
    H.E.A.L Quick News

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    en-usGeorge Bronner36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    #15 Mother Knows Best

    #15 Mother Knows Best

    Mothers are beautiful everywhere, in nature, or society.

    They’ve done countless things for their young, and where you find one pregnant, statistically more are likely to become pregnant.

    Be accessible to your mother, and say ‘thank you!’

    Mothers, be the best possible example for your children.

    #14 Poisonous Positivity

    #14 Poisonous Positivity

    Toxic positivity is defined as the act of rejecting or denying stress, negativity or negative experiences that exist. 


    It can cause you to ignore real harm, demean loss, isolate your feelings, cause communication issues, or low self-esteem.


    To purify positivity it is important to remember to manage your negative emotions, but not to deny them, to be realistic about your feelings, remind yourself that it’s normal to feel more than one thing, and to focus on listening and supporting others. 

    #13 Social Media Mentality

    #13 Social Media Mentality
    • Self comparison is common, though it is often to a fake person that is just a highlight reel. 

    • A survey by Scope found that, “Among users of Facebook and Twitter, 62% said they felt inadequate compared to other users, and 60% feel jealous of other social media users.”

    • It also makes people bad at multitasking and distracts them from being productive

    • It’s not all bad, but much of it is. If realistic, get away from social media

    #12 Positivity Is My Superpower

    #12 Positivity Is My Superpower
    Positivity, or the state of being happy, tolerant, and good-natured. It brings better health, hope, relationships, and confidence. Through self-searching questions, you can likely become more positive. To force positivity will not bring a positive effect, but will most likely harm oneself instead.

    #10 Mashed Marriages

    #10 Mashed Marriages

    Divorce rates have been dropping but they still happen often, the top 7 reasons are:
    7.         Domestic Violence
    6.         Substance Abuse
    5.         Financial Problems
    4.         Marrying Too Young
    3.         Conflict and Arguing
    2.         Infidelity
    1.         Lack of Commitment

    #9 Targeting Purpose

    #9 Targeting Purpose

    Purpose, or your why? Is a powerful tool to better work, and a more joyful life. Look at when you had it most, what you did, and who you were. Tie them together and put them into goosebumps giving words. Apply those words everywhere. That is how you target purpose. Your why?

    #8 Your Body Up In Smoke

    #8 Your Body Up In Smoke

    Smoking kills. Cancer, the heart, the lungs, hurting yet to be kids, smoking kills. It raises cancer chances and deaths, harms blood vessels, weakens the lungs, and makes it harder to even have kids. That's not all, but hopefully it's enough to make you or someone you know stop smoking.