
    Morning Motivation for Educators

    On this show, educators get a daily dose of inspiration helping them do the most important job in the world, helping students become amazing adults. You’ll hear from a variety of formal and informal educators who help put this podcast together. If you’d like to contribute your voice to this show, please go to Morning Motivation E D U dot com to apply.
    enBE Podcast Network, LLC146 Episodes

    Episodes (146)

    Laughter is the Best Medicine!! - CANDICE NOSS

    Laughter is the Best Medicine!!  - CANDICE NOSS

    Today on the show, we delved into the power of laughter with a focus on its ability to bring lightness and joy even in the midst of heaviness and sorrow. It's incredible how laughter, as Victor Frankel coined it, serves as one of the soul's greatest weapons. Finding humor and sharing laughter not only eases tension in conversations but also cuts through contention, a skill I personally strive to cultivate. I shared how my husband has been on a dad joke spree, filling our home with laughter and creating memorable moments with our kids. Laughter truly is contagious, and it has the remarkable ability to bring peace to various situations. As we exchanged some dad jokes, it was evident how simple moments of humor can brighten our days and uplift our spirits. Digging deeper into the connection between laughter and faith, I came across a thought-provoking quote by Victor Frankel. He highlighted the parallels between laughter dealing with life's small incongruences and faith addressing the larger ones. This perspective resonated deeply with me, emphasizing the importance of finding joy amidst life's challenges. Reflecting on my word for the year, "fun," I shared my journey of incorporating laughter and enjoyment into every aspect of my life. Embracing fun has been a powerful antidote to perfectionism and stress, allowing me to stay in the flow and approach life with a lighter heart. Laughter, indeed, is a true gift that can transform our perspectives and bring us closer to our innate greatness. As we wrapped up our discussion, I encouraged listeners to embrace laughter and gratitude, recognizing that they are designed for greatness and joy. I expressed my appreciation for their presence on this journey and invited them to connect further through my podcast, "Design For Greatness with Candace Nuss." Remember, amidst life's ups and downs, laughter remains a constant source of healing and connection.

    Get your Free Video “Self-Talk: Go From Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack

    Check out the Body Love Weight Release Program

    Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    Listen and subscribe to Candice’s Podcast, Designed for Greatness here.

    Sign up for a free game plan coaching session at: https://calendly.com/candicenoss/coaching-call-with-candice-noss?month=2023-08

    Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    IG- Candice Noss

    LinkedIn: Candice Noss

    Peace, Be Still - Candice Noss

    Peace, Be Still  - Candice Noss

    In today's episode, I, Candace Nas, reflect on the concept of finding peace amidst turmoil and chaos in life. Amidst the struggles and challenges we face, the simple phrase "peace, be still" continues to resonate with me. This phrase serves as a reminder of the refuge we can find in our faith, particularly in Jesus Christ, who is a source of hope, strength, and shelter in difficult times. Facing the diagnosis of a close family member with stage four cancer has prompted me to contemplate mortality and the preciousness of each day we are granted on this earth. It's a reminder to cherish the simple moments and appreciate the gift of life. I encourage listeners to pause, be present, and tap into the peace that comes with being still. As I navigate the process of grief and contemplate the importance of healing relationships, I emphasize the significance of love and connection over accomplishments and to-do lists. The mantra of "peace, be still" continues to guide me in focusing on what truly matters in life. I urge listeners to prioritize their relationship with Christ, emphasizing that His love prevails in all circumstances. Spending time in prayer and meditation can help in finding inner peace and connecting with the divine. It's a reminder that God orchestrates the trials and triumphs in our lives to shape us into better versions of ourselves. In closing, I extend my love and gratitude to all listeners, urging them to embrace the mantra of "peace, be still" and remember that they are designed for greatness. For more inspiration and insights, I invite you to listen and subscribe to my podcast "Designed for Greatness with Candace Nas" and join my Thankful Thursday email list. Remember, in moments of chaos, finding peace within ourselves can lead to profound growth and empowerment.

    Get your Free Video “Self-Talk: Go From Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack

    Check out the Body Love Weight Release Program

    Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    Listen and subscribe to Candice’s Podcast, Designed for Greatness here.

    Sign up for a free game plan coaching session at: https://calendly.com/candicenoss/coaching-call-with-candice-noss?month=2023-08

    Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    IG- Candice Noss

    LinkedIn: Candice Noss

    Dealing with Annoying People - Joey Mascio

    Dealing with Annoying People - Joey Mascio

    Joey Massio, a former middle school teacher turned teen coach, discusses how to deal with annoying people. He categorizes annoying behavior into three reasons: people don't know how, don't want to, or aren't able to stop being annoying. Joey suggests that communication and setting boundaries can help with those who don't know how. For those who don't want to change, it's best to change how you view them to reduce annoyance. When someone is not able to stop being annoying due to their personality or habits, Joey advises reframing your thoughts about them to lessen the impact of their behavior. Ultimately, he emphasizes that controlling your response to annoying people can improve relationships without needing them to change.

    Do I Have a Part to Play - CANDICE CHRISTIANSEN NOSS

    Do I Have a Part to Play - CANDICE CHRISTIANSEN NOSS

    In this conversation, I, Candace Nas, a physical therapist, wellness coach, a lifelong Christian, and a mother of six, discuss the theme of watching loved ones go through difficult times and the urge to fix things for them. I mention the temptation to intervene, play the savior, or control outcomes, whether on a personal or global level. I emphasize that individuals have the autonomy to make their own decisions and actions, which are not within our control. I express gratitude for two powerful questions that help keep us focused on our own role: "Do I have a part to play?" and "Is this mine to do?" These questions, when approached prayerfully, guide us to understand where our influence is needed and where we should respect boundaries. I stress the importance of self-reflection and seeking guidance from a higher power to discern the appropriate actions. We explore various ways to support others from our own lane, such as serving, offering advice, providing a different perspective, or simply holding space for them without judgment. I highlight the significance of believing in the resilience of our loved ones, offering prayers, and unconditional love during their trials. It's crucial to remember that while we can offer assistance, individuals ultimately control their path and choices. I encourage listeners to avoid the impulse to intervene forcefully or manipulate situations, as sometimes the challenges faced by loved ones could be transformative lessons necessary for their growth. By respecting boundaries and focusing on our own actions, we can better navigate how to support others effectively. Ultimately, understanding the distinction between our business, God's business, and other people's business can lead to more meaningful and supportive relationships.

    Get your Free Video “Self-Talk: Go From Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack

    Check out the Body Love Weight Release Program

    Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    Listen and subscribe to Candice’s Podcast, Designed for Greatness here.

    Sign up for a free game plan coaching session at: https://calendly.com/candicenoss/coaching-call-with-candice-noss?month=2023-08

    Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    IG- Candice Noss

    LinkedIn: Candice Noss

    Morning Mindset Reset - Danielle Nuhfer

    Morning Mindset Reset - Danielle Nuhfer

    In this episode, I, Daniel Newfer, an educator, share my experiences and insights on prioritizing teacher well-being through Teaching Well. I emphasize the importance of self-care for teachers to create a conducive environment for effective teaching and learning. Reflecting on my journey as a new teacher during the changing educational landscape post-9/11, I stress the value of maintaining a beginner's mind to adapt and thrive in challenging situations. Encouraging educators to embrace a beginner's mind, I highlight the significance of acknowledging one's current state without judgment. I emphasize the transformative power of mindfulness as a skill that can be cultivated through practice, enabling teachers to be present both inside and outside the classroom. By reflecting on existing practices and identifying individual needs, teachers can take control and make positive changes to enhance their well-being and effectiveness in teaching. Addressing misconceptions about mindfulness and self-care, I urge educators to challenge preconceived notions and embrace a beginner's mind to empower themselves to make necessary changes. By letting go of fixed perceptions and embracing mindfulness and self-care practices, teachers can harness their potential and create a positive impact in their classrooms and personal lives. Join me in the next episode as we further explore the journey of becoming a mindful teacher. Stay present, stay open, and keep shining bright on your path to self-improvement and well-being.

    Ways to connect with Danielle and Teaching Well…

    Get your free download 4 Simple Self-Care Solutions that Reduce Teacher Burnout & Increase Well-Being and Self-Care in Five Minutes a Day

    Sign up for the Teaching Well Wish Newsletter

    Ready to talk through your situation and troubleshoot ways to increase teacher well-being to improve student outcomes?  Schedule a time to talk https://teachingwell.life/call

    Or contact Danielle directly at danielle@teachingwell.life

    Self-Care is Not Optional - Danielle Nuhfer

    Self-Care is Not Optional  - Danielle Nuhfer

    In this episode, I, Danielle Newfer, an educator, share my journey of overcoming teacher burnout and the importance of prioritizing teacher well-being. Teaching Well is all about caring for yourself amidst the hustle of school life to create a positive school culture. I emphasize the significance of starting with self-care before introducing mindfulness practices to students. I recall a pivotal moment at a mindfulness conference where the notion of self-transmission resonated deeply, leading me to focus on my personal mindfulness practice first. This shift transformed my teaching career over the years. Self-care is not selfish but a foundation for effective teaching. I stress the importance of incorporating mindfulness into daily activities, creating a personal practice, integrating mindfulness into school moments, and practicing deliberate self-care. By infusing mindfulness into our lives, we can foster presence, reduce stress, and create a calmer classroom environment. Mindfulness is like exercise for the brain, with the key being the commitment to begin again and again. Embodying mindfulness and self-care will naturally benefit all students, teaching them valuable skills without formal instruction.

    Ways to connect with Danielle and Teaching Well…

    Get your free download 4 Simple Self-Care Solutions that Reduce Teacher Burnout & Increase Well-Being and Self-Care in Five Minutes a Day

    Sign up for the Teaching Well Wish Newsletter

    Ready to talk through your situation and troubleshoot ways to increase teacher well-being to improve student outcomes?  Schedule a time to talk https://teachingwell.life/call

    Or contact Danielle directly at danielle@teachingwell.life

    Cocky vs Confident - Joey Mascio

    Cocky vs Confident - Joey Mascio

    Joey Massio, a former middle school teacher turned teen coach, shared insights on the difference between being cocky and confident. He emphasized the importance of helping teens move away from self-doubt without fearing appearing arrogant. Joey highlighted a scenario where a teen struggled to acknowledge her talent due to the fear of being perceived as cocky. He explained that self-confidence lies in recognizing one's abilities without belittling others. Joey outlined two tips to avoid coming off as bragging: refraining from comparing oneself to others and being genuinely surprised by one's accomplishments. He emphasized the significance of being able to admit both strengths and weaknesses, as true confidence involves humility. Joey encouraged promoting self-assurance in teens rather than allowing them to linger in self-doubt out of fear of appearing boastful. He advocated for cultivating a mindset of humble confidence, where acknowledging one's skills and imperfections leads to genuine self-assurance without veering into cockiness or arrogance.

    Embrace your Inner Child - CANDICE CHRISTIANSEN NOSS

    Embrace your Inner Child  - CANDICE CHRISTIANSEN NOSS

    Today, I, Candace Nas, a physical therapist, wellness coach, and mother of six, reflect on the importance of connecting with our inner child to address and heal past traumas. I share the gratitude I feel for a joyful moment with my daughter, emphasizing the significance of embracing fun and spontaneity in life. We delve into the concept of trauma, both personal and generational, and its impact on our inner child wounds. It's crucial to acknowledge these wounds, offer compassion to our younger selves, and provide the love and support we needed in those moments of pain. I encourage listeners to take time to connect with their inner child, to reflect on past traumas, and to offer words of reassurance and love to themselves. By engaging in this process, we can unravel our triggers, which often stem from unhealed wounds, and work towards healing and self-compassion. Through my own experience of dancing with my daughter, I discovered the affirmations I needed to tell my inner child – affirmations of self-worth, love, and acceptance. As we prioritize playfulness, self-love, and inner child healing, we can transform our relationship with ourselves and others. I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and growth, and remind you that you are designed for greatness. Thank you for being part of this discussion, and I look forward to connecting with you further through my podcast, "Design for Greatness with Candace Nos."

    Get your Free Video “Self-Talk: Go From Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack

    Check out the Body Love Weight Release Program

    Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    Listen and subscribe to Candice’s Podcast, Designed for Greatness here.

    Sign up for a free game plan coaching session at: https://calendly.com/candicenoss/coaching-call-with-candice-noss?month=2023-08

    Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    IG- Candice Noss

    LinkedIn: Candice Noss

    You Can Choose a Little Serenity - Danielle Nuhfer

    You Can Choose a Little Serenity - Danielle Nuhfer

    In this episode of Teaching Well, we explore the importance of prioritizing teacher well-being and finding moments of self-care amidst the busyness of the school day. As an educator with over 20 years of experience, I understand the struggles and pressures that teachers face, and I want to help educators prioritize their serenity over stress. Partnering with schools that value teacher well-being is essential for creating a culture of effective teaching and learning. By recognizing that our stress is contagious, we can begin to take steps towards mindfulness and make choices in our classrooms that alleviate stress and bring serenity to our lives. While we may not have control over the entire school system, we do have control over our own mindset and actions. I believe that our well-being matters just as much as our students', and by taking care of ourselves, we can have a positive impact on them. It's important to remember that we are not alone on this path. Many educators have faced similar struggles, and by coming together, we can support each other and create a community of mindful teachers. Each mindful step we take transforms our own lives and shapes the future of education. If you resonate with this message, I invite you to connect with me and share your experiences at teachingwell.life/call. Let's partner together and make a difference in the lives of educators everywhere.

    Ways to connect with Danielle and Teaching Well…

    Get your free download 4 Simple Self-Care Solutions that Reduce Teacher Burnout & Increase Well-Being and Self-Care in Five Minutes a Day

    Sign up for the Teaching Well Wish Newsletter

    Ready to talk through your situation and troubleshoot ways to increase teacher well-being to improve student outcomes?  Schedule a time to talk https://teachingwell.life/call

    Or contact Danielle directly at danielle@teachingwell.life

    Self Care is not Selfish - Danielle Nuhfer

    Self Care is not Selfish - Danielle Nuhfer

    In this episode of Morning Motivation for Educators, we delve into the topic of self-care and highlight its significance for teachers. We discuss the misconception that self-care is selfish and emphasize its essential nature in maintaining overall well-being. To explore this further, we introduce the concept of mindfulness and the positive impact it can have on our mental and emotional health. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the current moment, enabling us to navigate challenging situations in the classroom effectively. We delve into some simple practices that teachers can incorporate into their daily routines to cultivate mindfulness and self-care. This includes paying attention to our breath, grounding ourselves in the present moment, and focusing on the task at hand. These small moments of self-care can significantly reduce stress levels and enhance overall well-being. Furthermore, we encourage teachers to create a designated space, whether in the classroom or at home, where they can retreat for a few minutes of self-care throughout the day. This space can be as simple as a cozy corner, a serene picture, or soothing music playing in the background. We extend an invitation to our listeners to share their experiences with mindful self-care and emphasize the ripple effect it has on students, family, and the wider community. Taking care of oneself allows us to be more present and effective in our roles as educators, ultimately benefiting those we serve. Finally, we invite our listeners to explore additional resources on teaching well and other captivating podcasts available on the B Podcast Network. Through continuous learning and prioritizing self-care, we can create a positive impact in our classrooms and beyond.

    Ways to connect with Danielle and Teaching Well…

    Get your free download 4 Simple Self-Care Solutions that Reduce Teacher Burnout & Increase Well-Being and Self-Care in Five Minutes a Day

    Sign up for the Teaching Well Wish Newsletter

    Ready to talk through your situation and troubleshoot ways to increase teacher well-being to improve student outcomes?  Schedule a time to talk https://teachingwell.life/call

    Or contact Danielle directly at danielle@teachingwell.life

    Practical Serenity - Danielle Nuhfer

    Practical Serenity - Danielle Nuhfer

    In this episode of Teaching Well, we delve into the topic of identifying what we can and cannot control in our teaching lives. Join me on this journey as we explore practical ways to bring serenity into our teaching experiences. To begin, let's take a moment to acknowledge the challenges and stressors that come with being an educator. It's important to accept the things we cannot change and recognize the reality of our teaching lives. However, we must also focus on what we can change – ourselves. The serenity prayer, while unconventional, provides us with practical guidance. Its three parts offer a roadmap towards finding relief in our teaching lives. The first step is acceptance. By acknowledging the stressors and challenges, we can begin to shift our mindset and open ourselves up to finding solutions. Next, we must have the courage to change the things we can. This is not just a self-help mantra, but a call to action. It's about actively engaging with what is within our control and making tangible changes in our teaching lives. By doing so, we empower ourselves to shape our experiences. Lastly, we must seek wisdom to know the difference between what we can and cannot control. We need to channel our energy into what truly matters and let go of the things we have no power over. This practice allows us to focus on what we can change and make a positive impact in our teaching. As educators, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by external factors beyond our control. However, it's crucial to remember that we have the power to shape our teaching experiences. The serenity prayer is a practical tool for empowerment, not an abstract concept or an escape into the esoteric. By utilizing this tool, we become both the cause and the solution to our challenges. It's about nurturing our internal well-being while acknowledging external factors. Your well-being matters, and you have the ability to transform your teaching experience. If today's episode resonated with you and you want to learn more, visit Teaching Well's website in the show notes. Together, we can explore how to prioritize teacher well-being and create a school culture where true teaching and learning can thrive.

    Ways to connect with Danielle and Teaching Well…

    Get your free download 4 Simple Self-Care Solutions that Reduce Teacher Burnout & Increase Well-Being and Self-Care in Five Minutes a Day

    Sign up for the Teaching Well Wish Newsletter

    Ready to talk through your situation and troubleshoot ways to increase teacher well-being to improve student outcomes?  Schedule a time to talk https://teachingwell.life/call

    Or contact Danielle directly at danielle@teachingwell.life

    Connection, Contribution and Growth - Candice Noss

    Connection, Contribution and Growth  - Candice Noss

    In this episode, Candace Nas, a physical therapist, wellness coach, lifelong Christian, and mother of six, discusses the importance of fulfilling the needs of our spirit: connection, contribution, and growth. She highlights how humans are designed to seek these three vital things for their happiness and well-being, as well as for the progression of our species. Candace expresses gratitude for the ability to fill our souls with abundance by participating in retreats, conferences, events, courses, and programs that provide opportunities for connection, contribution, and growth. She reflects on recent speaking events and clients completing their courses and acknowledges how each experience was connected to these three pillars. Candace encourages listeners to seek more connection, contribution, and growth in their own lives through various means such as taking courses, listening to podcasts, or finding ways to feed their spirit's desire to grow. She emphasizes that just as our physical bodies have basic needs, our spirits also have vital needs, and fulfilling those needs can lead to greater fulfillment in life. Candace challenges listeners to intentionally fulfill these needs throughout the week and offers her courses and podcast, "Design for Greatness with Candace," as resources for those looking for more connection, contribution, or growth. She expresses gratitude for her listeners and believes in their ability to fulfill their own soul's needs.

    Get your Free Video “Self-Talk: Go From Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack

    Check out the Body Love Weight Release Program

    Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    Listen and subscribe to Candice’s Podcast, Designed for Greatness here.

    Sign up for a free game plan coaching session at: https://calendly.com/candicenoss/coaching-call-with-candice-noss?month=2023-08

    Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    IG- Candice Noss

    LinkedIn: Candice Noss

    Fix Your DVD Player – Ross Romano

    Fix Your DVD Player – Ross Romano

    Leading into the start of this new year, I worked with a number of coaching clients on a 2024 Visioning exercise. The primary purpose of the exercise is to take the typical setting of New Year’s Resolutions — which are little more than intentions, or things we want to do — levels deeper, and turn them into a series of commitments — clear, actionable steps that no outside person or circumstance can prevent. 

    Before we jump into goals for the new year, however, I believe it’s critical to spend some time on wrapping up the prior year. Specifically, in two regards:

    1. Recognizing and celebrating the year’s big wins
    2. Quarantining negative experiences to avoid carrying them with us

    When we fail to explicitly resolve negative experiences, they continue to burden us. Sometimes acutely, sometime beneath the surface. But in any case, they cause us trouble well beyond the point when they can positively serve us. 

    Resolution comes in two forms: fix it or forget it. 

    Have a damaged relationship? Mend it or move on. Otherwise, you’ll maintain proximity to something that only serves as a reminder of pain. 

    Did you fail in some endeavor? Make a plan to try again or make a choice to let it be. 

    Consider: let’s say you have a DVD player set up with your TV, but it’s broken. Every time you’re craving your favorite movie…frustration. It’s broken. Can’t use it. Every time you watch TV, even, and see it sitting there…why do we still have this broken machine taking up space?

    Is the clock on the player broken? Well a broken clock is right twice a day, so that’s nice. It’s also wrong 1,438 times a day. Yikes.

    Either fix the machine so it can serve you or throw it out so it’s no longer a burden. A strain on your psyche. 

    What unresolved issues can you fix or forget today, and what will it do to improve your mental state?

    Regretting a few negative encounters with a student? How might you be proactive about patching things up?

    Upset by some less-than-helpful feedback you received? Would it be better to follow up and ask for clarification or just put it behind you and move on?

    Having a hard time connecting with that one family? Don’t take it personal. Try another tact or perhaps recruit some help. 

    In any case, don’t let the problems linger. Take a stand for yourself. Make a choice. And keep on moving. 

    Oh and by the way, with that DVD player? Perhaps even if you fix it, you can toss it anyway. We have streaming now, after all. 

    About the host

    Ross Romano is a high-performance career coach working with individuals in all fields, a strategic consultant for companies and nonprofits in K-12 and edtech, and co-founder of the Be Podcast Network and host of the shows The Authority and Sideline Sessions. 

    If you’ve enjoyed this message, let’s connect further. 

    • Connect on LinkedIn
    • For interviews with authors from education, leadership and beyond, subscribe to The Authority Podcast
    • For my conversations with coaches from professional, college and Olympic sports, designed to support youth and scholastic coaches and parents of student-athletes, subscribe to Sideline Sessions

    Labeling Yourself - Joey Mascio

    Labeling Yourself  - Joey Mascio

    In this episode, I, Joey Massio, delve into the profound impact that labels can have on our lives. I assert that while people may attempt to categorize and define us, it is ultimately the labels we adopt and apply to ourselves that truly shape our reality. To illustrate this point, I recount a coaching session I recently conducted with a 17-year-old client who was grappling with the anxiety and impatience that arose from waiting for a text message from her boyfriend. I introduce the concept of "fact versus story," wherein facts are objective realities devoid of personal interpretation, while stories encompass our subjective opinions and interpretations of those facts. Through a careful analysis of the situation, I guide my client in recognizing and distinguishing the facts surrounding her waiting for the text from the story she had constructed around it. This distinction proves instrumental in alleviating her anxiety, as she realizes that her emotions were stemming from her own narrative rather than the objective reality. Building upon this revelation, I challenge my client to examine the labels she had imposed upon herself, specifically the belief that she was a "needy person." I emphasize that labels can either serve as limiting barriers (red labels) or empowering catalysts (green labels), depending on how we choose to embrace and embody them. Essentially, I underscore the fact that although others may attempt to ascribe labels to us, it is ultimately up to us whether or not we internalize and integrate these labels into our self-perception. I encourage listeners to shed the red labels that hold them back and consciously craft green labels that empower and inspire them. I acknowledge that this process may require effort and conscious intentionality at first, but I highlight the transformative potential inherent in these green labels. By wholeheartedly embracing and believing in these new labels, we unlock our ability to become the person we aspire to be. In essence, this episode serves as a captivating exploration of the significance of labels and the agency we possess in determining the narrative of our own lives. It is a call to arms for listeners to shed the limiting labels society assigns and instead manifest their own powerful and empowering green labels.

    Use Your Unique Genius Today - Ross Romano

    Use Your Unique Genius Today - Ross Romano


    What can you do today?


    Uniquely, wonderfully you. 

    As I’ve navigated my career, I’ve developed a rule of thumb for the types of opportunities that I find motivating. The way I say it: “It has to matter that it’s me.”

    In other words, it’s something I would do differently than anyone else. A role in which I can bring my own perspective, creativity, and approach to drive meaningful outcomes. 

    Not necessarily better — objectively measured anyway — but unique. 

    Another way of saying this: it allows me to use my unique genius. The things that make me, me. That tap into my passion for purpose-driven work, problem-solving, and impact. 

    Speaking specifically to the educator audience, author and presenter Baruti Kafele, known as Principal Kafele, says it another way. In his words, educators should have the perspective “My students are at an advantage because I’m their teacher;” “my teachers are at an advantage because I’m their leader;” and so on. 

    The point? I am bringing all of myself to the role to ensure that I am making a difference. It matters that it’s me.

    So, what is your unique genius that you’ll bring to work today? What do your students or staff need most? How will you make sure they get it?

    Be attentive and reflective. 

    Attend to the personalities, progress, and needs around you. What are the needs to serve and the gaps to fill?

    Reflect on your own strengths and motivations. What is your unique approach to making a difference?

    If you can tap into your unique genius, you can be as great as you want to be. Be great today. 

    Show Notes

    If you’ve enjoyed this message, let’s connect further. 

    • Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/4b79QsG 
    • For interviews with authors from education, leadership and beyond, subscribe to The Authority Podcast: https://bit.ly/48dhakQ 
    • For my conversations with coaches from professional, college and Olympic sports, designed to support youth and scholastic coaches and parents of student-athletes, subscribe to Sideline Sessions: https://bit.ly/3SRqKF6 

    100% Committment And 0 Expectations - Candice Noss

    100% Committment And 0 Expectations  - Candice Noss

    In this episode, I dive into the concept of living with 100% commitment and no expectations. I start by sharing a question that was posed to me about the possibility and benefits of living this way. Initially, I believed that expectations were a positive thing, even drafting my definition of faith as a confident expectation. However, I soon realized through painful experiences that expectations can lead to disappointment and a negative self-perception. I discuss the importance of releasing expectations and acknowledge that it can be challenging at first, but ultimately liberating. Unmet expectations often result in feelings of inadequacy and failure. I emphasize that prayers may not always be answered as we envision, success may not come on our expected timeline or in the way we anticipate, and people may not show up in the manner we hoped for. By detaching ourselves from expectations, we spare ourselves unnecessary suffering and entitlement. Living without expectations requires trust and surrendering to a higher power. It enables us to focus on the journey of self-improvement and personal growth, rather than solely fixating on the end result. This mindset ultimately leads to joy, peace, and a deep sense of self-belief. I define joy as the process of becoming a better version of ourselves. Throughout the episode, I invite my audience to embrace this concept of living with 100% commitment and no expectations in various aspects of their lives, such as motherhood, profession, relationships, and personal well-being. I encourage them to trust and surrender, emphasizing that eliminating expectations paves the way for fulfillment and a stronger faith. Before concluding, I express my gratitude to the listeners for their support and invite them to continue engaging with my podcast by subscribing to my newsletter. Join me in this meaningful journey of living with 100% commitment and no expectations.

    Get your Free Video “Self-Talk: Go From Crappy to Happy with 1 Simple Brain Hack

    Check out the Body Love Weight Release Program

    Sign up for Candice’s Thankful Thursday email here

    Listen and subscribe to Candice’s Podcast, Designed for Greatness here.

    Sign up for a free game plan coaching session at: https://calendly.com/candicenoss/coaching-call-with-candice-noss?month=2023-08

    Contact Candice Noss directly at: nosscandice@gmail.com

    Follow on FB: Candice Christiansen Noss

    IG- Candice Noss

    LinkedIn: Candice Noss

    Should You Eat In The Teachers Lounge - Karen Dudek-Brannan

    Should You Eat In The Teachers Lounge -  Karen Dudek-Brannan

    In this episode, we have Karen Dudek Brandon, a licensed SLP and founder of Dr. Kieran LLC, joining us to discuss the importance of effective communication and collaboration in educational settings. Karen starts off by addressing the frustration that often arises from unnecessary meetings that could have easily been handled through email. However, she warns against swinging too far in the opposite direction, advocating for a mindful approach to determining the most appropriate mode of communication. To make this determination, Karen suggests asking three important questions: What is the purpose of the interaction? What is the other person's preference? And are there potential additional benefits to be gained from scheduling a meeting or call? By considering these factors, she believes that individuals can make more informed decisions about how to best communicate and collaborate. Karen emphasizes the importance of maintaining regular communication, even if it means exceeding the minimum requirements. She acknowledges that while technology and productivity are crucial, there is also value in taking the time to connect with others on a personal level. She encourages listeners to consider the added benefits of connecting with someone, even if it may not immediately seem productive or efficient. Sometimes, the act of simply pausing and connecting can have long-term benefits. For those who are solely focused on productivity, Karen suggests shifting their perspective when it comes to meetings. Instead of immediately thinking "this meeting should have been an email," she urges individuals to approach these interactions with curiosity. By exploring different ways of thinking and considering the potential benefits of connecting with others, individuals may discover new avenues for collaboration and relationship-building. In conclusion, Karen reminds us to prioritize genuine connections and relationships, rather than always seeking efficiency and productivity. While technology plays a vital role in our lives, taking the time to pause and connect can lead to unexpected, yet valuable outcomes. So, let's embrace the power of communication and collaboration, and not underestimate the importance of face-to-face interactions in building meaningful relationships.

    Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan, and is a learning leader, SLP, and founder/CEO of Dr. Karen, LLC, a company focused on empowering therapists and educators to design interventions that support language, literacy, and executive functioning. Through her courses and trainings, as well as the De Facto Leaders Podcast, she shares up-to-date evidence-based practices, my own experience, and guest interviews designed to help pediatric therapists, educators, and aspiring school leaders design services that support social, emotional, and academic growth and set kids up for success in adulthood.

    You can connect with Karen on LinkedIn here, and find all her episodes of De Facto Leaders on her website at drkarendudekbrannan.com/blog.

    You can download her Executive Functioning Implementation Guide for school teams at drkarendudekbrannan/efschools

    If you’re an educator or school clinician and you want to learn how to support students’ executive functioning skills in the K-12 setting, check out the School of Clinical Leadership at drkarendudekbrannan.com/clinicalleadership.

    MM # 35- Powerful Relationships - Candice Noss

    MM # 35- Powerful Relationships - Candice Noss

    In this episode, I, Candace Nas, a physical therapist, wellness coach, and lifelong Christian, discuss the power of relationships and the importance of navigating them effectively. I introduce a framework called the three D's and the three E's, which I learned from Dr. Justin Colson, that can be applied to all types of relationships - with God, ourselves, and others. The three D's that destroy relationships are being disappointed, dismissive, and disapproving, while the three E's that build relationships are examining, evaluating, and empowering. I emphasize that while conflict is inevitable in relationships, we have the choice to avoid contention. To improve a relationship, the first step is awareness - being mindful of how we might be dismissive or disapproving. This requires separating the person from their actions and avoiding character judgment. Once we are aware of using the three D's, we can move on to the three E's by examining the situation, asking questions, and showing curiosity and compassion. Next, we evaluate if the outcome aligns with what the person wants, seeking to understand them better. Finally, we empower them, recognizing their potential and reminding them of their strengths. It is important to extend grace and forgiveness not only to others but also to ourselves. I emphasize the significance of building a relationship with ourselves and eliminating dismissiveness, disappointment, and disapproval. Instead, we should focus on examining, evaluating, and empowering. I believe that by applying the three D's and three E's framework, we can improve every relationship. If listeners need additional assistance, they can reach out to me through my podcast, "Designed for Greatness with Candace Nas," or via email and website, which are listed in the show notes. Ultimately, I want to remind my audience that they are designed for greatness.

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    Embrace the Winter Mess (Nuhfer) - Danielle Nuhfer

    Embrace the Winter Mess (Nuhfer) - Danielle Nuhfer

    Hello, I'm Danielle Newfer, and welcome to another episode of Teaching Well. Today, I want to address the challenges that come with the winter messy middle of the school year. It can feel like navigating through a snowstorm or rainstorm, depending on where you live. But fear not, I have five actionable tips that will not only help you survive this period but also thrive starting tomorrow. First, let's start by reassessing our goals. Just as nature adapts to changing seasons, it's important for us as educators to reflect on what's working and what needs adjustment. Take a moment to identify three goals for the remainder of the year and break them down into actionable steps. This fresh perspective will provide a new sense of direction, just like a snow-covered landscape transforming into a winter wonderland. Next, we shouldn't try to carry the load alone. It's essential to delegate and collaborate with our colleagues. Just like trees sharing the burden of snow on their branches, we should identify tasks that can be delegated or shared. Additionally, don't be afraid to let go of tasks that aren't essential. Collaboration and delegation will lighten our load in this midyear rush. Now, let's talk about the importance of self-care breaks. It's crucial to schedule specific times for short breaks to recharge ourselves, just like nurturing a winter garden. Even if it's just a few minutes to stretch, breathe, or enjoy a cup of our favorite hot beverage, these self-care breaks can make a significant difference in the midst of a hectic school year. Moving on, let's reconnect with our students. The middle of the school year can create a disconnect, so it's important to take a few minutes to have meaningful conversations with our students. Ask them about their winter interests, goals, and how we can better support them. This reconnection will create a warm and supportive classroom environment. Lastly, let's remember to celebrate small wins. Amidst the winter chaos, it's important to acknowledge and celebrate the small victories. Whether it's our students' improved performance, a successful lesson, or overcoming a challenge, we should take a moment to reflect on and appreciate these small achievements. They bring warmth and brightness to cold and dark winter days. Remember, tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. Embrace the winter landscape and know that you've got this. Thank you for joining me on Teaching Well. If you found these tips helpful, please share them with your colleagues. With the right mindset, we can all create a warm and supportive educational environment for ourselves and our schools. If today's episode resonated with you, I would love to connect further. Check out the show notes of Teaching Well to find out how we can partner together. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of educators everywhere.

    Ways to connect with Danielle and Teaching Well…

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    Ready to talk through your situation and troubleshoot ways to increase school well-being to improve student outcomes?  Schedule a time to talk https://calendly.com/dnuhfer/45min

    Or contact Danielle directly at danielle@teachingwell.life

    What kids really need (Nuhfer) - Danielle Nuhfer

    What kids really need (Nuhfer)  - Danielle Nuhfer

    In this episode of "Morning Motivation for Educators," we delve into the question of what kids really need in order to thrive academically and emotionally. As an educator deeply committed to teacher well-being, I believe it's crucial to prioritize the human connection between teachers and students. I share my personal experience of attending a technology conference where I discovered an impressive cube that generated 3D images. Excited about the potential of this tool, I introduced it to my own children. However, I quickly realized that something was missing. Despite the impressive technology, what truly mattered was the connection and engagement between my son and me. This realization led me to reflect on my early experiences with technology in my teaching career. While technology offers many benefits, it cannot replace the essential elements that facilitate effective learning: a caring adult who is self-regulated, opportunities for exploration and curiosity, and a safe learning environment. These fundamental components are pivotal for learning to occur, regardless of whether technology is present or not. I witnessed this truth firsthand when my son expressed his gratitude for our shared reading experience and expressed how much he missed our connection. It reminded me that as teachers, we should strive to create classrooms that prioritize meaningful connections rather than being solely dependent on the latest gadgets and tools. In conclusion, while technology has its place, it should not be the main focus in education. Instead, we should prioritize nurturing the human connection between teachers and students. By remembering the three essential elements of a caring adult, exploration, and a safe environment, we can create environments where true teaching and learning thrive. Thank you for joining us on "Morning Motivation for Educators." Remember to keep connecting, teaching, and inspiring. If this episode resonated with you, I invite you to connect with me on "Teaching Well Life" to explore how we can support one another in prioritizing teacher well-being.

    Ways to connect with Danielle and Teaching Well…

    Get your free download 4 Simple Self-Care Solutions that Reduce Teacher Burnout & Increase Well-Being and Self-Care in Five Minutes a Day

    Sign up for the Teaching Well Wish Newsletter

    Ready to talk through your situation and troubleshoot ways to increase school well-being to improve student outcomes?  Schedule a time to talk https://calendly.com/dnuhfer/45min

    Or contact Danielle directly at danielle@teachingwell.life