
    How to Program with Java Podcast

    Learn how to program using the Java programming language. This podcast will teach you step by step how to use the Java programming language to create your own applications or web applications!
    enBest Java podcast on iTunes, learn about variables, control structures, collections, data types, des100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 66 - Summer is here and something new is in the air

    Episode 66 - Summer is here and something new is in the air

    I'm happy to announce that dropping on July 1st, 2016 - a brand new podcast will be hitting the digital shelves!

    Although the How to Program with Java podcast will be coming to an end, I'll be launching a brand new series dedicated to teaching you how to become a full-stack Java web application programmer.

    This new podcast will be called the "Coders Campus Podcast", so be sure to search for it in iTunes or wherever you download your podcasts :)


    EP65: HTML Design & Layout

    EP65: HTML Design & Layout

    Okay so you know how to add some styles and CSS to your webpage, that’s a great start, but what about deciding where all your text should go?  What if you wanted to setup your website so that you have some text on the left hand side, and some images along the right?

    This is where design and layout comes into play.

    The DIV tag

    Probably one of the most powerful tools at your disposal for designing your webpage is the div tag.  What this allows you to do is essentially outline “blocks” or “areas” for the content on your webpage.  You can think if these areas like boundaries for your content.

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    EP 64: CSS 101 Tutorial

    EP 64: CSS 101 Tutorial

    Cascading Style Sheets are a bit of a tricky beast in HTML. Given this fact, I wanted to dedicate an entire section to just this topic.

    Let’s start with the basics, shall we?

    What are Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?

    Well, we’ve already talked a little bit about HTML formatting tags (like 

    ), but that kind of formatting is embedded within your HTML code itself. What I mean by that is while you are typing out the HTML code for your page, you’ll actually have to type in 

     in order to apply styles to some of your HTML. What if you don’t want to clutter your HTML with style code, but you still want to apply styles to your website… well that’s where CSS comes in.

    Cascading Style Sheets actually exist as a completely separate file to your HTML code.

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    EP 63: HTML Styles 101

    EP 63: HTML Styles 101

    In this HTML tutorial I would like to introduce two concepts to you:

    • Styles


    Currently as of the date this was published, web browsers are (mostly) supporting HTML 5. HTML has gone through several versions and variations over it’s lifetime, and because of this it’s highly suggested that you include something called a DOCTYPE. The purpose of a DOCTYPE is to tell the web browsers what version of HTML you are using on any given webpage. The benefit of telling the web-browser what version of HTML you are using is that you save it from having to “guess”, which can often lead to strange behavior.

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    EP 62: Introduction to HTML

    EP 62: Introduction to HTML

    I’m so ridiculously excited to be introducing a whole new aspect of programming. Over the next few months I will be posting new articles on the topics of HTML, Javascript and jQuery. These are all technologies that you can use to create your very own interactive website. The really cool thing about building websites, is that you can leverage your existing knowledge of Java to create ever MORE powerful websites. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, for now we’ll focus first on HTML, then we’ll move into Javascript/jQuery. But enough big picture talk, let’s get into our introduction to html shall we?


    An Introduction to HTML…

    HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and all this really means is that HTML is not a programming language, but rather just a set of rules for structuring your text. This means that if you type out certain words in a particular way, you can create a website! Piece of cake right? For the most part, YES, it is a piece of cake :)

    ...Read more here...

    HTML, CSS and JavaScript - Oh My!

    HTML, CSS and JavaScript - Oh My!

    The presentation layer is one of the three main layers in object-oriented programming.

    The three main layers include:

    • Presentation Layer
    • Business Layer
    • Data Layer

    Now, these three layers are typically related to enterprise web applications. It’s a design pattern used to help separate your code out in three distinct areas that (if need be) can easily be switched out with another programming language or technology.

    So if you keep all of your presentation layer code in one area of your application, switching presentation layer technologies shouldn’t be too difficult.

    Same rules apply to the business and data layers. If you separated your code out properly, switching databases shouldn’t be too big of an issue.

    Having said that, we’ll be focusing on the presentation layer.

    The four big players (in terms of technology) in the presentation layer are as follows:

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    Hibernate Group By

    Hibernate Group By

    In our last Hibernate lesson, you learned how to fix duplicate data from hibernate queries.

    In this lesson we’re going to focus on some of theaggregate functions that can be used with Hibernate, and of course that means diving into theGroup By clause.

    What’s important to note is that Hibernate doesn’t ever refer to it as group by, instead they use the term projections.

    So, armed with this knowledge, let’s jump into the lesson!

    Grouping Data with Hibernate

    In our examples, I’m going to show you how to create a query with hibernate that will group your data in some manner.

    When we build our query, we will be focusing on using Hibernate’s Criteria queries, which allows for a nice way to build queries without having to know any SQL.

    First, let’s start off with an example that we will build on.

    ...continue reading.

    Fixing Duplicate Data from Hibernate Queries

    Fixing Duplicate Data from Hibernate Queries

    How to Fix Duplicate Data from Hibernate Queries

    This problem was the bane of my existence when I first started using Hibernate because I had no idea where the problem was coming from.

    If you’re executing a query and finding that you have a bunch of duplicate records and haven’t a clue why, then you’re in the right place.

    You see the problem is typically caused by having left joins (or optional joins) in your objects. When you have a base object, like say User and it joins to another table/object in an optional One-to-Many or optional Many-to-Many format, then you may get duplicates.

    Consider this scenario… A User objects joins to the LoginHistory object, which keeps track of all the times a particularUser has logged into the system. And let’s say our user has logged in many times. You’ll have a situation where you have many records in the LoginHistory table.

    So what happens when you run a query that joins to the LoginHistory table? Well it will return as many rows as there are entries for that User in the LoginHistory table.

    So because of this, Hibernate doesn’t massage the data for you, it just returns exactly what it got from the database. The ball is in your court to tell Hibernate what to do with records it has retrieved.

    There are two solutions to this problem:

    1. Declare your joining object as a Set
    2. Make use of Distinct Root Entity Results Transformer

    Click Here to Keep Reading

    Hibernate Persistence Life Cycle

    Hibernate Persistence Life Cycle

    Now it’s time to dive into the nitty gritty of Hibernate’s mysterious inner workings.

    I’m by no means an expert in Hibernate, but I do use it almost every day for my own projects, so I do know a thing or two about how it works.

    One topic that had me scratching my head for ages was the Hibernate life cycle. What I mean by the life cycle is the way Hibernate interacts with Java objects at certain points in the existence of said Java objects.

    Let’s start from the beginning…

    What the heck is a Hibernate Life Cycle?

    You see, Hibernate is picky about your Java objects. Hibernate prefers your objects to be in a certain “state”, known as the persistent state… this persistent state is one of four different states that exist inside of the hibernate persistence life cycle.

    Once you have a firm grasp of the different states that an object can be in (as it pertains to Hibernate) you’ll be well on your way to mastering the Hibernate framework.

    So let’s get this Hibernate persistence life cycle lesson started shall we?

    Continue reading via: http://howtoprogramwithjava.com/session58

    Fetch Type Lazy Vs Eager

    Fetch Type Lazy Vs Eager

    What the heck is a Fetch Type?

    Great question! Hibernate is a very handy framework for removing your need to fully understand SQL, but it will force you to understand things such as joins.

    Joining two tables in SQL is the foundation of a relational database, as joins allow you to actually define relationships between tables (objects).

    Having said that, relationships are important to understand when talking about fetch types in Hibernate. This is the case because whenever you define a relationship in Hibernate, you’ll also need to define the fetch type. The fetch type essentially decides whether or not to load all of the relationships of a particular object/table as soon as the object/table is initially fetched.

    For more information please see the show notes via http://howtoprogramwithjava.com/session57

    Hibernate @ManyToMany Unidirectional and Bidirectional

    Hibernate @ManyToMany Unidirectional and Bidirectional

    Hibernate @ManyToMany Unidirectional

    The Many-to-Many relationship can be best described by example.

    The example we’re going to use is that of the relationship between an Author and a Book.

    Authors publish Books, and Books have Authors. Any one Author can publish many Books, and any one Book can be published by many Authors, so this is why it is a many to many relationship.

    Other examples of the many to many relationship are Students to Courses and Employees to Projects.

    Let’s take a look at how the unidirectional many-to-many relationship is created using Hibernate... for more info please visit http://howtoprogramwithjava.com/session56

    Hibernate @OneToOne Unidirectional / Bidirectional

    Hibernate @OneToOne Unidirectional / Bidirectional

    One-to-One Unidirectional Relationship

    Since you’ve already learned about the ins and outs of how unidirectional one-to-many and bidirectional one-to-many relationships work, it’s time to learn about the One-to-One relationships.

    We will start things off with the unidirectional One-to-One relationship and how it’s set up in Hibernate.

    First thing is first, you need to understand how a One-to-One relationship is actually set up in a database. Once you understand that the child table declares the parent’s primary key as the child’s primary key, then we can get moving with the Hibernate stuff!

    For this example, we are going to use the One-to-One relationship between an Employee and their Address. TheAddress table will be set up as follows:

    For more information, please read the show notes via http://howtoprogramwithjava.com/session55

    Hibernate @OneToMany Bidirectional Relationship

    Hibernate @OneToMany Bidirectional Relationship

    Since we’ve already learned about the unidirectional @ManyToOne relationship, we can now move on to talking about what a bidirectional relationship is like, when using Hibernate. The term “bidirectional” literally means “functioning in two directions”, which is the concept that we will apply in our relationships between two Java objects. When we have a bidirectional relationship between objects, it means that we are able to access Object A from Object B, and Object B from Object A. We can apply this logic to our real world coding example that we saw in the last post. The example we will use is the relationship between an Employer and an Employee. Previously, we only defined a unidirectional relationship, so we could only access the Employer from the Employee object and not vice-versa. Now let’s take a look at how to transform our existing unidirectional relationship into a bidirectional one.

    Mapping Relationships with Hibernate

    Mapping Relationships with Hibernate

    In the past we have learned about database relationships, specifically the One-to-Many as well as the Many-to-Many and One-to-One and that was all good, great and grand…

    But now I want to talk about how to create those same relationships inside of Hibernate.

    Specifically, I want to focus on the One-to-Many relationship in Hibernate and how we go about mapping it out in our Java objects.

    But before we do, a word on unidirectional and bidirectional relationships.

    Unidirectional vs Bidirectional

    In Hibernate, it’s possible to map all three relationships that are available in a standard database, these include:

    • One-to-One
    • One-to-Many
    • Many-to-Many

    But what Hibernate also includes is the ability to make EACH of those relationships either unidirectional or bidirectional.

    This means that we can have a unidirectional One-to-One and a bidirectional One-to-One mapping, as well as a unidirectional One-to-Many and a bidirectional One-to-Many, as well as a unidirectional Many-to-Many and a bidirectional Many-to-Many relationship.

    That’s a lot of relationships!

    So what exactly are unidirectional and bidirectional relationships?

    Learn more on the show notes page via http://howtoprogramwithjava.com/session53

    Hibernate - Creating Data Access Objects (DAOs)

    Hibernate - Creating Data Access Objects (DAOs)

    Data Access Objects – What are they?

    Data Access Objects (or DAOs for short) are used as a direct line of connection and communication with our database. DAOs are used when the actual CRUD (CRUD = Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are needed and invoked in our Java code. These data access objects also represent the “data layer” of our application.

    These objects are still just plain old Java objects that incorporate the use of some Hibernate annotations to give them the functionality we need from them. Again, that functionality being the communication with the database.

    Also, believe it or not, the concept of creating a file specifically for accessing the database is a design pattern. It’s called the Data Access Object Pattern and you can read more about it from this nice short Wiki article.

    What Hibernate Annotations Should We Use?

    Okay, so now that you’re somewhat familiar with DAOs, it’s time to learn how to integrate these plain old Java objects with our Hibernate framework (so they actually do the work we need them to do).

    There are two main annotations that you need to be familiar with:

    • @Repository
    • @Transactional

    To learn more, visit our show notes page via http://howtoprogramwithjava.com/session52

    Hibernate's most important annotation - @Entity

    Hibernate's most important annotation - @Entity

    What You’ll Learn

    The focus of this podcast / blog post is to teach you how to create the connection between your Java objects and the SQL Database tables. Remember, the whole point of the Hibernate framework is for you to be able to write Java code that allows you to communicate with your database.

    When I say that the goal is to communicate with your database, what I mean is:

    1. Create the tables (if they’re not already there) that will represent your Java objects
    2. Give Java the ability to send queries and execute scripts on your database
    3. Establish a transactional means by which to perform CRUD operations

    What we’re going to be tackling in this post will the step #1, how to get Hibernate to create our tables for us.

    Hibernate Persistence for Beginners

    Hibernate Persistence for Beginners

    What is a Persistence Framework?

    As the name implies, it has something to do with persisting things... this means that we're still talking about databases.  But what is it that we are persisting with this framework?

    Objects (of course)

    A persistence framework is something we use in Java to bridge the gap between Java and SQL.

    Hopefully we've gone through all of my previous tutorials and have learned a thing or two about Java and SQL.  But one thing I haven't taught you yet, is how to put your knowledge of SQL into Java.

    That's what I'll be teaching you throughout these Hibernate (persistence framework) tutorials.

    And if you haven't guessed it already, Hibernate is a persistence framework that you can use in Java.  It's what allows you to write Java code (staying true to Object Oriented programming practices) and yet still be able to communicate with your database.  Cool eh?

    For more information on this, check out the show notes page via: howtoprogramwithjava.com/session50

    The SQL Subquery

    The SQL Subquery

    The SQL Subquery

    Now that you’ve learned about SQL Joinsaggregate functionsand the group by keyword, it’s time we moved on to our final topic in our SQL tutorial series. Today you’ll be learning all about SQL Subqueries, how to use them and when you should use a SQL subquery.

    So, what is a subquery?

    First and foremost, let’s get the jargon out of the way. A subquery can also be referred to as a nested query. It’s just like having a nested if statement in your Java code. Essentially what you’re doing with a subquery is you are constructing a regular old query (select statement) which could be run all by itself if you wanted to, but instead of running it all by itself, you’re jamming it into another query (select statement) to give you more specific (filtered) results.

    What’s very important to note here is that the SQL subquery can almost always be re-written as a join with a whereclause attached to it.

    More info on this via http://howtoprogramwithjava.com/session49