
    Raising Healthy Mothers

    Raising Healthy Mothers is a podcast for mothers, whether you're pregnant, just given birth, or are two years postpartum. If you’re looking for a natural, calm, healthy start to motherhood and you’re after some inspiration to help you get started, then you’re in the right place. I believe the first 1000 days of motherhood - from conception to 2 years postpartum - is vitally important to get right from a health point of view. But it's so easy to get overwhelmed! This podcast is about feeling supported and crafting your very own village so you can embrace motherhood with confidence and joy. Each week I focus on a topic that I think is important for a mothers’ health and wellbeing, and I’ll be bringing guest experts on to talk about how they support new mothers.
    enTasha D'Cruz100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    {9.2} Seasons, Sisterhood and Self-Belief with Lisa Mabberley of Mother Nurture & Wild

    {9.2} Seasons, Sisterhood and Self-Belief with Lisa Mabberley of Mother Nurture & Wild

    Occasionally I invite someone onto the podcast that speaks to my soul. This week's interview is one of those – my conversation with Lisa Mabberley of Morther, Nurture and Wild ended up being a heart-to-heart that made me feel really seen and heard. In our discussion I realised why it is we miss out so much when we don't have a tribe around us. As a mother of tweens, she's much further along her motherhood journey with me, and in her I heard the wisdom that experience brings as well as the comfort in knowing that no matter how old your children, you can still feel overwhelmed and in need of peace and calm.

    Throughout our hour together we discussed...

    • The OKness of having conflicting feelings in motherhood

    • The identity shifts in motherhood and how to flow rather than fight the shifts

    • Seasons of motherhood and why we should embrace them

    • Capitalist patriarchy and how it diminishes the importance of motherhood

    • Sisterhood and friendship in motherhood

    ... and so much more.

    This is one of those episodes that felt like chatting to a good friend round the campfire.

    Connect with Lisa:

    Website | Instagram | Self-care Journal (Free)

    Mentioned in the podcast:

    Sas Petherick - Self-Belief School


    Remember to join my free Back-to-School Self-Care challenge from 18 September. Over the week I'll help you to rediscover yourself, find the time to do 5 minutes of me-time and shake off the feelings of guilt that so often accompanies thinking about self-care! Click here to sign up.

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    {9.1} Back to School Self-Care: How to Revive After the Summer Break

    {9.1} Back to School Self-Care: How to Revive After the Summer Break

    If you've listened to my podcast for any length of time you'll know that I talk about taking time out, taking things easy and taking things slow as a mother. But in order to do this we have to navigate feelings of guilt, lack of time, energy and headspace to do what seems such an obvious and simple thing.

    There are so many metaphors out there - you can't pour from an empty cup. Put your own oxygen mask on first. Recharge yourself regularly like you do your phone. Fill your petrol tank before you run on empty.

    These cliches keep circling because they hit home. They are so true. You do no one any favours by continuing to run on empty.

    Yet we all do it. We all put ourselves at the very bottom of the list. We all keep going and going and going until....we're broken.

    And at the end of the summer holidays we may feel even more broken than normal. As wonderful as it has been to spend time with the children and enjoy their presence, it's a lot. A lot of fighting, sibling rivalries, tantrums and dramas.

    Now it's time to embrace the return to the routine of school - without simultaneously succumbing to the pressures and stressors that they bring too! So in this episode I talk about...

    • The challenge of summer and the challenge of returning to school

    • Stress and how it effects the body

    • Why motherhood is particularly stressful

    • The different faces of self-care

    • 5 practical ways to find moments of self-care in your busy day

    To help me transition to the school routine for the first time, I'm running my Back-to-School Self-Care 7 day challenge from 18 September. I'd love for you to join me - I'll help you to rediscover yourself, find the time to do 5 minutes of me-time and shake off the feelings of guilt that so often accompanies thinking about self-care! Click here to sign up.

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.

    {8.12} How to Survive the Summer Holidays Without a Garden

    {8.12} How to Survive the Summer Holidays Without a Garden

    Being inside without your own personal outdoor space is really hard when you have energetic kids who love being outdoors, who need plenty of physical activity on a daily basis (as we all do!) and who are naturally inquisitive and fascinated by the natural world.

    As my children have grown older I have become more and more aware of how important getting outside for exercise is, and while everyone benefits from doing it every day, it can be really hard to motivate yourself.

    So in this week's episode I'm offering 7 ways I have found to get outside on a regular basis. I talk about...

    • Why breakfast picnics are the greatest way to start the day (when you can be prepared for it!)

    • The pleasure of growing your own vegetables and the surprising benefit to fussy eaters

    • How to do messy and sensory play outdoors when you don't have your own garden

    • The surprising benefit not driving has - and why everyone should sometimes behave as if they don't drive

    I finish with a musing on whether not having the option to drive naturally forces my children to walk or cycle more simply because they don't have a choice.

    Although I am very aware of the importance of getting outdoors regularly, especially for children, I am also aware that without a garden I am limited by my mood, energy and time available, and so I am realistic about what can be achieved within these limitations!

    More episodes you’ll love:

    If you'd like to know more about the different ways you can expose your fussy eater to food other than at mealtimes, then my fussy eater workshop is available to buy on demand. To learn about the workshop, click this link to read more and purchase to start immediately.

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    {8.11} How to Have a Body-Positive Summer

    {8.11} How to Have a Body-Positive Summer

    Depending on where you are in the world, summer holidays have started or are about to start. And often that comes with a healthy dose of....self-criticism, low self-esteem, negativity - and downright hatred of the bodies we now have as mothers.

    It's heartbreaking.

    So in this episode I've diving into body positivity over summer. I'm discussing...

    • What body positivity means, why it's important and our responsibility as parents in shaping our children's body image and self-esteem

    • The impact of negative self-talk on our own and others' appearance

    • Rejecting diet culture and embracing a positive attitude to all food

    • Detaching exercise from food as a transactional relationship (i.e. why you should stop counting how many calories you'll need to burn after eating that doughnut!)

    • How to respond to negative comments - from our own children and others

    "Our words and actions hold great power and so by fostering body positivity within ourselves and our families, we can create a positive and empowering environment for our children to thrive."

    You are probably the person your children will hang around with most over the summer holidays. So it is on YOU to create a safe environment of body positivity in a world with a toxic culture of valuing physical appearances and unrealistic beauty standards which ultimately encourage restrictive eating habits and punitive exercise regimes.

    It's a long term game and as parents one of our greatest achievements on our children's graduation from home would be having fostered a climate of self-acceptance, celebrating all body types.

    And that starts this year by having a body positive summer holiday!

    If you'd like to know more about language around food, intuitive eating and how to keep calm and confidence at mealtimes, then my fussy eater workshop is available to buy on demand. To learn about the workshop, click this link to read more and purchase to start immediately.

    More episodes you’ll love:

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.

    {8.10} 4 Steps to Break the Snack Cycle and Take Control of Cravings

    {8.10} 4 Steps to Break the Snack Cycle and Take Control of Cravings

    This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm tackling a topic that came top when I ran a poll on what's holding you back from making health changes: Snacking and cravings.

    Why do we have them? Why is it so hard to resist? Is there anything we can do to make better choices?

    "We often beat ourselves up about our lack of willpower - we assume there's something within us - a moral failing that means we can't resist a particular food. We are so hard on ourselves. And I'm here to tell you that you cannot rely on willpower and motivation alone for any habit change."

    In this episode I cover...

    • The two factors involved in cravings and what triggers them

    • How to tell the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger

    • The impact of sleep deprivation and fatigue on cravings

    • 4 ways to tackle the snacking cycle

    Remember, habit, diet and lifestyle change takes time. Be kind to yourself, take things one at a time.

    Episodes mentioned:

    To get 50% off your first Abel and Cole order, click here (referral link).

    For a 10% discount on Claire Gillies' meal planning service, use the code HealthyMothers10 when you sign up at https://deliciousandreal.com/membership-levels (affiliate link).

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    {8.9} Supplements Aren't the Answer

    {8.9} Supplements Aren't the Answer

    You're exhausted.

    You're struggling with your mental health.

    You get cramps and find yourself going to the toilet 5 times a day, making you anxious about leaving the house.

    You know your diet is crap, you drink too much caffeine, you don't eat enough fruit and veg, and your sleep is non-existant.

    You've heard that good health comes frmo the gut so you wonder whether taking a probiotic supplement can help get your health back on track.

    This week I offer a stark truth: Supplements are not the answer.

    You can't out-supplement a poor diet and lifestyle.

    I answer a question from a mother struggling with feeling tired all the time, low energy and generally feeling unwell. Initially she was interested in probiotics for gut health but with a little gentle probing I uncovered more details - a history IBS, poor mental health, an unhealthy diet, poor sleep.

    Yet she still manages to feed her toddler healthily, putting a lot of energy into making sure he eats well, at the expense of her own health and wellness.

    I offer an explanation as to why supplements are not the answer and how Big Pharma has conditioned us to seek a single solution for a quick fix.

    I suggest 4 simple changes she might make to improve her sleep, increase her fruit and veg consumption, increase her energy between meals and simplify her life so she isn't just focusing on her toddler.

    I dive into why sleep is really the big problem here and offer ideas as to how she can improve her sleep.

    And at the end I suggest why getting some blood testing done might be appropriate to check for underlying insufficiencies and depletion that may have arisen since giving birth 18 months ago.

    Do you have a health dilemma you'd like help with? Send me a DM on Instagram or an email to tasha@tashadcruznutrition.com and I'll answer it on the podcast!

    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    {8.8} 5 Reasons Mealtimes are a Battle With Your Fussy Eater

    {8.8} 5 Reasons Mealtimes are a Battle With Your Fussy Eater
    I was a very fussy eater as a child. It's one of those family truisms. They still laugh about it now. I don't; I feel for little me who found it so very hard to eat everything people wanted me to.
    Now as a nutritional therapist, natural chef and all-round food lover, I am well and truly out of that phase. There's very little I won't eat and I love cooking for people.
    And I also happen to have a fussy toddler - despite doing what I thought was all the right things from the very start. So I know exactly how it feels to be in a battle around mealtimes - both as a fussy child myself AND as a mother of a fussy eater.
    In this episode I'm diving into why mealtimes have become a battlefield for you and your child and offer a new way of approaching mealtimes to help bring some calm to mealtimes - for you and your fussy eater.
    I'm going to talk about
    • The joy of crunchy beige food for a toddler - and how much easier it is to cope with this phase once we understand why they are drawn to it so much
    • The influence how we feel about food has on our children and why it contributes to a stressful atmosphere
    • Why bribing your child with dessert for eating more of their main meal can backfire
    I know firsthand how mentally challenging coping with a fussy eater can be. My fussy eater is still very much a work in progress - and who knows whether my second will turn out to be selective too! But I know I'm on the right path because he is slowly (very slowly) starting to try new things.

    If you'd like to know more about HOW to get your fussy eater to try new things, then my fussy eater workshop is now available to buy on demand. To learn about the workshop, click this link to read more and purchase to start immediately.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    {8.7} Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone: 4 Profound Discoveries While Coasteering in Devon

    {8.7} Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone: 4 Profound Discoveries While Coasteering in Devon

    This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I take you on an unforgettable adventure, packed with personal discoveries, heart-pounding challenges, and a healthy dose of cheesy self-reflection.

    Picture this: a hen weekend away on the stunning coast of Devon. A group of wild women ready to embrace the unknown, led by the fearless bride-to-be, who happens to be my cousin. Now, coasteering might sound like an innocent seaside activity, but let me assure you, it's not for the faint of heart.

    After a wild night of celebration, we found ourselves at 10 am staring down at the wild waves of Devon.

    Hangover? Yup.

    Sleep deprivation? Check.

    Intense fear? 100%

    An adventure for sure, but little did I know, it would become one of the most transformative experiences of my life.

    In this episode, we'll dive deep into the four mind-blowing discoveries I made while pushing myself to the limit on that rugged coastline. Prepare to be inspired as we explore the profound effects of stepping outside our comfort zones, especially for mothers like us who often get lost in the whirlwind of motherhood.

    "Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone."

    At the end of the episode I'll list out the steps to push yourself out of your comfort zone to help you reconnect with yourself, rebuild confidence, and combat the isolating effects of motherhood. Together, we'll step into the unknown, embrace the discomfort, and unlock the brave within.

    Are you ready for the journey of self-rediscovery? Join me on my wild adventure!

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.

    {8.6} Words of Motherhood: A Conversation on Journalling with Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us

    {8.6} Words of Motherhood: A Conversation on Journalling with Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us

    Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm welcoming Emma Cottam of Isabella and Us back onto the show. We last spoke on the podcast in October 2020 - we were deep into the first 6 months of the pandemic and looking ahead to a second lockdown. It was GRIM times indeed!

    I decided to invite her back because she's recently started offering help establishing journalling practice, and this is something I've been working on - and struggling with! - recently so it seemed really great timing.

    In our chat we talked about...

    • What journalling is  and how it differs from keeping a diary or a planner

    • The benefits of journalling and why it's so helpful for mums in transitional timee

    • Overcoming mindset blocks around perfectionism and challenging emotions that arise through journalling

    • What to do with journals once we've finished with them and the tricky conundrum of journals as a legacy

    I enjoyed this chat so much - I basically treated it as a means to get all my sticky questions answered about journalling! I know I'm going to be joining her July Summer of Me month of journal prompts to keep up my journalling practice through the summer.

    About Emma:

    Emma Cottam is the Founder of Isabella and Us. and the Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums. She is a licensed Practical Magic™ Coach and Facilitator, Certified mBIT Coach, NLP Practitioner, writer, creative and magazine editor. She is on a mission to help mums thrive, re-awaken their magic, get creative and tune in to their intuition to live the life they want. 

    Find Emma:

    Website | Instagram | Facebook

    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.

    {8.5} Finding Joy in Food with Kate Longden the Food Doula

    {8.5} Finding Joy in Food with Kate Longden the Food Doula

    Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm talking to Kate Longden, also known as the Food Doula. Kate describes herself as Chef, Nurturer, Cooking Coach and Founder of the original food hug meal delivery service offering edible support across the UK, and I can vouch that her food looks incredible on Instagram!

    If you've been listening to my podcast for a while you know how much I love talking about food and cooking. I truly believe finding joy in cooking is the cornerstone to uncovering true healing and wellbeing. In fact I genuinely think you can have your cake AND eat it - as long as you cook it from scratch with love and true joy. Full fat, full gluten, full sugar and all.

    The world of nutrition and healthy, clean eating can seem daunting and confusing. And most of it is rubbish anyway.

    "Eating should be a source of explosive sensory joy, not merely functional. It punctuates our days and is medicine for the body and mind."

    I adored my interview with Kate in this week's episode of the podcast. We bonded over our shared love for cooking, for having the confidence to combine flavours in a way that makes food sing, and for the healing powers of sharing and gifting food. We stripped food and nutrition back to basics and indulged in the sheer sensory joy that cooking for loved ones can bring.

    In the episode we talk about:

    • Why it's so hard to ask for help and yet why it's so important

    • The best meal for a new parent who desperately needs a food hug

    • Intuitive, confident cooking AKA modular meal prep - what it is and how it helps takes the pressure of cooking

    • How cooking changes when you can become a parent and how to re-discover joy in cooking

    • Why it's OK for chicken nuggets to make an appearance on the menuAfter her experience of a raging appetite postpartum that saw her prepared batchcook disappear in a flash, she began delivering home cooked meals across the UK, primarily for new parents but subsequently anyone wanting good food when they have little energy to cook.

    I loved this discussion because I resonated with so much of what Kate talked about when it comes to her love of food and cooking - and how disheartening it can be to cook for children!

    Find Kate:

    Website | Instagram

    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.

    {8.4} Eating Well on a Budget: 6 Steps to Feed your Family without Breaking the Bank

    {8.4} Eating Well on a Budget: 6 Steps to Feed your Family without Breaking the Bank

    Until a few weeks ago I was a meal plan dodger all of my adult life. Despite it being my no. 1 piece of advice for clients to (a) stick to their goals (b) save money and (c) avoid having to use willpower to stop eating junk. While it's true that meal planning can do all of those things, I'm also a very creative cook, and it's genuinely one of my most favourite things to do. Plus meal plannings felt boring, limiting and time consuming.

    But I knew I was spending way more on food than I should, I was spending way too much time cooking and I was starting to lose motivation for coming up with interesting meals on the fly every day. And I was definitely snacking on the sweet stuff more than I care to admit.

    So two weeks ago I decided it was finally time to take my own advice. And the difference it's made to my headspace and our budget has been transformational - not to mention how much less often I've reached for sugar in between meals.

    In this episode, I'm diving deeper into the 6 steps you can take to save money on your weekly food shop. I'll cover:

    • Setting your initial budget and what to take into account

    • The pros and cons of online food shopping

    • How to prioritise what you spend on your food based on your values and what's important to you

    • Shopping in season and what to look out for

    • Switching to cheaper plant-based protein without compromising on nutrition

    • Why ignoring the hype around nutrition claims to save you money

    “How much you decide to spend on food for your family is quite personal.”

    I recognise the privilege I have on the choices I make when it comes to health and food shopping, but I also believe that most of us make a choice of some sort based on our values when it comes to the price we pay for food and so I hope this episode can give you some guidance on how to focus those choices to avoid over-spending unnecessarily.

    And if you'd like to learn more about the benefits of meal planning, have a listen to my interview a couple of weeks ago with Claire Gillies of Delicious and Real. She has also generously offered a 10% discount on signups to her meal plan service using the code HealthyMothers10 when you sign up here: https://deliciousandreal.com/membership-levels. (This is an affiliate code!)

    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast. I'm celebrating 3 years of podcasting this month! To say thank you, I’m hosting a special giveaway - the first 3 people who leave me a review for the podcast on Apple Podcast will get a goody bag full of feel-good self-care bits that I love, a discount code for 20% off a future group programme or workshop and a free book from my personal bookshelf based on your stage in motherhood!

    To enter, review the podcast on Apple Podcast, email me a screenshot of your review (take the screenshot before you submit otherwise you'll miss it!) and send the screenshot to tasha@tashadcruznutrition.com or DM on Instagram: @tashadcruz.

    If you're listening to this after May 2023, I'd still hugely appreciate a review because the more ratings and reviews there are, the more people the podcast will reach, and the more mums we can support!

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    {8.3} Raising Healthy Mothers: Three Years of Nurturing Mums, One Episode at a Time

    {8.3} Raising Healthy Mothers: Three Years of Nurturing Mums, One Episode at a Time
    This week marks a milestone for the podcast - it’s been 3 years since I first pressed publish on an episode!
    So in today's episode I’m reflecting on 3 years of podcasting, with over 80 episodes and almost 10,000 downloads.
    I'm going to talk about the 6 key thing I've learnt in starting and maintaining a podcast, My personal highlights and favourite moments, and musings about the future of the podcast.
    And as a special thank you for being part of the journey, I’m hosting a special giveaway (my first for this podcast!). The first 3 people who leave me a review for the podcast on Apple Podcast will get a goody bag full of feel-good self-care bits that I love, a discount code for 20% off future group programmes or workshops and a free book from my personal bookshelf based on your stage in motherhood!
    To enter, review the podcast on Apple Podcast, email me a screenshot of your review (take the screenshot before you submit otherwise you'll miss it!) and send the screenshot to tasha@tashadcruznutrition.com.

    Episodes mentioned:

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    {8.2} Meal Planning Magic: Saving Time, Energy, and Your Sanity with Claire Gillies of Delicious and Real

    {8.2} Meal Planning Magic: Saving Time, Energy, and Your Sanity with Claire Gillies of Delicious and Real
    Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm talking to Claire Gillies of Delicious and Real all about meal planning. If you're anything like me you know you're supposed to meal plan to make life easier, save money and avoid food waste. But actually getting started can be overwhelming! And what about if your plans change?
    That's why I invited Claire on to talk about how she meal plans, why she started and how the benefits. We talked about...
    • How eating as a family can help with fussy eating
    • How meal planning can give children the confidence to try new food
    • How food is so much more than just nutrition and fuel
    • How cooking and meal planning is an important life skill for our children to graduate with
    I loved this episode because Claire's values around food and cooking are so aligned with mine. And she gives some huge hope for families with a fussy eater - her daughter was a fussy eater and now loves food at 16 years old! We also found ourselves talking a lot about the culture of food and what it means to eat together as a family.
    "Food is the glue that binds us together"
    Claire has a meal planning subscription service where she sends you a 7-day meal plan and shopping list, which you can customise using her recipe archives which has over 200 recipes! Your first month is just 99p so you can try it out to see whether it's for you, and she has generously offered a 10% discount for my listeners to the full price service. Use the code HealthyMothers10 when you sign up at https://deliciousandreal.com/membership-levels. This is an affiliate code, which means I may earn a little something in return, which goes back into the running costs of this podcast, keeping it ad-free! Learn more by clicking here.
    Find Claire:
    Other episodes you might enjoy:

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    {8.1} 5 Steps to Read Food Labels for Healthy Eating

    {8.1} 5 Steps to Read Food Labels for Healthy Eating

    Welcome to a new season of Raising Healthy Mothers! This week I'm diving into the confusing world of nutrition information and ingredients list on packaged food. 

    One question I often hear is 'is it OK to use pre-prepared sauces and condiments?' It's a big worry for parents trying to do their best for their family that by using shortcuts they are letting their family down.

    Hellooooo mum guilt!

    Helping people understand how to read nutrition labels has become a cornerstone in my education around nutrition because I realised what was second nature to me was often a source of confusion at the very starting point of cooking - literally putting up a barrier while you standing in the shop holding two jars of pasta sauce and trying to make a choice between them!

    So in this episode I'm bringing you everything I think is important to know about reading food labels. I discuss:
    • What's included in food labels and how they work
    • Additives and when to worry about them
    • The 5 steps I go through when I look at food labels and the thought process I go through when I need to decide whether a jar of something goes in my shopping basket!

    To keep things simple, I've created a cheat sheet you can print out and stick on your fridge or download to your phone so you have a handy dandy guide to whip out in the shop. To download the guide, click here.

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    The Uncomfortable Truth About Sleep in Motherhood: Compromises You Need to Consider {7.12}

    The Uncomfortable Truth About Sleep in Motherhood: Compromises You Need to Consider {7.12}
    In a society that expects mothers to immediately return to their pre-baby lives, a sleep-deprived co-sleeping, breastfeeding mother has to face some uncomfortable choices to make for her health, family and career.
    When I first became pregnant I had already decided I was going to co-sleep, exclusively breastfeed and be 100% responsive to our baby.
    I knew I'd be tired but I figured it was only for the short term. Besides, everyone knows being a mum is exhausting - it's just part of the job right?
    It was only when I found myself struggling to contain my anger that I realised the lack of sleep had caught up with me and I wasn't coping.
    Today on Raising Healthy Mothers I'm going to address a question that often comes up in the co-sleeping, anti-sleep training, extended breastfeeding world - and give a viewpoint on it that isn't often voiced and may even be unpopular.
    "We can do what we can by being activists and lobbying for change and discussing equity and fairness with our partners, but it doesn't help right now, right in this minute."
    In the episode you'll learn...
    • The 2 common reasons given as to why mums feel exhausted so often - and why they're not particularly helpful
    • The 5 areas of your life to optimise to help improve your sleep
    • The 2 things you might need to compromise on in this season of your life (these may be unpopular!)
    Ultimately if we accept that it's only for a few years, that it's worth it to parent the way feels instinctive, then you're accepting that you will need to compromise something, whether that's your career, money or your health and wellbeing - short term and long term.
    It's not an easy choice - and I think this will be an uncomfortable truth for many.
    Resources and links:

    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating on Apple Podcast

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    A Good Night’s Sleep Starts in the Morning: Why What You Do First Thing Matters {7.11}

    A Good Night’s Sleep Starts in the Morning: Why What You Do First Thing Matters {7.11}

    Chances are as a mum to a little person your sleep is restricted or disrupted most nights. Chances are you're drowning yourself in coffee and feeling wretched most days.

    What if you spent your time optimising your day to get you the best night's sleep ever?

    In today's episode I'm talking about the importance of a morning routine for getting a good night's sleep. It sounds counter-intuitive but how you start your day has a huge impact on your night - and it's all biological! 

    I discuss...

    • How your morning affects your circadian rhythm
    • What the circadian rhythm is and the link between morning light and night-time sleep
    • The benefits of a morning routine for a good night's sleep
    • Tips to get you started on establishing a morning routine

    I think it can be easy as mothers to dismiss your own sleep needs as 'just what happens' - but I think there are ways to get better sleep! To learn more about how we sabotage our own sleep with our everyday habits, download my free guide 10 Everyday Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Energy (and what to do instead).

    Get inspiration on protein-rich breakfast here on Instagram.

    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    Connect with me: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
    Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

    Loved this episode? Leave a review and rating on Apple Podcast

    Do you know anyone else who needs more energy and better sleep? Please send them this podcast episode!


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    Love Your Thyroid: Get Your Energy Back and Feel Amazing with Alice Godfrey {7.10}

    Love Your Thyroid: Get Your Energy Back and  Feel Amazing with Alice Godfrey {7.10}
    Everyone knows being a mum is exhausting, right? It's just part of the job, no? Also weight gain, sluggish digestion, hair loss... mum symptoms are brutal - but normal.
    Aren't they?
    If you've ever got to the point where you feel that there must be more to your tiredness, lack of energy, brain fog, low mood and hair loss than just being a mum then this is the episode for you.
    My guest this week is fellow nutritional therapist Alice Godfrey - in fact we were at college together! She knows exactly what it means to feel so exhausted that there must be more to it - because she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism - and has improved her symptoms dramatically. She has gone on to specialise in thyroid issues, helping women nourish and support their thyroid with her 10-step programme, Love Your Thyroid.
    In this episode we cover:
    • What the thyroid is and what it does
    • Symptoms of thyroid problems
    • Why thyroid issues are common postpartum
    • What functional testing can tell you about your thyroid
    • The impact of nutrition and lifestyle on the thyroid
    • Steps you can take to move forward
    I have a history of low thyroid and I found this episode really helpful as a reminder as to why I'm doing what I'm doing! It is possible to feel better with nutrition and lifestyle changes!
    Find Alice:

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.


    Heal Your Bladder: How Nutrition Can Help with Chronic Bladder Pain with Mary Cotter {7.9}

    Heal Your Bladder: How Nutrition Can Help with Chronic Bladder Pain with Mary Cotter {7.9}
    If you've ever experienced the burning pain, the urgency, the sheer inconvenience of a UTI then you'll know  how it can affect you as you go about your every day life.
    But what if it doesn't go away? Or keeps coming back? What if the doctors say there's nothing they can do for you because there's nothing to show in your urine samples?
    My guest this week is Mary Cotter and she knows exactly how debilitating that feels, because she suffered from Interstitial Cystitis for years before finally discovering how nutrition can help. She has gone on to create a targeted 90-day whole-body programme to help heal your bladder and find freedom from chronic symptoms.
    In the episode we discuss...
    • The difference between chronic UTIs and Interstitial Cystitis
    • Symptoms to look out for
    • The effect of stress on bladder pain
    • How nutrition can help the bladder and what a whole-body approach entails
    We end with Mary's top tips to start calming symptoms of chronic UTIs and IC. I learnt so much from this episode because it reminded me how far reaching nutrition and lifestyle changes can be!
    Find Mary:

    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running. 


    Bridging the Parenting Gap: Finding Equity in Relationships with Rowan Whitehead {7.8}

    Bridging the Parenting Gap: Finding Equity in Relationships with Rowan Whitehead {7.8}
    This week on Raising Healthy Mothers I welcome Rowan Whitehead to discuss the societal gap that often arises between couples when they have children, causing imbalances in unpaid labour division, parenting and mental load roles. Rowan founded the Facebook group Bridging the Gap after her own experience of motherhood and imbalances in her relationship upon becoming a parent.
    In the episode we discuss:
    • The gaps that arise in relationships when couple become parents
    • Why the gaps occur and why they often go unnoticed
    • The difference between equality and equity
    • The different types of domestic abuse that are often hidden from view
    • How to start bridging the gap and bringing more balance to your relationship
    This was an empowering discussion, often touching on emotional topics that came uncomfortably close to me. I came away feeling motivated to have some frank discussions with my husband!
    Find Rowan:
    Support the movement:


    Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.

    5 Reasons You Still Haven't Lost the Baby Weight {7.7}

    5 Reasons You Still Haven't Lost the Baby Weight {7.7}
    I've always resisted entering into a discussion around weight loss in motherhood, mainly because I hate the pressure and expectation laid on mothers to lose their baby weight and go back to the shape they were before. But I know many mums become deeply unhappy with their bodies postpartum, especially one year or more later.
    In this episode I'm going to discuss the 5 reasons you're might be struggling to lose weight - without telling you that you're simply eating too many calories! Because I know weight loss is so much more than simply calories in and out and I want you to feel confident in the choices you make.
    I cover...
    • My challenges around weight loss and how I came to discover nutritional therapy
    • 4 reasons why crash diets, restrictive diets and calorie counting doesn't work
    • 5 reasons why you're struggling to lose weight
    • Mindset around weight loss and why it's the most important aspect that's commonly missing
    • Other factors that could be affecting your weight
    By the end you'll be ready to put restrictive, crash diets behind you and know what to do instead for a holistic approach to weight loss that brings you joy for life.

    Download my free guide to getting more energy and motivation so you can spring out of bed in the mornings Ten Things You're Doing Everyday to Sabotage Your Energy.


    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.