
    H.E.A.L Quick News

    Valuable, relevant, and concise news on health, energy, and love 3 times a week at H.E.A.L Quick News.
    en-usGeorge Bronner36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    #24 Live Alone, Die Alone

    #24 Live Alone, Die Alone

    Loneliness, the state of mind, not the number of people around, makes it more likely to die from preventable causes earlier. To help with this:

    • Recognize Your Loneliness
    • Devise a Plan for intimate social opportunities
    • Start Small
    • Go for quality interactions, not quantity of interactions.
    • And Be Positive

    #22 Heartless

    #22 Heartless

    Many heart related deaths are preventable, around half. Watch your heart health by watching your cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist size. Help your heart by staying away from smoking, staying physically active, fasting blood glucose, eating well, and drinking plenty of water. Get in a routine with it all, do it with a friend, and do it for your heart health, otherwise that’s just heartless.

    #21 Love To Love

    #21 Love To Love

    Love addiction shows up in many ways, but it overall it tends to ruin the potential for long lasting and healthy relationships. It tends to rise from childhood, and carries subconscious impacts on even how one sees the relationships around them. It can make an envious heart, a perfectionistic heart. If you find yourself to likely be addicted to the feeling of love, seek therapy.

    #19 Kickin' Kidneys

    #19 Kickin' Kidneys

    Summary: For a more pain-free, healthy, and enjoyable life:

    • Drink enough water till your urine is clear or lightly yellow.
    • Eat Healthy Foods such as berries, cauliflower, or fish.
    • Regularly exercise, even if it’s by dancing.
    • And keep close watch for too much painkiller usage.

    #18 Please Love Me

    #18 Please Love Me

    A father's love contributes as much - and sometimes more - to a child's development as does a mother's love. Fathers:

    • Forever impact the growing child’s approach to relationships 
    • Improve academic success
    • Lead to better behavior and emotional development