
    Freud's Angels™

    A podcast where we talk about ways to create awareness around you today as well as healing events of your past. Vanessa will be brining both traditional and non traditional tools from psychology and Grace will be brining healing through the lense of our heart. Creating a powerful connection between what our heart needs and what our mind thinks it wants.

    en-usFreud's Angels100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 135: Societal Norms Series: Relationships

    Episode 135: Societal Norms Series: Relationships

    We are molded and shaped by our environment growing up. Teachers, parents, family, and society all play a part of shaping what we view as "normal". As we navigate our relationships we may find it's hard to create the same norm. We work through when to investigate your own version of your norm or enter into acceptance and allowance of what exists in the current moment. Join us for a lively conversation, a bit of ranting and reflection of where we may be trying to fit our relationships in to a box it doesn't fit in.

    Episode 132: Redefining Success

    Episode 132: Redefining Success

    Each of us have had different experiences in life. Therefore our relationship to success is different. It's important to understand how you relate to the idea and concept of success. How many times have you started something and pushed yourself and didn't reach the goal, what happened or how did you emotionally handle not meeting that goal. When success only means reaching the big end goal it can be difficult to allow the process to ebb and flow, to allow it to manifest in a away that is perfect for you. When we celebrate our micro successes it helps feed ourselves (and our brain) the proof we are heading to the big goal. Join us as we work out the process of what success could mean to you!

    Episode 130: Nurturing Roles

    Episode 130: Nurturing Roles

    Props to all of those out there who play a nurturing role in a child's life. We shifted topics real time to embrace what was alive for us in the moment. (Hello, practice what we preach.) We talk about that role and our relationship with mothers and the hugely complex dynamic that can be. We also process real time how to shift from "mother" being an exclusively female role and how we can shift the language to be inclusive of non-binary, queer, trans, gay or any one who doesn't fit in the patriarchy model of being a "mother".  

    Episode 126: Putting what you learn to use.

    Episode 126: Putting what you learn to use.

    Hey Angels, are you devouring information about healing and tools to use on your journey? Do you have a habit of taking every course and every workshop, but never seeing the results you're seeking? Today we are going to discuss using the tools we've learned to use. The theory is great, but now what? Join us in breaking down how integrating these tools work. Always remember, your path is your own. It is unique to you, so, only you have the answers. Those who help you can only guide you, you have the ultimate power in creating a life of your choosing.

    Episode 124: Ghosts

    Episode 124: Ghosts

    A conversation regarding paranormal shows sparked a conversation regarding ghost hunting. We were inspired to share the information we have regarding ghosts, the paranormal and what to do if you encounter one. Please keep in mind we are not subject matter experts or presenting as one. However, this is what we have learned by working with them over the years and what we know to be true in our work. As always, get curious and seek more than just what you hear in this episode. Let's go!

    Episode 123: Chakra!

    Episode 123: Chakra!

    Our chakra are energy centers in our body. While we have thousands all over, many primarily focus on the 7 common ones. There are pieces of information in each of these energy points. It's how we tap into them that gives us indications where our energies are out of balance. We will do a brief overview of what they mean and possibly could tell us. We are excited for this one, please, join us.

    Episode 122: You are not a problem to be solved!

    Episode 122: You are not a problem to be solved!

    Whew. So many begin a healing journey because of a feeling of being "too much" or "not enough". We have a misconception that we need to be fixed or changed or we're a problem to be solved. It often isn't until we are years deep in our journey that we begin to have acceptance for those parts of us that feel others reject. We all start out as little beings and our experiences and circumstances may often dictate how we develop into adults. Our emotional, mental and physical maturities vary depending on experience. Let's talk about how we may shift our perceptions of our journey from "fixing a problem" within ourselves and seeking freedom from the narratives we have been conditioned with. Please join us and as we share a different perspective on the healing journey.

    Episode 120: Children, inner child and food.

    Episode 120: Children, inner child and food.

    We all need food to survive (unless your a breatharian...but that's another podcast). Many of us food is just a part of living, and for others food can be a trigger whether through addiction (yes it's possible) and emotional comfort. Each of us have a unique relationship with it. Join us to dive into what we learned as a child and how our own inner child can carry that into adulthood. 

    Episode 119: Healing Our Bodies

    Episode 119: Healing Our Bodies

    TW: Eating Disorders mentioned. As the calendar new year is over and the new year approches for some of us, the conversation around our bodies, fitness, food and health is still part of the narrative. This episode Vanessa shares highlights of her journey and we discuss probably the biggest component that is missing in any fitness program...and dare we say....the hidden key to the end  of fad dieting and crazy workout schemes. Join us. 

    Episode 117: Auras

    Episode 117: Auras

    We all have them. No matter whether your into alternative medine or new age beliefs (which are really not "new", but that's another podcast), or not...you have an aura. It can say a lot about you and where you are at in your life. Let's talk about it.

    Always remember, there is more information out there. We always enourage you to find your own truth with any subject. We share what we know, have learned and have experienced, but there are vast amounts of knowledge that exist beyond us. Never give your power up to one person, reading, or event, find your own truth.