
    Exercise Is Health

    At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we believe your health is your most valuable asset. Join hosts Charlie and Julie Cates as they discuss how to utilize exercise to help improve and maintain your health, as well as interviews with health and wellness experts from various fields including chiropractic, accupuncture, psychology, nutrition, and functional medicine. Both Charlie and Julie are certified personal trainers and Muscle Activation Techniques® practitioners in Schaumburg, IL.
    enMuscle Activation Schaumburg323 Episodes

    Episodes (323)

    E303 - 3 Ways High-Intensity Workouts Can Be Joint Friendly

    E303 - 3 Ways High-Intensity Workouts Can Be Joint Friendly

    Do you avoid doing high-intensity workouts because of how they make your joints feel?

    While there are a number of metabolic and health benefits that can come from doing high-intensity workouts, if they are breaking down your joints in the process, the tradeoff may not be worth it to you.

    But is there a way that you can do high-intensity workouts without risking injury or feeling achy or sore after?

    Maybe even a way that your joints can become healthier as a result of doing the high-intensity workouts without the pain or stiffness that so many people feel?

    There is! And on this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we want to lay out for you.

    If you have been wanting to try doing workouts that are more intense but have been holding back because of your joints, listen up!

    This episode will dive into what you need to do and the precautions you need to take to get the intensity without the injury.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Would you like 28 days of our guidance helping you implement exactly what you learned today? Join us for the “Joint Health HIIT” One Workout Away Challenge! It kicks off on Sunday, October 22, so head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/owa to get signed up now!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    E302 - How To Navigate Working Out When You Have Joint Pain

    E302 - How To Navigate Working Out When You Have Joint Pain

    Is joint pain keeping you from working out?

    Maybe your knee hurts and is stopping you from exercising. Or perhaps your shoulder is aching and saying you should take it easy.

    Oftentimes, we see that if there is an ache or pain in one area of the body, it prevents people from doing exercise for the entire rest of their body.

    But is taking time off really the best solution?

    If you have followed our content for any length of time, you have likely heard us say, “You only get the health benefits of exercise if you do the exercise, and you are only able to keep getting the benefits if you keep exercising.”

    So how can you workout even when your joints are aching and painful to not only make sure you stay healthy and strong, but also make sure your workouts don’t make your joint issues worse?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are diving into.

    If you have ever felt compelled to take time off from working out because of how an area of your body is feeling, this episode is for you!

    We lay out the exact steps to follow to make sure you are able to continue to stay strong and healthy without flaring up the areas that are hurting.

    Check out the details in this week’s episode! 

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more, including the Healthy Muscles, Healthy Joints program!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E301 - One Simple Way To Own Your Body

    E301 - One Simple Way To Own Your Body

    Do you struggle to feel like you have ownership over your body?

    Maybe tasks that were once easy now feel difficult.

    Or perhaps your coordination or dexterity feel like they are leaving you.

    Or maybe you feel like the body you are living in today hardly resembles the body you remember living in 10 years ago.

    What can you do about this??

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is the question we are answering for you.

    You may not feel as strong, coordinated, or athletic as you once did, but that does not mean this has to be your story forever.

    There is one simple change you can make with your workouts to start changing this for the better, and that is exactly what we are laying out for you.

    Check out all the details in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!


    E300 - The Changes That Happen Over 300 Weeks

    E300 - The Changes That Happen Over 300 Weeks

    What can change for you over the course of 300 weeks?

    Let us tell you… a lot.

    But while a lot can change, not everything does, and that’s what we want to explore with you this week.

    This week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast is a very special one as we celebrate our 300th episode!

    We discuss what has changed with us over the last 300 episodes, what has stayed the same, and where we see things going for us from here.

    If you have joined us for any of our 300 episodes, we want to say THANK YOU. We truly appreciate you giving us your attention every week and we look forward to continuing to help you Exercise For Life.

    Check out the details in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E299 - The A.I.M. Principle For Muscle Growth - Interview with Nick Horvath

    E299 - The A.I.M. Principle For Muscle Growth - Interview with Nick Horvath

    Do you have a group of muscles that you are struggling to grow or strengthen?

    There is so much confusion and misinformation about what actually needs to happen in order to develop bigger and stronger muscles, and while much of the mainstream fitness industry wants you to chase the newest, flashiest, flavor-of-the-day strategy, we find that results consistently come easier when you follow a specific set of principles.

    This week, we have the opportunity to sit down with one of our esteemed colleagues to discuss a set of principles that will help you cut through much of the marketing hype and just focus on exactly what you need to do to grow and strengthen your muscles, regardless of your age or fitness level.

    Nick Horvath shares his A.I.M. Principle for muscle growth with us, diving into the details of what this principle is and how it will help to take out all of the guesswork with what exercises you should be doing to build bigger and stronger muscles.

    If you have ever felt confused by what the mainstream fitness industry promotes as far as effective exercises to get stronger and build muscle, listen up! You are going to want to hear everything Nick has to say.

    Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!

    Want to connect with Nick and learn more about his work? Make sure to follow him on Instagram at @the.revengebody!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E298 - One Aspect Of Your Fitness You Are Not Considering

    E298 - One Aspect Of Your Fitness You Are Not Considering

    What aspects of your fitness do you take into consideration throughout your day?

    Perhaps you notice how out of breath or not you get.

    Or maybe you are aware of how easily you can move your body.

    Or your strength might be the thing that is most apparent to you as you do your daily activities.

    But, there is one aspect of your fitness that you are likely not considering, and by overlooking this, you may be sacrificing everything else that you are aware of.

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie are diving into what this aspect of your fitness is.

    They discuss why you need to be paying attention to it and lay out exactly what steps you need to take to make sure you are building this aspect of your fitness without sacrificing your health or your ability to enjoy all of the other activities you like doing.

    Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more, including the Resistance Training Building Blocks program!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E297 - High Impact Exercise Is Not The Enemy

    E297 - High Impact Exercise Is Not The Enemy

    Do high impact exercises bother your joints?

    Maybe running bugs your knees, or jumping and landing hurt your back.

    Or perhaps your body actually feels okay doing high-impact exercises, but you choose not to as a precautionary measure.

    Oftentimes, when high-impact exercises bother people’s joints, they decide to not do them out of fear of making their joints worse.

    BUT, there are some big issues with not doing high-impact exercises, especially if you want to maintain your muscle strength and bone density.

    So how can you get the benefits of high-impact exercises without worrying about hurting yourself?

    On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what Julie and Charlie are diving into.

    They lay out exactly what you need to do to make high-impact exercises less stressful on your body and joints so you can get the benefits of them without risking injury.

    Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more, including the Purposeful Plyometrics program!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!


    E296 - 3 Benefits You Are Missing Out On If You Are Moving Too Fast When You Strength Train

    E296 - 3 Benefits You Are Missing Out On If You Are Moving Too Fast When You Strength Train

    Are you moving too fast when you strength train? More than likely, you are.

    While moving too fast can be a big risk for injury, it can also cause you to miss many key benefits of your workouts.

    What will you be missing out on when you move fast and how can you combat this?

    That's what we're laying out for you this week on the Exercise Is Health® podcast.

    Yes, you want to be moving slowly, but how you go about doing it can make all the difference for your body and results.

    If you are doing strength training of any kind, chances are you are moving too fast.

    Check out this week's episode to learn why this is an issue and what to do about it!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more, including the Targeted Tempo Training program!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E295 - Is 20 Minutes Long Enough To Get A Good Workout?

    E295 - Is 20 Minutes Long Enough To Get A Good Workout?

    How long do you need to workout for it to qualify as a "good workout"?

    45 minutes? 60 minutes? Longer?

    What about 20 minutes?...

    Oftentimes, when people think about exercising for 20 minutes, they either disregard it as an option because "it's not long enough to get a good workout"...

    Or they try to make up for the shorter duration by cranking the intensity WAY up.

    But - does it have to be this way?

    Do you either have to workout for longer periods of time or in ways that are really intense and risk injury?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, this is the topic we are exploring.

    We lay out the biggest issues with most 20-minute workouts and what you can do differently to make sure you can get stronger, more fit, and healthier without increasing your risk for injury.

    If you are trying to get an amazing workout in but feel like you don't have enough time to, this discussion is for you!

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Join us for the next One Workout Away Challenge for 28 days of accountability, guidance, live workouts, and exclusive content! It's starting August 27th, so be sure to get signed up before it kicks off here: www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/owa

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E294 - What Is Metabolic Health & Why Is It So Important? - Interview with Dr. Elie Jarrouge

    E294 - What Is Metabolic Health & Why Is It So Important? - Interview with Dr. Elie Jarrouge

    Most people are familiar with the terms heart health, brain health, and maybe even joint health, but what about metabolic health?

    While not as well-known of a topic, metabolic health is a critical component of overall health, wellbeing, daily function, and even longevity.

    But what is metabolic health and why is it so important?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie & Charlie are diving into these questions and more with Dr. Elie Jarrouge of MetabolicHealthMD.com.

    Dr. Jarrouge is a world-renowned expert on the topic of metabolic health, and he breaks down exactly what it is, why you need to be concerned about it, and what you can do to improve yours.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Want to connect with Dr. Jarrouge? Find him using the links below!

    His Website >> MetabolicHealthMD.com

    Twitter >> @eliejarrougemd

    Instagram >> @elie_jarrouge

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E293 - You're Not Too Old To Get Stronger, But...

    E293 - You're Not Too Old To Get Stronger, But...

    Does it feel like your body is too old to get stronger, more fit, or more mobile?

    A lot of times, as people get older, they start to develop the belief that because they are "past their prime", they have lost their window of opportunity to build the strength and health they want.

    But, this could not be further from the truth!

    In fact, you can see improvements in your strength at ANY age; BUT, there are some things that you ARE too old for if you are in your 30s or beyond.

    Unfortunately, many of the things that you are too old for are the things that are holding you back from getting the results you want with your workouts.

    The good news is with just some simple tweaks, you can avoid these things and streamline building the strength, fitness, mobility, and health you want.

    What are these things and how do you avoid them? That is exactly what Julie & Charlie are discussing on this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast.

    Check it out for all the details!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    E292 - What To Do For Your Workouts When Your Hamstrings Are Always Tight

    E292 - What To Do For Your Workouts When Your Hamstrings Are Always Tight

    Are your hamstrings always tight?

    Tight hamstrings are one of the most common physical complaints in our modern society, and while it may seem like your hamstrings are destined to be tight because of your daily requirements, there are some extremely impactful things you can do for them, especially if you are wanting to exercise.

    On this week's of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie & Charlie are diving into what these exercise-specific tactics are and how you should go about implementing them.

    You will leave this episode with a clear understanding of what you need to do not only to get your workouts in consistently if you have tight hamstrings, but to help your hamstrings feel and function better in the process.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!

    Exercise Is Health
    enAugust 02, 2023

    E291 - A Simple Plan To Get S.T.R.O.N.G.

    E291 - A Simple Plan To Get S.T.R.O.N.G.

    Do you want to get stronger but aren't sure of the exact steps to take to get results with out hurting yourself?

    Rebuilding your strength isn't complicated; in fact, you just need to make sure to follow a few simple principles day in and day out.

    And good news, if any of your joints or muscles are talking to you saying, “We’re not as young as we used to be,” you don’t need to worry. These principles will help you get strong no matter what you have going on.

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie break down what these principles are and how to implement them following the acronym S.T.R.O.N.G..

    If you have ever been confused on what to prioritize with your workouts, listen up! You will leave this episode knowing exactly what to do.

    Check out all the details in this week's episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com to get started and get your first 14 days for free!


    E290 - What To Do When Walking Isn't Working For Your Body

    E290 - What To Do When Walking Isn't Working For Your Body

    Have you heard that walking is the best form of exercise?

    While we adamantly disagree with this statement, we do acknowledge that walking can provide a number of health benefits.

    But what if walking just isn't working for your body?

    What if every time you try to walk, your body feels worse?

    Your feet hurt... your knees hurt... your hips hurt... your back hurts... you just feel lousy... what do you do then??

    Should you just skip out on walking altogether? Or are there specific things you can do to build the function of your body to be able to start walking again?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what Julie and Charlie are diving into.

    If you find going for walks to do more harm than good, listen up! You will leave this episode knowing exactly what to focus on with your workouts to help your body out.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!

    E289 - The 3 Steps To Reversing Hashimoto's Disease - Interview with Dr. Anshul Gupta

    E289 - The 3 Steps To Reversing Hashimoto's Disease - Interview with Dr. Anshul Gupta

    Hashimoto's Disease is the most common auto-immune condition worldwide. Its symptoms and effects are wide ranging and can be felt throughout the entire body, but there are many ways of combatting them.

    While the mainstream approach is often to supplement with a synthetic thyroid hormone, there are various lifestyle modifactions that can have a tremendous impact on the severity of symptoms of this common disease. And, if the issues are caught and addressed early enough, there may even be a chance of reversing the disease completely.

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie are sitting down with world-renowned Hashimoto's expert, Dr. Anshul Gupta, to discuss what brings about Hashimoto's disease and what can be done to potentially reverse it.

    Dr. Gupta shares insights on why this disease is so common all over the world and the simple things that anybody can do to help health their body if they develop Hashimoto's.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Want to learn more about Dr. Gupta, connect with him, and follow his work?

    Check out all of his links below:

    Visit his websit - www.AnshulGuptaMD.com

    Subscribe to his YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@AnshulGuptaMD

    Follow him on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/anshulguptamd/

    Pick up a copy of his book, Reversing Hashimoto's, from Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Reversing-Hashimotos-Process-Fatigue-Reducing/dp/173745534X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2UNI8ZULU001C&keywords=reversing+hashimotos+anshul+gupta&qid=1689090663&sprefix=reversing+has%2Caps%2C259&sr=8-1

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!

    E288 - 3 Ways To Stay Strong Through The Summer Without Going To The Gym

    E288 - 3 Ways To Stay Strong Through The Summer Without Going To The Gym

    The summer months can be some of the most enjoyable of the year, but they can also be some of the most challenging on your health and strength.

    Between the cookouts, holidays, weekend celebrations, and an overall desire to not be indoors or in a gym, many people find themselves going through summer feeling weaker and weaker.

    While the fall, winter, and spring months can make it easy to stay inside to do strength training, the summer sun often bekons people away from the gym and to enjoy the beautiful weather, ultimately to the detriment of their health, strength, and function.

    But does it have to be this way?? Can you still enjoy the summer months without letting your health and fitness be put on the back burner?

    And is there anything you can do to maintain the results you have worked so hard to achieve so you can continue to feel strong and capable throughout your life without feeling like you need to completely rebuild your body once September rolls around?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie have three tips for you to help you do just that.

    You will learn super simple and practical things you can implement throughout your day to make sure your health and strength remain high even while your time in the gym stays low during the summer months.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Did you find this episode helpful at all? Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    – Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    – Julie Cates: @julcates

    – Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!

    E287 - Can Resistance Training Be Gentle On Your Joints?

    E287 - Can Resistance Training Be Gentle On Your Joints?

    Resistance training often gets a bad name for being stressful for joints like your knees, back, and shoulders.

    BUT - does it have to be this way??

    Do the exercises you do to strengthen your muscles also have to hurt your joints in the process?

    Or, are there ways to to get all of the muscle benefits of strength training while also making your joints healthier along the way?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie are diving into this topic to answer this question for you once and for all.

    They provide simple steps you can follow and implement into your workouts today that can dramatically transform the results you are getting from your strength training, and teach you exactly what you need to focus on with every workout to keep you safe in the process.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exercise-is-health/id1330420565

    Follow us on Instagram for more tips and info here:

    - Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios

    - Julie Cates: @julcates

    - Charlie Cates: @charliecates

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!

    E286 - Where To Start With Exercise When You Are Starting In Your 50s & 60s

    E286 - Where To Start With Exercise When You Are Starting In Your 50s & 60s

    Are you in your 50s or 60s and brand new to exercise?

    Or perhaps you used to exercise in your teens and 20s but it has been 30 years or more since those days...

    How can you get back into the swing of working out now so you can build your strength and fitness without feeling achy, sore, or injured?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what Julie and Charlie are discussing.

    There are some specific tactics you are going to want to keep in mind to make sure you leave your workouts feeling stronger and healthier and not like you tweaked your back or flared up your joints.

    Learn exactly what to do in this week's episode!

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!

    E285 - How Exercise Affects More Than Your Muscles - Interview with Dr. Rachele Pojednic

    E285 - How Exercise Affects More Than Your Muscles - Interview with Dr. Rachele Pojednic

    Every week you hear us say, "Your health is your most valuable asset, and exercise is the single-best thing you can do to boost and protect that asset."

    But how true is this??

    Is exercise really just good for losing weight and building muscle? Or is it actually the best thing you can do for your overall health and function?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie are sitting down with Dr. Rachele Pojednic to discuss what the research says about exercise, health, and the wide array of effects that physical activity can have on our wellbeing.

    If you have ever been skeptical about just how important exercise is for your health, you are definitely going to want to give this episode a listen.

    There is so much more to working out than meets the eye, and Dr. Pojednic gives us the low down on why this is.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Want to learn more about Dr. Pojednic and her work?

    Check out here website here >>

    Follow her on Instagram here >>

    Follow her on Twitter here >>

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!

    E284 - How To Become More Functional Without Functional Training

    E284 - How To Become More Functional Without Functional Training

    Do you want your workouts to help you function better in your day to day life?

    A lot of times, different training methods called "functional training" are said to be the thing that need to be done in order to get this effect.

    But functional training, as it is traditionally done, can actually leave your body less functional AND limited your ability to progress.

    So how should you workout to help your body function better throughout your day if functional training is not the way to go?

    On this week's episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what Julie and Charlie are diving into.

    Not only will you learn why functional training can be creating more issues for you than it is solving, you will also find out what you should focus on instead to ACTUALLY build your body's function.

    Check out all of the details in this week's episode!

    Want to get instant access to hundreds of workouts that build your health, strength, and function that you can do right from your living room using minimal equipment on any device?

    Sign up for the Exercise For Life Membership!

    This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!

    Just head to www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!