
    Good Morning Mayberry

    Get your brash and playful insights into behavior, systems and institutions. Come and embrace our encroaching apocalypse with Shift Orion’s Good Morning Mayberry where we’ll dig deep and dissect intersectional nuances of the complex situations you’re facing every day. Life is wild. We have to take the wheel back from Jesus since the boy cannot drive in thongs, and he's from before cars. Come on. Become a monthly patron at patreon.com/GoodMorningMayberry
    enShift Orion53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    S2E10 - Pt 1 Sister Mary HotTakes Unmasks 90s Kids Favorite Shows Probably Being Made By A Pedophile

    S2E10 - Pt 1 Sister Mary HotTakes Unmasks 90s Kids Favorite Shows Probably Being Made By A Pedophile

    Get ready to be donkey-kicked down a rabbit hole of analyzing kids’ television made by loud sexual predators.

    Sister Mary HotTakes, aka Blake, brings us on a logically erratic trek through an absolute nostalgia sewer system to autopsy the impacts of the career 90’s producer Dan Schneider built with his predatory working relationship with Amanda Bynes, Arianna Grande, Keenan Thompson, and other child actors under his lenses.

    Blake connects the conspiracy facts of Jimmy Savile with what we know about the overtly creepy foot fetish empire of Nickelodeon.

    Beware. Triggers, bold allegations, and unbelievably upsetting actually confirmed facts ahead.

    Content alerts:

    Sexual assault & rape, child abuse, mind control, mental illness, general Jimmy fucking Savile (gross), probably a bunch of other shit but this is the worst of it.

    Breakdowns on Dan Schneider & Nickelodeon's horrible campaign to infuse kids' content with grooming and sexual expression from Sloan:


    Dan Schneider Made Ariana Grande DO WHAT?! - 26 min

    PROMO - S2E9 - Cancel Culture Club: Larry Lyons Unmasks Slave 4 Who (basic promo)

    PROMO - S2E9 - Cancel Culture Club: Larry Lyons Unmasks Slave 4 Who (basic promo)

    2-minute promo clip of Larry Lyons and Shift Orion leading a rabbithole exploration into Britney Spears’ career.

    Learn about ghouls like:

    Max Martin (a goblin who made a life writing sex songs for children)

    Francis Lawrence (a mask burp incarnate with a compulsion to cosplay white girls in other cultures’ skins)

    Justin Timberlake (an ice prince made entirely of glass)

    Pharrell Williams of The Neptunes (an elder urban boy nymph who maybe sweats an elixir of youth)

    Shift makes wild stretch connections to Frankie & Annette and other randomly dissociated pop culture connections.

    Hear the full episode on GoodMorningMayberry.com

    S2E9 - Cancel Culture Club: Larry Lyons Unmasks Slave 4 Who

    S2E9 - Cancel Culture Club: Larry Lyons Unmasks Slave 4 Who

    Larry Lyons returns! To platform over Britney Spears’ career & lead us through a rabbit hole full of ghouls with names like Max Martin (a goblin who made a life writing sex songs for children). Francis Lawrence (a mask burp incarnate with a compulsion to cosplay white girls in other cultures’ skins), Justin Timberlake (an ice prince made entirely of glass), and Pharrell Williams of The Neptunes (an elder urban boy nymph who maybe sweats an elixir of youth).

    Shift reveals more of his yesteryear icon nostalgia referencing Frankie & Annette and makes randomly dissociated pop culture connections.


    Join us as we walk a neat groove of nuance in navigating the space between victimhood and victimizer.

    Get a Cancel Culture Club mug.

    Cancel Culture Club mug

    Larry Lyons has lectured and taught courses in 20th Century American literature, sociology and composition at Rutgers and Princeton University. As an independent consultant, he provides­ writing, editing and creative services for clients in education, public relations, non-profits and the arts. He is also the founder and creative director of Brick City Varsity, a Newark-based photography studio and vintage clothier.

    S2E8 - X Have Over 500 Words For X

    S2E8 - X Have Over 500 Words For X

    Audrey Sterling breaks down the impacts of whiteness on white people, surveillance tech, and intellectual prosthetic connection to transhumanist inventions.

    Shift bitches about people binging data and using each other as vomitoriums. Lament the open field World Wide Web turning into a technofascist corporatocracy!

    Good Morning Mayberry
    enFebruary 21, 2021

    S2E7 - I'm Not Good Enough

    S2E7 - I'm Not Good Enough

    Have a short chat with Shift about the work of keeping ships relating, how resistance of our own passions can convert into delusions of mediocrity, and pushing through feelings of abandonment and inadequacy to show up for the program.

    Shift opens up about his emotional preciousness and reactivity in The Fall of 2020, how he intentionally created a caustic environment for people who triggered his grief, and questions how any deity could be described as “infallible” or “omniscient” when humans are their product.

    Celebrate Shift’s 4 year anniversary of partnering with himself by getting him a snickity snack on CashApp $iamshift or Venmo @luciferousshift-mannee. Being celibate during a pandemic but loving being spoiled is tough shit! Join the Good Morning Mayberry sponsor scene at patron.com/goodmorningmayberry.com.

    Join the first subs for hot take poems in hot baths on Shift's OnlyFans.



    S2E6 - Mercury: a vucking fampire

    S2E6 - Mercury: a vucking fampire

    Shift pushes through the cosmic weather to talk a bit about:

    • Mercury haterade
    • Britney Spears’ conservatorship
    • Exhibition culture, cannibalism & Armie Hammer
    • Boots Riley is hella chill
    • Occupy Oakland celebrity stories
    • Pop culture activists

    And we swear Shift only goes off for one moment about BlueMAGA.

    Dedicated to Rico, a chihuahua who got very very old, ????-2021

    S2E5 - Sister Mary HotTakes Spills Fauci's Tea

    S2E5 - Sister Mary HotTakes Spills Fauci's Tea

    What does Vito Russo (The Celluloid Closet) have to do with Anthony Fauci? “Sister Mary HotTakes” Blake is back to pour all the tea for you and Shift Orion. In this episode, Blake talks about having to cancel his trip to hug Shift before getting into the similarities of the historic AIDS crisis and the current COVID crises, Fauci’s commitment to ignorance, and his refusal to approve effective international treatments for AIDS people dying in the US. Shift flips out when he realizes that Fauci fits perfectly in the 2020+ political kayfabe cast. 

    Blake references a video from November 2nd 2011 about Olympia, Washington riot tourists who almost broke the encampment because they were violently misguided irreverent guests, titled This is NOT Occupy; Day of Occupy Oakland General Strike.


    Come for the covid compliance whining, convenience store conflicts, and civil disobedience controversies… stay for the salt, tea, and glitter!


    Episode artwork by bleakzblanketfort.com IG @bleakzblanketfort

    Episode artwork by bleakzblanketfort.com

    S2E4 - Cancel Culture Club Features Nikki Aliah's Earth Is Ghetto

    S2E4 - Cancel Culture Club Features Nikki Aliah's Earth Is Ghetto

    Nikki Aliah's Earth Is Ghetto, a soulful new song about escaping the planet, has launched into viral revere! In this episode, Shift Orion gives the wheel to Black Literature expert Larry Lyons who jettisons our agenda about Britney Spears to take us on a voyage through Afrofuturism, practical time travel, and honoring powerful Black creators by contextually uplifting Nikki Aliah's work in concert with other artistic technologists. We’re also going in to discover some impacts of misguided cancel culture against individuals, communities, and superstructures! All aboard!

    Larry Lyons has lectured and taught courses in 20th Century American literature, sociology and composition at Rutgers and Princeton University. As an independent consultant, he provides­ writing, editing and creative services for clients in education, public relations, non-profits and the arts. He is also the founder and creative director of Brick City Varsity, a Newark-based photography studio and vintage clothier.


    Nikki Aliah - lyrics, vocals, keys

    Episode also includes covers by 

    Broken Blues  & Damon Grant (percussion) w/ RAHBI (music) & Noah Schak Farlot (background vocals)


    Other mentioned creators/works:

    Flossy Baby (content creator)

    Tiana J @DJTJC @retreatyoselves (content creator)

    Steven Hurst (custom clocks)

    Enpafè Crafts By Carmen (jewelry)

    Nick Lovett (author, poet, musician)

    Boots Riley (prolific poet, rapper, songwriter, producer, screenwriter, director, community organizer, and public speaker)

    Watchmen (miniseries)

    Lovecraft Country (TV series)

    Janelle Monáe (singer-songwriter, rapper, actress, and record producer)


    Grab a Cancel Culture Club fanny pack in our merch store!

    Episode artwork by bleakzblanketfort.com Art by BleakzBlanket

    Asking For A Planet In Labor Part 2 w/ Eugene Steele - BONUS

    Asking For A Planet In Labor Part 2 w/ Eugene Steele - BONUS

    In part 2 of this bonus set, we are getting into a topic about a recent livestream broadcast that was brought to Shift’s attention by Eugene. The original video has been removed. It’s extremely violent and not in any way satirical, ironic, or disingenuous. We’ve got a link to a deconstruction of a screen capture of it here even though it may be pulled again. It's a video of 3 drunk not-exclusively-white men talking about committing acts of violence and calling for civil war as retaliation for recent censorship sweeps. 

    Shift melts down then pulls himself together while Eugene, aka Lantern, takes us on a journey of evidence and illustration leading toward clarity around confusions and collisions in attempts to make sense of our situation.

    Is it possible to deescalate the Culture War?Is it possible to deescalate the Culture War?

    Asking For A Planet In Labor Part 1 w/ Mo Garvey - BONUS

    Asking For A Planet In Labor Part 1 w/ Mo Garvey - BONUS

    Mo Garvey returns to talk about the momentum of the Twitter conflict over what a “real leftist” is or isn’t. Shift declares himself the Leftist Purity Test in the leftier-than-thou game, then manages to make reference to Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and Robert Evan’s Behind The Bastards. 

    All hail the labeling and dragging of the Boutique Left and their virtue signaling and cherry-pick stylist shopping for culture to wear. Come on in and hear about “fascism”, “communism”, and how people are talking without using the same meanings but pretending they understand each other. Make space for having a critical eye and a graceful hand in sifting through the nuance of a planet in labor.

    S2E3 - Rock Boat, Force Vote

    S2E3 - Rock Boat, Force Vote

    Monique Garvey joins a spacey Shift Orion to talk about sociopolitical confusion, parasocial relationships, and anti-sycophantic avoidance. We dissect the logic of some statist trajectories and ideas.

    We scratch the surface on the essence and utility of the word “coon” and the awkward soft censorship of the word on FaceBookInc social media before juggling nuance about covid vaccine anxiety. Come make fun of landlords crying about eviction moratoriums. 

    Mo goes off about superficial Oppression Olympics and political bandwagoners, and teaches Shift some things about this #ForceTheVote thing and that Jimmy Dore exists. Shift makes literally everything literally existential.

    Have we mentioned we do not understand billionaire apologists?  

    Recorded on 12/30/2020.

    BONUS - So, We Just Wanna Say That We Told Y'all So

    BONUS - So, We Just Wanna Say That We Told Y'all So

    In 2011, Shift and Blake, aka Bakesale, aka Sister Mary HotTakes, met on the street, there was an immediate connection, and now in 2021 they have ripped a wormhole into the past to bring you back hot, hot tea for your apocalypse buffet. Join us in a comparison of social movements, mainstream media irresponsibility, and personal impact of mass demonstrations from Occupy to whatever the fuck has been happening since 2020. Come for the protest breakdowns, stay for the Lindsey Graham gossip, cameo meows from Tubby The Background Cat, and occasional graceful tumble down deer trails of PTSD-charged street ministry and riot porn flashbacks with two random formerly homeless queers who suddenly realized they are spiritual and social first responders in a terrifying timeline.

    Shift pops off about his frustrations over the misuse of words like “fascist” and “nazi,” reminds everyone he is coloring with crayons in unicorn coloring books instead of watching ANY of this news, and reiterates the logic of shunning of the DNC. Sister Mary HotTakes deconstructs Obama stans, illustrates the impacts of witnessing attacks from police, and shares his explorations into why racial violence is saturating recent American experience.

    We gonna talk about how the dark and swampy South has changed with the Trump PRESIDEncy. We gonna talk about individual and communal healing from epic and neglected wounds. We gonna talk about the “anarchy of love.” experiential vs. theoretical politics, and people who use other people’s real lives to gain college credits. 

    And we gonna talk about how Occupy was not a protest. And we’re going to tell you why.

    Two bitches came to talk with y’all about how we TOLD Y’ALL SO. 

    TW - sexual assault community counseling story

    TW - liberal/centrist sensibilities

    Credit to Ryan for The Most Important Chart Of The Year
    Image Credit:

    Graph - Ryan Cleary

    Icons - Shift Orion

    S2E2 - The Difference An Idea Can Be

    S2E2 - The Difference An Idea Can Be

    Today's episode was recorded a month ago and the mood is a dated fresh breath of some kind of air. Your good ol host Shift is joined by Eugene Steele in California and Yolanda Fulmer in Alaska to have a soberingly psychedelic discussion about community, responsibility, restorative communication, and compassion.

    Come join this powerful chat about social beliefs, the abstract nature of capital, and hypotheses of responsible activist DNA coding.

    So These People Have Stormed The Capitol - Bonus

    So These People Have Stormed The Capitol - Bonus

    In this steaming hot take bonus episode, learn about how Shift got a unicorn coloring book and 152 crayons and that's the biggest news of the week. Ryan, however, saw many hours of mainstream news so he's here to discuss the sycophantic coverage of the most boring wannabe coup ever. Shift informs the world that "leftist" white women and gays tried to sully Horny Twitter by disappointing everything again "simping for nazi dick" then he absolutely flips out when Ryan tells him the news said the furwearing bonehead was with "antifa" but never mentioned his affiliation with Q. 

    Shift bumbles through Ryan's explanation of wtf an impeachment is then wonders if this is all actually a sloppy false flag to increase bluewave lawyercop lover fascism.

    As we look up the words "insurgency", "revolution", "fascist", "far-right", Shift snaps at Google and Dictionary.com for concealing extended definitions. Come explore with us if it's possible to be and "insurgent" and a "fascist" at the same time based on the math that a "fascist" must be "far-right" and "far-right" means preservation of "tradition" and "existing views/institutions"... and "insurgents" overthrow existing institutions. Meh, maybe we're off the rail. Who could know.

    A friendly reminder that Shift doesn't give a shit about any of this shit so if you're gonna get all triggered by a black queer radical community healer cackling about that woman getting shot to death, go do something else.

    Tip your good ol asshole host, Shift Orion, on CashApp $iamshift.

    S2E1 - Is White Fragility A Personality Disorder?

    S2E1 - Is White Fragility A Personality Disorder?

    Shift, Bec, and Ryan talk about what it means to "do the work", mutual aid, advanced White Nonsense Roundups, and self-motivated direct action reparations. Bec talks about the mental and spiritual fortitude they've gained in confronting racism in their family and hometown. Shift gripes about white bitches who won't learn then act murdered for getting called out on public threads. Ryan calculates reasons privileged wannabe anti-oppressors do a virtue signal.