
    Let's Have A Chat!

    Your dog has separation anxiety. Whines, and cries every time you pick up your keys. Your new cat is fighting with your older cat, and one of them is not using the litter box. Your horse is shying at the mounting block when she used to stand like a statue. Living with animals enriches our lives in so many ways, yet when they are confused or unwell, their behaviors become our concern. The truth is, in order to make themselves known, our animals express themselves through quirky, and sometimes undesired behaviors. When their communications fail to reach us they have to resort to demonstrative behaviors. When our animals “speak” to us we are given a choice: we can dismiss them as silly and goofy or we can choose to stop… and listen. By knowing how to listen to your pet, you will solve problems and be shown a world that is nothing short of miraculous. In this podcast, "Let's have a Chat," you will discover the secret to communicating with animals successfully. If your animal is your soul-mate, then listen in as Nicole Birkholzer, animal communication expert, author, and storyteller provides you with ideas to have a mindful and meaningful chat with your own animal to resolve quirky and undesired behaviors. Connect with Nicole at mindful-connections.com
    enNicole Birkholzer98 Episodes

    Episodes (98)

    #76 Getting A Natural Alignment

    #76 Getting A Natural Alignment

    I let the beautiful gleaming sunlight shine upon me as I took in the truly magical cloud formation. 
    And right then, a shiver ran through my body. From the top of my head down to my tail. I was realigning. Do you know that feeling? When your body does a little shiver? When energy runs up or down your spine?
    And then came the crazy bit. As I oscillated between "I feel balanced" and "kind of am ready to go back to my book," I got a message. “We do not have to make those moments so sacred that we don't feel they're part of our normal world.” Whaaaaat? 
    Listen to this episode to understand how you can get daily alignments of your nervous system.
    By following love and joy.

    Show notes available here:

    #75 Is Stress Stacking Up?

    #75 Is Stress Stacking Up?

    Like many older dogs I communicate with, why is our dog Scout suddenly more sensitive and reactive to energies?
    When I asked Scout, he told me, "Because our bodies are hurting."
    He explained that when their body hurts, everything else becomes ‘another thing’ that needs to be dealt with. If one has chronic pain, any little thing stacks on top of the stress caused by it. 
    So, what can we do for our animals? 
    We can look at the five areas that make up our life and reduce the stress and overwhelm. Listen in to learn more about how you can help your furry companions.

    Show notes available here:

    #74 My Dog Has The Shakes And Other Notes

    #74 My Dog Has The Shakes And Other Notes

    When I see Rollie shake,  I make eye contact, and with that, I say, I see you. If he does not reach out, I will offer him my hand so he can communicate with me. If he gives me a lick, I know he knows I know. If he is motionless aside from the shakes, I will put my hand on his neck and stroke slooowly down the spine. A beautiful way to remind him of his body.
    This podcast is less about the shakes and anxiety for Rollie or my dad but an insight into seeing and hearing others. Being seen and heard is the most powerful gift we can give. 

    Show notes available here:

    #73 We Have A Herd Schedule

    #73 We Have A Herd Schedule

    Due to popular demand … another pearl of wisdom from Bennett. 
    In one of my conversations with Kathy, it was now mid-summer, she told me that Bennett had gotten very assertive around the hand grazing. On the way to the barn, he pulled her toward the grass. Kathy's pulling back resulted in the classic push-pull situation in which no one wins. It was unusual how much effort he suddenly put into it. 

    When Bennett did it again the next day, Kathy got mad. What was up with this horse? Why was he suddenly so forceful? Kathy, who has also re-learned to communicate telepathically with animals, finally asked Bennett what was happening with him. And she was as surprised about the answer as I was. Listen in to hear Bennett’s explanation.

    Show notes available here:

    #72 More Details, Please

    #72 More Details, Please

    My friend Kathy and her horse Bennett rode up to the pole and parked parallel. Bennett came to a stop but got antsy the minute Kathy leaned over to get the jacket. He jigged in place, and nothing Kathy tried made him come to a quiet halt. 
    I told Kathy, "You know what, I don't think he knows why you lean off to the side. Have you told him?" 
    Kathy said, well, I always have the obstacle course in my mind, and sent him pictures of it. And I tell him before the ride what we do, like today we're doing obstacles."

    I felt Bennett was more particular. He needed details so he could be part of the exercise. 
    So I said to Kathy, "You got to give him specifics. Like, Hey Bennett, for us to get good scores at this obstacle, you have to stand still while I get the jacket."

    There is a place between "good boy, good boy, good boy" and a mile-long ramble.
    Find the golden middle. Did it work out for Kathy and Bennett? Listen to this episode.

    Show notes available here:

    #71 Your Body Your Gateway To Intuition

    #71 Your Body Your Gateway To Intuition

    Sometimes, a podcast just comes to me. I record, and then during the edit, I realize the power of the words behind it.
    This podcast, #71, tells you everything you need to know to start utilizing everything you have ... your Body, your Mind, and your Intuition. It's all here in a nutshell. If you are ready to live your best life yet, listen in!

    Show notes available here:

    #70 Half In, Half Out

    #70 Half In, Half Out

    Mr. Willoughby, the handsome Golden Retriever, sat up again, scooted himself over to the right to be near his person, and put his face into the man's hand. "Now he is concerned about you," I said. He wants to know how you will deal with losing him. He says that his leaving marks the end of an era. He had hoped to be part of the next move but realized it was time for him to move on, more precisely, out of his body.

    I asked Mr. Willoughby if he wanted to share anything with his person to ease the pain of losing him. 
    "If I release you, you can release me," the dog expressed. 
    "That is my gift to you. Mr. Willoughby continued. "You took great care of me and my sister. This is my gift to you, please accept it."
    Well, bring on the tissues ​as you listen to this episode.

    Show notes available here:

    #69 Who Knows You Best?

    #69 Who Knows You Best?

    Who knows you Best? You might have expected the answer … your animals know you best.

    I went out to feed the horses the morning of my leaving for a three-day trip to visit clients. I didn't like going away for more than one night, but ... two nights it was. When Shana turned her head toward me, showing me her left eye, I stopped. It was not only swollen shut, but it was the size of a golf ball. On my drive to Massachusetts, Shana popped into my awareness. With her came the words: "You can zip this whole trip up in two days." She showed me a visual of the map and the location of two clients I could cancel and, with that, shorten my trip. Listen to how the story unfolded and how our animals not only know us best but want the best for us.

    Show notes available here:

    #68 Teaming Up

    #68 Teaming Up

    No matter if you are a horse person or prefer smaller animals. This episode is for everyone who wants a peek into what it means to be a team player. Here are some gems from the episode.x
    Steam took me back to the jumping arena, where he had refused to ride with the young girl. He said, "I want to make the rider look good. That is part of my job. And I can't do that in that environment with tight turns and little time to gather myself up between jumps."

    Steam's person also mentioned that he had a little fit at a recent outdoor show while ridden by the pro. Steam immediately replied, "Yes, she was getting too serious." He showed me that he was sometimes a goofball. And that he sometimes had to let off some steam. So if his rider got too serious and held her breath too much in her chest, he helped her blow off steam by changing the energy with shenanigans.

    Listen to the episode to immerse yourself with me in more shenanigans.

    Show notes available here:

    #67 Synching Up

    #67 Synching Up

    And suddenly, I saw a dolphin, swimming along in the slipstream of the boat. Then a second dolphin popped up and jumped over the white-crested waves, the boat was creating. The first dolphin now arched over a wave and dove down on the other side, while the other sped up from his lagging position to catch the next wave. I was mesmerized. These two beautiful beings, one with the water. Arching over it, dropping into it, gliding through it.
    For a split second, I thought to grab my phone but didn’t. It’s always a choice in those moments. Do I want to be fully in the experience or do I want to capture it to experience it later on second hand?

    Listen to this episode and sync up with dolphin energy!

    Show notes available here:

    #66 Welcome Home, Everyone!

    #66 Welcome Home, Everyone!

    Before you leave on vacation, breathe deeply, explain to your animals what is going on when. And have a joyful heart as you drive out the driveway. 

    Fast forward. Depending on your trip, you will be utterly relaxed, super stressed, or something in-between as you drive home. In this podcast I share how I consciously integrated our family after us being apart for a long weekend. This podcast will inspire you to prepare yourself and your family for the homecoming from a vacation, business trip, or festivity.  

    Show notes available here:

    #65 Talk About The Why

    #65 Talk About The Why

    As you know by now, I am a big fan of speaking with your animal in plain old English. Talk to your animal in short precise sentences.Why?To give your animals a chance to wrap their minds around your request.
    We are not used to treating animals as a being that needs to understand. Nobody teaches us that. As a child, we might tell the animal anything, the how, the why, and everything in between, because we see the animal as our special friend and equal with whom we share everything. But as adults, we feel almost silly to talk to our animals that way.
    When I give my clients verbal suggestions to use with their animals, clients often ask me, “Do you want me to say that out loud?”YES, I do. I want you to explain and talk and share out loud what you are about to do, where you are going, and what is on the docket for the day. Now ... some animals, usually the confident ones, require a little extra step. They not only want to know what is going on but WHY?

    Show notes available here:

    #64 You Are A Channel Of Magnified Healing

    #64 You Are A Channel Of Magnified Healing

    I got an email from a dear client. Her horse, Gem, had sliced her leg, and they needed an emergency call to discuss the situation. During our call, Gem said, “Instead of coming with concern, my person can come to the barn and ask, “How do we activate the healing today?” 
    Gem explained, “You bring your knowledge (light therapy and Reiki), and I will bring my wisdom.” Amazing, right? 
    This horse basically said, hey, why don’t we focus on how to meet me and my wound in the now by saying, “How do we activate the healing today?” and then each gets to apply the tools, skills, and wisdom we have to make it happen. 
    But there is so much more to the story. Gem took us on tour through the Universe, showing us that healing power resides in you too!
    Listen in to open up your healing channel.

    Show notes available here:

    #63 Living With Bears

    #63 Living With Bears

    Scout and the bear had an invisible, energetic standoff. I quietly moved closer to see what Scout was looking at. Scout turned his head left to take one quick look at me. The moment he did, the bear ran out of the woods across the driveway, and down the embankment. Listen to more bear encounters in this episode.

    Show notes available here:

    #62 How Well Do You Know Your Herd?

    #62 How Well Do You Know Your Herd?

    Harry, the horse, spoke up.      
    He said, “You need to know your herd members well enough to know how to prepare them for clients.”
    Let me repeat what Harry said, “You need to know your herd members well enough to know how to prepare them for clients.”
    He continued, “Who do you take care of in the moment when the client and the horse both have needs?”
    Join me as I share more from this conversation in this episode.

    Show notes available here:

    #61 I Am A Cheetah

    #61 I Am A Cheetah

    When I tuned inThe first words that came out of the cat's mouth were,“I like my name. Because I am a Cheetah.” I said, “You are like a Cheetah?”“Yes,” he said, “like a wild cat.”
    Oh, the irony.
    Though I had seen a few pictures of him sitting on a sofa and a window sill, his person reported that Cheeto, his real name, mostly hid under the sofa. She had just recently rescued him from a local shelter. He was part of a hoarding situation. As his person shared this with me, I felt myself into the little guy. He was not small in stature, but he felt so small inside. More like a kitten than a cat. Especially a wild cat. 
    I asked Cheetah, who was now balanced, “Why do you hide under the sofa?”
    “Your house is too big,” I said to the woman.“He doesn’t know how to navigate this much space without his posse.” 
    Understanding the cat's point of view helped bring out the Cheetah in this cat. Listen in to understand what it means to adopt a cat from a hoarding situation. 

    Show notes available here:

    #60 Chats With Pigs

    #60 Chats With Pigs

    I don't get to chit-chat with farm animals all that often. Chatting with pigs and piglets opened my eyes to their utilitarian point of view and their deep compassion for each other. If you enjoy hearing the animal's point of view, this episode is going to surprise you. 

    Show notes available here:

    #59 Is It Time Yet?

    #59 Is It Time Yet?

    It is one thing to make the call to euthanize our beloved animal when the signs are clear. When the signs are wishy-washy, it is so much harder. We have to consider the level of comfort for our specific animal.
    In this episode, we'll hang out in the delicate space in front of the veil separating life and death. This space is sacred and fleeting. We do not get to hang out in it for long before things change. Having this moment, when the cat and her person shape their journey, is beyond valuable. It will allow for their relationship to come to a close while it is also a portal for what’s to come. 

    Show notes available here:

    #58 How to Live a Soulful Life

    #58 How to Live a Soulful Life

    In order to connect to the depth of the soul, we have to give the mind a break. These days our mind has so many opinions about everything. Have you ever noticed how your mind takes over?

    Let’s be real. I love a good mind, but too often, the mind is a party pooper.

    When we were young, our mind was an explorer. We were open and curious about the life around us. Nowadays, our mind thinks it knows it all. It is rarely curious. Let's change that.

    Show notes available here:

    #57 Can I Make Them Listen?

    #57 Can I Make Them Listen?

    Can I MAKE them Listen? Not really. 
    But, during our chat, we will learn about the reason behind a particular behavior and a way to resolve the behavior. Telling the animal to STOP or CHANGE a behavior is not a tried and true way to communicate in mindful and meaningful ways. Listening and adapting are paths to a great relationship. 

    Show notes available here: