
    Facts Matter

    Let's connect the dots. As America moves into uncharted waters, it’s incredibly important for you to have an honest source of news because right now, what this republic needs more than anything else, are informed citizens who are grounded in facts. Facts Matter investigates complex issues, and then presents the findings in a way that is easy to understand. We work to bring you honest news without spin. We are free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Our goal is to bring you accurate information so that you can form your own opinion, stay informed, and stay free.
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    EXCLUSIVE: Massive Ballot Fraud Forces Judge to Overturn Election, Whistleblower Leaks Video | Facts Matter

    EXCLUSIVE: Massive Ballot Fraud Forces Judge to Overturn Election, Whistleblower Leaks Video | Facts Matter
    Bridgeport is not only the largest city in Connecticut, but also, it’s become something akin to the national poster-child of ballot fraud.
    In fact, in their most recent election, a whistleblower came forward and exposed video surveillance footage, showing how hundreds of ballots were inserted into the ballot drop boxes ahead of election day.  🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    The video evidence was so egregious, that it forced a local judge to completely overturn the results, and order that a new election be held.

    But that is, frankly, just the tip of the iceberg.
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    Judge in Trump Case Orders New Hearing | Facts Matter

    Judge in Trump Case Orders New Hearing | Facts Matter
    On Thursday, the presiding judge overseeing former President Donald Trump’s RICO case gave Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis a hard deadline for when she must respond to these allegations in writing: “Judge Scot McAfee on Thursday ordered [Fani Willis] to respond to the allegations in writing by Feb. 2, and has scheduled a hearing on the matter for Feb. 15.” 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    This means that exactly two weeks from Friday, she has to submit her written response to these allegations—and then two weeks after that, there will be an actual live hearing where she has to explain herself to the judge about an alleged misuse of funds, and her alleged affair with a lead prosecutor.

    This hearing is very consequential to the case.

    If Ms. Willis is found to have engaged in improper behavior by the court, the case might be handed off to a different prosecutor in the county—who might very well choose to drop the charges against President Trump altogether.

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    CDC Killed Alert Warning of Connection Between Heart Inflammation and mRNA Vaccines | Facts Matter

    CDC Killed Alert Warning of Connection Between Heart Inflammation and mRNA Vaccines | Facts Matter
    In America is something called the Health Alert Network. It’s a national program run by the CDC in order to provide health alerts to the American public, when necessary. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    And so, every once in a while, I’m sure that you’ve seen the headlines warning us about certain drug recalls, salmonella outbreaks, dangerous chemicals being found in consumer products, disease outbreaks in certain areas—all of these alerts from the CDC get disseminated to the broader populace via the Health Alert Network.

    Once an alert goes out, over 1 million federal, state, and local politicians, doctors, laboratories, universities, news media—basically everyone in the country gets alerted.

    However, even though the Health Alert Network is routinely used to inform the public when adverse reactions to a drug are discovered, during the years of the pandemic, there was something that (notably) never happened.
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    Congress Launches Probe Into DA’s Alleged Lover; Docs Expose Fani Willis’s False Claims | Facts Matter

    Congress Launches Probe Into DA’s Alleged Lover; Docs Expose Fani Willis’s False Claims | Facts Matter

    A newly released set of documents exposes that Fani Willis, the district attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, was actually lying when trying to defend herself in public. Meanwhile, Congress has just launched an investigation into Ms. Willis’s alleged affair. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    This is throwing a real wrench into the RICO case against former President Donald Trump in Georgia, which has been pushed by Ms. Willis against President Trump and 18 of his associates.
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    mRNA Vaccine Linked to Autism: Peer-Reviewed Study | Facts Matter

    mRNA Vaccine Linked to Autism: Peer-Reviewed Study | Facts Matter
    In a truly shocking development, a new study has just found a possible link between mRNA-based COVID shots and autism in rats. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Specifically, this study discovered that female rats who were injected with mRNA-based COVID vaccines during pregnancy, wound up giving birth to offspring who exhibited symptoms of autism—and when the researchers dissected the rats’ brains, they found a lower numbers neurons.

    And perhaps most shockingly of all, this was significantly more pronounced in the case of male offspring from vaccinated mothers.
    Let’s go through the details together.
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    Trump’s Legal Opponent Arrested on Federal Charges | Facts Matter

    Trump’s Legal Opponent Arrested on Federal Charges | Facts Matter
    In a wild turn of events, John Anthony Castro, the man who has been chasing former President Donald Trump around the whole country—suing him from state to state in order to get him kicked off the ballot—has just himself been arrested for several alleged felonies. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Last week, Mr. Castro was arrested on federal tax charges, and according to federal prosecutors, he was charged with 33 counts of helping others prepare false tax returns. The allegation here is that Mr. Castro was running a virtual tax business that was giving his customers tax returns far beyond what they were owed.

    In response, Mr. Castro pled not guilty to the charges and said in a statement that he gave to Newsweek that they were retaliation by the government because he dared to challenge President Trump. And so essentially, Mr. Castro’s argument here is that the Justice Department under the Biden Administration is politically retaliating against him because he dared to challenge Donald Trump.
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    Trump Makes Surprising Courtroom Move | Facts Matter

    Trump Makes Surprising Courtroom Move | Facts Matter

    Former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York came to a head this week, as the presiding judge wrote an email using all caps to his lawyers, warning them that if President Trump wants to speak on the case, he better not mention the attorney general, or he will be kicked out of the courtroom. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1


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    Pentagon Responds to Taylor Swift Psy-Op Claims | Facts Matter

    Pentagon Responds to Taylor Swift Psy-Op Claims | Facts Matter

    Earlier today, seemingly out of nowhere, the Pentagon came out with an official statement regarding the claim that Taylor Swift was actually a psy-op being used as a ‘front for a Covert Political Agenda’ on behalf of the Biden administration. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Let’s unpack what’s happening here together.

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    Fani Willis’s Alleged Lover Met With White House Counsel Before Indictment | Facts Matter

    Fani Willis’s Alleged Lover Met With White House Counsel Before Indictment | Facts Matter
    On Tuesday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis—who is pushing forward the RICO case against former President Donald Trump and 18 of his associates—was hit with some unexpected and very bad news. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    In a bombshell court filing, Ms. Willis was accused of having an “improper” relationship with the top prosecutor on the Trump case—a relationship from which she allegedly benefited financially.
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    8th Shot of mRNA Vaccine, and the Coming ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’ | Facts Matter

    8th Shot of mRNA Vaccine, and the Coming ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’ | Facts Matter
    The largest magazine in America is the AARP magazine. AARP stands for The American Association of Retired Persons —and their monthly magazine reaches an estimated 38 million members every single month. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    And in the most recent edition of the magazine, they told their nearly 38 million members to “hustle” over and get another COVID, even if they’ve already had 5 boosters.

    And this suggestion comes just in time, as scientists are now sounding a new alarm, and warning people that the latest variant of COVID might lead to a global “heart failure pandemic.”

    Meaning, that if all of a sudden you see people falling left and right due to heart failure—well, that’s definitely not what you think it is. It’s actually the latest variant of COVID.

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    Thousands of Hours of New Footage: Uncovering Truth Behind Jan 6 | Facts Matter

    Thousands of Hours of New Footage: Uncovering Truth Behind Jan 6 | Facts Matter
    Today is the 3 year anniversary of January 6, 2021—the day which changed our current political landscape in a myriad of ways. In fact, for 3 years now after that day, about half the country has been tarred and feathered by the legacy media as “insurrectionists” if they happened to support a certain candidate in the 2020 election. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Also, unbelievably, there are still January 6th prisoners sitting in pre-trial detention awaiting their day in court. With some of these people (like Mr. Jacob Lang) having been in jail for well over a thousand days now.

    However, what truly happened on that fateful day is still not totally clear—evidenced by the fact that only now has the majority of the surveillance footage from that day been released — with the latest batch being unveiled by House Speak Mike Johnson.

    And so, in order to really make sense of what happened on that day, as well as to detail the aftermath, our team here at The Epoch Times has been combing through this footage, as well as conducting interviews with January 6th detainees, insiders at the FBI, and members of Congress in order to gain clarity, and perhaps to set the record straight. 
This investigation has culminated in a new documentary called The Real Story of January 6th Part 2: The Long Road Home.

    And fortunately I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Joe Hanneman, our intrepid researcher who’s been doing a lot of the heavy lifting behind this research. And what he said was rather sobering.

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    Satanic Abortion Rituals, ‘Satan Clubs’ at School, Satan Statues in Capitols | Facts Matter

    Satanic Abortion Rituals, ‘Satan Clubs’ at School, Satan Statues in Capitols | Facts Matter
    About six weeks ago, the people who follow Cosmopolitan magazine on social media were treated to a post with the details of how a “Satanic Abortion Ceremony” actually works. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    The post has several pages explaining how to conduct one of these rituals—with each page having an upside-down cross at the top. It then urges people to go to an actual full-length article on Cosmo’s website, which details the experience of an anonymous 37-year-old woman who conducted one of these satanic rituals herself.

    If this post were from some fringe part of the internet, this wouldn’t even be worth discussing. But it’s not from some fringe part of the internet. This is found in Cosmopolitan, the largest women’s magazine in America.

    Let’s expose what’s going on here.

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    Election Integrity Group Wins Federal Lawsuit Over Voter Rolls | Facts Matter

    Election Integrity Group Wins Federal Lawsuit Over Voter Rolls | Facts Matter
    Almost exactly 3 years ago, right in the aftermath of “the most secure election in world history” you might remember that another election was held. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    This was a special Senate Election in the state of Georgia wherein both of their 2 senate seats were up for grabs — it was basically a runoff election because no candidate got 50 percent of the vote.
    And so, while the presidential election took place on November 3rd of 2020, this special Georgia runoff election took place, on January 5th of 2021.

    And in that 2 month interim period between the 2 elections, an organization called True the Vote was working to clean up the voter rolls in the state of Georgia.

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    IRS Issues Tax Filing Announcement | Facts Matter

    IRS Issues Tax Filing Announcement | Facts Matter
    The IRS has just announced that it is waving the failure-to-pay penalty for approximately 5 million American taxpayers. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    If you are one of the nearly 5 million taxpayers who owe back taxes for the year 2020 and/or 2021, if your total tax liability is less than $100,000, if you received an initial notice from the IRS informing you of the fact that you owed taxes, but then you never received a follow-up notice—then you qualify for this relief.

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    COVID Vaccine Linked to Disturbing Long-term Syndrome | Facts Matter

    COVID Vaccine Linked to Disturbing Long-term Syndrome | Facts Matter
    In July of 2021, a condition known as “Long Covid” was officially added as a recognized condition which could qualify as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    And ever since then, whether or not “Long Covid” was a real thing or not, has been debated extensively in the public sphere.

    On the one hand, you have the general medical establishment acknowledging that it does exist — whereas, on the other hand, you have people who are incredibly skeptical, saying that long Covid is nothing more than a manifestation of hypochondria.

    However, for today’s discussion, let’s set that debate aside, and go along with the medical establishment viewpoint that Long Covid does exist. 

    According to the CDC, Long Covid arises in people following a Covid-19 infection. And they claim that getting vaccinated is a good method of preventing Long Covid.However, according to a new study just published on the NIH website: being vaccinated with 2 shots of the Covid vaccine, actually dramatically increases a person’s chance of getting Long Covid.

    Let’s go through the details together.
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    Tragic Update on Celine Dion | Facts Matter

    Tragic Update on Celine Dion | Facts Matter

    The sister of Celine Dion has just given an update about the singer’s condition, stating that the songstress’s condition has deteriorated and that she has now lost control over her own muscles. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Let’s explore what her condition is, its effect on the singer, as well as its connection with COVID-19 and the vaccine.
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    Big News for Millions on Social Security | Facts Matter

    Big News for Millions on Social Security | Facts Matter

    Inflation is the hidden tax that we all pay—on top of all the other taxes we already pay. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    As the Federal Reserve pumps more currency into the system, the result is that the government can fund more of its wars and social programs with deficit spending, while the actual value of each individual falls through the floor and everything at the supermarket becomes increasingly more and more expensive.

    That’s all on the negative side.

    On the positive side (if you can think of it that way), people who receive Social Security will soon be seeing larger checks thanks to an inflation adjustment.

    Specifically, the Social Security Administration announced that a new cost-of-living adjustment will be made to Social Security payments.
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    Gun-Rights Group Defeats State Law | Facts Matter

    Gun-Rights Group Defeats State Law | Facts Matter
    About 2 weeks ago, there was a legal victory for gun owners in the ongoing battle over the 2nd Amendment. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Specifically, an organization called Gun Owners of America secured a partial—but significant—legal victory in their effort to repeal New York’s so-called Concealed Carry Improvement Act.

    And even though this was a New York case, the ramifications of this decision will be felt in blue cities and states across the nation.
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    The Toxic Truth About Vegetable Oils in Your Home | Facts Matter Exclusive

    The Toxic Truth About Vegetable Oils in Your Home | Facts Matter Exclusive
    At the same time that chronic health conditions have dramatically increased among Americans, the use of vegetable seed oils has also increased. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    In fact, it’s gotten to the point now that seed oils have become ubiquitous in our diet. Here is an excerpt from a recent article in The Epoch Times:

    “Vegetable oils are ubiquitous in restaurants and fast-food and packaged food including bread, crackers, cereal, granola, chips, dried fruits, salad dressings, mayonnaise, sauces, fried foods, ice cream, baked goods, and other snacks… Vegetable oils now account for 20 percent of our daily calories, which represents the greatest increase in sources of calories in the last 100 years, since the globalization era began.”

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    Gold Hit All-Time Record High as Central Banks Bought 800 Tons in 2023 | Facts Matter

    Gold Hit All-Time Record High as Central Banks Bought 800 Tons in 2023 | Facts Matter

    While most Americans were focusing on rising inflation, the wars in Israel and Ukraine, and all of the lawsuits filed against President Trump, one issue seems to have flown under the radar: the fact that both China and Russia have been stockpiling massive amounts of physical gold. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: https://ept.ms/RomanSale1

    Moreover, it’s not just Russia and China—looking across the entire world, it seems like most central banks are in the process of increasing their stockpiles of gold.

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