
    Past Chaos

    April and Roy, stars of TLC's "You, Me & My Ex" and the hosts of Past Chaos, take you on a journey through marriage, divorce, coparenting and so much more! Listen as this ex-wife and ex-husband discuss the trials, tribulations, and triumphs they encountered while they built a positive relationship and productive communication after divorce. These two exes can be like oil and vinegar, but at the end of the day they share a very strong bond - parenthood. Together they want to build a community of blended families that focus on putting the children’s needs above their own. Parenting presents its own challenges, add in filming a reality television show – you have yourself a whole new set of issues. Unfortunately, divorce happens, but it does not have to place lasting and damaging effects on children. Past Chaos was created in hopes of shedding light on positive co-parenting and advocating for better communication for the parents of children in broken homes. April and Roy hope you will join them on this adventure of proving that blended is better! Past Chaos is a weekly podcast that is available wherever you prefer to listen. Please subscribe.
    en-usApril Kirk & Roy Farner177 Episodes

    Episodes (177)

    What Are You Giving Up

    What Are You Giving Up

    In this episode April and Loren talk about giving up.  More specifically, what they have given up for marriage, motherhood, and careers.
    Listen as the women discuss things they missed out on in order to have a happy marriage, be great moms, and have a successful career.

    Loren rates her date!  Hear the most recent date Loren went on and they outcome.  Will there be a second date?  Listen to find out!

    Remember, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

    A big THANK YOU to LOME for sponsoring this episode of Past Chaos.  
    Visit www.withlome.com/pastchaos to sign up and receive your first month FREE!

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    Why Did I Get Married

    Why Did I Get Married

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss the reasons they got married.  Loren talks about both of her marriages and what made her decide to take the plunge of matrimony.
    April divulges the reasons she got married each time.
    The women are celebrating one of their children getting married this week.  In honor of the event, the ladies give advice on what they would have wanted someone to say to their younger selves,
    Why do people get married? Love, money, children?  Listen as April and Loren go through reasons they feel people get married and what they feel is important in making sure your marriage lasts.

    Don't forget, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    Is Dating Fun

    Is Dating Fun

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss dating disasters.  The women each talk about a past date that did not end well.  They also tell us how they feel about being set up on blind dates.

    For research, the ladies took to the dating scene at their favorite bar.  Listen as they describe their mission in detail!  Did anyone get lucky?  Find out and hear their advice on new-age dating.

    Remember, you can now stream the entire season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    Do You Believe In Fate

    Do You Believe In Fate

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss fate.
    Do you believe in fate? Is it written in the stars? Is our path mapped out before we know it, or do we make decisions as we go that set the stage for the rest of our lives? 
    Could one mistake take you down the wrong road, altering your life forever?
    Listen as the women introduce their beliefs on the topic.  Hear which events in their lives led them to where they are today.  

    Remember, you can now stream the entire season of "You, Me, & My EX" on Discovery+.

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    How Strong Is A Woman's Intuition

    How Strong Is A Woman's Intuition

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss a woman's intuition.  
    To start, the women tell us their first impressions of the ex and current meant in their lives.  What did Loren first think about John?  How did April first feel about Roy?

    Do you have a strong intuition?  Find out what the ladies think about intuition and how it has helped them in their relationships.  Also, listen to how these women have used their intuition to grow personally.

    Don't forget, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    Can You Escape Your Past

    Can You Escape Your Past

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss getting closure from your past.  April reveals some big family news, while Loren divulges some huge upcoming changes in her relationship.
    Can you ever run away from past mistakes and experiences?  Find out what the women think as they take a deep dive into their former lives.
    What has Loren been running from?  How has April struggled to overcome?  You will hear all about it in this episode.
    Also, the women end the episode with a "bang".
    Don't forget, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me, & My Ex" on Discovery Plus. 

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    New Year, New You

    New Year, New You

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss setting intentions for the new year.  Do they have a New Year's resolution?  Not so much.  But they do have intentions set for 2022!
    The ladies recap 2021 by indulging in what they learned and how they've grown.  They talk about what they want to bring into this new year and what they hope to leave behind.

    Also, Loren gives us a steamy recap of an embarrassing sex-capade!

    Remember, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

    Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

    In this episode, April and Loren dive into the topic of SEX!  The women discuss how the sexual experiences they've had  throughout their lives have changed the way they communicate with their partners.
    April admits that this is a very uncomfortable topic for her, but she knows Loren will offer her 'SEXpertise' on the subject.
    Find out what the women really like, and also the things they are not a fan of.  

    There will be no new episode next week.  The women will be taking the week off for Christmas.  They will be back with a BRAND NEW episode on New Year's Day.

    Remember, you can now stream the entire season of "You, Me, & My Ex" on discovery +.

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    Can We Modify Ourselves

    Can We Modify Ourselves

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss making modifications in themselves.
    April had an epiphany while traveling and wants to make some changes in the way she handles certain situations.  Loren offers advice from her own journey of self-discovery.

    Will Loren be able to take what she has learned and help find solutions for April's dilemmas?   Will April accept the help and be willing to make the necessary changes in her life to rid her of some self-imposed stress?

    Don't forget you can now stream the full season of "You, Me, & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    Are Your Words Damaging

    Are Your Words Damaging

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss how damaging it is to your children to speak negatively about the other parent.
    The women recall their childhood and how they learned from their parents' divorces.  They talk about how talking about the other parent in from of your children can be considered parental alienation.   This type of negative talk can have lasting effects on your children that will present problems in adulthood.  
    The ladies also discuss their holiday travel plans and what they are looking forward to, as well as what they are not so thrilled about.

    Reminder, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+. 

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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    Are You Scared Of Aging

    Are You Scared Of Aging

    In this episode April and Loren discuss sexual bias in aging.  Why are women so afraid of getting older?  Why is it considered "sexy" for men to age but women are scrutinized  for the same thing.  
    Loren embraces beauty in her age and urges all other women to do the same.  April admits that she has struggled with aging but is trying to accept the blessing it is.

    Reminder, you can not stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on discovery+.

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    Is Giving Your All Too Much To Handle

    Is Giving Your All Too Much To Handle

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss feeling burn out but still pushing through.  The women talk about how hard it is being in a slump, yet being required to do all the things expected of you as a mother.
    These two always put it all on the table, but sometimes they are limited to what they are able to divulge.  Rest assured, it will all come out in the end.
    April and Loren are working on a BIG project and have some announcements to share SOON!

    Remember, you can now stream the entire season of "You, Me & My Ex" on discovery+. 

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    Do You Have Mom Envy

    Do You Have Mom Envy

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss good mom envy.  Do you look at other moms and think they are doing a much better job than you?  Do you ever wish your motherhood looked more like someone else's?
    Listen as the women compare their motherhood to others that seem to be more successful at it.
    The women also talk about their crazy week where they played neighborhood watch.  April spills the beans on what Loren did to cause low flying helicopters in their neighborhood!

    Remember, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me, & My Ex" on Discovery +.

    Happy Halloween!

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    Are We Hurting Our Children

    Are We Hurting Our Children

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss how divorce can cause parenting challenges and how it affects children.
    April explains how each of her children handled her divorces very differently.
    Loren worries that her divorce will have greater lasting affects on one child more than the others.
    Find out why the friendship between April and Loren could end their romantic relationships.
    Also, is it ok to be honest when your friends are messing up their lives.  Hear what the women have to say about that!

    Remember, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    Do You Suffer From Relationship Trauma

    Do You Suffer From Relationship Trauma

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss relationship trauma.  Loren reveals how trauma from sexual abuse leads to problems in her current relationship.  April talks about how abuse and infidelity from her first marriage has created issues in her relationships since then.
    Find out which child was brought home by the sheriff and which child is in the hot seat this week!

    You can now stream the full season of "You, Me, & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    High Conflict CoParenting

    High Conflict CoParenting

    In this episode, April and Loren continue discussing high conflict coparenting.  Loren reveals more of her paranoia and why she has cell phone trauma.
    April talks about her close call last week and how Loren is her go-to during a crisis.
    The women dive into how they have both been guilty of being high conflict coparents in the past.  They also give advice on how to recognize and defuse high conflict situations.

    Remember, you can stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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    Are You Married To The High Conflict CoParent

    Are You Married To The High Conflict CoParent

    In this episode April and Loren get real personal!  The women talk about a topic that is most requested by their listeners - high conflict coparenting!
    More specifically, the women discuss being married to the high conflict coparent.  
    Loren stumps April with this week's "What Would April Do".  However, April gets a little payback when she reveals exactly "who" they will be discussing during this week's topic.  
    This episode may require more than one glass of wine!

    Don't forget, you can now stream "You, Me & My Ex" on discovery+.

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    Do You Keep Secrets In Your Relationship

    Do You Keep Secrets In Your Relationship

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss relationship secrets.  Should you keep things private or be open?  The women discuss how they feel about filtering the truth on social media, when it comes to their significant others.

    April reveals that it is hard for her to understand the concept of staying in an abusive relationship, now that she is on the other side of the situation.
    Loren talks about speaking the hard truth and how women should use their voice to stand up against domestic violence in relationship.

    You can stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on discovery+.

    If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship - please seek help!
    You can call 800-799-SAFE or visit www.thehotline.org to speak with a trained professional.

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    Are You In A Codependent Relationship

    Are You In A Codependent Relationship

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss codependency.  April realizes that she has suffered from codependency for a very long time.  Loren, on the other hand, is the complete opposite in that scenario.
    The women talk about a parenting issue that they are not necessarily on the same page about, but discuss healthy ways to solve it.
    Listen to how they explain the closeness of their relationship and the relationships they have with some of their exes.

    You can stream the entire season of "You, Me, & My Ex" on discovery+.

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    Have You Experienced Mom Burnout

    Have You Experienced Mom Burnout

    In this episode, April and Loren discuss mom burnout.  After two weeks of quarantine, this conversation is so relevant.  How have the women handled coparenting with two family members testing positive for Covid?  
    Listen to Loren's experience of being exhausted in motherhood, especially after a bitter custody battle.
    Hear April's take on being a young mother and now stepping into a big role as bonus mom to very young children.

    Remember, you can now stream the full season of "You, Me & My Ex" on Discovery+.

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