
    Life Goals In Progress

    A motivational, daily-ish podcast to encourage you as you go after your life goals – in 15 minutes or less.
    enColey Lane Bouschet122 Episodes

    Episodes (122)

    102. The 7 types of rest. Which one do you need?

    102. The 7 types of rest. Which one do you need?

    I always thought rest mostly meant chillin' out and getting more sleep – but did you know there are seven types of rest, according to the book "Sacred Rest."



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    101. In a rut? Get off your freakin' phone

    101. In a rut? Get off your freakin' phone

    Real talk, I've been in a funk. I haven't felt fulfilled lately, and tonight, I finally did something about it and I'm feeling inspired on a whim to chat about it.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enApril 20, 2023

    100. How to boost your mood with the happiness chemicals

    100. How to boost your mood with the happiness chemicals

    Want to feel good? These happy chemicals are the way to get a natural mood boost. We're diving into how you can use oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin and endorphins to shift out of a funk.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enApril 18, 2023

    99. Is being consistent enough to reach your goals?

    99. Is being consistent enough to reach your goals?

    We often hear that being consistent is the biggest obstacle when it comes to achieving our goals? Consistency is important, but is it all that matters? Let's chat about another layer toward making your dreams happen.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    98. 4 things to stop wasting time worrying about

    98. 4 things to stop wasting time worrying about

    These annoying things are taking up your mental real estate that could be better used focusing on your goals & desires for your life. Let's cut the crap, bestie! xx



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes


    Life Goals In Progress
    enMarch 29, 2023

    97. How to use habit stacking in your content creation

    97. How to use habit stacking in your content creation

    Want to create habits around your content creation? Whether it's being more consistent or putting out better content, there are a lot of ways you can habit stack to make it easier, more productive & more fun!



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    96. Why you should step up to become like the people you admire

    96. Why you should step up to become like the people you admire

    Do you feel like you sabotage yourself when it comes to your goals and what you want by negatively comparing yourself and what you're capable of? Here's my perspective!



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enMarch 15, 2023

    95. Stop living for the weekends: Here's what to schedule for better weekdays

    95. Stop living for the weekends: Here's what to schedule for better weekdays

    These are the best plans to add to your calendar every week, so you feel like you have a full week instead of feeling like you're only working on the weekdays.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enMarch 13, 2023

    94. Behind the scenes of how I grew Life Goals Mag

    94. Behind the scenes of how I grew Life Goals Mag

    How we gained traction in building Life Goals Mag – the publication side of the business. 

    Grab your seat for the upcoming Pinterest Goals workshop.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enMarch 03, 2023

    93. March theme reveal + working through procrastination woes

    93. March theme reveal + working through procrastination woes

    Ready to GROW into our March theme? Super excited for Spring and all the new things that are coming our way. Getting super real with this one!

    Grab your seat for the upcoming Pinterest Goals workshop.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enMarch 02, 2023

    92. How to reward yourself with the habit loop (pt 4)

    92. How to reward yourself with the habit loop (pt 4)

    In order to make a habit stick, you need a reward. Here's what I recommend based on the habit loop!



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enFebruary 23, 2023

    91. Rules for your daily manifesting walk

    91. Rules for your daily manifesting walk

    How to start taking a daily 10-minute manifesting walk to change your life.

    The Spotify playlist

    The Manifesting Walk newsletter



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enFebruary 22, 2023

    90. How to swap out your old habits using the habit loop (pt 3)

    90. How to swap out your old habits using the habit loop (pt 3)

    In the third part of our habit loop series, we're digging into the "routine" part where we're adding in a new behavior into our lives. We're talking about how to use habit swapping to make new habits easier and the difference between low and high-effort habits.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    89. How to craft better habits with the habit loop (pt 2)

    89. How to craft better habits with the habit loop (pt 2)

    Our second habit episode in a new series to help you understand all 3 parts of the habit loop! We're talking about the first part of the habit loop: the cue. This is the trigger to support your new behavior! Here's how to make it easier.

    Get our ClickUp templates from our Etsy shop



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enFebruary 09, 2023

    88. How I'm upgrading my entire life (in 4 phases)

    88. How I'm upgrading my entire life (in 4 phases)

    The four steps I'm taking to upgrade my entire life – from my makeup, hair, wardrobe, routines, and everything in-between! And how you can do this too, by breaking it down into four parts.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    87. A simplified look at how habits actually work (the habit loop!) Pt. 1

    87. A simplified look at how habits actually work (the habit loop!) Pt. 1

    Want to build new habits this year? This month is full of tips for creating better habits! In this episode, we're doing a little introduction to the habit loop and how habits work, so it's easier to make them stick!



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    86. A beginners guide to manifesting what you want

    86. A beginners guide to manifesting what you want

    Want to learn more about the law of attraction and manifesting? Here's my not-so-woo-woo take on manifesting the life you want. Plus, resources to get started.

    Search for Abraham Hicks on YouTube for some awesome insights on anything you want to manifest. Also mentioned: Ask and It Is Given by Abraham Hicks, Jen Sincero's book "You Are A Badass" and Joe Dispensa for science-based manifesting tools.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    Life Goals In Progress
    enFebruary 02, 2023

    85. Habits i'm working on right now (+ how i’m making them happen)

    85. Habits i'm working on right now (+ how i’m making them happen)

    2023 Habits I'm working on right now to live a happier and healthier life. I'm currently working on upgrading aspects of my routine and this is an inside look at what I'm doing right now. What's going well, and what I'm still working on (and workshopping) when it comes to building a healthy & productive lifestyle.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    84. The one where I convince you to declutter this weekend

    84. The one where I convince you to declutter this weekend

    In this episode, we're talking about decluttering and how good it is for our mindset and goal-setting to start with a clean environment. I share about the 5th Yama in Yoga called Aparigraha that I learned from my yoga teacher, also known as non-greed or non-attachment. Let me know if you declutter this weekend! 💛

    Sign up for the Sunday Goalsletter


    • Head to lifegoalsmag.com for more personal development articles, resources, courses, and workshops for becoming your best self.


    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes

    83. Raise your standards to achieve your goals + my theme for 2023

    83. Raise your standards to achieve your goals + my theme for 2023

    Revealing my 2023 theme! Plus, let's talk about why your goals might require you to raise the standards you have set for yourself.



    Work with Coley:

    Song attribution: Justhea - Chill Vibes