
    Going Dutch

    God’s light lies within each of us waiting to be liberated from the bonds of going it alone. Join Randa Stratton Dutcher in Going Dutch each Thursday as she shares personal experiences and is joined by experts in healing, life coaching and many others. Each episode will share ideas to assist you in building your understanding of relationships with yourselves, a spouse, friends, children, and most importantly God.
    enRanda Stratton Dutcher56 Episodes

    Episodes (56)

    The National Anthem, A Spiritual Experience.

    The National Anthem, A Spiritual Experience.

    GOING DUTCH PODCAST EPISODE 36: The National Anthem, A Spiritual Experience. 

    This question coupled with music is the first line that grabs your attention in The National Anthem.
    Can you picture it? Francis Scott Key, watching from a ship. He's asking you to envision the picture he's about to paint of his experience on September 13/14, 1814, in The Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. 
    The National Anthem is truly my favorite song. Originally a poem, written after a difficult experience the writer, Francis Scott Key, endured.
    Before I sing the national anthem, I always take a moment to pray that as I sing every word, those in the audience will feel the experience of Francis Scott Key. I hope to remind the audience what a great place America truly is.
    My Fourth of July tradition of singing The National Anthem, attending rodeo, talking about freedom, and discussing our ancestors are close to my heart. 
    As you listen to this episode, I've added my rendition of this song to the end. It is my hope that wherever you are on Independence Day, you'll stop and take a moment to listen to this song. Have gratitude in your heart and focus on the blessings of Freedom and the message of hope that even after a great battle, GREAT things still stand! The Flag was still there.
    Let it wave o'er the land of the 
    And the home of the 


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda.

    Learn more about the Healing Through Broken Relationships Book...join us and be a co-author

    Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Apple music


    Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Spotify


    Listen to Randa’s music on YouTube




    Angels and Grandkids with Amy Hill

    Angels and Grandkids with Amy Hill

    Today I am joined by Amy Hill, my good friend who is the embodiment of a warm hug. Amy lives in Colorado. Amy is here with me to talk about her spiritual journey and her upcoming book “Angels Speak”. Amy started a journey 6 years ago when she tapped into Muscle Testing Academy. For a year, she had felt the pull, but the logistics of it were keeping her away. After reading “The Answer to How is Yes,” she took the plunge and realized it was where she was supposed to be. Since then, Amy has begun doing energy work and muscle testing for people and, with the pandemic, she has been able to do her work over zoom.

    The puzzle pieces continue to fall into place as Amy walks her spiritual journey. God gives us enough to handle. It’s hard sometimes not to fall into resistance to change and growth. Now, Amy has a book, titled “The Littles,” coming out that shares the message of angels. She was inspired by her grandchildren and the message she wanted to give and guide them.

    The book incorporates all the little things you do and how angels can be there to support and lift you in times of need. All her grandchildren have also become involved by creating art and illustrations for the book.

    For parents and grandparents out there, Amy wants you to let your grandchildren and children know that you are real. Keep a connection alive and get creative with how you connect. Technology allows us to get creative.

    For listeners, Amy is offering a free 15-minute energy healing session over zoom.

    Message her directly for this freebie.


    Email: Amy@keirapoulsen.com

    Instagram: @amyhillclearblueintentions


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Be a Co-Author in my new collaboration book

    My link tree for ALL the things

    Can I be God's Racehorse?

    Can I be God's Racehorse?

    Today, I’m talking about the Kentucky Derby and what the experience led me to reflect upon.

    It took place just a month before recording this episode and it was amazing. I watched it over and over again, and it made me think about coming in last. Not just on the track, but in life. This gave me pause as I reflected on when I feel alone, and how God has shown me that I am never alone nor beyond hope.

    The last-seeded horse, “Rich Strike” and jockey, “Sonny Leon”, won the derby this year. Every time he passed another team, it seemed like he would get stuck, but he never did. Every small opportunity was seized by this team, and they beat the odds 80:1. I wonder, if he had been seeded first, would the result have been the same?

    During the times in my life when I have been beaten down and said yes anyway, God has given me the guts and gumption to try that much harder, trusting I will keep going for as long as the race is. God puts me in the perfect position to make a difference in this race, giving me everything I need to cross the finish line.

    You don’t have to be in the race all the time, but when you are, you have to allow God to take the reins. He will move us through whatever opportunity we’ve been given. He has us at every turn, through all of the weather, and through all the breakdowns. His miracles will come. Say yes and give the reins up. Together, you will create joy, peace, happiness, and things will move in your life.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Click here to watch Rich Strike Win

    Be a Co-Author in the “Healing through Broken Relationships” book


    Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Apple music


    Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Spotify


    Listen to Randa’s music on YouTube


    Randa’s Website


    Fallen out of love? With Guest Aaron Dutcher

    Fallen out of love? With Guest Aaron Dutcher
    In this episode, I’m joined by my favorite guest, my husband, to talk about the ups and downs of our relationship. Since we’ve been married and remarried, we have a few anniversaries around the holidays. We choose to celebrate each year in May, which is the anniversary of our first kiss. We were just teens when we met at a graduation party, and now we’ve officially been kissing for 27 years.

    We’ve taken the 27 years of gained experience, knowledge, and time taken figuring it out together and poured it into our book. When we talk to people about what has worked in our relationship or are offering advice, what stands out is that people really want hope. A little hope goes a long way.

    There was so much we didn’t yet understand during our first marriage. The second time around, we’ve been able to put together what support means to each of us. What it really boils down to is understanding the unique needs of your partner and communicating about them openly.

    The idea of falling out of love needs to be reframed. Even in difficult times, the depth of love may lessen, but you can never really fall out of it. This is especially true when you’ve had kids together. If you feel like you’re falling out of love, what you might actually be missing is a connection to The Divine. This can be an anchor to facilitate a greater connection to your partner.

    A relationship is a living, breathing organism, and it takes effort to maintain. Acknowledging where you may have more masculine or feminine energy, no matter what your role in the partnership is, can also help you navigate your differences. It’s not about being perfect. You will squabble, but you can learn to figure it out.


    Join us on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda 


    Be a Co-Author in the “Healing through Broken Relationships” book


    Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Apple music


    Listen to Randa’s EP “DUTCH7 Lullabies” on Spotify


    Listen to Randa’s music on YouTube


    Randa’s Website


    Everything Is For You With Dana Parker

    Everything Is For You With Dana Parker

    Dana Parker is an intuitive life coach who has a true gift with words, as you’ll hear in this episode. She is certified in hypnotherapy, sound healing, and energy healing. She’s passionate about gaining the tools needed for her own healing journey and has been teaching personal development for over a decade, elevating the level of feminine voices everywhere she goes. 

    We discuss how the way we speak to ourselves matters. I’ve often described myself as “little Randa,” and while this might be true for my physical self, these words do not describe all I am capable of in this world. It’s okay to take up space; to be big and be bold. Women share a common experience of judging their bodies, regardless of what they look like. 

    It’s important to address and challenge the unhelpful thoughts we have about our bodies. Dana does not believe body love means loving your body every day. It’s simply acknowledging the difference between truth and stories. Loving your body is a choice, and it takes work. It’s about embracing all your body does for you, even in small ways. 

    We all go through times of struggle, and Dana shares tips on getting through it in a healthy way. Allowing yourself to just be, even for a few minutes, can help you navigate a difficult transition. Moms tend to struggle taking alone time, but alone time is vital to showing up as the mom you want to be.

    All emotions are acceptable, and what you do with them matters. As a woman, you don’t have to hold in your anger or not say how you feel. Being accountable for your emotions and working through them in the moment will improve your relationships with the people you love the most. Meeting yourself with self-compassion will have a positive ripple effect in your life.

    Join Dana https://www.innerworldmovement.com/


    Apply to be an Author in The Healing Through Broken Relationships Book

    Become a Collaborative Author

    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Self Healing, Heals Your World

    Self Healing, Heals Your World

    Do you invite the divine to bring light and life to your life and purpose? 

    I’m so excited to share that I’ve finished my children’s book, and I’m more than halfway through writing my book about love and marriage. Also, I have an upcoming mastermind, called Shine Bright. This masterclass is about reigniting the light within you that has hidden your gifts or made your purpose feel impossible. It runs from June 1-August 31, 2022. This will be a small group so DM me ASAP to see if this is a fit for you!

    I’m doing this mastermind because when I woke up to my gifts during my divorce, it afforded me the time and space to weed out my fears, hone in on my gifts, and heal. When we as women say yes to our gifts, our relationships and our families heal.

    Recently, in a space of healing, I saw my heavenly mother. If you’re thinking it’s weird, maybe it is. But before you judge me, hear me out. I saw her as a sacred spider in a divine web, tapping different paths and activating creations—bringing light and divinity to these creations. Spiders are patient. They don’t pursue prey or scavenge. All that they need is brought to them. In the web of life, we can allow the divine to activate our creations in a way that helps us bring them to the world.

    How can you lead a legacy, and what is your legacy? I asked God these same questions, and the message I received was to start by supporting the next generation in realizing their dreams. I’ve been shown, one step after another, how the bigger picture becomes clearer.

    Slowly, we learn we’re being prepared for bigger and better things, with God as our collaborator and partner. It would be short-sighted to not invite God, our divine mother, and our angels, into everything we do if we want to make a big impact.

    Message me to apply for The Shine Bright Mastermind beginning June 1.

    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Listen To Your Heart with Joyce Brinton

    Listen To Your Heart with Joyce Brinton

    Today I’m chatting with guest Joyce Brinton, an energy healer. She teaches vision board classes, does muscle testing, and is also a mom of four.  Joyce and her husband put on amazing classes together, which is where Joyce helped me step into and experience the gift of joy and fulfillment.

    In 2011, Joyce’s oldest was going to college, and she felt like she had lost her purpose. She herself had an educational background in psychology, but never pursued a career while raising her kids full-time. Unsure what to do next, she decided to create a vision board. She wrote she would travel on a mission to empower women and help them use their voice, but she didn’t actually know how this would ever come to be.

    Six months later, Joyce was given the opportunity to travel to China for five weeks to teach a course on empowering women to use their voice—just as she’d written on her board. Between getting her passport and being away from home for five weeks, this was a challenging experience for her. At the same time, it taught Joyce how to say yes to life.

    Joyce shares more about her experiences with energy healing and muscle testing, including how she’s found this power in her own life. When you begin a session with Joyce, the first thing she’ll ask is “what’s disturbing your peace?” The reason is because no matter the scale, it’s disturbing you.

    If Joyce could leave the audience with anything today, she would say listen to what your heart is telling you to do, because it knows the direction to take you. For some, this is a new concept. We’re so used to listening to our thoughts that we forget to drop down into our hearts. Take a deep breath, ground yourself, and listen.

    Find Joyce




    Joyce is offering a free energy cleanse video https://www.yourhealingevolution.com/podcastform


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Going Dutch
    enMay 05, 2022

    Not Yet

    Not Yet
    In today’s episode, I’m sharing what I learned from honoring the message of “not yet”. Finding the right people to connect with is a beautiful space to be in, and this is the space I found myself in at a recent retreat.

    The environment brought out a collaborative energy and an exchange of ideas that lifted everyone up—even those of us who were working towards different goals.

    At this retreat, I was determined to start shaping my messaging for a book I’m writing about divorce and marriage, which I hope will promote healing in others. The idea to write a book on this subject came several years ago when my husband and I got remarried and a friend of mine, who happens to be an author, suggested I write about it.

    The process of getting remarried to my husband wasn’t seamless. When he first approached me about getting back together, I would ask God weekly for guidance. “Do I remarry this man? Is this a must because he’s the father of my children?” But I kept getting the same message back, which was simply this: “not yet.”

    This message turned out to be a blessing. “Not yet” gave me the space I needed to heal. I was continually working on the trauma I’d been through with our divorce, having a baby while single, and the heartache I endured. I also needed to process the good things that came out of it, including the resilience I found in myself.

    Eventually, the answer came at me loud and clear. I realized I would always have a deep, infinite love for him, and I’m thankful we were able to have a second chance. Now, I see how “not yet” has played out in writing this book. By waiting, I was able to grow and learn. Now, I can write the book from a place of healing rather than pain.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Going Dutch
    enApril 28, 2022

    Just Say Yes With Hollie Warnick

    Just Say Yes With Hollie Warnick

    I am welcoming Hollie Warnick in this episode to talk about empowerment and the power of saying yes.

    Hollie is a behavioral kinesiologist, author, healer, and mother. She creates art, coursework, journals, and more for wellness and enjoyment. Hollie is also the host of the “Hollie Would” podcast where she takes listeners on a playful, spiritual journey each episode while encouraging others to be authentic and show up in life as they truly are.

    Growing up, Hollie experienced hardships that shaped the person she’s become today. Her mother was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID). Watching her mother struggle led her to experience the world through another person’s eyes. She ended up going to a specific type of therapy that took her out of victim mode and into feeling empowered, which is the therapy she practices today: behavioral kinesiology.

    Last year, Hollie started saying yes more. In the past, saying no felt safer. She realized she could create the time and space to allow creations to be brought out through her. Hollie is willing to say yes to all things in the creative realm, which led her to writing, podcasting, and more.

    In motherhood and in life, it takes a lot of energy to try and maintain control. The truth is that as much as you try, you can’t control everything. If Hollie can share one message today, it’s encouragement to say yes more. You never know what’s going to come from saying yes.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda



    Connect with Hollie:

    FB/Instagram: @Hollie.Warnick

    TikTok: @Hollieiam

    Discover the tools to heal: https://msha.ke/holliewould

    Hollie’s Freebie: https://hollie.mykajabi.com/opt-in-for-holiday-2021-podcast-meditation-1c96d9df-1a0a-4ab4-950a-305328f7cc65

    Going Dutch
    enApril 14, 2022

    Perception VS Reality

    Perception VS Reality

    Today on the podcast, I want to talk about perception versus reality. What you think and what is true aren’t always the same thing, and unlearning your perceptions of yourself that are untrue can help you to let go of what holds you back.

    For most of my life, I have tried to live inside a box of black and white. But, in recent months, I’ve started to see that things are greyer. God is not necessarily black and white, and experiencing Him in this way, without putting parameters on Him and understanding that He doesn’t see me in plain black and white, has been truly eye-opening. 
    Recently, we went to the NFR and I just wasn’t feeling good. We were sat close to the arena next to the ropers box and became friendly with a couple sitting near us. We talked about our experiences and my love of rodeo, and the guy asked if we had ever been to the Houston Rodeo. He invited us to go and stay with them and experience it.
    I was hesitant. We didn’t know these people, but Aaron and I decided to go and experience something new. Going and meeting new people and getting outside of myself was an interesting experience. Hearing our friends’ perception of me when he introduced me to others made my “oh but” alarm go off. My perception of myself was that I am not enough.
    It opened my eyes to how I give excuses about perceptions and compliments about myself. It is all tied to perfectionism and how I feel that if it isn’t perfect, it isn’t good enough. In truth, beauty is in the practice. God knows you aren’t perfect but He still holds you in His love.
    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    The Divine Cup of Miracles

    The Divine Cup of Miracles

    I want to talk about the Divine Cup of Miracles and how to keep your own cup full on today’s show.

    Firstly, I want to share my collaboration with others to create a book. We have created a book about collaborating with the divine, and it was released, February 22, 2022. A portion of the proceeds will be going towards the Centers for Hope, which are will create a place for people to recover from suicidal ideations. You can find this book on Amazon with the link below. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09T2PJ5L5&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_FBPDKMVJ0G490FZM2NSK

    A few Sundays ago, as I sat in church during the Sacrament, I came to a realization as the tray of symbolic water was presented to me. The cup closest to me was completely empty, but there were at least 30 other cups that weren’t. Those 30 cups represent God’s love and gifts. They are abundant, and even if you feel that you are an empty cup, there is more out there for you to receive.

    Even if you are unable to receive God’s blessings all at once, if you partake a little at a time and learn how to use it, that is how we can receive His love. Growing up, I put constraints on His power and love. I perceived His gifts through the lens of what I can accept. Now, I see and feel that His gifts and love are infinite.

    The rains can pour down at any time to fill your cup. When we fill our cup with possibility and collaborate with God and the Heavenly Mother, our cup can overflow, but we can share it with others. There is no set limit on God’s love. Ask Him what He wants you to receive.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Hit it Again, You can Do it!

    Hit it Again, You can Do it!

    When you think you can’t try anymore, just push through once more.

    When I was little, I lived in a small town in Arizona. My parents were working and going to school. I was lucky to be looked after by other relatives when they were away. Once when my Grandma Stratton was watching me, there was an animal caught in a trap around the side of the house.

    She told me to go into the house because she knew she was going to have to put the creature out of its misery. I waited for a second, then followed her and watched as her first attempt failed. Without hesitating, I said, “hit it again Grandma, you can do it.” She told me this story so many times. She passed away in 2015 and I miss hearing her recount this story, her jokes, her poems, and her wisdom!

    As I have been writing my book, I was reminded of this story, and I thought that it was such a wonderful message. We might not hit it out of the park, we might fall down, but if we get up again and again and keep trying, we will get there.

    You will not know unless you try. Keep going, just try one more time. Overcoming the doubt and striding headfirst towards your goal is what moves you closer to it. Reach out for help, we all have different voices and angels pushing us through, we just have to listen to them.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Going Dutch
    enMarch 10, 2022

    Unities Ripple Effect With Mike Stratton

    Unities Ripple Effect With Mike Stratton

    In today’s episode, I am joined by my father Mike Stratton DSc, PT, ATC, MA. He is also the owner of Stratton Sports Medicine.

    It seems that there are many divisions in our Nations/World right now. How can we stand up, see that we can have a disagreement and not be disagreeable, and be unified as communities?

    My dad and I explore this question and a few others in this episode. I hope that as we have witnessed the attack on Ukraine this week. We can ask ourselves these very questions. Find ways to be more unified. See that we have more in common than we know and truly love our neighbors as ourselves.

    My dad is one of the greatest friends of my life. He has helped make me who I am today and has been there for me through everything. He has a doctorate in sports, science, and physical therapy and a master’s in athletic training and biomechanics. He has traveled and trained with many celebrities and Olympic athletes.

    He grew up in a family of eleven siblings and learned how to put his best foot forward in every way. From the age of 5, he was riding a Shetland pony called Henry and has been in the rodeo world on and off all his life. He took a break for 10 years while going to college.  He says there is nothing like a great family, great friends, and great horses.

    At 12, Mike got his first job as a paperboy and would ride his Welsh pony Pistol through town delivering the papers, and his work ethic won him a trip to Disneyland. My father and I are now putting on Cowboy Up and Cowgirl Up camps.

    The camps are aimed at helping young people to learn confidence, joy, and how to build relationships. Learning to work with and ride a horse is a great confidence builder and at the same time, you are building a relationship with that horse.

    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    To apply for Cowboy Up Camp Click here https://forms.gle/51CCYZBLQx9KrxRL7

    Going Dutch
    enFebruary 25, 2022

    Cowboy Up With Mike Stratton

    Cowboy Up With Mike Stratton

    In today’s episode, I am joined by my father Mike Stratton DSc, PT, ATC, MA. He is also the owner of Stratton Sports Medicine.

    My dad is one of the greatest friends of my life. He has helped make me who I am today and has been there for me through everything. He has a doctorate in sports, science, and physical therapy and a master’s in athletic training and biomechanics. He has traveled and trained with many celebrities and Olympic athletes.

    He grew up in a family of eleven siblings and learned how to put his best foot forward in every way. From the age of 5, he was riding a Shetland pony called Henry and has been in the rodeo world on and off all his life. He took a break for 10 years while going to college.  He says there is nothing like a great family, great friends, and great horses.

    At 12, Mike got his first job as a paperboy and would ride his Welsh pony Pistol through town delivering the papers, and his work ethic won him a trip to Disneyland. My father and I are now putting on Cowboy Up and Cowgirl Up camps.

    The camps are aimed at helping young people to learn confidence, joy, and how to build relationships. Learning to work with and ride a horse is a great confidence builder and at the same time, you are building a relationship with that horse.

    In my own life, through my divorce, my dad helped me become a better horsewoman and it helped me so much to know my own capabilities. It’s about connecting with yourself and your purpose.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    To apply for Cowboy Up Camp Click here https://forms.gle/51CCYZBLQx9KrxRL7

    Going Dutch
    enFebruary 17, 2022


    Today, I want to talk about a message that has been getting louder and louder as I came closer to recording. The topic is “and vs or,” and why you don’t have to subscribe to the belief that you have to make choices and be only one thing.

    As I have been doing my own healing work through my faith and my groups of other strong, creative women, I have come to realize how much I was allowing myself to be limited.

    I was raised as a singer and performer. My dad always encouraged me to perform and be outside of myself. I was part of the choir and a singing and dancing group that performed all over the country, and because my name was Randa Stratton, people always told me I would be a country star. Deep down, I always thought that I could never be that.

    In the last year, I have been unraveling limiting beliefs and the world of either-or. As a member of the LDS faith, I believed I could never be both. I couldn’t be a famous singer and devout. I can’t be a mother and an author. The world of either-or is limiting; we are not linear creations. We need to live in the world of and.

    You can be more than one thing at once. Knowing is only part of the battle. Knowing means you can be led to the practice of inclusivity in your life. We all have an individual purpose, but when we work together to create, we are letting divinity work through us to brighten the world.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Going Dutch
    enFebruary 03, 2022

    Taking Up Space

    Taking Up Space
    In today’s episode, I want to talk about taking up space. Everyone deserves to feel valued and that they matter.

    A few weeks ago, I had a meeting at church discussing sharing messages of God. A lady described it as a football analogy. Everyone on the team has a part to play and makes a difference, even if they don’t think they do. I looked around and saw a woman I had spoken to a few times and whose daughter I had taught in a class.

    I had an incredible sense that I should tell her what she means to me. She has 2 incredible children, many health issues, and I wanted to tell her that her strength in the face of the burdens placed upon her was inspiring. When I left the church, I bumped into her and told her what I had been thinking. She was thankful and told me that it meant a lot because she often felt as though she is just taking up space.

    It takes each of us to make a difference in the world, even if we can’t outwardly see what that difference is. No one should feel like they are just here to take up space. People just want to be acknowledged and seen. Just saying hello can make a huge difference to someone’s day.

    Find time each day to focus outwardly on. Make a difference in their life and share light and good deeds.

    My friend Jessica has created “A Day of Light” Click the link to register. February 3rd make an extra effort to share and spread light!

    Going Dutch
    enJanuary 28, 2022

    Heart of a Warrior Part 2 with Jason Mow

    Heart of a Warrior Part 2 with Jason Mow

    Jason Mow is back for the second part of our talk. He is a longtime friend, Army veteran, and ex-police officer. Recently, Jason has written several books, including a biography called Weighed and Measured.

    For Jason, the warrior within him is not an alter-ego, it is just who he is. It is all-encompassing in every relationship he has. It’s not about being perfect, it is about giving 100%. Can you return back to God at the end of everything and say with all your heart that you have done more than the minimum?

    A true warrior doesn’t fear death. Every obstacle is an opportunity. There is no magic pill to take – you have to embrace the fact that it will be hard. Find a quiet place. Listen to your heartbeat. Understand who you are, and the divine synchronicity you are part of. Shut out the world and truly listen.

    There is nowhere else we can run to, so we need to understand our weaknesses to fortify our defenses against Satan. Jason’s autobiography tells his story, how he coped with PTSD, and the forgiveness of himself and others. Jason’s other works are called The War Chapters, a scriptural story of historical fiction surrounding Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon. Jason wrote these stories to humanize the figures from scripture and make them more relatable to people today.

    Darkness is real, and it is something we combat daily. Jason is proof that anything is possible if you give yourself over to God.


    Connect with Jason: https://www.thewarchapters.com

    Join Jason on Instagram: @jason.mow

    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Heart of a Warrior

    Heart of a Warrior

    Jason Mow is back for the second part of our talk. He is a longtime friend, Army veteran, and ex-police officer. Recently, Jason has written several books, including a biography called Weighed and Measured.

    For Jason, the warrior within him is not an alter-ego, it is just who he is. It is all-encompassing in every relationship he has. It’s not about being perfect, it is about giving 100%. Can you return back to God at the end of everything and say with all your heart that you have done more than the minimum?

    A true warrior doesn’t fear death. Every obstacle is an opportunity. There is no magic pill to take – you have to embrace the fact that it will be hard. Find a quiet place. Listen to your heartbeat. Understand who you are, and the divine synchronicity you are part of. Shut out the world and truly listen.

    There is nowhere else we can run to, so we need to understand our weaknesses to fortify our defenses against Satan. Jason’s autobiography tells his story, how he coped with PTSD, and the forgiveness of himself and others. Jason’s other works are called The War Chapters, a scriptural story of historical fiction surrounding Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon. Jason wrote these stories to humanize the figures from scripture and make them more relatable to people today.

    Darkness is real, and it is something we combat daily. Jason is proof that anything is possible if you give yourself over to God.


    Connect with Jason: https://www.thewarchapters.com


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda


    Going Dutch
    enJanuary 18, 2022

    Heart of a Warrior Part 1

    Heart of a Warrior Part 1

    I am joined by Jason Mow, a longtime friend, Army veteran, and ex-police officer. Recently, Jason has written several books, including a biography called Weighed and Measured.

    When we met, we were both on a broken road. I was a single mother with five kids and Jason was on crutches, barely able to walk. Sometimes life can be very difficult, but through forgiveness and God, you can get through it. For Jason, being a warrior has many different looks to it. A warrior is someone with a sense of purpose and a willingness to conquer any adversity.

    After Jason was severely wounded in the police force he hit rock-bottom, losing his home, his wife, and his job. When you get to the point of having nothing left, you have two choices: victory or death. This experience led Jason to deepen his trust in God and create the Warrior Ethos.

    Once Jason turned over his life to God and began to heal, people came to him and asked him to speak about his journey. He has spoken at churches and peoples’ homes about how he continued to get up and learn each day. Everyone’s trials are tailor-made for them, and we need to accept that. The road to salvation for others will look different from yours.

    We all have to lose to win; you cannot learn without losing first. Your experiences make you better for yourself and others. If you are going through something hard, get right with God. It will look different for everyone but build from that relationship with the Lord.

    Connect with Jason: https://www.thewarchapters.com

    Join me 

    on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda

    Going Dutch
    enJanuary 11, 2022

    Who not How

    Who not How

    In today’s episode, the message I want to give you all is that of understanding your own gifts and talents, along with when to ask for help from others.

    The month of December has brought so many opportunities. My son made 50 dozen rolls for charity, then we had an order for a further 20 dozen, I was supposed to make several pans of marshmallows, I was hired to sing at a Christmas party, and I had agreed to record a podcast with my friend. I had a minor meltdown, felt overwhelmed, and Aaron asked me what would bring me the most joy out of all those things. The answer was singing, so we looked at what could be taken off my plate.

    I tried to delegate the marshmallow making and it didn’t work out, so I had to go to them and just say that I was sorry, but I couldn’t make them. What I learned from this is that I need to stop and ask with everything I do. Is this in my highest and best good?

    I have started reading “Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, and it has changed my perspective. Not everyone has the same gifts. We are all unique with unique gifts, and we should seek those that can help us to make ourselves and our endeavors better.

    We are meant to be interconnected by using the who, not the how. We are also capable of learning new truths about ourselves and new skills. Look to the light to dispel the darkness and free yourself up to peace and connection with others. Look for the good and you will find it.


    Join me on Instagram: @perfectlyimperfectranda