
    Really Useful Conversations

    Managers and leaders need to be able to confidently have 7 Significant Conversations if they are to achieve the desired business outcomes WITH an engaged and motivated team. What are those conversations? How do we have difficult conversations? What about conversations that are challenging, crucial, critical ... Conversations can change organisations. They can develop relationships, improve standards, increase results - conversations can even save lives. After 21 years as a freelance Consultant, Andrea Newton shares practical, down to earth advice, learning, tips and techniques to enable you to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and have conversations that matter.
    en-gbAndrea Newton81 Episodes

    Episodes (81)

    Ep 020 - Faulty thinking and how it can impact on our Confident Conversations - mindset matters!

    Ep 020 - Faulty thinking and how it can impact on our Confident Conversations - mindset matters!
    You can prepare meticulously for a Confident Conversation by having all the facts to hand, researching relevant history, being able to offer specific examples of the topic BUT if your head is not in the right place and your thinking is faulty, it can all go pear-shaped and the conversation gets messy.  As human beings we can experience cognitive distortion, or faulty thinking, such as making sweeping generalisations, jumping to conclusions, even deleting information or facts from our perspective - none of which is helpful, so this week we are addressing that exact issue AND there is a free download on the website to help you work on your own challenges - be sure to grab a copy!

    Ep 019 - Better than Confidence - a conversation with author Helen Frewin

    Ep 019 - Better than Confidence - a conversation with author Helen Frewin
    As a big fan of Confident Conversations, I was intrigued to see Helen Frewin's book "Better than Confidence" - and of course I had to ask, what could be better than confidence? Well, as Helen explains to us, confidence is indeed a good thing, but there are simple and effective tools that we can all use that are better than trying to build confidence, and when I got into reading the book, the lady has a point!  Helen is a Business Psychologist, Executive Coach, speaker and facilitator. With 20 years experience, she and I have a lot in common, including our love of Really Useful Conversations, and I feel Helen's Thinking Tools are useful for anyone who is fed up of trying to build their confidence, and is looking for something better! Better Than Confidence is out now, earlier than anticipated, so grab your copy and find out more!

    Ep 18 - Really Useful Conversations about Self Care for Managers

    Ep 18 - Really Useful Conversations about Self Care for Managers
    As a manager you are probably well aware of your duty of care to your team, being able to offer support and signpost to help if needed, have conversations that matter about mental health, stress and other such issues - but what if the one who is in need of help is you? There has been much more focus on employee wellbeing this last year or so, which is great, but what about managers who are caught in the middle? Responsible for supporting their team and ensuring that organisational objectives are achieved - perhaps having to learn how to manage remotely, lead change operationally, look out for everyone else, it can be tough as a manager, leader or business owner and so this Really Useful Conversation is aimed at you and how you might need to take better care of yourself. Self care is not selfish, NOR is it all massages and bubble bath, sandals and candles, but if that works for you, fantastic - if not, then you'll appreciate this episode and the Self Care for Managers Guide that can be accessed through our website . You cannot pour from an empty bottle and if you are not in a good state yourself, how can you possibly support your team?

    Ep 17 - Workplace Conflict & Mediation - with Pete Colby

    Ep 17 - Workplace Conflict & Mediation - with Pete Colby
    We know that if conflict arises in the workplace it can cause stress, tension, anxiety. Relationships can be damaged, grievances raised, performance dips and the atmosphere affected. We also know that the longer issues are left and not tackled, the wider and the more difficult the problem becomes. Sometimes both parties get so stuck in their own perspective of the issue that it feels like there is nowhere to go - and people can even fall out over a banana! Our interview with Pete Colby, expert mediator and trainer, from Pragmatism UK, helps us understand the issues, how mediation can help and when we need to use it - if we want to minimise stress, time lost and significant cost to the business. Contact Pete via his website

    Ep 16 - Conversations for Managers about work-related stress, for International Stress Awareness Week

    Ep 16 - Conversations for Managers about work-related stress, for International Stress Awareness Week
    This week is International Stress Awareness Week and given that stress can negatively impact our health, our behaviour, our performance at work and our relationships with others, it's important that as managers and leaders, we are able to have conversations around this subject that matter. Even more important that as an organisation, we exercise our duty of care and protect our employees from stress and make sure that the workplace is not adding to or even causing someone's stressful experiences. In this week's episode we offer useful advice for managers to keep themselves AND their teams safe - for more details please visit https://confidentconversations.co.uk/stress

    Ep 015 - Seven Significant Conversations that all managers and leaders should be having

    Ep 015 - Seven Significant Conversations that all managers and leaders should be having
    Conversations can change organisations, develop relationships, improve results, increase standards - conversations can even save lives, and there are 7 Significant Conversations that all effective managers, leaders, HR professionals and business owners should be able to have, if they are to get the best out of their team. In this episode we take a look at what those conversations are, starting with the Confident Conversation for a newly promoted team leader, all the way through to a Crisis Conversation if a member of your team is struggling with poor mental health or related issues. A fantastic opportunity to make sure your communication as a leader is where it needs to be and get the FREE downloads from https://confidentconversations.co.uk

    Ep 14 - How Biffa are making great strides as an employer of choice - menopause friendly too!

    Ep 14 - How Biffa are making great strides as an employer of choice - menopause friendly too!
    Menopause will impact around half the UK population directly, and indirectly will impact all of us. Employers risk losing talent and facing expensive employment tribunals for failing to support women appropriately, and this week we hear from Sarah Airey, Head of HR at Biffa, a leading UK waste management company with a predominantly male workforce, who are doing fabulous things around diversity, inclusion and family friendly policies. As many as 1 in 4 women think of quitting their jobs, 90% saying they have no support from their employer. 18th October is World Menopause Day is designed to raise awareness and it's time for more employers to engage in this Really Useful Conversation and take positive steps. Start by downloading our free resource

    Ep 013 - Mental Health in an Unequal World - what does that mean for employers?

    Ep 013 - Mental Health in an Unequal World - what does that mean for employers?
    The theme for this year's World Mental Health Day is inequality - Mental Health in an Unequal World and in this podcast we look at what that means for employers and how they can ensure that the mental health of their employees is protected and appropriate support given when needed, without becoming counsellors or therapists.  Really Useful Conversations about inequality, mental health and developing a great culture within the business - such important issues.

    Ep 012 - Menopause in the workplace - is a policy document enough?

    Ep 012 - Menopause in the workplace - is a policy document enough?
    As many as 1 in four women will think about quitting their jobs as a result of having to deal with menopause symptoms, and more Employment Tribunals are citing menopause as a factor, so today we have a Really Useful Conversation, at the start of Menopause Awareness Month, to help employers consider what they need to be doing to support women during this life stage, in order to avoid losing talent, experience, expertise and knowledge and avoid claims of unfair treatment or even dismissal with menopause as the reason.

    Ep 11 - Conversations about homophobic attacks and bringing our whole selves to work

    Ep 11 - Conversations about homophobic attacks and bringing our whole selves to work
    With a recent media report suggesting an increase in homophobic attacks, how can we truly bring our whole selves to work and do our best work, if it isn't safe to be who we really are? How do organisations create a culture where everyone can be true to themselves and therefore invest energy in their performance, not in pretending? What about the culture? Is Equal Opportunity training just a tick box exercise? My conversation with Rod Webb from Trainers Library is a Really Useful one!

    Ep 10 - Listening, no, REALLY listening!

    Ep 10 - Listening, no, REALLY listening!
    So often when we think about improving conversations, we think about transmission - what to say, how to say it, language, tone, being more engaging, entertaining, witty - we rarely consider the importance of reception - listening! REALLY listening!  A critical skill that we are rarely taught to do but that makes such a difference to our understanding, relationships, connections and trust. Listening can even save lives! For more help in improving your conversation skills, check out our new Stepping Stones to Successful Conversations programme at https://confidentconversations.co.uk/stepping-stones

    Ep 009 - How YOU can make a positive difference to suicide statistics in your community

    Ep 009 - How YOU can make a positive difference to suicide statistics in your community
    Every 40 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies by suicide. But what can you possibly do about it? This year's theme for World Suicide Prevention Day is "Creating hope through action" and this week's episode will help you understand how you can make a positive difference in your community, without being a mental health expert, counsellor or therapist. Grab a brew, pull up a pew and learn how YOU can make a difference. 1 in 5 people will have thoughts of suicide at some point, if that is you, please DO get the help you need - there are alternatives, I promise you, and there are people who can help. Go to to download a FREE list of Really Useful Resources.  If suicide is on your mind right now, please do reach out - there is ALWAYS another way. you just might need help to find it. Samaritans 116 123 HopeLine UK 0800 068 41 41 Text SHOUT to 85258

    Ep 008: Shining a light on suicide with Adele Owen QPM

    Ep 008: Shining a light on suicide with Adele Owen QPM
    This week is World Suicide Prevention Week and to help support the theme of "Creating Hope through Action" we talk to Adele Owen QPM, Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention Programme Manager, about the work they are doing to "Shine a light on suicide" in their community. One in 5 of us will have thoughts of suicide and following a very unsettling year, we want to make sure that everyone knows how to make a difference and where to get the help they might need.  to find out more and to download some Really Useful Resources and access the information referred to in today's episode, go to https://confidentconversations.co.uk/wspd21

    Ep 007: Conversations with HR - vaccinations, furlough, redundancy and more!

    Ep 007: Conversations with HR - vaccinations, furlough, redundancy and more!
    This week I am delighted to be joined by Jill Bottomley from the HR Dept. and we talk about conversations that employers are having right now, as we transition back to the workplace, furlough finishes and the potential of redundancy looms. As Jill says, communication is key right now and sadly there are conversations that employers are NOT having that they really need to, so I do hope you will find this episode interesting, whether as an employer, manager, HR professional or even an employee wondering what your rights are. Jill has over 30 years of experience and expertise in the HR arena and as well as offering her clients very pragmatic and commercially focused HR advice, can also provide SME’s with funded training around Managing Teams in Changing Times which will help with such issues. You can find out more about Jill here and about the training she provides for SME’s. You might also be interested in investing in your own Confident Conversations skills and our new online programme will be available HERE from the 20th September. Take a look and pre-order now to benefit from a discounted launch rate at https://confidentconversations.co.uk/stepping-stones

    Ep 006: Conversations About Mental Health at Work

    Ep 006: Conversations About Mental Health at Work
    I noticed earlier this week a report in the media showing mental health referrals have increased in the UK by almost 20% compared to pre-COVID levels. So this week, we're going to have a really useful conversation about mental health.  As leaders, managers and HR professionals, conversations around mental health are very relevant and important. But how do we, as an organisation, support people in the right way?  How do we signpost people so they get the help they need?  What is out duty of care when it comes to mental health?  Listen to the podcast for some really useful tips on how to get started, and click the link below to access some of the resources on my website to help you get started.     Here are the highlights:  {1:06} Mental health issues are on the rise  {3:59} You don't need to be the help  {7:01} Are you okay mate?  {12:59} Build effective relationships with your teams at all times  {15:40} Creating a healthy climate to have difficult conversations  {19:45} Be confident enough to ask the questions     To find out more about Andrea and the Really Useful Conversations she can have with your organisation, visit   And remember to follow the podcast and leave a review.

    Ep 005: Perfect Time for Confident Conversations

    Ep 005: Perfect Time for Confident Conversations
    You know when we need to say something, or we absolutely need to have a conversation, but we put it off? Perhaps we dither about the effects that conversation might have, or we tell ourselves that we're waiting for the right time. But I promise you, after 26 years of focusing specifically on conversations that matter, there is never a perfect time.  So this week I am talking about the importance of time; the timing, the timeliness, and how much time do we need to allow for conversations that matter? Time can make or break the outcome of that conversation.    Here are the highlights:  {1:32} Time does matter  {3:36} The deafening silence  {4:42} There is never a perfect time, only good timing  {8:10} It's easier to escalate issues than confront them  {12:00} The 'It's only happened once' excuse  {14:25} Get in the right frame of mind  Download the Stepping Stones to Successful Conversations guide too - a fantastic, free resource to help you have conversations that matter, successfully! To find out more about Andrea and the Really Useful Conversations she can have with your organisation, visit   And remember to follow the podcast and leave a review.

    Ep 004: Confidence to Have Conversations that Matter

    Ep 004: Confidence to Have Conversations that Matter
    Conversations can change organizations. Conversations can develop relationships, improve standards, increase results. Conversations can even save lives.  I'm keen to encourage more people to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and have conversations that really matter. But how exactly do we do that? How do we get more comfortable?  Where do we get the confidence to have such conversations? That's exactly what we're going to focus on in this week's episode.     Here are the highlights:  {1:38} The vicious circle  {4:03} Everything deteriorates without conversation  {7:26} The first thing to deal with is our own mindset  {12:01} Failing to have those conversations is failing in your role as a manager  {12:57} Understand what the issue really is  {16:09} Preparation helps you speak clear and concise  {18:17} As Bananarama once said...    The free pdf mentioned can be downloaded from my website right here Don't forget to enter the competition for your chance to win some fab launch party give aways:    To find out more about Andrea and the Really Useful Conversations she can have with your organisation, visit And remember to follow or subscribe to the podcast and leave a review.

    Ep 003: Challenging Post Covid Conversations

    Ep 003: Challenging Post Covid Conversations
    One of the conversations I probably spend most of my time training around is the crucial or challenging conversation. And so in this episode I am focusing on those challenges.  As we return to work following a year of high uncertainty many organisations will be faced with their own challenges., and this podcast will help you start to address them in the right way.    Here are the highlights:  {1:39} Attitudes are changing with the times  {6:13} Your patience may be tested  {8:10} All managers worry about difficult conversations  {10:57} If you keep brushing stuff under the carpet it'll trip you  {12:51} Have the courage and confidence to deal with challenging conversations  {17:33} Preparation is crucial    You can access the ReallyUseful Managers' Roadmap here:   Don't forget to enter the competition for your chance to win some fab launch party give aways:    To find out more about Andrea and the Really Useful Conversations she can have with your organisation, visit   And remember to follow the podcast and leave a review.

    Ep 002 - Caring Conversations Post Covid

    Ep 002 - Caring Conversations Post Covid
    In this episode, as we rumble closer and closer to the world opening up and people returning properly to the workplace, we're going to focus on Really Useful Conversations to support people in that return.  In episode one talked about the important of consultation and conversation, and this time we're focusing on another area of conversation which could arise during this period - that of employee wellbeing.   Here are the highlights:  {2:47} People need to safe about going back to work  {5:13} Wellbeing must be a priority  {8:44} Your employees have changed  {11:50} The four F words  {15:06} The Wellbeing Return Action Plan  {18:08} Check in and ask how they're feeling  {20:50} One-to-ones take time but add a lot of value    You can access the Really Useful Managers' Roadmap here: If you need some Really Useful Resources to signpost your people to, grab a list of relevant organisations in the UK here: Don't forget to enter the competition for your chance to win a fabulous selection of swag to celebrate our launch To find out more about Andrea and the Really Useful Conversations she can have with your organisation, visit    And please remember to follow the podcast and leave a review.

    Ep 001 - Conversations about Hybrid, Post Covid and Bringing People Back to Work

    Ep 001 - Conversations about Hybrid, Post Covid and Bringing People Back to Work
    In this episode I want to encourage you to think about, and prepare for, conversations with your teams around the post-Covid transition.   There are lots of organisations right now who are indeed looking at more flexible working options, and I've been working with clients recently who have been looking at what will work best for them going forward.  So in this podcast we look at the conversations you need to be having when considering hybrid working and the expectations of a post-Covid workforce.    Here are the highlights:  {0:53} The call back to the workplace is louder  {3:37} There is a risk of losing talent  {6:01} Enable a better balance for your staff  {10:05} What will hybrid working look like?  {12:54} They just wanted lockers and clean mugs  {15:19} Fulfilling your duty of care  {17:41} There's only so much you can do    You can access the ReallyUseful Managers' Roadmap here: Don't forget to enter the competition for your chance to win some fab launch party give aways:   To find out more about Andrea and the Really Useful Conversations she can have with your organisation, visit And remember to follow the podcast and leave a review.