
    Momentum Minutes

    Momentum Minutes is a short daily podcast that’s going to add a little inspiring "momentum" to your morning by sharing lessons on leadership, business and self mastery. I’m Sean DeLaney your host and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. Momentum Minutes bring you the most valuable lessons and insights I’ve uncovered from these people. I'll share powerful lessons on everything from developing mental strength, how to create positive change in your life and advice learned from the best leaders throughout history. No matter your stage in life, you will find some nuggets of wisdom to help you create better results. The best part is, it only takes a few minutes a day.
    enSean DeLaney70 Episodes

    Episodes (70)

    #49. This is what the best leaders do

    #49. This is what the best leaders do

    When the great Roman Statesman Cicero was done speaking, people always gave him a standing ovation and cheered, "What a great speech!" When Demosthenes was done, people said, "Let us march," and they did. Great leadership inspires people to march. Are people cheering you for your speech or are they marching with you? 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #48. Are you stepping forward into growth or back into safety?

    #48. Are you stepping forward into growth or back into safety?

    Abraham Maslow said that in any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. Each moment we face there is a little window of opportunity to step up into our potential and growth or to step back into safety and diminish. So as you go through today in each moment ask if you want to step forward into growth or back into safety. I know which one I’m going to choose.

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #47. Go first in life!

    #47. Go first in life!

    Be the first one to say hello. Be the first one to say a compliment. Be the first one to ask how the other person is truly doing? Go first. Stop waiting for other people to. 

    Go through this life so everyone you interact with feels bigger. Be the reason their eyes are shining. Let the world feel the power of your gravity. Maximize your humanity. We’re only going through this life but once, so anytime there is an opportunity for you to express kindness or do a good deed, do it now for that opportunity will not present itself again. So today, go first. Go first. Go first, because this world is waiting for more people to go first. 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    Connect with us! Whatgotyouthere




    #46. Want to impact 10,000+ people? Do this today

    #46. Want to impact 10,000+ people? Do this today

    Pick three people today, just three and see if you can make their day just a little bit better. Give them a compliment, ask how they’re doing, maybe just listening and letting them truly be seen. Pick just three people today and if you do this each day by the end of the year you will have positively impacted over 1,000 people. After 10 years over 10,000 people. Just three people a day and by the end of your life you’re making a difference for tens of thousands of people.

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

    Subscribe to my Momentum Monday Newsletter

    Connect with us! Whatgotyouthere




    #45. What is your personal Everest?

    #45. What is your personal Everest?

    What’s that one thing in your life you want to climb? 

    What’s that one thing that’s been living in your mind for years? 

    That little thing that insights fear, excitement, and possibility. 

    That thing that is so challenging but you know deep down you’re capable of doing it. 

    Maybe it’s climbing Mount Everest. Maybe it’s asking that colleague out on a date. Maybe it’s recording a song you wrote. Maybe it’s finally going all in on the company you wanted to start. 

    It doesn’t matter what your personal Everst is because it’s yours. But it does matter if you decide to start climbing and take it on or sit in the waiting room of life staring up at it. 

    You get to decide in this life if the mountain is going to conquer you or if you’re going to conquer the mountain. 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    Connect with us! Whatgotyouthere




    #44. Who are your models in life?

    #44. Who are your models in life?

    Who are your models?  The people who you’re studying and learning from? The people who inspire you, who expand what you think is possible for yourself? Do you have them, if not now is a great time to start finding them. 

    One thing that I’ve learned is that if you want to grow, one of the best ways to do that is to find people who have the qualities and attributes you’re looking to develop within yourself and then model their behavior. 

    The great part is, you can find models for any part of your life. If you want to be a better father find examples of people who are exceptional fathers and start learning. Want to be a better salesman, find the best salesman in your company and model them. You want to uncover How they've done what they’ve done.  

    There are going to be certain people were naturally drawn to. Listen to that inner voice. Get clear on who you want to be in this world and when you know that, find the models who can help you. We can find models everywhere. But to find them you need to be looking. So as you go out today ask yourself, Who are you trying to become and who are the models you can learn from to become that person sooner? 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #43. What Steve Jobs learned from the rock tumbler.

    #43. What Steve Jobs learned from the rock tumbler.

    Steve Jobs reminisces about an old man who lived down the street when he was a young boy. The man showed him a rock tumbler, and he and Jobs went out and got a handful of plain old rocks, then put them into the can with liquid and grit powder. They closed up the rock tumbler, turned it on, and then the man told Jobs to "come back tomorrow."

    The next day, the man opened the can and inside were these "amazingly beautiful polished rocks. The same common stones that had gone in through rubbing against each other like this (clapping his hands), creating a little bit of friction, creating a little bit of noise, had come out these beautiful polished rocks."

    Jobs goes on to say how that is a "metaphor for a team that is working really hard on something they're passionate about. It's that through the team, through that group of incredibly talented people bumping up against each other, having arguments, having fights sometimes, making some noise, and working together they polish each other and they polish the ideas, and what comes out are these beautiful stones."

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #42. How do you get into your Zone of Genius?

    #42. How do you get into your Zone of Genius?

    What’s that one thing or handful of things that always seem to get you into your zone? It could be a song, or going for a run, or spending time in solitude… it doesn’t matter what it is, what matters is what it does for you. For me it’s some quiet time reading and reflecting, getting a workout in, a delicious cup of coffee, driving my son to school, listening to some great music with the windows down, walking in nature.. All of these put me into a better state. So whenever I need to get back into my zone of genius I can do it much quicker by doing one of these. So what are yours? 

    So what I’m going to ask of you today is fill your day with more things that put you into your zone of genius. Allow them to enrich your life because when you’re playing in your zone of genius you’re going to positively impact those around you. 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #41. What Michael Phelps learned from his coach Bob Bowman

    #41. What Michael Phelps learned from his coach Bob Bowman

    “Coach Bob Bowman’s philosophy is rather simple: We do the things other people can’t or won't do. Bob’s expectations are simple, too. It’s like the quote he had up on the whiteboard one day at practice a few months before the Games. It comes from a business book but in sports it’s the same: ‘In business, words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises, but only performance is reality.’

    Bob is exquisitely demanding. But it is with him that I learned this essential truth: Nothing is impossible.

    And this: Because nothing is impossible, you have to dream big dreams; the bigger, the better.

    So many people along the way, whatever it is you aspire to do, will tell you it can’t be done. But all it takes is imagination.

    You dream. You plan. You reach.

    There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes.

    But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits. Perseverance, determination, commitment, and courage—those things are real. The desire for redemption drives you. And the will to succeed—it’s everything. That’s why, on the pool deck in Beijing in the summer of 2008, there were sometimes no words, only screams.

    Because, believe it, dreams really can come true.”

    ~ Michael Phelps from No Limits

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #40. Today is a blank sheet of paper. What story are you going to write?

    #40. Today is a blank sheet of paper. What story are you going to write?

    Today is like a blank sheet of paper. Nothing has been written yet.

    Nothing has been etched into stone.

    You get to decide what this paper is going to be filled with at the end of the day. Are you going to write your story today from the perspective of a victim? The victim who crawled through the day constantly faced burdens and setbacks and got mad at every situation. Or are you going to write the story of the hero? The hero who faced setbacks and defeat. The hero who was afraid and questioned their ability but then found the courage to face their fears and run towards them and discover the treasure that is inside of them.

    You see, today is like a blank sheet of paper and each one of us has the opportunity to write our story of how today and therefore our life is going to go. 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    Connect with us! Whatgotyouthere




    #39. Be a yardstick of quality in all that you do!

    #39. Be a yardstick of quality in all that you do!

    The great Steve Jobs said something that has always stuck with me. He said “Be a yardstick of quality in all that you do.” It’s a standard you hold yourself to. It’s an approach to life. 

    It’s a way of being. 

    In everything we do we have the opportunity to bring a level of quality to it. In everything we do we’re making a statement to the world so you get to ask yourself the question. 

    What statement are you making with the work you’re putting out? 

    How are you showing up for your loved ones? What is the level of quality in your report for work? What level of quality are you bringing to all that you do. Like I said it’s a standard you hold yourself to and only you know if you’re being a yardstick of quality in the things that you’re doing. 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #38. Are you working to become great at life?

    #38. Are you working to become great at life?

    Life like everything else is something we can work at, we can improve, we can get better at. If we want to learn golf we’re going to practice it. Well life is the same way.  

    We can develop more empathy, we can be more of a servant leader, we can become more.. Now we can do all this but it’s only going to happen if we work at it. 

    If you want to get great at life it requires work. We can’t sit back thinking it’s just going to happen. Look at anyone who is great at what they do and they work at it. 

    The couple who’s celebrating their 50th anniversary and on the dancefloor at the wedding looking like a pair of newlyweds has worked on their relationship. 

    The father who’s running joyously around with his kids at the park has worked at being a great father. 

    The leader who puts aside his ego to let his people shine has worked at being a great leader. 

    Whatever way you want to be great at life you can do it. But the only way you can do it is by working at it. I’m not saying it’s easy but I am saying its possible. So today how are you going to work to become great at life?


    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #37. Day 1... What are you going to make of this year?

    #37. Day 1... What are you going to make of this year?

    Today is the start of the New Year! So my question for you is, What are you going to make of this year?

    A year from now looking back what are you going to have done? 

    This year, this day, this moment is an opportunity to step forward into growth and make the most of this year and this life.

    Today is a new day, a new possibility to make magic happen. So stop waiting, go make it happen!

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #36. My #1 Takeaway from 2022

    #36. My #1 Takeaway from 2022

    #1 takeaway from 2022 is from Benjamin Zander- A leader’s job is to awaken the possibility in other people.

     My number 1 takeaway from 2022 is from the legendary orchestra conductor Benjamin Zander. Benjamin said 

    “I was 45 years old, and I’d been conducting for 20 years or more and suddenly I had the realization for the first time that the conductor of an orchestra doesn’t make a sound. Now my picture appears on the front of the CD. But the conductor doesn’t actually make a sound. 

    He depends for his power on his ability to make other people powerful. And when that occurred to me, it was so profound, it had such an effect on me that people in the orchestra said, Ben, what happened to you? And that’s what happened. I realized that my job was to awaken possibility in other people.

    Now the real question became was I doing that. And the way you find out whether you’re doing that is to look at their eyes. And if the eyes are shining you know you’re doing it. 

    And if the eyes are not shining, you get to ask the question. 

    And this is the question: who am I being that my players’ eyes are not shining?” 

    So as you go through today please ask yourself, How am I going to make my loved one’s eyes shine today?

    When we do that, we’re all making the world a better place.

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #35. Have you asked for what you want?

    #35. Have you asked for what you want?

    Have you asked for what you want? 

    You’ll never know the answer if you don’t even ask. How many possibilities did you miss out on in life because you didn’t even ask. That raise at work, that date with the woman at the gym, that vacation with a parent who is no longer with you.

    What do you want right now? Then go ask for it.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #34. Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.

    #34. Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.

    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”- Howard Thurman

    That’s one of my favorite quotes by Howard Thurman and one that I hope inspires you to go out and do what makes you come alive because that’s what this world needs. People who are burning with excitement and love with what they’re doing in this world.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #33. Great leaders inspire people to march

    #33. Great leaders inspire people to march

    When the great Roman Statesman Cicero was done speaking, people always gave him a standing ovation and cheered, "What a great speech!" When Demosthenes was done, people said, "Let us march," and they did. Great leadership inspires people to march. Are people cheering you for your speech or are they marching with you?

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #32. What I learned about leadership from Top Gun: Maverick

    #32. What I learned about leadership from Top Gun: Maverick

    In the new Top Gun Maverick movie, Tom Cruise has a line in it that sent chills down my spine. In the beginning of the movie Maverick defies the commands from the higher ups in order to try and save the flight program he and his team have been working so hard on. As he is about to fire up the jet one of his teammates (Honda) asks, 

    “Do you know what will happen to you if you do this?”  Maverick’s reply: “I know what happens to everyone else if I don’t,” Maverick is willing to sacrifice his own ass in order to allow the success of the team's mission. That’s great leadership. A driven leader who pushes his team but is always in pursuit of the mission that is bigger than himself. Everyday as leaders we get to ask ourselves, Are we sacrificing for the greater good? And then we let our actions speak louder than our words, just as Maverick did.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #31. Are you ready to play full out today?

    #31. Are you ready to play full out today?

    Are you ready to play full out today? In this game of life we all get to answer that question daily with our actions. If you’re not playing full out then what are you doing? How we live our days is how we live our lives. So as you set out today, ask yourself the question, Are you ready to play full out? And then go out and play full out because the only thing that’s holding you back from playing full out is yourself.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #30. Bounce back after your worst performance like Steph Curry.

    #30. Bounce back after your worst performance like Steph Curry.

    Steph curry 11 missed threes and the next game he sets an nba record for most three pointers in a game. 

    On November 4 2016 Steph Curry shot 0-for-10 effort on 3-pointers and ended his NBA record streak of 157 consecutive games with a made 3-pointer. Here he had what is considered one of the worst performances of his life. But what do the greats do. Do they let one performance send them down a downward spiral or do they bounce back? Well bounce back is what Steph Curry did. In his next game he exploded for 46 points and set what was at the time a NBA record with 13 3-pointers made in a game. 

    That’s what the best do, that’s what you can do. You can allow a failure, a setback or a defeat be the fuel that leads you to your greatest success the next time out. Keep shooting, keeping trying and never let failure define who you will be the next time out.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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