
    Sex for Saints

    As a Certified Sex & Marriage Coach, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Amanda Louder helps conservative Christian women love their sex life! In this podcast, Amanda helps women embrace their sexuality so that they can become the woman they were created to be. She teaches you how to integrate sexuality into your marriage in a loving and healthy way, get rid of the drama and negative emotions around sex in your marriage, and develop a better relationship to yourself, your spouse, and your sexuality.
    enAmanda Louder308 Episodes

    Episodes (308)

    Episode 287 - Overcoming Boredom in Sex

    Episode 287 - Overcoming Boredom in Sex

    Many women tell me that sex is boring for them, which is one of the reasons why they don’t have a strong desire for it.  No one craves boredom.  We crave pleasure, excitement, novelty, and fun.  And if sex is boring, you are probably not having any of those things.  But one of the biggest reasons why women are bored is because they often aren’t being an active participant. What does it mean to be an active participant in your sex life? It means communicating your needs, being willing to try new things, setting the mood, role-playing, and so much more. It’s time to take control of your own sexuality and be a good receiver of pleasure. Listen to this episode to hear even more ways you can be an active participant and a good receiver in sex.

    Episode 286 - Sexual Myths Learned From Porn

    Episode 286 - Sexual Myths Learned From Porn

    The lack of sex education is a real issue in our country, so often people turn to pornography to learn about sex, which doesn’t actually help our understanding of sex nor our relationships. In this episode, we're diving deep into the topic of pornography and its impact on our understanding of sex and relationships. We'll discuss why pornography isn't a great way to learn about sex, the misconceptions and myths it perpetuates, and the potential problems it can create in our sexual relationships. While pornography is a common form of sexual entertainment, it's not a reliable or healthy source of sexual education.

    Episode 285 - How Women Can Have Multiple Orgasms

    Episode 285 - How Women Can Have Multiple Orgasms

    Orgasms are an amazing experience! For most people, they are the most powerful feeling of pleasure available here on Earth. While men have a recovery period after orgasm, women do not. In fact, having multiple orgasms is something that women can learn how to do. Intrigued? Listen to this podcast to learn 5 ways to overcome any barriers you may have and start experiencing multiple orgasms.

    Episode 284 - When Your Spouse Has Had Other Sexual Partners

    Episode 284 - When Your Spouse Has Had Other Sexual Partners

    I often get asked by my clients what they can do if their spouse has had other sexual partners. While the reason behind this can vary, it often leaves the spouse who hasn’t had any other partners feeling jealous, insecure, or even resentful. First of all, these feelings are totally natural, but let’s talk about ways to address them and move forward in a healthy way. Join me as I share 7 ways to work through those feelings.

    Episode 283 - Maintaining a Great Sex Life While You Are Apart

    Episode 283 - Maintaining a Great Sex Life While You Are Apart

    You’ve heard the old adage, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” right? While that can be true, being apart from your spouse can really affect your intimacy. So in this episode, I want to give you 11 real life solutions on how to keep your sex life alive even when you’re miles apart. No need to put that part of your life on hold while your spouse is away. You’re going to especially love #9.

    365 Connecting Questions for Couples

    Episode 282 - Sexual Wellness - An Interview with Holly Henry

    Episode 282 - Sexual Wellness - An Interview with Holly Henry

    Our overall wellness as women is so important for not just our lives, but also our sexual being. So today I’m talking with Holly Henry all about sexual wellness. She is a nurse practitioner who doesn’t just look at the physical symptoms, but the hormonal and beyond to help you live your best life. This podcast is coming out today because we have a very exciting announcement to make! Listen in to find out just what it is.

    But first, a little about Holly. She is the founder of Lotti Aesthetics and Wellness. Combined she has 20 years of experience in women’s health and aesthetics. Holly has trained medical providers all over the United States at the National Institute of Medical Aesthetics. She is a certified trainer and provider in advanced women’s health modalities like the O-shot and has performed the service for many years. Her passion has always been to empower women with confidence. Holly not only provides beautiful natural results, she also focuses on the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Holly brings a gentle touch, compassion, experience, and care to each patient experience.

    Episode 281 - The Importance of Physical Intimacy in Marriage

    Episode 281 - The Importance of Physical Intimacy in Marriage

    When I say “physical intimacy in marriage”, what does that bring up? Usually it’s sex. But intimacy is so much more than just sex. It’s eye contact and hand holding. In this episode, we’re going to explore what intimacy is, why it’s important, why it sometimes declines, and how you can keep the flame alive. Or reignite it if it’s gone dim. What level of intimacy do you and your spouse fall into most? Listen in to find out the levels.


    Episode 280 - How To Keep The Romance Alive in Marriage

    Episode 280 - How To Keep The Romance Alive in Marriage

    I often get asked how to keep the flames of romance burning after you’ve been married a long time. So, that’s what we’re going to talk about today. How do you keep those flames burning and not get stuck in a roommate situation. I have 10 areas with specific examples in each of the ways that you can keep that romance alive and rejuvenated. Remember, love is a journey, not a destination. Stay committed, stay passionate, and stay connected.

    Episode 279 - The Mind-Body Connection

    Episode 279 - The Mind-Body Connection

    Your brain is your biggest sex organ. Have you noticed what you’re thinking about sex? In this episode, we’re going to talk about the mind-body connection when it comes to sex. We’re going to look into gaining sexual thought awareness and how those thoughts shape our most intimate experiences. By cultivating awareness around our sexual thoughts, we can open doors to more mindful and fulfilling experiences.

    Episode 278 - Teaching Your Kids About Sex, Shame Free

    Episode 278 - Teaching Your Kids About Sex, Shame Free

    In Come Follow Me this coming week, we read about Paul’s sexual purity letter to the Corinthians. Because of this, I think it’s a great time to not only talk to your kids about sex, but also talk to their teachers about how they will teach this lesson. We need to break the cycle of shaming our kids into not having sex. And that can start with you. Listen to this episode to learn about how to teach your kids about sex, shame free, so they can have a healthy relationship with sex throughout their lives. I know from personal experience that this is an awkward discussion, but it’s one we need to have so let me help you navigate it.

    Episode 277 - The Importance of Foreplay

    Episode 277 - The Importance of Foreplay

    In the last episode, we spoke about erogenous zones. But if you are focusing solely on these areas without any warm-up or creating the right context for sex, you are missing out on a crucial piece - the importance of foreplay. In this episode, let’s talk about what foreplay means and how important it is for both men and women to have an amazing sexual experience. It is the bridge that allows us to transition from the outside world into an intimate space where we can be fully present with each other and attuned to our partner’s needs, desires, and feelings.

    Episode 276 - Erogenous Zones

    Episode 276 - Erogenous Zones

    You may remember when Monica taught Chandler about erogenous zones on the TV show friends. (If you don’t remember this iconic scene, the link is below) Chandler was surprised to learn that there were more than 3 erogenous zones. Are you surprised too? In this episode, we’re going to talk about where the erogenous zones are and how best to stimulate them for enhanced pleasure and intimacy. Ready? Let’s go!

    Friend’s Clip: https://youtu.be/3NLVior-nLs


    Episode 275 - Sexual Validation & Rejection

    Episode 275 - Sexual Validation & Rejection

    Wanting sex so you can feel closer to your spouse or because you want to connect with them is great. But sometimes, we start to seek validation through sex. When we’re seeking validation through sex, we see it as our partner not loving us when we aren’t having sex. We also feel rejected, which can cause a lot of hurt and anger. So, what can we do if we are starting to notice that we need sex to validate us? Listen to this episode to find out.

    Episode 274 - Sexual Conditioning Guilt

    Episode 274 - Sexual Conditioning Guilt

    I often hear from my clients that they feel guilty about certain sexual things. When we really look into it, I question whether they’re feeling guilty, which to me means that they are doing something outside of their integrity, or are they internalizing someone else’s emotions about the subject. So in this episode, we’re going to talk about naming the emotion we’re feeling and if it really is guilt, how to change that feeling.

    Episode 273 - Overcoming Triggers - An Interview with Crystal Haitsma

    Episode 273 - Overcoming Triggers - An Interview with Crystal Haitsma

    In this podcast, I’m talking with Crystal Haitsma about triggers. We hear the word all the time nowadays, but what does it really mean and how is it affecting our relationships? Listen in as Crystal and I define what triggers are and how self regulation can help us get over them. This is a great episode!

    Crystal, The Parenting Coach is a Certified Life Coach and Canadian homeschooling mother of 4. She combines her background in Psychology with helpful mindset tools, somatic work and emotional processing to help parents change patterns of generational parenting. She helps you parent calm, confident kids that you LOVE to be around- simply, and in a faith-based way. She is the host of The Parenting Coach Podcast where she shares helpful parenting tactics every week. 

    Find your parenting personality! Take the quiz here: https://coachcrystal.involve.me/parents-organic

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-parenting-coach-podcast/id1555361139

    Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0qe7qRHbEQ2cMbl4NiVVOP

    IG: www.instagram.com/the.parenting.coach 

    FB: www.facebook.com/the.parenting.coach

    Episode 272 - Decision Not Desire

    Episode 272 - Decision Not Desire

    So many women I’ve talked to have said that they don’t have any desire to have sex anymore. It’s just gone. Now, I’ve talked about desire a lot on this podcast, but today I want to talk to you about one thing that I haven’t talked about before and it just may blow your mind. So, listen in while we talk about desire and how it’s affecting your sex life.

    Episode 271 - Not Liking the Sex You're Having ||Embracing You Teaser||

    Episode 271 - Not Liking the Sex You're Having ||Embracing You Teaser||

    Do you not like sex or do you just not like the sex that you're having? Oftentimes, we actually just don't like the sex that we're having. Listen to this teaser Embracing You podcast episode as I coach Quinn on how to make the sex that she is having more enjoyable so she can like it more. 

    Are you subscribed to my private podcast, Embracing You!? If not, you should be. Three times a month, you can listen in as I coach actual clients on anything from making sex more enjoyable to how to navigate life after divorce. For just $99 you can get 36 episodes packed full of important information that can help you in your relationship. Just go to AmandaLouder.com/embracingyoupod/ to subscribe today!

    Episode 270 - Sexual Compatibility

    Episode 270 - Sexual Compatibility

    Do you worry that you aren’t sexually compatible with your spouse? I think truly being sexually incompatible is rare. But in this episode, we talk about those questions you may be having. What makes for sexual compatibility and what we can do to work on ourselves to make our relationships that much better? If you both are willing to look at yourselves and grow, ultimately you can have that honest conversation you need for both of you to be happy.

    Episode 269 - Emotional or Physical Intimacy First?

    Episode 269 - Emotional or Physical Intimacy First?

    One of the most common disagreements I hear from couples about sex are about emotional and physical intimacy and which goes first. In my mind, it looks a lot like a tug of war between the couple to show which is the right kind of intimacy for a marriage. It’s time to drop the rope, and find a better way. Listen to this podcast to hear why we need to find a better way and how to do it.

    Episode 268 - Affection Without Expectation

    Episode 268 - Affection Without Expectation

    When I was first married to my first husband, it felt like he ALWAYS wanted sex. If I showed him any affection at all, it had to lead to sex. I, like a lot of women, didn’t want it to always mean I had to have sex. I missed what it was like when we were dating, when we could be affectionate and that’s as far as it went. So, why does this pattern of expectation start and what can we do about it in our relationships? That’s what we’re talking about in this episode. If that pattern is happening in your relationship, let’s work to fix it!