
    High Performance Marketing

    The High-Performance Marketing podcast is a show committed to helping small business owners connect with their ideal customers using simple marketing and quality content.
    enAli Garbero95 Episodes

    Episodes (95)

    95. Simplifying Success - Do Less To Achieve More

    95. Simplifying Success - Do Less To Achieve More

    Most business owners find themselves really busy yet feeling completely unproductive. Every day feeling like you don’t have enough hours in the day to complete everything on your plate while simultaneously asking yourself at the end of the day - what did I get done?

    On this episode of The High Performance Marketing Podcast I'll dive into ways that you can run your business better by focusing on the essentials or as they say the things that matter most.


    94. Humanizing Cold Outreach For Better Leads

    94. Humanizing Cold Outreach For Better Leads

    Most often you want to grow your list of potential leads, but the idea of cold calling or sending spammy emails on Linkedin make you cringe. And that's because in business marketing, too much of our cold outreach strategies feel icky.

    On this episode of the High Performance Marketing podcast, I’m diving deep into the world of lead magnets and email marketing, as ways to give you the power to provide upfront value, and build more effective cold outreach strategies -- so that you can grow a list of higher qualified leads.

    91. Everything is Marketing

    91. Everything is Marketing

    The fallacy many of us often fall for is that *one thing* will be the silver bullet that catapults our marketing into a new stratosphere. And while that can happen, don’t bet on it. Why? 

    First, Marketing works best against the backdrop of a comprehensive strategy

    Second, Everything in your business–not one magic thing–is marketing. 

    On this episode of The High Performance Marketing podcast we'll explore a broader definition of marketing and how it extends beyond your traditional marketing efforts.


    90. Supercharge Customer Connections - Create Buyer Profiles

    90. Supercharge Customer Connections - Create Buyer Profiles

    The most important asset your business has is your customer. And if you want to capture their attention you need to know them inside and out.

    On this episode of The High Performance Marketing podcast, we'll outline the process of creating a buyer persona as an indispensable strategy for creating a genuine connection between you and your ideal client. 


    Crafting irresistible connections through buyer personas and targeted marketed. 

    89. Your 2024 Three-Step Marketing Roadmap

    89. Your 2024 Three-Step Marketing Roadmap

    Have you ever had a big dream but no plan to achieve it? It's like wanting to climb a mountain without a trusty Sherpa to show you the way. When it comes to your 2024 business goals you need a roadmap - and that's where your marketing plan comes in. But I'm not giving you overwhelm or a 20 page strategy you'll write and never read again. I'm keeping it super simple and breaking it down into 3 key steps. On today's episode of the High Performance Marketing podcast, you'll gain absolute clarity about connecting with your customers, generating leads, and increasing sales. 

    88. Reflecting on Your 2023 Marketing To Boost Your Success in 2024

    88. Reflecting on Your 2023 Marketing To Boost Your Success in 2024

    Well here we are, the last week of the year! 2024 is days away and before we get into the whole planning for the future, let’s take a moment to consider that marketing is always changing and to stay on top of the change you need a combination of three things: reflection, adaptability, and strategic planning.

    On this episode of The High Perormance Marketing podcast - we’ll look back at 2023, identify what worked, and look ahead at ways to improve so that ultimately you know what to improve on to reach the goals you have for yourself and your business.


    87. Managing Unpopularity and Criticism in Business Leadership

    87. Managing Unpopularity and Criticism in Business Leadership

    It's hard not being liked. We're hard wired to want to be. And when it comes to running a business, leading a team, and your clients  - it all comes with its fair share of challenges. The reality check is that not everyone will like you, support you, or sing your praises. When faced with unpopularity and criticism, how do you handle it and keep moving forward? On this episode of the High Performance Marketing podcast we'll dive into how you can learn to see criticism as an opportunity for growth and improvement.


    86. Understanding the Psychology of Consumer Behavior

    86. Understanding the Psychology of Consumer Behavior

    Why do we buy the things we do? Why is it that some brands speak to our heart deeper than others? Did you know there's a physchology behind the things we want that help drive buying decisions?

    On this episode of The High Performance Marketing podcast I'll help you understand the psychology of consumer behavior and the role it plays in successful marketing strategies. I'll let you in on insights about your brand, and how brand archetypes are a powerful tool for helping you hit to the heart of the core desires of your ideal customer.


    85. Turn Your Expertise into a Profitable Digital Course

    85. Turn Your Expertise into a Profitable Digital Course

    Have you ever thought about sharing your personal knowledge with others and turning it into a profitable online course? On this episode of The High Performance Marketing Podcast, I'll guide you through how to the power of your personal experiences and earned knowledge can be transformed into a profitable digital course. Whether it's a skill you've honed over the years or a unique perspective you have on a particular subject, there are people out there who would love to learn from you. 

    84. Simple Social Media with Annie Schiffmann

    84. Simple Social Media with Annie Schiffmann

    Your day-to-day responsibilities already feel like a never-ending to-do list. And when you add social media marketing into the mix, it's enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. Creating engaging content, knowing which platforms to post on, and constantly chasing likes and engagement can feel like a relentless pursuit and a constant battle to keep up. 

    On this episode of The High Performance Marketing podcast, I’m chatting with author Annie Schiffmann about her new book Simple Social Media. Annie shares her ‘secret sauce’ method for avoiding wasted time and effort, chasing trends that don't matter, and missing out on the incredible marketing potential of social media. 

    To get your copy of Annie’s book Simple Social Media visit: 

    SimpleSocialMediaBook.com She’s got a ton of free resources for you to download including a pretty cool 90's music playlist. 

    83. Unwrapping Success: Your Holiday Marketing Campaign

    83. Unwrapping Success: Your Holiday Marketing Campaign

    Over the next week or two, you’re going to start to receive an influx of Holiday marketing campaigns (Black Friday specials, cyber monday and more.) These campaigns are strategically designed offers to increase revenue as well as to offer a new look and feel for marketing creativity.

    On this episode of the High Performance Marketing podcast I’m going to help you design your holiday campaign by sharing 5 simple ways you can genuinely solve problems this holiday season, offer valuable solutions to your clients, while also helping you reach your annual sales goals this year.

    82. User-Generated Content - How to get your customers to help with your marketing

    82. User-Generated Content - How to get your customers to help with your marketing

    Imagine a world where your clients help you create authentic marketing content that helps you build trust with their peers and other potential customers. On this episode of The High-Performance Marketing podcast, we'll dive into understanding what user-generated content is, and ways you can start actively encouraging your audience to share their experiences with your products or services through reviews, testimonials, social media posts, and more! 

    Key takeaways:

    • Tap into the creativity and the authenticity of your clients
    • Strengthen your brand's impact
    • And amplify your marketing reach in a way that traditional marketing methods can't achieve.

    80. Channeling The Power of Strategy and Focus w/ Katharine McMahon

    80. Channeling The Power of Strategy and Focus w/ Katharine McMahon

    It's no secret that sometimes business owners are known for becoming easily excited and distracted about hundreds of new ways to grow their business and that includes shiny new marketing ideas. This is where working with a strategist or fractional CMO can be a game-changer. 

    On this episode of the High Performance Marketing podcast I’ve got guest Katherine McMahon on. Katharine is the owner of Phoenix 818, she’s a Fractional CMO, Marketing Strategist and business coach. She’s also a fellow Story Brand Certified Marketing Guide and I’m excited for you to listen in on our conversation as she shares the importance of staying focused  so you achieve your marketing, revenue, and growth goals.


    79. 4 Winning Customer Attraction Methods

    79. 4 Winning Customer Attraction Methods

    "How do I get more customers Ali?”  Ahh, the million dollar question. 

    Should I start a YouTube channel, blog, start a podcast, send emails, or pay for ads? It's no wonder you feel confused about attracting customers and growing profits. The options are exhausting .

    On this episode of the High Performance Marketing Podcast I'll share four proven methods for generating leads.

    78. The Impact of Burnout on your Mind and Business

    78. The Impact of Burnout on your Mind and Business

    Running a business takes a toll on your body and mind. Overworking yourself shouldn't be the norm. On this week's episode of the High-Performance Marketing podcast, I'm opening up about my personal experience with the less often talked about issues of burnout.

    Burnout is more than just an industry buzzword. Its effects on the minds of entrepreneurs and business owners are real and often show up in easily overlooked ways. 

    77. The Customer is The Hero

    77. The Customer is The Hero

    For decades entrepreneurs and business owners have positioned themselves at the center of their marketing efforts. By focusing solely on the company’s achievements and sharing stories about their experience and industry expertise they lose the attention of their prospective customers.

    On this episode of the High-Performance Marketing podcast, I’ll guide you through a discussion on how to use the core concept idea of the Story Brand 7-part framework, to move away from the "about us" concept and instead position your customer as the center focus and hero of your marketing message so you get them to listen and do business with you. 


    76. Branding vs. Marketing: What's the difference?

    76. Branding vs. Marketing: What's the difference?

    If you've ever found yourself confused about the difference between branding and marketing, you're not alone. While these terms may seem similar, they actually have totally different meanings and purposes in your business and most importantly in how they help make your business money.

    On this episode of the High Performance Marketing Podcast I'll identify the difference between the two so you can leverage both to their fullest potential, increase revenue and make the most out of every dollar you invest in each.