
    Know Your Food with Wardee

    Wardee, wife and mom of 3, author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fermenting Foods", and lead teacher and founder of TraditionalCookingSchool.com, dishes up heathy, delicious, and easy family cooking with traditional methods, like sourdough and old-fashioned pickling. For links, show notes, and more, go to: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/podcast
    enWardee Harmon92 Episodes

    Episodes (92)

    KYF #133: 4 Traditional Cooking Time-Saving Tips (Part 1 of 6)

    KYF #133: 4 Traditional Cooking Time-Saving Tips (Part 1 of 6)
    Part 1 of 6. How do you do it? How do you juggle traditional cooking day without going crazy, without turning to non-real food, and while getting enough rest? In today's podcast, I'm sharing 4 of my own time-saving traditional cooking tips -- the exact same tips I follow to keep sane, healthy, happy, and rested. Please share your time-saving tips at the show notes: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/133

    KYF #132: Kids Cook Real Food!

    KYF #132: Kids Cook Real Food!
    Katie's family's meals were becoming boring, rushed, and often late. Life had gotten super busy. She'd stopped involving the kids in the kitchen. Her oldest son had been such a good little cook, yet his learning was stalled for four years. (Time flies, doesn't it?) The mom and teacher in Katie joined forces to turn that ship around! Here's how she did it... and how you can get free knife skills videos! Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/132

    KYF #131: 8 Tips To Help Picky Eaters LOVE Real Food

    KYF #131: 8 Tips To Help Picky Eaters LOVE Real Food
    Got a picky eater? God bless 'em, right?! Picky eaters can thwart our best laid plans for happy meal times. Today I've got 8 tips to help get your picky eaters on board. Because if they love real food, too, half the battle is won! Plus... the tip of the week! Visit the show notes for links, transcript, and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/131

    KYF #130: 5 Reasons I *Heart* Soups

    KYF #130: 5 Reasons I *Heart* Soups
    It's soup weather... A nourishing soup can soothe an upset tummy, help you get over a cold, and warm you to your toes. Here are 5 reasons I *heart* soups... What about you? Plus... the tip of the week AND you'll hear from members of Traditional Cooking School about the soups they're making (and loving) this season. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/130

    KYF #128: Listener Questions

    KYF #128: Listener Questions
    It's time to do another round of listener questions! Please keep them coming... Today's questions: Kombucha and candida, sourdough in a hot climate, subbing natural sweeteners, sprouting einkorn, Vitamix alternatives, which ferments have the most probiotics, and more! Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/128

    KYF #127: Our Birth Stories

    KYF #127: Our Birth Stories
    Our children are precious and we’re thankful for each one and each birth. God gave us wonderful births and healthy children, in spite of my poor diet (back then). I hope that today's podcast encourages you that every day presents an opportunity to get on the right path and it’s never too late! Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/127

    KYF #126: How One Chiropractic Visit Changed Our Newborn’s...

    KYF #126: How One Chiropractic Visit Changed Our Newborn’s...
    I gave birth to our son, our third child, at home in 1999. He cried quite a bit, so we wondered if he might be in some kind of pain. He had noticeable neck weakness. He couldn’t hold his head up straight, nor could he turn it side to side. This is the story of how one chiropractic visit changed his life. And ours... Plus, the tip of the week. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/126

    KYF #125: DIY Herbal Coffee Substitutes

    KYF #125: DIY Herbal Coffee Substitutes
    Coffee lover but shouldn't be drinking it? Meet Jessica. She's a coffee lover, too, and she had to give it up for her healing journey. But she really missed the taste and experience of coffee. So... she developed her own easy, tasty, allergy-friendly, and healing herbal coffee blend recipes. Even for fancy coffee drinks in your own home. Get the book: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/herbalcoffee Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/125

    KYF #124: Super Easy Food Preserving

    KYF #124: Super Easy Food Preserving
    Preserving the seasonal bounty is surprisingly easy. No need to slave over a hot stove and a hissing canner (though you can if you want!). So says Megan, the Creative Vegetable Gardener, and I completely agree. Here's how to figure out what foods you should be preserving and how to do it super easily. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/124

    KYF #122: Einkorn 101

    KYF #122: Einkorn 101
    Einkorn is civilization's first wheat, grown by farmers 5,000 years ago. It's healthy and tasty -- and my family has been exclusively baking with it for more than a year because we find it digests better and doesn't trigger seasonal allergies. Hear all about the differences between it and modern wheat in today's podcast with guest Jade Koyle from Ancient Grains. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/122

    KYF #121: Listener Questions

    KYF #121: Listener Questions
    It's time to do another round of listener questions! Please keep them coming... I love to answer and help you! Today's questions: what can be fermented, milk causing gas, mixing batches of kefir, heating kefir, where to start with traditional foods, and finding a fermented vegetable the family will like. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/121

    KYF #120: Grain-Free, Sugar-Free and Loving It!

    KYF #120: Grain-Free, Sugar-Free and Loving It!
    By the age of 40, Megan had been diagnosed with 5 serious health conditions, including arthritis, Hashimoto's, and other auto-immune diseases. Today? Megan is healed, thanks to a gut-healing, grain-free, sugar-free diet. Not your normal restricted diet, though -- no deprivation here! She and I sat down (in the same room!) for this chat to talk about her story and her approach to beautiful, feast-worthy, gut-healing foods. Plus... the tip of the week! Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/120

    KYF #119: Get Kombucha!

    KYF #119: Get Kombucha!
    Why in the world are people drinking (and loving) Kombucha? What does it do? And what's up with this thing called Continuous Brew? To answer those questions and more, you've got to meet Dave Lindenbaum, the man behind the #1 Kombucha site on the web, Get Kombucha. Plus, Dave wants to give you 50% off his custom tea -- link inside (first 500 orders only). Show notes and more at: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/119

    KYF #118: Listener Questions

    KYF #118: Listener Questions
    It's time to do another round of listener questions! Please keep them coming... I love to answer and help you! Today's questions: brine disappears in fridge, Paleo and Whole30 v. Traditional Foods, is milk bad?, nutrients multiply when milk is fermented, and probiotics in curds and whey. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/118

    KYF #117: Maca, Superfood

    KYF #117: Maca, Superfood
    Mark Ament has made it his life's mission to source the best quality, freshest Peruvian maca while keeping it as affordable as possible for all of us. He's doing a great job -- his maca is truly the best. I can feel the difference in my vitality and I eat it regularly in smoothies. Mark is my podcast guest today, giving you all the scoop on maca -- plus a coupon to save 10%. For links and more, visit the show notes: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/117

    KYF #116: How to Start a Local Food Co-op or Buying Club

    KYF #116: How to Start a Local Food Co-op or Buying Club
    Want to start a local food co-op or buying club? Look no further than John Moody! He's the guy behind the innovative and helpful Whole Life Buying Club in Louisville, Kentucky and he's the author of the Food Club and Co-op Handbook. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/116

    KYF #114: Is Your Bed Hurting You? Or Helping You Heal?

    KYF #114: Is Your Bed Hurting You? Or Helping You Heal?
    I know a lot of you struggle to get a good night's sleep. You may be waking up in more pain than when you went to bed. So, you need to find the *right* sleep surface - non-toxic, supportive, comfortable and durable. Can a bed really help you heal - instead of hurt you as you sleep? Yes, and here's that bed... Visit http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/bed or http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/114 for links and more.

    KYF #115: Nourishing Traditions for Kids

    KYF #115: Nourishing Traditions for Kids
    Did the book Nourishing Traditions change your life like it did ours? Then you'll be thrilled to hear there's another book in the NT line... for kids! (And we're giving away 3 copies!) I couldn't be more thrilled to share it with you -- yes, because of the gorgeous illustrations and beautiful kid-friendly layout -- and also because it's written by long-time Traditional Cooking School member and friend, Suzanne Gross. Visit the show notes for links and more: http://KnowYourFoodPodcast.com/115