
    Peace in the Pause

    Sometimes the hardest part of slowing down is giving yourself permission to pause. To listen, to do less, to allow for more space, to take care of yourself and, in turn, come back better & stronger. To embrace the peace in the pause. I developed this podcast to offer you the opportunity to pause. I’ll share weekly episodes that invite you to enjoy different types of meditation and breathing practices. I’ll also share short sessions of mindful movement you can do in a chair or at your desk to bring ease to your body as well as guided restorative yoga poses to ground and restore your body. I look forward to you joining me and taking time in your day to find your peace in the pause.
    enGretchen Schutte88 Episodes

    Episodes (88)

    Peace in the Pause 26: Guided Seat - Begin Again

    Peace in the Pause 26: Guided Seat - Begin Again

    A guided meditation to inspire you to begin again when the attention wanders. Use your breath to stay connected to the present moment and know that if your mind wanders you can simply come back to the practice and begin again.

    Let's stay connected:

    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes.

    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com

    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello.   

    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 25: Mindful Movement - Shoulder

    Peace in the Pause 25: Mindful Movement - Shoulder

    Join me in taking Mindful Movement to release & relax the shoulders. Enjoy 3 simple stretches you do take through out the day to soften the shoulders and create space.

    Let's stay connected:

    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes.

    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com

    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello.   

    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com


    Peace in the Pause 24: Guided Seat - Loving Kindness Meditation

    Peace in the Pause 24: Guided Seat - Loving Kindness Meditation

    This week's episode offers you a Loving Kindness guided meditation to cultivate compassion and share it with others.

    Take time to pause, breath, and connect with compassion.

    Let's stay connected:

    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes.

    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com

    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello.  

    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 22: Pranayama - 3 Part Breath

    Peace in the Pause 22: Pranayama - 3 Part Breath

    Breath is our most portable stress-relief tool. Our constant companion, our breath is waiting patiently to help. To calm, energize, or balance our bodies.

    On today’s podcast we explore a breathing practice called “3 Part Breath” that reduces stress and focuses the mind. It is a wonderful practice to calm the body & mind while managing challenging situations. Take some time for your breath & #peaceinthepause

    Let's stay connected:

    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com

    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello

    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 20: Guided Seat - Notice

    Peace in the Pause 20: Guided Seat - Notice

    This week's episode offers you a guided meditation with a practice & message you can take with you into your day.

    Take time to pause and practice the subtle art of noticing.


    Let's stay connected:

    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes

    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com

    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello

    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 19: Mindful Stillness - Yin Yoga to Balance the Body

    Peace in the Pause 19: Mindful Stillness - Yin Yoga to Balance the Body

    This week's episode is a bit longer to offer you a 30 minute Yin Yoga sequence for the spine.

    Yin Yoga is a grounded and static practice that invites you to pause, linger, and breath. Moving the spine in it's 6 directions provides a reset and brings balance to the body.

    Bring balance to the body, breath, and mind with 30 minutes of mindful stillness.


    Let's stay connected:

    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes

    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com

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    Peace in the Pause 17: Pranayama - Cooling Breath

    Peace in the Pause 17: Pranayama - Cooling Breath

    In this week's episode we will explore a pranayama practice called Cooling Breath, or Sitali Pranayama.

    This breathing practice can improve focus; reduce agitation, anger, and anxiety; and pacify excess heat in the system.

    My favorite place to use Cooling Breath is when traveling on an airplane. I hope you find this breathing practice helpful as you travel or manage any other challenging situation.

    Peace in the Pause 16: Mindful Movement - Neck Love

    Peace in the Pause 16: Mindful Movement - Neck Love

    Yoga means union; it's the practice of being in the present movement. When we connect our breath to our movement it supports our practice of being mindful and present.

    Practicing physical yoga can be as simple as lifting your arms up towards the ceiling as you breathe in and lowering them down as you breathe out. Yoga doesn’t require special clothing or props. You can practice yoga sitting in a chair and get all the same benefits you would if you were practicing while sitting on the floor.

    In this week's episode I will invite you to explore movement to release stress in the neck. Your neck does a lot of work, all day long, let's give it a little extra love. 

    Let's stay connected:
    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes
    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com
    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello
    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 15: Guided Seat - Guided Relaxation

    Peace in the Pause 15: Guided Seat - Guided Relaxation

    Enjoy a 10 minute "time-out" as you sink into relaxation with this Guided Relaxation Meditation.

    *Be safe and Do Not listen while operating a vehicle.*


    Let's stay connected:
    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes
    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com
    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello
    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 13: Pranayama - Retention & Suspension Breath: Relaxing

    Peace in the Pause 13: Pranayama - Retention & Suspension Breath: Relaxing

    In this week’s episode we will explore a pranayama practice called Retention & Suspension Breath

    This pranayama practice helps us learn to be present while we focus on the breath.

    Retention and Suspension is versatile and can help you relax, feel balanced, or energize your body & mind.

    The version we will explore today is one that can relax the body and mind. It is a wonderful practice when you need to bring a bit of calm to your day.

    Let's stay connected:
    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes
    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com
    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello
    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 12: Restore & Renew - Reclined Butterfly Pose

    Peace in the Pause 12: Restore & Renew - Reclined Butterfly Pose

    An invitation to pause, restore, & renew in a Restorative Pose. Reclined Butterfly Pose is a supported backend & hip opener that gently invites space into the body.

    Once you are in this pose I allow space for a 4 minute pause in this pose. However it can be enjoyed for up to 10 minutes or however long is comfortable for your body to linger.

    Reclined Butterfly Pose

    Let's stay connected:
    - Listen & subscribe on iTunes
    - Check the blog out on tulapranayoga.com
    - Pop over to Facebook to say hello
    - Or drop me an email at gretchen@tulapranayoga.com

    Peace in the Pause 9: Pranayama - Retention & Suspension Breath: Balanced

    Peace in the Pause 9: Pranayama - Retention & Suspension Breath: Balanced

    Welcome & thank you for taking time to pause with me today for this week’s episode of Peace in the Pause podcast.

    In this week’s episode we will explore a pranayama practice called Retention & Suspension Breath

    This pranayama practice helps us learn to be present while we focus on the breath.

    Retention and Suspension is versatile and can help you relax, feel balanced, or energize your body & mind.

    The version we will explore today is one that can balance the body and mind. It is a wonderful practice when your day has gone sideways and you need to right the ship