
    Exercise Is Health

    At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we believe your health is your most valuable asset. Join hosts Charlie and Julie Cates as they discuss how to utilize exercise to help improve and maintain your health, as well as interviews with health and wellness experts from various fields including chiropractic, accupuncture, psychology, nutrition, and functional medicine. Both Charlie and Julie are certified personal trainers and Muscle Activation Techniques® practitioners in Schaumburg, IL.
    enMuscle Activation Schaumburg323 Episodes

    Episodes (323)

    E323 - An Easy Way To Take Pressure Off Your Discs

    E323 - An Easy Way To Take Pressure Off Your Discs

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Have you ever had a disc issue?

    Issues with discs in the spine are extremely common. In fact, it has been reported that 80% of people over the age of 30 have a structural issue with at least one disc.

    While discs often get blamed for different symptoms people feel, there is a lot of data to suggest that the structure of the disc is not the entire story when it comes to pain, lack of mobility, or many of the other symptoms associated with disc issues.

    Fortunately, there are some simple things you can start to do today to help take pressure off your discs and make sure they stay supported whether there is currently a structural issue or not.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what these things are and how to go about implementing them throughout your week.

    If you have ever had a disc issue or know of someone who is currently dealing with one, listen up! You are not going to want to miss this action plan that can have your discs better supported than they have ever been.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Want to grab a free copy of our best-selling book, “The Exercise For Life Method”?

    Click here to order yours while copies are still available! www.exerciseforlifemethod.com Just cover the cost of shipping and handling to have it delivered right to you.

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips and content about MAT® here:

    – Muscle Activation Schaumburg: @muscleactivationschaumburg 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    Your Injuries Are Not From "Just Getting Old"

    Your Injuries Are Not From "Just Getting Old"

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Is your body getting achier with each passing year?

    One of the most common stories people tell themselves is their aches and pains are because they’re “just getting old”.

    Maybe your back started tightening up in your 40s, or your knees started aching in your 50s, or your shoulders were constantly sore in your 60s…

    While the “just getting old” story is common, it is not the truth, because even though your body gets older every year, it does not have to feel or function older.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what the real issue is if you feel like your body is “just getting old” and what you can do about it

    If you have ever felt tempted to blame your age for how your body feels, listen up!

    This week’s episode will help you change that story once and for all.

    Check it out for all the details!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms: 

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Looking for live workouts that will help you implement everything you learned in this episode! Join us for the next One Workout Away Challenge! Click here to get registered: www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/owa

    Want to grab a free copy of our best-selling book, “The Exercise For Life Method”! 

    Click here to order yours while copies are still available! www.exerciseforlifemethod.com Just cover the cost of shipping and handling to have it delivered right to you.

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here: 

    – Muscle Activation Schaumburg: @muscleactivationschaumburg 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    E321 - What Your Corrective Exercises Aren't Correcting

    E321 - What Your Corrective Exercises Aren't Correcting

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Are you doing corrective exercises to try to improve your mobility or help with some aches and pains you have?

    There is something that you aren’t being told about these exercises that may not only be causing them to be ineffective, but may actually be making your issues worse.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what this is, why it happens, and exactly what you can do about it.

    If you have ever done an exercise to try to correct an issue but didn’t get the results you wanted, listen up!

    You may have been missing the one piece that makes all the difference when doing corrective exercises.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Want to grab a free copy of our best-selling book, “The Exercise For Life Method”?

    Click here to order yours while copies are still available! www.exerciseforlifemethod.com Just cover the cost of shipping and handling to have it delivered right to you.

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Muscle Activation Schaumburg: @muscleactivationschaumburg 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E320 - 3 Little-Known Ways Your Muscles Keep You Healthy

    E320 - 3 Little-Known Ways Your Muscles Keep You Healthy

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Feeling Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Muscles do more than keep you looking good and feeling strong. They are also key to your health and longevity!

    While most of the world thinks of aesthetics and athletic performance with muscles, there are some key functions your muscles play in making sure your body remains feeling great and operating at a high level for years to come.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into three of these key ways.

    We unveil the unique roles your muscles play in making sure you are able to live your best life and keep doing all the things you love to do for as long as you want to do them.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Want to grab a free copy of our best-selling book, “The Exercise For Life Method”?

    Click here to order yours while copies are still available! www.exerciseforlifemethod.com Just cover the cost of shipping and handling to have it delivered right to you.

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Muscle Activation Schaumburg: @muscleactivationschaumburg 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E319 - "Is Working Out Every Day When I'm In My 60s Too Much?"

    E319 - "Is Working Out Every Day When I'm In My 60s Too Much?"

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Stay Feeling Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Is exercising every day when you are in your 60s too much?

    Are the potential positive benefits of working out being squandered because your body is being worked too often?

    Should you aim to workout fewer days each week in order to maximize your strength, mobility, and health?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are exploring these questions and more to lay out exactly what you need to know when it comes to exercising every day.

    If you love moving your body and being physically active but have wondered if you should slow down because of your age, this discussion is for you!

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E318 - How To Efficiently Loosen Your Tight Hamstrings

    E318 - How To Efficiently Loosen Your Tight Hamstrings

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Help Your Muscles Stay Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Are your hamstrings tight?

    Tight hamstrings are one of the most common complaints we hear about from prospective clients, and while there are many options out there to help loosen the hamstrings, most ways of resolving the tightness only create short-term changes.

    So what can you do about this? Are you destined to have to constantly stretch and roll your hamstrings out for the rest of forever? Or is there a more effective way to address the hamstring tightness that can actually create changes that are long lasting?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are exploring.

    We are diving into a simple process you can follow to not only help your hamstrings feel looser, but make sure your body is stronger and functions better overall.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    E317 - How Do Muscles Influence Joints?

    E317 - How Do Muscles Influence Joints?

    Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Help Your Joints Stay Healthy & Strong: http://services.matschaumburg.com

    There is one part of your body that will help your joints stay healthy, strong, mobile, and injury-free, and it is not the joints themselves…

    Your muscles!

    While many people are under the belief that a joint symptom means there is a joint issue and needs to be a joint solution, our experience has shown us that this is not the case at all.

    In fact, over the last 13 years, we have seen 100% of people who have a joint issue also have corresponding muscle issue, and when the muscle issue improves, so does the joint issue.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are discussing why this is and the exact steps to take to make sure your muscles are working as well as they can so your joints stay feeling and functioning great.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E316 - What To Do If Walking Is Bothering Your Hips & Back

    E316 - What To Do If Walking Is Bothering Your Hips & Back

    Learn How Muscle Activation Techniques® Can Help You Feel Stronger Than Ever: http://services.matschaumburg.com

    Walking is one of the most convenient ways to stay physically active throughout the day, but what if it isn’t agreeing with your body?

    Even though there can be a ton of health benefits from walking regularly, if it is causing your feet, knees, hips, or back to flare up, it is not going to be sustainable.

    If this is happening to you, don’t worry. There are some simple things you can start to do that can make a HUGE difference in how your body feels and functions while you walk.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are laying out what our top recommendations are if your hips and back are getting bothered with walking.

    Learn exactly what to do and how to do it to help get your body ready to walk without issue.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Would you like to have our guidance implementing the 4 Exercise For Life Principles while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E315 - Is Being Mindful While You Workout The Key To Feeling Happier In 2024?

    E315 - Is Being Mindful While You Workout The Key To Feeling Happier In 2024?

    One of the most consistent recommendations we give is to be mindful of what you are focusing on while you exercise.

    We have had a number of conversations about how this will positively impact your physical health, but what about your mental health?

    Is being mindful while you exercise a key component to building your mental health and wellbeing with your workouts?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are discussing.

    If your mental health is a priority for you in 2024, you are not going to want to miss this conversation.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Would you like to have our guidance with staying mindful while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E314 - Why Fitness Assessments Have You Focused On The Wrong Things

    E314 - Why Fitness Assessments Have You Focused On The Wrong Things

    Fitness assessments are all the rage at the turn of the year.

    New Year’s Resolutions combined with a desire to document where you are starting from to track progress make many people susceptible to the hype of various assessments.

    Whether it is as simple as a sit to stand test to as advanced as a VO2 max assessment, people of all fitness levels are looking to figure out how well their body can perform.

    But, these fitness assessments may actually be doing more harm than good for your long-term health and consistency with exercise.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we explain why that is and what you need to focus on instead.

    If you have any inkling to participate in some type of fitness assessment now or any time throughout the year, this is an episode you need to listen to.

    While your motives may be pure, the act of doing the assessment can fundamentally shift how you view your workouts and the exercise choices you make going forward.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Would you like to have our guidance with keeping your focus on the right things while you workout?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free for 30 days! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Ready to take your workouts to the next level? Join us for the “Moving & Mobile” One Workout Away Challenge and get 2024 started right!

    Get registered before it kicks off on January 7th by going to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/owa.

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    E313 - How To Workout If You Have A Rotator Cuff Issue

    E313 - How To Workout If You Have A Rotator Cuff Issue

    Have you ever had an issue with your rotator cuff?

    Not only can this be incredibly painful for the shoulder, it can also be a large reason why people choose to stop exercising temporarily or all together.

    But, if you’ve followed our content at all, you know the number one thing you can do to live a long, healthy, and strong life is exercise…

    So how can you make sure you get a workout in even if you have a rotator cuff issue?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are discussing.

    We lay out a simple plan you can follow to not only help your rotator cuff heal faster, but make sure the rest of your body stays strong, fit, and moving well in the process.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Would you like to have our guidance applying the 4 Exercise For Life Principles to your workouts?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free and try out the “Full Motion, Full Strength, Full Function” and the “Resistance Training Building Blocks” programs today!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Ready to take your workouts to the next level in 2024? Join us for the “Moving & Mobile” One Workout Away Challenge!

    Get registered before it kicks off on January 7th by going to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/owa.

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E312 - How Do You Use The 4 Exercise For Life Principles With Cardio?

    E312 - How Do You Use The 4 Exercise For Life Principles With Cardio?

    You often hear us talk about the 4 Exercise For Life Principles as they relate to strength training, but what about cardio?

    Do these same four principles apply to running, swimming, cycling, etc?

    Or do you need to consider different things during your cardio workouts to make sure you are building your health, strength, and function without getting achy, sore, or injured?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are discussing.

    We explore what role the 4 Exercise For Life Principles play in cardio workouts and how you should think about applying them to stay feeling healthy and strong every time you do cardio.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Would you like to have our guidance applying the 4 Exercise For Life Principles to your cardio workouts?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free and try out the Nothing But Cardio program today!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E311 - The #1 Way To Get Stronger When Working On Flexibility

    E311 - The #1 Way To Get Stronger When Working On Flexibility

    Is your flexibility training making you weaker?

    It is well known that stretching decreases strength, but do all flexibility exercises have this effect?

    How can you increase your flexibility without getting weaker, and do so in ways that actually makes you stronger?

    On this week’s episode of the  Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are laying out the #1 thing you can do to increase your strength as you improve your flexibility.

    Stretching does NOT have to leave you weak, vulnerable to injury, and feeling tighter. In fact, there is a simple switch you can make while doing your stretching that will change all of this for you.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Want to connect with us about scheduling your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session? Find a time that works for you to have your consultation here: www.vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on the following platforms:

    – Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6H1CneHjsPiPStrAeFTP25?si=X1IuXkp0T1KCv3gCtt3j5g 

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    E310 - The #1 Way To Get More Flexible While You Strength Train

    E310 - The #1 Way To Get More Flexible While You Strength Train

    Does your strength training leave you feeling still and inflexible?

    Most people find that they have to stretch and do other flexibility exercises to counteract the effects of their strength training after they workout.

    But what if your strength training could not only make you stronger, but also make you more flexible?

    In this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are exploring the #1 thing you can do during your strength training workouts to help you become more flexible without having to stretch, foam roll, or do any of the traditional flexibility or mobility exercises.

    If you are sick and tired of always having to stretch after you workout because you feel so tight and stiff, listen up!

    We lay out exactly what you need to do and how to do it.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Would you like to have our guidance while you workout to help you get more flexible while increasing your strength and fitness?

    Join the Exercise For Life Membership for free and try out the Fit & Flexible program as well as the Full Motion, Full Strength, Full Function program today!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E309 - Are You Active Or Are You Exercising?

    E309 - Are You Active Or Are You Exercising?

    Are you active all day long, always on your feet and moving around, rarely sitting or taking time to rest?

    While this kind of activity is great, it is not a replacement for more focused and intense workouts.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are going to break down the difference between being active and exercising, why you need to do both, and how to get both in consistently.

    If you have ever thought, “I don’t need to workout today because I have been up and moving all day long,” this episode is for you!

    We share how to determine if you are exercising versus just being active (you’ll be surprised to hear this…) and how to make sure you are doing both throughout your week.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    Want our guidance applying the four Exercise For Life Principles to your workouts?

    Get started with a free 14-day trial of the Exercise For Life Membership!

    You will get access to our entire library of on-demand workouts and programs that can all be done from your home in under 25 minutes, including strength training workouts, cardio workouts, recovery workouts, mobility workouts, and more!

    Just head to www.ExerciseForLifeStudios.com to join today!

    E308 - 3 Ways We Stay Consistent With Our Workouts

    E308 - 3 Ways We Stay Consistent With Our Workouts

    Life throws in many twists and turns that can derail you from working out.

    Whether it is social events, late nights, family gatherings, work assignments, or anything else that comes up throughout the day, there are many opportunities to say, “I’m not going to workout today because of ____ .”

    So how can you get your workouts in despite everything else that may be going on?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are discussing three strategies we use to stay consistent with our workouts no matter what our day throws our way.

    If you find that you are constantly hopping on and off the workout train, this conversation has the information you need to stay steady with your workout consistency all year long.

    Check out the details in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    Want our guidance applying the four Exercise For Life Principles to your workouts?

    Get started with a free 14-day trial of the Exercise For Life Membership!

    You will get access to our entire library of on-demand workouts and programs that can all be done from your home in under 25 minutes, including strength training workouts, cardio workouts, recovery workouts, mobility workouts, and more!

    Just head to www.ExerciseForLifeStudios.com to join today!

    E307 - Why Working Out "Smarter" Is Not Enough

    E307 - Why Working Out "Smarter" Is Not Enough

    “Smarter Not Harder” is a phrase often thrown around in the fitness industry.

    While the idea of not working out as hard because you are working out more intelligently certainly sounds appealing, there are some big issues that this mindset is creating.

    What are these issues, how are they holding you back from reaching your goals, and what needs to be done to break free from this?

    That is exactly what we are discussing on this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast.

    If you find yourself gravitating towards this idea of “Smarter Not Harder”, listen up!

    There are some things about this approach that are keeping you from getting the results you want.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    Want our guidance applying the four Exercise For Life Principles to your workouts?

    Get started with a free 14-day trial of the Exercise For Life Membership!

    You will get access to our entire library of on-demand workouts and programs that can all be done from your home in under 25 minutes, including strength training workouts, cardio workouts, recovery workouts, mobility workouts, and more!

    Just head to www.ExerciseForLifeStudios.com to join today!

    E306 - 3 Exercise Musts For Women With Osteoporosis

    E306 - 3 Exercise Musts For Women With Osteoporosis

    Exercise is one of the most effective ways to help your body build bone, but when it comes to exercising with osteoporosis, the main recommendations that are given fall dramatically short of what is actually required to increase bone density.

    Fortunately, research shows that there are only three things you need to make sure are included in your workouts in order for them to have positive bone-building effects.

    What are these three things and how can you do them in a safe and effective way?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie is sharing her expertise on this subject to help teach you exactly what you need to do.

    She lays out a clear path to follow with your workouts and a simple plan by which to get it done.

    If you have osteoporosis or want to prevent osteoporosis, this episode is a must-listen.

    Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!

    Want Julie’s guidance with implementing these three exercise musts into your workout routine?

    Sign up for Julie’s free OsteoStrength For Her newsletter to get a weekly easy-to-read email breaking down exactly what you need to do.

    You will also receive updates on Julie’s super-popular OsteoStrength For Her exercise classes, including class times and registration links.

    Click here to get started!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 


    E305 - 3 Big Issues With A.I.-Powered Fitness

    E305 - 3 Big Issues With A.I.-Powered Fitness

    A.I. is a very hot topic these days. From creating images, answering questions, and providing writing prompts to helping automate customer support chats on many websites and so much more, A.I. has infiltrated much of our daily lives, including fitness.

    But is A.I.-powered fitness as useful as other ways of using A.I.? Are there any downsides to using A.I.-powered fitness apps and machines? And if so, what are the actual issues with these shortcomings?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving head first into the topic of A.I.-powered fitness, what you need to know, and what you need to be cautious about.

    Even though using A.I. to direct your workouts can seem convenient and cutting-edge, there are some things you need to be aware of so it doesn’t become dangerous.

    Learn what these are and what to do about them in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios 

    – Julie Cates: @julcates 

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates 

    Want our guidance applying what you learned in this week’s episode? Join us in the Exercise For Life Membership for free!

    We will teach you exactly what you need to know to exercise consistently without feeling achy, sore, or injured, and we will guide you through every workout in real time.

    Get started today and get your first 14 days for free! Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to sign up.

    E304 - How To Have An Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Interview with Dr. Michael Turner

    E304 - How To Have An Anti-Aging Lifestyle - Interview with Dr. Michael Turner

    Anti aging is a hot topic right now, and while there is a ton of information on the subject, it tends to be fragmented across different topics.

    You might find an article about supplements. And another about exercise. And another about sleep or stress management.

    But how can you piece it all together to create a full anti-aging lifestyle?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, this is exactly what we are discussing with anti-aging expert Dr. Michael Turner.

    If you are looking for a cheat sheet of what you should focus on throughout your week to help combat the biggest drivers of aging, Dr. Turner has your answers.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Want to connect with Dr. Turner and learn more about his work?

    Be sure to follow his substack blog here! You can also find out more about working with Dr. Turner on his website here!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started with your 14-day free trial today!