
    Let's Talk About It with Lori Streator

    Tune into "Let's Talk About It with Lori Streator" to gain a deeper understanding of mental health, and how it affects yourself and others. Solo episodes and captivating interviews will address common challenges, and share personal stories, insights and strategies for mental and emotional health. Collectively we'll uncover the tools you need to focus on YOU!
    enLori Streator100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Strengthen Your Relationship with Money with Financial Therapist, Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Strengthen Your Relationship with Money with Financial Therapist, Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin is a Financial Therapist here to help you strengthen your relationship with money. We talked about everything from exploring your money story to Lindsay's stance on whether or not money can buy happiness!

    Tag us on Instagram with your takeaways, and be sure to let us know what you would do if you won the lottery and had to spend it all on yourself! @LoriStreator and @MindMoneyBalance


    Lindsay's website MindMoneyBalance.com

    Grab a copy of Lindsay's book The Financial Anxiety Solution

    Bonus - Make sure you show proof of purchase and get your free training here


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    *Some of these links may be affiliate links. We may receive a small percentage if you buy something through a link, which helps support this podcast and being able to provide you with free, consistent content.

    Staying in Routine Even When You Don't Feel Like It

    Staying in Routine Even When You Don't Feel Like It

    Staying in routine when your mood isn't matching your efforts is not easy. But trying to dig yourself out of a hole is even worse. I want to encourage you today to stay the course of what you're working toward, and not let those moments in time throw you off track!

    Tag me on IG and let me know how you're doing! @LoriStreator


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    A New Approach to Mental Health with Holistic Psychiatrist, Dr. Ellen Vora

    A New Approach to Mental Health with Holistic Psychiatrist, Dr. Ellen Vora

    Dr. Ellen Vora is a Holistic Psychiatrist who's mission is to help people understand that there are options available to them when it comes to mental health. A large part of what Ellen does in her time with her patients is understanding what is at the root of the issue and helping to create a plan that treats them as a whole person, not just their symptoms. There are so many takeaways in this episode, you'll want to take notes!

    Be sure to tag us on IG with your takeaways! @LoriStreator and @EllenVoraMD

    In this episode:

    • how to get back in touch with your intuition & be more mindful of what we need to do to improve our mental health
    • 3 things we do that sets us up for poor mental health
    • what we all need in our homes to help us take care of our well being
    • how music can help you feel your emotions
    • & more!

    Resources mentioned in this episode ::

    Ellen's website A New Approach to Mental Health

    Untamed by Glennon Doyle

    Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

    Own Your Self by Kelly Brogan

    Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

    Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn


    Songs mentioned :

    Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Yola

    Chicago by The Staves



    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    ** Some of these links may be affiliate links. We may receive a small percentage if you buy something through a link, which helps support this podcast and being able to provide you with free, consistent content.

    Mastering Your Mindset

    Mastering Your Mindset

    Mastering your mindset isn't about having 100% total control. To me, it's more about being aware of your feelings & thoughts and then being able to willingly choose what happens next within your mind.

    I've been thinking a lot about this, so I want to hear your thoughts! Be sure to tag me with your takeaways on IG @LoriStreator and let me know what you think about working to "master" your mindset & your mood!


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Taking Control of Your Health with Naturopathic Doctor, Crystal Foresman-Landers

    Taking Control of Your Health with Naturopathic Doctor, Crystal Foresman-Landers

    Dr. Crystal Foresman-Landers offers her time and expertise today, and shares her perspective on health. As a Naturopathic Doctor, she empowers everyone to take control of their health! From the dangers of sugar to supporting our mental health with proper nutrition to encouraging parents to be role models for their kids, we discussed it all in this episode!

    Tag us with your takeaways @LoriStreator and @DrCrystal_ot_nd

    For more about Dr. Crystal & her practice, visit Living Tree Natural Health 


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Sometimes You Have to Borrow Someone Else's Backbone!

    Sometimes You Have to Borrow Someone Else's Backbone!

    Making decisions, sending emails, saying 'no,' setting boundaries... it can all be daunting at times. It's good to have people to call on; people who have "been there, done that." Sometimes we need to borrow someone else's backbone to send that email or to say 'no.' Sometimes we need some external motivation or "skin in the game" to make sure we follow through with what we actually want!

    Tag me with your takeaways @LoriStreator


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Being a Mental Health Advocate with Bipolar Boss

    Being a Mental Health Advocate with Bipolar Boss

    WARNING: This episode contains discussions about mental health and there are mentions of suicidal ideation, mania, depression and other mental health issues. Please listen with caution.

    Bipolar Boss is a well-known mental health advocate. She has been diagnosed with Bipolar and ADHD, and has faced many struggles along the way. Because of her determination to fight for herself, her healing and her recovery, she's a voice for so many. It was an honor to have her share her story... to anyone struggling with Bipolar or other mental health issues - KEEP FIGHTING!

    Tag us with your takeaways! @LoriStreator and @BipolarBossAdvocate


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Feelings Aren't Facts

    Feelings Aren't Facts

    Feelings aren't facts.

    I posted something on Instagram this week discussing feelings and received so many messages... Today I want to share some more info in depth with you about your feelings, using them to your advantage and understanding that they don't define you but CAN be used to provide you with direction.

    Tag me with your takeaways on IG! @LoriStreator


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Treating OCD and Body Dysmorphic Disorder with CBT Expert Kimberley Quinlan

    Treating OCD and Body Dysmorphic Disorder with CBT Expert Kimberley Quinlan

    Kimberley Quinlan is a sought-after therapist with an expertise in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She shares her education and advice about Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Body Dysmorphic Disorder and how she's using science-based treatments to get results with her clients. Most importantly, with this interview, she offers encouragement & hope to anyone who may be suffering with OCD or Body Dysmorphia!

    Tag us with your takeaways @LoriStreator and @KimberleyQuinlan



    visit Kimberley's website 

    Join CBT School



    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Managing Your Time with Certified Master Time Coach Lauren Cash

    Managing Your Time with Certified Master Time Coach Lauren Cash

    How we manage our time will determine what we accomplish with our day...and in life!

    Lauren Cash is a Master Time Coach with a spiritual twist. She adores helping procrastinating perfectionists become easeful entrepreneurs. Calendars, goals, and soul-aligned decision making are her jam. She believes in creating a life and business you don't need a vacation from.

    Tag me on IG with your takeaways! @LoriStreator



    Click here to grab your free guide to having an easeful inbox!


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Focusing on Yourself and Handling Change

    Focusing on Yourself and Handling Change

    Choosing whether or not to make yourself a priority is not a selfish act. It doesn't mean you're choosing yourself over others. Learning how to focus on yourself while in a difficult time helps you cope better and be there for for everything/everyone around you. Today we're discussing the reason you need to continue focusing on yourself during stressful times and how it can help you handle change. 

    The Fertility Journey with Reproductive Therapist Cathie Quillet

    The Fertility Journey with Reproductive Therapist Cathie Quillet

    Cathie Quillet is a Reproductive Therapist, helping her clients through the fertility journey. 1 in 8 women struggle with fertility and she's with us today to share her expertise in pregnancy, loss, relationships and everything women experience along their journey.



    Cathie's book - Not Pregnant

    website - Nashville Reproductive Therapy


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    How Are You Doing?

    How Are You Doing?

    How are you doing? I want to take a few minutes to check in with you...

    Tag me on IG & stay connected!  @LoriStreator


    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Entrepreneurship and Social Anxiety with Erica Lee Strauss

    Entrepreneurship and Social Anxiety with Erica Lee Strauss

    Erica Lee Strauss is a professional copywriter, Reiki practitioner and mental health advocate. Her Social Anxiety Disorder diagnosis has NOT held her back from pursuing her goals but has definitely created some challenges along the way. Today Erica shares how her social anxiety has impacted her relationships, schooling and work. She also gives some great advice for loved ones and friends who maybe know someone who struggles with anxiety/social anxiety.


    Erica's Meditation App

    Tag us on IG with your takeaways @LoriStreator & @EricaLeeXO


    Disclaimer: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know if struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the nearest appropriate professional.

    Perspective is Everything

    Perspective is Everything

    Your perspective during challenging times is what will determine how you feel when you come out on the other side. When we talk about it in terms of the Coronavirus crisis, we have to be attentive to our mindset and perspective. If we can focus on finding opportunity amidst the struggle and ask "what CAN I do right now," instead of focusing on the negative and what we CAN'T do, we'll be better off in the short & long term!

    Say hey & tag me on Instagram with your takeaways @LoriStreator

    Using EMDR to Treat Trauma with Therapist Keriann Long

    Using EMDR to Treat Trauma with Therapist Keriann Long

    EMDR has gained a lot of popularity in the recent years and today we're talking with Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Keriann Long about how she uses it to treat trauma. If you have any questions about EMDR or resources, please reach out to Keriann or Lori!


    EMDR International Association

    find an EMDR Therapist

    find an EMDR Therapist through the Parnell Institute


    Tag us on Instagram with your takeaways! @LoriStreator and @TherapyWithKeriann

    Keriann's website : Therapy with Keriann


    Disclaimer: This podcast is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the appropriate professional.

    Corona Virus and Stressful Times - Don't Abandon Your Mental Health!

    Corona Virus and Stressful Times - Don't Abandon Your Mental Health!

    Now is NOT the time to abandon your emotional and/or mental health. (Or your physical health, for that matter!) I want to talk with you about the Covid-19 crisis that's happening and what you can do to help manage your stress levels!

    Tag me on Instagram!

    If you need support, please reach out. Insurance companies are allowing for tele-health sessions if you can't get to your therapist or you don't want to go into an office. (I can only provide counseling if you're in IL, but there are wonderful providers available in every state!)


    Stress Hormones - What Happens in Your Body When You're Stressed or Anxious  

    OCD - Reality, Myths and Treatment with Dr. Menije

    OCD - Reality, Myths and Treatment with Dr. Menije

    OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, can significantly impair someone's day-to-day functioning. Dr. Menije offers knowledge about the disorder (including what it IS and what it ISN'T) and her take on how it's portrayed in the media and on reality tv. Yes, we even talked about the Kardashian episode!

    Dr. Menije is Licensed Psychologist in private practice in Los Angeles, CA. She has been treating OCD and OCD Spectrum Disorders since 2012. She completed the Behavioral Training offered by the International OCD Foundation's Training Institute. She utilizes Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP), which are both evidence-based treatments for anxiety disorders.

    Tag us with your takeaways on IG @LoriStreator and @Dr.Menije

    Resources :: 

    book - When a Family Member Has OCD

    book - Overcoming Harm OCD

    book - Freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    book - The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD

    book - Is Fred In The Fridge?

    International OCD Foundation

    CBT School

    Annual OCD Conference 


    Disclaimer: This episode is not intended for treatment purposes and is for educational use only. It is not to be used in place of therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to the appropriate professional. 

    *Some of these links may be affiliate links. We may receive a small percentage if you buy something through a link, which helps support this podcast and being able to provide you with free, consistent content.

    Are You Using Time As an Excuse?

    Are You Using Time As an Excuse?

    Time is the NUMBER ONE excuse we often hear when people don't get something done or are having a hard time working toward/reaching a goal. But it's not about the time. It's about the willingness to ACCEPT an excuse, HOW you use your time and the SECONDARY GAINS you get when you FOLLOW THROUGH with your schedule. If you're working on reorganizing your priorities and holding yourself accountable, this one's for you!


    Tag me with your takeaways @LoriStreator