
    Heal Your Hunger

    Tricia Nelson
    enTricia Nelson426 Episodes

    Episodes (426)

    Ep454: You're Not That Good...at Being Bad

    Ep454: You're Not That Good...at Being Bad

    Do you feel like everyone is better than you…that you don’t measure up? Not good enough, smart enough, thin enough, talented enough? Your head is lying to you. As emotional eaters, we sell ourselves short…and our feelings of “not enoughness” drive our compulsion to eat. In this episode, I talk about what it takes to overcome those feelings, so you can finally live a life of self-love, self-compassion and self-respect.

    Ep453: Yes! Hormone Health is Possible with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    Ep453: Yes! Hormone Health is Possible with Dr. Anna Cabeca

    Feeling dry down there? Is sex painful? Want to get back your mojo and enjoy sex into your 80s? Then let’s talk about it. (Ladies, we’ve GOT to talk about it.) Triple Board Certified OB-GYN, Dr. Anna Cabeca, known as the “Girlfriend Doctor”, discusses how you can enjoy sex and your sexuality, decades into menopause. No, you don’t have to hang it up, girls. If you want to know how to live your healthiest, happiest, sexiest years, right now, then have a listen!

    Ep452: My Process of Grief, Life and Healing

    Ep452: My Process of Grief, Life and Healing

    Life includes death. It kinda sucks, but it’s a fact. In this episode, I talk about my grieving process, as I say goodbye to my mentor, friend, former husband and man with whom I was connected (daily) for over 35 years. We can’t overcome emotional eating and binge eating unless we have new coping tools for dealing with life’s hardest blows.  I share here how I’m moving through tough emotions, without using excess food to numb.

    Ep451: Is It an Eating Disorder or Food Addiction? With Dr. David Wiss

    Ep451: Is It an Eating Disorder or Food Addiction? With Dr. David Wiss

    Food plans, strict rules and restrictions can be taboo for those recovering from eating disorders, and the professionals that treat them. But, eating sweets and processed carbs, foods that trigger binge-eating and constant snacking for emotional eaters don’t bode well for those who can’t practice “moderation” or manage to eat “just one” and stop. In this episode, I talk to Dr. David Wiss about healing the divide between various schools of thought on how to heal disordered eating.

    Ep450: Feeling the Feelings

    Ep450: Feeling the Feelings

    Just a few days ago this world lost an extraordinary man. My mentor, former husband and soulmate, Roy Nelson, blessed my life in ways I can’t begin to describe. For 35 years I was loved, comforted, and inspired by Roy's incredible heart and indomitable spirit. In this episode, I share about the grief I’m currently feeling, and my experience of moving through the feelings, in real time.

    Ep449: What to Do When Your Mind Won’t Leave You Alone

    Ep449: What to Do When Your Mind Won’t Leave You Alone

    Mistakes we’ve made, hurts we’ve experienced, losses we grieve. Sometimes, our minds are like a runaway train, overthinking, rehashing and dwelling on painful memories from our lives. And too often, these painful thoughts lead us to overeat, just to quiet down our minds. In this episode, I talk about a recent attack of my brain, and how I dealt with it. Yes, I’m still on this journey of healing, and am committed to reporting my latest experiences!

    Ep448: Why I Don’t Eat Sugar

    Ep448: Why I Don’t Eat Sugar

    I loved sugar. I loved sweet foods. I loved anything ooey, gooey and chewy. But they didn’t love me back. I was a sugar addict, and once I started eating the stuff, I wanted more, and I had a really hard time saying no. I didn’t have an “off” switch, so I would end up binging on high calorie sweet foods. And this included bread, pasta, muffins, etc. In this episode, I talk about the reasons I no longer eat sugar, and the delicious substitutes I’ve found. If you know that eating sugar is a problem for you, this may be the answer you’re looking for.

    Ep446: Got Grief? A Discussion on This Tough Emotion with Kim Hamer

    Ep446: Got Grief? A Discussion on This Tough Emotion with Kim Hamer

    Grief is a mighty emotion. It is an intruder that barges into our life when it wants, and takes its own damn time leaving. In this episode, my good friend and Heal Your Hunger coach, Kim Hamer, and I sat down and had a good talk about grief. Kim is a widow and author of 100 Acts of Love: A Girlfriend’s Guide to Helping a Friend Through Cancer or Loss. As emotional eaters, it’s important that we learn to navigate this powerful and intrusive emotion, so it doesn’t drive us to eat.

    Ep445: Stress-related Symptoms with Dr. Doni Wilson

    Ep445: Stress-related Symptoms with Dr. Doni Wilson

    Got strange things going on with your body? Migraines, gut issues, acne or rashes? If you have mystery symptoms, they could be traced back to stress. In this episode, I talk with Naturopath, Dr. Doni Wilson, who suffered from stress-related symptoms, herself. Learn how you can begin to identify if your symptoms are stress-related, and what you can do to begin feeling better immediately.

    Ep444: When Holidays Feel Hard

    Ep444: When Holidays Feel Hard

    I know holiday time can be especially stressful for so many reasons, but it wasn’t until now that I really felt it. In this episode, I talk about my own roller coaster ride during this holiday season, and how I’m getting through. It’s an emotional time, but with the right tools and actions, we don’t need to depend on emotional eating to get through. Self-care and proper support can definitely help us access real joy, peace and healing.

    Ep443: Edible Garden? Yes Please!

    Ep443: Edible Garden? Yes Please!

    Do you cut fresh veggies from your yard? Me either. But that might change soon with the help of Katie Oglesby. Katie is an edible Garden Designer and holistic health coach on a mission to help her clients to stop being passive participants in their health journeys and become courageous, informed advocates for their wellbeing. As a Garden Coach and Real Food Advocate, she fuses the healing power of gardening with the healing power of food-as-medicine in her garden designs and holistic approach to a garden-to-table lifestyle. This was a fun interview…good health is just steps away.

    Ep442: Binge Eating in My Car

    Ep442: Binge Eating in My Car

    Binge eating isn’t pretty. I know, I did it for years. Late at night, in my car, at the movies, on airplanes. In this episode, I talk about my personal experience with binge eating the pain it caused me. Not every emotional eater is a binge eater. And not everyone understands what it’s like to live in the darkness of binge eating. But if this is your experience right now, there is hope. Have a listen…

    Ep441: Don’t be a Turkey! 10 Traps to Avoid This Thanksgiving

    Ep441: Don’t be a Turkey! 10 Traps to Avoid This Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving is here and it can be one of the most challenging holidays for emotional eaters. It seems like the holiday was made just for us! But there’s more to the holidays than overeating, so let’s take a look at 10 traps you can avoid, so you can show up to family gatherings feeling confident, happy, helpful and satisfied. After all, it’s not about the food…check out these 10 tips and Happy Holidays! 

    Ep440: The Real Benefits of Breathwork with Sachin Patel

    Ep440: The Real Benefits of Breathwork with Sachin Patel

    You’ve probably heard about the benefits of breathwork from time to time, and you may have even tried intentional deep breathing now and then, as a means of calming your nervous system and getting yourself grounded. In this interview with my friend, Sachin Patel, however, you will learn additional benefits you’ve never even thought of…and why you can’t afford to keep breathing the way you’re breathing right now. You’ll love Sachin…he brings you hard science in a delightful, conversational way!

    Ep439: Snapshots of Freedom from Emotional Eating: Sheri’s Healing Journey

    Ep439: Snapshots of Freedom from Emotional Eating: Sheri’s Healing Journey

    Breast cancer, leukemia, Type 2 diabetes, obesity…this woman had so varied health challenges, with one common denominator that has put her on a path of freedom. Don’t miss this episode, where you’ll hear one of the most inspiring “overcoming” stories ever told. Sheri is living proof that there’s nothing that can’t be overcome, with enough love, community, and the grace of God.

    Ep438: Self-Sabotage: Why Binge Eaters Sabotage Their Weight Loss

    Ep438: Self-Sabotage: Why Binge Eaters Sabotage Their Weight Loss

    In this short, but sweet, show, I talk about the phenomenon of self-sabotage: why we binge again, even when we’re feeling good and have no intention of going off our plan. It’s so frustrating, isn’t it? Let’s dig into what this is all about and how to finally eliminate the need to sabotage our success with eating clean, losing weight, and enjoying our healthier bodies.

    Ep437: De-Stress, Eat Less!

    Ep437: De-Stress, Eat Less!

    Ever noticed that the more stressed you are, the more likely you are to overeat? Well, I’m in the middle of that realization right now! I’m all about helping women de-stress so they can eat less, but this lesson hit a little too close to home recently! Stress is bad for us, at every level, but one of the hardest things about stress is that it makes us very hungry…

    Ep436: Metabolism and Thyroid Fixes with Dr. Amie Hornaman

    Ep436: Metabolism and Thyroid Fixes with Dr. Amie Hornaman

    Think you might have a sluggish thyroid? Having issues with energy and weight? Check out my interview with my good friend and amazing thyroid expert, Dr. Amie Hornaman. You’ll find out if some of the symptoms you’re experiencing could be related to your thyroid, and best next steps to start feeling better now. We also talk about a way to feel more energy, even if your thyroid is doing fine. Listen now!

    Ep435: Core Embodiment with Ajaya Sommers

    Ep435: Core Embodiment with Ajaya Sommers

    Are you living in your head or your heart? Far too often, emotional eaters are living in their heads…trying to figure out how to overcome their problems, never realizing that being in your head is part of the problem! In this episode, I have a delightful conversation with my good friend, Ajaya Sommers, who has devoted her life to helping others find their embodied selves. It’s time we awaken, isn’t it?