
    Let's Have A Chat!

    Your dog has separation anxiety. Whines, and cries every time you pick up your keys. Your new cat is fighting with your older cat, and one of them is not using the litter box. Your horse is shying at the mounting block when she used to stand like a statue. Living with animals enriches our lives in so many ways, yet when they are confused or unwell, their behaviors become our concern. The truth is, in order to make themselves known, our animals express themselves through quirky, and sometimes undesired behaviors. When their communications fail to reach us they have to resort to demonstrative behaviors. When our animals “speak” to us we are given a choice: we can dismiss them as silly and goofy or we can choose to stop… and listen. By knowing how to listen to your pet, you will solve problems and be shown a world that is nothing short of miraculous. In this podcast, "Let's have a Chat," you will discover the secret to communicating with animals successfully. If your animal is your soul-mate, then listen in as Nicole Birkholzer, animal communication expert, author, and storyteller provides you with ideas to have a mindful and meaningful chat with your own animal to resolve quirky and undesired behaviors. Connect with Nicole at mindful-connections.com
    enNicole Birkholzer98 Episodes

    Episodes (98)

    #56 Stand In Your Animal's Truth

    #56 Stand In Your Animal's Truth

    As you know by now, I am sharing animals' voices, opinions, insights, and needs. In each phone session or barn call, each podcast I record, and each article I write, I am expressing something the animals have taught us humans. Because of it, we get to understand our animals better and have a perspective on their life we wouldn’t know without them sharing it with us.
    Experiencing a truth is one thing … standing in it and speaking it is a bigger task.
    Listen in as I share how standing in our animal's truth can be challenging, and also rewarding. 

    Show notes available here:

    #55 Horse Crazy Girls

    #55 Horse Crazy Girls

    If you are an adult and still love horses you probably have one. Or you work with horses, or you take care of horses. And, like so many of us, the moment we engage with horses as adults, we lose a little bit of the girl-like quality we brought to the barn when we were younger. 

    In this episode, I invite you to go back to that feeling and the energy you brought to the barn when you were young. I share how you can connect with the horses the way you did when you were young! 

    Show notes available here:

    #54 Do You Communicate With Animals?

    #54 Do You Communicate With Animals?

    I bet you are an animal communicator. You might not have a shingle out, but you speak with and speak up for your animals regularly. 
    Listen as I describe what we think of as animal communication (telepathic communication) and what it means beyond that definition. You might recognize yourself and feel affirmed. And … you might also hear a few ideas that will spark you to explore more and go deeper into animal communication.

    Show notes available here:

    #53 My Wild Life

    #53 My Wild Life

    ​In recent months, I have been driving up and down the highways quite a bit​ , and I would see five, six, seven, and sometimes eight hawks.

    One day, I told one of the hawks," I love it that so many of you are making yourself visible. And I wonder if there is a reason behind it?"

    The hawk answered, "We're friends along the way."
    With the words came feelings of heartfelt energy and a visual that showed me that the birds were aware of my driving back and forth. I was not alone. I had friends along the way. And so do you!

    Show notes available here:

    #52 Is Your Dog Unhinged?

    #52 Is Your Dog Unhinged?

    Instead of calling a dog aggressive, I rather call them unhinged. Being aggressive sounds like a personality trait. It sounds like a label … s/he is aggressive as if there is no other way for the dog to be.

    Unhinged means not being attached where it really counts, much like a door.

    It means the animal is unbalanced.

    And that means there are ways for us to help the animal to move from unhinged back to hinged. 

    To come back from unbalanced to balance. 

    Show notes available here:

    #51 Coping With A New Family

    #51 Coping With A New Family

    Snap, a Quarter Horse, had gone through a big transition. He had moved from one person to another and mentioned that a big change like this, changing his person, was something he needed to work through his body. He needed a chakra balance to fully integrate the past, present and new future into his body and energy field. He was ready to teach us about the importance of integrating life changes on a cellular level.

    Show notes available here:

    #50! Your Animal, Your Mentor

    #50! Your Animal, Your Mentor

    I love to connect with animals in profound and magical ways. I love that my dog is not just a dog, my horse is not just a horse, and my cat is not just a cat. They are my soul partners who I have conversations with. Who I love to hang out with, and who are my best friends.

    Your animals want the same for you.
    This is not a cookie-cutter mentorship where I put together some pearls of wisdom I gathered along the forestry path. No, this is your animals mentoring you because they know you best, they want your best, and they are the best to teach you. And I, the guide by your side, will add my decades of coaching, animal communication, energy healing, and plant medicine knowledge to facilitate a unique and specially tailored experience for you.

    Show notes available here:

    #49 Your Body, Your Animal's Guide

    #49 Your Body, Your Animal's Guide

    Do you wonder which blanket to wrap your horse in overnight? 
    Do you question which food is right for your dog or cat?
    Do you have two veterinarians to choose from and are unsure who is the best for your animal?
    Tune in and learn how your body can tell you everything you need to know.

    Show notes available here:

    #47 What Happened To The Treat?

    #47 What Happened To The Treat?

    As a pup, Scout and his siblings were found in a field in the South. Once, Scout showed me how he and his older brother caught mice to feed their mini family. It took an effort to get food.


    Hence, he sneaks good morsels out into the yard whenever he can pull one past us. We usually know when he walks in with a dirty nose. He will have dug a hole, dropped the morsel into it, and then pushed the dirt and leaves around to cover it up.


    One never knows when one needs a reserve.

    Show notes available here:

    #46 The Goat Who Didn't Let Me Go

    #46 The Goat Who Didn't Let Me Go

    Do you have an animal in your life because s/he didn't let you go? When we're open and curious and trust our intuition, even if the rest of the world thinks we're crazy about needing this particular animal in our life, we must trust those feelings. Because they lead us to profound connections. The ones that don't let us go are the ones that bring us home. Again and again. 

    Show notes available here:

    #45 The Truth About Cats & Dogs

    #45 The Truth About Cats & Dogs

    I explained to my client that it is essential for Wiz, the cat, to experience the extent of the message, “NO! Do not touch the dog.”

    hen we interrupt the behavior so the cat moves off, we need to give him a chance to think about it. If we pick him up because we feel bad, he becomes unsure why we interrupted his actions with the dog in the first place. The message is mixed. 

    Hey, don't do that.

    Move off.

    Hey, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to push you off.

    It’s confusing.

    But, if we allow our cat to go away so he can process the interactions, we give him a chance to learn. He will realize that you interrupted the behavior because you want him to mind his business. That's all you're doing. Like mama-cat would say, “Hey, enough with the shenanigans, I want peace in the house. Mind your own business."

    Show notes available here:

    #44 Processing Grief

    #44 Processing Grief

    Looking at the photos of the two cats, I immediately sensed that Maisie was the one I needed to focus on first. I sensed she was unhappy about the other cat Holly coming into her space. Holly felt like a foreign object in her life.

    The floodgates opened when the woman said that Maisie’s brother had died. A wave of loss and grief washed over me. When it ebbed, I felt a tiny sense of hope. Maisie had not given up that her brother would come back. I explained to her that, unfortunately, he would not come back physically. I felt how my statement crushed Maisie’s heart.

    Show notes available here:

    Let's Have A Chat!
    enJanuary 04, 2023

    #43 Ready To Retire? No!

    #43 Ready To Retire? No!

    This horse was not communicating.
    While the other horses had stood by the door, eager to get the conversation going, this particular horse was mum.
    After a few breaths, I asked the horse if he had anything to say about his situation. Another breath went by before he spoke up.
    “I do not understand why she would hire someone to talk to me when she knows the answer herself.”

    Show notes available here:

    #42 Expanding Into The Experience

    #42 Expanding Into The Experience

    ​The easiest way to get into the experience of life itself is by being with ​your animals. Watching your animals move through life wholeheartedly and guided by their body and instinct​ is your portal. Get inspired as Nicole guides you in slowing​ ​your mind​ ​so you can connect with your animals on their frequency.

    Show notes available here:

    #41 Vacations + Holidays

    #41 Vacations + Holidays

    Getting your animal prepared for boarding while you're on vacation is critical. In addition, getting your animal ready for a herd of family and friends arriving at your house is equally important. I am providing a few tips to get you and your furry ready for it all.

    Show notes available here:

    #40 Feel Into It

    #40 Feel Into It

    My grey mare needed a melanoma removed. From the underside of her tail. Understanding what Shana was about to go through, anesthesia, cutting into her tail, recovering from the overall and local anesthetic, and then healing an open wound that did not allow for stitches, I wanted to set her up for success. So I brought my pendulum, essences, and oils into the yard to check in with the herd. Who between Shana and the boys needed a Chakra balance? We had to be a balanced bunch to set our girl up for success.

    Show notes available here:

    #39 Be In The Experience

    #39 Be In The Experience

    Following ease and what your body truly desires is such a delicious and rare occurrence.
    The animals are directing us to experience the moment. To BE in the experience. To HOLD ourselves in the experience rather than letting our mind process everything immediately.
    For example, taking a picture of a moment and immediately witnessing it, or posting it - rather than experiencing it - keeps you out of the now. And with that out of the conenction. Let’s connect!

    Show notes available here:

    #38 Relationship Comes First

    #38 Relationship Comes First

    While it takes most of us about 30 minutes on a massage table to calm our minds so we can receive and enjoy a treatment, most animals are already there. The moment the energy comes their way, they receive it. Sometimes, within minutes they received everything they needed.
    What does that mean for professionals who are offering energy healing, body, or any kind of training to an animal?
    Listen in to get the answer.

    Show notes available here: