
    Jim's DoughfortheDream Podcast

    IT IS ALL ABOUT GETTING FINANCING FOR YOU AND YOUR PROJECT - YOUR DREAM. Jim enjoys helping entrepreneurs make things better and make things happen. After working for years in a family small business then later successfully as a small business lender at two different billion dollar banks, Jim has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs start a business, buy a franchise, acquire an existing business, buy commercial real estate, refinance, improve cashflow, find working capital, etc. Jim loves to help people find ways to finance their dream - the American dream - to be their own boss or own their own business. When the banks say no, entrepreneurs still have other choices and alternatives. One of Jim's goals is show these alternatives to business owners so they can fund the business, make it happen and accomplish their dream - to find dough for the dream! www.doughforthedream.com www.doughforthedreamblog.com You can purchase products at http://www.doughforthedream.com/store/
    en-usJim Frey38 Episodes

    Episodes (38)

    No. 18 - Making career choices - Are you where you want - or where someone else?

    No. 18 - Making career choices - Are you where you want - or where someone else?
    We've all made choices about a job or career for lots of different reasons. Maybe we stumbled upon the job, maybe we just needed money and it was the job available, maybe it is a career that you love and that you're passionate about. Ask yourself this question: "Are you where you want - or where someone else wants? Where you felt society pushed you? Was it a case that you following in someone's footsteps just because? A family business? Where you thought your were 'supposed' to be? Or where is it that you are passionate, enthusiastic?" As yourself why you're doing it? What are the reasons? Contribution? Freedom? Family? Find the why and the how will follow. Jim Frey jim@doughforthedream.com

    Episode 17 - Update - New things in financing for April 2010

    Episode 17 - Update - New things in financing for April 2010
    Hello. Here is a quick update for the first week of April 2010. www.doughforthedream.com free ebook about financing alternatives www.doughforthedream.com/store/ - useful books, CD, about ways to finance your commercial project or business. www.doughforthedreamblog.com - free blog about business financing www.doughforthedream.podomatic.com - the website for podcasts just like this one! email me at jim@doughforthedream.com

    Episode 16 - Quick lines! - Accounts Receivable / asset based lines and lending

    Episode 16 - Quick lines! - Accounts Receivable / asset based lines and lending
    Accounts receivable credit lines work by you pledging to sell your invoices or receivables to a “factor” or a bank at a small discount, the invoices to your customers for accounts receivable can then be exchanged into a type of “credit line” for immediate cash usage. This is very handy for businesses that need working capital and don’t have the time to wait for their paying customers to pay their net term invoices. In addition, you are offered flexibility since you’re only borrowing what you only need. A number of banks offer credit lines as part of their accounts receivable financing package. Usually credit lines are matched with the size of businesses the factor desires to attract. Factoring companies are more aggressive but also a little more expensive. Jim Frey jim@doughforthedream.com

    Episode 15 -Update - New Small Business Credit Score from Experian.

    Episode 15 -Update - New Small Business Credit Score from Experian.
    For the past two or three years, banks and lenders have said they are unsure of the market and uncertain about the stability of small business. This has not been a good thing for small business lending. Experian announced today that they are rolling out a new Scoring System that allows them to better evaluate Small Business Credit Risk. The program is call Small Business Credit Share(SM) financial acquisition score. Hopefully it will relax bank and lenders by taking away the uncertainty and free up more money, loans, and lending to small businesses! Please visit doughforthedream.com for more info at no cost. Or visit my blog at www.doughforthedreamblog.com To purchase great information on financing, go to doughforthedream.com/store/

    Episode 14 - Loans that "Can't Be Done"? Or can they?

    Episode 14 - Loans that "Can't Be Done"? Or can they?
    Jim discusses a few examples of loan projects that, even in this economy and even though they aren't favorites of most lenders, are still getting financed! These examples are mostly in the hotel industry but they show you, the entrepreneur, how any deal can be funded using different strategies. In this podcast he shows how Hard Money, Bridge Loans, Mezzanine Lenders, Hedge Funds, and the SBA loan 504 program can help finance hotels - or other "tough" deals. There are ways to still finance your project. www.doughforthedream.com Helpful products at www.doughforthedream.com/store/ Blog at www.doughforthedreamblog.com Contact Jim direct and ask questions! jim@doughforthedream.com 724.238.9799

    Episode 13 - SBA Update

    Episode 13 - SBA Update
    Breaking News! NAGGL reports 7(a) and 504 Fee Reductions/Waivers and the 90% 7(a) guaranty will be extended to April 30th. The House and Senate passed the extension yesterday. "NAGGL expects President Obama to quickly sign the legislation into law." That means SBA borrowers will pay less in fees (roughly $13,500 on a $500,000 SBA 7a loan) It also means that banks will have a larger guaranty (typically 75%, now 90%) so banks hopefully will be able and willing to take a bigger risk on loans of all kinds. www.doughforthedream.com www.doughforthedreamblog.com jim@doughforthedream.com - 724.238.9799

    Products - http://www.doughforthedream.com/store/

    Products - http://www.doughforthedream.com/store/
    People ask me if I sell anything - I try to give away lots of good information here on Podomatic and on my blog and I'm told they want more. I am adding information and products to my "store" all the time. Feel free to visit. Do you want to see a specific product or service not shown? Let me know ! jim@doughforthedream.com http://www.doughforthedream.com/store/

    Episode 11 - Did You Have A Bad Day?

    Episode 11 - Did You Have A Bad Day?
    Did you have a bad day recently? Maybe even today? Maybe it was something on the news, something at work, the weather, etc. etc. We all have bad days to different degrees. Our goal is to have much less of them. Here are some ways to think, act, and hopefully reduce the number of bad days, and even the 'badness' of today. I hope you have a good day today! www.doughforthedreamblog.com - more good articles www.doughforthedream.com - no charge ebook http://www.doughforthedream.com/store/ - products for sale

    Episode 10 - Be Your Own Banker - Finance Yourself - Finance Others - Infinite Bank

    Episode 10 - Be Your Own Banker - Finance Yourself - Finance Others - Infinite Bank
    Hello. I am here to find you tools and strategies about how I can make your life easier, how you can get some money to finance your dream of owning or improving your own business, and giving you alternatives to financing..... ...this podcast is a simple yet powerful way for you to finance purchases like your next car, or payoff your credit card debt, or earn interest income by lending money to others. There is a method and structure to set up a certain type of policy which allows you to become your own bank. You could start a business, buy a business, finance real estate, pay off debts, purchase new things using this method. It definitely can improve your life - whether it is business or personal. This will be part one of a two part series. Listen up and take notes!

    Episode 9 - Give Money and Get A Whole Lot Back - Charities and You #1

    Episode 9 - Give Money and Get A Whole Lot Back - Charities and You #1
    Most of my blogs at www.doughforthedreamblog.com and my ebook at doughforthedream.com is about getting financing for your business and making the dream happen. But I want to talk about using your dough for some other good stuff too. While America is all about making the dream of owning your own business happen and being successful (dough for your dream!), America is also about people being charitable, helping others, helping other countries, and being a leader. With that in mind, I wanted to pause about the financing "stuff" and talk about giving. Now we are all a little tight these days with our money due to the economy. Maybe we don't always think about giving but we should give more - and regardless of our situations I think we all can. I'm here to tell you that I think that when you give, even if just $10, it puts you in a better state of mind. You can afford to give, there isn't so much scarcity, you're focusing on others and giving. When we focus just on ourselves and worry about money, scarcity, and not having enough, where the next check is coming from etc., ...we disempower ourselves. Giving helps others and helps us. Please listen - and provide feedback and other good charitable ideas!

    Episode 8 - Cash money in your company - another way of finding money

    Episode 8 - Cash money in your company - another way of finding money
    I am all about trying to find alternative ways for you to find money for your company. Maybe its an SBA loan, Accounts Receivable financing, leasing, whatever. But what if I told you that you can find about $150,000 or more INSIDE your own company, as long as you fit some guidelines? If your company buys $1,000,000 or more of office supplies, Cost of Goods sold, materials, services, landscaping, janitorial, etc. COMBINED - or if you have about 100 employees or more, you typically can save 15-20%. There are companies that come in, study what you buy and how you buy it, then they go back to your suppliers and renegotiate the SAME EXACT PRODUCT and SPEC and also get one or more other suppliers to bid the SAME EXACT PRODUCT and SPEC. You choose which ones you want to use and you can start saving. You only pay a percentage of what you save, and only IF you save it. If there aren't savings, you don't pay. This is a terrific way for struggling companies to 'turn around'. It also can help strong companies expand and grow more. Imagine finding 15-20% more in the company you have buying and using the same products and services!

    Episode 7 - Creative Seller Note ideas

    Episode 7 - Creative Seller Note ideas
    When you buy (or sell) a business or real estate, there are some ideas you should know about when it comes to seller notes. First, if you use seller notes, it can make the deal more competitive, banks will be more willing to work with the structure, and you can offer more flexibility. Now when you use seller notes, there are some neat ideas and programs out there you should know to make it better for all involved and give you the edge.

    Episode 6 - Accounts Payable Financing - what to do when you're past due?

    Episode 6 - Accounts Payable Financing - what to do when you're past due?
    Sometimes the time you need financing most, you might not get it. If you owe a vendor or supplier, especially one you want to continue doing business with, what do you do if you get behind? Should you try to get financing, pay the supplier or just walk? Well, if you want to do business again with that supplier, you'd better pay or work it out. Certainly your business credit score, the D&B, is important and you need to concentrate on how payable affect that. OK, so you're a little behind. Your suppliers are yelling, but you still need suppliers. You apply at the bank and you don't have success. What now? Accounts Payable financing is available. Often for a fee upfront, specialized firms can provide 100% financing for your payables due to your creditor - or they can step in and negotiate with your suppliers for a reduction in the payables due. Suppliers would prefer to be paid in full, certainly but they'd also prefer a partial payment rather than no payment - especially if you are going to continue doing business together. If you get behind, there are solutions. In this economy, suppliers are more flexible and they would rather keep the business moving rather than shut it off. Jim Frey - jim@doughforthdream.com

    Episode 5 - SBA ; the programs and process

    Episode 5 - SBA ; the programs and process
    OK, so you're heard about SBA loans - how they can help you start a business, buy a business, buy commercial real estate, expand, refinance, etc. But what are the main programs? What is the process? I try to explain here what the two main programs are; the 7(a) and the 504. I talk about how most lenders/banks look at a business, the cashflow, and you personally - in everyday language. Then I explain the timing and application process for the financing. The process always seems a bit overwhelming to people at first but once they heard it and start moving ahead, it isn't so bad. Get that momentum going. Listen up, and thanks! Jim Frey - doughforthedream.com and doughforthedreamblog.com

    Episode 4 - Using your 401k or IRA to finance your business or startup

    Episode 4 - Using your 401k or IRA to finance your business or startup
    Did you know that you can use your 401k, IRA, and other retirement accounts to start, buy, or expand a business? Real estate? Without putting a loan against the funds and without paying taxes or penalties, there are multiple firms that will ROLLOVER the funds and you can use for business operations, start ups, purchases, etc! You have alternatives ! In today's world where banks are tough, values are low, and things are tighter, why not invest in yourself? Forget about getting qualified. Go make it happen! www.doughforthedream.com and www.doughforthedreamblog.com

    Episode 3 - Buy a business without a bank loan - alternative acquisition financing!

    Episode 3 - Buy a business without a bank loan - alternative acquisition financing!
    I enjoy helping people finding solutions with their business or with their dream of starting a business. This podcast is about buying a business - business acquistions - and/or buying commercial real estate. Many times it is possible to finance a business acquisition or the sale/purchase of commercial land/buildings with SBA loans, conventional loans, etc. However, there is a great, flexible alternative especially if there is a lot of Goodwill, or if the bank doesn't "See" the right experience on a resume, if the buyer has poor credit, or not enough income. Or perhaps there is a business that has been strong but has some minor 'hiccups' and banks don't like it. Listen to this flexible system that is fair to both buyers and seller, allows some passive income if desired - and provides business brokers another way of selling a business. Thanks for taking the time!

    Episode 1: Intro to Jim and DoughfortheDream

    Episode 1: Intro to Jim and DoughfortheDream
    I love help people find financing for their business and find solutions. My podcasts are about helping entrepreneurs start a business, expand a business, refinance, purchase, increase cashflow - all things to help the American dream of owning your own business....I want to help you find dough for the dream. My podcasts will discuss start-ups, leasing, accounts receivables, loans, lines of credit, 401k and IRA financing, collateral loans, hard money loans, and many other alternative choices so you can make it happen. I also discuss some good marketing and branding ideas and the emotional aspect of business - you have to be driven (know why you're doing it), you've got to be passionate, and work with the end in mind - where do you want to be and what can you do today to get 'there". More free info at www.doughforthedream.com and doughforthedreamblog.com