel and understand the pain of both sides involved in a conflict. They argue that it is not enough to simply pay lip service to the suffering of one side. Instead, individuals must truly feel and comprehend the pain to strategically act in a way that supports both sides. This understanding is seen as crucial in bridging the gap of identity and working towards a more inclusive society.

    The faith leaders also provide solutions and action steps for listeners to promote empathy and understanding. They encourage education about different faiths and cultures, engaging in meaningful conversations with people from different backgrounds, and actively challenging stereotypes and prejudices.

    Overall, this episode highlights the importance of compassion and empathy during times of conflict. It sheds light on the experiences and perspectives of these faith leaders and their commitment to promoting understanding and peace. It serves as a reminder that by knowing and empathizing with one another, we can work towards a more inclusive and compassionate world.

    If you want to see a peaceful, lasting solution it’s essential to understand the pain of both Israelis and Palestinians.


    Guests Bio

    Ben Daniel has served as pastor and head of staff at Montclair Presbyterian Church since March of 2014.

    Born in Palo Alto and raised in Mendocino, Ben earned his Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Religious Studies at Westmont College with an emphasis in urban ministry.  He received his Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and was ordained in 1993.  Before moving to Oakland, he he served as Pastor/Head of Staff at Foothill Presbyterian Church in San Jose for sixteen years.  Prior to that, he spent four years as Pastor of the  Community Presbyterian Church in Gonzales, CA.

    David J. Cooper is a co-founder of Kehilla Community Synagogue and is rabbi emeritus there. He is a long-time progressive activist and community organizer. He has studied and taught on many aspects of Judaism and is also a liturgist.


    Ali Sheikholeslami is one of the founders of the Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California (ICCNC), Oakland, CA, and he is currently a member of its Board of Directors. He has been active in the Oakland Faith Trio for many years.

    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator. Simma is the creator and host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com to get more information, book her for your next DEIB  event, help you become a more inclusive leader, or facilitate dialogues across differences.

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 



    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Unmasking the Toxicity of Racism: A Raw Conversation with The Contraband Wagon

    Confronting the Lack of Diversity in Nonprofit Leadership

    "From Apartheid to Forgiveness" a Conversation on Race

    Race, Sentencing, and the Criminal Justice System: A Shocking Inside Perspective A Conversation on Race with 

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    Unmasking the Toxicity of Racism: A Raw Conversation with The Contraband Wagon

    Unmasking the Toxicity of Racism: A Raw Conversation with The Contraband Wagon

    In this episode of "Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People," Simma Lieberman welcomes her guest Will Upland (also known as Contraband). He is the creator of the show on Twitch, The Contraband Wagon. Listen to this enlightening, personal and often humorous discussion of race, racism and disruptive conversations.

    Will (aka Contraband) recounts times in his young life when he encountered people who tried to discourage his success, and were angry that he, the only young Black man in his class stood above everyone else for his talents and brilliance.

    After feeling frustrated with the discussions on race in mainstream media Will decided to start his own show. Simma and  Will (aka Contraband) discuss their shared mission of disrupting the way people talk about race and how to bring people together across racial lines.

    Will shares a powerful story from his childhood that made him conscious of stereotypes and internalized racism. 

    At the age of six, he had a conversation with another Black boy who believed that acting "Black" meant being disrespectful, getting bad grades, and being part of a gang. This experience opened his eyes to the impact of racial stereotypes and the struggles that come with them. Listen to this episode to find out what happened when he ran into that same "kid" 25 years later.

    Both Simma and Will emphasize the importance of self-esteem and a strong sense of identity in navigating experiences of racism. You'll hear examples from "The Contraband Wagon," about other Black people with different perspectives on race. You'll also hear stories of how several white people  became conscious of race and racism after being in denial.

    Throughout the episode, Simma and Will highlight the need for open and honest conversations about race. They discuss the role of education and awareness in reducing the toxicity of our racial environment. They also emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding, using examples from their personal lives that encourage listeners to approach conversations about race with an open heart and an open mind.

    To take action and engage in conversations about race, Simma The Inclusionist and  Contraband suggest the following:
    Educate yourself: Take the time to learn about the history of racism, systemic oppression, and the experiences of marginalized communities. Read books, listen to podcasts, and engage with diverse perspectives.

    Engage in dialogue: Seek out opportunities to have conversations about race with people from different backgrounds. Listen actively, ask questions, and be open to learning from others' experiences.

    Challenge your own biases: Reflect on your own beliefs and biases. Be willing to confront and unlearn any prejudices you may hold. Engage in self-reflection and actively work towards being anti-racist.

    Join Simma The Inclusionist and Will Upland  ( aka Contraband) on their mission to change the conversation on race and create a more inclusive and understanding society. Tune in to The Contraband Wagon on Twitch and engage in their monthly private racism discussion group and book club. Remember, every conversation counts in the fight against racism.


    Guest Bio

    Will Upland, also known as Contraband, is a community college professor and the creator of The Contraband Wagon, where he is changing the conversation on race. After years of frustration watching the conversations on race in media without seeing the kind of dialogue he finds valuable, Contraband decided to create his own platform. He has had over 100 live 2-hour conversations on race and continues to have them regularly on his Twitch channel. He also hosts a monthly private racism discussion group, a book club, and live events that inspire discussion on the subject of race. Contraband hopes to increase knowledge on and awareness of race to reduce the toxicity of our racial environment

    Contact Info:


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator. Simma is the creator and host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com to get more information, book her for your next DEIB  event, help you become a more inclusive leader, or facilitate dialogues across differences.

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Confronting the Lack of Diversity in Nonprofit Leadership

    "From Apartheid to Forgiveness" a Conversation on Race

    Race, Sentencing, and the Criminal Justice System: A Shocking Inside Perspective A Conversation on Race with Sean Wilson, Organizing Director of Dream.Org

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    Confronting the Lack of Diversity in Nonprofit Leadership

    Confronting the Lack of Diversity in Nonprofit Leadership


    In this conversation on race, Simma The Inclusionist talks with Kristen Sharpe, CEO of Non-profit Makeover, and Deedee De La Cruz, Director of Demand Generation for GiveSmart.

    Why is there a lack of diversity in leadership roles within nonprofit organizations? Our two guests shed light on the reason that less than 20% of executive positions are held by people of color nonprofits.

    Kristen Sharpe and Deedee De La Cruz, acknowledge the historical overrepresentation of white individuals in nonprofit leadership positions. There is an urgent need for greater diversity in these roles, particularly considering that many nonprofits serve people of color and low-income communities. The lack of diversity in leadership can lead to a lack of representation, support, and mentorship for CEOs of color. The episode raises the question of how nonprofits can prioritize diversity within leadership roles and suggests that providing people of color with a seat at the table, opportunities to serve, and a platform for their voices and ideas can help address this issue.

    Both Kristen and Deedee share their personal journeys as women of color and how they achieved their high level of success in the non-profit world when neither of them came from business backgrounds. They also share how race and their economic backgrounds influenced the decisions they made to reach their goals.

    Both women tell stories of how they dealt with "Imposter Syndrome," and offer solutions for other women, specifically women of color who may be experiencing the same.

    They emphasize the importance of adopting a mindset that recognizes an abundance of wealth and opportunity. Kristen Sharpe challenges the prevailing belief in the nonprofit world that resources are scarce and insufficient to support multiple causes and organizations. Using the analogy of restaurants, she highlights the existence of numerous different establishments in every community, catering to different interests and preferences. Similarly, she argues that individuals can support multiple causes and organizations, just as they can donate to both the St. Jude's Foundation and organizations that support children in foster care.

    Kristen and Deedee both aim to empower nonprofit leaders of color to raise money on autopilot using technology and social media. By sharing opportunities and fostering conversations within the community, they both believe that everyone can contribute to philanthropic efforts and collectively make a difference. She challenges the notion that access to resources and opportunities is limited, emphasizing that there is ample room for collaboration and support across various causes and organizations.

    Deedee and Kristen both discuss the importance of leveraging technology, specifically GiveSmart, to bridge the gap and revolutionize nonprofit operations. She emphasizes that nonprofits unfamiliar with technology may be missing out on valuable opportunities. By partnering with GiveSmart, nonprofits can learn how to effectively utilize technology and maximize its potential.

    Kristen utilized technology, including GiveSmart, to raise over a quarter million dollars during the pandemic. She emphasizes that this achievement was accomplished without traditional methods such as ads, events, mailers, or galas. This success demonstrates the power of technology in enabling nonprofits to raise funds on autopilot.


    Time Stamps

    [00:02:27] Why talking about race is important.
    [00:04:24] Nonprofit leadership diversity.
    [00:09:32] Lack of diversity in nonprofits.
    [00:13:29] Generational self-confidence.
    [00:16:34] Community building and peer-to-peer fundraising.
    [00:21:30] Personal background and scholarship impact.
    [00:24:48] Community Brands and GiveSmart.
    [00:30:13] Nonprofit and technology partnership.
    [00:32:39] Bridging the gap in philanthropy.
    [00:36:19] Nonprofit diversity in leadership.
    [00:40:01] Lack of diversity in philanthropy.
    [00:44:11] Education as a privilege.
    [00:49:32] Non-traditional routes to success.
    [00:54:46] What's on your playlist?
    [00:57:54] Overcoming imposter syndrome.
    [01:00:20] Donate button and tax deductible donation.


    Guest Bio

    Kristen Faith Sharpe is a powerhouse entrepreneur, an American Red Cross humanitarian Award Winner, philanthropist, and renowned domestic violence expert. For more than a decade, millions have been inspired by her strength, resilience, and groundbreaking initiatives to create social change online.  This California native is the founder and visionary of multiple reputable brands and nonprofits that include Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence, The Nonprofit Makeover, and Boss Babe Networking.

    Deedee De La Cruz is the Senior Manager of Demand Generation at GiveSmart, the leading provider of cloud-based software to donor-driven organizations like nonprofits, charities, schools and foundations. Instagram: @givesmart_us 

    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.” 

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    "From Apartheid to Forgiveness" a Conversation on Race

    Race, Sentencing, and the Criminal Justice System: A Shocking Inside Perspective A Conversation on Race with Sean Wilson, Organizing Director of Dream.Org

    Everyday Conversation on Race with Rosalyn Taylor O’Neale (DEI OG for 47 years)

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    "From Apartheid to Forgiveness" a Conversation on Race

    "From Apartheid to Forgiveness" a Conversation on Race

    If you were a Black man imprisoned and tortured for fighting against the brutality of apartheid in South Africa, could you forgive your oppressors? Siya Twani did just that. This is a don’t miss episode. We all need to hear his story. It is especially relevant today with the slaughter of over 1,000 Israelis and the continued bombing and killing of over 1,000 Palestinians in Gaza. 

    In this episode, Simma, the Inclusionist, welcomes guest Siya Twani, who grew up under South African apartheid and became a freedom fighter with Nelson Mandela. Siya shares his experiences of imprisonment and torture, which ultimately led him to speak on reconciliation, forgiveness, and mental toughness. The conversation explores the importance of discussing race within the context of apartheid and the impact of racial trauma on Black children. Tune in to gain insights from Siya's powerful story and his perspective on race.

     Siya's story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of forgiveness. He emphasizes the importance of addressing racial trauma and healing the wounds caused by racism. Siya challenges the notion that talking about race is unnecessary, reminding us that those who experience racism daily are tired of living with it.

    The conversation delves into the history of apartheid in South Africa, shedding light on the extreme racial discrimination and inhumane treatment endured by black, Asian, and colored people. Siya highlights the stark contrast between the privileged lives of white South Africans and the poverty and oppression faced by the majority.

    Siya's involvement in the liberation movement and his time in prison shaped his mission to promote reconciliation and empower others to move from victimhood to empowerment. He shares his personal process of forgiveness, acknowledging that it was not easy but necessary for his own healing and liberation. Siya believes that forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

    The episode also explores the concept of reconciliation and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa. Siya acknowledges that while it was a step towards healing, it did not fully address the systemic injustices and inequalities that persist in the country.

    Siya's work as an international speaker focuses on promoting justice, equality, and difficult conversations. He encourages education, engagement, and building healthy human connections across racial and cultural lines. Siya's message is one of hope and the belief that change is possible when we confront our biases, challenge the status quo, and work towards a more inclusive and equitable world.

    Don't miss this thought-provoking episode with Siya Twani, a true freedom fighter and advocate for reconciliation. His story will inspire and challenge you to examine your own beliefs and take action towards a more just and inclusive society.

    This episode should make us stop and ask ourselves, “what kind of world do we want to live in?”  Are we willing to act from love, and kindness or do we want to live in hate, revenge, `and continuous death?

    Visit www.siyatwani.com to learn more about Siya and his work.







    Guest Bio

    Siya Twani is a South African Global Citizen with a passion to add value to people. A Passionate Educator, Mr Motivator and Inspirational Speaker.

    Siya Twani grew up in Cape Town in the 60s and 70s and experienced first-hand the pain of racism and discrimination. He was committed to the struggle and spent time in prison aged 17 for this commitment.

    He now lives in England and visits schools/ colleges/Universities and companies as a Motivational and Inspirational speaker to talk about his own experiences and lead workshops on a variety of themes

    “Siya, You are truly a wonderful person who inspired us all and brought us all closer to a better understanding of humanity. You have such a remarkable and powerful story to share with the world which is not one of anger nor bitterness but one of love and a desire to bring people together… you have touched all of our lives.” Teacher (Tendring Primary)


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Race, Sentencing, and the Criminal Justice System: A Shocking Inside Perspective A Conversation on Race with Sean Wilson, Organizing Director of Dream.Org

    Everyday Conversation on Race with Rosalyn Taylor O’Neale (DEI OG for 47 years)

    Breaking the Chains: Fighting Caste Oppression with Thenmozhi Soundararajan


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    Race, Sentencing, and the Criminal Justice System: A Shocking Inside Perspective A Conversation on Race with Sean Wilson, Organizing Director of Dream.Org

    Race, Sentencing, and the Criminal Justice System: A Shocking Inside Perspective A Conversation on Race with Sean Wilson, Organizing Director of Dream.Org

    In this episode, Simma The Inclusionist, is joined by Sean Wilson, the organizing director of Dream.org's Justice Team. With 17 years of lived experience and direct involvement with the criminal legal system, Sean brings insight into a system that he believes is broken and in need of reform. They discuss the importance of talking about race, especially in a society where some are trying to criminalize almost everything. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the role of race in America's history.


    Time Stamps

    [00:02:13] Sweeping race conversations under the rug
    [00:06:03] Internal transformation in prison
    [00:09:22] Racial disparities in sentencing
    [00:14:17] Disparities in drug sentencing
    [00:19:22] Sentencing and racial identity
    [00:27:35] Systemic racism and incarceration
    [00:29:14] Challenging the criminal legal system
    [00:35:27] Systemic racism in criminal justice
    [00:43:12] Black codes in the criminal legal system
    [00:45:10] Racism in the criminal justice system
    [00:49:00] Country music and rap fusion
    [00:53:42] Show notes available for download


    Simma interviews Sean Wilson, the organizing director of Dream.org's Justice Team, who shares his deeply personal experience with the criminal justice system and the impact of systemic racism. Sean, who was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, opens up about his troubled youth, including getting involved in criminal activities such as selling drugs and committing armed robbery.

    At the age of 17, Sean was arrested and sentenced to 50 years in prison for his crimes. He reflects on the harshness of his sentence, questioning how a judge could sentence a young boy to the same amount of time he had lived on this earth. Sean highlights the racial disparities within the criminal justice system, emphasizing that Black and Brown individuals are often given much harsher sentences compared to their white counterparts for similar offenses.

    He discusses the historical roots of systemic racism in the criminal justice system, tracing  back to the 13th Amendment and the implementation of Black codes, which restricted the freedom of African Americans and perpetuated a form of slavery through convict leasing. Sean emphasizes that these discriminatory practices continue to target Black and Brown people, leading to disproportionate rates of incarceration.

    Sean also addresses the issue of racial bias in sentencing, where black individuals are more likely to receive longer sentences compared to white individuals for the same offenses. He highlights the need for judges and prosecutors to view individuals before them as human beings deserving of grace, understanding, and the opportunity for redemption.

    As the organizing director of Dream.org's Justice Team, Sean is dedicated to closing prison doors and opening doors of opportunity. The organization works in three issue areas: climate justice, tech equity for Black and Brown people, and criminal justice reform. Sean's role involves training and building up leaders to advocate for transformational legislation that will reduce mass incarceration.

    In terms of recommended resources, Sean suggests reading "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the racial disparities within the criminal justice system. He also recommends "Better Not Bitter" by Yusuf Salaam, one of the Central Park Five, who shares his personal journey of transformation and resilience after being wrongfully convicted.

    For those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the criminal justice system, Sean suggests watching the HBO documentary "Growing Up Milwaukee," which follows the lives of young individuals assigned mentors, including Sean, who share their stories to deter them from a life of crime. He also recommends the documentary "13th," which explores the history and impact of mass incarceration in America.

    To connect with Sean and learn more about Dream.org's work, you can reach out to him via email at seanwilson@dream.org or follow him on social media platforms such as LinkedIn (Sean Wilson) and Facebook. You can also visit the Dream.org website and follow the organization on Instagram and Facebook for updates and information on their initiatives.

    This episode sheds light on Sean Wilson's personal experience with race and the criminal justice system and highlights the urgent need for systemic change to address racial disparities and promote justice and equality for all.


    Key Takeaways:

    1. Systemic racism is deeply rooted in the criminal justice system, leading to racial disparities in sentencing and treatment.

    2. Black individuals are often subjected to harsher sentences and less leniency compared to their white counterparts for similar offenses.

    3. The criminal justice system perpetuates harm and fails to provide opportunities for redemption and rehabilitation.

    4. Advocacy and reform efforts are crucial to address the systemic racism within the criminal justice system.

    5. Open and honest conversations about race are necessary to bring about meaningful change and find common ground for solutions.

    To learn more about Sean Wilson and his work, visit the Dream.org website and follow him on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Additional resources mentioned include the book "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander and the documentaries "Growing Up Milwaukee" and "13th."


    Guest Bio

    Sean is the Organizing Director at Dream Corps. As someone with 17 years of lived experience and direct involvement with the criminal legal system, Sean brings an advantage and insight into a system he believes to be broken and in need of reform. Before joining the Dream Corps JUSTICE team, Sean was the ACLU of Wisconsin’s Smart Justice Campaign Manager, where he managed the campaign to reform probation and parole. In addition, he also serves as a commissioner on the Governor’s Juvenile Justice Commission (GJJC), a State Advisory Group (SAG) that advises the DOJ on its juvenile justice programs and funding decisions and serves as an independent forum to discuss juvenile justice policy issues.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Everyday Conversation on Race with Rosalyn Taylor O’Neale (DEI OG for 47 years)

    Breaking the Chains: Fighting Caste Oppression with Thenmozhi Soundararajan

    Breaking Barriers: John Blake on Racial Reconciliation


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    Everyday Conversation on Race with Rosalyn Taylor O’Neale (DEI OG for 47 years)

    Everyday Conversation on Race with Rosalyn Taylor O’Neale (DEI OG for 47 years)

    In this episode of Everyday Conversations on Race, I interview Rosalyn Taylor O'Neill, a highly regarded diversity and inclusion thought leader. Rosalyn shares her experiences as the former Chief Diversity Officer at Campbell's Soup Company and Executive VP of Diversity Initiatives for MTV Network. She has received numerous accolades and awards for her work, including being named one of the top 100 most influential Blacks in corporate America and one of the top executives in diversity, and one of most influential LGBTQ people that year. With 47 years of experience, and never backing down, no matter who challenged her, Rosalyn has a lot to say and share. You want to hear this conversation on race.

    In this episode of Everyday Conversations on Race, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion pioneer Rosalyn Taylor O'Neale emphasizes the importance of learning how to discuss race and navigate through discomfort in order to address racial disparities in every area.


    Rosalyn acknowledges that talking about race can be uncomfortable and may cause anxiety, as people may fear making mistakes or offending others, but they are necessary in order to learn and grow.

    One example is the significance of discussing race with healthcare professionals. Rosalyn explains that if a doctor is not comfortable talking about race, it can create issues for patients, particularly those from racial minority groups. She mentions that rashes may appear differently on the skin of different races. Therefore, it is crucial for doctors to be aware of these differences and for patients to be able to communicate their specific needs and concerns related to race.


    Rosalyn highlights the importance of discussing race in society as a whole if we want to survive. She says that in her town, seeing a Black person is still a rarity, indicating the lack of racial diversity. This lack of exposure and understanding can perpetuate stereotypes and biases. By engaging in conversations about race, individuals can challenge these stereotypes and learn from one another's experiences.


    She emphasizes that it is not enough to simply listen and sympathize with someone's experiences. You must take action and support them in practical ways if you are anti-racist. Merely expressing sympathy or feeling bad for someone does not bring about any real change or alleviate their situation.


    Rosalyn shares personal examples. She often felt left out in her mostly all white school, and when she was having a hard time solving a problem, no one would offer to help. However, they always helped each other and acted like they didn’t see her.


    If you want to be an ally in action and not just words, then ask someone  directly what they need and take steps to fulfill those needs.


    Simma, mentioned a friend who noticed an older Asian woman in their building who rarely went out due to fear of attacks during the pandemic. Instead of just expressing concern, the friend offered to accompany her to the grocery store, providing practical support and reassurance.


    There is power in collective action. Walking together with someone can make them feel safer and more empowered. By offering to accompany someone who feels unsafe, we can show solidarity and create a stronger sense of support. It is not enough to simply acknowledge someone's experiences; we must actively work to mitigate the situation and make them feel supported.



    Time stamps:

    [00:02:41] Fearlessness and Belonging.

    [00:04:25] Diversity in organizations.

    [00:10:52] Learning about different cultures.

    [00:15:08] Learning through discomfort.

    [00:16:31] Loudness and race awareness.

    [00:22:18] Overcoming stereotypes and assumptions.

    [00:25:06] Being black in America.

    [00:29:58] Asian hate and race discussion.

    [00:34:07] Blacks and Jews misunderstanding.

    [00:37:32] Asking questions and seeking understanding.

    [00:41:25] Slavery and acquired skills.

    [00:46:23] Living in a diverse world.

    [00:49:08] Empathy and creating understanding.

    [00:54:46] Empathy and taking action.

    [00:57:55] What are you listening to these days?

    [01:02:22] TV shows and cultural diversity.

    [01:04:36] Ways to relax and distress.


    Guest Bio

    Rosalyn Taylor O'Neale is a highly regarded diversity and inclusion thought leader, celebrated for her transformative impact on organizations worldwide. With extensive experience, including her roles as Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at Campbell Soup Company, and Executive Vice President of Diversity Initiatives for MTV Network, Rosalyn has facilitated courageous conversations on biases, race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, privilege, and gender identity. Her work has earned her numerous accolades, such as being named one of the Top 100 Most Influential Blacks in Corporate America, Top Executives in Diversity, 100 Top Executives in America, and 100 Most Influential LGBT People of the Year.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Breaking the Chains: Fighting Caste Oppression with Thenmozhi Soundararajan

    Breaking Barriers: John Blake on Racial Reconciliation

    Why We Must Bridge Divides: A Conversation on Inclusive Leadership with Sally Helgesen & Mercedes Martin

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    Race, Peace and Poverty, A Conversation with Chad Lassiter

    Race, Peace and Poverty, A Conversation with Chad Lassiter

    In this conversation on Race, Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist, and Chad Lassiter, the executive director of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Council, engage in a deep personal conversation about self-reflection and awareness of privileges, stereotypes, and behaviors. Chad shares his own daily process to engage in self-reflection on race, and his role in bringing people to the common table to challenge stereotypes that perpetuate inequality and discrimination.


    With school boards and politicians, not only eliminating African-American history and any discussion of racial discrimination under the guise of making white children feel uncomfortable, we need to find ways to flip the script and empower all children, including white children, to be agents of change. While acknowledging concerns about discomfort, Chad Lassiter says that we can help children see that they have the power to contribute to a more just and equal society. By engaging in these conversations, children can recognize each other's humanity and understand their role in promoting peace and justice. 


    The key moments in this episode are:

    [02:26] Conversations around racism and division.

    [06:37] First experience with racism.

    [09:12] Police brutality and activism.

    [12:06] Generational trauma and racial identity.

    [17:04] Dismantling systemic and structural racism.

    [21:11] Building solidarity through activism.

    [26:49] Wealth and taking care of the poor.

    [28:00] Employment discrimination based on appearance.

    [33:19] The importance of conversation.

    [36:13] The trigger for white rage.

    [40:03] Talking about race in schools.

    [45:55] The Woman King and toxic masculinity.

    [48:37] Social change agents and justice warriors.


    Chad references the work of Paul Kivel, who emphasizes the necessity of difficult conversations about racism to uproot it. 

    This episode of Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People needs to be heard by anyone who wants to empower people of all ages to eliminate racism and other forms of inequality.

    With so much foolishness about not even mentioning cultural/racial differences and pretending everyone is the same while erasing non-white people, it’s essential that we share and talk about our identities, and culture. This is how we can find common ground and learn and grow together. Chad says these conversations will help us all find a balance between preserving individuality and being open to connecting with people from diverse backgrounds. No one is just one identity, and it would be very boring to pretend otherwise.

    We talk about Chad’s experience of growing up in an all-black community and how his perspective initially remained narrow due to his limited exposure. However, from interacting with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds, his viewpoint expanded, and he discovered shared experiences. This highlights the idea that engaging with diverse perspectives broadens understanding and fosters connections.

    Simma and Chad talk about the concept of cultural pride reinforcement, particularly within the context of the Black Lives Matter movement. Cultural pride does not entail valuing one culture over another but rather celebrating and affirming the importance of one's own culture while also respecting and acknowledging the significance of other cultures. This supports the notion that maintaining one's identity and culture does not necessitate rejecting or disregarding others.

    Listen in as we touch on the significance of having conversations about race, racism, and other issues that some may see as divisive. 

    While recognizing the importance of addressing these topics, we also need to incorporate discussions around peace, justice, truth, love, and kindness. That's how a more inclusive and compassionate society can be created. Without that, we'll be even more divided racially and in every other way

    Overall, the episode underscores the importance of maintaining one's identity and culture while also seeking common ground with others. It highlights the value of expanding perspectives, celebrating cultural pride, and engaging in conversations that foster understanding, peace, and justice.


    Guest Bio

    Chad Dion Lassiter is a national expert in the field of American Race Relations. Mr. Lassiter has worked on race, peace, and poverty-related issues in the United States of America, Africa, Canada, Haiti, Israel, and Norway, and is called upon frequently by media outlets to provide commentary on race relations and potential solutions.

    He is the current executive director of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, where he has legislatively delegated authority to investigate complaints filed alleging unlawful discrimination in the areas of employment, housing and commercial property, education and/or  public accommodations. During his capacity in this position, he has developed and launched a ‘No Hate in Our State Townhall’ to address the surge of White nationalism in Pennsylvania, a ‘Social Justice Lecture Series’ providing an outlet for the communities in the state to discuss imperative issues and serves as a Racial Reduction Response team for those communities impacted by hatred. He oversees a staff of 84 with three regional offices that comprise the 67 counties in Pennsylvania and manages an annual budget of $12 million. He has also developed programs under his appointment, such as a ‘Global Social Justice Initiative’, ‘Black and Jewish Beloved Community Dialogue’, and the ‘College Race Dialogue Initiative.’


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Breaking the Chains: Fighting Caste Oppression with Thenmozhi Soundararajan

    Breaking Barriers: John Blake on Racial Reconciliation

    Why We Must Bridge Divides: A Conversation on Inclusive Leadership with Sally Helgesen & Mercedes Martin

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    Jewish, Black, and Native American: Dr. Lonny Avi Brooks

    Jewish, Black, and Native American: Dr. Lonny Avi Brooks

    In this episode of Everyday Conversations on Race, host Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist, invites Dr. Lonny Avi Brooks, a professor of communication and Afrofuturism, to discuss his unique background as a Jewish, Black, and Native American individual. Avi and Simma explore the intersectionality of race and religion considering recent conversations on anti-Semitism and racism. The conversation also delves into the concept of Afrofuturism and its significance. Tune in to gain insights and engage in an Everyday Conversation on Race.


    Dr. Lonny Avi Brooks emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and respecting the rich cultures and dignities of others for personal growth and self-understanding. When you disregard or suppress someone else's culture, you limit your own potential for a fulfilling life. He shares what it means to him to be Black, Jewish, and Native American in his everyday life and the impact it has had on his relationships, and the actions he has taken to eliminate racism, antisemitism, and all forms of hate. He recounts his earliest memories of going to synagogue with his brother and how he integrates and loves who he is today. Lonny Avi Brooks is busy traveling and speaking on Afrofuturism, is active in synagogue and Jewish life, as well as involved in Native American communities.


    Key Points in this episode:

    • Recognizing and appreciating diverse cultures, allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

    • How systemic oppression, crime, and homelessness are all results of a lack of understanding and respect for differences and denial of opportunities and inequality. By disrespecting and trivializing other cultures, people who subscribe covertly or overtly to white supremacist culture not only harm others but also hinder their own growth and understanding of the world.

    • Experience of being Black and Jewish in a mostly white Jewish synagogue

    • Dismantling the myth that all Jewish people are white and looking at the depth,  complexities, and similarities amongst Jewish people across the world.

     • How Afrofuturism serves to preserve and expand Black culture. Guerrilla tactics are used to showcase the existence, power, and potential of Black people. By appreciating and valuing the culture and history of others, individuals, both Black and non-Black, can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.

     • Why acknowledging and respecting the rich cultures and dignities of others is not only essential for personal growth and self-understanding but also for creating a more just and harmonious society.

    • The way that Afrofuturism and other futurisms empower individuals and communities by fostering self-esteem, creativity, and innovation.

     • Why it's essential that all individuals know their own history and cultural background to have a sense of identity and motivation that will guide their success. Afrofuturism, along with Indigenous Futurism, queer futurism, Jewish Futurism, and Arab Futurism, provides diverse visions of the future that inspire and empower young people.

     • When people know where they come from. their history and the contributions of "their peoples," it encourages them to be more self-confident and creative.

     • Why Afrofuturism plays an important role in reclaiming lost cultural heritage erased by colonialism. By leveraging the past and projecting it into the future, Afrofuturism allows individuals and communities to preserve their cultural heritage while envisioning new possibilities. This process is particularly important in the face of attempts to erase the history of Black people.

     • The crisis in the US with some state governments and school boards, eliminating African American history from their curriculum. They are "rewriting American history," even claiming that there was "personal benefit from slavery for enslaved people."

     • Futurism movements offer diverse visions of the future that represent marginalized communities and encourage individuals to make a difference for themselves and their own groups.

     • Why it is essential that people engage in conversations about race and antisemitism, and other "isms" to break down barriers and promote understanding between people of different racial backgrounds.

     • Why Octavia Butler, Afrofuturism, Black Panthers. Greenwood, Tulsa, “The Watchman” are all important.

    • Simma Lieberman acknowledges that many individuals may feel hesitant or afraid to have these conversations due to the fear of saying the wrong thing, feeling attacked, or being ignored or trivialized. However, this podcast, Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People, aims to create a safe space for these conversations, encouraging listeners to overcome their fears and engage in dialogue.


    To learn more:

    • Attend conferences and events that focus on race, such as Afrofuturism or Afrocomiccon. By participating in these gatherings, individuals can engage in conversations about race, learn from experts in the field, and broaden their understanding of different racial experiences.

    • Read histories of African Americans, Africa, Judaism, racism, antisemitism, and indigenous history.

    • Learn about intersectionality across race, culture, and other differences.



    [00:01:05] Afrofuturism and identity/ Jewish, Black, and Native American

    [00:04:55] Multicultural identity and cultural questioning.

     [00:09:38] Mishap at the synagogue with Avi Brooks and his brother

    [00:15:06] Hebrew school and re-envisioning inclusivity.

    [00:19:16] Systemic white supremacy and culture.

    [00:24:33] Ethnic inner-ethnic war/the realities of antisemitism and racism

    [00:27:10] Cultural Vibranium and Afrofuturism.

    [00:32:06] The Black Speculative Arts Movement.

    [00:38:41] Afrofuturism and new creativity.

    [00:41:02] African music and artists.

    [00:46:31] Attending Afrofuturism and Comic Cons.

    [00:49:24] Inclusion in conversation with Dr. Lonnie Avi Brooks.


    Guest Bio

    Dr. Lonny Avi Brooks is Professor in Communication, Cal State University, East Bay. Co-executive producer, The Afrofuturist Podcast; co-organizer, Black Speculative Arts Movement; co-founder with Ahmed Best of the AfroRithm Futures Group; co-designer of the game Afro-Rithms From The Future. Co-founder, the Community Futures School, Museum of Children’s Arts (MOCHA). Research Affiliate@Institute For The Future & Long Now Foundation Fellow and visiting professor@ the Stanford d.school. Author, “From Algorithms to AfroRithms in Afrofuturism” in Black Experience in Design: Identity, Expression & Reflection.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.” Simma is the creator of the program, "Inclusive Leadership from the Inside Out."

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 

    Connect with Simma:









    Previous Episodes

    Breaking the Chains: Fighting Caste Oppression with Thenmozhi Soundararajan

    Breaking Barriers: John Blake on Racial Reconciliation

    Why We Must Bridge Divides: A Conversation on Inclusive Leadership with Sally Helgesen & Mercedes Martin

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    Breaking the Chains: Fighting Caste Oppression with Thenmozhi Soundararajan

    Breaking the Chains: Fighting Caste Oppression with Thenmozhi Soundararajan

    From grassroots movements to political advocacy, explore the powerful journey of Dalit activists working towards dismantling caste oppression.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

         Shatter the silence surrounding caste discrimination in US-based South Asian communities.

         Delve into the world of Dalit rights activism to understand the struggle against centuries-old caste subjugation.

         Grasp why legislation against caste discrimination in California could be a game changer.

         Realize the paramount importance of caste equity competency in breaking down workplace barriers.

         Get attuned to how somatics can mend the psychological wounds inflicted by caste discrimination over generations.

    My special guest is Thenmozhi Soundararajan

    Joining the conversation is Thenmozhi Soundararajan, a Dalit rights activist born in the heart of East Los Angeles, bringing a fresh perspective to igniting change for Indian Americans and marginalized communities. Raised in the harsh reality of structural casteism, she uses her lived experiences as the foundation of her fight against this persistent issue. Additionally, she is admired for her talents as a transmedia storyteller, songwriter, writer, hip-hop musician, technologist, and author of The Trauma of Caste: A Dalit Feminist Meditation on Survivorship, Healing, and Abolition. Her story and experiences form an intricate tapestry of struggle, resilience, and commitment, making her an invaluable guest on the topic of Dalit rights and caste discrimination.

    The key moments in this episode are:

    00:00:02 - Introduction
    00:01:19 - Guest Introduction
    00:03:40 - What is Caste?
    00:07:19 - Caste Discrimination in the US
    00:09:19 - Personal Experience and Hiding Identity
    00:16:46 - Addressing Misconceptions about Trafficking
    00:17:20 - Structural Caste and Sexual Exploitation
    00:18:19 - The Need for Civil Rights Organizations
    00:19:35 - Discrimination and the Fight for Caste Equity
    00:24:35 - Caste as a Protected Category
    00:32:28 - The Impact of Caste Oppression
    00:34:09 - Changing Hearts and Minds
    00:35:11 - Discrimination within South Asian Communities
    00:37:54 - Groundbreaking Conversations and Unity
    00:39:10 - Responding to Denial of Caste

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

        Go to the website www.RaceConvo.com to listen to more episodes of the show and engage in conversations about race.

        Please share the show with at least one or two other people who may be interested in having conversations about race.

        If you enjoy the show, please leave a review to help support it. Don't forget to give it five stars if you think it's a five-star show.

        If you'd like to help support the show, you can make a tax-deductible donation by clicking on the donate button on the website.

        To understand more about caste and Dalit rights, visit Equality Labs, an organization fighting for caste equity and civil rights. Learn about their work and support their cause.

        Support the coalition led by Equality Labs and Senator Ayesha Wahab to make California the first state to ban caste discrimination. Stay updated on their progress and join their efforts.


    Guest Bio

    Thenmozhi Soundararajan is a Dalit rights activist based in the United States. She is a transmedia storyteller, songwriter, hip-hop musician and technologist. She founded Equality Labs, which “is an Ambedkarite South Asian power-building organization that uses community research, political base-building, culture-shifting art, and digital security to end the oppression of caste apartheid, Islamophobia, white supremacy, and religious intolerance.” Her work and writings against caste oppression in the United States have been featured in The New York Times and The Washington Post.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Breaking Barriers: John Blake on Racial Reconciliation

    Why We Must Bridge Divides: A Conversation on Inclusive Leadership with Sally Helgesen & Mercedes Martin

    Rising Above Racism: Dr. Randal Pinkett's Journey to DEI Expertise

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    Breaking Barriers: John Blake on Racial Reconciliation

    Breaking Barriers: John Blake on Racial Reconciliation

    In this conversation on race, Simma talks with John Blake, a well-known author, and journalist with CNN. He reports on race, religion, and politics. His most recent book is, More Than I Imagined: What a Black Man Discovered About the White Mother He Never Knew

    John Blake's story begins with a familiar narrative of a biracial child struggling to find their place in a racially divided America. But just when you think you know where the story is headed, a surprising twist throws everything into question. What happens when John meets his estranged white family members as an adult? Will he reject them as he did with his white heritage? Or will he embrace them, leading to a transformative journey of empathy and forgiveness? Join us as we explore John's journey of racial reconciliation and the power of relationships in bridging seemingly impossible divides.


    Why Race Is Important

    Race is a central theme not only in the personal lives of many individuals but also in the larger context of American society. Understanding the importance of race requires recognizing that it shapes people's experiences, opportunities, and challenges in significant ways. By talking about race and valuing the various perspectives and experiences that come from different racial backgrounds, people can grow in empathy, cultivate meaningful relationships, and foster a more equitable and just society. In the conversation between Simma Lieberman and John Blake, John shares that his own experiences growing up as a biracial child with a white mother and black father has had a profound impact on his life, shaping both his personal struggles and his professional pursuits as a journalist reporting on race relations in America. He emphasizes that race is a key element in understanding and addressing social issues and that acknowledging and embracing diversity can ultimately bring people together and create a better society.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Realize the potential of building bridges across racial divides for a more inclusive society.
    • Grasp the impact of compassion and pardoning in breaking the shackles of prejudiced thinking.
    • Appreciate how knowledge can be a catalyst for change in combating racism.
    • Understand the intricacies of racial outlooks and the space for growth and transformation.
    • Appreciate the value of purposeful diversity and interaction in minimizing bias.


    The resources and solutions mentioned in this episode are:

    • Purchase John Blake's book More Than I Imagined: What a Black Man Discovered About the White Mother He Never Knew
    • Read John Blake's articles on CNN about race, religion, and politics
    • Participate in Simma Lieberman's facilitated dialogues to bring people together across race
    • Practice empathy and forgiveness towards individuals who may hold racist attitudes or beliefs
    • Read books by authors like Ibram X. Kendi and Jon Blake to educate yourself on race and racism
    • Take action towards creating a successful multiracial, multireligious democracy by working towards racial justice and equality in your community.


    The key moments in this episode are

    00:00:02 - Introduction

    00:01:53 - Why Race Is Important

    00:03:54 - Discovering His Mother's Race

    00:05:49 - Meeting His Mentally Ill Mother

    00:11:02 - Lessons About Empathy and Forgiveness

    00:15:52 - The Importance of Relationships in Combating Racism

    00:17:47 - The Need for Intentional Diversity

    00:19:19 - Telling Optimistic Stories

    00:21:57 - The Continual Conversion Process

    00:26:45 - Creating Opportunities for Meaningful Contact

    00:30:28 - Importance of Diversity in Communities

    00:34:52 - The Capacity for Change in Racism

    00:37:57 - Cancel Culture and the Importance of Listening

    00:41:01 - Personal Music and Book Recommendations

    00:42:08 - Recommended Readings and Eric Liu's Work


    Guest Bio

    John Blake is an award-winning journalist at CNN.com, the online site for CNN and an author. He has been honored by the Associated Press, the Society of Professional Journalists, the American Academy of Religion, the National Association of Black Journalists, the Religion Communicators Council and with the GLAAD Media Award. He was most recently the winner of the 2019 Sigma Delta Chi awards for Excellence in Journalism for his online columns on race and politics. His 2020 essay, “There’s One Epidemic We May Never Find a Cure For: Fear of Black Men in Public Spaces,” was recently selected by Bustle Digital Group as one of the 11 best essays on racism and police violence. The other authors on that list included Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ibram X. Kendi, and Roxane Gay. Blake’s book, “Children of the Movement,” was a finalist for the 2005 NAACP Image Awards in the Outstanding Literary Work Non-Fiction category and a finalist for the Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Awards. He has spoken at high schools, colleges, symposiums, and in documentaries about topics such as race, religion, and politics. Blake is a native of Baltimore, Maryland, and a graduate of Howard University.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition) 


    Connect with me:









    Previous Episodes

    Why We Must Bridge Divides: A Conversation on Inclusive Leadership with Sally Helgesen & Mercedes Martin

    Rising Above Racism: Dr. Randal Pinkett's Journey to DEI Expertise

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 2]

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    Why We Must Bridge Divides: A Conversation on Inclusive Leadership with Sally Helgesen & Mercedes Martin

    Why We Must Bridge Divides: A Conversation on Inclusive Leadership with Sally Helgesen & Mercedes Martin

    Join Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People, the podcast that brings real talk and real change to the forefront.

    In a society where race, culture, and identity are often sources of division, bridging the conversation on race and equity is imperative. By fostering open and honest dialogues, organizations can create safe spaces for employees to share their experiences and perspectives, ultimately leading to a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

    Simma Lieberman, Sally Helgesen, and Mercedes Martin explored the importance of bridging the conversation on race and equity during their discussion. They acknowledged the challenges of fostering these dialogues and shared their experiences in navigating the complexities of identity, race, and belonging.

    Sally reflected on her close relationships with African Americans throughout her life and the impact of their struggles on shaping her understanding of race and equity.

    Mercedes, an Afro-Latina woman from Cuba, spoke about her purpose in helping organizations tackle diversity and inclusion by shifting mindsets and embracing collaboration.


    In this episode, you will be able to:

    ● Discover the significance of uniting as a team to create an all-embracing workplace environment.

    Embrace the benefits of acknowledging various personal histories and experiences.

    • Acquire tools for seeking common ground and defusing challenging situations to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings

    ● Explore the expansion of diversity beyond gender, focusing on race and values.

    ● Recognize the importance of appreciating different backgrounds and experiences.

    ● Understand the role of individual change in sustaining diversity and inclusion among leaders.

    ● Learn how to identify commonalities and navigate through difficult situations to overcome division and polarization.

    During the episode, Sally Helgesen and Mercedes Martin shared their personal experiences and emphasized the importance of fostering a sense of belonging within the workplace. They discussed the power of embracing people's diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives in order to build stronger connections and more effective workforces. Simma Lieberman highlighted the need to support one another and rise together in the pursuit of inclusion and equity, sharing insights from both Sally's and Mercedes's experiences in the field.

    Sally, Mercedes and Simma discuss the urgency of sustainable change and emphasize that in order to sustain change, it is necessary to start from within. They talk about the importance of transforming oneself along with the organization and how change management needs to involve everyone in the organization. They also talk about the fear of leadership in addressing diversity and inclusion, especially pertaining to race, and how it needs to start with a clear why and work with the leadership in understanding the need for change.

    The key moments in this episode are:

    00:01:13 - Introduction of Sally Helgesen   

    00:02:26 - Introduction of Mercedes Martin  

    00:06:49 - Sally Helgesen's motivation for writing "Rising Together"

    00:09:53 - Introduction of Mercedes Martin's background and cultural identity

    00:19:07 - Creating a Culture of Inclusion

    00:22:23 - The Importance of Inclusive Leadership    

    00:24:10 - Bridging the Conversation on Race and Equity

    00:27:20 - Multiple Identities and Belonging   

    00:35:33 - The Importance of Self-reflection

    00:37:24 - Importance of Authentic Leadership for Inclusion

    00:39:05 - Characteristics of Inclusive Leadership  

    00:42:43 - Sustainable Change: Individual and Systemic Change

    00:48:00 - Inhabiting the Middle Amidst Polarization      



    Guest Bio

    Sally Helgesen is a renowned expert on women's leadership and an internationally bestselling author, speaker, and leadership coach. Honored in Forbes as the world's premier expert on women's leadership, she has been inducted into the Thinkers 50 Hall of Fame, which recognizes influential leaders in the field of leadership worldwide. Ranked number three among the world's thought leaders by Global Gurus, Sally has recently released her book, Rising Together, which offers practical ways to build more inclusive relationships, teams, and workplaces.


    Mercedes Martin is a native Spanish-speaking international executive coach and consultant from Cuba with a wealth of experience in global leadership, diversity, and sustainability development. Working with Fortune 50 companies such as PepsiCo, Proctor and Gamble, Shell Oil, and Kellogg's, Mercedes has helped senior leaders, women, and people of color rise in their careers. As the founder of Mercedes Martin and Company, she continues to focus on supporting leadership in rewiring their mindset and embracing conversations on diversity, equity, and belonging.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)

    Connect with me:


    Previous Episodes

    Rising Above Racism: Dr. Randal Pinkett's Journey to DEI Expertise

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 2]

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 1]

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    Rising Above Racism: Dr. Randal Pinkett's Journey to DEI Expertise

    Rising Above Racism: Dr. Randal Pinkett's Journey to DEI Expertise

    From being called the N-word as a child to becoming a successful entrepreneur and leader in the pursuit of racial equality and justice, Randal Pinkett's very personal story is a testament to courage and resilience. Yet, despite his success, Randal still faces an unexpected challenge: convincing organizations to embrace the power of race to drive meaningful change.

    After 30 years in business, Randal Pinkett, a trained computer scientist and DEI expert, faced an ironic twist of fate when an acquisitions editor at his publisher challenges him to confront his own deeply held beliefs and write a book on Data Driven DEI, forcing him to embark on a journey to change the people, and ultimately the organizations, around him.

    Are you frustrated with trying to improve DEI in your organization, only to be met with stagnant results? Discover how to break through the status quo by leveraging data-driven solutions, targeted universalism strategies, meaningful conversations about race, and effective leadership to cultivate real change.


    Key Takeaways:

    • Dr. Randal Pinkett's personal journey as a young Black man impacted by racism that led him to become a leader in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
    • Harness data-driven tools to effectively measure diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    • What it means to apply targeted universalism strategies to fight systemic racism and promote equality.

    • Navigate challenging racial conversations for constructive and positive outcomes.

    • Comprehend the critical role of leadership in cultivating inclusive work environments.

    • Investigate the effects of social media echo chambers on society and individuals.


    00:02 - Introduction,
    Simma Lieberman introduces the podcast and the guest, Dr. Randall Pinkett, who is an entrepreneur, innovator, and DEI expert. She also talks about the purpose of the podcast, which is to have comfortable conversations about race between people of different races.

    02:47 - About Randall Pinkett and Data Driven DEI
    Randall Pinkett talks about his background, growing up as a Black person in a predominantly White neighborhood, and his experience of racism at a young age. He also discusses his book, Data Driven DEI which focuses on personal and organizational assessments to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    08:10 - People Change,
    Randall Pinkett emphasizes that organizations don't change, people do. He explains that for any organization to transform, individuals must undertake a personal journey of self-reflection and growth. He also talks about the importance of targeting his book towards everyday people, who want to foster more diverse relationships and inclusive behaviors.

    09:10 - Randall Pinkett's Entrepreneurial Journey,
    How his entrepreneurial journey,  began at the age of 21 when he started a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training company with three other Black men. He talks about his desire to make a difference in the world and how he centered his company on addressing societal issues as an outgrowth of his lived experiences.

    14:30 - Making a Difference in the World,
    College years in the 1990s, a time when hip hop was coming of age, and there were growing conversations around black consciousness and black economic empowerment. He and his business partners wanted to make a difference in the world and  they used their entrepreneurial spirit to address societal issues.

    16:26 - The Importance of Giving Back,
    How growing up in a religious household and being a man of faith has taught him to use his talents and gifts to benefit others. Randal Pinkett believes that success is what you do for yourself, while greatness is what you do for others.

    18:20 - The Importance of Addressing Racism in DEI,
    Pinkett highlights that race is a key identifier when looking at differences in how people experience the world. He stresses the need to assess ourselves for racial biases and preferences and to address them head-on, as they are often the most challenging and polarizing factors in DEI conversations.

    24:39 - Taking a Nuanced Approach to Inclusion,
    Pinkett discusses the importance of breaking down data by different demographic identifiers when assessing inclusion in organizations. He stresses that averages can obscure the experiences of subgroups and that it's critical to identify and address the needs of those who are not being included.

    29:36 - The Importance of Seeking Diverse Perspectives, seeking out diverse perspectives when working on DEI initiatives. Being a narrow expert in one dimension can create blind spots and prevent the development of effective solutions. To achieve true diversity, equity, and inclusion, we must be willing to step out of our comfort zones and seek growth through diverse perspectives.

    31:13 - Overcoming Divisiveness in DEI,
    Pinkett acknowledges that the current political climate has seen an unfortunate mischaracterization of DEI as a divisive movement. He stresses that DEI is actually a countercultural movement that seeks to promote equity and inclusion for all, and that we must work to overcome divisive rhetoric and bridge divides in order to achieve progress.

    31:53 - The Importance of Speaking Up,
    Randal Pinkett emphasizes that it is important to speak up when someone says something wrong or offensive. He believes that people have a responsibility to help others see their mistakes and learn from them. He also discusses the idea of targeted universalism and how it can help achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.

    36:11 - Overcoming Personal Biases,
    Randal Pinkett talks about his greatest challenge in the DEI space, which was being an American from the Northeast. He shares how studying at Oxford and being exposed to different cultures helped him overcome his biases and gain a fuller appreciation for diversity.

    39:12 - Dispelling Myths about Racial Equality,
    Randal Pinkett discusses the myth that remaining silent is better than speaking out about issues of race and racism. He also talks about the myth that individuals are the problem when it comes to racism, rather than the systems and institutions that allow racism to persist.

    43:26 - The Four Dimensions of Racism,
    Randal Pinkett explains the four dimensions of racism: personal, interpersonal, institutional, and systemic. He emphasizes the importance of addressing institutional and systemic racism in addition to personal and interpersonal racism to develop comprehensive solutions.

    45:57 - The Myth of Colorblindness,
    Randal Pinkett challenges the myth that being colorblind is the gold standard for seeing other people. He explains that denying someone's race, gender, or disability status can lead to treating them unfairly and that individuation, seeing people as individuals, is a better approach.

    47:41 - Music Playlist,

    49:28 - Relevant Films and Documentaries,

    51:48 - Randall Pinkett's Books,

    54:08 - Building Bridges,
    Pinkett urges people to get out of their communities of the like-minded and build bridges to connect with people of different backgrounds and ideologies to save democracy. He emphasizes that bridge-building is crucial for connecting neighborhoods, communities, and people who would otherwise be disconnected.


    Guests Bio 

    Dr. Randal Pinkett has established himself as an entrepreneur, speaker, author and scholar, and as a leading voice for his generation in business and technology. He is the founder, chairman, and CEO of his fifth venture, BCT Partners, a multimillion-dollar research, consulting, training, technology, and analytics firm headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.

    He is also the first Black person to win "The Apprentice" in 2005.

    In addition, he has appeared numerous times on networks such as MSNBC, CNN, and Fox Business News as an expert on topics ranging from business and politics to diversity and inclusion to technology and innovation. 


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)

    Connect with me:


    Previous Episodes

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 2]

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 1]

    Dr. Joel A Davis Brown: Challenging Norms & Exploring Queer Leadership in an Unpredictable World

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    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 2]

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 2]

    In part 2 of this conversation on race, former police chiefs Ed Cronin and Mike Alexander, continue to address the problem of systemic racism in law enforcement, how it has impacted them personally and offer solutions. This is a deeply honest and open conversation on race, racism and the criminal justice system from two former senior police officers.

    Systemic Racism in Law Enforcement and How to End It

     As a Black police officer in Texas, Mike Alexander faced not only bias, prejudice and racism from his White peers but also from some of the communities he served. 

    Ed Cronin shares what it was like for him as a white police officer when he became aware of the systemic racism in the department and its impact on the communities he served. Hear his story of how he developed empathy and connection.

    By carrying out open and honest conversations about race and racism, it's possible to find approaches that can contribute to a more just and understanding future. In the episode, Ed Cronin discusses his initial assumptions that police officers would be compassionate and empathetic, only to learn about the corruption present in the force. He believes that his own experiences of trauma and violence resonate with the Black community's experience.

    Across the world, systemic racism exists in law enforcement and impacts the fair application of law and order. It's essential to recognize and address this persistent problem to create an equitable environment for people of all races and backgrounds. Acknowledging and being aware of systemic racism helps individuals understand and empathize with the experiences of those disproportionately affected by this phenomenon. In Part 2, of Cops Against Systemic Racism, Mike and Ed envision the changes that are possible in the police department to dismantle systemic racism and make a difference in low-income and non-white communities.


    After listening to this episode, you will be able to:

    · Understand the impact of systemic racism on law enforcement practices.

    · Discover the pivotal role of community-focused policing in building trust.

    · Learn the importance of empathy, de-escalation, and bias training in police work.

    · See the benefits of embracing diversity and inclusivity in police departments.

    · Explore how technology can advance transparency and work toward positive reform.

    • Gain new insights and envision how a police force can serve communities and dismantle systemic racism


    The key moments in this episode are:

    04:48 - The Police are Doing What  Some of the Public Wants Them to Do, While Other Members of the Public are Harassed and Mistreated,

    08:19 - The Problem with Bias in Law Enforcement, 

    16:30 - Solutions to Address Systemic Racism in Law Enforcement, 

    19:30 - The Role of Psychological Safety, 

    43:00 - Showing Empathy and Lack of Empathy. 
    Lessons in Power, Police and Community

    46:28 - Neighborhood Architecture and Systemic Racism, 

    48:05 - Building Relationships Between Law Enforcement and Community 


    Guests Bio

    Ed Cronin has worked in the law enforcement field for over 35 years. His career includes experience as a Police Chief in two cities in Massachusetts. He holds a graduate degree in Criminal Justice Management along with an advanced graduate degree in Organizational Development and Systems Thinking from Suffolk University. He is also a certified executive coach. (Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching)


    Mike Alexander is a nationally recognized expert in training and leadership coaching, a specialty that began and flourished during his 38-year career in law enforcement and has defined the years following his retirement from service. Through the U.S. Department of Justice Community Policing Divisions, the thirty-six (36) Regional Community Policing Institute, the Multi-jurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training Center, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Texas Municipal League, the International Law Enforcement Administration, and the Texas Police Chiefs Association, he has traveled the nation training officers and community members on ethics and integrity. 


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)


    Previous Episodes

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 1]

    Dr. Joel A Davis Brown: Challenging Norms & Exploring Queer Leadership in an Unpredictable World

    From Harlem to Harvard: How Dorien Nuñez Tackled the Racial Wealth Disparity

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 1]

    Cops Against Systemic Racism: Ed Cronin & Mike Alexander's Journey [Part 1]


    You want to listen to this conversation on race with former police chiefs, Ed Cronin and Mike Alexander about the problem and of systemic racism in law enforcement and the solutions to end it.

    In this two part podcast episode, Ed Cronin and Mike Alexander, two police officers with vastly different backgrounds, strive to bridge the immense divide between the awareness of systemic racism in law enforcement, and the reality of it through honest conversations and courageous leadership.

    Systemic Racism in Law Enforcement and How to End It

    Mike Alexander shares his story of being a Black police officer and the struggles he faced with biases and prejudices from his White peers. Both guests agree about the presence of systemic racism within law enforcement, with Mike recognizing the operating system perpetuating this in the force.

    By carrying out open and honest conversations about race and racism, it's possible to find approaches that can contribute to a more just and understanding future. In the episode, Ed Cronin discusses his initial assumptions that police officers would be compassionate and empathetic, only to learn about the corruption present in the force. He believes that his own experiences of trauma and violence resonate with the Black community's experience.

    Across the world, systemic racism exists in law enforcement and impacts the fair application of law and order. It's essential to recognize and address this persistent problem to create an equitable environment for people of all races and backgrounds. Acknowledging and being aware of systemic racism helps individuals understand and empathize with the experiences of those disproportionately affected by this phenomenon.


    After listening to this episode, you will be able to:

    · Understand the impact of systemic racism on law enforcement practices.

    · Discover the pivotal role of community-focused policing in building trust.

    · Learn the importance of empathy, de-escalation, and bias training in police work.

    · See the benefits of embracing diversity and inclusivity in police departments.

    · Explore how technology can advance transparency and work toward positive reform.


    The key moments in this episode are:

    00:01:31 - Mike Alexander's background and experience as a Black police officer and then a police-chief in Texas

    00:08:01 - Ed Cronin's background and experience as a White police officer and police-chief in Massachusetts and how he developed an awareness of racism in the police-department

    00:11:44 - Different Forms of Leadership

    00:17:22 - Finding Empowerment and Overcoming Experiences

    00:18:03 - Becoming a Police Officer

    00:24:31 - Dealing with Racism as a Black Police Officer

    00:27:57 - Addressing Micro Issues to Mitigate Macro Issues

    00:30:41 - The Potential and Struggle of Law Enforcement

    00:34:54 - Overcoming Addiction and Learning About the Problem

    00:37:19 - Racism is Real and Needs to Be Addressed

    00:40:16 - One Hand Tied Behind the Back When Addressing Injustice, Racism and Bias in the Police Department

    00:43:31 - The System of  Systemic Racism in Law Enforcement



    Guest Bio

    Ed Cronin has worked in the law enforcement field for over 35 years. His career includes experience as a Police Chief in two cities in Massachusetts. He holds a graduate degree in Criminal Justice Management along with an advanced graduate degree in Organizational Development and Systems Thinking from Suffolk University. He is also a certified executive coach. (Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching)


    Mike Alexander is a nationally recognized expert in training and leadership coaching, a specialty that began and flourished during his 38-year career in law enforcement and has defined the years following his retirement from service. Through the U.S. Department of Justice Community Policing Divisions, the thirty-six (36) Regional Community Policing Institute, the Multi-jurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training Center, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Texas Municipal League, the International Law Enforcement Administration, and the Texas Police Chiefs Association, he has traveled the nation training officers and community members on ethics and integrity. 


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)


    Previous Episodes


    Joel A Davis Brown: Challenging Norms & Exploring Queer Leadership in an Unpredictable World

    From Harlem to Harvard: How Dorien Nunez Tackled the Racial Wealth Disparity

    Unraveling Racial History: Benjamin Jealous’s Quest for Freedom

    Dr. Joel A Davis Brown: Challenging Norms & Exploring Queer Leadership in an Unpredictable World

    Dr. Joel A Davis Brown: Challenging Norms & Exploring Queer Leadership in an Unpredictable World

    Dr. Joel A. Davis Brown is an author, educator, and LGBTQ activist. He is the author of the book The Souls of Queer Folk, which explores the power of queer wisdom and its potential to transform leadership practices.
    Dr. Joel A Davis Brown set out to explore what it meant to be queer, but found that his research didn't satisfy him. With encouragement from friends, he wrote a book to explore the answer to this question. In  The Souls of Queer Folk, he shares the wisdom of the queer community that has enabled queer people to survive and thrive in a hostile world. He argues that this wisdom can help us all to navigate our increasingly volatile society and elevate our leadership practice. He reminds us that queer people are strong and have been fighting for their rights for centuries, and that it is important to stay focused on those who need the most attention.

    In this episode, you will learn the following:
    1. What is queer wisdom and why is it important?
    2. What are LGBTQ leadership lessons and how can they elevate and transform leadership practice?
    3. What is the inclusion paradox and how does it illustrate the current situation for marginalized communities?
    Chapter Summaries:

    Joel Brown introduces his book called The Souls of Queer Folk. 
    Joel talks about Queer Wisdom and its importance.

    Inclusion paradox: The idea that seemingly, if you just look at television and pop culture and media, it could feel like we have a lot more rights than we do. That in and of itself, makes it hard for people to understand that we are actually dealing with very unprecedented, dangerous times.
    The wisdom that our community has provided has helped people to avoid discrimination, recrimination and death. And the queer wisdom is informed by a number of different communities. What leadership comes down to is giving yourself permission to be yourself.
    Simma asks: 

    So what made you, Joel Brown, Black gay man who was successful, very successful, made you decide to write this book?

     Joe says, "If I may say so myself. I didn't seek to write a book. I think, you know me. I'm doing my thing."

    When we think about culture, we have to recognize that there are three different layers of culture. There are common things and themes that separate the LGBTQ community or distinguish us from others. Are there differences based on the subgroups? 

    I'm not trying to say that everybody's the same, but there are values, and the values would tie us together, and that's what helps us to build community. There's a qualitative difference in terms of how people socialize. The work, of course, there's more work to be done
    In every culture, every group that's been oppressed, there's some parts of culture that are as a result of the oppression. But there's also some parts that are just like part of the culture. It's hard to separate a culture from a system because this is the system as we know it.
    Leadership is not just about leading the organization, leading the workforce or leading the team. It's about leading yourself. The queer community has insight and wisdom that can help people to figure out how to reclaim their voice, to be resilient and to be adaptive.


    Joel's playlist: "I'm listening to a lot of Afrobeats. Also listening to music from Belgium, particularly Brussels. A lot of the hot Hip Hop and R&B in Europe are coming from there."

    Joel Anthony Davis Brown talks about his new book, "The Souls of Queer folk" How understanding LGBTQ culture can transform your leadership practice. 


    Guest Bio
    Dr. Joel A. Davis Brown is the Chief Visionary Officer of Pneumos LLC, a management consulting company based in San Francisco, California, and Nairobi, Kenya, specializing in cultural intelligence, leadership development, organizational strategy and change management, and strategic storytelling. Joel is also the co-owner of the Global Inclusion Certification Program, a training and certification company that trains practitioners to support equity work and systems change on a global scale. for As a change agent, Joel works strategically with organizational leaders and professionals to cultivate innovative, creative, and adaptive environments where the cultural genius of everyone can be harnessed and leveraged successfully.  In particular, Joel works with organizational clients to foster psychological safety, healing, belonging, and transformation. His work spans 5 continents.  His mission is to facilitate liberation for every global citizen.

    Connect with me:

    Previous Episodes:
    From Harlem to Harvard: How Dorien Nuñez Tackled the Racial Wealth Disparity
    Unraveling Racial History: Benjamin Jealous’s Quest for Freedom
    Navigating Racism and Inclusion with Greg Jenkins, Nirupa Netram, and Elinor Stutz

    Related Episodes:
    Living While Black
    What is behind the cancel-culture movement?
    Race, Racism and Hope in 2021


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    From Harlem to Harvard: How Dorien Nuñez Tackled the Racial Wealth Disparity

    From Harlem to Harvard: How Dorien Nuñez Tackled the Racial Wealth Disparity


    Dorien Nuñez is a New York City native, amateur astronomer, and former professional Sax player. He has celebrated 50 years on Wall Street, is a first generation college grad from Harvard, and is a proud alum of the New York City public school system. He is a co-founder of a group of Harvard Black and Latinx alumni serving on corporate boards, and is a Senior Fellow at Intentional Endowments Network.


    Dorien Nuñez’s journey to understanding the racial wealth disparity began in his childhood, growing up in Brooklyn but attending an elite mostly White high school in the suburbs. He was inspired by the achievements of people like Benjamin Banneker, and had mentors like his schoolteachers, who helped him develop his talents. At a young age, he began to understand the importance of money and developed entrepreneurial skills. With the help of his mentors, he was accepted to prestigious boarding schools and eventually Harvard Business School. His experiences gave him the insight to understand the systemic issues in capitalism and banking, leading him to dedicate his career to helping others to invest and create wealth. With his commitment to mentorship, Dorien Nuñez is helping to close the racial wealth gap and empower people to create and achieve unlimited success.

    1. Exploring the economic disparities between white and black people in the US.

    2. Investigating the role of mentors and how they help individuals succeed.

    3. Decoding the secrets to becoming a millionaire by investing wisely.



    Chapter Summaries:



    The wealth disparity between black and white people. What does it mean when we talk about generational wealth?



    Dorien was born in Harlem and then moved to Brooklyn. Got a scholarship to go to an elite white boarding school, St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire. His first mentors were his school teachers. Ended up going to Harvard Business School.



    When he was nine years old, he saw an article about the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His mentors saw something in him and nurtured it. This leads him to try to find and mentor high school students and college students.



    As a child, he was entrepreneurial. "The hardest job to get on Wall Street is your first job." His advice to anybody out there is to learn about money. You can't get rich if you don't know about money.



    Credit scores are important and people can raise their credit scores. All kinds of free services will help you repair your credit. More and more entities are providing capital to people with lower credit scores. Things are getting easier and better, but you still have to take responsibility and get your budget in order.



    "Well, when I went away to boarding school, it was practically all mostly white boarding school. I was there to get a good education, to learn what I could, and to take it back home. That was my mission. At age 14, I knew what I was going to do."



    "The House of Representatives kept Adam Clayton Powell from taking his seat. So if they wanted to, they could keep George Santos in his seat. And in California, they recalled Governor Davis." "We'll send any listeners to this show, who calls in or sends Simma an email a free report on "Ten Things You Could Do To Save Money and Invest and Three Things You Can Teach Your Children."



    The term Redlining comes from when the banks or insurance company would draw a red line around the neighborhood. They would not loan money to people in Black neighborhoods or sell houses to Black people to move into white neighborhoods. Redlining is not as obvious as it has been in the past, but it still exists and it's an impediment. The only solution is to sue them when this happens. You got to make them pay economically.



    Dorien's experience with race and racism. How they were treated differently and that being black is not that easy.



    There are a lot of Black networks that people need to know about and be part of. If you're not part of those natural networks, then you have to find your own and build your own. That's part of wealth building



    What is in Dorien Nuñez's favorite playlist, films, movies, shows, and books?


    Guest Bio

    Dorien Nuñez, Co-Founder and Director of Research, OMNIResearch Group. He is also the Co-founder of OMNI Wall St Advantage. Created the OMNI "WOKE" Investment Research based on his decades of expertise in ESG issues and emerging manager/minority business development programs. Has helped launch venture capital funds and loan programs for woman-owned and minority-owned businesses, raised funds for the Emerging Manager Trust which became FIS (now EXPONA), and continues to consult for new and emerging funds.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)


    Previous Episodes

    Unraveling Racial History: Benjamin Jealous’s Quest for Freedom

    Navigating Racism and Inclusion with Greg Jenkins, Nirupa Netram, and Elinor Stutz

    Black Fatigue with Mary Frances Winters


    Related Episodes

    Does Culture Fit Hiring Promote Racism?

    Race, Reconciliation, and Transformation

    Changing American Companies from the Top Down

    Unraveling Racial History: Benjamin Jealous's Quest for Freedom

    Unraveling Racial History: Benjamin Jealous's Quest for Freedom

    After a DNA test reveals he is a descendant of both Robert E. Lee and a former slave, Benjamin Jealous embarks on a Wild Ride to uncover the truth about the oldest open wound in America and the possibility of bridging the divide between black and white

    Benjamin Jealous is ouir guest on this episode of Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People. He is a former president of the NAACP, a civil rights activist, and an author. He is the author of the book, "Never Forget: Our People Were Always Free," which explores racism, the history of the United States, and the power of storytelling.


    In this episode, you will learn the following:


    1. How is racism still affecting our country today?

    2. What can we do to bridge the divide between different groups of people?

    3. How did the concept of race originate and how has it been used to divide us?


    Chapter Summaries:


     The book is about the oldest open wound in this country, the wound of racism. Author wrote it as a series of speeches, or monologues to his computer. The book is a very conversational book, a book a lot of people find surprisingly funny.



     Richard Yates Bland was the last white Bland to own my family. Robert Lee was the leader of the black Republicans in Virginia. What gives a slave man hubris to lead entire political parties?



     The title comes from something that we believe was first said by our female Kunta Kente of our family if you will. Never forget, our people were always free. That's what all the women in Atlanta I've ever known of were rebellious. And that's what put the steel in their spine.



     Dr. King was trying to bring poor white folks and poor black folks together to build a better America. The ultimate purpose of racism is to divide these two groups so they can't assert their right to get out of poverty. The media should show the real face of poverty, which is black and white and brown and Asian.


    Guest Bio

    Ben Jealous, is the youngest-ever person to have been elected as the national NAACP President; was just named the Sierra Club's Executive Director (the first person of color selected for the post), and is also a University of Pennsylvania, Professor of Practice. Timed for Black History Month, his new book just hit #1 in the African-American biographies category on Amazon. While researching the book, Jealous learned he is a cousin to slave owner Thomas Jefferson, confederate Robert E. Lee; AND a distant cousin of Dick Cheney! The book is dedicated to his grandmother who taught him to ’never forget our people were always free,’ which he considers his personal mantra of inspiration—hoping that we all: White/Black, Democrat/Republican—can finally join together to snuff out race; which Jealous says was not what our country was built on in the first place.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)

    Navigating Racism and Inclusion with Greg Jenkins, Nirupa Netram, and Elinor Stutz

    Navigating Racism and Inclusion with Greg Jenkins, Nirupa Netram, and Elinor Stutz

    When Greg Jenkins, Nirupa Netram, and Elinor Stutz, three colleagues and members of the Inclusion Allies Coalition, come together to discuss the importance of talking about race, they are confronted with their own diverse backgrounds, a goal to support those impacted by racism, and a central conflict between silence and open dialogue.


    "It is important for us to understand that race is a very Western idea, but in the context of those parts of the world where race is an understood terminology to understand the effects of race and racism is important for us to, in the case of the IAC, help us understand people that are suffering because of the negative impacts of racism." - Greg Jenkins

    Greg Jenkins is an older, white, straight male of Catholic upbringing who spent 28 years in the US Army and has been a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant for the last 17 years. Nirupa Netram is an attorney and consultant of Indian descent and Hindu faith. Elinor Stutz is a Jewish woman, a best selling author, and the founder of Smooth Sale,

    Greg, Nirupa, and Elinor, along with Simma, are colleagues and members of the Inclusion Allies Coalition. Each of them has a different cultural background and provides their own perspective on the importance of talking about race and the value of the Inclusion Allies Coalition. Elinor shares the story of her family's experience and her own experience in corporate. They explain why it is important to have conversations about race, speak out against racism and stand together with people who are different. The Inclusion Allies Coalition provides a safe space for entry into conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion, and a way to connect with people from all around the world.


    The Inclusion Allies Coalition brought together three colleagues and friends with a variety of cultural backgrounds. They discussed the importance of having conversations about race and the value of those conversations.

    In this episode, you will learn the answers to the following:

    1. How does being a member of the Inclusion Allies Coalition promote diversity, equity, and inclusion?
    2. What challenges have been experienced by those who have been negatively impacted by racism?
    3. How can people become more open to learning from those who are different?


    Key Topics:


    Three members of the Inclusion Allies Coalition appear on this week's podcast. Each person will give you two minutes, two sentences about themselves. They will give their name, their cultural background.


    “Why do you think it's important to talk about race today?”

     We can't have silence now because you're going to call on us. Why is it an important conversation? Well, these are discussions that are happening globally in response to so many issues.



    Elinor Stutz was raised not to talk about being Jewish because her family were holocaust surivors. She says antisemitism is on the rise and so is racism. It's important for groups to stand together and to really speak out together.



    The Inclusion Allies Coalition brings together people from all over the world. They are  advocates for people that may be suffering, or negatively impacted by the topics that we're referring to here.

    Greg finds value in networking with other colleagues that are trying to do good things in their world.


    Being an IAC member allows you to gain access to global practitioners who support and take action to build inclusion.

    Elinor shares what it means to her to meet so many people who diverse in so many ways.


    When Elinor was growing up, her grammar was half English and half Yiddish. She felt weird all the time. People always told her she was weird.


    Nirupa: “I was very lucky growing up. It wasn't until I moved to the US that I began to experience the negative aspects of race and racism.” She says she would walk into stores and be ignored or looked at a certain way. Nirupa believes people are fundamentally good and capable of change.


    Simma ask Nirupa, “Do you think younger generations are more accepting of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or it's still the same?”

    Nirupa “I would like to see the future in upcoming generations, that they are more inclusive. I again believe people are well intended and capable of change.”


    Nirupa: “Inclusion Allies Coalition is an important place in that we can have conversations that we don't have normally. For some folks, like maybe the ones that you're referring to in Charlottesville, that frightens them. We have to create spaces to have the conversations.”


    Simma: What would you like your friends to do to show support for you?

    Nirupa: I think just maybe us openly talking about it, and sharing ways that they can be an ally to me. I find talking through scenarios that negatively impact us really help.


    Gregory: “We need to acknowledge what has happened so that it's not glossed over".

    Elinor: I hope that we will become more united and this crime wave based on race and antisemitism as well as toward other groups will end.


    Greg: “For your listeners there's the 4D Tool. The four DS are delay, distract, delegate and direct. Research showed that oftentimes when people see something happening, they don't know what to do. We do have to stand up, which is why we have inclusion allies.”


    Simma: “Share either a movie. film or TV show, or a song that reflects what's going on today around race and differences or allyship. For each of you, I want to know, do you have any?


    Guests Bio


    Greg Jenkins is a dedicated and passionate leader, facilitator, coach, and mentor dedicated to helping people and teams achieve higher levels of performance.  Greg completed a successful 28+ year US Army career that ranged from overseas duties in Germany, South Korea, and combat duty in Iraq to include several stateside assignments culminating in Washington D.C.  While serving at the Pentagon, Greg teamed up with the Army’s Diversity Task Force, and worked directly with the Secretary of the Army and Army Chief of Staff to help establish the Army’s Diversity program, policies, and marketing. 


    Now spanning over three decades from military service to professional corporate consulting, Greg has trained, facilitated, mentored, and coached countless military service members, corporate employees and executive leaders of various industries including the Federal Government, US military, finance, insurance, communications, logistics and retail services.  Greg is a passionate veteran volunteer who enjoys actively mentoring and coaching business professionals, US military service members, veterans.


    Social Media Links




    Nirupa Netram is an Indian female immigrant attorney and certified diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace professional with more than two decades of experience in multiple sectors, including the corporate, nonprofit, government, and legal sectors, in the areas of DEI, human resources, program management, strategic planning, operations, compliance, and more. Nirupa earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Stetson University and her juris doctorate from Stetson University College of Law. She is the founder of Lotus Solutions LLC, a Florida-certified woman and minority-owned enterprise that helps local, national, and international organizations build and sustain DEI to ensure a fair and just workplace.


    Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, delivers inspirational keynotes at conferences and authored three books: The International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, and her second best-selling book is “HIRED!” The third book, The Wish: A 360 Business Development Process to Fuel Sales provides a comprehensive plan for building a global audience.

    Kred ranks Stutz as a Top 1% influencer; CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter” and she was featured on the cover of the March 2015 Sales and Service Excellence e-Magazine. Stutz’ blog is distributed among corporations and entrepreneurs alike. Both Bizhumm and NowISeeIt named the Smooth Sale Blog as one of the “Top 100 Most Innovative Sales Bloggers.” Her sales seminar was filmed for Eduson.TV. Stutz consults and speaks worldwide.


    Host Bio

    Simma Lieberman, The Inclusionist helps leaders create inclusive cultures. She is a consultant, speaker and facilitator and the host of the podcast, “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People.”

    Contact Simma@SimmaLieberman.com

    Go to www.simmalieberman.com and www.raceconvo.com for more information

    Simma is a member of and inspired by the global organization IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)



    IAC (Inclusion Allies Coalition)


    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    Black Fatigue with Mary Frances Winters

    Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz; Do the Anti-Racist Work

    How to End Racial Bias in Media with Karen Hunter and Daniel Stedman


    Connect with SIMMA:







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