
    Reclaiming MUM

    Motherhood is like a whirlwind.  Although beautifully life-changing, it's also challenging and all-consuming.  The Reclaiming Mum podcast with Empowerment Coach, Dr. Jemma Andrew-Adiamah, sole purpose is to give mums the space to explore their needs, wants, and desires beyond being a mum, without the guilt.  Being a mum and carving out space for your ambitions aren't mutually exclusive, you can have both. From self-care, mindset, finding calm, unfiltered motherhood, and much more - this is your weekly reminder that you can be an awesome mum and make your dreams a reality too!
    enJemma Andrew-Adiamah61 Episodes

    Episodes (61)

    The power of investing in yourself

    The power of investing in yourself

    Investing in yourself is one of the best investments that youll ever make because youre always guaranteed a return, which can look like many different things, but backing yourself is always a good bet

    As mums, we
     always put ourselves at the bottom of the priority list and often think that actually that we dont deserve it, which is why I wanted to highlight the transformational power of investing in yourself to change your life for good.

    Making friends with your inner imposter

    Making friends with your inner imposter

    Hands up if you suffer from imposter syndrome? I’ve got both hands up in the air over here and jumping up and down frantically. It’s something that I’ve really struggled with over the years and it’s become such a stumbling block in so many ways. 

    In this episode I dive into:

    • What is imposter syndrome?
    • How imposter syndrome may show up in your life
    • The mindset around imposter syndrome that keeps you stuck
    • How imposter syndrome has impacted my life
    • A transformational tool to help with your mindset with not feeling good enough

    Confidently owning your truth with Karen Cannon

    Confidently owning your truth with Karen Cannon

    This week, I'm joined by my wonderful friend Karen Canon.

    Karen is a wellbeing and holistic lifestyle expert and founder of 365 Pearls of Wisdom a blog offering guidance, mentoring & events for women who want to connect to a life that feels more aligned with their values & beliefs, focusing on self care, mindset & alternative wellness. 

    In this episode we dive into:

    • Tips on how to feel more confident
    • The beauty and power in sharing your truth
    • Gender disappointment and navigate people's reactions
    • How to respond to other people's negative reactions
    • Finding your village and support network
    • Feeling comfortable with owning your truth

    Embracing your post-baby body

    Embracing your post-baby body

    WARNING! This episode does discuss disordered eating, which I thought I'd mention in case it's triggering.

    There are many unfamiliar things that becoming a parent means we have to navigate, one of which is our new bodies because lets be honest, whatever your shape or size they never return to how they once were after birthing a human.

    And, it makes sense that they wouldnt - theyve been through one of the biggest miracles in life, growing a human, helping shape the future of this world. How incredible is that, of course, its not going to be the same.

    I know that this can be such a hard pill to swallow for so many mums and for them to fully accept their new bodies to a tough ask, which is why I wanted to explore this topic with you today on this episode.

    What’s the deal with overnight success stories?

    What’s the deal with overnight success stories?

    It's back! Season 2 of the Reclaiming MUM podcast is here and I can't wait to dive in and share the latest episodes with you after my little summer break.  

    To kick off the new season, I wanted to explore something that quite frankly winds me up no end in the coaching/social media space.  Sorry not sorry for getting on my soapbox, but I'm tired of all the overnight success stories and that transformational life shifts happen with a click of a finger. I think it's time that we started to call this kind of messaging out and celebrate going at your own pace. Happy listening!

    Battling maternal mental health with Emma Cottam

    Battling maternal mental health with Emma Cottam

    In this week’s episode, I’m chatting with the amazing Emma Cottam.

    Emma, is a speaker, writer, and founder of Isabella and Us. She is the editor of the Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums, an independent magazine for mums, and the host of the Positive Wellbeing Podcast for Mums, a podcast talking openly and honestly about motherhood, wellbeing, and self-care. She is also passionate about helping to raise awareness of maternal mental health through her #winningasamummy® campaign.

    We dive into overcoming maternal mental health struggles, setting boundaries, The Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums, and much more!

    Building your emotional resilience

    Building your emotional resilience

    Emotional resilience is an important part of wellbeing in helping us support our emotional health that can be often overlooked. It’s a bit like a suit of armor that allows you to deal with the tough times so that they don't have any long-lasting impact on your mental wellbeing. Like with everything else, it can feel like another thing that we "should" be doing, but I want to highlight why it should be an essential part of your wellbeing toolbox.

    Becoming a calm and confident mum with Madeleine Woolgar

    Becoming a calm and confident mum with Madeleine Woolgar

    In this week’s episode, I’m chatting with the wonderful Madeleine Woolgar.

    Madeleine is a parent coach, known as the strong-willed child whisperer. She supports busy mums to reduce their child’s more challenging behaviours (from tantrums to hitting/kicking/biting) and to be the calm, confident mum they’d most like to be.

    Madeleine equips mums with heart-led strategies and mindset tools to reduce the trickier moments as well as nurturing the mum's relationship with their child and their mental wellbeing. She knows how vital it is not just to give mums strategies, but to help them have the resource to actually be able to utilise the strategies in those trickier moments.

    We cover so much ground in this episode, some highlights include top tips to help deal with children's big emotions, how mums can look after themselves better when it comes to parenting their children, understanding our children so we can navigate those trickier situations with more ease and much more!

    A nourishing morning routine with kids

    A nourishing morning routine with kids

    The mornings as a parent can feel chaotic without throwing in a morning routine, but I'm hearing that so many mums would like to create a little space for themselves in the morning to anchor their day. However, it can feel like an impossible dream when you've got breakfasts and nursery/school runs to get through.

    It’s so easy to say, just wake up before the kids. However, if you’re little ones are early risers like mine coupled with various wake-ups during the night you can bet that you’ll find me hiding under the duvet wishing for a few minutes more of sleep.

    I’m a big believer in harnessing the power of the start of the day to have a positive impact on the rest of the day and this is still possible with kids, it just looks a little different.

    Let me show you how by sharing some practical and realistic ways and mindset reframes that will allow you to create a morning routine that makes you feel good and is on your terms.

    Navigating working mum life with Laila Datoo

    Navigating working mum life with Laila Datoo

    In this week's episode, I'm chatting with Laila Datoo a mindfulness coach that works with high-achieving, passionate managers who want to support their own well-being as well as their teams. 

    We talk about the importance of wellbeing in the workplace for mums, finding a work/life balance that feels good to you, and tips on working from home during lockdown. 

    How to stop being a people pleaser

    How to stop being a people pleaser

    Do you find yourself saying “yes” to every request that comes your way?

    It can be so hard to let go of the fear of judgment, fear of letting someone down, and the fear of the consequences if you don't say "yes".  This is classic people-pleasing behaviour, which can often be a detriment to your own physical and mental health. It's a lot, but when you become clear and confident with enforcing your boundaries the rewards are mega.

    In this week's episode, I'm sharing some tools and mindset shifts to help you dial down your people-pleasing behaviours so they have less impact on your daily life.

    Motivational tools for when you're not really feeling it

    Motivational tools for when you're not really feeling it

    Everything feels full-on, we’re at full capacity mentally and physically we’re being pushed close to the edge and it can feel like a struggle to fit everything in.  With lockdown easing, perhaps you thought that everything would just slip back into place and feel easier, but in actual fact, you feel more exhausted than ever before.

    I feel you. I know it's tough right now and you're having to dig really deep to find some motivation to get through your to-do list some days.

    This is why in this episode, I wanted to share some motivational tools with a dose of mindset magic to help you get back on track when you're not really feeling it.

    Becoming more intentional with your time and energy

    Becoming more intentional with your time and energy

    After a year of being in and out of lockdown, I'm hearing that you wonderful mamas are more exhausted than ever before and want to reclaim some of that energy that you've been putting out.

    When your energy drains are depleted, it's vital that you pay attention and reign things in. One of the best ways to do this is by becoming more intentional with how you're using your time and energy.  If you protect your energy it allows you to fill your cup back up so you're thriving rather than surviving each day. 

    In this episode, I'm sharing some simple yet powerful tips on how you can become more intentional with your time and energy to help you thrive. 

    How to create space for YOU as a mum

    How to create space for YOU as a mum

    Finding time for yourself as a mum can feel like the holy grail. When you eventually get a chance to create some space for yourself the next hurdle to overcome is how to make this a consistent habit. The struggle is real.

    In episode 1, we explored the mindset factors around self-care for mums and why it's not a selfish act, but self-LESS. In this week's episode, I'm going to be diving a little deeper into the logistical aspects of making time for yourself so you can actually make it happen.

    I share my top and realistic tips on how you can make yourself a priority in your life on a daily basis, not just for Self-Care Sunday!

    The Power of Nutrition to Help You Thrive With Tashlien Nunn

    The Power of Nutrition to Help You Thrive With Tashlien Nunn

    For this week's episode, I'm chatting to the ever so fabulous Tashlien Nunn. 

    Tashlien supports exhausted and overwhelmed business mums juggling many roles, to create alignment with their business and reclaim time and energy in their day, so they can be fully present and functioning for their family, their business, and themselves. Without compromising their boundaries, health, or happiness. 

    We dive into some juicy topics like instilling positive eating habits into our children, using the power of nutrition to help you thrive as a mum, staying consistent with positive wellbeing habits, and much more. Happy listening! 

    Breaking free of the societal expectations of motherhood

    Breaking free of the societal expectations of motherhood

    I just had to talk to this topic in this week's episode (I couldn't help myself) and it's JUICY. The societal expectations and pressures of what a mum "should" be are immense and can massively impact our mental and emotional health. If you're feeling weighed down by the "shoulds" and thinking that you're not good enough to be a mum, get this episode in your earholes because it's just for you. 

    How Reiki and Spirituality Can Support You in Motherhood with Claire Tatarli

    How Reiki and Spirituality Can Support You in Motherhood with Claire Tatarli

    For this week's episode, I catch up with the amazing reiki goddess that is Claire Tatarli.

    Claire is a reiki practitioner helping women to improve their energetic health using distance reiki and coaching. Claire’s passion lies in using reiki as a tool for self-confidence and self-expression so that clients are able to invite more balance, clarity, and flow into their life and business. She is a mum to one, Leo sun sign, and loves a good dance!

    We talk about how reiki can improve your wellbeing to living a soul-led life as a mum and the power of reiki magic on your children's mental wellbeing. 

    Dealing With Emotional Overwhelm

    Dealing With Emotional Overwhelm

    Life as a mum is all-consuming as it, but throw a pandemic into the mix as well, you’re probably feeling pushed to your limits and overwhelmed like never before.  In this week's episode, I'm sharing some powerful tools to help you deal with emotional overwhelm, which has probably been getting the best of you over the past 12-months.  Don't worry I've got you, so get those earholes poised, and let's go!  

    Creativity and Motherhood with Rachel Winchester

    Creativity and Motherhood with Rachel Winchester

    Well, I’m super excited about this episode because I’m sharing my first guest interview on the podcast.  I invited my gorgeous and super talented friend Rachel Winchester on for a natter.

    Rachel is a Surface Pattern Designer and Creative VA with her own range of stationery and gifts.  Despite always being considered creative Rachel hasn’t always been a designer, and really only found her way to designing and her own business, via a career in HR, once she had her first child.  Since then she has grown the business, runs a successful Kickstarter campaign, started a second sister business, and had her second daughter.  And all whilst also finding her feet and identity as a Mum. 

    We cover so much in this episode from creativity, unfiltered motherhood, and setting up a business with little ones in tow. Happy listening! 

    Why as a mum making yourself a priority is self-less

    Why as a mum making yourself a priority is self-less

    To kickstart the podcast I thought I would explore one of the number one things that crops up with my clients ALL the time - how can I possibly make time for myself with everything else I have to juggle? Don't worry because I've got you covered. In this episode, I dive into a powerful mindset shift that is fundamental to making self-care happen in your life. Happy listening!