
    Make Money as a Life Coach®

    Make Money as a Life Coach® is the only podcast that teaches coaches practical tools for becoming financially successful. Sales expert and Life Coach Stacey Boehman combines her sales experience and coaching wisdom to teach life coaches how to get past their biggest hurdle of making their first 2k and then taking their business to 200k and beyond. You’ll be amazed how quickly you can grow your coaching business if you follow Stacey’s advice laid out in this show! Visit https://staceyboehman.com to learn more.
    enStacey Boehman302 Episodes

    Episodes (302)

    Ep #271: Finding Connection on Consults

    Ep #271: Finding Connection on Consults

    In the busyness of our lives and businesses, it’s easy to go on autopilot on our consults. If you’ve fallen out of unconditional love for your people, find yourself judging, or come to your conversations with biases, you’ve probably found marketing, selling, and delivering to be really challenging. The truth is there is no life-altering transformation without connection, and that’s why this week, I’m helping you find it on your consults. 


    Hear why creating connection during consults matters and questions to ask yourself that will help you connect with your potential clients in a way that has you serving them at the highest level possible. Learn why this is impossible to do without deep connection and what to do if engaging with people in this way is a struggle.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #270: Fighting for Her Life to Creating the Life of Her Dreams with Shayla King

    Ep #270: Fighting for Her Life to Creating the Life of Her Dreams with Shayla King

    Shayla King is an executive coach who teaches corporate moms how to work less, make more, and design a life they love. She climbed the corporate ladder from a senior-level global manager all the way up to leading billion-dollar deals before deciding to become a coach. Her journey involved a near-death experience that changed her entire perspective on life and business.


    Hear Shayla’s thoughts on why she’s passionate about helping other working moms create a life they love and how to start. She tells us how her health changed the trajectory of her life and business, the most powerful coaching tools she’s learned, and her insights on creating a profitable business.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!


    Ep #269: Self Promotion in Facebook Groups

    Ep #269: Self Promotion in Facebook Groups

    If you’re self-promoting in other people’s Facebook groups, is it a conscious choice you’re making? Is it one you want to continue making, and do you stand by your reasons? If, like so many people, you feel ashamed of self-promotion or have even been removed from groups because of it, I want to emphasize this week that it’s 100% possible to succeed without it, and I’m showing you how.


    Learn about the highly damaging costs of self-promoting in groups with no-sales rules, and the red flags that might indicate you’re unconsciously doing this. I’m exploring what happens when you rely on other people to get ahead, how to build a larger audience on your own, and three ways you can succeed without self-promotion.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #268: Changes to Selling in 2024

    Ep #268: Changes to Selling in 2024

    What are you noticing among your buyers right now? Whether you’re overcoming objections more than ever before, or you haven’t observed any changes in your corner of the industry, there are some important considerations you want to make in 2024 when it comes to selling. 


    Discover four trends that are happening in the buyer’s mentality right now and what you might need to do to adapt to changes in your buyers' behaviors. I’m offering questions you can ask yourself to have the best selling year possible and sharing my tips for creating a clean, forward-focused mindset as you sell in 2024.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #267: Launch Zeros

    Ep #267: Launch Zeros

    I'm diving into something this week that has impacted so many coaches and continues to trip people up. You create a launch, put in all the extra work, time, and energy, and it is the best, most organized launch you have ever done. You knocked it out of the park in terms of planning and execution, yet none of it matters—nobody buys. It’s a zero launch. What gives?


    This week, you'll learn exactly how to deal with a launch zero or having lower numbers than you accounted for in your launch. I share how to develop the ability to recover from failure and how to learn from it so deeply that it energizes you.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #266: MVP: Creating Urgency to Buy in Your Business

    Ep #266: MVP: Creating Urgency to Buy in Your Business

    Most of the selling advice we receive says that we should create urgency and and give limited availability for future potential clients. While urgency does create a reason to buy, it isn’t essential in your sales process.


    In this episode, I show you the problem with believing that using urgency is the only way to get your future clients to buy from you, and some other ways you can encourage them to work with you. Learn why so many people are still using urgency as a sales tactic, the problem with doing so, and 3 great questions to think about when it comes to using this tactic.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #265: When to Lower Your Prices

    Ep #265: When to Lower Your Prices

    As business owners, we experience a variety of thoughts that keep us from feeling like lowering our price is a smart, strategic business decision. If you’re considering lowering your price but can’t see this as an exciting move, listen in.


    Join me on this episode to hear four times it’s appropriate to lower your prices, and how to let go of the limiting thoughts that are keeping you from embracing a bigger future for you and your clients. Learn what you must consider if your offer isn’t selling, how to create a price that’s easy for you to have belief in, and my own journey of lowering the price of one of my offers.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #264: When to Raise Your Prices

    Ep #264: When to Raise Your Prices

    January is a time when you may be considering the changes you want to make this year and what you’re going to do to hit your business goals. You might be considering raising your prices as a key part of achieving your revenue goals, and in this episode, I’m sharing my philosophy for doing so from my years of experience working with thousands of coaches.


    I’m unveiling the most common thoughts that people raise their prices from and why doing it from this mindset could backfire on you, how to create a ton of value as a coach, and an exception to the rule that is worth questioning for yourself. 


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #263: Personal Growth Years vs Revenue Growth Years

    Ep #263: Personal Growth Years vs Revenue Growth Years

    You can have a personal growth year, or you can have a revenue growth year. The thing is, you don’t always get to choose what kind of year it will be for you. But to know which one you’re in could potentially save you a ton of stress and emotional pain, so it’s time to discuss how to navigate both.


    Tune in this week to bring some clarity to your current experience in your business. I’m discussing my experience of discovering I was in a personal growth year when I thought I was in a revenue growth year, and learn how to navigate low-value cycles in your business so you can glean some goodness from even the most challenging year of your life.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #262: Marketing and Self-Acceptance

    Ep #262: Marketing and Self-Acceptance

    Is marketing bringing up a ton of self-criticism and self-judgment? What are you self-conscious about as you build up your visibility? How is rejecting yourself holding you back from showing up for your business? And how could cultivating self-acceptance be the antidote?


    Discover how self-acceptance gives you the energy to build visibility and serve your people. Hear how self-criticism is keeping you from everything you desire, my tips for cultivating deeper self-acceptance and self-love for yourself, and why doing this work allows you to hold acceptance and love for other people. 


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Ep #261: MVP: Top 20 Mistakes Coaches Make and How to Avoid Them with Olivia Vizachero

    Ep #261: MVP: Top 20 Mistakes Coaches Make and How to Avoid Them with Olivia Vizachero

    Olivia Vizachero is a former attorney turned life coach for lawyers and the founder of The Less Stressed Lawyer. In addition to running her coaching practice, she’s also a senior client support coach within 2K for 2K, which means she’s overseen over 22,000 questions submitted to our Ask a Coach platform, and she’s here to share hours of her expertise coaching on issues all coaches face.


    Hear the top 20 common mistakes coaches make and how you can avoid them. Olivia is offering her insights on why you’re not making the money you want right now, the power of a simple evaluation process, how you might be conflating meeting people with creating content, plus so much more that will help you grow further faster.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enDecember 27, 2023

    Ep #260: Finding Resilience and Saving Yourself

    Ep #260: Finding Resilience and Saving Yourself

    I’ve observed many people this year, along with myself, who have been in freeze mode for a variety of reasons. We’ve all experienced circumstances in our lives that feel heavy, and as a result, we haven’t trusted ourselves to make big decisions and take the actions that move us forward. In other words, we’re looking for someone to save us.


    I’m showing you what happens when you delegate resilience to someone or something outside of you, how to grow your belief and capacity to save yourself, and how doing this work will make you feel more confident than ever before to make scary decisions.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enDecember 20, 2023

    Ep #259: Making 400K Helping Moms of Children with Autism with Michelle Rogers

    Ep #259: Making 400K Helping Moms of Children with Autism with Michelle Rogers

    Michelle Rogers is an Autism mom and life coach who mentors parents of special needs children on all things Autism. She's had a 100% success rate in helping her clients build the foundational life skills that increase the chances of their children living independent lives. Michelle is the perfect example of why we all became coaches in the first place, and she’s here to share her journey with us.


    Hear how Michelle has made over $400K this year helping moms of children with Autism. She’s sharing her reason for pursuing this niche even though she’s an eight-figure earner in her full-time job, the thoughts that keep her passionate about showing up for her clients, and her advice for anyone struggling in the beginning stages of their business.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enDecember 13, 2023

    Ep #258: All or Nothing Thinking

    Ep #258: All or Nothing Thinking

    The most powerful version of you as an entrepreneur is one who doesn’t need to believe “it’s working” to keep going. No matter whether you’re massively succeeding or failing right now, what you need to access your highest power is a constant flow of information, and leaning on “it’s working” or “it’s not working” leaves you blind to all of it.


    Discover how the thoughts “it’s working” and “it’s not working” are forms of all-or-nothing thinking that are keeping you stuck, and why my evaluation method is the secret to coming back to neutrality and seeing the truth of your situation. You’ll also learn the difference between blind hope and informed hope, and how to train your brain to see what you could do differently.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enDecember 06, 2023

    Ep #257: What to Do When You’re Stuck

    Ep #257: What to Do When You’re Stuck

    Whether your brain is convincing you that there’s no way out of whatever you’re experiencing, or you simply don’t know where to begin addressing your stuckness, I’m offering you everything I know about how to get unstuck.


    Join me this week to learn my 10-step process for getting unstuck and how these tips will help you move the needle forward. Learn why being stuck isn’t the huge problem you think it is, how to reframe your experience of feeling stuck, and what you must be willing to do to address your situation, learn from it, and progress.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enNovember 29, 2023

    Ep #256: From Imposter Syndrome to Making 1/2 Million with Dr. Kimmy

    Ep #256: From Imposter Syndrome to Making 1/2 Million with Dr. Kimmy

    Dr. Kimmy is the CEO and founder of The Doctor Coach School, where she helps women doctors of color start, grow, and execute their coaching businesses. She spent her whole life masking her imposter syndrome until she faced a life-changing moment that altered the way she saw her purpose in life, and now, she’s on track to make half a million dollars this year.


    Tune in this week to hear how Dr. Kimmy pulled herself out of the depths of imposter syndrome and procrastination to help other doctors live a life of purpose. She’s sharing how the death of her mother sparked her self-coaching journey, the marketing secrets that have made her a ton of money, and how she balanced her career as a doctor while growing her coaching business.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enNovember 22, 2023

    Ep #255: Flight Nursing to Full Time Coach by Keeping It Simple with Janessa Dean

    Ep #255: Flight Nursing to Full Time Coach by Keeping It Simple with Janessa Dean

    This week, I’m speaking with my 200K Mastermind client, Janessa Dean. She is a coach for healthcare workers and first responders who transitioned careers from flight nursing to life coaching. As an overachiever, she needed to show herself that she could do less and make more, but it involved leaning into the discomfort of keeping her business simple.


    Hear Janessa’s journey of transitioning from flight nursing to life coaching and how keeping it simple has been a vital part of her success. She’s sharing some of the painful lessons she had to learn along the way, the importance of trusting yourself, your business, clients, and mentors, and how she’s continually practicing simplicity and ease.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enNovember 15, 2023

    Ep #254: High Value and Low Value Cycles

    Ep #254: High Value and Low Value Cycles

    As entrepreneurs, we will all inevitably go through high value and low value cycles. This is a normal part of being a business owner. However, I often see coaches who don’t understand what they are, how to operate within each cycle, and how to move through them, and it’s preventing them from cultivating the kind of consistent growth they’re after.


    Learn what high value and low value cycles mean, the defining characteristics of each, and, most importantly, how to get out of a low value cycle. Hear why there is no better business strategy than getting intimate with each cycle, and make sure to listen all the way to the end to hear my answers to FAQs about the 200K Mastermind.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enNovember 08, 2023

    Ep #253: Do Less, Slow Down, and Create More with Saren Eads

    Ep #253: Do Less, Slow Down, and Create More with Saren Eads

    This week, I’m speaking to my 200K Mastermind student and emotional wealth coach, Saren Eads. Saren helps women go after their big dreams while loving and enjoying their lives. She’s the perfect example of how keeping things super simple, doing only what’s essential, and being highly purposeful is enough to make 200K and beyond, and she’s here to share her story with us.


    Join us on this episode as Saren and I dive into what it means to do less, slow down, and create more, all at the same time. She is offering the thoughts she’s been practicing to do less while creating more, why embracing the hard parts of life and business makes your life rich, and how to keep the actions you take simple and purposeful.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!

    Make Money as a Life Coach®
    enNovember 01, 2023

    Ep #252: Consults When You’re Feeling Emotionally Wrecked

    Ep #252: Consults When You’re Feeling Emotionally Wrecked

    Dealing with people when we’re at our lowest isn’t always easy, but it can be more of a tool than you think. In this episode, I talk about the power of leading consults from an authentic headspace, knowing your value, and understanding your limits. 


    Join me in a safe and supportive space where your lowest emotions are welcomed. I want you to leave this episode with a little more hope, knowing that you can trust yourself to deliver even at your lowest - because sometimes, showing our humanness to clients is exactly what they need.


    If you want to start making serious money as a coach, you need to check out 2K for 2K. Click here to join: https://staceyboehman.com/2kfor2k!