
    Reclaiming Consciousness

    For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Reclaiming Consciousness is a podcast dedicated to exploring how so many spectacular humans are waking up, exiting the matrix and fully reclaiming their consciousness. Your host, Alyse Bacine, is a mental health professional, spiritual mentor and breathwork practitioner who helps people rapidly clear trauma. In her work with clients, she sees the profound shifts that people are able to make in their lives when they stop following the regularly scheduled program and start living the life they were meant to live. In this show you’ll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising consciousness and creating a new way of living on this earth. This podcast is your roadmap to deprogramming from the matrix and contributing to creating the new earth.

    en-usAlyse Bacine111 Episodes

    Episodes (111)

    #90- How to get Real Results

    #90- How to get Real Results

    “You don’t need a fuc&%ng affirmation, you don’t need a candle, you don’t need anything other than your mind, and I’m going to show you how to use it to get tangible REAL RESULTS.”

    I wanted to dedicate a solo episode to talk about my new program REAL RESULTS and also discuss the meaning that I've given to Mentorship after many years of not only mentoring many people, but also being a mentee.

    The importance of not skipping the process of unraveling and untangling oneself from childhood wounds, beliefs, and emotions is crucial in order to properly evolve in the journey of healing. Once this is understood and recognized, all that Real Results has to offer becomes available and coherent. There's a misconception that healing work magically eliminates problems. That's not how it functions. Negative thoughts and patterns will come up every now and then, and it's only with discipline and dedication that you'll be able to shift out of it.

    Ready to get REAL RESULTS? 

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (01:31) Intro and full info on Real Results and Past Lives & Money.
    (15:35) Understanding the importance of addressing emotions and childhood wounds before moving forward in the process. The Metamorphosis helps you with this.
    (20:43) Past the point of acknowledging your emotions: the real meaning of healing and personal growth work.
    (24:29) The Gap and how Real Results fills it. The Moment to Moment practice.
    (34:03) Past Lives & Money: recognizing archetypal energies.
    (35:55) My perspective on Mentorship and all that I’ve learned being on both sides of it.
    (50:35) Final words.


    • Remember to rate and review the show, and send me a screenshot of it to get $250 off anything in my world.
    • Join Real Results today and take advantage of the pre-sale pricing. I’ll show you how to take the knowledge and information that you've gotten from the healing work that you've done around your family programming: the mother wound, the father wound, your limiting beliefs, your money beliefs, and apply it to create actual results in your life. I'm going to show you how to shift your energy and perspective in each moment to create the results that you desire. Launches at the beginning of November and it's a 6 week program: 5 of teaching and 1 of Q&A. Bundle it up with Past Lives & Money to save over $1000. 
    • Sign up for Past Lives & Money and recognize and alchemize past life wounding so you can grow your business and your life in an exponential way. It's 5 weeks of teaching and includes 1 coaching call, Voxer communication with  group for support and community, Q&A with Alyse, Breathwork + an ample variety of tools. The program launches at the end of September.   
    • The Metamorphosis is a $1000 off until this Sunday. If you haven't addressed past wounds and deep emotions yet, I highly recommend you join this one before experiencing the REAL RESULTS program. 


    #89- How Dahlya Brown Shook Created A Paradigm Shift in her Home and Business inside Private Mentorship

    #89- How Dahlya Brown Shook Created A Paradigm Shift in her Home and Business inside Private Mentorship

    “Sometimes our hardest struggles lead us to our most profound change”.

    In today's episode, I am happy to bring back my good friend and client Dahlya Brown Shook. We talk about her personal journey of transformation and her experience as a stepmom and how it triggered her core wounds, leading her to question her decision to move across the country.
    Through our work, she was able to shift her perspective and see her stepdaughter's behavior as a mirror for her own wounds. This allowed her to do the inner work necessary to heal and gain her self-trust back.
    We also dive deep into her unique form of healing called movement medicine, which she teaches in Accelerated Wealth.


    She specializes in Trauma-Informed Energy Medicine, uniting science and mysticism for holistic wellness. With a Masters in Occupational Therapy and various certifications, she guides clients, including Spiritual CEOs and Business builders, in rapid, comprehensive healing. Explore her offerings and get a Free 3-Part Brain Optimization Toolkit at www.holisticmedicalhealing.com
    You can also follow her on IG @holistic.medical.healing

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (15:11 ) Dahlya’s journey.
    (18:32) Step mom – stepdaughter relationship: a reflection of old traumas.
    (28:28) An invitation to shift.
    (35:15) Parenthood isn’t what I thought it was going to be. Finding joy in the process
    (44:50) Movement Medicine.
    (50:46) Matching up Accelerated Wealth with Movement Medicine.
    (54:07) Dahlya’s before and after our private work.

    Make sure to listen to my previous episode with Dahlya.


    • Sign up for Past Lives & Money and recognize and alchemize past life wounding so you can grow your business and your life in an exponential way. It's 5 weeks of teaching and includes 1 coaching call, Voxer communication with  group for support and community, Q&A with Alyse, Breathwork + an ample variety of tools. Take advantage of the early bird pricing until September 15. The program launches at the end of September.   
    • New Program Alert REAL RESULTS. I’ll show you how to take the knowledge and information that you've gotten from the healing work that you've done around your family programming: the mother wound, the father wound, your limiting beliefs, your money beliefs, and apply it to create actual results in your life. I'm going to show you how to shift your energy and perspective in each moment to create the results that you desire. This one will be launching in November and it's a 6 week program. Bundle it up with Past Lives & Money to save over $1000. Contact me for more details. 


    #88 - Behind the Scenes of The Metamorphosis - The Story and Evolution

    #88 - Behind the Scenes of The Metamorphosis - The Story and Evolution

    "If we use the tools in The Metamorphosis, it's possible to clear so much of the ancestral and past life trauma just by clearing the family trauma. That's one of the gifts of this program, you learn how to strip away all of the illusions of what you think you're supposed to do and making decisions based on other people."

    In this solo episode, I talk about the process of creating and the evolution of my flagship program, The Metamorphosis.
    Starting with my background in breathwork, I created modules to support people in accessing their subconscious and healing their relational patterns. These modules cover topics such as birth stories, mother wounds, father wounds, and sibling wounds.

    Through the use of breathwork and other tools, those who come into The Metamorphosis can acknowledge and shift deep-seated beliefs and blocks, leading to transformation and growth. I believe it's important to recognize and own our own evolution, whether in business or personal growth. Healing and shifting on a deep level can lead to positive changes in all areas of our lives.

    I hope you enjoy this journey of creation, and if you have any questions regarding this or any of my programs, feel free to reach out to me.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (09:07) How I created The Metamorphosis. Claiming and owning your evolution.
    (11:00) The importance of breathwork in my world: The first pillar of my business. (13:39) Creating modules: The Birth Story and The Mother Wound.
    (20:50) The Sibling Wound.
    (24:22) What my 20+ years of experience has taught me: people want to deal with symptoms and not causes. With The Metamorphosis “I get you to the core wound that is underneath everything so you don’t deal with symptoms anymore”.
    (28:57) The evolution of The Metamorphosis.
    (30:54) Check out Emily Dukes episode.
    (32:02) Listen to Avani’s Story
    (34:45) How The Metamorphosis can help business owners or those that plan to start one.   


    •  If you feel drawn to the energy and tools that The Metamorphosis provides, join today to start experiencing the shift. 
    • Sign up for Past Lives & Money and recognize and alchemize past life wounding so you can grow your business and your life in an exponential way. It's 5 weeks of teaching and includes 1 coaching call, Voxer communication with  group for support and community, Q&A with Alyse, Breathwork + an ample variety of tools. Take advantage of the early bird pricing until September 15. The program launches at the end of September.   


    #87- How to Alchemize Common Past Life Energies to Make More Money

    #87- How to Alchemize Common Past Life Energies to Make More Money

    “Once we start operating based on other people, we completely give our power away. We completely give away our ability to tune into our inner knowing and take action on it.”

    In this solo episode, I share my perspective on past lives and the value of exploring them. I acknowledge some common issues with the way people engage with past lives, such as using them as an excuse to stay stuck or getting lost in them. However, I also believe that exploring past lives can offer valuable insights and opportunities for healing and transformation, especially when dealing with unexplained fears or memories.
    I'm also sharing 5 common past life archetypal energies that are being called to heal on a collective level.
    If you want to go deeper on this topic and create change, evolve, raise consciousness and create tangible results, then definitely check out my two programs listed below.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (09:18) Using past lives to be a conformist: why this is not my kind of vibe and how I see them being of benefit to you. 
    (13:56) How exploring my past lives helped me understand and overcome certain fears.

    The five common past life energies:

    (18:55) The Witch Wound: the fear of being seen.
    (23:17) The Fear of Being Ostracized for Thinking Differently: the tribal energy. “If you want to be a leader, be OK with people disagreeing with you.”
    (29:04) Lack and Scarcity Programming: the embedded fear of “there’s never enough of anything”. 
    (35:00) The Fear of Something Terrible Happening. Everything that’s happened on Earth has a signature in our DNA.
    (38:04) The Fear of People Not Liking You or Being Angry with You. 


    • Sign up for Past Lives & Money and recognize and alchemize past life wounding so you can grow your business and your life in an exponential way. Take advantage of the early bird pricing until September 15. The program launches at the end of September.  
    • I mention my training program: Breathwork, Money and Receiving which is an initiation in the new paradigm of receiving, the meaning of receiving, and the use of breathwork to facilitate receiving the way you’re meant to. Check it out if  you want to learn how to project different ideas onto reality and how you can change your reality through your perception.


    #86 - Understanding Your Soul's Galactic Blueprint with Becca Bee

    #86 - Understanding Your Soul's Galactic Blueprint with Becca Bee

    “You might be here in your body in this lifetime, but whether or not you like it, you have the voice of all your ancestors before you, singing inside of you, and it's your job to figure out whether or not you like the song or you want to change the song.”

    I have the pleasure of having Becca Bee on today's episode. She's an ascension guide and evolutionary galactic astrologer who specializes in trauma release, blueprint repatterning, and self-empowerment.
    Becca shares her personal journey and how she got into this work. We discuss the power of QHHT and connecting with one's higher self and guidance team.
    We also talk about her process for galactic astrology readings, where she goes into meditation and accesses the Akashic Library.
    Becca's passion for giving people back the tools to learn their own map and information shines through in this conversation, and her commitment to helping others connect with their own higher selves and wisdom is inspiring.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (09:12) Getting to know Becca a little more: how she got into the work she does.
    (14:06) What is QHHT?
    (18:54) Can we all connect to a council of guides and have that experience?
    (28:08) Galactic Astrology and Readings: access to high frequency libraries.
    (34:33) Blending Galactic History, Human Design & Evolutionary Astrology to build your life’s owner’s manual.
    (44:43) “Breathwork is one of the most powerful doorways back into know thyself”.
    (47:29) The Yuga cycles.
    (57:51) Work with Becca.

    You can contact Becca through her website www.withbecca.com


    • Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. 
    • Recognize and alchemize past life wounding so you can grow your business and your life in an exponential way. Sign up for my new program Past Lives & Money Launches at the end of September. 


    #85 - How Avani Shahlenis Left Her Job and Bought her Dream Home Inside The Metamorphosis

    #85 - How Avani Shahlenis Left Her Job and Bought her Dream Home Inside The Metamorphosis

    “One of the gifts that has come out of all of this is, my psychic intuitive abilities have obviously skyrocketed. The amount of seeing that I have with my clients is unbelievable.”

    Today I'm interviewing Avani Shahlenis about her experience in The Metamorphosis program and the shifts that occurred in her life as a result. Avani shares how she was able to trust her intuition and make courageous decisions, such as leaving her job and moving to Mexico to live off the grid.
    She also discusses how the program helped her clear familial relational patterns and achieve clarity in her business, leading to expansion and the creation of new offerings.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (11:01) What drew Avani to explore The Metamorphosis and a few other of my programs. 
    (17:46) The subconscious approval seeking.
    (18:23) A dream house in Mexico.
    (29:21) Farewell to the old job, welcome new business and new profits.
    (34:07) How The Metamorphosis’ tools helped Avani decipher her intuition and trust in it. 
    (41:00) Showing up differently in the sister-sister relationship.
    (46:42) The gift of psychic abilities.
    (51:18) Encouraging those of you who want to go all in in your new business. 


    She is an intuitive energy healer, transformational coach, and a sensuality expert for women & couples. She’s the CEO of Soft Woman School. Her passion is empowering and celebrating people, and her purpose is for women to experience being fully seen, heard, respected and cherished.

    As a certified Theta & Sound Healer, along with over 15 years of experience in the transformational space, Avani guides her clients to break out of old stuck repeating patterns & incorporate new tools & practices so they can bring their unique gifts & path online. 


    • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live, just like Avani did. 
    • My Beyond the Matrix membership program is live.  Gain access to weekly energy forecasts, channeled messages, monthly pre-recorded breathwork sessions and more.
    • My new bundle Spiritual Speed is out and available. Is a combination of two of my most potent bodies of work, Quantum Mastery and Inherently Worthy. When put together, these two programs will create the equivalent of your spiritual growth on speed. Take advantage of the payment discount until this Sunday before the price goes up!


    #84 - Multidimensional Mediumship with Tricia Carr

    #84 - Multidimensional Mediumship with Tricia Carr

    “People are like, Oh, I wish I could meet a Pleiadian or an angel, and I'm like: I met my cat and that's everything to me. That is an angel. It can't get better than that.”

    In this episode, spiritual teacher and multidimensional medium Tricia Carr joins me to discuss her experience as a reflector in human design and what animal communication is and how it feels. Tricia shares about her journey as a business owner, offering mediumship, energy healing, and hypnotherapy.

    Tricia talks about the idea of being a bridge and transmitting frequencies through mediums such as breathwork and meditation, and embracing vulnerability as a tool for growth. We go deep into the importance of cultivating a business that aligns with one's values, and how Tricia's tough childhood experiences also shaped her to face the challenges in her business and life in general.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS: 

    (08:08) A Multidimensional medium.
    (11:05) Being a Reflector and their purpose in the World.
    (16:52) Tricia’s business journey: a spiritual awakening.
    (27:03) The challenges of growing the business.
    (34:57) A day at Tricia’s office.
    (42:04) The wonderful gift of Animal Communication and Telepathy.
    (49:18) A  non-negotiable for Reclaiming Consciousness.



    • My Accelerated Wealth Program pinpoints and transmutes trauma so that you are free to grow your business, expand your income and create the impact on the planet that you know you are meant to. You also gain access to the tools in The Metamorphosis and Movement Medicine
    • Listen to Krista’s experience in the Accelerated Wealth, The Mastermind.


    #83 - How Krista Gray Expanded Her Wealth and Her Business Inside Accelerated Wealth the Mastermind

    #83 - How Krista Gray Expanded Her Wealth and Her Business Inside Accelerated Wealth the Mastermind

    "That's really what's given me success, is following my gut and not being afraid to follow my gut. And now it's translating that into now owning my spirituality".

    In this episode of the show, my guest is Krista Gray, a dear client of mine who shares her experience with the Accelerated Wealth The Mastermind program, which helped her make powerful shifts in several areas of her life, including financially.
    Krista is an interior designer and has incorporated her spiritual beliefs into her business, offering a unique service called Aligned Interior. She shares the importance of being intentional with the energy of your environment, including your home and workspace.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (06:47) Krista’s journey into Accelerated Wealth.
    (13:52) Adding spirituality into the business and setting intentions.
    (17:36) Decluttering spaces for mental health and the unexpected outcomes.
    (22:12) Breathwork for clearing old programming and the Father Wound
    (33:18) Investing in yourself to avoid mind/body collapse.
    (38:12) How Krista’s marriage shifted after starting the program.
    (43:32) Money looks different.
    (48:28) Movement Medicine.



    • My Accelerated Wealth Program pinpoints and transmutes trauma so that you are free to grow your business, expand your income and create the impact on the planet that you know you are meant to...just like Krista's doing.
    • Sign up for my new training program: Breathwork, Money and Receiving, taking place August 8th and 10th. This is an initiation in the new paradigm of receiving, the meaning of receiving, and the use of breathwork to facilitate receiving the way you’re meant to. 


    #82- Embodying the Truth of Who You Are with Timothy Brainard

    #82- Embodying the Truth of Who You Are with Timothy Brainard

    “Our life is not supposed to be a challenge. We're not here to be tested. We're here for the joy of existing. Human design is one of those systems that I utilize as a tool in order to present and communicate truth”.

    In this episode, I welcome Timothy Brainard, a practitioner of human design and other methodologies for self-understanding. Timothy's work is centered around helping individuals change their relationship with themselves and the world, and he has developed tools such as the Body Keys to aid in this process. These tools help individuals identify patterns of stuckness in their bodies and provide mechanisms for soothing tension and stress, ultimately leading to the embodiment of natural gifts and a greater openness to life.

    Timothy is a truth seeker and emphasizes that his work is not about the system itself, but rather about using any tool or experience to come closer to it. Is human design the only path to discovering yourself? 

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS: 

    (08:37) Timothy’s life’s story, the truth realization and human design.
    (15:46) The Body Keys and The Stuckness Pattern.
    (30:14) 7 Patterns, 7 Keys, and 7 Gifts.
    (35:55) The intersection between Ancestral Trauma, Old Programming, and Timothy’s work.
    (40:13) Anchoring on the past and the future, and forgetting the now.
    (50:00) The idea of the one.


    Timothy Brainard is a full-time human being + creator of The Body Keys, The Forgotten Sense, Mineral Allies, Crystal Self, and more. His work is dedicated to the development of elegance + authenticity as sustainable ways of being in life. 


    • Sign up for my new training program: Breathwork, Money and Receiving, taking place August 8th and 10th. This is an initiation in the new paradigm of receiving, the meaning of receiving, and the use of breathwork to facilitate receiving the way you’re meant to. 
    • Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. 


    #81 - The Father Wound and Money

    #81 - The Father Wound and Money

    “You can love your parents more than anything in the world, you can feel more connected to them than anything in the world, and they can be the ones that hurt you the most.”

    In today's solo episode, I am discussing the different impacts the father wound and the masculine energy can have, particularly when it comes to money and relationships of all sorts. Through my personal story and some of my clients' experiences, we go deep on childhood patterns, energies, and traumas and what's needed to shift and move forward, by accepting our past and not skipping on it.
    I cannot stress enough how important it is that you seek professional guidance when deciding to dive into these matters and solving them. It's a huge but rewarding work. My contact info is below.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (09:43) Starting to heal the Father Wound: not looking over your childhood and not skipping your family past.

    • The importance of breathwork to get to the root
    • Relationship patterns and not getting stuck
    • Working with the proper guidance

    (17:03) Operating from the old paradigm:

    • Showing you what you need to shift and how to do it 
    • Understanding how to interpret your relationship with your parents

    (20:10) What your relationship with your father represents and how it can influence you.
    (26:23) My personal story about the Father Wound.
    (37:57) Projecting feelings of insecurity to different areas of our life. Allow yourself to feel differently from what’s happening in your existence. 

    Interested in doing deep work around the Father Wound?

    • Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. 
    • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live. 
    • My Accelerated Wealth Program pinpoints and transmutes trauma so that you are free to grow your business, expand your income and create the impact on the planet that you know you are meant to.
    • NEW Masterclass: Straight From Source – Launches July 27th at 4:30pm EST – Sign up before tomorrow and get the discounted price of just $47. 



    #80 - How Lori Latimer Healed Her Own Ancestral Trauma and Created Profound Confidence in The Metamorphosis Method™

    #80 - How Lori Latimer Healed Her Own Ancestral Trauma and Created Profound Confidence in The Metamorphosis Method™

    "Having these tools and being able to guide myself through what I was processing, helped me stay embodied….it helped me help someone else in my life" - Lori Latimer on The Metamorphosis Method.

    Today I have Lori on the show, who is a dear client of mine and an admirable human being. This is a very emotional episode. We go deep on her trauma experience and how the Metamorphosis Method aided her healing and targeted unexpected areas, shifting her mindset and transmuting associated energy. We emphasize the need for trauma awareness, emotional/spiritual maturity in both personal and client work.
    The Metamorphosis Method boosted Lori's confidence in guiding healing modalities.
    Breathwork, Astrology, and Healing Ancestral Trauma are some of the keys in our conversation.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (08:43) Lori’s life’s experiences that got her to The Metamorphosis Method.
    (12:25) Discovering hidden traumas and solving them with the right tools.
    (20:52) Learning some things that were never in the plan.
    (25:52) Energy Work.
    (30:39) Birth story and the connections between childhood and the now.
    (34:33) Authenticity and getting rid of the shame.
    (36:40) Intuition, Healing and Podcasting.
    (46:43) The butterfly effect our healing has on others . Check out Lori's episode on this subject.


    • Join the Metamorphosis Method just like Lori did, and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. One of the best things about it? You shift as well!
    • Clear Channel: the newest private mentorship and opportunity to work closely with me. We'll work together to give you a way to directly connect to the higher wisdom, the higher levels of consciousness, the guides, your cosmic connections that you are meant to connect with, to tune in to the highest frequency of truth.  Contact me for more info. Only 2 exclusive spaces available. 


    She's a Modern Mystic, Grief Guide, Soul Navigator, and Intuitive Strategist. She helps people who are suffering from deep grief and trauma, or who know they’re here to do more in life but don’t know what that is, heal at a Soul level, release some of what’s been blocking them, and live the life their Soul craves - even in the face of profound sadness and loss.

    Lori has been helping people through grief in one form or another her entire adult life. Using one or a combination of the modalities she works with, you will release some of the layers of suffering, and find your Soul’s purpose so you can live your life in a way that honors your Soul, as well as your loved ones in Spirit.


    #79 - Becoming Your Most Authentic Self with Keylee Miracle

    #79 - Becoming Your Most Authentic Self with Keylee Miracle

    People may not like this, but I have to like me. Am I satisfied with what is happening? You don't have to lie to yourself. - Keylee Miracle

    Today we have Keylee Miracle, a fascinating lady, expert in neuroscience and psychic abilities. She shares her journey with trauma, leading to her use of hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, and other techniques for positive change.
    We open up about the challenges faced, such as bullying and struggling to connect with others and letting go of friends and relationships.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (11:19) Keylee’s difficult life experience and how she turned it around.
    (17:23) The relationship between Neuroscience and Hypnosis.
    (20:24) Taking all the knowledge in and starting her private consultation.
    (24:27)The most important challenges Keylee faced with her new business and the three big questions.
    (30:33) Why are we scared of making people uncomfortable and losing them?
    (35:11) Letting go of the unnecessary people in your life.
    (40:28) Being present and not having to know everything.
    (45:16) Moving through the question of self-worthiness.
    (51:11) A non-negotiable for Reclaiming Consciousness.


    She's a 2x-board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and creator of The Neurointuitive Method™. Trained by renowned trauma experts, she helps high achievers heal their trauma through a tailored, loving approach rooted in neuropsychology, hypnosis, and intuition. Her signature process has global acclaim, using a human mindmap to match clients' learning styles. Keylee's catered process rewires brains, cures stagnation, and facilitates powerful transformations worldwide.

    Check out this freebie Keylee left us: https://www.keyleemiracle.com/library 


    • Clear Channel: the newest private mentorship and opportunity to work closely with me. We'll work together to give you a way to directly connect to the higher wisdom, the higher levels of consciousness, the guides, your cosmic connections that you are meant to connect with, to tune in to the highest frequency of truth.  Contact me for more info. Only 3 exclusive spaces available. 
    • Sign up for the Inherently Worthy to completely shift the paradigm on the way that you feel about yourself, the way that you relate to yourself, and the way you hold yourself in a high level of value.
    • If you want to become certified in trauma-informed breath work, learn how to channel energy work and use the trauma tools that I've created to shift and pinpoint familial and ancestral trauma, so that your clients can get profound, rapid results efficiently, the Metamorphosis Method is for you. Sign up today!


    #78 - How Sandy Labbate Found True Freedom and Created Her Own Healing Modality Inside The Metamorphosis Method™

    #78 - How Sandy Labbate Found True Freedom and Created Her Own Healing Modality Inside The Metamorphosis Method™

    "We all have trauma on some level. It's not about freeing yourself and getting rid of it. It's about acknowledging it. By doing that, you become whole." 

    Today, I'm talking with Sandy Labbate, an amazing spiritual woman and beloved client of mine, who joined the Metamorphosis Method. She was able to dig deep into her past traumas and deal with them, not only to improve her personal life but also to empower her business and provide more and better tools to her clients.

    Sandy claimed a tremendous level of freedom that she had never experienced before. During the program, she envisioned and created her own healing modality. The tools that I share in the Metamorphosis Method are not a fixed formula; they are meant for you to take and use on your own path.

    Listen to Sandy's experience, and hopefully, you'll be encouraged to take the next step into a profound transformation as well.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (08:16) Sandy jumps into Alyse's world to identify core wounds.
    (11:41) Shifting Timelines.
    (14:50) A birth story with an abandonment energy.
    (21:30) Tapping into the subconscious through breathwork.
    (35:39) Practicing with partners: the magic of The Metamorphosis Method.
    (37:41) Divine Energy Medicine.
    (44:04) The changes Sandy experienced after the introspective work with Alyse.


    She helps spiritual women transmute ancestral, familial, and societal trauma to allow them to heal their shadows and unlock their intuition, manifestation abilities, and finally experience true freedom, from within. Her healing modality, Divine Energy Medicine, focuses on change at the subconscious level – through ancestral clearing, breath work and energy healing that supports nervous system. 
    To contact Sandy, you can:

    Make sure to sign up to her newsletter to get her amazing freebie, Emotional Freedom and Wealth Activation.


    Experience the power of the Metamorphosis Method, just like Sandy did. 
    Sign up today to master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. 


    #77 - The Secret Sauce - Your Self Worth

    #77 - The Secret Sauce - Your Self Worth

     “When you put yourself out there and start a business, you are making a statement to yourself and the universe that you are placing value on yourself.”  - Alyse Bacine

    The concept of self-worth is one that is often overlooked in our society. We are commonly taught to do things based on other people's feelings and put aside our achievements, our self-worth, and hide our successes, just to not hurt others. "This is something that we have been very much indoctrinated into as a culture and as a society: we need to place value on other people over ourselves."

    In this solo episode, I wanted to give you the back story of my program Inherently Worthy, which is designed to help you start shifting the way you see yourself, own your value and clear ancestral trauma and old programming.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS: 

    (08:54) Overcoming the fear of starting a business and healing ancestral trauma.
    (12:49) “Can I really do this?” when actually the underlying question is “Am I worthy of this?”
    (16:22)  The doctrine of placing value on others over ourselves.
    (18:20) Creating Inherently Worthy to fight old paradigm programming and to learn how to “choose yourself”.
    (28:00) What others have experienced and obtained with Inherently Worthy. 

    Get the Akashic Wisdom Ascension book


    • Sign here for the Inherently Worthy program and take advantage of the pre-sale special price until the end of June. 
    • Clear the old ancestral programming of what we think wealth and money are. Shift your energy and your frequency to step into a new paradigm. Check out my New Masterclass: Higher States of Wealth, launching June 26th. 
    • Contact me if you’re interested in The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live. 
    • Few spaces left to join the Metamorphosis Method Master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline.
    • A couple of spots are open for the Accelerated Wealth Program where the focus is pinpoint and transmute trauma so that you are free to grow your business, expand your income and create the impact on the planet that you know you are meant to. 


    #76 - Becoming a Client Attraction Unicorn with Nicole Hesse

    #76 - Becoming a Client Attraction Unicorn with Nicole Hesse

    “I built my Facebook group as an experience instead of this two-dimensional-lead-catching-device. I built it like a feeling and people were blown the fu&% away by it…it was its own little animal…The power of neutrality will set you the fu$% free” – Nicole Hesse.

    I'm happy to welcome Nicole Hesse to the show this week, whom I met through a mastermind we're in together. She's a powerful and funny person who's been through a lot of challenges, but thanks to her strong character and determination, she managed to rise above them, became a successful entrepreneur and a real inspiration to many in the money-making world.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (08:45) Unicorns and Fu$# pants.
    (12:03) From living the dream as an international bartender to hitting rock bottom… to making $1M in 13 months.
    (15:47) Teaching Client Attraction: empathy and not poking the pain.
    (19:43) “Client Attraction Secrets”: a Facebook bar like no other kind.
    (27:48) The coaching industry: what needs to change and what Nicole hates about it.
    (36:25) Dealing with those that “don’t get results”.
    (39:58) There are no magic bullets and nothing is immediate. Go back and check out The Power of the Long Term Relationship
    (47:41) Nicole’s perception on Client Attraction: “The second you’ve decided you’d made it, that’s when the sales stop”.
    (55:52) A non-negotiable for fully Reclaiming Consciousness.


    She's a self made millionaire who went from being a broke bartender to a seven figure CEO in just 13 months. She has empowered thousands of entrepreneurs in the online world to monetize their skill sets and results. 
    She stands firmly against traditional pain point tactics and uses her signature strategy of Catalyst Marketing to attract true unicorn clients.


    • Clear the old ancestral programming of what we think wealth and money are. Shift your energy and your frequency to step into a new paradigm. Check out my New Masterclass: Higher States of Wealth, launching June 26th. Take advantage of the early bird pricing ($47) until June 19th. 
    • New spaces are open for my Accelerated Wealth Program pinpoint and transmute trauma so that you are free to grow your business, expand your income and create the impact on the planet that you know you are meant to. 
    • Also, you can join today the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. 


    #75- Shadow Work Demystified

    #75- Shadow Work Demystified

    "One of the biggest reasons why people don't want to uncover their purpose or start to live their purpose is because of what it would mean to the life they currently created. Shadow work is not about fixing yourself" - Alyse Bacine

    Hi everyone. Another solo episode this week where I'm discussing Shadow Work, demystifying some of the bulls&%t that's out there about it, and giving you some powerful insight on things you can reflect on in order to move forward with your business, your relationships, and so much more in your life.

    Shadow work is about looking at the parts of ourselves that we may be hiding or suppressing in order to receive love and connection from others. It's about embracing our authenticity and allowing ourselves to be who we truly are. Remember, it's not about fixing ourselves.

    Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

    (06:15) Demystifying Shadow Work and understanding what a shadow is.
    (11:29) Real life examples of how a shadow shows up and how to work with it.
    (15:56) The right tools to help you move quickly on your journey. 
    (17:05) A self-worth short story and how the shadow gets your attention.
    (20:05) “We learned how to edit ourselves”.
    (23:57) Are you making something about someone else?
    (26:14) Rely on a mentor to guide you through the shadow work.
    (30:56) Embracing who you are vs Fixing and getting rid of.
    (32:45 ) New Masterclass: Relationship Currency  leverage the potency of your intimate relationships to grow your business.


    Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live and help you use Shadow Work to grow.
    With the Group option, you get:

    • Lifetime access to the Trauma Tool Kit
    • Monthly Group Call
    • Community Support
    • You can add a monthly private call with me 


    #74- The Hidden Energetics of Client Attraction

    #74- The Hidden Energetics of Client Attraction

    “Everyone has their own unique way of attracting clients because it's your specific frequency, it's your business. You are not gonna do it like anybody else, and that is the beauty of it. That is the thing that is actually gonna attract people to you when you allow yourself to be in your most authentic uniqueness.”  - Alyse Bacine

    In this solo episode, I am sharing a few crucial ideas that can help you in the process of attracting clients for a successful business. It's important to let go of linear thinking and instead focus on energetic investments in your business, which will return in unexpected ways.

    It's also important to be willing to be visible and seen in your full power and to heal any underlying fears of being judged or criticized. Ensuring that what you're offering is energetically congruent with where you're at and what you're willing to do, will help you attract clients in a more honest and transparent way.
    As always, I believe Mentorship is key, and investing in it from the beginning is important to continue growing and calling in the right clients. Find the right one for you.

    Let me know what you think of these ideas and how willing you are to implementing them on your business and your life in general.


    (07:14) Client attraction: starting my own business and overcoming the initial fear.
    (10:45) Do not emulate but rather do things YOUR way. Go back and listen to my episode with Dr. Robyn McKay
    (13:27) Reflect on this: What is my unique client attraction frequency?
    (14:45) The idea of client attraction being non transactional. 
    (15:49) Letting yourself be wowed by how things show up is a huge piece of client attraction.
    (21:40) Your willingness to be visible and be seen: “The Witch Wound”.
    (26:10) The protection-hurt duality.
    (30:19) Asking others to do something that you aren’t willing to do.
    (35:02) Being magnetic.
    (36:00) If you want to go deeper with all this Quantum Magnetism is the key to it.


    • Sign up for the Quantum Magnetism mastermind program today, which is launching again June 6th, and take advantage of the early bird pricing. It's 4 weeks, 4 calls + 30 days of Voxer with Alyse.  
    1. Increase client attraction exponentially. 
    2. Embody your fullest expression unapologetically. 
    3. Become a magnet for your highest timeline.


    #73- Finding Your Galactic Heritage with Emily Logan Lewis

    #73- Finding Your Galactic Heritage with Emily Logan Lewis

    "You came here to this planet with a very specific mission and a very specific energy frequency that's unlike anybody else's. And you have to be here to share your frequency and your gifts with the world."

    In this week's episode, I interview Emily about her journey into spirituality and intuition, and how she found out about her power of talking to the other side.
    Emily shares how she was fascinated with spirituality from a young age and how her interest in it was reignited in 2020. She talks about how she combines her knowledge of the Akashic Records, past life regression, and shadow work to create her own methodology for helping clients discover more about who they are at a soul level. Emily also shares the challenges she faced with visibility and being seen and offers advice to those struggling with being their most authentic selves.


    (09:20) Emily’s path to spirituality.
    (15:39) A psychic reading that unveils the power of talking to the other side.
    (19:50) Past life regression vs shadow work.
    (25:27) Putting the inner work together to help clients with their businesses.
    (29:27) The journey of coming back to you and coming out of the spiritual closet.
    (36:39) The beings and energies Emily is connected to.
    (43:32) The Blue Printers: a fascinating connection.
    (49:12) "You are a galactic melting pot from so many different star seed lineages in different groups."
    (54:23) A non-negotiable for fully Reclaiming Consciousness.

    Go back and listen to these episodes mentioned today:

    Emily Logan Lewis, aka Emily The Mystic, is a renowned Intuitive Mentor, Spiritual Teacher, and Akashic Records Consultant. She helps "old souls" heal, reclaim intuition, and manifest dreams. With a deep connection to magic through tarot cards and crystals, Emily's transformative journey led her to rediscover her innate psychic abilities.

    IG @emilythemystic
    YT @EmilytheMystic
    Check out her Website www.emilythemystic.com
    Check out her Intuition Activation Academy
    and get your FREEBIE


    • Sign up for the Quantum Magnetism mastermind program today, which is launching again June 6th, and take advantage of the early bird pricing. It's 4 weeks, 4 calls + 30 days of Voxer with Alyse.  
    1. Increase client attraction exponentially. 
    2. Embody your fullest expression unapologetically. 
    3. Become a magnet for your highest timeline.
    •  Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline.


    #72- Your Business is a Portal - Robyn and I Debrief about Palm Springs

    #72- Your Business is a Portal - Robyn and I Debrief about Palm Springs

    “It’s an energetic paradigm shift within myself that only I can know, because I'm the one who has to show up in allowance of other people having their experience without me feeling responsible for it or without me making it mean something about me”.

    This week, I've invited back Robyn McKay, an authority on spiritual intelligence and a top advisor to high EQ executives and leaders at Fortune 500 companies, with whom I traveled to Palm Springs, California, to attend a leadership retreat hosted by Jennifer Longmore called “The Seven and Eight Figure Path Leader”

    During this episode, we'll be debriefing, “publicly processing” and sharing the insights and experiences we’ve gained during the trip, having had the chance to share our time with a group of awake, high-vibe leaders. 

    (13:41) The journey.
    (20:04) A wolf sanctuary.
    (29:04) Fear.
    (33:49) Changing the way.
    (39:02) “My hot seat”
    (48:23) One of the biggest mistakes.
    (50:29) A take away.
    (55:47) Packing up.

    Robyn McKay is known as a “whole brain” coach who mentors elite-level performers in entrepreneurship, sports and entertainment. She has a PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Kansas, where she studied diverse concepts ranging from spiritual intelligence and personal development to positive psychology and creativity. 



    • NEW masterclass  RELATIONSHIP CURRENCY is coming out next Monday and you can sign up today. Learn how to use the potency of your intimate relationships to grow your business. 
    • Sign up for the Quantum Magnetism mastermind program today, which is launching again June 6th, and take advantage of the early bird pricing. It's 4 weeks, 4 calls + 30 days of Voxer with Alyse.  
    1. Increase client attraction exponentially. 
    2. Embody your fullest expression unapologetically. 
    3. Become a magnet for your highest timeline.


    #71 - Human Design to Create the New Paradigm with Emma Dunwoody

    #71 - Human Design to Create the New Paradigm with Emma Dunwoody

    “Human design amplifies everything. It gets you out of your head and into your body. It gets you out of the ego and into your intuition. It really shows you specifically how you are designed to excel.” - Emma Dunwoody

    In this week's episode, we have Emma Dunwoody.  She's a qualified Master Coach and Human Behavioral Specialist who wakes people up to the power within them using Human Design, a system of self-knowledge and guidance unlike anything else that exists.

    Following her instinct, she experimented with human design in her coaching business. Despite her fear and resistance, she took imperfect action and trusted her strategy and authority. Through this process, she discovered her own unique truth and learned to love, trust, and accept herself. We dive deep in the importance of honesty, commitment, and being willing to step out of one's comfort zone in order to fulfill one's soul's purpose.


    (06:30) Emma's Story: Overcoming depression and panic disorder as a catalyst for change, and walking Spain's El Camino to connect with her purpose.
    (11:27) Stepping out of our comfort zone and taking imperfect action.
    (17:57) Overcoming our ego and committing to our mission and business.
    (21:02) "You are the guru in your own life".
    (29:23) Quantum reality: We need the heroes and the champions. Serve the person in front of you.
    (38:46) How to use human design in our business.
    (45:37) Primary reasons why human design exists.
    (51:52) What is a non-negotiable when it comes to fully Reclaiming your Consciousness?


    Sign up for the Quantum Magnetism mastermind program, which is launching again  June 6th. It's 4 weeks, 4 calls + 30 days of Voxer with Alyse.  

    • Increase client attraction exponentially. 
    • Embody your fullest expression unapologetically. 
    • Become a magnet for your highest timeline.