
    Freud's Angels™

    A podcast where we talk about ways to create awareness around you today as well as healing events of your past. Vanessa will be brining both traditional and non traditional tools from psychology and Grace will be brining healing through the lense of our heart. Creating a powerful connection between what our heart needs and what our mind thinks it wants.

    en-usFreud's Angels100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 142: You're triggered, what's next?

    Episode 142: You're triggered, what's next?

    TW: Trauma triggers. This topic wasn't something we intended to talk about. We had wanted to support those who may have been triggered by our last episode, but it turned into an exploration and understanding of being triggered, what's the next step is. Either riding the trauma train or stepping back and understanding what's happening. We also want to spark hope within you that it's possible to move through being triggered and reducing their impact. This one is special. Join us.