
    Momentum Minutes

    Momentum Minutes is a short daily podcast that’s going to add a little inspiring "momentum" to your morning by sharing lessons on leadership, business and self mastery. I’m Sean DeLaney your host and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. Momentum Minutes bring you the most valuable lessons and insights I’ve uncovered from these people. I'll share powerful lessons on everything from developing mental strength, how to create positive change in your life and advice learned from the best leaders throughout history. No matter your stage in life, you will find some nuggets of wisdom to help you create better results. The best part is, it only takes a few minutes a day.
    enSean DeLaney70 Episodes

    Episodes (70)

    #29. Be someone's HERO TODAY

    #29. Be someone's HERO TODAY

    Be someone's hero today

    Heroes don’t just wear capes and fly around rescuing people from burning buildings. Heroes show up in little ways. They do little acts with great kindness and generosity. You see yesterday I was on a walk and saw an old woman struggling to drag her garbage can to the end of her driveway. I simply stopped and asked if she needed help and pulled her garbage to the end of the driveway. For me it took 10 seconds and was a simple task but to her trying to do that felt like climbing Mount Everest. She looked at me with such gratitude and said thank you, today you are my hero. A simple act can make you a hero. So go out and be someone’s hero today.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #28. What’s the #1 thing that if you started doing today would have the most positive impact on your life?

    #28. What’s the #1 thing that if you started doing today would have the most positive impact on your life?

    What’s the #1 thing that if you started doing today would have the most positive impact on your life? That is the question I want you journaling on today. 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    #27. “Can I”- Change to “How can I?”

    #27. “Can I”- Change to “How can I?”

    Change the question from "Can I?" to "How can I?". "Can I" imposes limitations from the start, "How" opens up a world of possibility.

    It's a simple shift but incredibly powerful. So as you go through today when you find yourself asking "Can I?", change it to "How can I?"


    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #26. Nick Saban's Principles for success

    #26. Nick Saban's Principles for success

    Nick Saban's Process Principles:

    1. Commitment

    "How bad do you want it?"

    1. Discipline

    "It's not about what you feel like doing."

    1. Effort

    "You get out what you put in."

    1. Toughness

    "You have to be able to overcome hard."

    1. Pride

    "Take pride in everything you do."

    Checkout my deep dive on Nick Saban HERE

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed-CLICK HERE

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #25. Raise your threshold

    #25. Raise your threshold

    If you want to stop being so disturbed by all the problems, challenges and obstacles life is bound to throw at you then you need to raise your threshold. Imagine you have a low threshold and face a size 4 or 5 problem that's going to derail you. But if you have a high threshold then when you face a size 8 or 9 problem it won’t derail you. So what you need to do to raise your threshold is the next time you face a challenge see if you can raise your threshold slightly. Do this overtime and slowly your threshold will increase and you will be able to face large obstacles without being derailed.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #24. Standing at the edge of the ocean is a lot like facing our fears

    #24. Standing at the edge of the ocean is a lot like facing our fears

    Standing at the edge of the ocean is a lot like facing our fears or the unknown. When you’re standing on the edge of the ocean looking at the waves you’re safe, no waves are hitting you but you can see the power of the waves. It’s like the anxiety before we start. We aren’t actually experiencing any pain but anticipating it. 

    Then we decide to take action. We enter the water and guess what, it’s hard. Waves are crashing down on us. Sometimes we get pummeled and others times we can make it through. But guess what happens when you get past the waves? Calm waters. Just like when you face your fears. You realize they weren’t as bad as when you were standing on the edge of the water thinking about how bad they would be. You realize you are capable of more than you originally thought and because you made it through those waves you know that the next time you’re facing the unknown and standing at the edge of the water you have the power to get through the waves and out to the calm waters.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com


    #23. What's worth doing even if I fail?

    #23. What's worth doing even if I fail?

    What am I so compelled to do, what is pulling me so hard that I would do it even if I fail? Think about how that applies in your own life. Are there things you'd still do and you'd put in the time and effort even if you fail? If so then you know you're on the right path and you should go harder towards that. So think today, what's worth doing even if you fail? 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #22. Mastery lives atop a mountain of mistakes

    #22. Mastery lives atop a mountain of mistakes

    Mastery lives quietly atop a mountain of mistakes. So often we see the masters, we see the people who are truly great at what they do and while they've had the most successes, we forget that they've had the most failures as well. It was these learning opportunities that they used to advance and develop. Remember it's going to take failures if you want to achieve mastery in anything you do. 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com


    #21. Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’

    #21. Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’

    Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people. ~ Mary Kay Ash 

    Everyone truly is walking around with this invisible sign around their neck that says “make me feel important”, but the thing is it’s invisible. So it’s our job is as go through today to realize this and then try to figure out how we can make the other person feel important. 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #20. I cursed the fact I had no shoes until I met the man who had no feet.

    #20. I cursed the fact I had no shoes until I met the man who had no feet.

    “I cursed the fact I had no shoes until I met the man who had no feet.”- Persian Proverb

    That is one of my favorite proverbs that puts life in perspective for me. When I'm going through a challenging time I think about this proverb and the billions of people who have it worse than me. I think about the billions of people who have it so much worse than me. Even on my worst day, they would die to have the life I have. If you're listening to this podcast you're one of those people. There are billions of people who have it worse. As we go through today and we're looking to complain about a scenario, realize that you might not have shoes, but there are people who do not have feet. 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #19. Give everyone an A

    #19. Give everyone an A

    Today I’m going to talk about the great exercise I learned from legendary orchestra conductor Benjamin Zander’s that he calls “Giving an A”. 

    He said, Michelangelo is often quoted as having said that inside every block of stone or marble dwells a beautiful statue; one need only remove the excess material to reveal the work of art within. If we were to apply this visionary concept to education, it would be pointless to compare one child to another. Instead, all the energy would be focused on chipping away at the stone, getting rid of whatever is in the way of each child’s developing skills, mastery, and self-expression.

    This A is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into.

    “Each student in this class will get an A for the course,” I announce. “However, there is one requirement that you must fulfill to earn this grade: Sometime during the next two weeks, you must write me a letter dated next May, which begins with the words, ‘Dear Mr. Zander, I got my A because . . . ,’ and in this letter you are to tell, in as much detail as you can, the story of what will have happened to you by next May that is in line with this extraordinary grade.”

    In writing their letters, I say to them, they are to place themselves in the future, looking back, and to report on all the insights they acquired and milestones they attained during the year as if those accomplishments were already in the past. Everything must be written in the past tense. Phrases such as “I hope,” “I intend,” or “I will” must not appear. The students may, if they wish, mention specific goals reached or competitions won.

    “But, “I tell them, “I am especially interested in the person you will have become by next May. I am interested in the attitude, feelings, and worldview of that person who will have done all she wished to do or become everything he wanted to be.” I tell them I want them to fall passionately in love with the person they are describing in their letter.

    So how can we all fall more passionately in love with the person we're becoming or working with today? 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #18. The Excellence Reflex

    #18. The Excellence Reflex

    Today I'm going to discuss the great entrepreneur, Danny Meyer's, Excellence Reflex Framework. Danny says that people duck as a natural reflex when something is hurled at them. Similarly, the excellence reflex is a natural reaction to fix something that isn’t right, or to improve something that could be better. Restaurant workers are famous for a lot of things, but there's this consistently weird thing I've noticed through the years where they don't often know how to look down. They walk right over the little pink Sweet-n-Low wrapper that somebody dropped from their table. That's not using your excellence reflex. That doesn't belong there. It's like, if it's not right, you gotta fix it, whatever it happens to be. There's a great expression, “always leave your campsite neater than you found it”. So as you go through today make sure you're using the Excellence Reflex and trying to make things just a little bit better. 


    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #17. Collapse the timeline

    #17. Collapse the timeline

    We often envision who we want to be at some future moment in time but we forget that all we need to do is in this moment make a simple decision to act in accordance with how that future better version of yourself would act and we collapse the timeline. We bring that version of yourself into the present moment. When we start doing this we collapse the timelines in life. Don’t wait for tomorrow…Do it now. Be it now… Collapse the timeline! 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #16 When you're on your death bed, this is what matters.

    #16 When you're on your death bed, this is what matters.


    "When you get to that last drop of sand in the hourglass, everything that you own is of no comfort to you. The only thing that comforts you is the people." That's a line from a conversation with Oprah and Mitch Albom. Mitch wrote about the most impactful life lessons he learned from his former professor, Morrie Schwartz, who was dying from ALS. This line hit me so hard because we constantly strive to acquire more and so often we do it at detriment of the relationships that matter most. But when you talk to people on their deathbed it always comes back to the relationships that matter most. As we move through today maybe we can put a little more focus, love and compassion towards the people that will matter most when we reach the end of our days

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #15. The Domino Effect

    #15. The Domino Effect

    Getting extraordinary results is all about creating a domino effect in your life. It’s about building a little momentum and letting that momentum lead to more momentum.

    When one small thing is set in motion, it can topple many things. In 1983, Lorne Whitehead wrote in the American Journal of Physics that he’d discovered that domino falls could not only topple many things, they could topple bigger things. He wrote how a single domino is capable of bringing down another domino that is actually 50 percent larger.

    If you start with a 2 inch domino, the 10th domino would be about as tall as a grown man. The 23rd domino? Now you’re looking at the Eifel Tower.

    The 31st domino would topple Mount Everest.

    Why does this approach work? Because extraordinary success is sequential, not simultaneous.

    So as you go about today can you find that lead domino that you’re going to set off a powerful chain reaction in your own life? 

    Find the lead domino, and be relentless about it until it falls.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #14. You won't succeed if you don't even try

    #14. You won't succeed if you don't even try

    You won’t succeed if you don’t even try. 

    It's such a simple but profound insight. Sometimes in life we just need little reminders like this. Too often we end up losing because we don’t even try, we don’t even begin. There will always be excuses of why not to try- you don’t have enough experience, you don’t have enough money, you don’t have enough time… There will never be a perfect time to begin so why not make that time now?

    You might be thinking Sean, but what if I fail? And my question for you is would you rather live life on the sidelines or would you rather be on the field of life discovering what you’re capable of? 

    Because you won’t succeed if you don’t even try.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #13. Stop letting everything bother you!

    #13. Stop letting everything bother you!

    The world is not bothering you. You’re bothering yourself about the world.

    Everything bothers you. If it’s hot out, you're starting to sweat. It bothers you. Then it’s too cold out and your chilly. It bothers you. The person driving in front of you is only going 1 mile over the speed limit as opposed to 6 over and now you’re telling yourself they’re the worst driver ever. Does this sound familiar? 

    Don’t underestimate the importance of this. 

    The world is going to unfold around us the way that it’s going to unfold. Bad stuff, good stuff. Ugly stuff beautiful stuff... Life will happen, But how we respond to these moments and experiences is up to us. How about we learn to not bother ourselves?

    None of us know how much time we have on this earth so will you please enjoy your life instead of bothering yourself about life? Why are you bothering yourself about everything?

    I’m not saying some moments are going to be as enjoyable as others but what I’m saying is we don’t have to make it worse in our own minds. 

    This morning I was stuck in traffic taking my son to school. Let me tell you what my internal thoughts were like right away… “Dammit we’re going to be late again and I’m going to have to get the administrator to unlock the front door again. What the hell this guy just cut me off. Screw him I hope he gets in a fender bender. Why isn’t the AC blowing enough cold air. Why can’t anyone drive! Jesus the sun is in my eyes, THE SUN IS IN MY EYES” 

    Then you realize you can take a deep breath and not bother yourself about the moment.

    The fact is I was stuck in traffic. So this is where I took my thoughts.. Looks like I get to spend a few extra minutes with my son this morning, how great is that? Let’s put on a few songs and jam out. Remember in high school you used to sit around for hours just listening to music. So how is sitting in traffic now listening to music any different. The the warm sun on my face feels so good.  

    Do you see how simple that is? I could have spent my morning in a tailspin of negativity or I could get with the program and stop bothering myself about the world. When a moment arises, take a deep breath, relax your body like a heavy weight is being lifted off your chest, channel your thoughts to something more positive and Just enjoy the moment life is presenting you. 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #12. Decide to take on Goliath!

    #12. Decide to take on Goliath!

    Now most of us are probably vaguely familiar with Michaelangel’s famous Statue of David.

    This magnificent statue captured  the heroic David who is still known throughout the world as the one who defeated Goliath. 

    So here we have David, the massive underdog who everyone assumes can never defeat the great Goliath. Well, the interesting thing about the statue is have you ever thought about what face Michaelangelo decided to carve of David for everyone to see? 

    The first time I thought about it I assumed it was David’s victorious face after defeating Goliath… 

    But Michelangelo didn’t carve David’s victory face. 

    No Michelangelo carved the face David made in the moment he DECIDED to face his fears, to step up into his potential and take on Goliath.

    That moment of decision.. That moment is one we’re all faced with everyday. A moment in time we can DECIDE to be more of what we’re capable of being. To face our fears. To take on the Goliaths in the world

    To step up into your potential and bring to this world what only you can bring. There never has been and never will be another you. So show up today as only you can and decide to take on Goliath.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #11. Just take a moment today

    #11. Just take a moment today

    Today I stepped outside and the morning sun hit my face… It hit my face and I paused. I just savored the warmth and pleasure this was giving me. Now almost everytime we step outside life gives us these little moments that we can savor if we become aware and choose to. 

    The sunlight on your face, a subtle breeze blowing through your hair, the sound of the birds singing, the laughter of the kids playing… We are surrounded by these all the time but we’re zipping through life that we never take the time to appreciate them.

    So today, as we step outside, why don’t we take a few seconds to pause, to become aware of the little bits of joy that we’re constantly surrounded by and enjoy it. We’re always focused on where we’re going but today just for a few seconds let’s enjoy where we are and the little joys all around us.

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    #10. The VBARRC Framework for Success

    #10. The VBARRC Framework for Success

    After sitting down to interview and deconstruct hundreds of the most successful people in the world I discussed there are some commonalities between them. I discovered that almost all of them operate in a framework I created called VBARRC. 

    VBARRC is an acronym that stands for  - vision - belief- action- routine- revise- consistent 


    If you want to achieve more in life and become what you’re capable of becoming then- 

    Have a compelling vision. You must know what you’re going after. 

    Believe you can achieve it. If you don’t have hope and a belief it’s possible you wont ever try. 

    You need to Take massive action

    Cultivate the routines of the person you want to become

    Revise as you learn and grow 

    And then Consistency in action, patients with results 

    So map out what you’re doing in the VBARRC framework and see if it’s going to help you discover more of what you’re capable of. 

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed - CLICK HERE

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    Interested in 1 on 1 coaching? Send me an email to Sean@whatgotyouthere.com