
    Inner Green Deal - the human dimension of sustainable leadership

    Welcome to the Inner Green Deal podcast where we talk to inspiring guests about the human dimension of sustainability and explore the link between our personal journeys and the positive impact we can have on the world. Hosted by Tamsin Walker.
    enInner Green Deal gGmbH30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    Introducing season 2 with Jeroen and Tom | S2trailer

    Introducing season 2 with Jeroen and Tom | S2trailer

    In this intro episode to season 2, Jeroen welcomes Tom as the new host for this season. Together they reflect on releasing the podcast while the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 is taking place in Glasgow. They also hint at the changes we will see in the course of season two.

    Season two will feature 8 inspiring guests (and a new original soundtrack!)

    1. Episode 1 with Dianne Dain Chief Innovation Officer world humanitarian forum, founder COPXX release on Wednesday November 3rd
    2. Episode 2 with Marcel Beukeboom Climate Envoy of the Netherlands (up to July 2021)Now Dutch Representative to the UN in Rome release on Wednesday November 10th
    3. Episode 3 live from COP26 EU Side Event at COP26 recorded on November 10 with Eva Karlsson, CEO Houdini sportswear,  including panel discussion of COP26 event together with Eva Karlsson, Christine Wamsler, Lund University Center for Sustainable Studies and Clara de la Torre, Deputy Director General DG Climate Action at the EU Commission.Release on Wednesday November 17th
    4. Episode 4 with Prof. Volker Quaschning Prof. of renewable energy systems, University of Applied Sciences Berlin Release on Wednesday November 24th
    5. Episode 5 with Matthias Berninger Global Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Bayer release on Wednesday December 1st
    6. Episode 6 wiith Heather Grabbe Executive Director of the Open Society European Policy Institute, release on Wednesday December 8th
    7. Episode 7 with Matthew Scott Senior Director, Climate and Resilience Hub at Willis Towers Watson, release on Wednesday December 15th
    8. Episode 8 with Satish Kumar Peace activist, founder of Schumacher college, editor of Resurgence magazine for 43 years. Release on Wednesday December 22nd

    About the Inner Green Deal Initiative: The Inner Green Deal podcast, the podcast for exploring compassionate and sustainable leadership, is an initiative of Awaris and the Inner Green Deal initiative. If you would like to support us or start a dialogue, please reach out to us here. 

    Reflective questions: This season we will invite you in every episode  to reflect together with us on some questions. You will find these questions transcribed here in the show notes.

    Resources: Whenever we talk about a specific initiative, mention a reference or reflect on something that inspires our guest, we will supply you in this section with links directly to the resources on the web.

    Intro song "the Inner Green Deal" by WayUpNorth Made with compassion and active hope. from Brussels, Cologne and Hamburg, your team of the Inner Green Deal podcast.

    Is sustainability realistic? with Fernando Garcia | S1E8

    Is sustainability realistic? with Fernando Garcia | S1E8

    Liane asks Fernando Garcia about the state of our planet and whether sustainability is a realistic focus. 

    Should we hold on to a belief that we can live in a sustainable way with 8 billion people on this planet – or should we start thinking about the possibility that this may not be realistic – and start reflecting on what is truly worth saving, what we need to let go off and what we need to come to terms with?

    Fernando is a former Director of Health and Wellbeing at the European Commission. While is not a scientist he is one of the most informed citizens I know. Since he retired two years ago, he has been attending and facilitating retreats where he explores how we relate to nature.

    In this podcast he raises some tough questions but also offers answers that not only present a more realistic future but also one that is more enjoyable and in connection with our ourselves and with nature.

    This is the final episode of our first podcast season. We look forward to continuing this journey together. 

    For the next season we will open up the podcast platform to new facilitators and guests. If you want to join our podcast team or be an occasional contributor, send a message to jeroen.janss@awaris.com – we would love to hear from you!

    Equally as we are all volunteers, we would welcome financial donations to cover the costs and support the ongoing functioning of our podcast.

    Anyhow, we loved making this first podcast season and look forward to continue the exploration together!

    For now enjoy this special episode with Fernando Garcia!

    About Fernando Garcia

    About Liane Stephan

    Interested to contribute to the Inner Green Deal podcast? Send a mail to Jeroen Janss of the Inner Green Deal Initiative via jeroen.janss@awaris.com. Thank you! 

    Will technology be a true accelerator of the green transition? with Parham Vasaiely | S1E7

    Will technology be a true accelerator of the green transition? with Parham Vasaiely | S1E7

    In this episode Liane is talking to Parham Vasaiely about the role of technology in the green transition.

    Parham is the Global director for Advanced Safety and Autonomous Driving at a large technology company. In addition, Parham is a Global Advisory Board Member to the United Nations on the topic of technology and innovation. 

    And to complete the list, he was the former Chair of the Private Sector and Workplace charter of the British All-Party Parliamentary Group on Mindfulness.

    Liane asks Parham about the role of technology in the green transition and what is a helpful mindset given today’s complex and interconnected economy.

    I encourage you to listen to Parham’s responses as he talks about his own leadership journey, and what helped him to broaden his perspective and be more effective as a leader.

    About Parham Vasaiely

    About Liane Stephan

    Are you ready for a green career? with Louise Tideman | S1E6

    Are you ready for a green career? with Louise Tideman | S1E6

    Louise Tideman is 29 and works at NGO "WeForest".

    I ask Louise what it takes for a young person to have impact in purpose driven organisations that are led by really committed people with obviously more skills and experience than those that start out.

    What obstacles did she had to overcome and what lessons did she learn?

    As you probably can tell from the interview, it was a joy to meet Louise as she was not only one of the friendliest people I met - but also one of those rare persons that are willing to share their insecurities and the ways to over come them.

    So enjoy listening to Louise and this week’s episode of the Inner Green Deal Podcast. 

    About Louise Tideman

    About WeForest

    About host Jeroen Janss

    What if Trump wins again? The role of Compassion in politics with Bryan Welch | S1E5

    What if Trump wins again? The role of Compassion in politics with Bryan Welch | S1E5

    In this special episode, I am talking to Bryan Welch, leading publisher on sustainability, CEO of mindful.org and committed rancher from Kansas.

    I ask Bryan how he feels if Donald Trump were to win and what a contested election means for America.

    Knowing the system from the inside he points to the divisions that he has seen deepening over the years and the media and vested interests that have played a role in that.

    Yet despite the challenging outlook, Bryan also sees many positive developments and talks about the millions of people that discover the power of compassion – a quality that he sees not only as distinctively human - and grounding - but also as critical at a time of societal division, environmental mass extinction and climate change. 

    So take a deep breath and listen to Bryan’s wisdom while the reality of the US elections slowly unfolds.

    More about Bryan Welch at Mindful.org

    Host: Jeroen Janss - Inner Green Deal Podcast

    From färm to fork: what is changing? with Lionel Wauters | S1E4

    From färm to fork: what is changing? with Lionel Wauters | S1E4

    In this episode I am talking to Lionel Wauters, co-founder and chairman of Färm, a group of organic food stores. 

    I ask Lionel about the role of food in the green transition and the secret behind the success of Färm. 

    Lionel’s answers may surprise you. In particular when he talks about the organisation behind Färm and the way its founders invited farmers, customers, employees and other stakeholders to join their Board and take decisions together. 

    It is an inspiring model particularly at a time when Europe is debating the future of agriculture and struggling to agree on the substantial amount of change that needs to happen in the interest of all stakeholders - including our planet.

    Anyway, am sure you will be intrigued by Lionel and think of this episode next time you enter a foodstore.

    Färm website

    About Lionel Wauters

    What role do mindsets play in sustainability and climate action? with Prof. Christine Wamsler | S1E3

    What role do mindsets play in sustainability and climate action? with Prof. Christine Wamsler | S1E3

    Christine Wamsler is Professor at Lund University Center for Sustainability Studies in Sweden.

    She is at the forefront of research on the human qualities that are essential for sustainable climate action and has over 20 years of experience working in sustainable development, risk reduction and climate adaptation. 

    She has led many international projects and has published more than 200 academic papers, articles and books.

    But beyond the academic credentials, Christine is a remarkable person. Having been on the ground in areas struck by hurricanes and other extreme weather events, Christine’s interest and understanding of human behaviour is profound.

    From the conversation with Christine you will get an unusual amount of insight on how our inner qualities – such as awareness, openness and compassion – relate to pro-social behaviour and climate action in particular. 

    So let’s listen to Christine and her profoundly human vision of climate action.

    For more information on Christine's work, go to:

    -  Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program: overview of research on the role of inner dimensions in transformation and sustainability. Two specific research projects referred to in the podcast: TransVision and Mind4Change.

    - Christine’s profile at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS).

    How will the European Green Deal change our lives? With Bernd Biervert | S1E2

    How will the European Green Deal change our lives? With Bernd Biervert | S1E2

    Bernd Biervert is Head of Unit at the European Commissions’ Research & Innovation Directorate.

    I ask Bernd about the scope of the European Green Deal and what we can expect over the next 5 to 10 years. 

    From Bernd’s replies you get a glimpse of what it takes to bring change at societal level. Which is fascinating. 

    In the media there is a tendency to glorify entrepreneurs who address specific needs some of which are social, which is of course wonderful but it’s becoming clear that we need large-scale systemic change to address systemic problems.

    And this is the terrain of the European Commission. The Commission initiates laws, regulations and fiscal policies that drive systemic change across the Continent. 

    The question is, can it do so fast enough and can it convince leaders of Member States to embrace the necessary change?

    Listen to Bernd as he talks about the vision, the courage and the endurance that is needed to drive systemic change.

    For more on the EU and the European Green Deal go to:

    Can we expect a revolution from the young? with Matthew Pye | S1E1

    Can we expect a revolution from the young? with Matthew Pye | S1E1

    Matthew Pye is an author, philosophy teacher and founder of a number of Climate Action Initiatives.

    Working at a European School in Brussels, I ask Matthew about the role of the young and how their impact is evolving.

    This is a special episode not just because it is the first in a new series but because Matthew so clearly describes the inner dimension of Climate Action. 

    Why it pays to go beyond the rhetoric and why uncovering the truth – not just the facts - but what we deep down feel to be right and truthful is ultimately what makes the difference and gives us the drive and the courage to confront and change. 

    So be curious as Matthew shares his vision and kicks off the Inner Green Deal Podcast.

    For more information on the books and initiatives of Matthew go to:

    Introducing the Inner Green Deal Podcast | S1intro

    Introducing the Inner Green Deal Podcast | S1intro

    What if the most powerful response to the climate crisis is how we as humans behave and collaborate? 

    This podcast explores the human dimension of Climate Action. 

    A lot is being done on the outer level: science, technology, finance. But how about the inner human dimension? What is it that we need to learn as humans? How come that – despite the urgency and all the evidence – we somehow don’t change. 

    Hosts Liane and Jeroen introduce the topic and talk about who they will interview during this first season.

    Episode 1 will be launched on October 8th. Subscribe in advance so you don't miss it!