
    Peace in the Pause

    Sometimes the hardest part of slowing down is giving yourself permission to pause. To listen, to do less, to allow for more space, to take care of yourself and, in turn, come back better & stronger. To embrace the peace in the pause. I developed this podcast to offer you the opportunity to pause. I’ll share weekly episodes that invite you to enjoy different types of meditation and breathing practices. I’ll also share short sessions of mindful movement you can do in a chair or at your desk to bring ease to your body as well as guided restorative yoga poses to ground and restore your body. I look forward to you joining me and taking time in your day to find your peace in the pause.
    enGretchen Schutte88 Episodes

    Episodes (88)

    Peace in the Pause 8: Mindful Movement - 6 Movements of the Spine

    Peace in the Pause 8: Mindful Movement - 6 Movements of the Spine

    Yoga means union; it's the practice of being in the present movement. When we connect our breath to our movement it supports our practice of being mindful and present.

    Practicing physical yoga can be as simple as lifting your arms up towards the ceiling as you breathe in and lowering them down as you breathe out. Yoga doesn’t require special clothing or props. You can practice yoga sitting in a chair and get all the same benefits you would if you were practicing while sitting on the floor.

    In this week's episode I will invite you to explore the 6 movements of the spine. When we take the 6 movements of the spine it brings balance to the body as well as the mind.

    Let's stay connected:
    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes
    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com
    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello
    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 5: Pranayama - Belly Breathing

    Peace in the Pause 5: Pranayama - Belly Breathing

    Welcome & thank you for taking time to pause with me today for this week’s episode of Peace in the Pause podcast.

    In this week’s episode we will explore a pranayama practice called Belly Breathing.

    As I shared in a previous episode the average person breathes in and out up to 23,040 times per day, but most of us do it inefficiently, taking short, shallow chest breaths while subconsciously contracting our abdomen. The practice of Belly Breathing teaches us how to change that breathing pattern and take long, smooth inhales & exhales. The result is a reduction of cortisol, reducing stress and its effects on your body and mind.

    Peace in the Pause 4: Benefits to Physical Yoga

    Peace in the Pause 4: Benefits to Physical Yoga

    Welcome & thank you for taking time to pause with me today for this week’s episode of Peace in the Pause podcast.

    In this week’s episode we will explore the Benefits to a Physical Yoga practice. What yoga is, the basics of practicing physical yoga, and why it’s beneficial. You may be wondering why I called it “physical yoga” and not just “yoga.” In fact the topics of our last 2 episodes, breathing and meditation, are also yoga practices. If you had a daily practice of mindful breathing and meditation you would be practicing yoga.

    Let's stay connected:

    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spreaker

    - Pop over to Facebook (Tulaprana Yoga) to say hello

    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 2: Benefits to Better Breathing

    Peace in the Pause 2: Benefits to Better Breathing

    Welcome & thank you for taking time to pause with me today for this week’s episode of Peace in the Pause podcast.

    This week’s episode will be part educational and part experiential to explore today’s topic: Benefits to Better Breathing.

    The average person breathes in and out up to 23,040 times per day, but most of us do it inefficiently, taking short, shallow chest breaths while subconsciously contracting our abdomen. Although we are born belly-breathers, over time, as stress creeps in, and a natural response to stress—tightening up—restricts our breathing.

    An example we are probably all familiar with… you are sitting in an intersection and see someone run a red light, nearly hitting another car. A common response is to take a sharp breath in *gasp* and hold it. Over time, as we continue to react to stressful situations, we develop bad breathing patterns.

    The good news is we can change those breathing patterns and enjoy the benefits of better breathing.

    Enter the yogic practice of pranayama. Pranayama is the practice of breathing. There are a variety of types of breathing practices that provide different results like energizing, relaxing, and balancing.

    You might be asking “I breathe all the time, Gretchen, why do I need to practice breathing?”

    When we practice breathing and incorporate long, smooth exhales it supports the parasympathetic nervous system and activates what is commonly known as the “relaxation response,” reducing stress and its effects on your body and mind.

    Let me pause there… this thing we do, like 23,000 times a day, our breath, is a tool we can use to relieve stress? Now that is pretty great.

    With better breathing we can manage challenges better, be more focused, and feel better.

    This is because better breathing:

    • Increases endorphins – boost mood, increases confidence
    • Increase Oxygen – boosts creativity, improves metal clarity
    • Decreases Cortisol – lowers blood pressure, reduces stress

    We gain many health benefits from better breathing. Some of them include:

    • Purification of the lungs & blood
    • Increased energy levels
    • Reduced anxiety and depression

    With these kinds of benefits, who wouldn’t want to breath better?

    In future episodes we will explore different breathing practices, how to do them, and their benefits.

    First Breathing Practice – Notice Your Breath.

    Let's stay connected:
    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes
    - Check the blog out on Stitcher
    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello
    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 1: Welcome & Intro

    Peace in the Pause 1: Welcome & Intro

    Welcome to the Peace in the Pause Podcast with myself, Gretchen Schutte, brought to you by Tulaprana Yoga and peaceinthepause.com.

    Sometimes the hardest part of slowing down is giving yourself permission to pause. To listen, to do less, to allow for more space, to take care of yourself and, in turn, come back better & stronger. To embrace the peace in the pause.

    I developed this podcast to offer you the opportunity to pause. I’ll share weekly episodes that invite you to enjoy different types of meditation and breathing practices. I’ll also share short sessions of mindful movement you can do in a chair or at your desk to bring ease to your body as well as guided restorative yoga poses to ground and restore your body.

    I look forward to you joining me and taking time in your day to find your peace in the pause.

    Let's stay connected:

    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes

    - Check the blog out on Stitcher

    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello

    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com