
    Make More Work Less podcast

    TOUGH LOVE FOR BUSINESS is a podcast for business owners to get answers to the most important questions about owning and running a successful business. Hosted by Jackie Zach, Certified Business Coach for ActionCOACH Milwaukee, and Mike McKay, Partner and Certified Business & Executive Coach for ActionCOACH Milwaukee. We have almost 70 years of combined business experience.
    enJackie Zach251 Episodes

    Episodes (251)

    Everyone Can Build Wealth

    Everyone Can Build Wealth

    There is an abundance of wealth, enough to go around for everyone. The first step is to choose to do what it takes and commit to getting it. Choosing to do the things that are necessary with the exclusion of everything else. You too can have what you want, so what are you going to choose? 

    Interested in learning more about how business coaching can get you where you want to go? If so, take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    Breaking Through to the Next Level of You

    Breaking Through to the Next Level of You

    If you want to breakthrough to the next level of you, it will require a break-UP, break WITH, break DOWN or break APART from people, ideas, systems, or any area of your business. The pace of personal development is also partly the pace of your comfort zone and what the new you feels like. 

    Are you stuck and want to get to the next level of you? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    We Want to Interview You on Our Podcast!

    We Want to Interview You on Our Podcast!

    Do you want to grow your business 20% or even 30X? Do you want to work differently? Do you want a shortcut?  

    We want to hear your story to date! Get LIVE insight from top coaches and business owners, Mike and Jackie, on an episode of the podcast. 

    Do you have revenues above $1Million? Been in business more than 5 years? Have you been coached or would like to explore coaching? We want to share how the coaching world can help you on your journey. 

    Would you like to be interviewed and be on our podcast? Or want to take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business? Visit the link to submit your info!  https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    Delegation vs Growth

    Delegation vs Growth

    Leadership is about results, but how do you lead your team to get them? Delegation is “I want you to do it my way.”  Growth is asking for the results you want and allowing others to do it their way as long as it is legal, ethical and moral. The point of delegation is to allow you and your business to grow 20%, 30%, 50% or 10 times. 

    Are you doing the doing and want to lead instead? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    Point of Power

    Point of Power

    The point of power is now. Everything that happens to you is your responsibility. The first step to getting where you want to go can have challenges that causes you to be emotionally uncomfortable.  It has to be done to get to the next version of you. You can’t think your way through, you must feel it, do it, learn from it and adapt to it. 

    Want to get to the next version of you and your business? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    What is Perturbation?

    What is Perturbation?

    Perturbation is anxiety and mental uneasiness caused by getting out of the comfort zone of our current beliefs and values. Growth isn't easy. Getting out of your comfort zone and past perturbation creates the opportunity to change the phases we are in, which creates growth. 

    Do you need courage and confidence to get to the next level? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    Creating Goals That Excite You

    Creating Goals That Excite You

    If you have trouble setting goals, you are not alone. The secret sauce is about really creating goals that excite us and make us passionate to go for it. Listen as we discuss our own shift in goal setting and how that has changed how we view our purpose and our goals. 

    Want to create goals that excite you?? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    What is Business Coaching?

    What is Business Coaching?

    Ever wonder what business and executive coaching are all about? Listen as we discuss how business coaching is not about need,” it is truly about wanting to be better and have a better business. It is all about getting out of our comfort zone to reach the goals we set for ourselves and our business. 

    Interested in learning more about how business coaching can get you where you want to go in your business? If yes, take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    The Gap and The Gain

    The Gap and The Gain

    Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan is the topic for this episode of the podcast. Most people spend most of their time in the gap. The gap sounds like, “I should have”, “It didn’t pay off”, etc. Beating ourselves up for the past and comparing ourselves to the goal we didn’t completely reach.

    The gain is “look at how far we’ve come” and “let’s push ourselves forward and see what else there is.”

    Are you focused on the gap and would like to focus on the gain? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/ 

    Results vs Time

    Results vs Time
    Results or time are the two things you can buy from your employees. Paying for time is like an admin assistant or receptionist job, paying for them to be there. It is subject to piling on tasks to make that time productive.
    Paying for results looks like setting an objective to hit. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to hit that result. There is no path to results with working harder; it’s about working smarter to get the outcome, no matter the time it takes.
    Are you clear about the result you're buying from your employees? If not, it’s time to take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/ 

    Effective Management Using a Management System

    Effective Management Using a Management System

    Use daily lists to prioritize tasks to get to weekly, monthly, quarterly goals. We start with this to see what our direct reports see as priorities. Mike and Jackie discuss daily lists and LION meetings (Last week, Issue, Opportunity, Next week) to manage company objectives and become a better manager. 

    Are you a manager or have managers that could benefit from management training? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/ 

    How Do I Manage People?

    How Do I Manage People?

    Most of the time no one teaches us how to manage and hold people accountable. Listen as Mike and Jackie discuss managing people with the knowledge they’ve learned over the yearsClarity and communication are key.   

    Do you or your managers need to learn how to manage? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    Communication in a Family Business

    Communication in a Family Business

    Family dynamics and interpersonal relationships that have gone on for generations can complicate those communication channels. Listen as Mike and Jackie discuss how to improve communication in your business, whether it’s family-owned or not. 

    Want better communication in your family business? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    Finances in a Family Business

    Finances in a Family Business

    Pay in a family business is based on the roles each person plays, not based on equal ownership. An owner's pay is based on distributed profits of the business. The president and other company roles are based on market rate and commission. The employee roles that each member plays are based on merit and results. Listen as we discuss this fascinating and volatile topic.

    Do you have confusion around pay in your family business? If yes, take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/ 

    Conflict Resolution in a Family Business

    Conflict Resolution in a Family Business

    Join Jackie Zach, the Family Business Navigator and Mike McKay as we discuss family conflict resolution.  It is a unique balance between being family and running a business.  It impacts decision making, morale, and the growth of the business.

    Need some help with family conflict resolution to run a more professional business? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/ 

    The Professionally Managed (Family) Business

    The Professionally Managed (Family) Business

    Professional business owners are concerned only with choosing to own the asset we call a business or not and deciding what they want the return of that asset to be. The Board of Directors oversees which strategies to use, and the President or CEO is responsible for ensuring those strategies get executed. In many businesses, these roles are the same person or people. Listen as we discuss how to manage your family business professionally. 


    Is your business being professionally managed?  It’s time to take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! https://actioncoachwi.com/podcast-ask-a-question-complimentary-session/

    Long Term Succession Planning in a Family Business

    Long Term Succession Planning in a Family Business

    If you want a business succession plan to go smoothly, you need to know that it’s a 3-7 year process. In a family business, it may take even longer. Many family businesses only have one opinion and one set of experiences, namely their own. It can be wonderful or traumaticListen as we explore the ins and outs of family business succession planning. 

     Do you plan your business and succession with the same thoughtfulness that you would a vacation If not, now’s the time to start. Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business!http://makemoreworkless.actioncoach.com/mmwl-diag-and-questions/ 

    Defining Roles in Family-Owned Businesses

    Defining Roles in Family-Owned Businesses

    Is there ‘role confusion’ in your family-owned business? Are the roles clearly defined? Role confusion causes misunderstandings and miscommunication among family members and employees. Listen as we discuss how defining roles will help your family business grow.

    Need help defining the roles and responsibilities in your family business? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! http://makemoreworkless.actioncoach.com/mmwl-diag-and-questions/

    Formalized Processes for Family-Owned Businesses

    Formalized Processes for Family-Owned Businesses

    Is there a lack of formalized processes in your family-owned business? How things are done in a family business may be handed down from generation to generation. Is your business running on hope or running on systems, processes and decision-making processes?

    Is your family business in need of formalized processes? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! http://makemoreworkless.actioncoach.com/mmwl-diag-and-questions/

    Family Dynamics in Family Business

    Family Dynamics in Family Business

    In family businesses there is always the family dynamics along with business dynamics. How are the dynamics helping or hindering your family business? It is hard to navigate the emotions of the family members and may require the help of a family business navigator. Listen as we begin to discuss how to make the family dynamics in business better.

    Need help with the dynamics of your family business? Take advantage of a complimentary business strategy session to discover the opportunities in your business! http://makemoreworkless.actioncoach.com/mmwl-diag-and-questions/