
    Mistress Wellbeing

    Perfectionism? Imposter Syndrome? Anxiety? Workaholism? These are often the price for successful women. Come join me as I explore all aspects of psychological wellbeing so that you can overcome the 'four horsemen' signalling the road to burnout. Together we will do more than feel better, we will learn how to find joy and aliveness in every moment, so that work, family and relationships become vibrant, rich and rewarding.
    enDr Leila Davis100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Creating Vibrant Happiness

    Creating Vibrant Happiness
    Vibrant happiness anyone?
    I spent much of my early life in very negative, painful mental states.
    Joy was hard to find
    Contentment impossible.
    Even though externally I had it all.
    Here’s what I know now.
    Happiness is not something that only happens if you’re lucky.
    You don’t just trip over it one day.
    It’s not for the fortunate few.
    It doesn’t come from outside circumstances.
    Join me on the podcast, and in the Facebook group,' Creating Vibrant Happiness for Midlife Women'.

    Connection - The Magical Ingredient

    Connection - The Magical Ingredient

    I want more connection in my life, and I'm taking steps to make that happen.

    Good quality connection.

    Where we come together around a common cause or interest.

    Where everyone is present and engaged.

    Where there is an excitement about creating growth.

    Because something is afoot in our society, which is creating isolation. The loneliness epidemic is upon us. Australia and the UK now have a minister to tackle it.

    Lack of social connection is the new smoking.

    It carries a greater health hazard than smoking 15 cigarettes a day and can decrease life expectancy by 15 years.

    Join me on the podcast and in the Facebook group, Creating Vibrant Happiness for Midlife Women



    Staying Present at the Edge

    Staying Present at the Edge

    The road to success is up and down, not a straight line.

    Today I'm sharing a little about my process in the lead up to tomorrow's webinar.

    How I've had to really stay 'present at the edge' with my anxiety and use the breath to turn it into excitement.

    I've forced myself into this interesting, alive place between my critic and my inner mentor for the past two weeks and it feels awake, alive, stretched, and exciting.

    I feel I'm growing and glowing!

    I've also started a private Facebook group called,

    'Creating Vibrant Happiness for Women in Midlife'. 

    Do come over and join me there.

    Here's the link to the webinar,

    Thursday 2nd February, 12 pm. AEST

    How Support has helped me move Forward in 2023

    How Support has helped me move Forward in 2023
    Self-compassion means not beating yourself up about ‘failures’ and understanding that they are learnings.
    It means being gentle with yourself when things don’t go well instead of shouting at yourself when you’re down.
    It means opening your heart to yourself instead of being perfectionist, demanding and unrealistic.
    It means appreciating your unique, vulnerable humanity and the vulnerabilities of others.
    It means being kinder to yourself and others.
    It means staying connected to yourself and believing in yourself instead of abandoning and punishing yourself.
    I'm exploring this and the support I've needed to make big shifts in 2023.

    How to Shift from Self-Criticism to Self-Compassion

    How to Shift from Self-Criticism to Self-Compassion
    Crushing self-criticism, spiralling anxiety and superhuman standards. Does this sound familiar?
    It’s what I hear from many clients in my practice, and it’s my passion to support a new narrative so that you can stop using pain as a motivator and create a vision which propels you instead.
    Allowing self-critical internal talk to run unchecked creates a downward spiral of mood and self-destructive behaviour, which can eventually result in serious mental illness such as panic disorder, generalised anxiety and depression.
    These conditions show up with much higher frequency among professional women than in the general population.
    This is why I'm offering my first (courageous) free webinar of 2023 on this topic.
    I'd like it to be a conversation rather than a tutorial, so come and join me for a discussion and learn some real life tools to use.
    Sign up for the free webinar here
    Thursday February 2nd, 12 pm

    How to Be a Better Human - Tempering

    How to Be a Better Human - Tempering

    Welcome back to Mistress Wellbeing for another year of adventure, growth, and connection.

    Last weekend I attended a Dao Cultivation meeting and was interested to find much of the teaching echoed the journey of psychotherapy I experience with my clients.

    So today, I'm exploring the concepts shared in the teaching about how we are tempered by difficult emotions and challenging experiences.

    This speaks to the heart of my beliefs about my work. 

    That challenges are actually gold dust for learning, growing and finding peace, contentment and inner calm.

    That we all have access to a true self, a bigger self, the Big S Self that Jung described, beyond ego.

    Why do this work?

    Because being a better human means less suffering for you and for everyone you encounter!

    Free Yourself

    Free Yourself

    Emotions can seem messy and overwhelming.

    Better kept at bay and preferably never seeing the light of day.

    Emotional expression can feel a little like washing your dirty linen in public.

    But keeping ourselves in an emotional straitjacket has consequences which I'm exploring today, along with some tips about how to access emotion safely and create stability in your system so it can allow emotions to pass through. 

    Emotions last 30-90 seconds when they arise, yet we spend a lifetime defending against them.

    So today, let's jump in and start the process!

    (Please note that extreme trauma is the exception, where expression can re-traumatise, and this needs to be held much more tightly.)


    The Gift of You

    The Gift of You

    How many times do I hear this from the mouths of amazing women?

    "I should stay small, in the background, looking after others and not expect recognition for my work".

    It's a common belief that stems from conditioning in family, religion and culture, and it leads to resentment, anger and burnout.

    So, what to do?

    It's counterintuitive to ask you to step into your magnificence when this belief is rampant.

    But what if we changed the narrative, chewed up the concepts and rearranged them?

    Today I'm exploring this, and the multiple polarities of staying small, being good, and unseen.

    How to Create Happiness and Contentment

    How to Create Happiness and Contentment

    This may seem controversial, but your happiness is right next to you, waiting to be seized.

    The thing is, it gets drowned out by the incessant negativity bias of our minds, and the ease with which we reach out for not enough, not good enough and not ok.

    So today we will explore exactly how to reach out for that deep wellspring of joy which is literally at your fingertips.

    You can build this muscle over time and it will take you to a much better place!

    Imagine having a deep river of contentment available to you.

    Imagine feeling wholly ok about yourself, your life, your kids.

    Imagine being relieved of the not ok, not enough, not good enough, just for five minutes a day!

    It's a gift and it's waiting for you to unwrap it, so I hope today's episode lands for you!



    How Death Informs Life

    How Death Informs Life

    I've had a heck of a year in 2022.

    Six friends have passed away unexpectedly, and it's sent me on a deep dive into how to make sense of death.

    Today I'm talking about the Top Five Regrets of the Dying, a book by Bonnie Ware.

    I know it sounds a little maudlin, but actually, death has made me plunge wholeheartedly into life, taking risks and finding courage to launch my biggest rockets of desire.

    The Provence retreat 2023 is happening thanks to these experiences, and I now have a group of amazing women to take on a 10 day retreat in Provence next May.

    That's what I call living!

    If you want to join us, there is one place remaining and the early bird rate expires today!


    Mistress Wellbeing
    enNovember 29, 2022

    Take a Leap, and Fly!

    Take a Leap, and Fly!
    Sometimes the way forward in life is to take a leap.
    A careful, supported leap, that will transform the way you see your life and who you have been for decades, so that you can create a vibrant, potent way of being in the world, and realise your genius.
    I explain it as an upgrade of the operating system, just like a phone or computer.
    Most of us are operating from a set of beliefs which arose in childhood and adolescence, it’s called conditioning, and it consists of limiting beliefs which keep us safe, small, and limited.
    I have a few beauties of my own which I’ve been undoing this last weekend at the Brisbane visual arts pop up where I sold much of my ceramic work to people who responded to, and loved it as much as I do.
    It was so affirming!
    And blasted my belief that, ‘I don’t do art’ and ‘I’m not creative’, into the stratosphere.
    Today I'm exploring this and more on the podcast.
    Mistress Wellbeing
    enNovember 22, 2022

    How to Be Miserable

    How to Be Miserable
    I'm reading a book called 'How to be Miserable'.
    It's by  a Psychiatrist!
    I wish I'd written this book. It's so much easier to encourage people into their bad habits than to take the teachy-preachy position of showing what actually works to make us more happy.
    Spoiler alert, the book is an unholy poke at the way we live, to demonstrate just how sick it's making us.
    There are gems like this:
    Sleep less, eat what the supermarkets and advertisers tell you eat, avoid exercise at all costs, drink alcohol every night, preferably to excess and practise 'Three bad things that happened to me today'.
    I guarantee these will speed you along the superhighway of misery.
    Let's be clear, cultivating good habits won't cure the trauma of childhood abuse or bereavement, or whatever flavour you endured. These need to be worked on separately.
    But you can sure make your misery worse easily.
    I'm taking a small boutique group of women to Provence in May 2023 to practise all the good things.
    Adventure, connection, and growth.
    Early-bird is available till the end of November and flights are cheap now!
    Let me know if you'd like to chat about getting off the hamster wheel, making a stand for yourself and creating change in the most delicious way I know!
    Mistress Wellbeing
    enNovember 15, 2022

    Join me on a Magical Provence Retreat

    Join me on a Magical Provence Retreat

    Who's been to Provence?

    It's an amazingly beautiful place, also full of history, art, food, and perfume. Nice has the second most museums in France after Paris.

    I'm taking a small group of remarkable women on retreat in May 2023, and I would love one of them to be you! So if you'd like to know more, this episode is for you.

    Today I'm talking about my love affair with France, and explaining how the concept of a French wellbeing retreat started and has expanded.

    I go into detail about what to expect from a French adventure and 'inventure', where we will explore the fabulousness of the region while also taking a deep dive into what impedes joy and how to cultivate it.

    I plan my retreats so you come home with a healthy routine to fit into your everyday life, lots of wellbeing tools to maintain your momentum, as well as the memories of an amazing adventure in the south of France.

    Let the adventure begin!


    Mistress Wellbeing
    enNovember 08, 2022

    How did I Get Here? My Life Story Part 2

    How did I Get Here? My Life Story Part 2

    Have you ever looked back over your life to realise that the slightest event changed the path you took?


    It can be quite humbling, especially when I realise that a few people and experiences have been so instrumental in altering the course of my life.


    Today I'm telling the second part of my life story. There were some fabulous, exciting times, and some difficult, sad times. 


    All of them required courage and support, and allowing life to flow around me as much as trying to chart my trajectory.


    I know it's useful to hear the experiences of others. It often gives permission to live according to your own true north.


    I hope this episode works that way for you.




    Mistress Wellbeing
    enNovember 01, 2022

    How did I Get Here? My Story Part 1

    How did I Get Here? My Story Part 1

    We often vilify psychotherapy as being 'navel gazing'.

    I've heard that a few times! 'I don't have time to wallow in the past.'

    But Gestalt therapy works powerfully to explore how the past shows up in the present, and how it continues to impact thought and behaviour negatively unless we intervene with awareness.

    Today I'm sharing the first part of my life story, because I'd like you to know me better, and also because it's a beautiful way to show how beliefs arise and persist.

    Psychotherapy can release these past creative adjustments, which served very well at the time but have outgrown their usefulness.


    Mistress Wellbeing
    enOctober 18, 2022

    Cocooning - How to Navigate Difficult Waters

    Cocooning - How to Navigate Difficult Waters

    You have an internal guidance system which directs you towards a life that lights you up.

    I call it my sparkle. It's like an exciting little flame that lets me know when I'm on the right path in life.

    When difficult things happen, loss, diagnoses, or the anxiety of living out of alignment with your sparkle,there is a way to allow the process and find change.

    That's what I'm describing today, the cocooning process which allows you to listen to your true self, your guide, your inner voice.


    Mistress Wellbeing
    enOctober 04, 2022

    The Surprising Secret of Awareness

    The Surprising Secret of Awareness
    Awareness is not mindfulness.
    There has been a rising tide of mindfulness teachers and practices over the past ten years.
    Awareness is different. It's about our internal world, and it's about physical sensation within the body.
    Let me try to explain it today as well as I can, because it came up as a big topic on retreat two weeks ago.
    Thinking is often the place where attention flows, but there is a world of information coming to us from our body. 
    Listen in to find out what secrets awareness can bring.
    Mistress Wellbeing
    enSeptember 27, 2022

    How Safety Unleashes Genius

    How Safety Unleashes Genius

    Recorded in Bali the week after my Finding Your Joy retreat, this episode is inspired by the time we spent together in group.

    In the lead up to Bali I had an internal dialogue about creating a 'manifesto' and managing every moment of our week... or not.  

    My fear told me to organise, while some bigger part of me reasoned, 'You have everything you need. Be transparent, respond to what arises, feel into the group and give them what they need.'

    Happily I trusted my gut feeling Instead of giving in to fear, and what arose was a deep understanding of how safety leashes potential, leading to genius and growth.

    I'll be back in Bali with a retreat in October 2023, places are limited so get in touch now if you would like to join me. 



    Mistress Wellbeing
    enSeptember 24, 2022

    Finding Expansion in a Contracted World

    Finding Expansion in a Contracted World
    Hello from the Finding Your Joy retreat in Bali.
    I’ve recorded a special podcast episode this week to capture the essence of our remarkable time together in group.
    Its my delight to be with others as they begin to drop the contractions of old limiting stories and behaviours, softening and expanding into wholeness and opening to their possibilities.
    Expansion is exhilarating, and it’s joyful and fun to be around.
    Like taking a really deep breath for the first time, exhaling all the stale air and drawing fresh, energised oxygen into your body.
    And the process never gets old.
    Mistress Wellbeing
    enSeptember 13, 2022

    The Healing Power of Deep Rest

    The Healing Power of Deep Rest

    I’m on a pre-retreat in Bali, and I spent the morning having a full body massage. 
    I didn’t feel particularly stressed to begin with but I make it my practice to have a massage every day. 

    The effect always surprises me, as if my body is holding onto stress like a magnet holds paper clips, effortlessly, unconsciously. 

    So I started thinking about the healing power of deep rest, the ‘Bali Glow’ we all take on after a week of group connection, yoga, singing and massage. 
    The surprising thing is just how much stress floats about in my body even when I feel relatively relaxed!

    Yin yoga has taught me during the pandemic just how relaxed I can get, and how good that is for my mood and my body.

    Today is all about the healing power of deep relaxation.


    Mistress Wellbeing
    enSeptember 06, 2022